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Efek Nefroprotektor Ekstrak Biji Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.) terhadap Kerusakan Histologis Sel Ginjal Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Diinduksi Parasetamol.


Academic year: 2017

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Hom e > Vol 2, No 1 ( 2 01 3 ) > M u v ida

Efek Nefroprotektor Ekstrak Biji M ahoni (Swietenia

mahagoni (L.) Jacq.) terhadap Kerusakan Histologis

Sel Ginjal M encit (M us musculus) yang Diinduksi


Mu v id a Mu vida, . Mu t h m ainah , Yu lia Sari


Ba ckg rou nd : Seed ex t ract of Swiet en ia m ahag on i ( L. ) Jacq. con t ain s sapon in s,

flav on oids, alk aloids, t erpen oid s, st eroid s, and t an nins t hat m ay exh ib it sig nifican t p rot ect ion of kidn ey cells f rom free radicals. I n p resen t st u dy , Swiet en ia m ah ag oni was ev aluat ed for it s n ep h rop rot ect or effect on paracet am ol- in du ced k id n ey cells h ist olog ical d am ag e in m ice ( Mu s m u scu lu s) .

M e t ho ds: Th is resear ch u sed ex p erim en t al laborat ory st u dies w it h p ost t est only

cont rolled grou p desig n . Sam p les were 2 8 m ale Swiss webst er m ice ( 2- 3 m ont hs old ) weig h in g + 2 0 g an d divided in t o 4 g roup s, 7 m ice each g rou p. Sam plin g t echn iq u e in t h is resear ch w as inciden t al sam plin g. The n egat iv e cont rol g roup ( KK ( - ) ) an d t he p osit iv e cont rol g roup ( KK ( + ) ) of m ice were ad m in ist ered aq uad est for 1 4 d ay s. The f irst t reat m en t g rou p ( KP1) an d t he second g roup t reat m ent ( KP2) of m ice were ad m in ist ered m ah ag ony seed ex t ract w it h t h e dose of 1 1 ,2 m g/ 2 0 g an d 2 2,4 m g / 2 0 g b ody w eigh t of m ice for 1 4 day s, respect ively . Paracet am ol was adm inist er ed t o g roup s of KK ( + ) , KP1, d an KP2 on t h e 1 2t h, 1 3t h, and 1 4t h day . On d ay - 1 5t h, m ice were sacrif iced an d t heir k id ney s were t ak en an d st ained wit h h em at ox ilin eosin ( HE) for h ist ological st u dy . Th e k id ney cells hist olog ical feat ures were assessed based on q u an t if ying of py k nosis, kary orrh ex is, and k ary olysis. Dat a were an alyzed wit h t he One- Way ANOVA test (α = 0.05) and Post Hoc Mult ip le Com p arisons LSD test (α = 0.05).

Re sul t s: Th e m ean of kidn ey cells h ist olog ical d am ag e in m ice f or KK ( - ) , KK ( + ) ,

KP1 an d KP2 were 9 .5 7 + 0 .7 01 ; 2 8. 93 + 1. 69 8; 9. 28 + 0.8 7 3 an d 27 .7 9 + 1 .6 5 1, respect ively . Result of st at ist ic an alysis showed t h at t h ere w er e sign if icant

d ifferen ces of k id ney cells d am ag e score bet ween KK ( - ) – KK ( + ) , KK ( - ) – KP2, KK ( + ) – KP1, KP1 – KP2, and n on sign if icant differences b et ween KK ( - ) – KP1 and KK ( + ) – KP2.

Co ncl usio ns: Swiet en ia m ahag on i ( L. ) Jacq. seed ext ract showed nep hr op rot ect or

effect ag ainst paracet am ol- ind u ced k id n ey cells hist ological d am ag e in m ice.

Ke y w ord s: m ah agon y seed ext ract , n ep h rop rot ect or, k id n ey cells hist ological

d am ag e

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