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An 10 Status of Translation Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Country : Indonesia

Status of translation of mandatory requirements (technical regulations)

into English




Scope of Product

Brief of TR


(1) (2)



1. Forest Product administration Decree of Ministry of Forestry No. 126/Kpts-II/2003 effective date on April 2003

- Forest-based products Legality of wood-based products and sustainable forest management

On-going (revoked and updated by P.55/2007) (not relevant to wood based products)


The Indonesian scaling rules

and volume table for hardwood logs TR No.68/VI-BPPHH/ 2004, effective date from 18 June 2004

Hardwood logs from natural forest, plantation forest, and fancy wood logs

• Scaling methods • Scaling instruments • Volume table

Inspection method

On-going (not relevant to wood based products)


The Indonesian grading rules for sawn hardwood

TR No.02/VI-BPPHH/2005 effective date from

7 March 2005

Sawn hardwood

Wood species identification

Scaling method

Quality determination • Inspection method

On-going (not relevant to wood based products)

4. Export of forest products Decree of Minister of Trade No. 02/M-Dag/Per/2/2006 effective date from February 2006

- Sawn Timber - Moulding

- Finger jointed products

All Sawn Timber product are prohibited to be exported, except in the form of S4S with maximum 4000 mm square cross section and in the form of finger jointed with maximum jointing distance of 1,5 meter




As o utline d und e r O b je c tive 2 o f the PWG Ac tio n Pla n / Wo rk Pro g ra mme ,

Ma la ysia is ta king le a d to id e ntify a re a s fo r ha rmo nisa tio n o f te c hnic a l

re g ula tio ns a nd c o nfo rmity a sse ssme nt p ro c e d ure s a mo ng Me mb e r

C o untrie s.

Te mp la te o f C o mp a ra tive Stud y ha s b e e n d e ve lo p e d a nd d istrib ute d to

me mb e r c o untrie s b y O c to b e r 2005. Re sp o nse re c e ive d we re d isc usse d in

the 3


AC C SQ PWG WBP me e ting whic h wa s he ld in Ba ng ko k o n

De c e mb e r 2005. The me e ting no te d tha t re sp o nse wa s re c e ive d fro m:


Brune i Da russa la m


Ind o ne sia


Ma la ysia


Philip p ine s


Tha ila nd

The re ma ining c o untrie s we re g ive n until mid d le o f Ja nua ry 2006 to

re sp o nd , in o rd e r fo r the Se c re ta ria t to c a rry o ut c o mp re he nsive a na lysis

O n 8 Aug ust, Sing a p o re re sp o nd e d to the issue a nd its re sp o nse is a s

a tta c he d .




--- Original Message ---




Roslina Idris




Tuesday, August 08, 2006 10:28 AM


Re: Comparative Study

Dear Roslina


Singapore has very limited existing standards on timber - only 1 standard and 2

codes of practice and they are:

1. SS 72: 1988 Treatment of timber and plywood with copper/chrome/arsenic wood


Specifies requirements for the treatment of timber plywood or veneer with

water-borne wood preservations which consists essentially of mixtures of copper,

chromium and arsenic. Includes list of the most used C-C-A formulations.

2. CP (Code of Practice) 1: 1982 The use of timber in building

3. CP (Code of Practice) 7: 1997 Structural use of timber

Among them, only CP 7 is regulated by the BCA (Building and Construction Authority)

for structural design. However, it is applicable for buildings only, not furniture.

Best regards


Kenneth - Thank you very much for the information.


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