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A self-reflection directions model for English Language Teaching Development.


Academic year: 2017

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Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. 2014. A Self-reflection Directions Model for English Language Teaching Development. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Teaching development is one of the crucial aspects that a teacher needs to gradually improve with efforts. Effective teaching is actually a tough and a challenging job where teachers have to develop themselves continuously in order to be able to teach appropriately. Several studies show that formal teaching development program, such as workshop or seminar, has not been effectively contributing to teachers’ performance and competence. From the point of view of informal teaching development, studies show that there are still many teachers who are discouraged to develop themselves through conducting self-reflection journal writing, and many more.

Today’s language classroom can be vastly different from that of the previous curriculum. The current National curriculum of 2013 will be definitely adjusted to the effective English language teaching and learning. English language teachers require something that is effectively able to help them identify what kinds of ideal curriculum, teaching methods, techniques and strategies, teaching resources, and many other as indicators that teachers can use to measure their teaching development. This research aims at designing a teacher reflection model that can effectively and practically help them to develop their English language teaching.

Two research problems were formulated, as follows: (1) What is the theoretical model of self-reflection directions for English language teaching development like?, (2) What is the model of self-reflection directions for English language teaching development like? To answer the research questions, Larrivee

and Cooper’s reflection model was adapted and selected as the conceptual framework to design the model. The phases of designing the reflection design model were incorporated into Borg and Gall’s cycles of Research and Development. Two surveys were administered in the development process. The first survey or the evaluators’ validation was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to fourteen students of the Graduate Program of English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. A prospective users’ questionnaire was then given to eight English language teachers from several schools. At the end, the data were used to improve the designed reflection model.

The theoretical model presents the designed reflection model contents that were synthesized according to their suitability with the theory of reflections as well as English language teaching methodology. The model was developed by making some revisions based on the results of the evaluators’ validation and prospective users’ validation. The study resulted on a model of self-reflection which contains three major sections: introduction, personal statement, and main contents.



language teachers. The teacher participants mostly stated that the designed reflection model was such a good, clear and complete reflection instrument that helps them monitor their progress in teaching English.




Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. 2014. A Self-reflection Directions Model for English Language Teaching Development. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca-Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pengembangan pengajaran adalah salah satu aspek yang harus ditingkatkan oleh guru secara terus menerus. Pengajaran yang profesional merupakan sebuah tantangan dan pekerjaan yang berat dimana guru harus mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar mereka agar lebih efektif. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pengembangan pengajaran yang formal seperti workshop atau seminar belum efektif membantu guru dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi mereka. Dari segi pengembangan pengajaran tidak formal, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak guru yang belum aktif untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar mereka sendiri seperti dengan berefleksi diri, mengisi jurnal refleksi, dan lainnya.

Pengajaran bahasa di jaman sekarang sudah berbeda dengan kurikulum sebelumnya. Konesep kurikulum 2013 yang sekarang ini pun akan menyesuaikan dengan pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang efektif. Guru bahasa Inggris memerlukan suatu sarana yang dapat membantu mereka dalam mengenali lebih jauh tentang kurikulum, metode dan tekhnik pengajaran, fasilitas pengajaran, dan indicator lainnya yang mana dapat menjadi acuan untuk memantau perkembangan pengajaran mereka sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain sebuah model untuk membantu guru dalam merefleksikan diri agar guru dapat mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar bahasa Inggris.

Ada dua rumusan masalah yang disusun: (1) Seperti apakah model teoritis dari refleksi mandiri guru bahasa Inggris untuk pengembangan pengajaran? (2) Seperti apakah model ikonik dari refleksi mandiri guru bahasa Inggris untuk pengembangan pengajaran? Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, model refleksi ditetukan sebagai rangka dasar teoritis untuk mendisain model refleksinya. Tahap yang digunakan untuk mendisain model refleksinya akan dikolaborasikan dengan siklus penelitian dan pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan dua kali survey. Survey pertama merupakan survey pengesahan dari para evaluator, yang mana kuesioner diberikan kepada empat belas mahasiswa Kajian Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Survey kedua merupakan pengesahan calon pengguna produk, yang mana kuesioner diberikan kepada delapan guru bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sekolah.Terakhir, Hasil dari kedua data yang didapatkan akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan model refleksi yang telah didisain.



Hasil dari evaluasi produk menunjukaan bahwa model refleksi yang telah didisain cukup bagus digunakan dan merupakan alat refleksi diri yang bagus untuk guru bahasa Inggris. Para guru sebagai pengguna produk mengatakan bahwa model refleksinya sangat bagus, jelas, dan lengkap, yang mana dapat membantu guru dalam memantau perkembangan pengajaran bahasa Inggris mereka.





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies


Wendy Rahmad Biyandi Student Number: 126332034









Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies


Wendy Rahmad Biyandi Student Number: 126332034










Wendy Rahmad Biyandi

Student Number: 126332034

Approved by

Dr. J. Bismoko






Presented by Wendy Rahmad Biyandi Student Number: 126332034

Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable.


Chairperson : Dr. J. Bismoko __________________

Secretary : F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D. __________________

Member : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. __________________

Member : Markus Budi Raharjo, Ed.D __________________

Yogyakarta, February 27, 2015 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the

ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full

consequences including degree cancellation if he took somebody else’s ideas,

phrases, sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, Desember 15, 2014





Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Wendy Rahmad Biyandi

NIM : 12 6332 034

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan

kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,

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data, mendistribusikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis

tanpa perlu meminta ijin maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap

mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal :

Yang menyatakan




It will be a wonderful opportunity for me to express my deepest gratitude

to all of those who have supported and facilitated me in accomplishing this thesis.

First and foremost, my greatest gratitude is addressed to GOD the Almighty who

has given me His blessing so that I can finish my thesis and study.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my thesis advisor, Dr. J.

Bismoko, for being a source of guidance and insight. He taught me to think

globally, rather than locally, and encouraged me to always seek knowledge

beyond my own boundaries. I am deeply grateful to all the lecturers in English

Language Studies: Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. and Drs. F.X. Mukarto, M.S.,

Ph.D. for their guidance and knowledge they have shared.

I am truly indebted to Maria Delfina Dhae, Maria Asumpta Deny

Kusumaningrum, Ika Wahyuni Lestari, Paulina Erawati Paramita, Yustinus

Calvin Gai Mali, Fransisca Kristanti, Agatha Piscesia Paskalin, Sri

Hariyatmi, Maria Septiyani, Luluk Iswati, Bayu Aribowo, Cicilia Dwi

Setyorini, Fitria Rahmawati, and Anesti Budi Ermerawati for willingly

spending their time evaluating my designed reflection model.

Many thanks are addressed to all of the user teachers, Laurensius Bretya

Anindito, Dwi Yulianto Nugroho, Catharina Brameswari, Dinar Ratnasari,

Gunarso Sarwoko, Valentina Dyah Arum Sari, Nindyah Pratiwi, and Gloria

Rosario Putri for becoming the participants to administer my designed reflection



I would like to give my deepest love and special thanks to my dearest one,

Pipit Indri Astuti. I thank her for her never-ending love and support. I would not

be where I am and who I am right now without the endless support she has given

to me all these years.















ABSTRAK ... xvii












1. Self-reflection Directions Design Model ... 14

2. Reflections ... 16

3. Teaching Development ... 22

a. Teaching Context ... 23

b. English Language Teaching Methodology ... 27

c. Conducting a Lesson ... 42

4. Related Studies ... 48













a. Developing the Capacity to be Reflective ... 73

b. Developing the Focus and Goals of Reflective Practice ... 74

2. Planning ... 79

a. Introduction ... 79

b. Personal Statement ... 82

c. Main Contents ... 83


1. Developing Preliminary Product ... 94

a. Introduction Layout Design ... 94

b. Personal Statement Layout Design ... 97

c. Main Contents Layout Design ... 99

2. Preliminary Field Testing ... 101

3. Main Product Revision ... 106

4. Main Field Testing ... 111

5. Evaluation ... 117









Table 2.1. Transformation of Curriculum in Indonesia ... 25

Table 2.2. Metacognitive Strategies for Self-Regulation in Learner Listening 32 Table 2.3. Generic Components of a Lesson Plan ... 44

Table 3.1. The Description of the Participants of the Evaluation ... 61

Table 3.2. The Description of the Participants of the User Validation ... 62

Table 3.3. Evaluator Validation Questionnaire Blueprint ... 63

Table 3.4. User Validation Questionnaire Blueprint ... 64

Table 3.5 Descriptive Statistics of Evaluators’ Opinions on the Designed Model Prototype Template ... 67

Table 3.6 The Interpretation of the Degree of Agreement ... 67

Table 3.7 The Rules of Answer Weight Standard ... 68

Table 3.8 The Meaning of Score Criteria ... 69

Table 4.1 The Reflection Items of Teaching Context Section ... 83

Table 4.2 The Reflection Items of Teaching Speaking ... 85

Table 4.3 The Reflection Items of Teaching Listening ... 87

Table 4.4 The Reflection Items of Teaching Reading ... 88

Table 4.10 Meaning of Point of Correlation/Agreement ... 102

Table 4.11 The Descriptive Statistics of Correlation between the Designed Model ... 103

Table 4.12 The Descriptive Statistics of the Participants Agreement about the applicability of the Designed Model ... 104



Table 4.14 Main Product Revision –‘Values and Cultures’ Reflection Section Input ... 107

Table 4.15 The Description of the Main Field Testing of the Designed Model 112

Table 4.16 The Rules of Answer Weight Standard ... 112

Table 4.17 The Meaning of Score Criteria ... 113





Figure 2.1 Self-Reflection Directions ... 16

Figure 2.2 Levels and Fields of Research into Speech and Conversation ... 29

Figure 2.3 Conceptual Model of the English Language Teacher Reflection for Teaching Development ... 54

Figure 4.1 Self-Reflection Directions ... 72

Figure 4.2 Modified Self-Reflection Directions ... 78

Figure 4.3 The Introductory Page ... 95

Figure 4.4 Instruction ... 96

Figure 4.5 Teacher Profile ... 97

Figure 4.6 Personal Statement – Initial Reflection ... 98

Figure 4.7 Personal Statement – Checklist and Comments ... 99

Figure 4.8 Main Contents – Brief Description ... 100

Figure 4.9 Main Contents – Reflection Items ... 100

Figure 4.10 Main Product Revision –‘Brief Rationale’ Input ... 108




APPENDIX 1 The Result of Evaluators Validation Questionnaire Sample . 129

APPENDIX 2 The Result of Open-Ended Questions of the

Evaluators Validation ... 134

APPENDIX 3 The Result of User Validation Questionnaire Sample ... 144

APPENDIX 4 The Result of Open-Ended Questions of the User Validation 147




Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. 2014. A Self-reflection Directions Model for English Language Teaching Development. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Teaching development is one of the crucial aspects that a teacher needs to gradually improve with efforts. Effective teaching is actually a tough and a challenging job where teachers have to develop themselves continuously in order to be able to teach appropriately. Several studies show that formal teaching development program, such as workshop or seminar, has not been effectively contributing to teachers’ performance and competence. From the point of view of informal teaching development, studies show that there are still many teachers who are discouraged to develop themselves through conducting self-reflection journal writing, and many more.

Today’s language classroom can be vastly different from that of the previous curriculum. The current National curriculum of 2013 will be definitely adjusted to the effective English language teaching and learning. English language teachers require something that is effectively able to help them identify what kinds of ideal curriculum, teaching methods, techniques and strategies, teaching resources, and many other as indicators that teachers can use to measure their teaching development. This research aims at designing a teacher reflection model that can effectively and practically help them to develop their English language teaching.

Two research problems were formulated, as follows: (1) What is the theoretical model of self-reflection directions for English language teaching development like?, (2) What is the model of self-reflection directions for English language teaching development like? To answer the research questions, Larrivee

and Cooper’s reflection model was adapted and selected as the conceptual framework to design the model. The phases of designing the reflection design model were incorporated into Borg and Gall’s cycles of Research and Development. Two surveys were administered in the development process. The first survey or the evaluators’ validation was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to fourteen students of the Graduate Program of English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. A prospective users’ questionnaire was then given to eight English language teachers from several schools. At the end, the data were used to improve the designed reflection model.

The theoretical model presents the designed reflection model contents that were synthesized according to their suitability with the theory of reflections as well as English language teaching methodology. The model was developed by making some revisions based on the results of the evaluators’ validation and prospective users’ validation. The study resulted on a model of self-reflection which contains three major sections: introduction, personal statement, and main contents.



language teachers. The teacher participants mostly stated that the designed reflection model was such a good, clear and complete reflection instrument that helps them monitor their progress in teaching English.




Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. 2014. A Self-reflection Directions Model for English Language Teaching Development. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca-Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pengembangan pengajaran adalah salah satu aspek yang harus ditingkatkan oleh guru secara terus menerus. Pengajaran yang profesional merupakan sebuah tantangan dan pekerjaan yang berat dimana guru harus mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar mereka agar lebih efektif. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pengembangan pengajaran yang formal seperti workshop atau seminar belum efektif membantu guru dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi mereka. Dari segi pengembangan pengajaran tidak formal, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak guru yang belum aktif untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar mereka sendiri seperti dengan berefleksi diri, mengisi jurnal refleksi, dan lainnya.

Pengajaran bahasa di jaman sekarang sudah berbeda dengan kurikulum sebelumnya. Konesep kurikulum 2013 yang sekarang ini pun akan menyesuaikan dengan pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang efektif. Guru bahasa Inggris memerlukan suatu sarana yang dapat membantu mereka dalam mengenali lebih jauh tentang kurikulum, metode dan tekhnik pengajaran, fasilitas pengajaran, dan indicator lainnya yang mana dapat menjadi acuan untuk memantau perkembangan pengajaran mereka sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain sebuah model untuk membantu guru dalam merefleksikan diri agar guru dapat mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar bahasa Inggris.

Ada dua rumusan masalah yang disusun: (1) Seperti apakah model teoritis dari refleksi mandiri guru bahasa Inggris untuk pengembangan pengajaran? (2) Seperti apakah model ikonik dari refleksi mandiri guru bahasa Inggris untuk pengembangan pengajaran? Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, model refleksi ditetukan sebagai rangka dasar teoritis untuk mendisain model refleksinya. Tahap yang digunakan untuk mendisain model refleksinya akan dikolaborasikan dengan siklus penelitian dan pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan dua kali survey. Survey pertama merupakan survey pengesahan dari para evaluator, yang mana kuesioner diberikan kepada empat belas mahasiswa Kajian Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Survey kedua merupakan pengesahan calon pengguna produk, yang mana kuesioner diberikan kepada delapan guru bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sekolah.Terakhir, Hasil dari kedua data yang didapatkan akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan model refleksi yang telah didisain.



Hasil dari evaluasi produk menunjukaan bahwa model refleksi yang telah didisain cukup bagus digunakan dan merupakan alat refleksi diri yang bagus untuk guru bahasa Inggris. Para guru sebagai pengguna produk mengatakan bahwa model refleksinya sangat bagus, jelas, dan lengkap, yang mana dapat membantu guru dalam memantau perkembangan pengajaran bahasa Inggris mereka.




This thesis aims to develop a reflection tool model for English language

teachers. To ensure that this research is a valid and feasible project, this chapter

covers eight sections, namely: research background, problem identification,

research limitation, research questions, research goals, product specification and

research benefits, respectively.


Teaching development is one of the crucial aspects that a teacher needs to

gradually improve with efforts. Professional teaching is actually a tough and a

challenging job where teachers have to develop themselves continuously in order

to be able to teach effectively. In line with the developmental era of English

education, including teaching methods, techniques and strategies as well as the

changing curriculum of every nation, English teachers are becoming more

responsible for this condition. Professional development is categorized into two

main types, namely formal and informal development (Reimers, 2003). The first

is formal development, which provides formal experiences to add teacher

qualifications and is often linked to the teachers’ career. The second is informal

experiences, which consist of self-development and cooperative development and

are not linked to formal credits.

Formal development, such as in-service training programs, workshop,


professional competence since initial training is not enough to support teachers to

function in the best performance. Fry, et. al (2009) emphasize that some

academics teach students without having much formal knowledge of how students

learn. In the case of English education, it is very difficult to conceptualize ‘how

do the students learn’ and ‘how as teachers can they bring about learning’ since

education deals with specific purposes and contexts that differ from each other

and with students as people. In-service training, on one hand, is an important

program to raise teachers’ professional competence where it will raise teachers’

professional status through seminars, conferences, and short courses. This kind of teachers development program will give teachers opportunity to hear first-hand information on what is happening in English language teaching development and exchange experiences and ideas with other teachers. However, it is inevitable that such in-service workshops designed to improve teaching skills often have only short-term effects and rarely involve teachers in an ongoing process of examining their teaching (Richards and Lockhart, 1996).


development, teachers will be able to obtain considerable information through the process of exploring teaching. Regardless of how much experience a teacher has been through in teaching English in his or her institution, a teacher will eventually have to

define ‘what teacher am I?’ Understanding one’s own assumptions about teaching as

well as one's own teaching practices can lead to a richer conceptualization of teaching and a better understanding of teaching and learning processes (Richards and Lockhart, 1996). Exploring how critical a teacher manages to understand his or her own teaching practices can serve as a basis for self-evaluation and is therefore an important component of professional development. However, encouraging a teacher to reflect on his or her own teaching practice is a great challenge that requires extra motivation and enthusiasm in order to make everything works. Teachers may have more encouragement to be participating on a teacher formal development programs since there are rewards given to them (Siddiqui, 2004). This fact is one of the perceptions of the teachers who are willing to participate the program despite the professional development continuation, which is the main aim of the program. Referring to the phenomena that there are many teachers who are less enthusiastic to join a professional development program, conducting an informal development including self-development is another big challenge for teachers to carry out since they basically have been burdened by the institution administrative works.

Teaching development cannot be separated from the English teaching

methods, techniques and strategies. Along with the demand of the globalization

era, there are other two significant aspects taken into account in the teaching

development, those are the changing curriculum and the improvement of


learner’s ability and potency in education. It is an education plan that should

emphasize competency of learners. Indonesia implements curriculum 2013

officially that reflects the competency of learners and it is similar with curriculum

based competence which concentrates with learner-centered. It is

competency-based curriculum that focuses on learners’ competency. On the other hand,

teachers have to be able to interpret ‘the curriculum’ in a manner that includes the processes by which teachers facilitate student learning (Fry, et. al, 2009). Teachers

have to be aware about the respective roles and responsibilities in the teaching and

learning contract stated in the curriculum. The more attention teachers pay to

curriculum design and development, the more likely it is teachers can provide

transparency for the students regarding the intended learning outcomes for the

institution. Moreover, the connection between technology and language use in

nowadays’ modern world becomes more demanding all language professionals to

reflect on the ways in which technology is changing the profession of English

language teaching in particular (Chapelle, 2003).

The changing curriculum and the development of the technology will

eventually urge teachers to adjust themselves appropriately, by which this is not

an easy action to accomplish. Various educational issues in Indonesia have been

occurred on an ongoing basis, involving the pros and cons of the applied

curriculums, system of assessments, and many more. In this case, teachers are

often becoming targets of blame for the perceived failures of public education

(Schon, 1987). Therefore, the need of professional teaching development is one


After all, there has been a gap between what appears in reality and the

formal or informal evaluation towards the professional teaching development.

Teachers tend to perceive either formal or informal teaching development

program as administrative things that does not seem to give an adequate incentive

and career development. Ironically, it has been obviously stated that such

development program is commonly acceptable and teachers need it to improve

their professional development (National Education Departement, 2012).

Teachers do acquire feedbacks from their superiors or colleagues.

Nevertheless, the feedbacks are often found to be highly questionable. Teachers

might appear to be the ones who work hard and are willing to work extra, or

probably appear to be the ones who can fulfill the institution’s administrative responsibilities as well as being free from the head of the institution’s or parents’ complains. This fact is true on one side, but on the other side, this is not

contributing to the teachers’ feedback in terms of teaching skills and

competencies. Teachers might acquire feedback from their students through the

students’ English competencies progress, students’ score achievements, or the students’ reactions in the classroom. However, these kinds of feedback are hardly

systematic since the teachers might not be aware of what things they have

improved and what things they have not improved. Eventually, teachers need to

answer the questions of ‘what teacher am I’ - in other words - reflect on the way

they have been teaching so far. One teacher might have an opinion that ‘I am good

in teaching speaking’ or ‘I am good in managing a lesson’, for instance.


perceiving his or her own teaching, it is not impossible that he or she will realize

some imperfections, such as ‘turns out I tend speak too much in some classes’ or ‘I never thought that my reactions to students depend much on my mood’, and so


According to Finney (as cited in Richards and Renandya, 2002), education

in the view of neo-pragmatism is a mixed-focus which is concerned with the

products of learning (knowledge, skill or pattern or behavior) and with processes

of learning. Education requires the teachers and the learners to develop their

capacity and emerging demands. In developing the capacity, language teachers do

encounter several problems as what have been mentioned earlier, by which it can

continuously occur during the teaching process and it can even become parts of

the teaching. Although many teachers are aware of those problems, many of them

could find it difficult to properly identify them in order to be able to work on the


An investigation on the development of research to help English language

teachers improve their teaching development is therefore necessary to be

conducted. As Fiharsono (2009) points out, education in this era requires

something which promotes classical humanism and productive behavior in order

to help either teachers or learners become active players in this dynamic world.

English language teachers require something that is effectively able to help them

identify what kinds of ideal curriculum, teaching methods, techniques and

strategies, teaching resources, and many other as indicators that teachers can use


model is believed to socially and scientifically improve life quality in the way that

it can help language teachers become more self-fulfilled. Additionally, English

language teachers also require a practical and encouraging guideline to foster

them reflect on their teaching development in order that they will not tend to think

that doing such self-evaluation is a burden or a boring thing. This research is

aimed at developing an English language teacher self-reflection tool for teaching

development. The result of this study is expected to be one of the resources to

expand the use of self-reflection instruments among English language teachers.


Based on the rationale stated in the research background section, an effort

to build up a self-reflection tool to help English language teachers improve their

teaching development is carried out. Reflection is one of the major evaluation in

English education. In line with evaluation, assessment and testing, reflection aims

at assigning value to a program, a component or goal achievement based on

gathered information for future decision-making. Reflection is mainly in the field

of informal professional development. According to the theoretical descriptions,

reflection can cover several aspects, including curriculum, teaching methodology,

teaching management, and so forth.

Reflection can help teachers achieve a better understanding of one's own

assumptions about teaching as well as one's own teaching practices (Richards and

Lockhart, 1996). Due to some administrative reasons, many English language


address that issue, an English language teacher reflection tool for teaching

development can be a suitable instrument to overcome the problem because a

more encouraging and practical concept is built up for effective use.


It is important to highlight some of the limitations of the study. First, this

research focuses only on the research and development of a reflection tool for

English language teachers. Therefore, there is no experimental study conducted to

measure the teachers' progress of their teaching development after they have

experienced the reflection model. It will focus on the development and its


Second, in designing the contents that will be presented in the reflection

model, the goals, objectives, and scopes of the reflection aspects are arranged in

accordance with the Indonesian National curriculum 2013 as formulated currently

in Indonesia. Besides, this research will only focus on developing five sections of

reflection as it is based on the theoretical descriptions, namely: 1) context

(containing curriculum understanding), 2) methodology, 3) resources, and 4)

conducting a lesson.

Third limitation is related to the reason of selecting this type of reflection

model as the platform where the teaching reflection model will be developed. The

reflection model will consist of ‘can-do descriptors’ statement items as the basis

for the English language teachers to reflect their own teaching. The reason of


reflective teaching proposed by Larrivee and Cooper’s (2006) self-reflection directions. Larrivee and Cooper’s (2006) model of teaching reflection suggests several aspects that English language teachers need to consider upon

self-evaluating. The researcher also elaborates related theories about reflections and

many aspects of English language teaching methodology in order to adjust the

English teaching principles with the selected reflection design model. Since many

of the theories suggest that self-reflection requires teacher to ask him or herself

about performance and competence, the idea of designing reflection model that

contains self-reflection statements is emerged. The researcher puts an effort to

synthesize the whole theories of reflections as well as teaching methodology to

obtain and extract the reflection statements. Later on, the obtained reflection

statements are to be arranged more practically and systematically in order that

English language teachers can find it easy to use the model. To support and

improve the model, I examine several other review of related literatures in order

to validate the content and the applicability more specifically.

Fourth, the population used in the sampling of the research is also limited

to English teachers who teach in the level of Junior High School up to Senior

High School. Further explanation about the research subject will be elaborated

later on in the Chapter III.


This research proposes two questions to be answered, and thus being the


1. What is the theoretical model of self-reflection directions for English

language teaching development like?

2. What is the model of self-reflection directions for English language

teaching development like?


The objectives of the study are to answer the questions stated in the

Statement of Research Question, as follow:First, this research aims to present the

theoretical model that will serve as the basis for the development of the physical

form of the model. Next, this research aims to develop the practical or easy-to-use

model that can be implemented to the English language teachers.


A model of self-reflection management system for English language

teachers will be established in a set of ‘can-do descriptors’ concept. It will serve

as a self-teaching reflection aid that helps English language teachers to monitor

their teaching progress. The product specification is explained through two main

sections that English language teachers can reflect on, namely the introduction

section and the main contents section. The introduction section provides some

brief explanation about what the product is all about, the rationale, as well as the

purposes of the product. Additionally, a sub-section called ‘personal statement’ is also provided to help teachers to reflect on general questions related to teaching,

and a self-reflection section. The main section highlights several English language


methodology, teaching management, and so on, that will guide teachers in

managing to have self-reflection. This section consists of ‘can-do’ descriptors in order to facilitate the teachers to reflect and to self-assess.

One of the greatest advantages in sticking with this self-reflection model is

that English language teachers are provided with various statements to reflect

based on specific aspects of English education. Teachers will not find it confusing

in how they would reflect since this model has provided ideal statements to be

used as a parameter to monitor the teaching progress. By using this model,

teachers are more encouraged to reflect on the competences a teacher needs to

strive to attain because teachers will be enlightened to understand what needs to

reflect on, rather than writing self-teaching diaries or journals without clear

identifications of standards.

Another benefit that can be gained through this model is that it can help

prepare teachers for a variety of teaching contexts. Teaching is a matter of

professional development; every teacher is required to gradually develop their

teaching over time. By exploring various teaching contexts provided in the

contents of the model, English language teachers can be challenged to improve

themselves even more. Another advantage is that this model looks forward to

promote discussion between teachers and peers. Exploring what needs to reflect

upon or improve will eventually encourage teachers and other colleagues to

discuss the teaching drawbacks and excellence.

Finally, to indicate how well an English teacher monitors his or her own


is also provided in order to make sense to the teachers on how they would know if

their ways of teaching are already proficient or still requiring improvements. This

ranging scale of indicator is clearly and specifically made to ease the teachers

during self-reflecting so that it will also save time and will not really burden the



The research benefits of the study cover theoretical benefit and practical

benefits. Theoretically, the study is meant to provide scientific information in

education especially those related to evaluation in English education mainly in the

context of reflection. It would facilitate the new way of managing a self-reflection

by using a developed reflection model for enhancing teachers’ teaching development. There have been various kinds of reflective teaching theories which

serve as guidelines for language teachers to perform a self-reflection. However,

the self-reflection model developed in this study is intended for building a more

effective self-reflection practice for language teacher. It is also expected that this

study makes a contribution in helping language teachers develop a critical

thinking about how to successfully comprehend teaching development as it

eventually helps teachers attain their true professional development.

Practically, the study provides information about teaching aspects that

often become issues in teaching English language, such as curriculum

understanding, teaching methodology, and other principles related to language


in the contents of the designed model. The contents of the designed model will

encourage English language teachers to explore many aspects of teaching

development by managing to have a self-reflection according to the reflection

items provided. Here, the teachers are expected not to neglect such important

development that actually very beneficial not only for the teachers’ self

-development itself but also for the improvement of the students learning,




This chapter aims to discover the logical truths for designing the reflection

model. It consists of two sections: theoretical review, and theoretical framework.

The first section discusses the design model, reflections, teaching context,

teaching methodology, and conducting a lesson. Meanwhile, the second section

elaborates the framework synthesized from the discussed theories.


In the theoretical review, the related and relevant theoretical descriptions

are provided in order to clarify concepts and their relations. The theoretical review

includes the design model, theory of reflections, teaching context, teaching

methodology, conducting a lesson, and related studies.

1. Self-reflection Directions Design Model

As mentioned earlier in chapter I, the purpose of this study is to design a

self-reflection model for English language teachers as a part of an program design.

The strategic planning applied to design the model is adapted from the Larrivee

and Cooper‘s self-reflection directions that involve several aspects that a

reflective teacher has to entail (2006). Larrivee and Cooper‘s self-reflection directions contain several stages and categorizations that cover many different

dimensions that a teacher should critically think about. The self—reflection


teacher to manage an in-depth reflection. Thus, the directions will be used as the

most appropriate strategic planning to design the self-reflection model for the

English language teachers since the conceptual framework is theoretically in line

with the aim of producing the model. However, in order to make the model of the

English language teacher reflection tool become more relevant, well-structured,

organized, clear, specific, and complete, there are several modifications that more

specifically elaborate the contents of the reflection.

Larrivee and Cooper‘s (2006) model of reflection directions is not specifically intended for English language teachers, it tends to be directed to

teachers in general. Therefore, beside assigning the conceptual framework of

Larrivee and Cooper‘s (2006) reflection directions model, the principles of

English language reflective teaching are also included to be adjusted appropriately

in the model. The self-reflection directions model will be used as the ground of

how theories described in this chapter are developed in order to be interrelated

that it constitutes a theoretical framework of understanding. The description of the

stages and the categorizations of the reflection directions proposed by Larrivee


Figure 2.1: Self-Reflection Directions (Larrivee and Cooper, 2006)

2. Reflections

Reflection is one of the key competences underlined in this study.

Reflection in English education is closely associated with the term ‗evaluation‘ of

English education. Therefore, a clear distinction should be clarified in order to

establish an understanding between evaluation and reflection itself. Breakwell et

al. (1995) defines educational evaluation as a process of determining to what

extent the educational objectives are actually being realized. Evaluation in English

education involves a process of assigning value to the achievement extent of the

goals of an educational program. Wiggins (1998) describes that in evaluating such

educational program, there is one technique of gathering data and information

called ‗assessment‘. According to Wiggins (1998), assessment is a method or

process of gathering information about an institution progress and achievement

towards the curriculum and goals. In an institution or school, the ones that are

periodically assessed are not only the students but also the other components, such

Developing the capacity To be reflective

Developing focus and goals of reflective practice


as the teachers, the resources, and many more. Teacher is one of the value

components that needs to be assigned. Since reflection has the purpose to develop

teacher‘s sense of how theory feeds into practice and is considered as the central

role to play in the cycle of teaching and learning (Green, 2011), reflection is

actually part of the evaluation in English education.

Reflection is closely related to a profession self-development, as it is stated

by Vasutova (2001), the ability of reflection and self-reflection is a part of

profession and personality cultivating competence (as cited in Brno, 2010). Every

teacher, including an English language teacher, is the one who takes the most

responsibility to elicit their effective teaching practice in order that a professional

development could be accomplished. An English teacher who encounters

problems regarding limited own linguistic competency and proficiency will more

likely result in low efforts to improve learners' achievement in English language

learning. Therefore, there is always a possibility that an English language teacher

may lack certain important qualities, identified by many researchers as

indispensable factors in becoming an efficient and effective English language

teacher. As Kabilan (2007) asserts, teacher, some of the identified factors are

fundamental pedagogical knowledge and understanding, awareness of meaningful

classroom practices, linguistic capabilities, positive attitudes, and relevant skills.

As all these qualification underline an effective and efficient English

language teacher, its absence might possibly interfere the teacher‘s development

in a long-term basis. The students‘ academic progress, such as rising scores or any


feedback that a teacher can reflect on. However, such experiences are insufficient

to develop the teacher‘s own qualities in teaching their students.

Reflection is careful and analytical thought by teachers about what they

are doing and the effects of their behavior on their instruction and on student

learning (Allwright, 1998). Reflection means that teachers have to think and

analyze what they have done or taught in the classroom by relating to their

previous experiential knowledge and received knowledge. Kabilan (2007)

emphasizes that the practice of reflection is deeply rooted in critical thinking and

is connected to external realities, enfolded with the practitioner's inner feeling.

The more teachers critically thinks about ‗what kinds of teacher am I‘, the more they will construct and develop their self-teaching development. Pollard and Tann

(1993) believe that the process of reflection feeds a constructive spiral of

professional development and competence.

Teacher who has a proficient English competence as well as good English

language teaching knowledge is assumed to be outrageously content with their

existing performance (Kabilan, 2007). In fact, teacher has to validate their ideas in

teaching or generate new knowledge that can eventually build a professional

development. Therefore, awareness on how a teacher has done in the classroom is

one thing that a teacher should critically highlight instead of merely being

proficient in English competence. Brno (2010) suggests that reflection can be

either intuitive or systematic and organized, it enables teachers to become aware

of their weak and strong points. Absence of such awareness would make a further


the strengths and weaknesses are, it should involve analysis of a searched area and

a plan of subsequent actions.

When applied to teaching, Wallace (1991) mentions the numerous

immediate interactions and decisions teachers make in the classroom every day

which are definitely not based on a direct application of ‗received knowledge‘, often satisfaction (or unease) is expressed in terms of feeling, rather than a

conscious application of principles‖. He adds that each professional performance

that raised especially positive or negative feelings should be followed by

reflection so that the teacher can either build on the positive aspects or avoid the

problems in the future. Reflection can lead to the conscious development of

insights into knowing-in-action (Wallace, 1991). Brno (2010) asserts that

naturally, each teacher is a part of a school and each school is a part of a

community. Even if a teacher concentrates basically only on their teaching in their

reflection, its effects can influence primarily the students in the class they teach

and secondarily the school eventually the society both the pupils and the teacher

are parts of.

Teacher‘s activities in the school and classroom cannot be separated from

what they are doing routinely and what they are doing reflectively. Pollard et al.

(2005) explain the concept of differences between ―routine action‖ and ―reflective

action‖. Routine action is influenced by tradition, habit and authority and by

institutional definitions and expectations, which is relatively static. While


development which implies flexibility, rigorous analysis and social awareness.

Pollard proposes seven key characteristics of the meaning of reflective practice.

First, reflective teaching implies an active concern with aims and

consequences, as well as means and technical efficiency. A teacher is not only

responsible for his/her own classroom practice but should be an active participant

in providing a critical feedback on educational policy of a state. Second, reflective

teaching is applied in a cyclical or spiralling process, in which teachers monitor,

evaluate and revise their own practice continuously. A teacher should overtake

responsibility for working on his or her development, the need for a change in

his/her practice should emerge from his or her self-reflection.

Third, reflective teaching requires competence in methods of

evidence-based classroom enquiry, to support the progressive development of higher

standards of teaching. A teacher should be familiar with methods that enable him

or her to collect information, analyse it and evaluate it. Fourth, reflective teaching

requires attitudes of open-mindedness, responsibility and wholeheartedness. Fifth,

reflective teaching is based on teacher judgement, informed by evidence-based

enquiry and insights from other research. Teachers are the ones who make

constant decisions and judgements in interaction with their pupils and situations in

schools and classrooms, however, they should not neglect the contributions of

professional researches; teachers and researchers should cooperate in their work.

Sixth, reflective teaching, professional learning and personal fulfilment are

enhanced through collaboration and dialogue with colleagues. Teachers are


teaching enables teachers to creatively mediate externally developed frameworks

for teaching and learning. Teachers should remember their own principles and

values when employing external demands into the specific context of their


Every teacher in every institution works with different kinds of situations,

different kinds of materials delivery techniques, different approaches and

methods, and obviously different skills and experiences (Richards and Lockhart,

1996). It can be inferred that teacher‘s improvement in terms of knowledge, skills,

and experiences is pretty much relative. There are no single fixed-guidelines on

how to lead a teacher into an effective teaching. Rather, a teacher needs to

personally develop a critically reflective approach to teaching, which can be used

with any teaching method or approach. Richards and Lockhart (1996) define five

general assumptions that underline the reason why self-exploring teaching is

significant for professional development.

First, an informed teacher has an extensive knowledge base about

teaching. Teaching is a complex, multidimensional activity. The teacher who has

a more extensive knowledge and deeper awareness about the different

components and dimensions of teaching is better prepared to make appropriate

judgments and decisions in teaching. Second, much can be learned about teaching

through self-inquiry. For many teachers, classroom visits by supervisors are the

main source of feedback on their teaching. While comments of a supervisor or

other outside visitor can be a useful source of information about one's teaching,


Third, much of what happens in teaching is unknown to the teacher.

Teachers are often unaware of the kind of teaching they do or how they handle

many of the moment-to-moment decisions that arise. This is seen in the following

comments, which were made by teachers after watching videotapes of their own


Fourth, experience is insufficient as a basis for development. While

experience is a key component of teacher development, in itself it may be

insufficient as a basis for professional growth. Fifth, critical reflection can trigger

a deeper understanding of teaching. Critical reflection involves examining

teaching experiences as a basis for evaluation and decision making and as a source

for change.

3. Teaching Development

In line with the selected reflection design model, there are at least two

aspects of reflection underlying language teachers‘ capacity to be reflective,

namely pedagogical and surface reflection. The pedagogical reflection cannot be

separated from beliefs about a program and the curriculum. As Richards and

Lockhart (1996) states, any language teaching program reflects both the culture of

the institution, as well as collective decisions and beliefs of individual teachers.

Moreover, Larrivee and Cooper (2006) suggest that language teachers should

understand the theoretical basis for classroom practice and to foster consistency

between the espoused theory (what they say they do and believe) and


reflection that involves teaching context, English language teaching methodology,

and conducting a lesson are described.

a. Teaching Context

The concept of context tends to refer to a broad social situation. Context,

such as the curriculum, the institutions, and the specific roles of the practitioners

will determine what an English language teacher should do. Tudor (2001) states

that language teaching and learning take place in a certain place or setting or

‗lived in a particular context‘ (as cited in Kabir, 2012). Kabir (2012) emphasizes

that teaching language cannot overlook the culture i.e. socio-political and

geopolitical aspect, institutional aspect of a country where the teacher teaches.

The current curriculum in Indonesia has been implementing the National

curriculum of 2013, by which the notions of this new curriculum cannot be

disregarded by English language teachers in particular. Teachers are increasingly

necessary to comprehend the personal, intellectual and cultural value of learning

English languages in the country or institution where they are teaching. Richards

(2005) explains the importance of curriculum studies that refers to a very broad

field of enquiry that deals with what happens in schools and other educational

institutions, the planning of instruction, and the study of how curriculum plans are

implemented. Therefore, beside being able to plan a certain possibility of overall,

long-term aims based on needs and expectations of English language learners,

teachers are also required to take into account on the expectations and impact of


1) Curriculum 2013

In Indonesia, The improvement of curriculum 2013 from ―curriculum for

each education unit‖ (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, abbreviated by

KTSP), to ―competency-based curriculum‖ according to Ministry of Education

and Culture is reflecting some principles. Those principles of improvement

curriculum are: a) curriculum must be designed by giving opportunity to learners

to improve the differences in skill and interest, b) curriculum must be centered on

potency, improvement, need, and benefit of learners and his environment;

curriculum must designed based on the principle that learners is on central

position and must be active while learning, c) curriculum must be perceptive to

change of knowledge, culture, technology and art, d) curriculum must be relevant

with need of life.

Through curriculum 2013 which is competency-based curriculum, there

are three domains that hoped to be transformed, namely; a) Graduate competency.

Curriculum 2013 expects the students to have good character, significant skill and

related knowledge. b) Subjects. Through curriculum 2013, subjects are demanded

to be relevant with needed competency, become more essential and suitable for

children development. c) Learning process. The transformations are described in


Table 2.1: Transformation of Curriculum in Indonesia

Modified from Pengembangan Kurikulum (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012)

Previous Curriculum Curriculum 2013 Graduate Competency

Not clearly stated characters Having good characters Having irrelevant skill with the need Having relevant skill Having general knowledge Having related knowledge

Subject matters

Irrelevant with competency needed Relevant with competency needed Heavier (too many subject matter) More Essential

Too wide, not deep Suitable for children development Learning process

Teacher centered learning Learner centered activate learning Book oriented learning Contextual learning

Text books contain only material for learning

Text books contain material and process of learning, system of assessment and also targeted competency.

Priyana (2014) states that according to the Graduate Competence Standard,

curriculum 2013 seeks to develop the students‘ spirits, attitudes, knowledge, and

skills. This statement is relevant with the fact that students need to be aware of

their own culture, such as cultural facts, events, attitudes and identity, religious

views, and many more. Moreover, Priyana (2014) mentions that should be at least

three aspects of values that needs to be carried out in the classroom, involving

honesty, cooperation, and responsibility.

2) The Role of English Language Teacher

English language teachers work in a different context with different

functions of the development of the education. Richards and Rodgers (2001)

consider context as the ‗starting point in language program design‘. They


contexts; cultural context, political context, local institutional context, and context

constituted by the teachers and the learners in the classroom.

According to Kabir (2012), cultural context embodies the total set of

beliefs of the people of a particular society. It also refers to attitude, behavior,

social customs, and habits of the people of a society. English language teachers

are expected to appreciate and carry out the values added to the classroom

environment by learners with many and different cultural backgrounds. In

addition to being able to apply on appropriate theories of English language

teaching and learning, cultural context plays a big role in determining what

teachers take decisions in the school or the classroom. Richards (2001) describes

six core components that underline knowledge that a qualified teacher should


First, practical knowledge: it is dealing with the teacher‘s repertoire if classroom techniques and strategies. Teacher has to take into account the

knowledge of the mother or first languages learners may already possess and help

them to build on this knowledge when learning English language. Second, content

knowledge: it is about the teacher‘s understanding of the subject of teaching

English, such as pedagogical grammar, phonology, teaching theories, second

language acquisition, as well as the specialized discourse and technology of

language teaching. Apart from teaching learning context, teachers have to apply

on appropriate theories of English language teaching and learning as well as


Third, contextual knowledge: the knowledge that has something to do with

the school or institutional context, school norms, and knowledge of the learners,

including cultural and other relevant information. This understanding might lead

the teachers to take into account the knowledge of the mother or first languages

learners may already possess and help them to build on this knowledge when

learning English language. Fourth, pedagogical knowledge: the ability to

restructure content knowledge for teaching purposes, and to plan, adapt, and

improve. Teachers have to be able to identify and investigate specific pedagogical

or didactic issues related to their learners or their teaching process in order to

make a plan for improvement.

Fifth, personal knowledge: it deals with the teachers‘ personal beliefs and principles and his or her individual approach to teaching. This will critically

assess the teachers‘ teaching process in relation to the theoretical principles.

Sixth, reflective knowledge: it covers the teachers‘ capacity to reflect on and

assess their teaching practice.

b. English Language Teaching Methodology

One of the most crucial aspects in teaching English as second or foreign

language learning is the teaching methodology. Teaching methodology basically

addresses issues related to English language teaching that are closely related to

both theory and practice. According to Richards and Renandya (2002), classroom

practitioners show not only how theory can inform classroom practice, but also

how the practical realities of teaching inform theory and research. As an English


Figure 2.1: Self-Reflection Directions (Larrivee and Cooper, 2006)
Table 2.1: Transformation of Curriculum in Indonesia     Modified from Pengembangan Kurikulum (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012)
Figure 2.2: Levels and fields of research into speech and conversation (Hughes, 2002)
Table 2.2: Metacognitive Strategies for Self-Regulation in Learner Listening (Goh, 1998, as cited in Richards, 2008)


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