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Motivating A Second-Grade Student Who Does Not Have Learning Motivating in Bestari Utami Elementary School, Garut.


Academic year: 2017

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i Maranatha Christian University


Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk membahas masalah yang saya temukan ketika menjalankan magang di SD Bestari Utami Garut. Permasalahan yang saya temukan ketika mengajar di SD Bestari adalah saya menemukan anak yang tidak memiliki motivasi dalam belajar.

Di bab satu dibahas mengenai penyebab dan dampak dari permasalahan yang saya temukan selama magang. Penyebab pertama adalah anak tersebut tidak percaya diri, lalu yang ke dua adalah saya tidak memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan anak tersebut, dan yang terakhir saya tidak bisa mengajar dengan antusias. Dampak pertama dari permasalahan ini adalah anak tersebut tidak aktif di kelas, dampak yang kedua adalah anak tersebut selalu mendapatkan nilai yang kurang baik di sekolah, dan yang terakhir adalah anak tersebut mudah menyerah dalam menghadapi materi yang sulit. Setelah melakukan penelitian saya menemukan tiga solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Solusi yang pertama adalah menetapkan target nilai yang bisa ia capai sesuai

kemampuanya, solusi yang ke dua adalah memberi dia reward ketika dia menunjukan kemajuan dalam belajar, dan yang terakhir adalah dengan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan anak tersebut.Solusi yang tertera di atas juga memiliki dampak positif dan negatif.








A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper




APPENDIX A good relationship with the student.

3. The teacher was not enthusiastic in teaching.

Problem :

A student who was not motivated to learn in cGrade 2 at Bestari Utami

Elementary School

Effect of the problem :

1. The student was not active in class. 2. The student had poor

study results. 3. The student easily

gave up on learning challenges.

Potential Positive effect:

1. The student will be more motivated to learn in order to achieve his target.

2. The student will have specific, realistic target

Potential solution I :

Help the student set a goal which he considers achievable

Potential negative effect:

1. The student may set higher goal than what he is actually capable of.

2. The student may set the grade target lower than his ability 3. The student compares his

grade target with the other students

Potential Positive effect:

1. The student will have more motivation to learn.

Potential negative effect:

1. The student will be serious and motivated only when there is a reward

2. The student will not help one another during learning process.

Potential solution 2:

Give the student a reward when he shows study progress.

Potential solution 3 :

The teacher builds a good relationship with the student.

Potential Negative problem:

1. It takes a long time to build a good relationship

Chosen Solutions:

1. The student sets a goal which he considers achievable 2. Gives the student a reward when he shows study





A.Background of the Study

Motivation is passion or desire to achieve a person’s goal or dream.

Young students need to have learning motivation for a successful study.

Nivas states that “Firstly for success you need to set your goals. If you do

not set your goals, it is very difficult to achieve your outcomes. And you

may have defined your goals, worked out a strategy too, but if you do not

have motivation?? You will not even take the first step" (par.2). This theory

highlights that motivation is really important. Thereby, students must have

the motivation to learn because motivation is one of the most crucial tools

in order to be successful in their future.Students who have learning

motivation have more effort. and better performances than those who do

not have motivation to learn .

Motivated students finish their tasks on time, are actively involved in

class activities, pay attention when the teacher explains the material and


2 Maranatha Christian University tend to be lazy to learn something, barely ask questions even though they

do not understand the lessons, and get bad marks. Palmer states,“How do

we know when students are motivated? They pay attention, they begin

working on tasks immediately, they ask question and volunteer answer,

and they appear to be happy and eager””(qtd. in Williams) (par.3).

During my apprenticeship, there was a glaring problem namely a

student does not have the motivation to learn. He has the characteristics

of unmotivated students, including not paying attention in class, not

finishing his tasks, never asking or answering questions in class, and

getting bad marks. This problem disturbs the teaching and learning

process. Although I tried to help him through some ways, he still did not

have the motivation to learn. In this paper, I would like to find out the


B.Identification of the Problem

In this study, I would like to analyze the following research questions:

1. Why did the student not have the motivation to learn?

2. How did the problem influence the learning process?

3. How is it to handle the student who does not have the motivation to


C.Objectives and Benefits of study

In this paper I can analyse the causes and the effects of the student

who does not have motivation to learn. Moreover, I would also like to find

the solutions to the problem.

This paper will be useful for me, SD Bestari Utami, and all the readers.

Hopefully this paper can give solutions if I face the same problem in the

future so I will have more ideas of what to do. Besides, I hope this paper

will be advantageous for the institution. If SD Bestari Utami has students

who do not have motivation to learn, this institution can use my paper as a

reference to solve the problem. Lastly, for the readers. The readers will

know about the causes and the effects of students who have no learning

motivation, and the solutions to the problem.

D.Description of the Institution

This data was taken from SD Bestari Utami proposal 2012.

Bestari Utami, a primary school, was established in 2008 in Garut by

Sari Utami. Before becoming a primary school, Bestari Utami used to be

an English course named Adywidia. This school was located at Pasundan

Avenue number 45, Garut and moved to Cimaragas Avenue Number 313

present this school has 5 grades consisting of 10-20 students per grades.


4 Maranatha Christian University English in daily live actively, and make every student have good

characteristics and attitude.

The mission of this school is involving all students to join the entire

program in this school, equipping all students with knowledge which can

be useful in the real life.

E.Method of Study

I collected the data for my final paper from my apprenticeship journal,

book and articles from Internet.

F.Limitation of study

The study is based on my experience as a teacher when I did my

apprenticeship at SD Bestari Utami-Garut in grade two, from January 4 to

February 8, 2013. The subject of my research is the problem of a student


G.Organization of Term Paper

This term paper begins with Abstract, which contains the main ideas of

the term paper. It is followed by Declaration of Originality, states the

authenticity of the term paper. The next part is Acknowledgement, which

discusses the expression of gratitude to the people who have important

roles in this thesis and then followed by Table of Content, which contains

the details of the chapters with the page numbers.

This term paper is divided into four chapters, which is Introduction,

Problem Analysis, Potential Solutions, and Conclusion. Chapter I

discusses the Background of the Study that mentions the reasons for

choosing the topic, Identification of the Problem that states the problems

of analysis, which is followed by Method of Study, Limitation of Study, and

Organization of the Term Paper.

Chapter II discusses the problem and analyzes the factors that cause

the problem and the effects Chapter III discusses the potential solutions

along with the positive and negative effects of each potential solution.

Chapter IV discusses the chosen solutions to the problem. The last part


16 Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter, I will discuss the summary of the previous chapters and

my chosen solutions. The problem that I discuss is about the student who

does not have motivation to learn in class. The first cause is the student

had lack of confidence, the second cause is the teacher did not have a

good relationship with the student, and the last cause is the teacher was

not enthusiastic in teaching. The effects of the problem are the student

was not active in class, the second effect is the student had poor study

results.The third effect is the student easily gave up on learning

challenges.Then I seek for solutions to overcome my problem. The

solutions are the teacher helps student set achievable goal, giving him a

reward, and builds good relationship with him.

In overcoming the problem, I choose all the solutions that I have

discussed. The reasons I choose all the solutions are because every


First, I willHelp the student sets a goal which he considers achievable.

Then I will build a good relationship with him .Thus I as a teacher will find it

easier to encourage him to have more motivation. If he showed me a

progress in learning, I will give him a reward. Therefore, he will feel

motivated to learn.

By combining all the solutions, it is possible to motivate the

students who do not have motivation in learning. I hope through this paper

the readers and Bestari Utami teachers can have more insights on how to



Printed Sources

Maxwell, John C Self Improvement 101. New York: PT Menuju Insan Cemerlang.

December 2009

Bestari utami team, Proposal Yayasan Bestari Utami: Garut 2012

Electronic Source

Nivas. “Why do you need motivation in life?” nivaskapil.hubpages.com. January

2008. 25 Febuary


Williams, Kaylene C. “Five ingredient for improving student motivation” arabi.com .

20 February 2013 <www.aabri.com/manuscripts/11834.pdf>

Caroline Carr. “Overcome Lack of Motivation with Hypnotherapy.” carolinecarr.com 1


Gross,Davis B. “Motivating Student.” uww.edu . 2005-2009. 5 March

2013 <http://www.uww.edu/learn/motivating_students.php>

Giani Matt S. and Christina M. O’Guinn. “Building Supportive

Relationships As A Foundation for Learning jgc. Standford.edu .


Harms, Williams. “Does giving reward encourage student?” bps.org.uk.

3 August 2012 <http://www.bps.org.uk/news/giving-rewards-way-


Jeanic, Andrea .“Student Reward.” teachingenglish.org .March 25, 2008.

22 March 2013 <http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/polls/student-


Jones, Vernon F. and Louise Jones. “Responsible Classroom Discipline.”

csun.edu 1981. 24 April 2013


Kelsey, Julie.”The Negative Impact of Reward”. dc.cod.edu .2010. 14

April 2013



Khon Alfie. “The Risk of Reward”.aliefkhon.org. December 1994


Liam, Prince & Michelle Wilkinson . “How a Lack of Motivation Could Affect

Your Education.” Helium.com . 2002-2013.17 March 2013


Nivas. “Why Do You Need Motivation In Life?” nivaskapil.hubpages.com.

January 2008. 25 Febuary 2008


“Personal Goal Setting” www.mindtools.com .


Rimm–Kaufman,Sara. “Improving Students Relationships with Teachers

to Provide Essential Supports for Learning” apa.org.2013.15 April 2013


“Study Smart” cedars.hku.hk . 24 March 2013


“The Student Lacks a Positive Relationship with the Teacher”





Van Sonneberg Emily. ”Ready, Set, Goals.” Netherlands post .January 13,



Williams, Kaylene C. “Five Ingredients For Improving Student Motivation”

arabi.com . 20 February 2013 <www.aabri.com/manuscripts/11834.pdf>

Wilson .J Walter. “Motivation: Lost or Misplaced”. brown.edu . 24 March





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