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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners : A Quasi-Experimental Research of Seven Grade Students at One of Junior High Schools in Bogor.


Academic year: 2017

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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery

for Young Learners

(A Quasi-Experimental Research of Seven Grade Students at One of Junior

High Schools in Bogor)

A ResearchPaper




Department of English Education

Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Main Supervisor

Gin Gin Gustine, M. Pd. Ph. D. Co-Supervisor

Drs. Prawoto. S. Purnomo, M. Pd.


This research paper entitled “The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary

Mastery for Young Learners”, aims to examine the effectiveness of vocabulary notebook in improving students’ vocabulary mastery and to find out the students’ responses toward the use of

vocabulary notebook. The sample in this research was seventh grade consisting of 66 students.

There were two classes used in collecting the data: the experimental group (N=33) and the

control group (N=33). Quasi-experimental design was used as the research method. Moreover,

pretest, posttest and interview were conducted to obtain the data. The pretest and posttest data

were analyzed by comparing the means score of both group in pretest and posttest to examine the

effectiveness of vocabulary notebook in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. In addition, the

interview result was analyzed to find out the students’ responses toward the use of vocabulary

notebook. The findings obtained from statistical computation showed that the value of t obtained

was 3.022, which was higher that t critical (tcrit = 1.984, α = 0.05, df = 64, two tailed). This result

indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected and there was significant difference between the

students who received treatments using vocabulary notebook and conventional method.

Meanwhile, the interview data showed that the use of vocabulary notebook helped the students to


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Therefore, it can be concluded that vocabulary notebook may be helpful in improving

students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on these findings, it is recommended that vocabulary notebook may be implemented as one of the method in teaching vocabulary.

Keywords: Vocabulary Notebook and young learners.

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Pembimbing I

Gin Gin Gustine, M. Pd. Ph. D. Pembimbing II

Drs. Prawoto. S. Purnomo, M. Pd.


Penelitianiniberjudul “Penggunaan Vocabulary Notebook


bertujuanuntukmenelitiefektifitasdari vocabulary notebook

dalammeningkatkanpembendaharaankosa kata

siswadanuntukmengidentifikasiresponssiswaterhadappenggunaan vocabulary

notebook.Sampeldaripenelitianiniadalahsiswakelastujuh MTs yang terdiridari 66

siswa.Dalampenggumpulan data dibutuhkanduakelas yang terdiridarikelompokeksperimen

(N=33) dankelompokkontrol (N=33). Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodequasy

experimental.Selainitu, pretest, posttest, dan interview merupakan instrument yang

digunakanuntukmemperoleh data. Data pretest dan posttest

dianalisisdenganmembandingkannilai rata-rata dari pretest dan posttest


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

dalammeningkatkanpembendaharaankosakatasiswa. Selainitu, hasildari interview

dianalisisuntukmengidentifikasiresponsiswaterhadappenggunaan vocabulary notebook.Hasil

yang diperolehdariperhitunganstatistikmenunjukkanbahwanilaidari t adalah 3.022, di mana

nilaitersebutlebihtinggidari t critical (tkritikal =1,984, α = 0.05, df = 64, two tailed).

Hasilinimengindikasikanbahwahipotesis null ditolakdanterdapatperbedaan yang

sigifikanantarasiswa yang mendapatkan treatment vocabulary notebook dengansiswa yang

diberikanmetodekonvensional. Sementaraitu, data unterviewmenunjukkanbahwapenggunaan

vocabulary notebook membantusiswauntukmeningkatkanpembendaharaankosakatasiswa.

Olehkarenaitu, dapatdisimpulkanbahwa vocabulary notebook

dapatmembantumeningkatkanpembendaharaankosakatasiswa.Berdasarkansimpulan, vocabulary



jarkankosa kata.


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



PREFACE ... ii








1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Scope of the Study ... 5

1.3 Research Questions of the Study ... 5

1.4 The Aims of the Study ... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.6 Clarification of Terms……….6

1.7 Organization of the Paper………...…7


2. Charcteristic of Vocabulary ... 8


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2.1.1 The Important of Vocabulary ... 10

2.1.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategy………10

2.1.3 Purpose of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary……….14

2.2 Vocabulary Notebook ... 14

2.2.1Definition of Vocabulary Notebook... 14

2.2.2 The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in EFL Classroom ... 16

2.2.3 The Benefits and Challeges of Using Vocabulary Notebook .... 19

2.3Young Learners ... 20

2.3.1 The Characteristic of Young Learners………20

2.4 Related Studies………22

2.5 Concluding Remark ... 24


3.1 Research Design ... 26

3.1.1 Variables ... 27

3.2 Data Collection... 28

3.2.1Population and Sample ... 28

3.2.2 Instrument………29

3.3 Time Allocation………30

3.4 Research Procedure………..31

3.4.1 Pretest……….31

3.4.2 Treatment………32

3.4.3 Posttest………....32


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.5 Procedure of Data Analysis ... 33

3.5.1 Test Instrument Analysis ... 33

3.5.2 Pretest and Posttest Data Analysis ... 33

3.5.3 The Independent t-test ... 35

3.5.4The Dependent t-test ... 36

3.6 Interview Data Interpretation ... 37


4.1 Findings ... 38

4.1.1 The Effectiveness of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery……….38 Instrument Analysis………...39 Result of Pretest Data Analysis ... 39 The Normal Distribution Test ... 39 Homogeneity Test ... 40 The Independent t-test ... 41 of Posttest Data Analysis ... 43 The Normal Distribution Test………..43 Homogeneity Test ... 44 The Independent t-test ... 45 t-test ... 48 The Calculation of Effect Size ... 49

4.1.3Students’ Responses towards the use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Their Vocabulary Mastery…………...50 Interview Data Analysis………50


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2.1 Discussion of Pretest Data………..57

4.2.2 Discussion of Posttest Data……….58

4.2.3 Discussion of Interview Data………..64

4.3 Concluding Remark………...70


5.1 Conclusions ... 71

5.2 Recommendations ... 72

5.3 Limitation of the Study……….…………73


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Table 3.1 The Experimental Research ... 26

Table 3.2 Schedule of Research ... 30

Table 3.3 TheScale of Effect Size ... 35

Table 4.1 The result of Normality of Distribution Test on the pre-test ... 40

Table 4.2 The Result of Variance Homogeneity Test on the pre-test ... 41

Table 4.3 Statistic of Pre-test Score ... 42

Table 4.4 The Result of t-test Computation on the pre-test ... 42

Table 4.5The Result of Normality of Distribution Test on the Post-test ... 44

Table 4.6The Result of Variance Homogeneity Test on the Post-test ... 45

Table 4.7 Group Statistics ... 46

Table 4.8 The Result of t-test Computation on the Post-test ... 47

Table 4.9Paired Samples Test ... 48


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Chart 4.1 Students' Responses to the Method of Using Vocabulary Notebook….. ...53

Chart 4.2 Students' Responses on Vocabulary notebook ………...53

Chart 4.3 Students' Responses about the Advantages of Vocabulary Notebook…54

Chart 4.4 Students' Responses about the Disadvantages of Vocabulary Notebook..55


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Appendix A

Lesson Plan

Appendix B

Pretest and Posttest Instruments

Appendix C

Interview Data

Appendix D

Samples of Students’ Worksheet on Pretest and Posttest

Appendix E

Students’ Score in Pretest and Posttest

Appendix F



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter encompasses an overview of this study involving nine sections

namely background of the study, limitation of the study, research questions, the aims

of the study, significance of the study, hypothesis, research methodology,

clarification of terms, and organization of paper.


English is a very important language because it is used in almost all areas of

life, such as government, business, entertainment, college, and others. Because of

its importance, English has been considered as the first foreign language since the

1950s. Furthermore, as the development of the world, Indonesian are demanded to

be able to communicate in English. Therefore, students need to learn English

extensively. In addition, teaching English in Indonesia has been developed

extensively because English becomes an international language and the

compulsory subject at school from elementary until college students.

Althoughmost of Indonesian students have learnt English from primary

school, they still find many difficulties in learning English. Many students usually

think that classroom will be the only place for them to practice English. Besides,

they believe that English isa difficult subject because of some reasons. One of the

reasons is that it is difficult to master vocabulary. It occurs since they must adopt

the new pronunciation and meaning of the words. Vocabulary is the collection of

words that an individual know (Nunan and Linse 2005, p. 121). Cameron (2001)

highlight that vocabulary development is about learning words, but it is about



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

meaning of the words but also they must adapt to their first language and know

the pronunciation of it.

Learning vocabulary as foreign language for young learnersseems easy but

sometimes students feel worriedbecause they have some practical problems.

Susan and Wright (2014) point out that there is practical problem for young

learners from the beginning of schooling, there are thoughtful differences in

vocabulary knowledge among young learners from different socioeconomic

groups. That situation also happens in many ASEAN students where Indonesian

studentsas one of them have low proficiency in English because young learners in

Indonesia are multilingual and have been learning languages from birth in natural

language environments (Kirkpatrick 2012, p. 35).

Furthermore based on this condition some of Indonesian students still have

difficulties in understanding English words. Another reason is because of the

technique and method which is used by the teachersusing traditional method in

teaching vocabulary. It means that improving students vocabulary is not only

students’ responsibility but also the teachers. Therefore, English teacher may find

out the solution by creating efficient technique in teaching English

vocabulary.Besides, teacher also may create condition which makes teaching

vocabulary possible for young learners and learning vocabulary will appear

within realistic period of time, as conveyed by Shayer (2003 cited in Hattie

2012)suggesting two basic principles for teachers. First,teachers need to think of

their role as the one creating involvements increasing students’ practice and skill.

Second, learning is collaborative activity meaning that teachers need to focus on

all aspects of students’ activities in classroom such as group discussion and peer

group by encouraging and giving chance for them to share their opinion.

In addition, teacher may find better teaching strategy to teach language



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

approach, and technique to be applied in teaching vocabulary for young

learners.As stated by Pinter (2006), students learn new vocabulary as quickly as

they forget them. Therefore, writing vocabulary notebook can be an alternative to

solve students’ forgetfulness in learning vocabulary. Nation (2001), cited in

Erkaya and Drowerin their journal (2012) states that there is overwhelming

research evidence to show that learning from index cards or vocabulary notebook

is a very efficient and effective learning strategy. Likewise Erkaya and Drower

(2012, p.86) in their research “Perceptions of an EL Learner on Vocabulary

Development”, added that:

. . . I sometimes make my own note cards and write unfamiliar words and their meanings on the cards. I usually stick the cards in front of my desk or any place where I spend most of my time every day. In addition to the word itself and its meaning, I also add the type of word on the card, such as verb or noun, and a sentence that contains the word.

Vocabulary notebook is a kind of personal dictionary that can be filled by words

that students learn along with the meaning and other related aspect such as part of

speech, word forms, synonym, antonym etc. (Walters and Bozkurt 2009). Building

vocabulary notebook is an engaging activity providing students opportunity in

learning variety of vocabulary.

The research of teaching and learning vocabulary by using vocabulary notebook

in EFL and ESL classroom setting has been conducted in various grades and contexts.

Meanwhile, the research of vocabulary notebook that is applied in young learners

EFL and ESL classroom setting is still rare to find.

Previous research on the implementation of vocabulary notebook had been

conductedby some researchers. Here the researcher will highlight some relevant

research within the subject is young learners and adult. Here is the example of the



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

vocabulary notebook acquisition in non-empirical study. The study was implemented

to 300 learners aged between eleven and fourteen, from false-beginner to

pre-intermediate level. Whereas this research will be conducted for students in seventh

grade of junior high school aged between thirteen and fourteen and will investigate

the effectiveness of the use of vocabulary notebook in improving students’

vocabulary mastery.

Then, another research that was conducted by, Uzun (2013)entitled

“Promoting vocabulary learning through vocabulary notebooks: Teaching and learning strategies and gender.” In study that conducted by Uzun, the study will

investigate whether there were any differences between the vocabulary acquisition

and retention level of female and male students. The research considers with two

conditions first, formal instruction and feedback on vocabulary notebook keeping and

second the amount of information recorded in the vocabulary notebooks. The study

will implemented for five groups of second years university students. Furthermore,

the differences are the sample and the focus. This research is focus on the

effectiveness of the use of vocabulary notebook for junior high school students but in

the previous research the focus is to examine the different between male and female

students after implementing vocabulary notebook in teaching vocabulary.

In additionfrom the previous research, vocabulary notebook is applied in high

school or college students. So far, there has been a little evidence of empirical study

on the use of vocabulary notebook in teaching vocabulary with the sample is young

learners in Indonesian classroom setting. Therefore, this study is aimed to find out the

effectiveness of vocabulary notebook in teaching vocabulary for young learners in

improving their vocabulary mastery, to find out students perceptions about the use

vocabulary notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery and to find the difference



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

entitled paper “The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery

for Young Learners” is chosen.

1.2Scope of the Study

Limitation is done to specify the problems that will be solved and makes them

clear. The problem in this study is to investigate the effectiveness of vocabulary

notebook in improving young learners’ vocabulary mastery and find out the differences between vocabulary notebook and conventional method in improving

students’ vocabulary mastery after the treatment. This study will be conducted in two classes for the samples;one will function as the experimental group and the other as

control group. This study will also to discover students’responsestoward the use of

vocabulary notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery.

1.3Research Questions of the Study

The research conducted by the writer is designed to answer the following


1. Is the use of vocabulary notebook effective in improving young learners’

vocabulary mastery?

2. What are students’ responses towards using vocabulary notebook in improving

their vocabulary mastery?

1.4The Aims of the Study

Considering the background of problem statement above, the aims of this research


1. To examine the effectiveness of the use of vocabulary notebook in improving



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2. To discover students’ responses toward the use of vocabulary notebook in

improving their vocabulary mastery.

1.5Significance of the Study

This research is expected to contribute both theoretically and practically to the

teachers, students, school, and further researchers. Theoretically, it is expected

that this study can enrich the teaching vocabulary theory and method.Practically,

for English teachers, this hopefully can give contribution in teaching English to

young learners, especially in teaching and learning vocabulary. Then, for the

English students the technique and the media used hopefully can make them

easier in learning vocabulary, since they not only memorize the words, but also

create the vocabulary notebook as creative as they can. Next, for the other

researchers, this study is expected to be used as an additional source especially for

those who conduct a research focusing on vocabulary mastery to young learners.

Then, for the material designers, this study can be used as the reference in making

the interesting teaching materials.

1.6Clarification of Terms

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, there are some terms that are

needed to be clarified in this study as follows:

1. Young learners

Nunan (2010), Young learners “covers a large chronological age span: from

around 3 years old until 15 years old, while some writers and researchers

divide them into 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old, and so on.” Meanwhile Pinter

(2006) states children from five to 14 years of age can be called as young



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

In this research, the term “young learners” refers to students in seventh grade of a junior high school in Bogor.

2. Vocabularynotebook

Vocabulary notebook is a kind of personal dictionary that can be filled by

words that students learned along with the meaning and other related aspect

such as part of speech, word forms, synonym, antonym etc. (Walters and

Bozkurt 2009, p.2).

Furthermore, in this research, vocabulary notebook is a kind of personal

dictionary that is kept by the students. Vocabulary notebook consistsof word,

meaning, picture, and example of sentences,

1.7Organization of the paper

There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter one is introduction of the study

describingvocabulary notebook.This chapter provides the background of the

study, limitation of the study, research questions, the aims of the study,

significance of the study, hypothesis, research methodology, clarification of

terms, and organization of paper. Chapter two is theoretical foundation, providing

the theories of speaking skill and the media from the expert and the findings of

previous studies in relevant to the study. Chapter three is research methodology

describing the research methodology that has been briefly introduced in chapter 1.

Moreover, chapter four is finding and discussion; this chapter describes the result

of instrument analysis, such as pre-test data analysis, post-test data analysis, and

the data from the interview, and the interpretation of the finding from the

research. And the last chapter is conclusion describing the result of the study and



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter discusses the research methodology. It includes the explanation of

the research design, population and sample, data collection, instrument, time

allocation, procedure of research, procedure of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study was conducted to find out whether the use of vocabulary

notebook in teaching vocabularywas effective to improve students’ vocabulary

mastery or not. Quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group

design is used as research design in this study. Hatch and Farhady (1982) state

that nonequivalent control group design means that there are two groups in the

study; experimental group and control group, both groups have the same level but

they used different methods of teaching in the teaching and learning process.

In this study, both groups were given pre-test which was conducted at the

beginning of the study, and post-test was given at the end of the study. The result

of those tests was used to investigate whether or not there is any significant

difference between the experimental group and control groups. The research

design used can be represented in the following chart:

Table 3.1 Research Design

EG T1 X1 T2

- - - -



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Or in the specific form is described as follows:

EG T1 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 T2

- - -

CG T4 T5


EG = Experimental Group.

CG = Control Group.

T1 = Pre-test in which to examine students’ prior knowledge in vocabulary

before the treatments.

T2 = Post-test in which to examine students’ vocabulary mastery after the


T4 = Pre-test in which to examine students’ prior knowledge in vocabulary in

control group.

T5 = Post-test in which to examine students’ vocabulary mastery without

treatment by vocabulary notebook.

X (1,2,3,4) = The treatments (four times); it is using vocabulary notebook in

teaching vocabulary.


There were two variables in this study, including independent and dependent

variables.According to Coolidge (2000: 15), independent variable is the variable

which will influence dependent variable. In line with Hatch and Farhady, 1982, p.

12, Variable is an attribute of a person or of an object which varies from person to

person or from object to object.Meanwhile, dependent variable is the variable that



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

variables are called independent variables. It means because the variable supposed

to be responsible for bring about change in a phenomenon or situation. Then,

dependent variables are outcome/effect of the change brought about by changes in

an independent variable.

Therefore, according to the explanation above, independent variable in this

study is the use of vocabulary notebook. On the other hand, dependent variable in

this study refers to the students’ vocabulary mastery.

3.2 Data Collection

There were some steps in collecting the data. Firstly, finding some theories

related to vocabulary, vocabulary notebook and characteristics of young learners.

Secondly, compiling appropriate pilot test and testing it to some students in

another group which had the same level with experimental and control group. It

was used to determine the validity and reliability of the test, and then it can be

used as pre-test and post-test. Thirdly, control and experimental group receive

pre-test to assess students’ vocabulary prior knowledge before they got some


However, the treatment was only given to the experimental group. Meanwhile,

control group was taught by using conventional method (wordlist). The treatment

was applied for four times.

Fourthly, post-test was administered to the experimental group and the control

group to determine students’ development after the treatment. Moreover, the items of pre-test and post-test were the same. Lastly, the results of pre-test and post-test

were computed by SPSS 18.0.

3.2.1 Population and Sample

The population of this study is all of the students at seventh grade in junior



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

study. According to Arikunto (2006; p. 130), population is all of the individuals

who are participated as the subjects in the study.

Meanwhile, Arikunto (2006) states that sample are part of the population.

It has the smaller group as the representative of the population. In this study, the

sample was class 7A and class 7B. Class 7A was played as experimental group

which was given some treatments. On the other hand, class 7B was played as

control group which was taught by using conventional method. Those groups had

the same level in English ability.

3.2.2 Instruments

The instruments in this study were written test (pre-test and post-test) and

interview. Those instruments were used to measure the effectiveness of using

vocabulary notebook to improve students’ vocabulary mastery, and to find out the

different between two groups after the post-test. And last to find out students’

perceptions in using vocabulary notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery.

There are 33 students in each group answered 25 questions. The questions were

about their vocabulary index from the textbook.

Pre-test was given to assess students’ vocabulary prior knowledge before

the students in the experimental group were taught the material by using

vocabulary notebook. Meanwhile, control group was taught trough conventional

method(wordlist). In addition, both group used different lesson plan. Experimental

group used the lesson plan modified to apply teaching method by using



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

apply teaching method by using wordlist.In addition, test instrument must be

appropriated to the syllabus of the school to accomplish the purpose of subject.

On the other hand, interview was conducted in this study to get more

information about students’ perceptions in using vocabulary notebook in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1990), basically interview and questionnaire were the same; they consist of

questions that should be answered by the sample of the study, however interview

was taken orally.

3.3 Time allocation

The study was conducted in two weeks. Both the experimental and control

groups were taught twice a week. However, treatments were only given to the

experimental group. Meanwhile, the control group learns as usual by using lesson

plan from the school. Moreover, treatments were done in second to fourth

meeting. The last meeting, post-test was conducted in both the experimental and

control groups. The schedule of the research can be seen in the following table


Table 3.2 Teaching Schedule

No Experimental Group Control Group

Date Material Treatment Date Material Treatment



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2015 text: How to

Procedure of the study consists of some steps, such as pre-test, post-test, and

interviews were conducted to answer research questions. In addition, some

treatments were done after doing pre-test.

3.4.1 Pre-test

Pre-test was conducted in the beginning of the research before the

treatments. In addition, pre-test was given to analyze students’ vocabulary prior

knowledge. It was given to the experimental group and the control group to

collect the data whether those groups had the same ability or not. Pre-test was

done by giving 25-item of matching. Pre-test was implemented to 33 students as



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.4.2 Treatments

The treatments were given to the experimental group. It was done for four

times in the class. Moreover, it was performed based on the syllabus of the junior

high school which has been explained earlier. In other words, the control group

was taught by using conventional method (wordlist).

In conducting the treatment, experimental group got some vocabulary

notebook as the media/strategy in teaching vocabulary to improve students’

vocabulary mastery. The treatments explored students’ vocabulary mastery.

Furthermore, the treatments were required in omitting students’ anxiety in their prior knowledge.

3.4.3 Post-test

The procedure of pre-test and post-test was the same. Pre-test was done in the

beginning of the study. In contrast, post-test was given after the whole treatments

had been done. In addition, post-test was aimed to analyze whether or not the

treatments influences the sample in the experimental group.


Interview was one of the instruments to gather the data. Moreover, interview

consists of some questions that should be answered by the students orally. It is

in line with Arikunto (2006) that the interview can be defined as a dialogue

between the interviewer and the sample in order to collect the information



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

students’ perceptions toward using vocabulary notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery.

3.5 Procedures of Data Analysis

Analyzing the data was performed after collecting the data from the

instrument. It had been explained previously. Firstly, pilot test was analyzed to

find out its validity and reliability. Secondly, students’ score in pre-test and

post-test were calculated by independent t-post-test to know significant difference between

control and experimental. Thirdly, independent t-test was performed in calculating

two mean scores of pre-test and post-test to see whether or not there is significant

difference. Then, score of pre-test and post-test in experimental group were

calculated by dependent t-test to know significance improvement in their

vocabulary mastery. Lastly, the transcription of interview was interpreted to get

additional information in order to answer the research questions.

3.5.1 Test Instrument Analysis

The instrument in this study was a tool used to collect the

data. In making conclusion accurately, the data should be factual

and complete. Hence, the instrument used has to be tested. It is in

line with Arikunto (2006) who states that good conclusion will get

from good data. While, accurate data can be found by using good

instrument. It can be called as good instrument when it is tried out

to some subjects and the result shows that it is valid and reliable.



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The form of pre-test and post-test was the same. However,

those tests had different purposes,pre-test was done to measure

students’ vocabulary prior knowledge before giving the treatments.

Meanwhile, post test was conducted to know the improvement of

students’ vocabulary mastery both in the experimental and control

groups after comparing it to the pre-test. In calculating the data,

t-test was used in this research. It is usually used statistical t-test to

compare two means because t-test can accommodate very small

sample sizes (Hatch and Farhady, 1982).

In addition, Hatch and Farhady (1982) also state there

should be certain assumptions in doing statistical test, they are:

only one group is the subject in the experiment, the scores on

independent variable are continuous, and the scores are normally

distributed, while variances of score are equal. Consequently,

normality test and variance homogeneity test were used in this

research study before conducting t-test.

In conducting normality test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov was

used to analyze normality distribution. Then, Levene formula in

SPSS 18.0 for windows was applied to analyze the variance

homogeneity in this study. In other words, independent t-test can

be used if the data is normal and homogeneous. It was required to

find out initial ability of students’ vocabulary mastery in the

experimental group and the control group.

Furthermore, the students’ scores on pre-test and post-test of the experimental group will be calculated to know the

correlation coefficient of effect size in the t-test calculation. It is

aimed to interpret whether the treatments have an effect in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery or not. The effectiveness

of the treatments can be indicated from the difference between the



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is small, it indicates that it has small effect size. Meanwhile, if the

difference between the two groups’ mean is large, it indicates that

it has large effect size.

According to Coolidge (2000), the interpretation of the

effect size consists of three scales, such as small, medium, and

large. The detail explanation can be seen in the following table.

Table 3.3 The Scale of Effect size

Effect size r value

Small 0.100

Medium 0.243

Large 0.371

Moreover, the formula in order to determine the effect size in t-test

calculation as follows:


r =

 �


�2 + ��


r = the correlation coefficient of effect size

t = tobt in the independent t-test

df= N1 + N2– 2

(Coolidge, 2000: 151)

3.5.3 The Independent T-Test

Before conducting the independent t-test, there are some



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


(2000), there are three assumptions to fulfill the use of independent

t-test appropriately. The assumptions are; independent groups,

normality of dependent variable and homogeneity of variance.

Furthermore, the normality of distribution test and

homogeneity of variance test should be administrating independent

t-test as the analysis of pre-test output and or post-test output.

The independent t-test is usually employed to discover

causative relationship between independent variable and dependent

variable (Coolidge, 2000).

The formula for independent t-test

M1– M2

SM1 – M2


M1 : mean of group 1

M2 : mean of group 2

S : variance

The hypothesis index is interpreted by comparing the result with

the degree of significant at level 0,05. If the result > table at level 0,05, the

null hypothesis is rejected (Coolidge, 2000).

3.5.4 The Dependent T-Test

According to Coolidge (2000,156), “dependent t-test is

used to analyze the difference between groups’ and means in

experimental design where the participants in both groups are



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

experimental group can be compared. Furthermore, from the

calculation, the difference between the control group and the

experimental group can be found. When the result of calculation

shows a significant difference, the null hypothesis will be rejected.

After the calculation done, the t obt must be compare with t

critical. As it is dependent test, the degree of freedom must be

found before comparing to the table.

Df : n – 1

If the t obt is greater that t critical the null hypothesis will be

rejected and conclude that he result is significant in the chosen

level of α (0,05)

3.6 Interview Data Analysis

The data of interview was transcribed in collecting the information from

the sample in the study. There were some questions of interview that should be

answered by the students orally. It was used to get more information related to the

use of vocabulary notebook in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

Specifically, interview was conducted to answer the second question in research

question that was in order to find out the students perceptions towards using

vocabulary notebook.

In short, the instrument in this study consists of pre-test, post-test and

interview to answer the research questions. Moreover, four meetings will be used

to conduct the treatments by using vocabulary notebook.

Research findings and discussions were explained in the next chapter. In



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter consists of the research conclusions and suggestions. The

conclusions are explained from the analysis of the research findings. Meanwhile,

the suggestions are expected to give a contribution for the further researchers,

English teachersand the students.

5.1 Conclusions

This research was proposed to examine the effectiveness of vocabulary notebook

in improving students’vocabulary mastery, to find out the difference between the

use of vocabulary notebook and the conventional method in improving students’

vocabulary mastery, todiscover students’ perceptions toward the use of

vocabulary notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery. The use of

vocabulary notebook was applied to the students of seventh grade of junior high

school in Tanjungsari-Bogor. The result of the data shows that the use of

vocabulary notebook in finding and discussion is significantly effective to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Furthermore, the computation of the data explains that the experimental

group has better vocabulary mastery after receiving some treatments than the

control group. It means that the use of vocabulary notebook during the treatments

give good influence to the students. The result also proves that the vocabulary

notebook give many advantages in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

Moreover, the students will be motivated to improve their English



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

In short, it can be concluded that vocabulary notebook is an appropriate

medium to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The activity of making vocabulary notebook can build students creativity in drawing the picture. Then it

can be enriching students’ vocabulary knowledge and facilitating students to

revisit the vocabulary.

While the current study revealed some positive findings for the

development of English vocabulary teaching and learning in Indonesia, there are

also weaknesses that should be looked at for future study. The main problem was

some students found that the use of vocabulary notebook in class wastakinga long


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the findings of this research,data in this research may help teachers to

improve the practice to teaching vocabulary notebook through vocabulary

notebook to young learners. The recommendations of this research will be

discussed in the following paragraphs.

In spite of the time limitation of four meetings teaching and learning, the

findings of this study confirm the advantages of vocabulary notebook in teaching

vocabulary for young learners. Consequently, for further researcher it is

recommended that vocabulary notebook be intensively implemented for language

learning in a longer time. The other recommendations for further researcher that

covering the theme-based learning in implementing vocabulary notebook in

learning will be of advantages to assist students improve their vocabulary mastery.

Although, in this research there is significant result of pretest and posttest,

nevertheless the effect size was only medium which mean that the implementation

of vocabulary notebook helped, but not much, to the students in improving their

vocabulary notebook. Therefore, through further research in long run by



Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

engaging findings concerning the effect size of vocabulary notebook


The use of vocabulary notebook in teaching vocabulary has many

advantages. Besides, it is argued that the teacher who implements vocabulary

notebook in teaching vocabulary for young learners should be creative in planning

the lesson, selecting appropriate media, and organizing the activities. Those

activities can give better maintenance in implementing the teaching program, give

the students’ appropriate media with their needs, interest, and in particular the curriculum, then relate the lesson to their own experience. In addition, it is argues

that the teacher who implements vocabulary notebook shouldcontrol and correct

students’ vocabulary notebook as feedback for the students. Then, the students will learn from their mistakes.

The students are also suggested that they should use the vocabulary

notebook in improving their vocabulary mastery. It hopefully motivates the

students to improve their vocabulary mastery and their understanding for English


The last is, the implementation of vocabulary notebook in teaching

vocabulary should be implemented in a wider scope to explore more effects or

values in different setting and context for instance senior high school and college


5.3 Limitations of the Study

The findings of this present research focus on three major points. First is the

effectiveness of vocabulary notebook in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

Second is the difference between the use of vocabulary notebook and the

conventional method in improving students’ vocabulary mastery after the posttest.

And the third one is students’ perceptions towards the use of vocabulary notebook



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Although this research was carefully prepared, the researcher realizes that this

research still far from perfection and aware of its limitations. First of all, this

research was conducted in seventh grade of junior high school students tasted for

four meetings. Four meetings are not enough for the researcher to observe the

implementation of vocabulary notebook in their classes. It would be better if it

was done in longer time. Then, the population of the experimental group is small,

only thirty-five students and might not represent the majority of young learners.

In addition, the limitation in this research and findings in this study above cannot

be generalized. Because all circumstances happened in this research might be

dissimilar with other researches, and also influenced by different participants and


However, this research is important instead of giving students the list of

vocabulary words that they need to learn, especially by keeping vocabulary

notebook. First, the implementation of vocabulary notebook was intended to draw

on the young learners’ basic knowledge it is expected to build bridges between the classroom and the students’ real life activities and vocabulary learning needs.

Second, vocabulary notebooks are some of the most suitable options to start

learning vocabulary because these contain all the basic elements for learning a

word such as definition, picture, pronunciation, context etc. Besides, these

notebooks can be modified over time. Students can add more and better strategies

to them. Finally, keeping vocabulary notebook encouraged responsibility and



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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Allen, V. F. (1983). Techniques in teaching vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Arikunto, S. (2006).ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik. Jakarta: PT RinekaCipta.

Başoğlu and Akdemir. (2010) A Comparison Of Undergraduate Students’ English VocabularyLearning: Using Mobile Phones And Flash Cards. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9 (3), p. 1-7.

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(Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language(3rd ed.) (pp. 285-299). Boston: Heinle&Heinle.


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Erkaya, O.D, and Drower, I.S.S (2012) Perception of an EL on Vocabulary Development, International Journal of Special Education, 27 (1), p.81-92

Fowle, C. (2002). Vocabulary Notebook: Implementation and Outcomes. ELT Journal, Oxford University Press 56 (4), p. 380-388

Fraenkel&Wallen.(1997). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education.San Francisco: McGraw Hill Higher Education.

Harmer.J. (2001).The Practice of English Language Teaching.London: Longman.

Hatch, E &Farhady, H. (1982) Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics.USA: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.

Hattie, J. (2012) Visible Learning for Teachers Maximizing Impact on Learning.Milton Park, Abindon: Routledge.

Howell,G. (2012) Vocabulary Strategies for a Fourth Grade Classroom. Retrieved on November 10, 2014 from www.ERIC.com

Hiebert, E. H. &Kamil, M. L. (2005) (Eds), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

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Kiliçkaya and Krajka. (2010) Comparative Usefulness Of Online And Traditional VocabularyLearning. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9 (2), p. 55-63.


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Laufer, B. (1986). Possible changes in attribute toward vocabulary acquisition

research International Review of Applied Linguistics (i), 14, p. 69-75.

Lewis, M. (1993).The lexical approach: The state of ELT and a way forward. .Hove: Language Teaching.

Levine, A., &Reves, T. (1990).Does the method of vocabulary presentation make a difference?. TESL Canada Journal, 8 (1), p. 37-51.

Linse, Caroline T. &Nunan D. (2005) Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners.Americans, New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

McCarten, J. (2007). Teaching Vocabulary. Retrieved on November 13, 2014



McCarthy, M. (1990).Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McCortie, J. (2007) Examining learner vocabulary notebooks.ELT Journal, 61

(3), p. 246-255.

Multicultural & ESOL Program Services Education Dept. 25, (2007).Teaching

Vocabulary. Retrieved on December 04, 2014 from www.google.com

Moon, J. (2000). Children learning english. Oxford: Macmillan Education.

Namaghi and Rajaee.(2013) Effect of Strategy Training on Vocabulary in EFL Contexts. Retrieved on November 10, 2014 from www.ERIC.com

Nation, I. S. P. (2001).Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Titeu Ni’matul Istiqomah

The Use of Vocabulary Notebook in Improving Vocabulary Mastery for Young Learners

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 4 (2), p. 175-193.

Nunan, D. 1993. Teaching English to Young Learners.Aneheim, USA: Anaheim University Press.

Pilkuski and Templeton. (2004) Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Key to Long-Term Reading Success. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Pinter, A. (2006) Teaching Young Language Learners. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rashidi and Omid. (2011) A Survey on Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs on the Role of

Rote Memorization in Learning Vocabulary and Its Effect on Vocabulary Achievement. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 15(1), p. 139-161.

Richards, C.J. &Renandya, A.W. (2010) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, J. (2011). Active vocabulary.Doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona.

Rosado and Lazaro .(2012) Students’ Perceptions On Keeping A Vocabulary

Notebook As A Strategy To Learn English. Tesis, Universidad Veracruzana. \


Table 3.1 Research Design
Table 3.2 Teaching Schedule
Table 3.3 The Scale of Effect size


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