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Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu



Abdullah, K., L., and Lina, Nurul. (2008). A Study on Second Language Speaking Anxiety Among UTM Students. Malaysia: Universiti Technology Malaysia.

Aliffulaila. (2010). Strategies in Overcoming Language Problems Faced By Expatriates in Communication Using Bahasa Indonesia. Unpublished thesis at the English Department, Postgraduate Studies, UPI.

Alwasilah. (2001). Pokoknya Kualitatif. Pt Dunia Pustaka Jaya. Jakarta

Boonkit, Kamonpan. (2010). Enhancing the Development of Speaking Skill for Non-Native Speaker of English. Procedia Social and Behavioral

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Brown, H. Douglas. (1994). Principle of Language Learning and Teaching.

United State of America. Prentice Hall, Inc.

Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York. Addison Wesly Longman. Inc.

Cebreros, A. M. O., (1998). Measuring Language Anxiety Perceived by Spanish University Students of English. (http://www.publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/bells12/PDF/art11.pdf)

Cohen, L., and Manion, L. (1994). Research Method in Education. Fourth edition. London: Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane.

Crystal, David. (2003). English as a Global language. Cambridge University Press.


Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

72 Ellis, Rod. (1994). The study of Second Language Acquisition. Hongkong:

Oxford University Press.

Emilia, Emi. (2008). Menulis Thesis and Desertasi. Bandung,: Alfabeta.

Graddol, David. (2000). The Future of English; A Guide to Forecasting the Popularity of the English Langauge in the 21st Century. The British Council.

Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of Language Teaching. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited

Harmer, J. (2007). How to Teach English. Malaysia: Longman

Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), P. 125‐132.

Hunter, James. (2011). ‘Small Talk’ : Developing Fluency, Accuracy and

Complexity in Speaking. ELT Jouornal Advanc.


Juhana. (2011). Students’ difficulties in Speaking Class. Unpublished thesis at the English Department, Postgraduate Studies, UPI.

Kay, and Russette. (2000). Investigating writing strategies at workplace. Journal of Pragmatics, 35, 907-921.

Kocak, Mihri. (2010). A Novice Teacher’s Action Research on EFL Learners’

speaking anxiety. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 3.

Retrieved on January, 10 2012. (20100 P. 138-14. 9



Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

73 Kondo, Ling (2004). Strategies for Coping with Language Anxiety: the case of students of English in Japan. ELT Journal Volume 58. (http://eltj.oxfordjournals.org/content/58/3/258.abstract)

Kurihara, Nuriko. (2006). Classroom Anxiety: How Does Student Attitude Changein English Oral Communication Class in Japanese Senior High School?. Accents Asia (Online), 1 (1), P. 34-68

Luoma Sari (2006). Assessing Speaking. Cambridge University Press

Liu, Meihua. (2007). Anxiety in Oral English Classroom: A Case Study in China. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol 3: P. 119-134.


Liu, M,. and Huang, W. (2010). An Exploring of Foreign Language Anxiety and English Learning Motifation. Education Research International. (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/edu/2011/493167/

MacIntyre, P.D. and Gardner, R.C. (1989). Anxiety and Second Language learning: Toward a theoretical Clarification. Language Learning, 39: P. 251-275.

(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-Maxwell, Joseph, A. (1996). Qualitative Approach Design: An Interactive Approach. London: Sage Publication.

Nunan, D. (1992). Research Method in Language Learning. Cambridge. New York.

Nunan, D. (2000). Language Teaching Methodology. Pearson Education Limited.


Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

74 Students in the US. TESL-EJ volume 9 number 3. Retrieved on

Descember, 2011 from


Park, H. and Lee, Adam, R. (2004). L2 Learners’ Anxiety, Self-Confidence and

Oral Performance. Kursan National University. Concprdia University. Plat, and Richard. (1992). Language Learning Strategies in Foreign Language

Learning and Teaching. TESEL Jornal.


Riasati, M. J., (2001). Language Learning Anxiety from EFL Learners’ Perspective. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 7(6): 907-914

Samanhudi, Udi. (2011). Researching students’ critical thinking in argumentative

text. (A case study in one state University in Serang, Banten).

Unpublished thesis at the English Department, Postgraduate Studies, UPI.

Sawyer, C. and Behnke, R. (2002). Behavioral Inhibition and the Communication

of Public Speaking State Anxiety.


Silverman, D. ((2005). Doing Qualitative Research. Second Edition: London Sage Publication.

Stroud, C. and Wee, L. (2006). Anxiety and Identity in the language Classroom.

SAGE, Retrived on October 11, 2011 from


Speilberger, C.D. (1983). Anxiety. New York: Academic Press.

Storage, H. and Tucker, D. Pamela. (2002). Teachers evaluation and Students Learning. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria. USA.


Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

75 Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Glasglow. United Kingdom.

Thornbury, S. and Slade, D. (2006). Conversation: From Description to Pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.

Thornbury, Scott. (2005). How to Teach Speaking. Malaysia: Longman.

Togatorop, Erikson. (2009). Students’ Obstacle in Practicing Speaking English.

(A case study at Batam Polyhtecnic. Unpublished thesis at the English Department, Postgraduate Studies, UPI.

Widianingsih, Silvi. (2011). Classroom Interaction in Senior and Vacational High School: A Case Study in a Senior High School and a Vocational School in Bandung). Unpublished thesis at the English Department, Postgraduate Studies, UPI.

Worde, R.V. (2003). Students’ Perception on Foreign Language Anxiety. Virginia

Community College System.


Yani. (2008). English Learning Difficulties Faced by the Students at the Second Year of SMP N 2 Pagetan Banjarnegara.Unpublish thesis at the English Department, Muhamadiyah University of Surakarta.


Septy Indrianty, 2012

Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu


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