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The implementation of weekly diary to improve students` writing abilities in writing a recount text at eigth grade students of SMPN 1 Wungu - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Nur Sekar Arum Eka Purikhawati Student Number: 091214151










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Nur Sekar Arum Eka Purikhawati Student Number: 091214151






I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, July 29, 2013

The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Nur Sekar Arum Eka Purikhawati

Nomor Mahasiswa : 091214151

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Purikhawati, Nur Sekar Arum. 2013. The implementation of weekly diary assignment to improve students’ writing abilities at eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Wungu. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Students of junior high school and senior high school learn English as the foreign language by listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is the most influential skill for the students because writing is the assessment to measure how far the students understand to learn English. Therefore, the students should have good writing abilities. Unfortunately, based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher in SMPN 1 Wungu, the students of class VIII D had some difficulties in writing a recount text. Their writing abilites were very poor because they were not accustomed to writing in English properly.

This research has an objective to overcome the students’ problems in writing a recount text. The researcher offered the weekly diary assignment followed by the teacher’s feedback to solve their problems. The result of this research was used to answer the research question which is formed as to what extend the weekly diary improves students’ writing abilities in writing a recount text.

In this research, the reseacher used classroom action research which was based on the model of Riel’s action research to help the students to improve their writing abilities through the weekly diary assignment. This research consisted of three cycles. The participants were 19 students of VIII D of SMPN 1 Wungu. The data was collected by using some instruments like observation, questionnaires, interviews, field notes, and the students’ writing in their diaries.

The researcher conducted learning activities using the genre-based approach. During eight meetings of the class, the implementation of weekly diary assignment followed by the teacher’s feedback showed that it was successful to

overcome students’ problem in writing a recount text. At the end of the research, the students could improve their writing abilities. They were accustomed to writing in English properly so that they were able to express their idea into English sentences properly. The weekly diary assignment which asked the students to write a recount text twice a week worked based on behaviorism theories. Moreover, in the third cycle, 16 students could pass the minimum passing grade of this school (70). The researcher suggested the other English teachers use the weekly diary assignment to help the students to improve their writing abilities in writing a recount text.




Purikhawati, Nur Sekar Arum. 2013. The implementation of weekly diary assignment to improve students’ writing abilities at eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Wungu. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Siswa SMP dan SMA mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dengan menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Menulis adalah kemampuan yang paling berpengaruh pada siswa karena menulis merupakan sarana tolak ukur seberapa jauh pemahaman siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, siswa seharusnya memiliki kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik. Sayangnya, berdasarkan studi awal yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di SMPN 1 Wungu, siswa kelas VIII D mempunyai beberapa kesulitan dalam menulis teks recount. Kemampuan menulis mereka sangat rendah dikarenakan mereka tidak terbiasa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah siswa dalam menulis teks recount. Peneliti menawarkan latihan menulis buku harian mingguan diikuti dengan feedback dari guru. Hasil dari penelitian ini digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dengan formasi pertanyaan sebagai berikut: bagaimana buku harian mingguan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks recount.

Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan riset tindakan kelas dari Riel untuk mengatasi masalah siswa tersebut. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga siklus. Peserta dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa (19 anak) kelas VIIID SMPN 1 Wungu. Data-data yang diperoleh dikumpulkan melalui beberapa instrumen seperti pengamatan kelas, kuesioner, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan tulisan para siswa pada buku harian mereka.

Peneliti melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan genre-based approach. Selama delapan kali tatap muka, penerapan buku harian mingguan yang diikuti dengan feedback dari guru menunjukkan kesuksesannya dalam mengatasi masalah siswa pada saat menulis teks recount. Di akhir penelitian, siswa mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis mereka. Mereka menjadi terbiasa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar sehingga mereka dapat dengan mudah menuangkan ide mereka dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar. Latihan menulis buku harian mingguan yang meminta siswa untuk menulis teks recount dua kali seminggu ini, menggunakan teori behaviorism. Kemudian, pada siklus ketiga, 16 siswa mampu menuntaskan nilai di atas kriteria ketuntasan minimalnya, yaitu, 70. Peneliti menyarankan agar guru-guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan latihan menulis buku harian mingguan untuk membantu siswa meningkatakan kemampuan menulis menulis teks recount.




First of all, I would like to send my gratitude to ALLAH S.W.T, who has blessed me with everything in my life especially when I had finished this thesis. I believe that I could not have passed this process without the blessing from Academic Year who had been very welcoming and nice to me. I would also like to thank Drs. Heru Suprobo, the Principal of SMPN 1 Wungu for allowing me to conduct the research in SMPN 1 Wungu. My gratitude also goes to Dra. Dwi Isnawati, who allowed me to use her class to conduct the research. I also address my thankfulness to Bapak Irfan (Director of Sibford English), who proofread my thesis.

Then, I really thank Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M. Trans., the lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University for the suggestions.

My greatest gratitude goes to my beloved family, especially my parents,



The thankfulness also goes to my lovely friends in PBI, especially Pipup, Helen, Itak, Niken, Priska, Berta, Deny, Bruder Markus, and Leo, who have taught me about valued life and friendship, Mbak Si. who helped me to prepare the presentation, PBI’ 09, whose name I can not write one by one. I will be nothing without all of them. I am very lucky to meet them in my life.

I will always remember all of the lecturers in PBI who have shared everything and make me ‘fall in love’ with English and teaching. Their great attention has strengthened me a lot. I also thank all of my teachers from TK, SD, SMP, and SMA for guiding me to become a ‘real human’. I am very proud of being one of their students. I also thank Bapak Jatmiko for helping me to conduct the research.

I would like to thank PBI secretariat staff, Mbak Dhanniek and Mbak Tari, who have helped me to manage all of the things related to administration. I also address my thankfulnes to the staff of Sanata Dharma Library for their friendly and warm services.










ABSTRAK... vii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Problem... 6

C. Problem Limitation... 6

D. Research Objectives... 7

E. Research Benefits... 7




A. Theoretical Description... 13

1. Teaching Writing... 13

a. The Nature of Writing... 13

b. Genre Based Approach... 16

2. Recount Text... 19

3. Weekly Diary Assignment... 19

4. Teacher’s Feedback... 22

a. The Meaning of Feedback... 22

b. The Types of Feedback... 22

5. Behaviorism Theories... 25

6. Classroom Action Research... 26

a. The Definition of Classroom Action Research 27 b. Models of Action Research... 28

B. Theoretical Framework... 29

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method... 31

B. Research Setting... 33

C. Research Participants... 34

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique... 34

E. Data Analysis Techniques... 41




A. The Results of the Implementation of Weekly

Diary Assignment Followed by Teacher’s

Feedback... 46

B. The Process of the Implementation of Weekly Diary Assignment... 59


A. Conclusions... 86

B. Recommendations... 88




Table Page

Table 3.1 The Sample of Questionnaire in Preliminary Study... 35

Table 3.2 The Sample of Questionnaire in the End of the Research 36

Table 3.3 The Sample of Observation Checklist for Observing Students...


Table 3.4 The Sample of Observation Checklist for Observing the Researcher...


Table 3.5 The Procedure of Weekly Diary Assignment...


Table 4.1 The Students’ Score from the First Cyle – the Third Cycle...




Picture Page

Picture 2.1 The Genre Based Approach Scheme... 17




Appendix Page

Appendix 1 Covering Letter for the Head of SMP N 1 Wungu... 92

Appendix 2 Research Official Statement from SMP N 1 Wungu... 94

Appendix 3 Lesson Plans of Cycle I... 96

Appendix 4 Observation Sheets and Field Notes of Cycle I... 115

Appendix 5 Lesson Plans of Cycle II... 126

Apendix 6 Observation Sheets and Field Notes of Cycle II... 138

Appendix 7 Lesson Plans of Cycle III... 146

Appendix 8 Observation Sheets and Field Notes of Cycle III... 164

Appendix 9 Preliminary and Post Research Questionnaires... 175

Appendix 10 The Raw Data of Questionnaires... 181

Appendix 11 Interview Guides and Transcripts in Preliminary and Post Research... 188

Appendix 12 Sample of Students’ Writing in Preliminary Study... 203





In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the research background, the

problem formulation, the limitation of the study, the objectives of the study, the

benefits of the study, and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Nowadays, Indonesian students start to learn English in the third grade of

elementary school. When they learn English in junior high school and senior high

school, they will learn it through some skills, namely listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. Each skill is represented in the curriculum as written in the standard

competence. All of the skills can help the students to face the competition and

become one of the supporting factors to be successful in the global era where

English is the lingua franca.

In this global era, students should have good writing abilities because the

ability to write effectively is something which is required most (Hyland, 2003, p.

3). According to Hyland (2003), people communicate and share their ideas

through the global digital network which depends on good writing skills (p. 3). It

means that people who have good abilities in writing will be more successful in

the global area than the others because they do not have any problems on writing


Writing texts is the examples of writing activities for students in junior

high school and senior high school. As stated in the curriculum of junior high

school and senior high school, the students have to learn some kinds of texts like

recount, narrative, descriptive, etc. Moreover, Raimes (1983) states it was very

important to include writing as a part of second-language syllabus because writing

can help the students to learn English by reinforcing the grammatical structures,

idioms, and vocabulary (p. 4).

Recount is an example of text which is taught in junior high school and

senior high school. It belongs to factual genres. Butt et al., (2000) and Martin

(1989) state the purpose of a recount text is to reconstruct past experiences by

retelling events in original sequences (as cited in Hyland, 2003, p. 20). At the end

of the texts, the students have to give their personal comments and share their

ideas about the events.

A good ability in writing a recount text is required as the representation of

the standard compentence in both junior and senior high school curriculum for

English subject. In junior high school curriculum, standard competence number

12 states that the students have to be able to express the meaning of written

functional text and simple short essays in the form of recount and narrative to

communicate in the students‟ daily life and the academic context. One of the

activities is writing their personal experiences in the form of a recount text in

101-150 words.

The researcher conducted an observation at class VIII D of SMPN 1


female students. The school is located in the suburb area.When she observed the

class, she found that the students had some difficulties in writing a recount text.

At the first time, the researcher asked the English teacher of VIII D about the students‟ problems in class. The teacher said that the students had some

difficulties in the writing activities because their writing abilities were very low.

They were sometimes confused to write their ideas into English correctly.

After conducting an observation, what the teacher had said was proved

that the students had low abilities in writing a recount text. The teacher of the

class asked the students to write their personal experiences in the form of a

recount text. The results were not satisfying enough. The researcher was very

surprised to see that they could not differenciate the tenses used in a recount text.

Moreover, they did not know how to arrange words to be a good sentence in

English. Their stories could not be understood. All of the students‟ scores were

under the minimum passing grade of this school, 70.

Based on the observation, the students got writing exercise once during

learning the materials of a recount text. Writing activity was getting harder for

them because they did not get any feedback and they did not know what their

mistakes were. As a result, they failed almost in all elements of writing text, such

as the language feature, the content, or the ideas in writing a recount text. Then,

their writing abilities never improved.

The writing abilities are determined by some elements which have to be

mastered by the students, for example, in writing a recount text, students have to


the content and the language feature like the grammar, the vocabulary, the

mechnics of a recount text as stated by Umiyatun (2011)

Writing is a skill for the students to express their ideas in written form that involves the mastery of all elements in the target language: as grammar, content, organization, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and mechanics (p. 18).

Umiyatun writes that grammar, content, organization, vocabulary,

punctuation, spelling, and mechanics belong to the elements in writing in the

target language. Besides, Raimes (1983) states there are some elements which

have to be dealt with in writing like content, syntax, grammar, mechanics,

organization, and word choices (p. 6). Moreover, some of those elements above will be presented to analyze students‟ writing later on.

The researcher used Brown and Bailey (1984, pp. 39-41) scoring profile in the form of rubric to analyze students‟ writing abilities (as cited in Brown, 2007,

pp. 144-145). The elements which have to be analyzed are the organization, the

content, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. It was aimed at helping the researcher to analyze the improvement of students‟ writing abilities in the recount

text. The elements of writing stated in this rubric have the similar elements of

writing stated by Raimes (1983, p. 6).

The researcher distributed some questionnaires to check whether they had

problems on writing a recount text. Then, the result showed that all of the students

had problems on all elements of writing text such as the grammar, the

organization, the content, the mechanics, and the vocabulary.

Some students stated that they had some difficulties to write their ideas in


order, vocabulary, mechanics, and organization in writing a recount text. The

teacher sometimes had to explain the sentence structure from the basic sentence

pattern of simple present tense to make them understand how to make a good

sentence in English. Besides, they were not accustomed to writing in English.

They were too afraid of making some mistakes in writing a recount text. They

should have written more in English, especially in writing a recount text.

In the first recount text writing assignment given by the teacher, all of the

students in VIII D could not pass the minimum passing grade of this school. The

researcher had to help the students to improve their writing abilities. Then, the

researcher was motivated to conduct classroom action research to overcome their

problems. Classroom action research was suitable because the basic concept of

action research is to improve something in teaching learning activities.

The genre based approach is the approach to teach writing, especially

writing text. The last stage of this approach is independent construction of the

text. In this stage, students have to produce their own writing. The researcher

offered a writing strategy to improve the students‟ writing abilities in writing a

recount text. It was the weekly diary assignment. This assignment provided the

students an exercise to write a recount text in the form of a diary. This activity

belonged to independent construction of the text.

This strategy helped the students to improve their writing abilities in

writing a recount text by making them accustom to writing in English. This

concept worked on the implementation of behaviorism theory which emphasized


Being accustomed to writing in English is not enough if the results are not

satisfying enough, for example their sentences are not grammatical. This strategy

improved the students‟ writing abilities followed by the teacher‟s feedback. According to Lewis (2002), “feedback is an ongoing form of assessment which is

more focussed than marks or grades” (p. 1). It means that feedback can provide

some information about students‟ mistakes in writing their past experiences in the

form of a recount text. Giving feedback can give some enormous effects to the students‟ writing abilities. The weekly diary assignment which worked based on

behaviorism theory is a solution offered by the researcher to improve the students‟

writing abilities of VIII D in writing a recount text.

B. Problem formulation

The researcher wanted to solve the problems faced by students of class

VIII D of SMPN 1 Wungu in writing a recount text. This study would answer the

major question. It is to what extent the weekly diary followed by teacher‟s

feedback improves students‟ writing abilities in writing a recount text.

C. Problem limitation

This study was conducted to solve the problems faced by the students of

VIII D of SMPN 1 Wungu in Madiun which consists of ten female students and

nine male students. The researcher limited this research on the participants and

writing a recount text through the weekly diary to improve students‟ writing


organization. Therefore, the researcher worked in the writing activities, especially

writing a recount text.

D. Research objectives

At the end of this study, the researcher hoped that the implementation of

weekly diary followed by teachers‟ feedback was able to improve the students‟

writing abilities including the grammar, the vocabulary, the mechanics, the

content, and the organization in a recount text. The weekly diary followed by teachers‟ feedback is a solution for the students‟ problems in writing a recount

text. The researcher wanted to improve the students‟ writing abilities in order to

make the students were able to write their past experiences properly in writing a

recount text.

F. Research benefits

This study gives some benefits towards some people. They are:

1. The Students of Class VIII D in SMPN 1 Wungu

After following the implementation of weekly diary followed by teachers‟

feedback, the students were able to write a recount text in the better grammar,

vocabulary, content, mechanics, and organization. Then, their writing abilities

would improve.

2. The Researcher

By conducting this study, the researcher was able to answer the problem


recount text. The researcher herself could identify some important things related

to English learning activities, in the field of writing activities. The researcher

could give some inspiration for the other researchers or teachers to teach writing a

recount text.

3. English Language Education Study Program

The researcher hopes that this study will give an additional reference for

English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The students of

this study program are qualified to be the future English teachers. They can take

the benefit of this study which shows that there is a technique to improve students‟ writing abilities through the weekly diary assignment followed by the

teacher‟s feedback.

4. The English Teachers in SMPN 1 Wungu

The teachers can use the weekly diary assignment followed by the teachers‟ feedback to teach writing, especially in a recount text. This assignment

will help the teachers to know each student‟s writing abilities through their

diaries. The teachers will be closer to their students through this assignment.

5. The Other Researchers

This study can be a reference for the other researchers who want to work

in teaching writing. Everyone can use this study to help them to find any sources




Definition of terms

This research has the title as “the implementation of weekly diary to

improve students‟ writing abilities of VIII D in SMPN 1 Wungu in a recount text”

using classroom action research.

1. Classroom Action Research

Schmuck (1997) describes action research as “an attempt to study a real

school situation with a view to improve the quality of actions and results within it” (as cited in Schmidt, 2002, p. 1). Parson & Brown (2002) add that “the clear

strength of action research is that it is reflective and collaborative and that it can

ultimately lead to improvements in educational practice”. It means that this type

of research was appropriate to help the researcher to find the answer of the

problem formulation.

There are some types of classroom action research. In this research, the

researcher used Margaret Riel‟s (2007) action research to solve the problem of

students of class VIII D of SMPN 1 Wungu. The cycles consisted of planning,

taking action, collecting evidence, and reflecting.

2. Writing

According to Lingulinks (1999), writing is “specific abilities which help

researchers to put their thoughts into words in a meaningful form and to mentally

interact with the message” (as cited in Khomariah, 2012, p. 20). Hampton (1989,

p.1) also divides writing skills in three kinds. They are :


- Content skills for writing include recognizing the linear sequence of sounds, mastering writing motions and letter shapes, recognizing the chunking of words, recognizing the need for space between words

- writing quickly

- Creativity skills for writing include the ability to write freely anything the learner wants to write.

In this research, the researcher worked in writing text, especially the

recount text. The students produced their writing in the form of a recount text

through the weekly diary assignment.

3. Weekly Diary

According to Tatum (2003), diary is

A diary, or journal, is a permanent personal record that is kept of events, thoughts, and ideas associated with an individual. While some cultures think of diaries as being mainly a female pastime, the fact is that journaling or keeping a diary is an activity that people of both genders engage in regularly (p. 1).

From the explanation above, the diary is the same as journal which can

help people to keep their memories in a written form. That is an uncommon way

to attract the students‟ attention to write. Both male or female students can

conduct this assignment. Besides, the form of diary assignment is appropriate to

tell the students‟ past experiences in the form of a recount text. People usually use

a diary as the media to write their past experiences.

The students‟ diaries would be submitted twice a week followed by the teachers‟ feedback. According to Irons (2010), feedback is “information a student

receives after they have completed a piece of work and can be provided in a range

of formats”(p. 1). This research would help the students of VIII D to improve their


The researcher hoped that this strategy could motivate them to have some

good willingness to write better. The improvement would appear from their

diaries week by week.

4. Recount Text

Anderson (1997:48) explains that a recount is a writing about past events

or text which retells past events, usually written orderly (as cited in Indah, 2010,

p. 21). Recount text is a kind of text which is used to tell students‟ personal

experiences in the past. Echols (1957:471) states that the recount text can tell oneself adventure or the day‟s activities (as cited in Indah, 2010, p. 21). The

purposes of this text are to inform the readers and entertain the readers. According

to Derewinka (1990: 15-17) there are three types of recount. They are personal

recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount (as cited in Indah, 2010, p. 22).

The curriculum of junior high school for English has stated that recount is

one example of a short essay which should be taught through four skills, namely

listening speaking, reading, and writing. There are some elements in a recount text

which should be mastered by the students. If they had covered all of those

elements, it means that they have had good writing skills. Then, it can be said that

their writing abilities are good enough, as stated by Umiyatun (2011),


According to Brown and Bailey (1984) scoring profile, the elements are

grammar including the word order, vocabulary, mechanics, content, and

organization (as cited in Brown, 2007, pp.144-145). The students‟ writing abilities

(grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, content, and organization) are very low. They

needed to improve their writing abilities in order to make a good recount text so





This chapter will discuss the theories which are used by the researcher to

conduct this research. Moreover, this chapter helps the researcher to answer the

research question. This second chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the

theoretical description and the second one is the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

There are several theories used by the researcher. The discussions of the

theories will support the researcher to answer the research question. The

researcher discusses teaching writing, recount text, weekly diary assignment, teacher‟s feedback, behaviorism theory, and classroom action research.

1. Teaching Writing

a. The Nature of Writing

Naturally, people communicate with others by speaking toward each other.

Then, they have language as the instrument to communicate with others. Besides,

human also communicates by writing. Therefore, students should be able to speak


According to Hyland (2002), in teaching writing, the teacher should act as

facilitator and give some freedom to the students to build some meanings by


Learnt, not taught, and the teachers‟ role is to be non-directive and facilitating, providing writers with the space to make their own meanings through an encouraging, positive and cooperative environment with minimal interference (p. 1).

Scholes and Comley (1985) write “writing is not simply frozen speech” (P.

3). They stated that writing is more “thoughtful” activity than speaking. They

gave an example about sending a message. When people receive a message

written by a same person, they have to read it and each person who reads the

message will speak it by their own voices. The result is that the message will be

no longer the same as the writer writes it first because every person has their own

thinking to analyze it. It makes writing as a “thoughtful” activity.

Therefore, the students as learners in EFL have to learn writing properly.

They hopefully can write in English properly. Raimes (1983) states that after

being able to write in English properly, the students write to communicate with a

reader, to express ideas without face to face, to explore a subject, to record

experience, to become familiar with text in English (p. 4). In this study, the researcher wanted to improve the students‟ writing abilities in writing a recount

text. It was related to those reasons as stated by Raimes (1983) that the students

write to record experience and to become familiar with text in English. Then, this


Bigs and Moore (1993) state

Ability refers to a characteristic derived from narrower range of tests, such as verbal, spatial, or musical tests. Abilities are hypothetical characteristic that are invoked to explain why some individuals do better on specified kinds of performance (p. 151).

Moreover, Bigs and Moore (1993) cite that writing abilities involves a

large number of what are called rhetorical skills: handwriting, spelling,

punctuation, word choice, syntax, textual connections, purpose, organisation,

clarity and reader characteristics.

Besides, Raimes (1983) also states the writers have to deal with certain

things when they produce a piece of writing. They are including the content

(relevance, clarity, originality, logic, etc.), the syntax( sentence structure, stylistic

choices, etc.), the grammar (rules of verbs, agreement, articles, pronouns, etc.),

the mechanics (handwriting, spelling, punctuation, etc.), the organization

(paragraphs, topic and support, cohesion and unity), and the word choices (vocabulary, idiom, tune), the writer‟s process, the audience, and the purpose.

Those things above can be the measurement of students‟ writing abilities.

Moreover, the researcher analyzed the improvement of the students‟

writing abilities and gave the score based on Brown & Bailey‟s scoring rubric. It

is one type of analytic scoring uses rubric. In this scoring rubric, the elements that should be analyzed in students‟ writing are the organization, the content, the

grammar (including sentence structure), the mechanics, and the vocabulary. They


b. The Genre-Based Approach

In this study, the researcher used the genre-based approach to teach writing

in the class. Hyland (2003) organized L2 writing teaching around a different focus

(p. 22):

 Language structures  Text functions  Themes or topics  Creative expression  Composing processes  Content

 Genre and contexts of writing

From those approaches above, this research used the genre and the contexts

of writing because the researcher had to solve the students‟ problem in writing a

recount text. In the genre based approach, the students write to achieve some

purposes. The writers will follow certain social conventions for organizing

messages to make the readers recognize the purpose of the writing. This is called

by genre. In the classroom, the teachers will focus on text (Hyland, 2003, p.18).

In writing a text, the students also have to know the language features of

the text. Hyland (2003) states “grammar is important, but presented as a way of

giving learners the language they need to construct central genres and to reflect on how language is used to accomplish this” (p. 22). Therefore, the researcher used

Brown and Bailey‟s scoring rubric to accomplish the teaching writing activity

through the genre based approach.

In the genre based approach, the teaching learning cycles are divided into

modeling of the text, joint construction of the text, and independent construction


approach into building the context, modeling and deconstructing the text, joint

construction of the text, independent construction of the text, linking related texts

(as cited in Hyland, 2003, p. 21).

This is the picture of the genre-based approach diagram :

Picture 2.1

Source: Feez, 1998: 28

The researcher conducted the teaching activities using some cycles of

genre based approach. They are building the context, modeling of the text, joint

construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. The researcher

used building the context because it could help the researcher to introduce the text

as the materials to the students by asking their background knowledge of the text.

The researcher did not use linking to other texts because the researcher only

needed to analyze students‟ improvement until independent construction of the


In modeling and deconstructing the text, the teacher presents some


language feature (Hyland, 1993, p. 138). At this stage, the teacher can give some

tasks related to the text.

In joint construction of the text, the teacher and the students can compose a

text together. The students are also able to work together with their friends. In this

stage, the teacher should guide them to plan the draft together. Hyland (2003)

states “the students are guided through all steps of the planning and drafting

process, developing a text together through composition heuristic task and teacher questions which shape the text” (p. 138).

In independent construction of the text, the students have to work by themselves. The teacher‟s scaffolding has to be removed. The teacher can monitor

and evaluate their progress. The teacher also can provide some feedback for them.

In the last stage, linking to other texts, the students have to compare the text to

other text. In this research, the researcher did not need to do it because the

students‟ improvements were only analyzed until the stage of independent

construction of the text.

Independent construction of the text asked the students to write their own

ideas of the text. In the grammar translation method, this activity is called by

composition. This is an example of some techniques based on the grammar

translation method. Freeman and Anderson (2011) write that in composition

technique, the teacher can ask the students to write in the target language by

giving certain topic. They state “the topic is based upon some aspect of the


2. Recount Text

According to Hyland (2003), based on the purpose, he organizes a recount

text into a genre (p. 20). It is factual genres. Butt et al., (2000) and Martin (1989)

state that there are five texts which are included into factual genre. They are

recount, procedure, description, report, and explanation (as cited in Hyland, 2003,


Butt et al., (2000) and Martin (1989) also state that the purpose of a

recount text is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in an original

sequences. The generic structure of a recount text consists of orientation, events in

chronological order, and reorientation (personal comment).

According to SACS Library (2012), the language feature of a recount text

is the characteristic of the first person whose character usually “I”. The next is the

tenses which uses past tense and past continuous tense to tell the stories. The

writer also uses time and sequences words like then, next, finally, etc. It shows the

order of events.

The materials of a recount text are stated in the junior high school

curriculum as written in the standard competence number twelve. In this study,

the researcher found that the students of VIII D of SMPN 1 Wungu had some

problems in writing a recount text.

3. Weekly Diary Assignment

The name of weekly diary was made by the researcher based on a writing


writing. This technique asks the students to keep a certain notebook as the media

to write the record of the events of the day or their ideas about those events (p.

90). This technique would make the students write often and more. Then, their

fluency increased and they will not only think for being correct (p. 90).

Meanwhile, the researcher adapted this technique with some

modifications, for example, the researcher asked the students to write twice a

week rather than everyday. The researcher also gave some feedback and scores in the students‟ diaries because feedback and score were very important for their

improvement in writing a recount text. The researcher took the students‟ scores to analyze the students‟ improvement from each cycle.

Besides, according to Progoff (1975), a diary is included into journal

writing. Journal writing is an instructional or learning tool in adult education (as

cited in Hiemstra, 2002, p. 2).

Adult educator Malcolm Knowles (1975) introduced readers to notions of personal reflection through activities such as self-assessment and proactive reading of materials. Another useful source is Christensen (1981), in which she describes how a diary can be used as a learning tool for adults. Brookfield (1987, 1995) provides various ideas pertaining to critically reflective writing through such tools as autobiography, critical incident citing, and seeing ourselves as others see us.

In this research, the researcher offered the diary as the media to improve

the students‟ writing abilities in writing a recount text. The diary was chosen

because there are a few teachers who use a diary as the media in writing activities.

Besides, the students needed writing assignment which would make them

accustom to writing in English properly. The weekly diary assignment could help


The researcher used the diary in the form of weekly diary assignment which would be followed by teacher‟s feedback as Progoff (1975) writes

Another feature of a diary is being able to look back on specific days or time periods in an attempt to sort out personal feelings. Combining such features with instructor feedback, the development of something like a statement of personal philosophy, and subsequent student writing and reflectioncan begin desired or even unanticipated personal changes. I recommend to learners Christensen‟s (1981) work in which she describes how a personal diary can be used as a supplement to classroom activities (as cited in Hiemstra, 2002, p. 2)..

This kind of assignment had been implemented by Miyuki (2001). Miyuki

(2001) used a diary as an assignment for EFL classroom. It is also including the teacher‟s feedback.

At the end of class, the diaries are collected, then during the week I add comments before returning the diaries at the beginning of the next lesson. As the year has progressed, students have begun submitting their diaries without prompting from me at the end of the lesson. Students have even been known to write entries in their diary in response to events in the lesson, submitting them before the class has finished (p. 2).

In this assignment, the researcher asked the students to write their personal

experiences in the form of a recount text twice a week. After each submission, the

researcher gave the feedback and gave it back to the students. The researcher gave

a topic per week submission, for example, the researcher gave a topic about the

most embarrassing experiences in the second week. Then, the students had to

write their embarrassing experiences twice a week.

The researcher asked the students to write their personal experiences in the

diaries for 100-150 words. Then, the researcher would give the feedback written

in the diaries and orally in front of the class in each meeting. The researcher also


This assignment required the students to write in English twice a week. The researcher hoped that it could improve students‟ writing abilities so that their

problems in writing a recount text could be solved.

4. Teacher’s Feedback

a. The Meaning of Feedback

According to Lewis (2002), feedback is “sometimes associated with

marking and the word marking brings to mind pictures of teachers carrying bundles of students‟ writing away to mark” (p. 2). In this study, the teacher‟s

feedback was included into the part of the weekly diary assignment.

b. The Types of Feedback

There are three kinds of feedback:

1) Teacher Feedback

According to Lewis (2002), there are three techniques of giving feedback

that can be used by teacher. They are traditional marking, conferencing, and

collective feedback (p. 9). From the three techniques of giving feedback above,

the researcher use traditional marking as the technique to give the feedback.

Traditional marking asks the teacher to put some marks, symbols (such as

underlining, etc.), and words in students‟ writing. It spends much time but it is effective to improve students‟ writing abilities in writing a recount text.

After giving some marks on the mistakes, the teacher can add some


by Hyland (2003), “feedback therefore emphasizes a process of writing and

rewriting where the text is not seen as self-contained but points forward to other texts the students will write” (p. 177).

2) Peer Feedback

Peer feedback is conducted among the students. They will get some

feedback or comments from their friends. They will like it because it seems fun

for the students. However, the researcher could not implement this kind of feedback because the students‟ writing skills are mostly low. It would waste the

time because later on, the teacher still had to give the feedback for each student.

3) Self-Correction

This kind of feedback gives the students opportunities to find their own

writing errors and revise them by themselves. It makes the students to be

independent but it is not effective for this research because the students would be

very noisy and talked with the others, instead of finding their own mistakes. The most appropriate feedback for the students‟ problem in this research is

teacher‟s feedback. The students could diminish their writing errors when writing

their past experiences by taking the teacher‟s feedback because each student had

his/her own problem in writing their past experiences.

In the implementation of weekly diary assignment followed by teacher‟s

feedback, the researcher used traditional marking for the students. According to Lewis (2002), “by traditional marking we mean the teacher sitting with a pen or

pencil; making marks on the students‟ writing” (p. 12). In this kind of teacher


Lewis said that it will get more attention from the students. Hyland (2003) states that many students see their teacher‟s feedback as crucial to their improvement as

writers (p. 178).

Hyland (2003) states “teacher written feedback should respond to all

aspects of students texts: structure, organization, style, content, and presentation”

(p. 185). In this study, the researcher decided some aspects of students texts based

on Brown and Bailey‟s rubric for scoring profile. They stated that organization,

content, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary as the aspects to analyze students‟


Besides the oral feedback and written feedback which were provided by

the researcher for the students, the researcher also gave some exercises based on the students‟ diaries as the additional feedback for them. The students sometimes

did not pay attention to the teacher when the researcher gave her feedback to other

students. They only paid attention to the teacher if the teacher gave feedback for

their own writing.

Meanwhile, the exercises which were made by analyzing the students‟

writing every week could make the students discuss their problems together in the

class. It is supported by Hyland (2003, p. 184) which writes “Master (1995) found

that corrective grammar feedback was valued by students and effective when


5. Behaviorism Learning Theory

In this study, the researcher tried to overcome the students‟ problems in

writing a recount text. The researcher offered an assignment which could solve

their problems.

The researcher used the weekly diary assignment followed by the teacher‟s

feedback. Watson (1924), Thorndike (1932), Bloomfield (1933), and Skinner

(1975) show that the concept of weekly diary assignment was based on

behaviorism learning theory that stated learning as the formation of habit (as cited

in Mitchell & Myles, 2004, p. 29).

According to Mitchell and Myles (2004), they saw that learning of any

kind of behavior as being based on the notions of stimulus and response. Then,

they said that stimuli and response can support the change of students‟ behavior.

Through repeated reinforcement, a certain stimulus will elicit the same response time and again, which will then become a habit. The learning of any skill is seen as the formation of habits, that is, creation of stimulus-response pairings, which become stronger with reinforcement. (Mitchell and Myles, 2004, p. 30)

The concept of weekly diary assignment to improve the students‟ writing

abilities was based on those theories above. The weekly diary assignment

emphasized how the teacher build a habit so that the students were accustomed to

writing in English properly. In this case, the weekly diary assignment as the

reinforcement for the students. Moreover, the researcher also gave some feedback

so that the students could give some responses. Before getting the weekly diary

assignment, they seldom got any writing assignment in the class. In writing a


They needed some repeated reinforcement to build a new habit of writing English


Mitchell and Myles (2004) state that repeated reinforcement will become a

habit. When the students wrote their personal experiences twice a week, they

would had been accustomed to writing in English properly. Moreover, the

existence of teacher‟s feedback would help the students and showed what went

well and what did not go well in the students‟ writing (pp. 30-31).

After getting several repeated reinforcement of weekly diary assignment,

the students had been accustomed to writing in English properly and their writing

abilities improved. Their problems in writing a recount text were sucessfully


6. Classroom Action Research

In this part, the researcher will discuss the definition of classroom action

research and the model of CAR used by the researcher.

The researcher conducted this research using action research. Action

research is included into qualitative research. According to Tomal (2003:4-5),

action research has the characteristic of both qualitative and quantitative research

(as cited in Suparno, 2008, p. 9). Therefore, the discussions of classroom action

research mostly are descriptive. Action research emphasizes the problem-solving

process and makes improvement towards the students in class.

Action research was used by the researcher to solve the problems faced by


students could improve on their writing abilities. This is the main aim of action

research. According to Suparno (2008), the main aim of action research is to

make a change or improve on an education pratice which is observed directly. Therefore, when the researcher found the students‟ problem in class, she used

action research to solve the problems (p. 17).

a. The definition of classroom action research

According to Mills (2011),

Action research is defined as any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process or environment for the purpose of gathering information about how their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how their students learn (as cited in Suparno, 2008, p.55).

It means that when a teacher finds a problem in the teaching activities, the

teacher can give the solutions for his or her students through conducting

classroom action research. The most important thing is the action. The teacher should conduct the action to solve the students‟ problem.

There are four basic process to conduct action research. According to Mills

(2011), they are identifying an area of focus, collecting data, analyzing and

interpreting the data, and developing a plan of action. The basic process is

developed into some classroom action research models created by some experts.

Johnson (2005), Mills (2007), & Tomal (2003) state that there are six

simple process of action research (as cited in Suparno, 2008, p.56). They are:

1. Asking questions, identification of the problem

2. Deciding the data which will be collected


4. Planning the nect action

5. Conducting the action

6. Evaluationnand follow up

b. Models of Action Research

There are some models of action research. The researcher conducted her research using Riel‟s (2007) action research. This model is commonly called by

progressive problem solving through action research model. This is the picture of

the model:

Picture 2.2 The picture of Riel’s action research

In Riel‟s (2007, p. 3) model, one cycle consists of four stages. They are :

1. Studying the problem and planning the action


3. Collecting and analyzing evidence

4. Reflecting

The researcher conducted this researcher in several cycles. It depended on the students‟ improvement.

In each stage of the cycle, the researcher conducted the activities using the

genre based approach. Therefore, in the planning stage, she planned the activities

for building the context, modeling of the text, joint construction of the text. and

independent construction of the text. The researcher also conducted those steps in

action, collecting and analyzing the data, and reflection.

B. Theoritical Framework

In EFL classroom, the students learn English through listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. All of the skills above are very important for them to master

English as the language to communicate in the global era. Students should have

good abilities in writing because in the global era people share and communicate

their ideas through global digital network who depend on the good writing ability.

They do not communicate face to face but they communicate by writing.

When the researcher conducted the preliminary study, the students were

learning the recount text. They had several problems in writing a recount text.

The results were unsatisfied enough. All of them could not pass the minimum

passing grade, 70. Their writing abilities were very poor. They could not make a

recount text in English properly, even make a sentence properly. Then, the


find the root of the problem. After conducting some activities in the preliminary study, the researcher found that the students‟ writing abilities were very poor

because they seldom wrote in English. They also did not know what their

mistakes were.

Then, the researcher decided to conduct an action research to overcome the

students‟ problem in writing a recount text. The researcher offered the weekly

diary assignment followed by the teacher‟s feedback which worked based on

behaviorism theories. The weekly diary assignment required the students to write

their personal experiences in the form of a recount text twice a week. Then, the

researcher would give feedback in the written form and orally in each submission.

The repeated reinforcement through the weekly diary made them accustom to

writing in English properly. Then, at the end of the research, the students‟ writing

abilities in writing a recount text improved slightly.

The researcher conducted classroom action research based on Riel‟s cction

research which consists of planning, action, collecting and analyzing evidence,

and reflection. The researcher would like to see the students‟ improvement

progressively week by week. The most important thing in this research is the students‟ diaries. Therefore, she used this action research which consisted of

collecting and analyzing evidence in the third stage. It helped the researcher to

answer the research question. In the teaching activities, the teacher used the genre

based approach which consists of building knowledge, modeling of the text, joint





In the third chapter, the researcher discusses the methodology of the

research. It consists of the research method, the research setting, the research

participants, the instrument and data gathering techniques, the data analysis

technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

This study has an objective to know to what extent the use of weekly diary

followed by the teacher‟s feedback improves the students‟ writing abilities in the

recount text. The most appropriate method for this research is classroom action

research (CAR). According to Hermida (2001), “classroom action research is a

method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can improve student learning” (p. 38). It means that classroom action research will

help teacher to overcome students‟ problems and improve them through

appropriate learning strategies. Latief (2009) also writes that the researcher can

help the students through some strategies through classroom action research if he

or she has known the problems of the students (p. 17).

This methodology was conducted to solve the problems found by the

researcher. Classroom action research would help students of VIII D of SMPN 1


researcher conducted the research, she adopted Riel‟s action research model. The Riel‟s CAR consists of four stages, such as planning, taking action, collecting

evidence, and reflecting. This model was chosen by the researcher because she

needed to collect some evidences while the action took place. This stage would

help the researcher to reflect how the weekly diary assignment followed by the

teacher‟s written feedback worked towards the students.

Riel‟s action research is also known by progressive problem solving action

research. This study was also conducted by analyzing the students‟ improvement

to solve their problem in writing a recount text progressively (Riel, 2011). The

researcher needed a lot of time to analyze the improvement. She conducted this

research for one month.

This action research consisted of three cycles. Each cycle consisted of four

stages. The first stage was planning stage. First of all, the researcher conducted a

preliminary study to analyze what the real problems faced by students were. Then,

she used the weekly diary assignment to improve students‟ writing abilities. The

weekly diary writing followed by the teacher‟s feedback had its own ways to

make the students conduct habitual writing activity in order to improve their

writing abilities. Then, the researcher planned the action for the whole activities


After that, the researcher conducted the second step, named action. In this

stage, the researcher began to implement all of the activities planned in the

planning stage. The English teacher of the class accompanied the researcher


observation checklists and the teacher only needed to check it based on the reality

of the class.

The third stage was collecting and analyzing the data (evidences). In this stage, the researcher began to collect the students‟ diaries which should be

submmitted twice a week, on Friday and Tuesday. The researcher also gave some

feedback for the students‟ writing in each meeting. The feedback was delivered

orally, written, and in the form of some exercises in the meetings on Tuesday. The

researcher should collect and analyze all of the data including in the students‟

results from the class exercises to see their improvement.

The last stage was reflection. In this stage, the researcher had to reflect all

of the things which happened during the implementation. After conducting the last

stage, the researcher could see what the things should be improved and what the

things should be kept for the next cycle. Then, the researcher could decide

whether the implementation of weekly diary had overcome the students‟ problems

or not.

B. Research Setting

The researcher conducted this classroom action research for the students

of class VIIID of SMPN 1 Wungu. This school is located on Madiun, East Java.

The researcher conducted this research from March 26, 2013 until April 17,


C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were students of VIIID in SMPN 1

Wungu. The class consisted of 10 female students and 9 male students. The

academic year was 2012/2013. At that time, they were at the second semester of

eighth grade and they were learning the materials of a recount text. Then, in the

preliminary study, the researcher found that they had some problems in writing a

recount text

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

There were some instruments used by the researcher during this research.

They were field notes, questionnaires, interviews, observation checklist, and the students‟ diaries.

1. Field Notes

The researcher made the field notes when the strategy was implemented in

the classroom. She observed the students‟ improvement overcoming their

problems in writing a recount text during the implementation of weekly diary

assignment followed by the teachers‟ feedback. According to Dovey (2012) field

notes itself is

Notes made by the researcher in the course of qualitative fieldwork, often observations of participants, locations or events. These may constitute the whole data collected for a project (as in an observational project) or add to it (as when field notes supplement conventional interview data) (As cited in Wallace, 1998, P. 120).

When the researcher conducted the preliminary study, she also used field


Besides, the researcher always used it during taking action in the class like

taking notes some information as date time, class, number present, absentees,

work done, homework, etc., as cited by Wallace (1998).

Wallace (1998) also states that field notes could help the researcher to

prevent her hard-won experience, ebbing away and being lost in the tide of

pressures caused by „getting on with the next thing‟ (p. 58).

2. Questionnaires

The researcher distributed questionnaires twice during this research. The

first questionnaire was distributed for all of the students in the preliminary study

to convince what the real problems which were faced by the students were. The

second questionnaire was distributed for all of the students at the end of the

research to know whether the implementation of weekly diary assignment improved students‟ writing abilities in writing a recount text or not.

These are the sample of the questionnaires:

Table 3.1 The Sample of Questionnaire in Preliminary Study No. Pernyataan SANGAT


Table 3.2 The Sample of Questionnaire at the end of the Third Cycle

2. Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah kegiatan yang semakin menyenangkan untuk saya. 3. Menulis pengalaman pribadi berbentuk

recount dalam diary adalah hal yang menarik. 4. Saya mengerjakan sendiri tugas weekly diary

dengan tertib. (2x seminggu)

5. Weekly diary banyak membantu saya meningkatkan kemampuan menulis saya, terutama menulis pengalaman pribadi dalam bahasa Inggris berbentuk recount.

Wallace (1998) states “we use questionnaires and interviews when we

want to tap into the knowledge, opinions, ideas, and experiences of our learners,

fellow teachers, parents, or whatever” (p. 124). In other words, the researcher wanted to know students‟ opinion based on their experiences during the

implementation of weekly diary assignment. Wallace (1998, p. 124) also adds that

questionnaires are more effective than the other instrument because it can save the

time and structured systematically.

Burns (2009) divides questionnaires into three types (as cited by

Nugroho, 2011, p. 35). They are closed items, scaled items, and open-ended

items. The researcher used scale items as the form of each questionnaire. She used

Likert Scale which consists of four scales, such as strongly agree, agree, disagree,

and strongly disagree. Besides, the researcher completed the questionnaires with


Table 3.1 The Sample of Questionnaire in Preliminary Study
Table 3.2 The Sample of Questionnaire at the end of the Third Cycle
Table 3.3    The Sample of observation checklist for observing students
Table 3.4   The Sample of Observation Checklist for Observing the Researcher


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