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2. Modul MFCC - Appendix (610.1Kb)


Academic year: 2019

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Modul MySql

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Module ModuleMySql

Dim Strcon As String =

"server=localhost;user=root;database=piano;port=3306;password=;" Dim conn As MySqlConnection

Sub hubungkan() Try

conn = New MySqlConnection(Strcon) conn.Open()

Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show("Koneksi Gagal : " & ex.Message) End Try

End Sub

Function lookup(ByVal strquery As String) As DataTable hubungkan()

Dim hasil As New DataTable

Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(strquery, conn) Dim rdr As MySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader

hasil.Load(rdr) rdr.Close() conn.Close() Return hasil End Function

Function query(ByVal strquery As String) As String Try


Dim hasil As New DataTable

Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(strquery, conn)

conn.Close() Catch ex As Exception conn.Close()

Return "Gagal : " & ex.Message End Try

Return "Berhasil" End Function

End Module


Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text

Module ModuleMFCC

Private Function my_rint(x As Double) As Integer If 2 * x = CDbl(Math.Round(2 * x)) Then x += 0.0001

End If

Return CInt(Math.Truncate(Math.Round(x))) End Function

Public Function DCremoval(ByVal signal As Double()) As Double() Dim hasil(signal.Length - 1) As Double

Dim avg As Double = signal.Average

For i As Integer = 0 To signal.Length - 1 hasil(i) = signal(i) - avg


Return hasil End Function

Public Function EmpFiltering(ByVal signal As Double()) As Double() Dim alpha As Double = -0.97

Dim hasil(signal.Length - 1) As Double For i As Integer = 1 To signal.Length - 2

hasil(i) = signal(i) + signal(i - 1) * alpha Next

hasil(0) = signal(0) Return hasil

End Function

Public Function mfcc(ByRef signal As Double()) As Double() Dim lowestFrequency As Double = 133.3333

Dim linearFilters As Double = 13

Dim linearSpacing As Double = 66.66666666 Dim logFilters As Double = 27

Dim logSpacing As Double = 1.0711703 Dim fftSize As Double = 512

Dim cepstralCoefficients As Double = 13 Dim windowSize As Double = 256

Dim samplingRate As Double = 44100 Dim totalFilters As Double

Dim mfccFilterWeights As Double() Dim freqs As Double()

Dim triangleHeight As Double() Dim lower As Double()

Dim upper As Double() Dim center As Double() Dim fftFreqs As Double() Dim hamWindow As Double() Dim mfccDCTMatrix As Double() Dim preEmphasized As Double() Dim first As Double

Dim last As Double Dim fftData As Double() Dim empreinte As Double() Dim maxi As Double


Dim ceps As Double() Dim loga As Double Dim windowStep As Double Dim cols As Double

Dim frameRate As Double = 100

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer

signal = DCremoval(signal)

preEmphasized = EmpFiltering(signal)

totalFilters = linearFilters + logFilters

freqs = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) + 1) {} For i = 0 To linearFilters - 1

freqs(i) = lowestFrequency + i * linearSpacing Next

For i = CInt(Math.Truncate(linearFilters)) To CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) + 1

freqs(i) = freqs(CInt(Math.Truncate(linearFilters)) - 1) * Math.Pow(logSpacing, i - linearFilters + 1)


lower = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1) {} upper = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1) {} center = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1) {} triangleHeight = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1) {}

fftData = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)) - 1) {}

For i = 0 To CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1 lower(i) = freqs(i)


For i = 1 To CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) center(i - 1) = freqs(i)


For i = 2 To CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) + 1 upper(i - 2) = freqs(i)


mfccFilterWeights = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters * fftSize)) - 1) {}

For i = 0 To totalFilters - 1

triangleHeight(i) = 2 / (upper(i) - lower(i)) Next

fftFreqs = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)) - 1) {} For i = 0 To fftSize - 1

fftFreqs(i) = (i / fftSize) * samplingRate Next

For i = 0 To totalFilters - 1

For j = 0 To CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)) - 1

If (fftFreqs(j) > lower(i)) AndAlso (fftFreqs(j) <= center(i)) Then

mfccFilterWeights(CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)) * i + j) = triangleHeight(i) * (fftFreqs(j) - lower(i)) / (center(i) - lower(i)) End If


mfccFilterWeights(CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)) * i + j) = (triangleHeight(i) * (fftFreqs(j) - lower(i)) / (center(i) - lower(i))) + (triangleHeight(i) * (upper(i) - fftFreqs(j)) / (upper(i) - center(i))) End If

Next Next

hamWindow = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(windowSize)) - 1) {} For i = 0 To windowSize - 1

hamWindow(i) = 0.54 - 0.46 * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * i / windowSize)


mfccDCTMatrix = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(cepstralCoefficients * totalFilters)) - 1) {}

For i = 0 To cepstralCoefficients - 1 For j = 0 To totalFilters - 1

mfccDCTMatrix(j * CInt(Math.Truncate(cepstralCoefficients)) + i) = 1 / Math.Sqrt(totalFilters / 2) * Math.Cos(i * (2 * j + 1) * Math.PI / 2 / totalFilters)

Next Next

For i = 0 To totalFilters - 1

mfccDCTMatrix(i * CInt(Math.Truncate(cepstralCoefficients))) *= 1 / Math.Sqrt(2)


earMag = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(totalFilters)) - 1) {} windowStep = samplingRate / frameRate

cols = CInt(Math.Truncate((1024 - windowSize) / windowStep)) ceps = New Double(CInt(Math.Truncate(8 * cols * linearFilters)) - 1) {}

For i = 0 To cols - 1

first = i * windowStep + 1 last = first + windowSize - 1 For j = 0 To fftSize - 1 fftData(j) = 0 Next

For j = 0 To windowSize - 1

fftData(j) = preEmphasized(CInt(my_rint(first + j - 1))) * hamWindow(j)


Dim fftMag As Double() = AlgoritmaFft.Calculate(signal)

For j = 0 To totalFilters - 1 loga = 0

For k = 0 To fftSize - 1

loga += fftMag(k) * mfccFilterWeights(k + j * CInt(Math.Truncate(fftSize)))



For j = 0 To linearFilters - 1 loga = 0

For k = 0 To totalFilters - 1

loga += earMag(k) * mfccDCTMatrix(j + k * CInt(Math.Truncate(linearFilters)))


ceps(j + i * CInt(Math.Truncate(linearFilters))) = loga Next


empreinte = New Double(11) {}

For i = 1 To 12

empreinte(i - 1) = (ceps(i) + ceps(i + 13) + ceps(i + 26) + ceps(i + 39) + ceps(i + 52) + ceps(i + 65))


maxi = 0

For i = 0 To 11

If maxi * maxi < empreinte(i) * empreinte(i) Then maxi = empreinte(i)

End If Next

For i = 0 To 11

empreinte(i) = (empreinte(i) / Math.Abs(maxi)) * 2 Next

Return empreinte

End Function

End Module


Modul FFT

Public NotInheritable Class AlgoritmaFft Private Sub New()

End Sub

Public Shared Function Calculate(x As Double()) As Double() Dim length As Integer

Dim bitsInLength As Integer

If x.Length > 1 AndAlso (x.Length And (x.Length - 1)) = 0 Then length = x.Length

bitsInLength = Log2(length) - 1 Else


Dim data As ComplexNumber() = New ComplexNumber(length - 1) {} For i As Integer = 0 To x.Length - 1

Dim j As Integer = ReverseBits(i, bitsInLength) data(j) = New ComplexNumber(x(i))


For i As Integer = 0 To bitsInLength - 1 Dim m As Integer = 1 << i

Dim n As Integer = m * 2

Dim alpha As Double = -(2 * Math.PI / n)

For k As Integer = 0 To m - 1

Dim oddPartMultiplier As ComplexNumber = New ComplexNumber(0, alpha * k).PoweredE()

Dim j As Integer = k While j < length

Dim evenPart As ComplexNumber = data(j)

Dim oddPart As ComplexNumber = oddPartMultiplier * data(j + m)

data(j) = evenPart + oddPart data(j + m) = evenPart - oddPart j += n

End While Next


Dim spectrogram As Double() = New Double(length - 1) {} For i As Integer = 0 To spectrogram.Length - 1

spectrogram(i) = data(i).AbsPower2() Next

Return spectrogram End Function

Private Shared Function Log2(n As Integer) As Integer Dim i As Integer = 0

While n > 0 i += 1 n >>= 1 End While Return i End Function

Private Shared Function ReverseBits(n As Integer, bitsCount As Integer) As Integer

Dim reversed As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To bitsCount - 1 Dim nextBit As Integer = n And 1 n >>= 1

reversed <<= 1

reversed = reversed Or nextBit Next

Return reversed End Function



Modul Suara

Imports NAudio.Wave

Module ModuleSuara

Function ekstraksisignaldigital(namafile As String) As Double() Dim tmp As Integer = 0

Dim x As Integer = 0 Dim xx As Double = 0.0

Dim tmpxy As New List(Of Double())

Dim fr As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(namafile) Dim signal() As Double

Using wfr As New WaveFileReader(namafile) Using ws As WaveStream =

WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(wfr) Using baStream As WaveStream = New BlockAlignReductionStream(ws)

Dim format As New WaveFormat(baStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate,

baStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample, baStream.WaveFormat.Channels) Dim buffer1 As Byte() = New

Byte(baStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8 - 1) {}

Dim SampleRate = baStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate Dim wavFormat = baStream.WaveFormat

Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0 Dim previousPosition As Long = 0 Dim currentValue As Double Dim avg As Double = 0

ReDim signal(baStream.Length) Dim i As Integer = 0

While baStream.Position < baStream.Length bytesRead = baStream.Read(buffer1, 0, baStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8)

If baStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8 > 1 Then currentValue = 100.0 *

BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer1, 0) / Short.MaxValue Else

currentValue = 100.0 * 255 * (buffer1(0) - 128) / Short.MaxValue

End If

If Not x = 0 And (x Mod 5 = 0) Then

If Not CInt(currentValue) * -1 = 0 Then tmpxy.Add(New Double() {x,

CInt(currentValue) * -1 + 150, x - 1, tmp * -1 + 150}) End If

End If xx += 0.02 x = CInt(xx)


i += 1

Function potongsuara(ByVal signal As Double(), ByVal tampil As Boolean, ByVal x As Integer) As List(Of Double())


Next Next End If

Return hasil End Function End Module


Modul LVQ

Module LVQ

Dim listdata As DataTable Dim a As New List(Of data) Dim maxEpoh As Integer = 5 Dim alpha As Double = 0.02 Dim jumlahvektor As Integer = 11 Dim LR As Double = 0.00005 Structure data

Dim vektor() As Double Dim jenis As String Dim idjenis As Integer End Structure

Public Sub AmbilData() Try

listdata = lookup("SELECT jenisnada, v.`id`, `v1`, `v2`, `v3`, `v4`, `v5`, `v6`, `v7`, `v8`, `v9`, `v10`, `v11`, `v12`, `hasildari` FROM `vektor` v INNER JOIN jenisnada j on v.jenisnada=j.id")

a.Clear() Dim ab As data

For i As Integer = 0 To listdata.Rows.Count - 1 ab.jenis = listdata.Rows(i)(0)

Dim nilaiv(11) As Double

For j As Integer = 0 To jumlahvektor

nilaiv(j) = CDbl(listdata.Rows(i)(j + 2)) Next

ab.vektor = nilaiv

ab.idjenis = listdata.Rows(i)(1) a.Add(ab)

Next Catch

MessageBox.Show("Database Tidk bisa diproses", "Database Error", _

MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)

End End Try End Sub



Dim j As Integer

Dim bobotinput() As Double, nilaibanding() As Double Dim hasil As Double

Dim min As Double = 100

Dim flag = 0 j = 0

bobotinput = vektor Dim Wbaru As String = "" Do

flag += 1

For i As Integer = 0 To a.Count - 1 nilaibanding = a(i).vektor hasil = 0

For z As Integer = 0 To jumlahvektor

hasil += Math.Abs(Math.Pow((bobotinput(z) - nilaibanding(z)), 2))


hasil = Math.Sqrt(hasil) If hasil < min Then min = hasil j = i End If Next Wbaru = ""

nilaibanding = a(j).vektor

For z As Integer = 0 To jumlahvektor

Wbaru &= nilaibanding(z) + alpha * (bobotinput(z) - nilaibanding(z)) & "|"


LR = alpha * LR

Loop While flag <= maxEpoh Dim _mfcc = Wbaru.Split("|") query("insert into

vektor(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,jenisnada,hasildari) values(" & _mfcc(0) & "," & _mfcc(1) & "," & _mfcc(2) & "," & _mfcc(3) & "," & _mfcc(4) & "," & _mfcc(5) & "," & _mfcc(6) & "," & _mfcc(7) & "," & _mfcc(8) & "," & _mfcc(9) & "," & _mfcc(10) & "," & _mfcc(11) & "," & a(j).jenis & ",'Pelatihan')")


Public Function pengenalan(ByVal vektor As Double()) As String AmbilData()

Dim j As Integer

Dim bobotinput() As Double, nilaibanding() As Double Dim hasil As Double

Dim flag = 0

Dim min As Double = 100

bobotinput = vektor j = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To a.Count - 1 nilaibanding = a(i).vektor hasil = 0

For z As Integer = 0 To jumlahvektor

hasil += Math.Abs(Math.Pow((bobotinput(z) - nilaibanding(z)), 2))


hasil = Math.Sqrt(hasil) If hasil < min Then min = hasil j = i End If Next

Return a(j).jenis

End Function End Module


Modul Cetak Partitur

Module CetakKeImage

Function getGambarNotBalok(i As Integer) As Bitmap Select Case i + 1

Case 1

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources._do) Case 2

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.re) Case 3

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.mi) Case 4

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.fa) Case 5

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.sol) Case 6

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.la) Case 7

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.si) Case Else

Return New Bitmap(My.Resources.do_) End Select


Sub cetaknotbalok(ByVal notbalok() As Integer, ByVal dest As String) Dim height As Integer = 254

Dim width As Integer = 31 Dim x As Integer = 31 Dim y As Integer = 254 If notbalok.Count < 10 Then width *= notbalok.Count Else

width = 310

height *= Math.Ceiling(notbalok.Count / 10) End If

Dim kanvas As Bitmap Dim gr As Graphics

kanvas = New Bitmap(width, height) gr = Graphics.FromImage(kanvas) Dim x1 As Integer = 0

Dim y1 As Integer = 0

For j As Integer = 0 To notbalok.Count - 1

gr.DrawImage(getGambarNotBalok(notbalok(j)), x1, y1) If j Mod 10 = 0 And Not j = 0 Then

x1 = 0 y1 += y Else

x1 += x End If Next

kanvas.Save(dest) End Sub


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