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The translation of english fictional book titles into indonesian contexts : a functionalist approach.


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DYAHPRAMESTI, PURINDRASWARI. The Translation of English Fictional Book Titles into Indonesian Contexts: A Functionalist Approach. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This undergraduate thesis is about the equivalence and acceptability of several English fictional books which are translated into Indonesian. The concern studies a list of book titles which are specifically no word-for-word translation that are comprised in the thriller or romance genre category. The functionalist approach is taken as main theory used in this study since the analysis would go towards texts translation functions in bridging two different cultures from ST to TT.

In the study, there are two problems raised to analyze. The first problem is to find whether the data of ST and TT are equivalent by using the assessment of communicative effectiveness theory, as a part of functionalist approach method in evaluating whether ST and TT translation achieve the same purpose. Besides, the second problem is how acceptable the translation of TT for TT readerships.

The method used in this study is the library and field research. The field research takes acceptability analysis of study which needs 30 respondents to fill out the questionnaires of 30 data translation. The indications is used for questionnaires is Nababan’s acceptability category. The library research is also used for the needs of information, theories and study related to the topic discussed in such equivalence problem which only uses functionalist theory to analyze.



DYAHPRAMESTI, PURINDRASWARI. The Translation of English Fictional Book Titles into Indonesian Contexts: A Functionalist Approach. Yogyakarta: Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang ekuivalensi dan keberterimaan beberapa buku fiksi bahasa Inggris yang diterjemahkan ke dalam konteks Bahasa Indonesia. Sasaran utama pada sekumpulan judul buku yang secara spesifik bukan terjemahan kata-per-kata yang telah di kategorikan dalam misteri dan romansa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fungsional yang mana turut menjadi teori utama dikarenakan analisis teks akan mengenai fungsi teks terjemahan itu sendiri dalam menjembatani dua kebudayaan yang berbeda dari Teks Sumber (Source Text) dan TeksTarget (Target Text).

Dalam studi ini terdapat dua permasalahan yang akan di analisis. Permasalahan pertama adalah menemukan ekuivalensi dari data ST dan TT menggunakan teori keefektifan komunikatif yang merupakan bagian dari metode pendekatan fungsional yang mengevaluasi belum atau sudahnya terjemahan ST ke TT mencapai tujuan yang sama, dan masalah kedua adalah seberapa berterima terjemahan TT untuk pembaca TT.

Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah penelitian pustaka dan lapangan. Penelitian lapangan digunakan dalam analisis keberterimaan yang membutuhkan 30 responden untuk mengisi kuesioner yang terdiri dari 30 data terjemahan. Indikator yang digunakan dalam kuesioner adalah kategori keberterimaan milik Nababan. Penelitian pustaka digunakan sebagai sumber informasi, teoridanstuditambahan yang berhubungan dengan topik diskusi seperti permasalahan ekuivalen, yang hanya menggunakan teori fungsional dalam analisisnya.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters







The secret of life, though, is to

fall seven times and to get up eight





For all the process and achievement in finishing this thesis, this page is meant to be a small gratitude for people who have helped me through until today. Like it is very impossible of me to finish this alone, therefore it is He who blesses me with every chance to encounter and feel all things that could possibly be the best parts of growing up.

Secondly, I would like to thank my advisor, Harris Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum. for all his guidance given before I even began writing this thesis until it is eventually finished. Besides, I would like to thank Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum., my thesis co-advisor, for helping me in correction and guidance to complete this thesis. I would also thank Sanata Dharma University for the better knowledge that builds me as a person and a student.

Next, for my family who always encourages me to take the next step to the furthest extent, I thank them for the prayers and supports in many ways.

Most of all, my biggest gratitude goes for all of my friends whom I particularly have during these four years. They have given more than I could ask for by making four years feel very short. I thank them so much for togetherness, laughter, time, lesson, support and motivation so that every weighs feel like a feather. Moreover, I thank them all for being another home to me.













ABSTRACT... xiii

ABSTRAK ...xiv


A. Background of study ...1

B. Problem Formulation ...5

C. Objectives of Study...5

D. Definition of Terms...6


A. Review of Related Studies ...8

B. Review of Related Theories...11

1. Theory of Translation ...11

2. Translation Equivalence...11

3. Translation Acceptability...12

4. Functionalist Approach ...13



6. Field, Mode and Tenor...15

7. Lexical Density ...16

8. Back Translation ...17

C. Theoretical Framework ...17


A. Areas of Research ...19

B. Object of Study ...19

C. Method of Study ...20

D. Research Procedure...20

1. Types of Data ...20

2. Data Collection ...21

3. Population and Sample ...23

4. Data Analysis ...23


A. The Translation Equivalence Assessment Using Communicative Effectiveness ...27

a. Equivalent Translation ...28

1. The Target Text Has the Same Field, Mode and Tenor as Source Text ...28

b. Not Equivalent Translation ...35

1. The Target Text Has the Same Field and Mode, but Different Tenor from Source Text...36

2. The Target Text Has the Same Mode, but Different Field and Tenor from Source Text...44

3. The Target Text Has the Same Mode and Tenor, but Different Field from Source Text ...53

B. The Translation Acceptability Assessment...57



2. The Less Acceptability Translation in the Analysis Using

Target Text’s Blurb...80




Appendix 1: List of Data, Genre Categorization and Lexical Density...89

Appendix 2: Recapitulation of Equivalence Analysis Result...91

Appendix 3: Acceptability Questionnaires...93

Appendix 4: Recapitulation of Acceptability Questionnaires ...106




Table 1. Example of Acceptability Analysis ... 22 Table 2. Example of Translation Equivalence Assessment Using Communicative

Effectiveness ... 24 Table 3. Nababan’s Indicator of Acceptability (modified) ... 25 Table 4. Example of Acceptability Questionnaires (written in Indonesian)




DYAHPRAMESTI, PURINDRASWARI. The Translation of English Fictional Book Titles into Indonesian Contexts: A Functionalist Approach. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This undergraduate thesis is about the equivalence and acceptability of several English fictional books which are translated into Indonesian. The concern studies a list of book titles which are specifically no word-for-word translation that are comprised in the thriller or romance genre category. The functionalist approach is taken as main theory used in this study since the analysis would go towards texts translation functions in bridging two different cultures from ST to TT.

In the study, there are two problems raised to analyze. The first problem is to find whether the data of ST and TT are equivalent by using the assessment of communicative effectiveness theory, as a part of functionalist approach method in evaluating whether ST and TT translation achieve the same purpose. Besides, the second problem is how acceptable the translation of TT for TT readerships.

The method used in this study is the library and field research. The field research takes acceptability analysis of study which needs 30 respondents to fill out the questionnaires of 30 data translation. The indications is used for questionnaires is Nababan’s acceptability category. The library research is also used for the needs of information, theories and study related to the topic discussed in such equivalence problem which only uses functionalist theory to analyze.




DYAHPRAMESTI, PURINDRASWARI. The Translation of English Fictional Book Titles into Indonesian Contexts: A Functionalist Approach. Yogyakarta: Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang ekuivalensi dan keberterimaan beberapa buku fiksi bahasa Inggris yang diterjemahkan ke dalam konteks Bahasa Indonesia. Sasaran utama pada sekumpulan judul buku yang secara spesifik bukan terjemahan kata-per-kata yang telah di kategorikan dalam misteri dan romansa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fungsional yang mana turut menjadi teori utama dikarenakan analisis teks akan mengenai fungsi teks terjemahan itu sendiri dalam menjembatani dua kebudayaan yang berbeda dari Teks Sumber (Source Text) dan TeksTarget (Target Text).

Dalam studi ini terdapat dua permasalahan yang akan di analisis. Permasalahan pertama adalah menemukan ekuivalensi dari data ST dan TT menggunakan teori keefektifan komunikatif yang merupakan bagian dari metode pendekatan fungsional yang mengevaluasi belum atau sudahnya terjemahan ST ke TT mencapai tujuan yang sama, dan masalah kedua adalah seberapa berterima terjemahan TT untuk pembaca TT.

Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah penelitian pustaka dan lapangan. Penelitian lapangan digunakan dalam analisis keberterimaan yang membutuhkan 30 responden untuk mengisi kuesioner yang terdiri dari 30 data terjemahan. Indikator yang digunakan dalam kuesioner adalah kategori keberterimaan milik Nababan. Penelitian pustaka digunakan sebagai sumber informasi, teoridanstuditambahan yang berhubungan dengan topik diskusi seperti permasalahan ekuivalen, yang hanya menggunakan teori fungsional dalam analisisnya.

Pada hasil akhir, ditemukan dua penemuan dalam penelitian skripsi yaitu terdapat 7 data dinyatakan ekuivalen pada analisis pertama. Ekuivalensi ditandai dengan pencapaian penuh teks dalam memilikifield, modedan tenoryang positif atau sama (ST dengan TT). Sisanya, 23 data, menunjukan hasil berbeda untuk





A. Background of the Study

Translation activity has been known and done for long time. It is a process of

textual material substitution from source language (SL) into target language (TL)

(Catford, 1974: 20). Therefore, translation is an activity of rendering information

from one language to another which has also become a way or tool to broaden

knowledge and experience views in the brief period of time and limited form of

text. As important as language as it is used as system of communication for

human beings, translation activity is inevitable to be said as vital as language in

communication since it has to do with delivering messages from two different

spoken or written words culturally or in meaning. “Translation is an operation

performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text

in another.” (Catford, 1965:1). Moreover, the job of delivering messages in

translation is also a crucial one that a translator must not mislead the messages

conveyed to the target reader or receiver. Thus, the exigency of accuracy and

acceptability are very essentially needed in the process of translation to be able to

cope with catching the idea of two languages that also deals with the cultural

differences from both Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL).

Likewise in nowadays, many imported books have been subtitled in other

foreign languages in order to fulfill the gain of the books’ popularity throughout

the world, so have English import books been, which are, in many case, translated


and tendency of changing the books’ original element to make it more familiar in

target language and attract target readerships. One example is to suit the culture of

target language, by changing the books’ title, even farther from the original title.

Accordingly, one example English fictional book title taken into account in which

it embarks on the case mentioned above is Mitch Albom’s The Five People You

Meet in Heaven translated and published into Indonesian version as Mitch

Albom’s Meniti Bianglala. Whereas the Indonesian subtitle of the book’s title

would be Lima Orang yang Anda Temui di Surga since Meniti Bianglala holds

literal meaning Walking on the Rainbow when it is literally translated in English.

Consequently, the impression of the book would be different as well because book

titles represent different idea. The idea holds an explicit ambiguity of what the

book is about, presenting a different first impression for Target Language (TL)

further than the original one from Source Language (SL).

To analyze such a case, the translation strategy in description is used to draw

the meaning of SL into TL with the consideration of situational model and

socio-cultural meaning. The description strategy in situational model is a way of

translation with understanding the meaning of expressions or sentences by seeing

and determining its situational context (Widyamartaya, 1989: 22). As Catford

seconds with “SL and TL texts or items are translation equivalents when they are

interchangeable in a give situation” (1965: 3). Meanwhile, the application of

socio-cultural meaning in descriptive translation strategy is the way the translator

used other words or original SL to hold particular word meaning that describes


acceptability are chosen as the translation assessments to evaluate the translation’s

quality further. Those two assessments are best applied to analyze and consider

what particular words in TL shall replace any other words of SL, or why some

words remain in the real form of not being translated in TL.

Therefore, the thesis would analyze the translation of novel titles into

Indonesian using functionalist approach. It is an approach that grasps the idea of

descriptive and socio-in-cultural translation in dynamic flow persisting to

complete the aim of conveying message, getting through two cultures (Nord,

1997: 3). The approach seconds the analysis of quality assessment in equivalence

of a text in this thesis. Therefore, the presence of functionalist approach takes out

its map of areas to be analyzed in which each of it has its specialist viewpoint

bringing out intention in solving and answering why such translation of a text is

conveyed and delivered in such particular another way. According to Boleslav,

functional linguistics has its division of analysis that is divided into field, mode

and tenor (2005: 1). In addition, there is communicative effectiveness theory is

used that aspires the deeper flow of text analysis based on field, mode and tenor.

The usage of field in this thesis would assist analysis in descriptive point of

experiential elements through lexical words and proportions in divides that could

be seen in the text itself. Furthermore, mode is more concerned on textual

viewpoint about the style of the text produced and delivered, which is all over a

point in a continuum defined by several axis (the spoken/written axis & the

action/reflection axis), interactivity and spontaneity. As mode analysis takes more


tenor is the part of interpersonal metadata of text to analyze as it manages about

the identity of author, the target readership and the relationship between author

and target readership whether it is by chance or deliberate re-present. Lastly, the

addition of communicative effectiveness keeps the analysis of translation in this

thesis in the checking extent whether or not the text translated is considered

effective to be said as translated already upon its accomplishment in conditional

register of Field, Mode and Tenor.

On the other hand, the translation novels also associates directly to TL,

Therefore the necessity in proving how the translation could be accepted by target

receivers is included in the study as well. The translation is acceptable when it

could be accepted in target language by adapting the translation with the cultures

and norms of the target language (Munday, 2011: 144). That means, if the

translation is acceptable, it is understandable by target receivers. The

understandable term stands for accomplishing message delivery and adjusting TL

culture. Therefore, the terms of result is used in the acceptability analysis are

acceptable and less acceptable. Since acceptable takes for a text is understandable

by target readership, therefore less acceptable is for a text that results being less

acceptable by target readership. That such consideration is taken because many

TL’s translation books appear different from original titles; however they are still

published and read by target receivers. Thus, less acceptable is chosen as a

concern of functional aspect on how the translation is used and performed and its


Additionally, the writer hopes that the thesis would be useful for the readers to

give insights and understandings how translation process works and what

problems usually occur in translating two different languages.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How is the equivalence of the translation of English fictional book titles

into Indonesian context seen from functionalist approach?

2. How acceptable arethe series of English fictional book titles translated into

Indonesian context?

C. Objectives of Study

Based on the problem formulation above, there are three objectives in this

study. The first objective is to find out how equivalent a list of English fictional

book titles translated into Indonesian contextas the data inserted in this study.

The determination of equivalence is followed by the functionalist approach that

has been already constructed with its own conditional aspect to be precise in aim

fulfilling the viewpoint of Field, Mode and Tenor, and also the communicative

effectiveness goal.

The second objective of this study is to identify the acceptability of several

English fictional book titles with comparing to its translated version in

Indonesian. Moreover, this will be followed by the result of acceptable and less

acceptable classification. And the last is to find out the conclusion about how

much functionalist approach influence the context-related translation and solve


D. Definition of Terms

There are several terms are used in this study. They are translation,

equivalence, acceptability, functionalist approach and titles. To avoid

misunderstanding and misinterpretation, here are the explanations of the


Translation is the process of transferring message rendered from one

language into another different language. According to Nida and Taber (1969:

27) translation is reproducing the receptor language to closest natural

equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style. Thus, the naturalness in translation is important to

render and adjust in the same idea that appears in TL.

Equivalence generally has a thing to do with being similar or the same,

interchangeable with something else. Bell stated that “translation is the

replacement of a representative of a text in one language by a representation

of an equivalent text in a second language.” (1991: 6). Thus, to find

equivalence in translation is to find similarity of the two texts with its

substantial which is conveying the message of first language (Source

Language) into second language (Target Language).

Acceptability based on Hatim’s theory about standards of textuality is the

term that means text receivers’ response (2001: 117). In addition, translation

considered acceptable if the TL can understand the translated translation with


for TL translation that appears in different idea from the original message


Functionalist approach is the approach that has other names such as

functionalism or functional in the very simplest form into function in which it

refers to what a text means or is intended to mean from the receiver’s point of

view (Nord, 1997: 28). Accordingly, it is the form of semantically translation

as the other words of the continuant of dynamic equivalence.

Titles refer to the name of book, poem, painting, piece of music and other

literary or artistic works (Oxford, 2015: 1626). Hence, book titles in this study

are the texts which are represented by certain words. The words are the names

that are designed to present the story inside.




This chapter elaborates the studies done by other researchers on similar topics and

reviews some theories applied in this thesis. The studies similar to this thesis are

taken from Puspitaratri, Wachyuni and Kuil’s ones. Each study is reviewed

somewhat at length to find the similarities and the different point of views in order

to avoid topics duplication. Some theories applied are also reviewed and discussed

to find a solid ground on which this thesis is carried on.

A. Review of Related Studies

1. Diah Puspitaratri’s thesis “Translation Quality Assessment on Accuracy, Naturalness and Acceptability of the Translation of Leo Tolstoy’s After the Dance into Setelah Pesta Dansaby Anton Kurnia”

This undergraduate thesis discusses the quality assessment on accuracy,

naturalness and acceptability as translation strategies applied in the data of Leo

Tolstoy’s fictional book entitled After the Dance which is translated into Setelah

Pesta Dansain Indonesian. In Puspitaratri’s analysis, the process and steps taken

are by the consideration of whether or not the text translation found in the book

are accurate when compared to its original Source Text.Furthermore, it steps on

applying the second tool of translation strategy examining it into its naturalness to

read for TL readers in order to check whether or not the TT is capable of reaching

local custom and value in conveying messages.In short, these two theses may


to the same issue, even such delete or adaption of several words are the analyzed


The present thesis is quite different from Puspitaratri‘s thesis as it is

evident from which the data are already different that Puspitaratri’s thesis uses

some sentences, or excerpts to analyze in assisting brief and implicit explanation

for the context and meaning of several words replaced or erased in the final TL’s

translation, as this data thesis are lists of book titles that use reviews to analyze

data. Furthermore, although the use of strategy is the same and the steps of

analysis is similar, this thesis has concernon focusing on some particular

diction,that change the whole phrase or sentence semantically and syntactically,

and relating to the whole context of review. Meanwhile, Puspitaratri’s thesis

comes down to the analysis of phrases and clauses into TL’s contexts.

2. Sophia F. Wachyuni’s “The Problem of the Translation of Lubis’s Jalan Tak Ada Ujunginto A Road with No End”

This undergraduate thesis discusses the equivalence of meanings in the

novel which is originally from Indonesian translated into English. The scope data

and analysis of Wachyuni‘s thesis is to analyze the English translated form as TL

studied and compared to the original version written in Indonesian as SL. Also

States that there are found many words that are wrongly or non-equivalent

translated which leads to the final mark that the translation is unacceptable.

That is an interesting study since it provides various evidence of words,


comparative method in bridging two different cultures that somehow become the

problematic in translation.

Nevertheless, Wachyuni‘s is different from this thesis as it concerns more to

the cultural problem in the sense of dictions’ use and functions, with its

effects,merely using equivalent strategy. Meanwhile, the present thesis analyzes

the equivalence of two outputs from two different languages leading more to the

reasons why such translation applied in such particular contexts, although both

theses apply equivalent strategy analysis.

3. Fransisca Margaretha Kuil’s thesis “A Study on the Translation of Christian Related Terms in the Constitution of the Sisters of Notre Dame”

This undergraduate thesis studies about the translation of Christian

relatedterms in the Constitution of a religious Congregation of Notre Dame. To

bridge the two cultural translation, the main goal of this thesis is to keep message

and meaning by using certain methods of the theory of SL-emphasis and

TL-emphasis and finding method in later analysis.

The thesis in some way relates to the writer’s thesis as there are found many

theories and strategies applied that used semantic approach in bridging

socio-cultural case of context.

However, there is difference found in the thesis from the writer thesis in

which, the concerns of Kuil’s is broader that check and consider the data whether


has already specifically studied the data with the method of functionalist approach

meaning to say, the data taken are already the dynamic translation type.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theories of Translation

Translation is the process of transferring message rendered from one language

into another different language.

Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida and Taber, 1969:27).

In short, according to Nida and Taber, it is urgency that translation must keep

meaning and style in delivering the data of translation. In other words, it does not

only carry the point of message being rendered and transferred from SL (Source

Language) to TL (Target Language), but also keeps its style, which is naturalness

of translation,that the message of SL transferred and adjusted in the same idea that

appears in TL.

2. Translation Equivalence

Newmark says that “the principle of equivalent frequency of usage in source

and target language applied to grammatical structures and lexis is particularly

useful as an additional method of verifying a translation.” (1981: 145)

Equivalence is a part of translation strategy that concerns on the process of

conveying the same message from SL (Source Language) to TL (Target


According to Eugene Nida’s classification of equivalence in Susan Bassnett’s


dynamic ones. The difference is that formal equivalence is always based on the


Formal equivalence ‘focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content. In such translation one is concerned with such correspondences as poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept.’ Nida calls this type of translation a ‘gloss translation’, which aims to allow the reader to understand as much of the SL context as possible. (Bassnett, 2008: 33)

Meanwhile, the dynamic equivalence has the translation in TL that may have

different from SL.

Dynamic equivalence is based on the principle of equivalent effect, i.e. that the relationship between receiver and message should aim at being at the same as that between the original receivers and the SL message. (Bassnett, 2008: 33)

Even though, there are two different strategy of equivalence in translation, in

for short can be categorized as ‘word-for-word’ and ‘free’ translation based on

Catford’s theory; yet, those two emphasize the essence and necessity of equivalent

translation that has to be able to cover up what is being rendered, delivered and

received in the same way.

3. Translation Acceptability

The strategy process in translating by considering the understanding or

response of the audience is well-known as acceptability. This term is the

continuant strategy to check whether or not the translation from SL into TL can be

accepted as valid or invalid translation.

According to Hatim’s theory about standards of textuality, the term


considered acceptable if the TL can understand the translated translation with their

basis of culture.

Thus, Bassnett in her book also states about the Durisin’s argument about


The translator of literary text is not concerned with establishing equivalence of natural language but of artistic producers. And those products cannot be considered in isolation, but must be located within the specific cultural-temporal context within which they are utilized.

To conclude, acceptability is the keyword of cultural pass in which it functions

to come into two sides of the door transferring messages faithfully but it is not

engaged with rule. The rule itself is the strict playing of syntax and literalism.

Moreover, acceptability must follow what is served in the TT, TL’s culture, and it

is very urgent for the TL audiences to be able to understand the message of SL in

their own understanding based on their own kind of context.

4. Functionalist Approach

Functionalist approach is an approach in translation that is ‘functional’ which

concerns on the function of text and translation. The typically recognazition of

functionalist approach which is somehow also called as functional approach and

functionalism, is in which, translation could be descriptive, but it still manages to

render the message of original source. Briefly, it has the tendency to give

situation-in-culture in exchanging communication material as the result of the

translation in the basis of personal input.

This approach has been a new continuant strategy system in translation of

dynamic equivalence. Christiane Nord, Hans J. Vermeer stated term of


refers to what a text means or is intended to mean from the receiver’s point of

view. (1997: 28) In other words, functionalism is semantically translation or

sense-for-sense as dynamic equivalence. Hence, to apply functionalism as the

mean of translation two different titles, is to see how and why the target text take

particular words and style and do check on its function.

Furthermore, functionalism is also taken note as the process of rendering

massage from source translation which must accomplish conditional goals, among

others: Field (experiental point), Mode (textual point), and Tenor (interpersonal

point). Those three points are also included as the ‘functionalist’ checklist of text

translation that compulses text translation (Boleslav, 2015: 4)

5. Communicative Effectiveness

The other practical guide that determine a target text has been translated based

on its source—passing through the message and intended meaning of text—with

fulfilling conditional goals and terms is to make sure the existence of text telling.

Communicative effectiveness is a theory saying “a text is effective if it suceeds in

achieving its purpose” (Boleslav, 2005: 13) focuses on accomplishing functions—

different from function in functional approach—judged in a text that in which a

text must have either “thematic organization” as the kind of text themes and

elements, and “cohesion” as named sense-of-meaning for target receivers, or the

goal accomplishment of Field, Mode and Tenor to be found.

What Field, Mode and Tenor mean to categorize communicative effectiveness

is merely the same expression as it is found in functionalist analysis texts. To


text’s semantic domain and its specialization. Moreover, the “about” element

conceived by Field also includes what kind of text is it practically have the talk

about the process and circumstance types. Meanwhile, Mode deals with the

textual element of a text which relates to the method taken by a text generated as

it is. In this element, it is very likely a text’s method appears to be more than

varies of production as a text may adjust interactivity or spontaneity-like.

Furthermore, to analyze a text’s effectiveness, last categorization used is Tenor in

which practically relates to the author and his audiences talking about language,

social features, and the relationship between them. It is practically way in

analyzing a text based on text produced and what kind of audiences expected to be

presented with such language written in a text itself.

6. Field, Mode and Tenor

According to Boleslav’s theory (2015: 4), there are three qualifications to

determine whether a text is functional or not. The qualifications are field, mode

and tenor which are explained below, as following:

Field The experiential viewpoint from a text that basically concern on what text is about.

Mode The textual viewpoint from a text that displays the characteristics of its intended mode (high interactivity and high spontaneity (could be counted by lexical density)).

Tenor The interpersonal viewpoint from a text that constructs the expected tenor for the participants.

Those three qualifications are essential in text analysis. Each of them carries

role of viewpoints that construct text to accomplish its functionalism as well as


The study of field is the analysis of dictions used in ST and TT by drawing the

meaning of words. It is also used to see how a word performs to replace and

represent the idea of ST and TT as well as the genre of text. Meanwhile, mode is

about the study of interactivity of text that is used to interest readers. It also

studies the spontaneity of text that relies on the calculation of lexical density.

What it indicates is the lower lexical density results; the more spontaneous text

appears. On the other hand, tenor is about the technique on how text is constructed

(personalization >< impersonalization). Next, by the stance of text that indicates

what attitude is expressed. The analysis covers lexical choices and evaluative

expression (asserted, assumed and triggered attitude in choices).

7. Lexical Density

In this study, in proving how the translation works in theory, arts and market

is also determined by lexical density. According to Hallday, “lexical density is

distinguishing lexical and grammatical item (content words) to the total

discourse.” It can be measured in various ways: the ration of the lexical items

either to the total running words or some higher grammatical unit, most obviously

the clause. (1987: 60). Therefore, the method of calculating Lexical Density (LD)

is written in the following formula.

LD (%) = ே ௨ ௠ ௕ ௘ ௥ ௢ ௙ ௟ ௘ ௫ ௜ ௖ ௔ ௟ ௪ ௢ ௥ ௗ ௦ ் ௢ ௧ ௔ ௟ ௡ ௨ ௠ ௕ ௘ ௥(் ௢ ௞ ௘ ௡ ௦) × 100%

Moreover, LD is used in this study in the practice of mode analysis. The

significance is the lower LD in a text, the more spontaneous the text is. The


structures constructed. Therefore, a title is effective as possible that is able to

attract target readership as well as produces intended result.

8. Back Translation

According to Harkness and Glusberg (1998), back translation involves the

translation of a text which itself is a translation back into the original language. It

is most commonly used and recommended as a way to asses translation work.

(Werner Campbell, 1970). Back translation also could be used as the translator

assessment. It is used to bridge the translation of SL and TL in comparison of

word meaning.

C. Theoretical Framework

The definition of translation based on Nida and Taber, and with translation

quality assessments cover equivalence and acceptability aspects by Bassnett,

Hatim and Durisin (stated in Bassnett’s book) with the addition of

functional/functionalist approach/functionalism stated from Christiane Nord and

practical guide for functional text analysis by Boleslav which also covering for

communicative effectiveness; and field, mode and tenor are the basic

understanding to the topic being discussed in this study. Along with the theory of

lexical density and back translation, the translation analysis is also assessed by

those theories to accomplish objectives.

To begin, the theory of Translation by Nida and Taber is very essential in

elaborating what and how translator and translation need to translate with the

naturalist work. Relating to this study, the theory of equivalence and its type


acceptability theory by Hatim and Durisin help the writer to the understanding on

the formality of ‘what is called acceptability’ and its importance. Furthermore,

using the appliance of Nababan’s acceptability indicator and simplified category

is to assess the data in this research.

Functional/Functionalist Approach/Functionalism is the third theory used

in this study that covers most of the work. The importance of this approach is to

assess the traslation compentence and help the writer finding equivalence of ST

and TT marking the the accomplishment of translation and its communicative

effectiveness that also, later on becoming the additional theory. Field, Mode and

Tenor which are a part of functionalist approach are the categorization that is used

to assess the approach in analysis. Thus, these last theory, approach and

qualifications are very useful in answering the first problem formulation.

Lastly, lexical density is used to assess the equivalence analysis. It deals

with the spontaneity that is included in the method on solving the first problem.

On the other hand, back translation takes a part in assessing the analysis in the

first and second formulations. It is a tool in this study to find the ‘functional’




A. Areas of Research

The study concerns on the translation of source texts and targets texts with

evaluation of English fictional book titles into its translated version of Indonesian

contexts. It uses the implementation of a functionalist approach to work on its

analysis extent. The data are evaluated consisted of 30 English fictional book titles

completed with its Indonesian adaptation titles which are from two different

genres, that are thriller for 15fictional titles preceded and 15 romance fictional

book titles. According to Williams and Chesterman (2002: 6), this kind of study is

text analysis and translation which functions to analyze the translation strategy

and change or shift between SL and TL applied and its condition of use.

B. Object of the Study

The object of this study was 30 English fictional book titles that had been

translated and adapted into Indonesian version; however, it was limited to several

titles which were not word-to-word translation between original title and its

translated ones. Since the translatable unit in the form of book titles, therefore

they were in the phrase and sentence forms. The data of fiction titles are a series

of romance and thriller bestseller books in TL.

Moreover, in this study, there was a superior role of functionalist approach

in which it was an approach that took more scale of space in the study as it had the

counterbalance for the descriptive translation strategy and socio-cultural meaning


analyzed were far from each other in meaning impressed people who

pickedwithout knowing the original names would think the title as it is.Therefore

that was the task of functional approach in which it took concern on the

equivalence between ST and TT titles dispersing around analysis viewpoints

related to the work of text called as a good text through terms of Field, Mode and


C. Method of the Study

The method taken in analyzing the work was a library research, as to

second and complete this study;there is the needs of information, theories and

study related to the topic which would be discussed.

The data in this study was primary data in which it was collected by the

researcher who studied the topic and was not taken from other sources. All the

primary data were taken from referent books and internet.

D. Research Procedure

1. Type of Data

a. Objective Data

The objective data used in this research are a list of English fictional book

titles. There were several fictional titles originally written by Agatha Christie in

thriller. Its number of titles and their Indonesian translation were 14, and the rest

of total thriller fictions were the writing of John Fielding. Meanwhile, there are 15

romance English of fictional books titles compiled from several different


that are mostly found in Indonesian bookstores or libraries with the amount of

translation versions are often read by target receivers.

b. Affective Data

This study also collected the affirmative data garnered from respondents to

fill out questionnaires concerning translation equivalence and acceptability of the

English of fictional titles translated into Indonesian context. The form of

questionnaires would be the whole data which had been categorized differently

based on its genres, into two divisions: thriller and romance. There were 30

randomly chosen respondents who were people in general without age levels or

occupation differences as the base of measurement cover.That becomes the fair

measurement since analysis would be focus on acceptability translation that

relates to target receivers who could be anybody who understand Indonesian. The

acceptability questionnaire always concerns on target receivers as it is up to the

standard of the translation beneficiary. This affective data were used to measure

how acceptable the translation was.

2. Data Collection

Since the data in this study were a list of book titles, therefore the first step

was to collect the English fictional book titles that had been translated into

Indonesian with its particular conditions, that those books to choose had already

had its Indonesian title versions in no word-for-word translation. The work of

collecting data took any fictional titles which were found in the bookstore, library

or even some websites in the internet. The picking-up came with the condition


After having the list of titles to use and analyze, they were categorized by genres

in order to limit the research area and to find the exact analysis and objectivity of

its translation. As a result, there are two different genre of book categories used in

this study, which are thriller and romance.

Furthermore, the primary data collections were to use the assessment of

questionnaires. The data of questions were taken by samples and it was in the kind

of purposive samples so that it could give the information needed by the

researcher to bridge the problem formulation between SL and TL. Therefore, it

means that the questionnaires only took one of the quality assessments in

translation, which was acceptability, to be sampled to and checked on


Table 1.1.Example of Acceptability Analysis

No Data ST TT Category

1 1/ST/ThG/Ac/FL Five Little Pigs


uhan Acceptable

2 2/ST/RoG/Ac/FR Fools Rush

In CintaTiba-tiba

Less Acceptable

In which,

ST : Source Text

TTAc : Target Text for Acceptability ThG : Thriller Genre

RoG : Romance Genre

Ac : Acceptability of Quality Assessment Translation FL : Three Little Pigs


After the data in the Source Text and Target Text were all coded, the data

were given to respondents. The writer used the questionnaires to measure the

acceptability among people in general. The respondents gave score for each data.

3. Population and Sample

The population data in this study consisted of 30 English and Indonesian

fictional book titles. 15 were thriller and 15 are romance genre book. All data

were analyzed.

4. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, there were some steps taken to accomplish the

analysis goal in this study based on the quality of assessments and approach used.

Seeing from the problem formulation and objectivity, the first step was to put the

list of titles it the equivalence analysis of two different expression titles from SL

into TL. The measurement scope of quality assessment translation in equivalence

here would take the functional approach to second the grip of analysis work. The

basic aim of this approach was to analyze about how the readers get the message

of what is told. Thus, by using the guide compass from Boleslav’s theory, the

search of equivalence and non-equivalence would be determined by Field (for the

experiential viewpoint), Mode (for the textual viewpoint) and Tenor (for the

interpersonal viewpoint) as the method of score in analysis. In addition, there is

communicative effectiveness as a tool of measurement on whether or not the text

translated achieves the goal from rendering messages from SL to TL to


In this instance, in the equivalence analysis, the theoretical practice of

communicative effectiveness would be used to support. The proceeding was taken

since the praxis which was used that suggested communicative effectiveness took

the analysis of text came all over the text’s ideas of Field, Mode and Tenor the

same way as equivalence. To make use of communicative effectiveness as an

assessment, thereforethere will be a deeper practice analysis to texts equivalence

and also effectiveness in use. Thus, the categorization would be induced into table

for practical mode below.

Table 4.2. Example of Translation Equivalence Assessment Using Communicative Effectiveness

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor

22/ST/Ro G/TNC/


The Twelve Nights of Christmas


ndah X

The criteria were borrowed from the method of classification written by

Boleslav which is sorted by the writer into three columns of category for field,

mode and tenor. To analyze the text equivalence and effectiveness, two different

titles are on display in comparison for both names followed by the

checked-column initially placed for a text consideration for accomplishing the same field,

mode or tenor. To use those three criteria lead to a better problem, solving on how

the translation English fictional book titles that somehow presents very far from

original translation well-analyzed both theoretically and culturally.

Seeing the example of table 4.2, it shows the two titles translated from


column, indicates that a text produced and appeared based on both translation is

considered equivalent. Therefore, the changes of title are considered effective as

well. The equivalence takes for the same meanings implied for each element

analyzed while the effectiveness takes for a text translation (both English and

Indonesian translation) has achieved a text purpose—that is giving factual

information until convincing receivers for its validity—and the expectations of

Field, Mode and Tenor which is register completely register for a text.

The second analysis would give room for quality assessment translation in

acceptability which is the strategy process in translating by considering the

understanding or response of the audience. This term was in the continuum

strategy to check whether or not the translation from SL to TL can be accepted, as

valid or invalid translation. Thus, the writer adapted and used Nababan’s score

indicator from The Translation Theory (translated) (1999).

Table 4.1.Nababan’s Indicator of Acceptability (modified)

Scale Score Acceptability

Category Acceptability Indicator

1.00 –

1.5 1 Acceptable

The TL title is understood by target readership and naturally translated in Indonesian.

1.6 –

2.00 2 Less Acceptable

The TL title is not understood by target readership and not matched with the content of blurb.

According to the indicator score above, to apply it to questionnaire forms

would be like table 4.3. There was an additional column of comment which


applicable to other to scores given to the same data) as consideration of

supplementary analysis.

Table 4.3.Example of the questionnaires (written in Indonesian) [translated back in English]

Isi Cerita (Content): Hasrat Amyas Cralepada lukisan dan wanita membuat namanya terkenal. Namun pembunuhan atas dirinya membuat namanya tercemar. Enam belas tahun kemudian istrinya yang cemburu dituduh dan dijatuhi hukuman seumur hidup karena pembunuhan yang menggemparkan. Kini Carla, putri mereka, wanita muda yang yakin ibunya tidak bersalah, menghadapkan Hercule Poirot pada tantangan yang menggoda: memulihkan nama baik ibunya dengan kembali ke tempat terjadinya pembunuhan dan mencari kekurangan fatal pada kejahatan yang sempurna itu.

(AmyasCrale’s murder made a fuss in city and put him in a bad name. Until 16 years later, his jealous wife was accused and sentenced to life due to the shocking homicide. It was all left to Carla, the Crale’sdaughter, who was certain that her mother was innocence. She confronted HerculePoirot to the tempting challenge: cleaned her mother’s name by coming back to the homicide scene and searched for fatal absence in that perfect crime.)

Catatan (Note):

In which,

Nilai(Score) 1:berterima (the data is acceptable for target readership)

Nilai (Score) 2: kurang berterima (the data is less acceptable for target




This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part covers the analysis of

the first problem formulated which is equivalence translation seen from

functionalist approach. The analysis is assessed byBoleslav’scommunicative

effectiveness theory (2005) that uses field, mode and tenor as deeper guide of text

analysis in order to find the functional aspects of 30 translation data compared

back to its source version.

The second part covers the analysis of acceptability that studieshow texts

which are considered acceptable in its native context. The analysis isgarnered

from discussion of questionnaires filled in by 30 respondents using Nababan’s

score and category in acceptability.

1. The Translation Equivalence Assessment Using Communicative


The analysis of translation equivalence assessment is divided into groups

of grade as result of Field, Mode and Tenor examination into 8 different

resolutions, which are: (√√√), (√XX), (√√X), (√X√), (X√√), (X√X), (XX√), and

(XXX). As noted in the column above, there has already been a sequence of

(Field, Mode, and Tenor) in the following orders. In details, (√) indicates that

source and target texts have the same analysis results, meanwhile (X) indicates


To note down, all modes in text analyses apparently have the same result.

All of TT modes are equivalent to ST modes because the data are book titles that

use written language.

a. Equivalent Translation

The equivalent translation of the first problem formulation this study is

marked by field, mode and tenor that appear positive or the same as the source

text (√√√). Based on the analysis below, there are 7 equivalent translations of

fictional book titles in Indonesian contexts as a result.

1. The Target Text Has the Same Field, Mode and Tenor as the Source Text

i. Data 2

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


DMF/KB Dead Man’s Folly Kubur Berkubah In the analysis of Field, “dead man” in ST and “kubur” (grave) in TT are

dictions that influence text equivalence. Moreover, “berkubah”(domed)and

“folly” that are intriguing details in both texts that are put for clues of mystery.

Therefore, as the dictions could relate to each other, the expression and ideas are

also conveyed equivalently as well.

In the analysis of mode, both texts show the same lexical density for 1

point indicating that the text is spontaneous. ST title has word “folly” as

interactivity that signifies readers’ interest to see more of what the word means in

text. Moreover, TT title functions dictions “kubur” (grave) and “berkubah”

(doomed)as the interactivity. Those words combined signify thriller rather than ST


The third analysis talks about tenor. Both ST and TT have the same tenor

four using impersonalization. Both texts also put negative meanings in the

dictions which relates to thriller stuff and impression of clues or such cases. ST

uses “dead man” and “folly”; meanwhile, ST uses “kubur”. In addition, the

evaluative expression used by ST and TT are triggered attitude as well. That is

used by the author and translator to create titles with the meaning of words and its

relation of content that encourages readers to imply more.

ii. Data 6

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


SC/MTB Sad Cypress

Mawar Tak


In the field analysis, ST uses dictions “sad” and “cypress” that signifies for

mourning and great loss. Meanwhile, TT uses dictions “mawar” (rose) and “tak

berduri” (spineless) that are combined altogether signifies for weakness. In the

term of field, both titles reflect the ugly experiences in interpreting the same idea,

especially the adjective dictions (“sad” and “tak berduri”) chosen are quite

contrasted to the nouns (“cypress” and “mawar”).

Secondly, for the mode of text, ST has 1 point and TT has 0.7 point for

lexical densities indicate that both texts are spontaneous. In ST word “cypress”

and “sad” are used to make an emphasis of pessimistic ambience in story.

Meanwhile, TT title uses “mawar” (rose) combined with “tak berduri” (spineless)

that appears as unfamiliar knowledge for “rose” to have “spineless” character.


Thirdly, in analysis oftenor, both texts appear as impersonalization since

there is no subjectivity. Furthermore, ST uses word “cypress” and “sad” which

carry meaning for ‘mourning and unhappiness’ to construct a negative attitude in

text. Similar to ST, the lexical choices of TT are “tak berduri” (spineless) and

mawar” (rose). They instantly have different meanings to imply. The word “tak

berduri” is positively means no harm. However, when translator uses that word

combined with “mawar”, it becomes negative in meaning that the rose has no

strength to protect itself. Hence, both titles are included in triggered attitude since

there is a lot to imply more.

iii. Data 12

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


Death Comes as the End



The analysis of field, ST uses the word “death” and “end” as the highlights

of title. Those words make the impression of intrigue and put the text into thriller

shelves. Meanwhile, TT title has “ledakan” (explosion) that stresses impression

of how big the word “dendam” (revenge) functions in text. Moreover, in the term

of field, two data show that both titles actually relate to each since with dictions

“death”, “end” and “dendam” that relate in meanings.

Next, the second analysis talks about mode in which ST has 0.6 point and

TT has 1 point for lexical density which indicates that both texts are spontaneous.

Furthermore, ST keeps the word “death” as interactivity to make title like the kind


shows to an allusion to which “revenge” has implied meaning to. It also becomes

the interactivity that interest readers since it is included in thriller terms.

Moreover, the third analysis is about tenor which ST and TT take

impersonalization which press to the objectivity of text. Furthermore, for stance of

lexical choices, the word “death” and “end” in ST represent negative meanings

that the author uses to create such feeling of negative attitude due to thriller

fiction. Meanwhile the word that stands out the most in TT is “revenge” which

already brings negative meanings, then noun “explosion” added, it makes an

emphasis used by the translator to construct negative attitude. Therefore, the

evaluative expression is used in ST and TT are assumed attitude as well, since the

title is built in the form of main idea. Thus, tenor in this data is equivalent.

iv. Data 15

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


Ordeal by Innocence

Mata Rantai

yang Hilang In analysis of field, ST title uses “ordeal” means s a very difficult situation

which is a general word that represents the usual plot of thriller. Meanwhile, TT

title takes dictions “Mata Rantai” (link)that also match the detective or mystery

term. Added by the diction, “yang Hilang” (missing) that gives impression for

riddles. Moreover, by the dictions chosen for ST and TT, “ordeal” could be

represented by “mata rantai yang hilang” as the description of situation.

Therefore, both texts are equivalent.

Moreover, the second analysis is about mode in which ST has 0.7 point


Rantai yang Hilang” show thriller terms. They all seem intriguing that could be

interactivity for target readership.

For tenor analysis, ST and TT titles which are constructed in a phrase,

included in impersonalization since there is no personal derivatives inside text.

However, they have strong lexical choices for “ordeal” and “innocence” that goes

for negative meanings and causes implied negatives perspectives. It is then

functioned by author to create one such negative atmosphere and attitude of what

thriller is usually like. Meanwhile, TT uses “mata rantai” as the word which

could relate to thriller term, added to an adjective “yang hilang” which brings

negative meaning. Thus, the evaluative expressions for both texts are assumed

attitude since the words that is displayed is implied to be supposed to.

v. Data 18

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


/BOR/PT Bed of Roses


Terindah In the analysis of field, data 18 is considered to have the same field as

dictions “bed”, “roses”, “pernikahan” (wedding) and “terindah” (the most

beautiful) represent the same idea. Each one is included in romance term that is

often used. Diction “bed” in ST and “pernikahan” in TT are the symbol words of

togetherness and comfort. For “roses” and “terindah” implies happiness meaning

instead. In addition, Bed of Roses is English idiom for ‘an easy, comfortable

situation” that is best replaced in Pernikahan Terindah(the most beautiful


Furthermore, for the analysis of mode, ST has 0.7 point and TT has 1 point

for lexical density indicating that both titles are structured spontaneously. The

interactivity of SL on the choice of words that turns out to be idiom which makes

readers believe the story must be good and expected that way. Meanwhile, for TL

title uses allusion in the word “pernikahan” which attract readers for good


Moreover, the third analysis is tenor in which both texts use

impersonalization for no subjectivity within their texts. Anyhow, ST title uses the

stance of lexical choices for romance with “roses” and “bed”.With their meaning,

they are constructed to a positive attitude marking the romance to have happy

ending. Similarly, TT has positive meaning for words “pernikahan” and

terindah” used by the translator to make a positive attitude. Thus, the evaluative

expressions found in these texts are assumed attitude since the title is put like it is

something factual in the first place.

vi. Data 26

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


G/Ov/Te Overbite Terpikat In the analysis of field, ST diction “overbite” and TT diction “terpikat

(attracted) are considered equivalent. “Overbite” itself means ‘misalignment of

teeth in which the upper teeth is project over too far over the lower teeth when

mouth is closed’. Meanwhile, “terpikat” means ‘to get drawn attention to

someone else’. The word definitions seem different, but the expression appears


Secondly, for mode analysis, ST and TT have 1 point for lexical density

which means both titles are spontaneous in structural way. Both data also show

the same way of text produced by acquiring a word for title.Thus, it is the part of

interactivity in text that is used to encourage readers’ curiosity.

Thirdly, in the analysis of tenor, the two texts that do not project any

subjectivity take for impersonalization. Both titles also display negative meaning

by lexical choices. ST’s “overbite” negatively means the situation of something

bites off more than it should. It is used by the author to construct the same attitude

and ambience to how the story goes. “Attracted” in TT is also directed more

negatively because it shows no control to oneself in handling circumstance of

feeling. Hence, the evaluative attitude used for both texts, which appear to be the

same, is assumed attitude in which needs for other statement to complete the

entire meaning.

vii. Data 30

Code ST TT Field Mode Tenor


/SF/BDR Secret Fire Bersemi di Rusia In the analysis of field, dictions that are related in romance term are

“secret”, “fire” and “bersemi” (growing). Those dictions indicate meanings for

‘passion and sparks’ romantically based on the context. Therefore, in the term of

field, both texts are equivalent since TT could represent what is meant in ST.

Furthermore, in the analysis of mode, ST has 1 point and TT has 0.7 point

for lexical density that means the structure of both titles are spontaneous. ST uses


Table 4. Example of Acceptability Questionnaires (written in Indonesian)
Table 1.1.Example of Acceptability Analysis
Table 4.2. Example of Translation Equivalence Assessment Using
Table 4.1.Nababan’s Indicator of Acceptability (modified)


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