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Hypnosis For Confidence Find Your Best Ally Within


Academic year: 2017

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If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. ˘ Marcus Garvey

All of us have been told the story about the tortoise and the hare in our childhood. We all know what the end of the story was; the tortoise won the race due to perseverance and a never-say-die spirit. Would the tortoise have won if he had no confidence in his abilities? I think not. Confidence lies at the core of every ...


Hypnotherpay in High Wycombe, Hypnotherapy in Buckinghamshire, Hypnotherapy for confidence

Article Body:

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. ˘ Marcus Garvey

All of us have been told the story about the tortoise and the hare in our childhood. We all know what the end of the story was; the tortoise won the race due to perseverance and a never-say-die spirit. Would the tortoise have won if he had no confidence in his abilities? I think not. Confidence lies at the core of every success that you encounter in your lifefrom little joys to big ones; we wouldn´t have achieved it if we didn´t believe in ourselves. Having said this it is important for us to know the other side of the story. It is a truth that not many of us are truly confident of ourselves, of our skills and of our talents. We often find ourselves blindsided by sudden bouts of nervousness and anxiety when faced with a new situation or person. Many of us have fumbled while addressing an audience; a lot others find themselves with sweaty palms while making a crucial presentation, and yet others find their heartbeats racing on their first date. Any normal person, I would say almost 90% of us suffer from low confidence; while it may seem like the end of the world, the reality is that it really is very easy to tackle. Hypnosis for confidence could be the answer to all your problems, if you wish to see dramatic changes in yourself don´t be scared to try Hypnotherapy in High Wycombe, at my clinic. Before we embark upon the journey of instilling confidence in you through hypnotherapy, let´s understand the basics of low self confidence. The truth of the matter is that low self confidence is often our doing, which ricochets back to us from other people. Believe it or not, people even strangers can sense the low confidence levels in you; and this just triggers a similar feeling in them about you. If you don´t trust yourself, why should anyone else trust you? The way we perceive ourselves, directly affects the way others perceive us. A number of people lose out on great opportunities in life because of this.

From getting turned down in an interview, to a failed marriage; from being laughed at in school to not getting enough responsibility at work, low confidence has the knack to seep into every corner of our lives. Common examples of low self confidence are ˘ exam nerves, fear of public speaking, of being interviewed, of meeting new people, stage fright, fear of being laughed at and so on. General symptoms would include physical manifestations such as fidgeting, stuttering, shaking and sweating. However, low self confidence is not just an ˆon the surface˜ problem, the reasons behind this could be a lot deeper. From a stray incident in your childhood, to what someone once said about you, can create damaging impressions in your mind. Though Hypnosis for confidence you learn to get to the root of the problem. Hypnotherapy teaches you to be more positive about yourself; it works towards creating a better self image through training your subconscious mind to do away with the negative feelings. It works on auto suggestion and positive reinforcementsover a period of time you will see the difference in yourself, when your subconscious turns down any negative input about you. You will be more calm and composed, and ready to take on the world. Someone once said that ˆTo wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.˜ It couldn´t be truer; hypnotherapy lets you overcome your fears of new situations and people. Hypnotherapy for confidence lets you be comfortable in your own skin and clear the clutter in your mind. It makes you love yourself. The power of your subconscious mind is something which has not been tapped hitherto, and that´s what we will tackle together when you come for Hypnotherapy in High Wycombe.

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