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Academic year: 2017



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Legalization Paper i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi


1.1 The Research Background 1

1.2 The Problem Identification 3

1.3 The Scope of the Study 4

1.4 The Problem of the Study 4

1.5 The Objectives of the Study 4

1.6 The Significance of the Study 5


2.1 Teaching and Learning Process 6

2.2 Teaching Media in Education 7

2.2.1 Textbook as Media in Teaching 8

2.2.2 Learning Module Media in Teaching 9

2.2.3 Techniques of Developing Module 12

2.2.4 The Difference between Module and Textbook 13

2.3 Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) 13

2.4 Innovation in Learning Chemistry 15

2.5 Solubility and Solubility Product 16


2.6.2 Solubility Product 17

2.7. Conceptual Framework 19

2.8. Hypothesis 20


3.1 Location and Time of Research 21

3.2 Population and Sample 21

3.3 Research Variable and Research Instrument 22

3.4 The Research Design 23

3.5 The Research Procedure 24

3.6 Data Collection Technique 24

3.7 Data Analysis Technique 25

3.7.1 Descriptive Analysis 26

3.7.2. Instrument Testing 27 of Item Test 27 of Item Test 28 Level 29 Index 29

3.7.3 Inferensial Analysis 30 The Normality Test 30 The Homogeinity Test 30

3.8. Hypothesis Test 30

3.9. Effectiveness Percentage (%E) 31


4.2 Survey of High School Chemistry Text Book 32 4.2 The Analysis of High School Chemistry Textbook 32 4.3 The Development of Chemistry Learning Module 41

4.4 Instrument Testing 43

4.4.1 Validation of Instruments 43



4.4.3. Difficulty Level of Instrument 44

4.4.4. Differentiate Index of Instrument 44

4.5 Data Analysis 45

4.5.1 Normality Evaluation Test 45

4.5.2 Homogeneity Evaluation Test 45

4.6. Student’s Achievement before Teaching Treatment 46

4.8. Hypothesis Testing 49

4.8.1 The third Hypothesis 50

4.8.2 The Fourth Hypothesis 51

4.9 The Average Percentage of Student’s Achievement 51 4.10 Percentae of the Effectiveness of Learning Module as Media 52

4.11 Discussion 53


5.1 Conclusion 54

5.2 Suggestion 55



Table 1.2. The ratio of Qcto Ksp values to Form Sediment 18

Table 3.1. Research design of the developed learning module to

increase students’ achievement on the teaching of

solubility and solubility product. 23

Table 4.1. The Result of Standard Analysis of Book Code A 33

Contents on the Topic Solubility and Solubility Product

Table 4.2 . The Result of Standard Analysis of Book Code B 34

Contents on the Topic Solubility and Solubility Product

Table 4.3. The Result of Standard Analysis of Book Code C 36

Contents on the Topic Solubility and Solubility Product

Table 4.4. The Result of Standard Analysis of Book Code D 38

Contents on the Topic Solubility and Solubility Product

Table 4.5. The Average of Percentage of Content, Extension, Depth , 39

Design and Language Feasibility for Books that Analyzed.

Table 4.6. The Result of Questionnaire of Module Standardization 42

Table 4.7. Average and standard deviation of student’s achievement in 46

the pre-test

Table 4.8. Average and standard deviation of student’s achievement in 47 Post Test-1

Table 4.9. Average and standard deviation of student’s achievement in 48 Post Test-2

Table 4.10. Data of the post test I for high group in experimental and 50

control class, gotten data

Table 4.11 Data of the post test 1 for low group in experimental and 50 control class

Table 4.12. Data of the post test 2 for high group in experimental and 51

control class

Table 4.13 Data of the post test 2 for low group in experimental and 51

control class




Figure 3.1 Research Procedure to get the standard module 25




1.1 The Research Background

The development of learning module of solubility and solubility product

for Standard International School (SBI) and Pioneer of Standard International

School (RSBI) students is very interesting to be discussed and implemented,

because many students often has misinterpretation with the chemistry materials in

teaching and learning process. Many students think that chemistry is very difficult

subject. The inappropriate of curriculum material content and the way of teacher

to teach can make the student confused and then their motivation to learn

chemistry have done low therefore their achievement will also be low. One sign

that a person has learned is that there is a change in this person's behavior was

caused by the change in level of knowledge, skill, or attitude (Arsyad, 2009).

According to Muslich (2007), Educational issues in Indonesia facing the

low quality of education at every level and educational unit. In fact, there are still

many teachers who teach with conventional methods, lectures, it is not uncommon

most students to be tired and boring in learning process that is one direction.

Various attempts to improve the quality of education have been carried out, from

training to increasing the quality of teachers, improving curriculum periodically,

education facilities and infrastructure improvements.( Aritonang, 2011).

In recent years, there are articles discuss about RSBI. It is within the

framework of the globalization era. RSBI is born based on appointment

educational system law (UU No 20 Year 2003) chapter 50 verse 3 state that

government declare at least one educational unit for all level education to be

developed be Standard International School. RSBI or SBI is the improvement by

looking the quality of education where interpreted the graduated student can use

English even tough not left Indonesian language as national language especially

for now and next is the main indicator for student as posted by Kusmin, 2009. The



learning process compare to regular class like the teaching strategy, method and

media that should be suitable for students in RSBI or SBI.

To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning

process in schools, it takes a breakthrough to improve the quality of teaching and

learning process itself that is by innovation. One effort to improve the quality of

education is through the provision of quality textbooks (William, 2002). Science

teachers must become critical consumers of their science textbooks. They must be

willing to question the use of their textbooks, and they must discover what the

content of the textbook will offer in terms of teaching and student learning.

Teachers should reflect on the results of their search for good textbooks, what this

means in relation to their own thinking about content, and how to most effectively

facilitate instruction (Kirk, 2001).

In 2006 the government launched a curriculum that expands the creative

participation of teacher, school administrators, and students in teaching and

learning based on a formula specified competency. Correspondence the between

curriculum based on standards of competence and basic competence is in force

but does not give effect to the achievement of competencies required by students

as required in the curriculum. Most textbooks provide the topic too much but each

topic is not well developed so that the text that includes classroom activities is not

relevant to the key ideas or do not help the students related They were the

resources persons doing what with the basic idea (Situmorang, 2010).

According to Kirk (2001) to ensure access to the material in the textbook

for all students, teacher could provide study guides with questions and activities.

These guides assist students as they read selections, highlight key points, and

provide a structure for reflection. Teachers might also highlight the text when

possible. When teachers use the textbook as a resource and reference, students

learn to do the same. The implementation of individual learning that gives

confidence in individual ability makes they confidence to study independently

should be developed in learning process.

One of the real evidence in individual learning is give the students a


can be used by students to learn independently with as minimal as help of the

others. Thus a good selection of modules is able to help students learning and

understanding the topic of discussion that is being discussed or studied. Using

module as a source of learning is one strategy of active learning process, because

in this process students not only as listeners but they are also active in the learning

process. Module as learning media, make teachers act only as facilitators that

make students active in the learning process because module is communicatively

and two direction .Not only has that usage of modules also implemented of using

multi-media and various methods, so usage of module make students became

learn not only in classroom. Most textbooks provide the topic very much but each

topic is not well developed, that is why learning module is needed to be developed

and standardized. So from the learning problem the above, the writer interested in

doing research with the title: “The Development of Learning Module of

Solubility and Solubility Product for SBI and RSBI Students”.

1.2 The Problem Identification

Based on the above research background, problem identification of the

development of learning module of solubility and solubility product for SBI and

RSBI students are:

1. Chemistry module could be used as teaching media when learning and

teaching process is done in Senior High School.

2. The Solubility and Solubility Product and topic in chemistry is categorized

as a difficult subject to be understood by students due to the presentation

of materials.

3. Teaching module of Solubility and Solubility Product is needed to obtain a

standard teaching module for Senior High School.

4. The performance and sequence of chemistry topic in teaching material can



1.3 The Scope of the Study

To make this research be more specific, have made scope of the study that

is to establish and develop a learning module in chemistry topic of Solubility and

Solubility Product, which is taught to XI grade Senior High School that is RSBI

and SBI in even semester at academic year 2011/2012 in Medan.

1.4 The Problem Formulation

From the research background, problem identification and scope of study

can be gotten the problem of the development and standardization of learning

module on the teaching of solubility and solubility product for SBI and RSBI

student are:

1. How the chemistry lecturers, teachers and international students’ opinion

on the standard learning module in topic Solubility and Solubility Product?

2. How to develop learning module that is suitable for Senior High School

student in topic of Solubility and Solubility Product?

3. Is the using of learning module in class can increase student achievement?

4. How the effectiveness of learning module as media in topic Solubility and

Solubility Product?

1.5 The Objectives of the Study

Based on the above problem statement, so the objectives of the

development of learning module of solubility and solubility product for SBI and

RSBI students are:

1. To get or know the opinions of chemistry lecturers, teachers and

international students’ about standard learning module in topic Solubility

and Solubility Product.

2. Good and standard chemistry module could be developed in order to be

used as learning media on the teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product


3. The using of learning module in class can increase student achievement.

4. To investigate the effectiveness of developed and standardized chemistry

module as media in on teaching Solubility and Solubility Product for

Senior High School student.

1.6 The Significance of the Study

After doing the research about the development of learning module of

solubility and solubility product for SBI and RSBI students’ significances that

have done got are:

1. For students, they can get a module on chemistry topic Solubility and

Solubility Product in Senior High School which is good quality and

standard with innovation learning materials local content North Sumatera

demanded by KTSP.

2. For Chemistry teacher, to use learning module as an effort that can

improve learning outcomes.




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Bintang Simaremare was born in Siborongborong on October, 4th 1990. Father’s

name T. Simaremare and mother’s name K. Nababan. The author is the seventh

child from seven siblings. In 1996 the author has began her education in

elementary school in SD N 173311Tampubolon and graduated in 2002. In 2002,

continued her education at the junior high school in SMP N 1 Siborongborong,

graduated in 2005. After graduating from junior high school, the author contined

her study in SMA N 1 Siborongborong and graduated in 2008. In 2008, the author

was received in Chemistry Department, program study chemistry education,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan


Figure 3.1 Research Procedure to get the standard module


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