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D POR 1103405 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Imas Damayanti, 2015 Subjected to Experimental Hyperprolinemia”. Neurochem Res. 36, 2306–2315.

Barros, RM, Silver, EJ, & Stein, (2009). “REK58 School recess and group classroom behavior”. Pediatrics. 123, (2), 431-436.

Berchtold, N.C. (2000). Exercise-Induced Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene Expression in the Rat Hippocampus. Dissertation Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Of Philosophy in Biological Sciences. University Of California.

Borg, W.R., Gall, M.D. (2003). Educational Research. An Introduction. Longman: Newyork

Buku Guru Pendidikan Jasmani, Olah raga, dan Kesehatan SMP/MTs Kelas VII. (2014). Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.

Breukelen, Van GJ (2006). “ ANCOVA versus change from baseline: more power in randomized studies, more bias in nonrandomized studies [corrected].” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2006:59(9):920-5.

Byun, K. et al (2014). “Positive effect of acute mild exercise on executive function via arousal-related prefrontal activation”. An fNIRS study. Neuroimage’98 (2014), 335-345.

Caine, R.M., Caine, G. (1991). Making Connections Teaching and The Human Brain. Innovative Learning Publication.

Carlson, S.A. et al. (2008). “52 Physical education and academic achievement in elementary school: data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study”. American Journal of Public Health. 98, (4), 721-727.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). The association between school based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Imas Damayanti, 2015

Coffin, C. F., Christie & Martin, J.R. (Eds) (1997). Constructing and giving value to the past: An investigation into secondary school history. Genre and institutions: social processes in the workplace and school(hlm. 196 -231). New York: Continuum.

Colcombe, S.J. et al. (2006). “Exercise: An Active Route to Healthy Aging Aerobic Exercise Training Increases Brain Volume in Aging Humans”. Journal of Gerontology. Vol. 61A, No. 11, 1166–1170

Colcombe, S.J., Erickson, K.I., Raz, N. et al. (2003) Aerobic fitness reduces brain tissue loss in aging humans. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58, 176--180.

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Craig, D. (2003). Brain-Compatible Learning: Principles and Applications in Athletic Training. Journal of Athletic Training: Oct-Dec 2003; 38, 4

Davis, C. & Lambourne, K. (2009). “Exercise and Cognition in Children dalam dalam McMorris T., Tomporowski, P. & Audiffren, M. Exercise and Cognitive Function. Wiltshire: John Wiley & Sons. Hlm.249-268.

Dalsgaard, M.K., Quistorff, B., Danielsen, E.R. et al. (2004) A reduced cerebral metabolic ratio in exercise reflects metabolism and not accumulation of lactate within the brain. The Journal of Physiology, 544, 571--578.

Darst. et al (1998). “Using novel and challenging introductory activities and fitness routines to emphasize regular activity and fitness objectives in middle school physical education”. Physical Educator, 00318981, Early Winter, Vol. 55, Issue 4.

David, YairBar, Urkin J., Kozminsky, E. “The effect of Voluntary Dehidration on Cognitive

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Davis, C., & Lambourne, K. (2009). Exercise and cognition in children. Dalam McMorris, T., Tomporowski, P., Audiffren, M. Exercise and Cognitive Function. Willey-Blackwell.

Darling, N., Caldwell, L.L. & Smith, (2005). “R79 Participation in school-based extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment”. Journal of Leisure Research. 37, (1), 51-76.


Imas Damayanti, 2015

Etnier, J.L., Salazar, W., Landers, D.M. et al. (1997) The influence of physical fitness and exercise upon cognitive functioning: a meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 19, 249--277.

Ericsson, (2008). “I43 Motor skills, attention and academic achievements: an intervention study in school years 1-3”. British Educational Research Journal. 34, (3), 301-313.

Ferris, L.T., Williams, J.S. and Shen, C.L. (2007) The effect of acute exercise on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and cognitive function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39, 728--734.

Fredricks, J.A. & Eccles, J.S. (2006). “70 Is extracurricular participation associated with beneficial outcomes? Concurrent and longtudinal relations”. Cevelopmental Psychology. 42, (4), 698-713.

Fredericks, C.R., Kokot, S.J. & Krog, (2006). “S66 Using a developmental movement programme to enhance academic skills in grade 1 learners”. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 28, (1), 29-42

Gulpinar, M.A. (2005). The Principles of Brain-Based Learning and Constructivist Models in Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 5 (2) • November 2005 • 299-306

Guyton, A.C. (2006) Textbook of Medical Physiology. Eleventh Edition. Elsevier Saunders: Pennsylvania.

Grout, H. & Long, G. (2009). Improving Teaching And Learning In Physical Education. Mcgraw-Hill Open University Press. Berkshire.

Hall, C.D., Smith, A.L. and Keele, S.W. (2001) The impact of aerobic activity on cognitive function in older adults: A new syntehsis based on the concept of executive control. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 13, 279--300.

Hardman, K., Ken, G. & Ken, H. (Eds) (2005). Physical Education1 in Schools in European Context: Charter Principles, Promises and Implementation Realities. Physical Education: Essential Issues (hlm.39-64). London: Sage.

Hardman, K. & Marshal, Joe. (2000). “The state and status of physical education in schools in international context”. European Physical Education Review [1356–336X (200010) 6;3], Volume 6(3):203–229.

Ide, K. and Secher, N.H. (2000) Cerebral blood flow and metabolism during exercise. Progress in Neurobiology, 61, 397--414.

Jarrett, O.S. et al (1998). “A56 Impact of recess on classroom behavior: Group effects and individual differences”. Journal of Educational Research. 92, (2), 121-126.


Imas Damayanti, 2015

Jing, Z. et al. (2003). “Human Brain Activation During Sustained and Intermittent Submaximal Fatigue Muscle Contractions: An fMRI Study”. J Neurophysiol. 90, 300–312.

Joyce, B., Weil, M. (1996). Models of Teaching. Allyn Bacon: Massachusets.

Knaepen, K. et al (2010). “Neuroplasticity- Exercise Induced response of Peripheral

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Sports med 2010 40(9) 765-801

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Lloyd, M., Zimmerly, L., Dean, N. (2004). Brain-Based Learning and Multiple Intelligences As Relateed to Creative Dance Activities. Wacana Seni Journal of Atrs Discourese Jil/Vol.3.2004

Lowden, K. et al. (2001). “C68 The Class Moves! Pilot in Scotland and Wales: An Evaluation”. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education. Jan. Report No.: 100.

MacLeod, C.M. (1991). “Half a Century of Research on the Stroop Effect: An Integrative Review”. Psychological Bulletin Vol. 109, No. 2, 163-203 0033-2909/91.

Mahar, M.T. et al. (2006). “TD63 Effects of a classroom-based program on physical activity and on-task behavior”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38, (12), 2086-2094

Mayers, A. (2013). Introduction to Statistics and SPSS in Psychology Paperback. Pearson Education Limited.

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Metzler, M.W. (2000). Instructional Models for Physical Education. Allyn&Bacoon: Massachusets.

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Naskah Akademik Pendidikan jasmani olah raga dan kesehatan. (2007). Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum


Imas Damayanti, 2015

Pellegrini, A.D. & Davis, (1993). “PD57 Relations between children’s playground and classroom behaviour”. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 63, (1), 88-95.

Pellegrini, A.D., Huberty, P.D. & Jones, (1995). “I37 The effects of recess timing on

children’s playground and classroom behaviors”. American Educational Research Journal.

32, (4), 845-864.

Pennington, E.P. (2010). Brain-Based Learning Theory: The Incorpporetion of Movement to Increase The Learning of Grammar by High School Students. A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of The School of Education Linerty University. In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for The Degree Doctor of Education.

Ploughman, M. (2008). “Exercise is brain food: The effects of physical activity on cognitive function”. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. July, 11, (3), 236–240.

Pilegaard H, Ordway GA, Saltin B, Neufer PD (2000). Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in human skeletal muscle during recovery from exercise. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 279: 806–814

Rehman, A.U, Bokhari, M.A. (2011). Effectiveness Of Brain-Based Learning Theory At Secondary Level. International Journal Of Academic Research Vol. 3. No. 4. July, 2011,

Sallis, J.F. et al (1999). “P48 Effects of health-related physical education on academic achievement: Project SPARK”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 70, (2), 127-134.

San Diego State University. (2007). Physical Education Matters. A Full Report from The California Endowment. Los Angeles: SDSU.

Schinder, A.F. & Poo, M. (2000). “The neurotrophic hypothesis for synaptic plasticity

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Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning Theories An Educational Perspective Sixth Edition. Pearson Education Inc.: Boston.

Sibley, B.A., Etnier, J.L. and Le Masurier, G.C. (2006) Effects of an acute bout of exercise on cognitive aspects of Stroop performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28, 285--300.

Stephens, L.J. & Schaben, (2002). “LA74 The effect of interscholastic sports participation on academic achievement of middle level school students”. NASSP Bulletin. 86, (630), 34-41.

Stephen, P. et al. (2008). “Changes in EEG during graded exercise on a recumbent cycle ergometer”. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 7, 505-511.

Suherman, Adang. (2013). Membangun Kualitas Hidup Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan Jasmani. Pidato Pengukuhan Sebagai Guru Besar di BPU Universitas Pendidikan. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Tomporowsky, P.,D. et al (2008). “Exercise and Childrens Intelligence, Cognition and


Imas Damayanti, 2015

Van der Elst, W. et al. (2006). “The Stroop Color-Word Test, Influence of Age, Sex, and Education; and Normative, Data for a Large Sample Across the Adult Age Range”. Assessment, Volume 13, No. 1, March 62-79.

Vaynman, S.S. (2005). A study of how exercise impacts neuronal and cognitive function Via a BDNF-mediated mechanism. A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of thevrequirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Physiological Science. University of California, Los Angeles.

Wilkins, J. L., Graham, G., Parker, S., Westfall, S., Fraser, R. G., & Tembo, M. (2003). “Time in the arts and physical education and school achievement”. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 35, 721–734.

Willis , J. (2008). Building a Bridge From Neuroscience to The Classroom. Phi Delta Kappan 89 no6 F.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (2011) Active School Kits. Madison.



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