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Designing a set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for the eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta.


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Christian Adi Barata Alexander

Student Number: 081214054










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Christian Adi Barata Alexander

Student Number: 081214054





A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on






Christian Adi Barata Alexander

Student Number: 081214054

Approved by




A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on






Christian Adi Barata Alexander Student Number: 081214054

Defended before the Board of Examiners on 14 August 2013

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ………

Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. ………

Member : Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ………

Member : Dr. Ant. Herujiyanto, M.A. ………

Member : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ………

Yogyakarta, 14 August 2013

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 14 August 2013

The researcher

Christian Adi Barata Alexander





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Alexander, Christian A. B. (2013). Designing a Set of Integrated Reading Writing Materials Using Task-based Learning for the Eight Grade Students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. Undergraduate Thesis. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Based on the observation in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta, it was found that the students had difficulties in English subject. Most of them had below average score in exam. The activities mostly used in teaching-learning activities were still teacher-centered which resulted in students being too passive. It is also worth to mention that the teacher still relied on textbook provided too much without trying to make appropriate materials which difficulty is suitable for students’ ability. The students also did not have enough integrated reading writing materials which can help them learning both skills efficiently. Therefore, this study’s purpose is to design a set of integrated reading writing materials using Task-based Learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. This study focused on two main questions. The first was about how a set of integrated reading writing materials using Task-based Learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta designed. The second was about what the designed materials looked like.

To answer the first question, the researcher used instructional model from Kemp which had been modified. There were eight steps used in this study. The nine steps were: (1) conducting need analysis, (2) stating goals, topics, and purposes, (3) stating learning objectives, (4) listing subject contents, (5) selecting teaching-learning activities, (6) designing the materials, (7) evaluating the materials, and (8) revising the materials. The analysis from the evaluation showed that the respondents gave positive reviews regarding the materials. Therefore this can be concluded that the materials were acceptable and appropriate to be used by eighth grade students of junior high school.

To answer the second question, this study presented the final version of the designed materials which already being revised based on the evaluation. The designed materials consist of four units. Each unit is divided into three main parts. They are Pre-task which is called Starting Up, Task-Cycle which is divided into Time to Get Serious and Let’s Do It Together, and Language Focus.

This set of integrated reading writing materials is expected to be used by the teachers for teachings in the class. This material is also expected to facilitate the students in learning both reading and writing skills.




Alexander, Christian A. B. (2013). Designing a Set of Integrated Reading Writing Materials Using Task-based Learning for the Eight Grade Students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. Skripsi Sarjana Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Sanata Dharma University.

Dalam pengamatan di SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta, diketahui bahwa siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Kebanyakan dari mereka mendapatkan nilai yang masih di bawah rata-rata ketika diadakan ulangan. Aktivitas yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran masih terlalu terpusatkan pada guru sehingga membuat siswa terlalu pasif. Juga guru yang terlalu memanfaatkan buku paket yang telah disediakan tanpa mencoba untuk membuat materi sendiri yang tingkat kesulitannya sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa. Para siswa juga kurang mendapatkan pelajaran membaca dan menulis terintegrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu mereka mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara efisien. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk merancang seperangkat materi Bahasa Inggris membaca dan menulis yang terintegrasi untuk siswa kelas delapan SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. Studi ini memfokuskan pada dua pertanyaan. Pertanyaan pertama adalah bagaimana membuat seperangkat materi Bahasa Inggris membaca dan menulis yang terintegrasi menggunakan Task-Based Learning untuk siswa-siswi kelas delapan SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. Pertanyaan kedua adalah seperti apakah bentuk dari materi Bahasa Inggris membaca dan menulis tersebut.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan model perancangan dari Kemp yang telah dimodifikasi. Ada delapan langkah yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) mengadakan penelitian untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan berbahasa siswa, (2) menentukan tujuan, membuat daftar topik, dan menguraikan tujuan umum, (3) menentukan tujuan pembelajaran, (4) membuat daftar isi pokok, (5) memilih kegiatan belajar dan mengajar, (6) membuat materi, (7) mengevaluasi materi, dan (8) merevisi materi. Hasil analisis berdasarkan evaluasi materi menunjukkan bahwa para responden memberikan penilaian positif terhadap desain materi ini.. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain materi yang dibuat sudah dapat diterima dan sesuai untuk siswa kelas delapan sekolah menengah pertama.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, studi ini menyajikan hasil akhir materi yang telah direvisi. Materi terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unit akan terbagi menjadi tiga bagian utama, yaitu Pre-task yang dinamakan Starting Up, Task Cycle yang dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Time to Get Serious dan Let’s Do It Together, dan yang terakhir Language Focus.

Desain materi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh para guru dalam mengajar di kelas. Begitu pula diharapkan agar dapat membantu siswa dalam mempelajari ketrampilan membaca dan menulis Bahasa Inggris.




First of all, I would like to give my praise and gratitude to Jesus Christ. His

blessing and guidance have strengthened me from the beginning until the end of

this thesis. Without His guidance, it will be impossible for me to finish this thesis.

I would also like to thank my mother, Siendriati, for encouraging me all this


I would like to express my greatest gratitude to A. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd.,

M.A., my advisor. His suggestions, supports, and encouragement have helped me

finish my thesis.

My appreciation also goes to Dra. Yetti Soebari, the principal of SMP

Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta, who gave me permission to conduct my research. My

gratitude is addressed to Ariaty Puji Lestari, S.Pd., for her cooperation during

my research there and also for her guidance, evaluation, and suggestion for my

designed materials. My sincere gratitude is also addressed to the eighth grade

students class B of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

I would also like to thank all my respondents: C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

and Dra. Sriningsih. Their suggestions gave me huge help in improving my

designed materials.

Lastly, I would like to thank my brother in arms, Yustian, Mary, and Joko.

Their supports and ideas have helped me tremendously to overcome any

difficulties I had in finishing my thesis.





TITLE PAGE ... ...i





ABSTRACT ... .vi

ABSTRAK ... vii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Limitations ... 4

C. Problem Formulation ... 4

D. Research Objectives ... 4

E. Benefits of the Research ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 8

1. Instructional Design Model ... 8

2. Reading Skill ... 10

3. Writing Skill ... 12

4. The Integration of Reading and Writing ... 13



6. Task-Based Learning ... 16

B. Theoretical Framework ... 19


A. Research Method ... 23

B. Research Participants ... 27

C. Setting ... 28

D. Research Instrument ... 28

E. Data Gathering Technique ... 29

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

G. Procedure of the Study ... 32


A. The Steps in Designing the Integrated Reading Writing Materials .... 34

1. Conducting Needs Survey ... 35

2. Stating Goals, Topics, and Purposes ... 39

3. Stating Learning Objectives ... 41

4. Listing Subject Contents ... 42

5. Selecting Teaching-Learning Activities ... 43

6. Designing the Materials ... 44

7. Evaluating the Materials ... 44

8. Revising the Materials ... 44

B. The Finding of the Evaluation on the Designed Materials ... 44

1. Description of the Participants ... 45

2. Description of the Data ... 45

C. Discussion on the Results of the Evaluation-Questionnaire ... 47

D. The Presentation of the Designed Materials ... 49


A. Conclusions ... ..50







Table Page

3.1 Degree of Agreement ... 31

3.2 Tendency of Respondents’ Opinion ... 31

4.1 The Results of the Need Analysis Survey ... 35

4.2 The Topics in the Designed Materials ... 40

4.3 The Basic Competencies ... 40

4.4 The Indicators ... 41

4.5 Description of the Participants ... 45

4.6 Degree of Agreement ... 45




Figure Page




Appendix Page

Appendix A. Permission Letter ... 56

Appendix B. Instruments of Need Analysis Evaluation ... 58

 List of Interview Questions ... 59

Interview Transcripts ... 60

 Questionnaire of Research & Information Collecting ... 62

Appendix C. Materials Evaluation Questionnaire ... 67

Appendix D. Syllabus & Lesson Plans ... 74

 Syllabus ... 75

 Lesson Plans ... 81





In this chapter, the researcher will introduce the field and the background

of his research. The researcher presents the basic information of the research here.

This chapter divided into six parts, those are the research background, problem

formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits and

definition of terms used in his research.

A. Research Background

In mid until late 2011, the researcher had a teaching experience in one of

the junior high schools in Yogyakarta. This school was SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

When the researcher first went to the school, the researcher had an optimistic

thinking that the students would be smart enough in English subject. But after

having some teaching observations, the prediction was quite wrong. The students

seemed unable to understand what they were taught. The students mostly only

listened to what the teacher said, but whenever they were given task they almost

always had problem to solve it. The score the students acquired in exam was not

very high, some students even scored below average. Another problem which

occurred here was that the teacher relied on textbook so much without providing

or using own materials. From the researcher‟s point of view, that was not an ideal

way in teaching-learning activities. Textbook materials mostly generalize the level


to some degree. Not to mention that not all students would be interesting in

learning the topics in the textbook.

In the past when the researcher was still a student in junior high school

level, the activity was very similar to what happened in SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta. The pattern was almost the same every time, in which the teacher

explained the lesson and the students, sadly, only became good „listeners‟. The

result would be a passive teaching-learning activity. In other words, the

communication and interaction between the teacher and students was very limited.

In order to change this “old” way of teaching, the researcher was trying to

make use of Task Based Learning activity. Tasks are activities where the target

language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to

achieve an outcome (Willis and Willis, 2001). Willis (2001) also stated that in

task based learning activity, the success of learning relies on the learners

themselves. The learners‟ involvements are required in order that they can follow

the lesson. Practices are commonly happening in this task based learning.

The researcher wanted to create an example of task based learning material

for eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. In this research, however,

not all part of language skill will be regarded. The researcher will only create

reading and writing task based material. There were two basic reasons why the

researcher only chose these two language skills. The first reason was simply

because in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta, only those two skills were given. It related

to the human resources availability there. Unlike other mid-high level junior high



listening skills. National Examination (Ujian Nasional) was also the concern why

the school only focused in reading and writing skills. The other two skills,

speaking and listening, are not included in Ujian Nasional.

The researcher also had another reason why reading and writing skills

were chosen. The reason behind this choice was that these two skills are related

one another. Reading is about understanding written texts. It is a complex activity

that involves both perception and thought (Pang et al., 2003). Furthermore, Pang

et al. (2003) stated that for children and adults, the ability to read opens up new

world and opportunities. It enables people to gain new knowledge, enjoy

literature, and do everyday things. The other thing which people can get from

reading is of course about the grammar or sentence patterns. This is closely

related with writing skills. Writing is the most important invention in human

history (Carroll, 1991). In writing, people provide a relatively permanent record of

information, opinions, beliefs, feelings, arguments, explanations, theories, etc. As

stated by Carroll (1991:1), “writing allows us to share our communication not

only with our contemporaries, but with also with future generations”. Then, with

writing people can express their thought which is very important. After all,

writing is about creating something to be read. From here, it can be seen that these

two skills, reading and writing, are integrated to each others. The researcher then

tries to create designed materials which facilitate the use of these integrated skills;

reading and writing for the eight grade students in order to facilitate them learning


B. Problem Limitations

This research only provided two of English skills; they are reading and

writing skills. The method used in this material design was Task-Based Learning

method. The researcher followed the syllabuses, competence standards, and basic

competencies of the eighth grade of junior high school. Therefore, the designed

material can be used by the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

The level of difficulties of the materials was also adjusted with the ability of SMP

Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta‟s eighth grade students.

C. Problem Formulation

There are two problem formulations which are investigated in this


1. How is a set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based

learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta


2. What does the designed set of integrated reading writing materials using

task-based learning for the eight grade junior high school students of SMP

Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta look like?

D. Research Objective

This research is conducted to answer the questions stated in problem



1. Find out how a set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based

learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta is


2. Present the designed set of integrated reading writing materials using

task-based learning for the eight grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

E. Benefits of the Research

The results of the research are expected to bring valuable contribution to

the people who concern and are willing to take part in teaching-learning process

of English language. The following are those who might obtain benefit from this


1. English teachers

The designed materials created in this research can be used by English

teachers as a sample material. Teachers are free to use the materials. They can

modify the materials if required or use these materials as a role model if they want

to make similar materials. Hopefully, by using these materials the teachers can

improve their way of teaching.

2. Junior high school students

The designed materials created in this research can help the students to

increase their English ability in reading and writing. Hopefully, by using these

materials the students can increase their motivation in learning English. These

materials also provide chance for the students to learn independently at home


3. The researcher

As a teacher candidate, the researcher will also obtain benefit from this

research because this research gives experience for the researcher to make a

lesson plan and designed materials that can be used in teaching-learning activity.

The designed materials created in this research can give feedback whether the

researcher has succeeded to become a teacher candidate or not.

F. Definitions of Terms

1. Design

Hutchinson and Waters (1994) stated that designing is the same as creating

a new set of materials that fit the learning objectives and subject area of particular

learners. Newby as stated by Cahyaningsih (2010) said that designing instruction

is a “systematic” process to develop an instructional plan that is an orderly

process, an internal logic, resulting in a coherent plan in which the components of

the plan closely match one another. In this research, the researcher designs a set of

integrated reading writing materials using Task-Based Learning for the eighth

grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

2. Task-Based Learning

Task-Based Learning is one kind of learning ways. Task-Based Learning

is conducted by giving lot of tasks to the learner. Nunan (1989) stated that the

purpose of Task-Based Learning is the learners are able to comprehend,

manipulate, produce, and interact using their language. Kranhke (1987) also said



means that by using Task-Based Learning, the students will have lot of

opportunity to practice when learning. In this research, Task-Based Learning

gives the students more opportunities to practice by doing the tasks.

3. Junior High School Students

In this research, junior high school in Indonesia is called Sekolah

Menengah Pertama (SMP). SMP consists of three grades. The grades are seventh,

eighth, and ninth grade. The students are ranging at age 12-15. The materials

designed in this research are made for the students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta





In this chapter, the researcher is going to present some related theories to

the research. The theories are going to be categorized as two sub-chapters,

Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section the researcher would like to discuss some related theories in

this research. The theories are Instructional Design Model, Reading, Writing, the

Integration of Reading and Writing Skills, Communicative Language Teaching,

and Task-Based Learning. The description of each theory is as follows.

1. Instructional Design Model

The instructional design model which the researcher decided to use in this

research is Kemp’s Model. In order to design material, the researcher needs to

find information about the objectives in the instructional design, what kinds of

activity and resources used, and the evaluation of the instructional design.

Therefore, there are three main questions related to instructional design in this

research; the questions are (1) What must be learned? (2) What are the appropriate

activities and resources can be used in the design? and (3) How does the

researcher know when the designed material is appropriate to the learner?

In his model, Kemp (1977) has described that there are eight steps in



a. Goals, topics, and general purposes: identifying goals, selecting topics, and

listing general purposes based on each topic.

b. Learning characteristics: obtain information about the learners’ capabilities,

needs, and interests.

c. Learning objectives: stating measurable objectives that the researcher knows

specifically what he is trying to teach and can later determine whether the

researcher has accomplished it.

d. Subject content: closely relate to the objectives and the student’s needs.

e. Pre-assessment: develop pre-test to measure in what extent the student has

acquired the necessary prerequisites for studying the topic and what the

student may has already mastered about the subject to be studied.

f. Teaching learning activities and resources: selecting the teaching learning

activity for the instructional plan to achieve objectives’ accomplishment.

g. Support services: considering support services such as funds, facilities,

equipment, and personnel to carry out the instructional plan.

h. Evaluation: measure the learning outcomes relating to the objectives and

evaluate any phase of the plan that needs improvement.


Figure 2.1

Kemp’s Instructional Model (Kemp, 1977:9)

2. Reading Skills

Reading is a pervasive activity. Widdowson (1979) defines reading as the

process of getting linguistic information via print. Snow (2002) said that reading

comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction and involvement. Snow also stated that

comprehension entails three elements; they are:



2. The text that is to be comprehended

3. The activity in which comprehension is a part.

In reading comprehension, there are stages of level. Cushenberry (1988)

described four basic levels of reading comprehension as follows.

1. Literal reading

In this first level, the readers remember details, note main ideas, follow

directions, and discover the cause and effect explicitly.

2. Interpretive reading

In this second level, the learners try to discover the author’s purpose, find

main ideas and cause effect implicitly.

3. Critical reading

In this third stage, the readers are expected to be able to determine whether

the statement is fact or opinion.

4. Creative reading

In the last stage, the readers use the printed matter to solve problems. They

are also needed to draw conclusions about what they would have done had

they been one of the characters in the selection.

In this research, the researcher focused on reading comprehensions mainly

on literal reading, interpretive reading, and critical reading. Because in this

research, the researcher will integrate reading and writing skills, for the next part


3. Writing Skill

Writing skill is the opposite of reading skill. While reading is receptive

skill, then writing is productive skill.

a. The Nature of Writing

Basically, writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas into a

medium. Bailey (1994) as cited by Rinanti (2009:14) stated that “writing is the

mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and

organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear for reader”.

Rinanti (2009) also stated that there four common purposes of writing. They are to

express idea or share feelings, to teach someone on how to do something, to

persuade someone to agree with the writer’s point of view, and to explain or

clarify topics.

b. Types of Writing Activities

There are two types of writing activities. They are writing as a process and

writing as a product. Rinanti (2009:15) explained that in process writing, the

activities are brainstorming, drafting, writing, feedback, revising, and editing in a

a cyclical fashion. Davies and Pearse (2000) provided three examples of simple

writing tasks which can be conducted easily by junior high school students. They

are parallel compositions, parallel letters, and picture compositions. These

activities descriptions are as follows.

1) Parallel compositions

In class, the teacher discusses a topic with the students. For example is



teacher ask the students to use the sentences as patterns. Later the students can

write a parallel composition about other animals (same topic).

2) Parallel letters

The students are asked to read a letter, which consists of personal

information of someone. The students then write a reply with their own personal

information using the same patterns or format of the letter they have read before.

3) Picture compositions

A volunteer is asked to tell a simple story based on the provided sequence

of pictures. After memorizing the story, the students write the story.

Before designing writing material, as productive skill, the researcher will

design receptive skill first which is reading skill, reading comprehension to be

exact. The comprehension obtained in this reading later will be used as the basis

to create the writing material in this research. Therefore, the integration of reading

and writing skill is needed in this research.

4. The Integration of Reading and Writing

In this part, the researcher will discuss two parts. The first one is the bases

of integrating reading and writing, and the second one is how to integrate reading

and writing skills.

a. The Base of Integrating Reading and Writing

Cahyaningsih (2010) said that reading and writing are related to each

other. While reading is receptive, writing is productive. When someone read about

something, then automatically they will learn style of writing by the researcher of


someone writes about something. Suwignyo (1999) as cited by Cahyaningsih said

that when reading, people receive all information into their mind. Suwignyo

(1999) also said that in writing, people transform their idea and thought into

written form.

Because of those facts, in order to get better result in writing, people

should increase their reading first. As stated by Suwignyo (1999), the sentence

structure can be learned from reading thus people can apply that structure in

written form. It also needs to be noted that if people only read, and not doing any

follow up activities, this can affect their improvement. So, it is suggested that after

doing reading activity, they continue it with writing activity. Therefore, integrated

reading and writing skills are recommended.

b. How to Integrate Reading and Writing Skills

Suwignyo (1999) as cited by Cahyaningsih mentions that there are some

ways to integrate reading and writing. Selecting appropriate materials for reading

is very important. Suwignyo (1999) also recommended that teacher gives

intensive reading to the students. Suwignyo (1999) states that appropriate selected

materials will considerably assist the students to establish a systematic

organization of information.

In order to integrate reading and writing, the reading activity will be

followed by writing activity. The teacher should ask the students to make their

writing composition based on the information found in reading phase.

Cahyaningsih (2010) stated that the teacher may give the students the guide



One of the most typical ways of integrated teaching is stated by

Cahyaningsih (2010). In her paper, Cahyaningsih (2010:18) states:

“The teacher should start from the simple reading text in order to build the students’ habit of reading. The activities done in class can be in a form of completing the missing words in the reading passage, answering the challenging questions based on the reading text, exploring the students’ opinion and reaction towards the reading materials, summarizing the reading materials and asking the students to write their opinion, attitudes towards the reading and make a composition based on the reading text.”

5. Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative Approach is one of the best methods to use in teaching

four basic skills in English, which are reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Littlewood (1981) as cited by Cahyaningsih (2010) stated that one of the

characteristic features of Communicative Language Teaching is that it pays

systematic attention on functional as well as structural aspects of language.

a. Learner Roles in CLT

In CLT, the learner needs to be actively taking part in teaching-learning

process. Cahyaningsih (2010) explained that the learner needs to give his/her own

contribution on the process of learning in order to reach a succeeded learning

process. With actively taking part, the learner will be able to create independent

learning situation.

b. Teacher Roles in CLT

According to Breen and Candlin as stated in Richard and Rogers (1985),


1) As facilitator

The teacher facilitates the communication between the class participants.

The teacher may also facilitate the communication between the participants and

the various activities.

2) As participant

Besides being a facilitator, the teacher may also play role as participant in

the learning process.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher decided to adopt this

Communicative Language Teaching. Communicative Language Teaching has a

close relation with Task-Based Learning. These two motivates the students to

learn and interact in class activity.

6. Task-Based Learning

Task-Based Learning enables the learner to interact when they are about to

learn something. With lot of opportunity in interacting with others, the learners

will be able to understand each other and can express their own idea and feeling

naturally. Willis (1996) stated that in task-based learning, the teachers play the

role as a facilitator and give the students enough opportunity in class.

a. Components of the Task-Based Learning Framework

Willis (1996) proposed three phased of task-based learning. They are:

1) Pre-task

a) Introduction to topic and task

The teacher explores the topic with the class, highlights useful words and



learners may hear a recording of others doing a similar task, or read part of a text

as a lead in to a task.

2) Task-Cycle

a) Task

The students do the task, in pairs or small groups. The teacher monitors

from a distance, encouraging all attempts at communication, not correcting. Since

this situation has a "private" feel, the students feel free to experiment. Mistakes do

not matter.

b) Planning

The students prepare to report to the whole class (orally or in writing) how

they did the task, what they decided or discovered. Since the report stage is public,

the students will naturally want to be accurate, so the teacher stands by to give

language advice.

c) Report

Some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange written reports,

and compare results. The teacher acts as a chairperson, and then comments on the

content of the reports.

3) Language Focus

a) Analysis

The students examine and then discuss specific features of the text or

transcript of the recording. They can enter new words, phrases and patterns in


b) Practice

The teacher conducts practice of new words, phrases, and patterns

occurring in the data, either during or after the analysis.

b. Types of Activities

Pattison (1987) provides seven types of activities as follows.

1) Question and Answer

These activities are based on the concept of creating an information gap.

The aim is for the learners to discover their classmates’ knowledge, opinions, and


2) Dialogues and Role-Play

These activities can be wholly scripted or wholly improvised. The wholly

improvised can happen if the learners are given some choice of what to say, and if

there is a clear aim to be achieved by what they say in their role-plays.

3) Matching Activities

In here, the learners are to recognize matching items, or to complete pairs

or sets.

4) Communication Strategies

These activities are designed to encourage the learners to practice

communication strategies such as paraphrasing, borrowing, or inventing words,



5) Pictures and Picture Stories

Many communication activities can be stimulated through the use of

pictures and picture stories. The activities can be such as memory test, spot the

difference, and sequencing pictures to tell a story.

6) Puzzles and Problems

These activities require the learners to make guesses, draw on their general

knowledge and personal experience, use their imagination, and test their power of

logical reasoning.

7) Discussions and Decisions

These activities require the learners to collect and share information to

reach a decision.

B. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical descriptions mentioned above are the basis which will be

the theories of framework for this research. There are two problem formulations in

this research. The first one is how is a set of integrated reading writing materials

using task-based learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta designed. The second one is what does the designed set of integrated

reading writing materials using Task-Based Learning for the eight grade junior

high school students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta look like.

To answer the first problem formulation, the researcher chooses to use

Kemp’s instructional design model. There will be eight steps used in order to


based on School-based curriculum 2006. The eight steps used by the researcher to

make the material design are as follows.

1. Conducting needs survey

The researcher takes the need based approach tries to check out what

difficulties in which the students faced. Therefore, the researcher will be able to

find out what the students needs in his designed materials. This survey also

expected to find some suggestion from the English teacher about what kind of

design should the researcher design.

2. Stating goal, topic, and purposes

The researcher states what the most appropriate goal is in his designed

material based on need analysis survey he has conducted before. To achieve the

goal, the researcher will make some topics to be included in his design. The

purposes of each topic also need to be clear so it will help the learner in learning

through the designed materials.

3. Stating learning objectives

The researcher specifies learning objectives very carefully. For each topic,

the researcher gave clear and explicit objectives. The reason is to help the learners

to be able to understand about what they will learn. Also, the objectives should be

able to be measured.

4. Listing subject content

The research specifies the specific knowledge and skills. The subject

content has something to do with the learners’ need and the objectives of the



5. Selecting teaching and learning activities

This step can only be done after all the data of need analysis were

obtained. Topic and objectives also must be already done. Then, the researcher

selects what kind of activities which can support the objectives of the designed

materials. The researcher pays attention to what kind of activities appropriate for

the eighth grade students.

6. Designing the materials

After determining goals, topics, general purposes, objectives, subject

contents, and the teaching activities, the researcher proceeds to design the


7. Evaluating the materials

Evaluation can be conducted after the designed materials were created.

The researcher then distributed questionnaire to an English lecturer, an English

teacher, and an English tutor. The researcher expects suggestions and feedbacks

from them in order to revise his designed materials.

8. Revising the designed materials

For the last step, the researcher use the data obtained from the

questionnaire of materials evaluation. These data will be the basis of revising and

improving his designed material better than the previous one.

These eight steps described above can be summarized in the figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2

The Researcher’s Model

To answer the second problem formulation, which is what does the

designed set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for

the eight grade junior high school students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta look like,

the researcher chooses to use Willis’s Task-Based Learning. Therefore, the

researcher designs the materials based on the procedure of Task-Based Learning.

The procedures are the Pre-Task, Task-Cycle, and Language Focus. The types of

activities in the designed materials are question and answers, pictures and picture

stories, and discussions. The designed materials are focused in the integration of

reading and writing, in which the reading comprehensions come first followed by

writing. Therefore, the reading sections become the model for the writing. Evaluating the

materials Conducting needs


Stating goal, topic, and purposes

Stating learning objectives

Listing subject content

Selecting teaching learning activities

Designing the materials Revising the





In this chapter, the researcher will describe the methodology used of his

research. There are six parts in this chapter which the researcher will explain.

Those are research method, research setting, research participants/subjects,

instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research


A. Research Method

In this research, there are two problem formulations. First one is how is a

set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for the eighth

grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta designed? And the second one is

what does the designed set of integrated reading writing materials using

task-based learning for the eight grade junior high school students of SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta look like?

According to the problem formulations above, then this research can be

categorized as Educational Research and Development (R&D). Borg and Gall

(1983) stated that Educational Research and Development (R&D) is a process

used to develop and validate educational products. According to Borg and Gall

(1983), there are ten steps in R&D. Those steps are research and information

collecting, planning, preliminary form of product developing, preliminary field


operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination and


However, in this research the researcher believes that not all the steps

mentioned by Borg and Gall are needed to be conducted. The researcher only used

five of ten steps mentioned above. These five steps are already appropriate with

the procedure of the research. The steps are as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

This step is important to do because this is the step where the researcher

will find the information which will be useful in his research design materials later

on. The researcher chose to use questionnaires and conduct an interview. The

questionnaires were distributed to the students of the eighth grade SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta, while the interview was conducted to the English teacher of the same


2. Planning

This step consists of stating goals and purposes, topics, making of lesson

plans and syllabus based on School-Based Curriculum 2006. The goals and

purposes that the students are going to achieve will be decided in this step. The

topic of the designed material will also be decided here.

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

This step consists of the preparation of instructional materials, handbooks,

and evaluation devices. This is where the researcher designed the materials using

Task-Based Learning. The researcher designed the materials using the result



designed a set of integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for

the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

In this step, the researcher distributed questionnaire to English teacher of

SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta and English lecturer of English Education Study

Program of Sanata Dharma University. The purpose of this preliminary field

testing is to obtain an evaluation based on the designed materials which have been

created by the researcher. The researcher found out that it is important to at least

get some feedbacks so he can improve his designed materials.

5. Main Product Revision

In this step, the researcher finally created the materials based on the

feedbacks given in preliminary field testing. This revision may not design only

once, the researcher will keep design the materials until the designed materials

have been included of all the feedbacks.

These five steps have the similarities with the steps in Kemp’s

instructional design which the researcher used for this research. These five steps


Research and information collecting The Researcher’s Model R&D Cycle

Figure 3.1

Relationship between the researcher’s model and R&D cycle

Evaluating the materials Stating goal, topic,

and purposes

Stating learning objectives

Listing subject content

Designing the materials Conducting need


Revising the designed materials


Developing preliminary form of a


Preliminary field testing

Main product revision Selecting teaching



B. Research Participants

The participants of this research will be divided in two groups. It is based

on the steps of the research itself. The steps of this research include two kinds of

survey to two different groups. The first one was the participants of research and

information collecting, while the second one was the participants of preliminary

field testing. Thus, the participants of this research will be based on these two

groups of survey. The participants are:

1. The Participants of Research and Information Collecting

The participants in this group were the eighth grade of SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta. They were asked to fill some questionnaires provided by the

researcher to find out the information about the learners’ needs and interests. The

total numbers of the students in this class were 15 students; consisting of 8 male

students and 7 female students. Beside questionnaire, the researcher also

conducted an interview to the English language teacher in SMP Bopkri 2


2. The Participants of the Preliminary Field Testing

The participants of this group were divided into three. The first one was an

English teacher, the second one was an English lecturer, and the third was a

language institute teacher. They were expected to give some opinions, feedbacks,

and suggestions regarding the designed materials created by the researcher. These


C. Setting

This research was conducted in the eighth grade of SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta which located in Jalan Sultan Agung no.4 Yogyakarta. The

information collection was done in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta and Sanata Dharma


D. Research Instrument

In order to obtain the data for the research, some instruments were used in

the research and information collecting and evaluation.

1. Instruments for Research and Information Collecting

There were two kinds of instruments used for research and information


a. Questionnaire

According to Borg and Gall (1983:228), “Questionnaires are printed forms

that ask the same questions of all individuals in the sample and for which

respondents record their answers in verbal form”. A well-designed questionnaire

that is used effectively can gather information on both the overall performance of the

test system as well as information on specific components of the system. Therefore, the

researcher included questionnaire as the data gathering technique.

Based on the steps of R&D used in this research, the researcher distributed

the questionnaires to the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta to

obtain the information needed about the materials by the students. The



b. Interview

As cited by Cahyaningsih (2010), Connel and Khan (1968) stated that

interview is a two-person conversation initiated by interviewer for the specific

purpose of obtaining research-relevant information and focused on content

specified by research objectives of systematic description, prediction, or


Based on the steps of R&D used in this research, the researcher

interviewed the English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The interview was

conducted in order to obtain more information regarding what kind of Task-based

learning design material the researcher should create. The interview was

conducted informally.

2. Instrument for Evaluation

After designing materials, the researcher also distributed second

questionnaire to the English teacher, English lecturer, and language institute

teacher. This was done in order to obtain some feedbacks, suggestions, and

recommendations which can be used to improve the designed materials. This was

done as the fourth step of R&D, preliminary field testing.

E. Data Gathering Technique

This research was using R&D as its method. The research was done on

April 2012 in SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. According to the first step of R&D,

firstly the researcher distributed questionnaires to the eighth grade students of


the English teacher of the same school. These were done in order to find out the

students’ needs in learning English. After that, the researcher designed the

materials. After the designed materials were completed, as the preliminary field

testing, the researcher once again distributed some questionnaires. The

respondents of these questionnaires were an English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2

Yogyakarta, an English lecturer of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma

University, and a language institute teacher. After the data were collected, the

researcher used these data to make revision and improvement for the designed


F. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher used two instruments of gathering data,

questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire and interview were used to find out

students’ needs. The result of the questionnaire obtained then presented in form of

number and percentage. Later, these data were used as the basis of the researcher

deciding the topic and objectives of his designed materials.

After finished design the materials, the researcher used another

questionnaire to check whether the materials were appropriate enough or not, an

need suggestion and feedback for improvement. The researcher gave the

participants five options representing their agreement, disagreement, or doubt for



Table 3.1: Degree of Agreement

Points of Agreement Meaning

1 Absolutely Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Undecided

4 Agree

5 Absolutely Agree

The result was formed into descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics

were used to characterized or describe a set of numbers in terms of central

tendency (Brown, 2002: 123). There are three characteristics can be used to find

central tendency, namely mean, median, and mode. In this research, the only

characteristic used is mean. Mean is the sum of all values in a distribution divided

by the number of values.

The formula of mean is written below:

Mn =



Where: Mn = mean (average scores)

X = sum of scores

N = number of respondents

The data would be presented in the form of following table:

Table 3.2: Tendency of Respondents’ Opinion

No Statements

Frequency of the Points of

Statement N Mn 1 2 3 4 5

From the respondents’ degree of assessment in the questionnaire, the

researcher determined the average score or mean from them individually and


0.0 < X  2 : the designed-materials were poorly designed

2.01 < X  3 : the designed-materials were fairly designed

3.01 < X  4 : the designed-materials were already good but need some


4.01 < X  5 : the designed-materials were well designed

In the end the researcher made the improvement of the materials based on

these data. Suggestion and feedbacks were important as the main source of data in

this research.

G. Procedure of the Study

The procedures of this research were designed step by step adapted from

R&D cycle. In order to obtain valid and reliable data, the steps were arranged in

organized circle. These were done cautiously therefore the steps would not

overtake each other. The procedures of the research can be elaborated as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

To make a designed material, one needs to know the need analysis of the

target. The need analyses of this research were obtained or collected from the

distributed questionnaire and the conducted interview. The questionnaire was

distributed to the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta while the

interview was conducted to the English teacher of same school. Beside that, in

order to get the theory of task-based learning, the researcher also used another



2. Planning

After the need analyses were collected and before designing the materials,

the researcher decided the goals and objectives of the materials. This was done in

order that the designed materials will be appropriate with the students’ needs.

3. Preliminary form of product developing

The researcher designed the integrated reading-writing materials based on

the result of the interview and questionnaire distributed earlier.

4. Preliminary field testing

When the designed materials were completed, the researcher distributed

another questionnaire to an English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta, an

English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and a language institute teacher.

This was done to find out whether the designed materials already fulfilled the

learning objectives or not. This was also done in order to seek suggestions or

feedback of the designed materials.

5. Main product revision

This is the last step of this research. The researcher improved the designed

materials based on the suggestion given by the participant of previous

questionnaire. The revision product will be the final version of the example of

integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for the eighth grade





In this chapter the researcher will present the results and discussion of the

steps of designing a set of integrated reading writing materials using Task-Based

Learning for the eight grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The question

in the problem formulation is answered here in this chapter. This section is

divided into four main parts. The first part presents the steps used in designing the

integrated reading writing material. The second part presents the finding of the

evaluations of the designed materials. The third part presents the discussion of the

results of the evaluation-questionnaire. The fourth part presents the final version

of the designed materials.

A. The Steps in Designing the Integrated Reading Writing Material

In order to design the materials, the researcher decided to follow a design

model which was the combination of instructional designs by Kemp. The

researcher used eight steps. They were (1) conducting needs survey, (2) stating

goals, topics, and purposes, (3) stating the learning objectives, (4) listing subject

content, (5) selecting teaching-learning activities, (6) designing the materials, 7)

evaluating the materials, and (8) revising the materials.



1. Conducting Needs Survey

The initial step to begin was conducting needs survey. The reason why the

researcher chose this was because it is really important to know the need analysis

of the participants. In order to gather the data for these, questionnaire was

distributed to the eight grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. To make sure

the information gathered from the questionnaire were valid; the researcher also

conducted an interview with the English teacher of the participants. The result of

the questionnaire and interview are presented as follows.

a. The Data from the Questionnaire

The questionnaire was distributed to 15 students, 8 males and 7 females, of

class VIII-B of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The researcher decided to use

closed-form based. By closed-closed-form, this means the students only need to choose choices

of option given in the questionnaire based on their belief and situation only. The

following table is the result of the questionnaire collected for the need analysis



Table 4.1: The Results of the Need Analysis Survey

No Questions Responses Percentage

1. Do the respondents get Reading activity in English subject?

a. Yes b. No

100% 0% 2. How often do the respondents get

Reading activity in English subject weekly?

a. Very often b. Quite often c. Quite rare d. Very rare

86.7% 6.7% 6.7% 0% 3. Do the respondents get difficulties in

following the Reading activity?

a. Yes b. No

46.7% 53.3% 4. What are the respondents’

difficulties in Reading activity?

a. Structure b. Vocabulary

c. Theme of the reading

73.3% 53.3% 26.7% 5. What are the respondents’

impressions while having Reading activity?

a. Fun b. Boring

c. Nothing special


Continue from page 35

6. What makes the respondents feel bored?

a. The uninteresting theme

b. Over difficultof the reading

c. Less variation in activity

d. Doesn’t understand the activity





7. What activities do the respondents want in the Reading?

a. Answer question based on reading text

b. Answering true-false question

c. Translating English word to Indonesian in the text




8. In Reading task, what do the

respondents prefer? Individual work or group work?

a. Individual b. Group

26.7% 73.3%

9. Do the respondents get Writing activity in English subject?

a. Yes b. No

100% 0% 10. How often do the respondents get

Writing activity in English subject weekly?

a. Very often b. Quite often c. Quite rare d. Very rare

20% 80% 0% 0% 11. Do the respondents get difficulties in

following the Writing activity?

a. Yes b. No

33.3% 66.7% 12. What are the respondents’

difficulties in Writing activity?

a. Structure b. Vocabulary

c. Topic of the writing

66.7% 53.3% 20% 13. How do the respondents make a

composition in English?

a. Make the whole composition in Indonesian then translate it into English b. Make the outline in

Indonesian then write the composition in English

c. Write the composition in English directly




14. What activities do the respondents want in the Writing?

a. Write a story from the pictures

b. Jumbled sentences c. Continue a story d. Retell a story using

own words


60% 26.7% 13.3%

15. In Writing task, what is the

respondents’ preference? Individual or group works?

a. Individual b. Group



Continue from page 36

16. Choose 4 topics that the respondents interesting to learn!

a. Animals b. Plants c. Holiday d. Sport e. Job f. Fashion g. Music h. Family i. Food j. Technology k. Fingerboard 25% 1.7% 16.7% 15% 0% 3.3% 23.3% 3.3% 10% 0% 1.7%

The results of the questionnaire played an important part in making the

designed materials. By understanding the problems or difficulties the students

faced in learning English, more importantly reading and writing skills, the

researcher will be able to properly develop the appropriate materials to overcome

their difficulties. The researcher chose to divide the questionnaire into two main

parts. The first part is a set of questions about reading skills while the second one

is a set of questions about writing skills. While the researcher expected the most

difficulty the participants are about the vocabulary, the researcher found out that

in reading mostly the participants get difficulty in grammar. Knowing this, the

researcher will emphasize the designed materials with grammar exercise.

Vocabulary became the next issue in students’ understanding in reading skill.

Therefore these designed materials will use vocabularies in which the students

mostly used in their daily activities.

The result of writing part of the questionnaire also really related with the

reading part, in which grammar became the greatest concern for the participants.

Somehow, this result is quite good for the researcher himself because the


order to help the participants for their grammar problem, the researcher will

provide an example of reading passage in each unit and then the participants will

be asked to create a similar story using pictures provided. Other technique used to

overcome the difficulty is arranging jumbled sentences.This way, the participants

will gain both vocabulary and grammar lesson in one integrated activity.

The other result from the questionnaire tells about the various topics the

participants want to learn. The researcher provided eleven topics for the

participants to choose, they were given four choices. The topics were Animals,

Plants, Holiday, Sport, Job, Fashion, Music, Family, Food, Technology, and

Fingerboard. Not all the topics were used in this design material, the researcher

only chose four out of eleven of the most preferable by the participants. The topics

used were Animals, Holiday, Music, and Food.

b. The Data from the Interview

Beside the questionnaire, the researcher also interviewed the English

teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The purpose of this is to obtain more

specific information which cannot be obtained only by form of questionnaire.

There were two main questions in the interview. The first one was about asking

what difficulties the teacher experienced while teaching English in Class VIIIB

SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The second question was about asking what

difficulties the participants mostly had while learning English, especially reading

and writing skills. The result of the interviews indicated that the skills of each

individual in Class VIIIB were very varied. Because of this fact, the teacher



teacher had difficulty to set the standard of difficulty of the materials she would

like to use. The teacher told the researcher that the above average smart students

usually did not pay attention to the teacher because they were confident in their

ability. There was also tendency that they did not want to share their knowledge to


Figure 2.2  The Researcher’s Model
Figure 3.1 Relationship between the researcher
Table 3.1: Degree of Agreement Meaning Absolutely Disagree
Table 4.1: The Results of the Need Analysis Survey Questions Responses Percentage


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