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Academic year: 2017



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1. Collin C. Pathophysiology and Classificatioan of Stroke. Nursing Standard. Maret 2007;21(28):35-39.

2. Fink JN, Selim MH, Kumar S, Voetsch B, Fong WC, Caplan LR. Insular Cortex Infarction in Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Territory Stroke. Arch Neurol. July 2005;25:1081-85.

3. Schaechter FD. Motor Rehabilitation and Brain Plasticity After Hemiparetic Stroke. Progress in Neurobiology. 2004;73:61-72

4. Askim T. Recovery After Stroke : Assessment and Treatment with Focus on Motor Function. Theses at NTNU.2009

5. Solodkin A, Hlustik P, Buccino G. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Motor System in Human. 2006. p. 507-39

6. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran Indonesia EGC. Jakarta. 1997.

7. Haas B. Motor Control. In: Everett T, Kell C, editors. Human Movement. 6th Ed. London: Churchill Livingstone. 2010. p. 47-60.

8. Kruminar G. Early Sign Acute Stroke. Electronic Presentation Online System. European Society of Radiology. 2010.

9. Agustine JR. Circuitry and fimctional aspects of the insular lobe in primates including humans. Brain Research Review. 1996;22:229-244.

10.Perron A. Neuroimaging in Stroke. Foundation for Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies. 2009.

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13.Coutts SB, Demchuck AM, Barber PA, Hu WY, Simon JE, Buchan AM. Interobserver Variation of ASPECTS in Real Time. Stroke. 2004;35:e103-e105


15.Heydrich L, Blanke O. Distinct Illusory Own-Body Perceptions Caused By Damage To Posterior Insula And Extrastriate Cortex. Brain. 2013;136:790-803

16.Manes F, Spinger J, Lamberty G, Robinson RG. Neglect After Right Insular Cortex Infarction. Stroke.1999:30;946-48.

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18.Krestel H, Weisstanner C,Hess CW, Bassetti CL,Nirkko A, Wiest R. Insular And Caudate Lesions Release Abnormal Yawningin Stroke Patients. Brain Struct Funct. 2013.

19.Williamson JW, Nobrega ACL, McColl R, Mathews D, Winchestern P, Friberg L et al. Activation of the Insular Cortex During Dynamic Exercise in Human.Journal of Physiology.1997;502(2):277-283.

20.Meyer S, Strittmatter M, Fischer CAC,Georg T,and Schmitz B. Lateralization in autononic dysfunction in ischemicstroke involving the insular cortex. Neuro Report. 2004;15(2):357-360

21.Lemineux F, Lanthier S, Chevrier MC, Gioia L, Rouleau I, Cereda C et al.Insular Ischemic Stroke : clinical Presentation and Outcome. CerebrovascDis Extra.2012;2:80-87.

22.Sacco RL, Kasner SE, Broderick JP, Caplan LR, Connors JJ, Culebras A, et al. An Update Definition of Stroke for 21st Century : A Statement for Healthcare Professionals Froem the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2013;44:2064-2089.

23.Meadows A, Bhatt DL. Clinical Aspect of Platelet Inhibitor and Thrombus Formation. Circ Res. 2007;100:1261-75.

24.Pendlebury ST, Giles MF, Rothwell PM. Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Pathophysiology and Causes of Transient Ischemic Attacks and Stroke.

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25.Pandian JD, Sudhan P. Stroke Epidemiology and Stroke Care Services in India. Journal of Stroke. 2013;15(3):128-35.

26.Wu, X, Zhu B, Wang H, Zhou B, Shi J. Prevalence, Incidence and Mortality of Stroke in the Chinese Island Population : A Systematic Review…

27.Kelompok Studi serebrovaskuler PERDOSSI. Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Stroke. 2011


29.Gusev E, Skortsova VI. Brain Ischemia. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Hong Kong.2003

30.Bunney EB. Research Horizon/Future Therapies. Foundation for Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies. 2009.

31.Lindsay KW, Bone I. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustraed. Churchill Livingstone. 1997.

32.Guo S, Lo EH. Dysfunctional Cell-cell Signaling in the Neurovascular Unit as a Paradigm for Central Nervous System Disease. Stroke.2009;40(suppl 1):S4-S7.

33.Del Zoppo GJ. Stroke and NeurovascularProtection. N Eng J Med. 2006;6:353-55.

34.Chen CV, Chen Y, Hslao H, Chang C, Chern Y. Neurovascular Abnormalities in Brain Disorder Highlight with Angiogenesis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies. Journal of Biomedical Schience. 2013; 20:47.

35.Slater D. Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Overview of Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke. Emedicine journal. Last update : 21 Oktober 2013.

36.Merino JG, Warach S. Imaging of Acute Stroke. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 2010;6: 560–71.

37.Thurnher MM,Castio M. Imaging in Acute Stroke. Eur Radiol. 2005;15: 408– 15.

38.Perron A. Neuroimaging in Stroke. Foundation for Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies. 2009.

39.Saenz RC. The disappearing Basal Ganglia Sign. Radiology 2005; 234:242– 243

40.Radhiana H, Syazarina SO, Azura MMS, Hilwati, Sobri MA. Non-contrast Computed Tomography in Acute Ischemic Stroke : a Pictorial Review. Med J Malaysia. 2013;68(1):93-100.

41.Sanak D, Horak D, Herzig, Hlustik P, KAnovsky P. The Role of Magnetic Imaging for Acute Stroke. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2009;153(3):181–87.

42.Pexman JHW, Barber PA, Hill MD, Servick RJ, Demchuck AM, Hudon ME. Use of the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) for Assessing CT Scan in Patients with Acute Stroke. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2001;22:1534–42.


44.Afif A, Minotti L, Kahane P, Hoffmann D. Anatomofunctional Organization of the Insular Cortex : A Study Using Intracerebral Electrical Stimulation in Epileptic Patients. Epilepsia. 2010;51(11):2305-15.

45.Moraga-AmaroR, Stehberg J. The Insular Cortex and the Amygdala : Shared Function and Interactions. Intech. 2012

46.ChikamaM, McFarland NR, Amaral DG, Haber SN. Insular Cortical Projection to Functional Regions of the Striatum Correlate with Cortical Cytoarchitectonic Organization in the Primate. The Journal of Neuroscience. 1997;17(24):9686-9705.

47.Naidich TP, Kang E, Fatterpekar GM, Delman BN, Gultekin SH, Wofe D et al. The Insula : anatomic Study and MR Imaging Display at 1,5 T. AJNR am J Neuroradiol.2004;25:222-32.

48.Baldo JV, Wilkins DP,Ogar J, Willock S, Dronkers NF. Role of the Precentral Gyrus of the Insula in complex Articulation. Cortex.2011;47:800-807.

49.Starr CJ, Sawaki L, Wittenberg JF, Burdette JH, Oshiro Y, Quevedo A et al. Roles of the Insular Cortex in the Modulation of Pain: Insights from Brain Lesions. The Journal of Neuroscience.2009;29(9):2684-94.

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51.Pantano P, Formisano R, Ricci M, Di Piero V, Sabatini U, Di Pofi B. Motor Recovery After Stroke : Morphological and Functional Brain alteration. Brain. 1996;119:1849-57.

52.Langhome P, Coupar F, Pollock A. Motor Recovery After Stroke : a Systematic Review. Lancet Neurol. 2009; 8:741-54.

53.Alexander LD, Black SE, Patterson KK, Gao F, Danells CJ, McIlroy WE. Associatioan Between Gait Asymery and Brain Lesion Location in Stroke Patients. Stroke. 2009;40:537-44.

54.Shelton FNA, Reding MJ. Effect of Lesion Location on Upper Limb Motor Recovery After Stroke. Stroke Journal. 2001;32:107-12.

55.Ganesan V, Ng V, Chong WK, Kirkham FJ, Connelly A. Lesion Volume, Lesion Location and Outcome After Middle Cerebral Artery Territory Stroke. Arch Dis Child. 1999; 81:295-300.

56.Nair DG, Fusch A, Burkart S, Steinberg FL, Kelso JAS. Assessing Recovery in Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Using Functional MRI. Brain Injury. Desember 2005; 19 (13):1165-76.


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58.Carr CH, Sheperd RB, Nordholm L, Lynne. Ivestigatioan of a New Motor Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients. Phys Ther. 1985;65:175-80.

59.Loewen SC, Anderson BA. Predictor of Stroke Outcome Using Objective Measurement Scales. Stroke. 1990;21:78-81.

60.Ali D. Rehab Measures : Motor Assessment Scale. Available at : Http://www.rehabmeasures.org/Lists/RehabMeasures/DispForm.aspx?ID=924 . Updated October 2010.

61.Poole JL, Whitney SL. Motor Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients : Concurrent Validity and Interrater reliability. Arch Phys Med Rehabil .1998;69:195-97.

62.Dahlan MS. Besar Sampel dalam Penelitian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan. Arkans. Jakarta. 2006.

63.Poole JL, Whitney SL. Motor Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients : Concurrent Validity and Interrater reliability. Arch Phys Med Rehabil .1998;69:195-97.

64.Jezzinia A, Fausto Caruanaa F, Ivilin Stoianov I, Vittorio Gallesea V, Rizzolatti G. Functional Organization of the Insula and Inner Perisylvian Regions.

65.Ben Deen, Naomi B. Pitskel and Kevin A. Pelphrey. Three Systems of Insular Functional Connectivity Identified with Cluster Analysis. Cerebral Cortex. 2010.

66.Hashimoto R, Tanaka Y. Contribution of the Supplementary Motor Area and Anterior Cingulate Gyrus to Pathological Grasping Phenomena. Eur Neurol. 1998;40:151–158.


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