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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh




By: Yudanto

Hedi Ardiyanto Hermaw an State University of Yogyakarta

The basic nat ure of Physical Educat ion is t he educat ional process t hat used physical act ivit ies t o creat e holist ic changing of individual qualit ies, including physical, m ent al, and em ot ional aspect s. Physical Educat ion regards st udent as an int egral unit y, t ot al creat ion, not just considers as a person w ho has one of qualit ies, physical or m ent al qualit y.

The achievem ent of Physical Educat ion needs a good learning plan. One of im port ant fact ors t hat det erm ine t he learning object ive achievem ent in t he applicat ion of learning m odel. Learning m odel is a inst ruct ion for t eaching st rat egy used t o reach t he learning object ive. Thus, t he use of learning m odel on t he achievem ent of Physical Educat ion object ive cannot be separat ed from t he use of learning approach. Im plem ent at ion of com pet it ive approach in sport com pet it ion follow ed by st udent s w ill give benefit s t o t he holist ic st udent s’s developm ent in phycom ot oric, cognit ive, and affect ive aspect s. Personalit y or charact er is one of im port ant aspect s t o be built and it needs m ore at t ent ion from t he t eacher. By im plem ent ing t he com pet it ive approach in Physical Educat ion learning it is expect ed t hat it w ill build st udent s’s personalit y.

A. Com pet it ive Approach in Physical Educat ion

The approach of Physical Educat ion learning depends on w hat m odel of learning t hat is used. Each approach has different charact ers. Rachm an (2007: 7) say t hat com pet it ive approach in Physical Educat ion learning has charact erist ics, t hey are:

1. It s object ives em phasize on t he im provem ent of em ot ional aspect s, like com pet it iveness, fair play, hard w ork, and confidence.

2. M at erial in learning is focused on em ot ional com ponent s in doing act ivit ies including com pet it iveness, hard w ork, st ress problem solving, fair play, et c.

3. Learning experiences are kinds of sim ple com pet it ion m odificat ion as in sport educat ion. Form al sport com pet it ion is seldom t o be used in considerat ion it is not appropriat e w it h st udent s’s charact erist ics.



5. Evaluat ion is orient ed t o t he process and em ot ional at t it ude like in fair play.

Com pet it ive approach in Physical Educat ion can be done by conduct ing sport com pet it ions. The scope of learning m at erials in Physical educat ion including: gam es and sport , gym nast ic, at hlet ics, and rhyt hm ic act ivit ies. Com pet it ive approach in Physical Educat ion can be applied t hrough m any kinds of com pet it ions, for exam ples:

1. Zero sum com pet it ion. This kind of com pet it ion has one w inner and one loser. 2. Negat ive sum . This com pet it ion has one w inner and som e losers.

3. Cont inuous im provem ent com pet it ion. This kind of com pet it ion different wit h bot h com pet it ions before. In t his com pet it ion, part icipat ion of players is det erm ined by ongoing success. For exam ple in high jum p com pet it ion. Player in high jum p w ill failed or eliminat ed if he/ she failed in jum ping on cert ain high level.

B. The Nat ure of Personalit y

Kosw ara (1991: 10-12) declare t hat personalit y refers t o how t he individual perform s and m ake an im pression t o anot her individuals. In t he ot her hand, personalit y is also meant or relat ed t o cert ain special charact erist ics of individual. For exam ples, person w ho has sham e feeling know n as a prude person and person w ho friendly t o anot her know n as a friendly person.

C. The Im pact of Com pet it ive Approach t o St udent ’s personalit y

Psychological im pact of im plem ent ing com pet it ive approach especially in personalit y aspect can creat e or build som e charact ers, like: open m inded t hinking, clearly and object ive t hinking, anxiet y, int erdependence, cooperat ion, em ot ional and t em peram ent t endencies, et c. One of at t it udes t hat oft en appear in com pet it ive approach is negat ive int erdependency. It can be happened w hen t here are success and failure of individual or t eam players. For exam ple, in high jum p com pet it ion, a player could get t he best result w hen ot hers not succeed.

In t he ot her hand, part icipat ion of st udent in choosing kind of sport also influenced his/ her personalit y. Ibrahim (2001: 53) explain t hat t here is t endency of personal at t it ude based on w hat sport t o be focused on. For m ore adding, it is explained t hat sport act ivit ies t hat done in t eam like volleyball, basket ball, soccer, et c can m ake m ore anxiet y feeling, open m inded t hinking, and object ive t hinking t han anot her gam es.

Then, st udent s in gam es in w hich t hey should reach high score or goal like in soccer or basket ball appeared m ore free and egoist ic t han st udent s w ho play in t urn gam es. Based on t his explanat ion, com pet it ive approach give may advant ages t o st udent s. Rachm an (2001: 35) explain t hat com pet it ive approach give chances for st udent s t o build som e aspect s t hey are:


3 2. Self est eem and self confidence im provem ent 3. M ot ivat ion t o success

4. Excellent as an aim 5. Part icipat ion m ot ivat ion

6. Personal success aft er beat ing t heir rival.

D. Conclusion

Personalit y can be explained as charact er or at t it ude of individual. It can be built t hrough educat ion. Physical educat ion is educat ion process t hat use physical act ivit ies t o creat e holist ic changing. Com pet it ive educat ion can be used in Physical Educat ion in sport com pet it ions or gam es.

Im plem ent at ion of com pet it ive approach in Physical Educat ion can build st udent s’s personalit y. St udent s w ill build and encourage t heir open m inded t hinking, clearly and object ive t hinking, anxiet y em ot ional and t em peram ent t endency, et c.

E. References

Kosw ara. 1991. Teori-t eori Kepribadian. Bandung: PT Eresco.

Rachm an, Hari Am irullah. 2007. Pengem bangan M odel Pem belajaran Inovat if. Yogyakart a: Uversit as Negeri Yogyakart a

Ibrahim , Rusli. 2001. Landasan Psikologis Pendidikan Jasm ani di Sekolah Dasar. Jakart a: Dirjen Olahraga, Depdiknas.


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