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Academic year: 2023

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2.1. Tourism

Many kinds of activities are done by people to enjoy life and refresh the brain from boring activities in their daily activities such as listening to music, watching movies, gathering friends and many others. One of those activities is Tourism. Sinaga (2010) defines tourism activities are a planned trip that is undertaken individually or in a group from one place to another with the purpose to get satisfaction and pleasure. In the same line of thought, Sora (2017) states that tourism is a journey carried out by a person or a group of people within a certain period of time from one place to another with the purpose for recreation or for interest so it can fulfill their wishes. Meanwhile, another statement said that tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services (Walton, 2020). In addition, tourism is an activity to travel or stay in a place outside their living environment whether domestic or abroad in a short time or more than one day by private vehicle or a travel agent to find happiness or other purposes.

2.2. Kinds of Tourism

According to Marpaung (2002), tourism is divided into several types:

1. Natural Tourism

Natural tourism is a kind of tourism where the visitors come to have the natural resource attraction both in its natural state and the cultivation efforts from people. This tourism can be divided into four areas:

a. Flora and fauna.

b. The uniqueness and distinctiveness of ecosystems.

c. Natural phenomena such as craters, hot springs, waterfalls, and lakes d. Cultivation of natural resources such as plantations, livestock, and fishing.


5 2. Socio - Cultural Tourism

Socio - cultural tourism can be utilized and developed as a tourist destination includes museums, historical heritage, traditional ceremonies, arts performances, and crafts.

3. Typical Interest Tourism

This tourism is a kind of tourism newly developed in Indonesia. This tourism is especially for tourists who have special motivation. Thus, the tourists usually should be able to have expertise such as hunting, hiking, rafting, treatment, ecotourism, fishing, and others.

Spillane (in Munjaina, 2017) defines six kinds of tourism based on the purpose of tour as follows:

1. Pleasure Tourism

This type of tourism is conducted by people who leave their homes for a vacation, to get some fresh air. relax, see something new, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

2. Recreation Tourism

This is done for the utilization of tourism holidays for a rest to recover physical health and spirituality, and freshen from exhaustion. It can be done in a place that ensures recreational purposes such as beach, mountain, resort centers and health centers.

3. Cultural Tourism

There are motivations, such as a desire to learn at centers of teaching and research, the customs learning, institutions, and ways of life of different societies, historical monuments visit, relics, art centers and religious, arts festivals of music, theater, dance, etc.

4. Sports Tourism

Sport tourism can be divided into two categories:

a. Big sports events, namely the major sporting events like the Olympic games, the ski world championship, world championship boxing, and others that would attract the audience or the fans,


6 b. Practitioners of the sporting tourism, sports tourism is for those who want to practice themselves as mountain climbing, horse riding sports, hunting.

fishing and others.

5. Business Tourism

According to the theorists, this is a form of tourism travel because it is related to jobs or positions that do not give it to someone to choose the destination and time of travel.

6. Convention Tourism

The tourism is demanded by countries because when held a convention or meeting it will be many participants to stay within a certain period at the country which held convention.

2.3. Potency of Tourism

According to Pendit (as cited in Ida Bagus Dwi Setiawan, 2015), the potency of tourism is a variety of resources found in a particular area that can be developed into a tourist attraction. In other words, the potency of tourism is a variety of resources owned by a place and can be developed into a tourist attraction (tourist attraction) that is used for economic interests while still paying attention to other aspects. Yoeti (as cited in Meilinda Tri Permata, 2014) explains Attraction or tourist attraction is anything that can attract tourists to visit a tourism destination, such as:

1. Nature

Everything that comes from nature that is utilized and cultivated at the place of tourist attraction that can be enjoyed and give satisfaction to tourists. For example, natural scenery, mountains, flora and fauna.

2. Culture

Everything in the form of attraction comes from art and human creation. For example, religious ceremonies, traditional ceremonies and traditional dances.

3. Man-made (Manmade)

Everything that comes from human work and can be used as a tourist object such as historical objects, culture, religion and human procedures.


7 4. Humans (Human beings)

Everything from human activity is unique and has its own charm that can be used as a tourist attraction. For example, the Asmat tribe in Irian Jaya with their way of life that is still primitive and has its own uniqueness.

According to Spillane (as cited in Dolina Gitapati, 2012), a tourist attraction or destination must include five essential elements in order to make tourists enjoy the journey, namely:

1. Attraction

Attractions are able to attract tourists who want to visit it. Tourists are motivated to visit a tourism destination to meet or satisfy some need or request.

They are usually interested in a location because of certain characteristics, e.i:

the natural beauty, climate and weather, culture, history, and accessibility or ease of walking or specific to the place.

2. Facilities

Facilities of tourism objects should be close to the tourism destination. The number and type of facilities depend on the needs of tourists. Facilities should match the quality and price of lodging, food, drinks, and ability of tourists to pay the visiting place.

3. Infrastructure

Attraction and facilities cannot be achieved easily if there are no basic infrastructure including all construction under and above the ground, and a territory or region.

4. Transportation

There are several pieces of advice on transportation and facilities which may be some sort of guidelines including :

a. Detailed information about the facilities, the location of the terminal, and local freight service at the destination should be available for all passengers prior to departure from the area of origin.

b. The security system must be provided at the terminal to prevent the crime.


8 c. The standard or uniform system for traffic signs and symbols must be

developed and installed in all airports.

d. The information system should provide data on the transport service and other information that can be contacted in the terminal, including schedules and fares.

e. The latest information is applicable, either departure or arrival schedules should be available on the notice board, verbal or telephone.

f. Labor to help the passengers

g. Information about the location, rates, schedules, and routes and local freight service

h. Maps of cities should be available for passengers.

5. Hospitality

Hospitality is very important to support tourism activities, especially for the tourist to serve them during the journey like hotel, restaurant, and tour guide.

Tourists who are in an environment where they do not know the certainty of security is very important, especially foreign tourists so they need a tour guide to accompany them.

Maryani (2001) explains the criteria of tourism destination according to an attraction can be interesting to be visited by tourists it must meet the requirements for regional development, requirements - these requirements are:

1. What to See

In these places, the tourism destination should have an attraction and those tourist attractions are different between other regions. In other words, the area should have specific cultures and attractions that can be used as

"entertainment" for tourists. What to see include landscapes, art activities, and tourist attractions.

2. What to Do

In these places besides a lot to choose from and witness, recreational facilities should be provided to make tourists welcome to stay longer in that place.

3. What to buy


9 A tourist destination should provide facilities for shopping mainly souvenirs and handicrafts as souvenirs - to be brought home to the place of origin.

4. What to Arrive

These include accessibility, how we visit the attraction, what vehicle would be used and how long to arrive at the place of destination of the travel.

5. What to stay

How tourists will stay for a while during their vacation at the destination.

Lodging required either starred hotels or non-star hotels and so forth.

2.4. Nature Tourism

According to Pendit (as cited in Ida Bagus Dwi Setiawan, 2015), nature tourism is an activity to see the natural beauty, natural resource and environmental system. Nature tourism means experiencing natural places, typically through outdoor activities that are sustainable in terms of their impact on the environment.

Meanwhile, another statement said that, Nature tourism involves visiting natural attractions that have geographical or biological characteristics that have a specific appeal to the tourism market. Some natural attractions common in tourism include rainforests, rivers, deserts, beaches, caves and cliffs, as well as a flora and fauna unique to these places (birds, reptiles, plants etc.) Tourists visit these natural attractions to enjoy the beauty of nature, explore different landscapes, escape the busy life, experience outdoor adventures in a natural environment and learn about the environment (Sara, 2020).

Nature tourism can be interesting if there is Natural attractions. ACS distance education (2020) defines natural attractions are geographical or biological features that have a specific appeal to the tourism market. Globally, there are countless varieties of natural attractions – no two natural attractions are the same because they have been shaped by the unique natural forces of the surrounding environment. Natural attractions include deserts, polar regions, rainforests, alpine areas, woodlands, grasslands, mountains, beaches, swamps, caves, oceans, cliffs, and rivers, as well as the unique life forms that inhabit those environments (animals, birds, insects, and plants).


10 visiting natural attractions for many reasons, including:

1. To enjoy the grandeur of nature.

2. To escape from the pressures of urban life.

3. To escape from humanity.

4. To explore different landscapes.

5. To experience outdoor adventures in a natural setting.

6. To learn about the environment.

To participate in conserving the environment.


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