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Supported By : Canadian Red Cross


Academic year: 2018

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Supported By : Canadian Red Cross





M. Fit ri Rahmadana, SE, M. Si



The research is aimed at document ed t he t radit ional early warning syst em, bot h t he ongoing one and t he pot ent ial one t o be developed in t he f ut ure, as a recommendat ion of what early warning syst em is ef f ect ive and how PMI socializes it t o t he societ y in every branches area.

The research is conduct ed in Nias Island around 30 days. The dat a is t aken by int erviewing every respondent t he open and close quest ions. All of t he quest ions are designed by arranging consult at ion wit h PMI workers. The research sample is divided int o t hree groups namely, Government (local government and relat ed inst it ut ion), Non-government Organizat ion (PMI, local and int ernat ional organizat ion) and Societ y (village apparat us, village leader, and common people). The sample f rom village leader and common people is t aken f rom t hose who are above 40 years old. It is done so t o get det ailed inf ormat ion about t he t radit ional early warning syst em. Based on t he sample group, it is t aken as f ollows: 7 persons represent ed government , 12 persons represent ed non government organizat ion bot h local and int ernat ional, and 44 persons represent ed societ y i. e. village apparat us, village leader and common people.

From t he research, it is f ound t hat societ y underst anding about disast er is quit e good but underst anding about early warning syst em is st ill disappoint ing. Generally, t he early warning syst ems t hat t he societ y knows bot h t radit ional and modern one are t hose warning which produce sound like Kent ongan and bell in t radit ional early warning syst em, and siren in modern early warning syst em. However, t he societ y pref ers t o choose modern syst em t o t radit ional one in t he f ut ure f or various reasons while t he t radit ional early warning syst em can be put as an alt ernat ive. To execut e t he syst em, t he societ y relies on t he government . On t he ot her hand, t o socialize, t o t rain, and t o simulat e t he syst em, societ y, village apparat us and non government organizat ion are highly expect ed.





1. Background

2. Obj ect ives of t his st udy

3. Met hodology

3. 1 St udy area descript ion 3. 2 Research design (sampling) 3. 3 Dat a collect ion met hod 3. 4 Dat a analysis

4. Research Findings

4. 1 The Comprehension About Disast er And Early Warning Syst em 4. 2 Knowledge Of Tradit ional Early Warning Syst em

4. 3 Knowledge About Exist ing Early Warning Tools 4. 4 The Pot ent ial Warning Met hod In The Fut ure

5. Conclusions and Recommendat ions 5. 1 Conclusions

5. 2 Recommendat ions

ANNEX. 1. Research Quest ionaire







The eart hquake of 26 December 2004 of f t he coast of Banda Aceh wit h t he magnit ude of 9, 3 on t he Richt er scale generat ed a disast rous t sunami t hat caused dest ruct ion in 18 count ries bordering t he Indian ocean. The massive t sunami waves up t o 30 met ers high result ed in t he losses of propert ies est imat ed US $ 9, 9 bil lion and human causal it ies of more t han 300. 000. The highest number of deat hs occurred in Indonesia f oll owed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. More t han half a million people were direct ly af f ect ed by t he disast er in Indonesian alone.

Af t er t he t sunami event , t he Canadian Red Cross (CRC), along wit h a number of int ernat ional organizat ions including UN agencies, IFRC, Part icipat ing nat ional Societ ies (PNSs) and Non-Government al Organizat ions in f ive key areas : shelt er, wat er and sanit at ion, livelihoods, healt h and disast er preparedness. In order t o improve PMI’ s capacit y t o receive disast er alert s an disseminat e t hem t o vulnerable communit ies and t he concerned decision makers, CRC has been support ing Indonesian Red Cross societ y (PMI) t o est ablished and st rengt hen t he radio-based early warning sist ems in all it s branches in Aceh province and Nias island.

The ult imat e goal of early warning sist em is t o prot ect lives and propert y. They t heref ore const it ut e one of t he element s of any disast er reduct ion st rat egy. It wil l enable t he concerned aut horit ies and at -risk communit ies t o know t he hazards of t he localit y, communit y vulnerabil it ies and impending risk, warning messages, and building and mobilizing t heir response capabilit ies t o reduce risks. Early warning helps t o reduce economic losses by allowing people t o bet t er prot ect t heir asset s and livelihoods. For example, t hey can saf eguards homes, sell livest ock or select appropriat e crops f or a drought , t hus limit ing not only t he immediat e impact of disast er but also t he know-on-ef f ect s on asset s t hat can reduce economic well being and increase povert y.

Early warning sist ems are recognized in t he Hyogo Framework as an import ant element of disast er risk reduct ion and hence t o t he achievement of sust ainable development and sust ainable livelihoods. Disast er occurrences and impact are increasing, mainly owing t o an increase in t he size and vulnerabil it y of exposed popul at ions, but also possible t o increase in t he f requency and severit y of cert ain hydro met eorological hazards as resul t of climat e change. Economic losses f rom disast ers can great ly set back hard-won development gains part icularly among t he poorest count ries.


They cont ribut e t o t he creat ion of dat a achieves and inf ormat ion bases t hat are essent ial t o longer t erm economic development planning and decision-making.

Early warning sist ems may enhance communit y capacit ies t hrough part icipat ion processes, public-privat e part hnerships, and recognit ion of indigenous knowledge and values.



ƒ To document t he t radit ional , exist ing and pot ent ial early warning sist ems at communit y level.

ƒ To recommend ef f ect ive way of linking/ disseminat ion of PMI branch based early warning sist ems t o t he communit ies and disseminat e warnings/ alert s t o t he communit y members.



3. 1


Figure 1. Research Area



This st udy t ries t o explore t he societ y comprehension about early warning, t radit ional exist ed early warning syst em, ongoing earl y warning syst em and pot ent ial early warning syst em in t he f ut ure t o help decreasing t he risk af t er disast er.

To get t he maximum result , t he sample is t aken by using purposive met hod, in which it is planned based on t he needs. The sample is t aken and classif ied in 3 main groups namely, government (Government inst it ut ion), non government organizat ion (PMI, local and int ernat ional organizat ion) and Societ y (government inst it ut ion, societ y man and common people). For societ y man and common people t he sample is t aken above 40 years old in order t o get inf ormat ion about t he t radit ional early warning.

Sample dist ribut ion is based on gender, age and group of sampl e, can be seen in f igure 1 as f oll ows :

Picture 1. Sample Distribution according to gender and group of sample

Source: Questioner 

As a whole, t he sample of t his st udy is cl assif ied as f ollows: based on gender, 17 f emal e and 45 mal e. Based on age dist ribut ion, 1 person age above 60 years old, 1 person age 56-59 years old, 27 person age 36-45 years old, 20 person age 26-35 years ol d and 2 person age 18-25 years old. Based on group of sampl e, 7 persons was represent ed by government , 12 person was represent ed by non government organizat ion bot h local and int ernat ional, and 44 person was represent ed by communit y government inst it ut ion, societ y man and common peopl e.




For obj ect ive result , t he dat a was collect ed, t abulat ed and processed by using quant it at ive and qualit at ive met hod. . Quant it at ive met hod used circle diagram and bar diagram, percent age and cross t abulat ion f or closed quest ions. While qualit at ive analysis is done by concluding t he respondent ’ s inf ormat ion f rom opened quest ions answers.


4. 1.


Bef ore st art ing t he dat a anal ysis, let s f irst we l ooking at t o some comment f rom responden about disast er and early warning syst em f rom 3 dif f erent group t here are government , non-government organizat ion and societ y :

IB. Jalukhu (TNI/ Pemerintah) :

“ …. . j adi dal am pelaksanaan sosial isasi ini, baik unt uk penanggunalangan bencana al am at au det eksi dini, karena sel ama ini yang dilakukan hanya sosialisasi dari beberapa orang dari desa at au dari kecamat an it u dilaksanakan di kant or-kant or NGO yang ada, t api penerapannya kepada masyarakat masih belum, mereka masih j auh, kenapa? Karena bahasa Indonesia kan kurang. Jadi kalau kit a sosial isasi dengan hanya dengan t eori, t idak langsung dengan prakt ek, mereka t idak mengert i. Sedangkan yang ki t a harapkan, masing-masing desa it u ada

simulasinya langsung. Simalasinya it u dia t ahu bahwa bagaimana caranya bil a t erj adi t sunami, bila t erj adi gempa, apa yang harus dilakukan………dia mengert i karena dia langsung

melakukan, kalau dilakukan sindiri dia belum mengert i, it u yang kit a harapkan…. ’

Samsidik Zebua (Pemko Nias/ Kepala Dinas Sosial) :

“ …. sewakt u saya bert ugas di Teluk Dalam, saya t ahu ada syst em peringat an dini, t api sekarang set elah saya bert ugas di Gunung Sit oli, saya t i dak t au adanya syst em peringat an dini…. . saya t idak t au egekt if at au t idak ef ekt if nya syst em peringat an dini it u, karena t idak pernah disimul asikan…. t idak pernah bunyi dia it u…. . ”

Hendricus. H (Lembaga non-pemerintah) :

“ ………. Sepert i di Nias Ut ara, banyak mit os-mi t os, nenek-nenek dul u sering bercerit a ket ika saya masih kecil umur 3 t ahun, j adi nenek saya pernah bilang at au nenek saya pernah cerit a, kalau bencana it u muncul misalnya kalau aka nada gunung melet us, pohon-pohon disekit arnya bias l ayu, binat ang-binat ang disana pada berl arian, j adi burung-burungnya berkicau………. ”


and t he synergy f rom t hese t hree groups will be t he key of success of t he early warning syst em.

Tabl e 1. Ref ers t hat t here are some person consider t hat t he disast er can be guessed and t he groups t hat is not underst and it is government 28. 6%, t hen communit y 16. 7%, and t he last is non government organizat ion 22. 7%. However, wit h t he percent age t hat is not t oo big so it is easy t o change t he percept ion.

Table 1. The respondent answer whether the disaster can be guessed

According to you, did the disast er can be guessed?

Yes No

The Group of Sample

Government 28. 60% 71. 40%

Non-goverment al Organizat ion

16. 70% 83. 30%

Communit y 22. 70% 77. 30%

Total 22. 20% 77. 80%

Source: Questioner 

Then t able 2. Ref ers t o t he t hird percept ion t hrough t he early warning syst em. Generally t he knowledge about what is early warning syst em st ill low is 33. 3%, but 3. 2% among ot hers consider t hat early warning syst em is t he syst em t o cope af t er disast er. The highest comprehension about what earl y warning syst em is exist s in t he group of non government organizat ion in t he amount of 58. 3%. It means t hat it needs many desiminat ion especiall y government and non government organizat ion as f acilit at or.

Table. 2. Respondent Answer about the Comprehension of Early Warning System

According to you, which one is the best statement about EWS


The f irst inf ormat ion about disast er

The readiness bef ore disast er

To solve t he disast er

The group of Sampel

Government 42. 90% 57. 10% 0. 00% 100. 00%

Non-government al organizat ion

58. 30% 33. 30% 8. 30% 100. 00%

Communit y 25. 00% 72. 70% 2. 30% 100. 00%

Total 33. 30% 63. 50% 3. 20% 100. 00%

      Source: Questioner

4. 2.


In f act t here was f olkt ale t old even t hough it was not syst emat ically. These f olkt ales were spread f rom generat ion t o generat ion. However t he f olkt ale wasn't regarded as ant icipat ion t o a disast er but merel y a st ory bef ore t o bed.


1. Pre Disast er St ory: marked by unusual animal at t it ude (bot h livest ock animal and wild animal). This st ory was onl y t old by one respondent .

2. Post Disast er: t his st ory ref ers t o act ion should be done when a disast er occurs (Once a disast er occurs go under a t able or bed room quickl y, or t o t he f ield, or t o a higher locat ion or t o a mount ain and if you see t he ebb t ide go t o t he mount ain). From t hose st ories running t o a higher pl ace is t he act ion most done af t er a disast er.

Tabel. 3. Knowledge of Traditional Folktale

Do you know that there is folkt ale that help the community when disaster happened?

Yes NO

Age 18-25 years old 100. 00% 0. 00%

26-35 years old 20. 00% 80. 00%

36-45 years old 22. 20% 77. 80%

46-55 years old 33. 30% 66. 70%

56-59 years old 100. 00% 0. 00%

Above 60 years old 100. 00% 0. 00%

Total 28. 60% 71. 40%

Source : Questioner

It is dif f erent f rom t radit ional t ools which have been known by around 60 % of t he societ y as an early warning syst em t owards a disast er. Some of t ools most ly known are church bell, Bamboo-made-drum called Kent ongan and skin-made drum called Bedug. The t ools are sounded when a disast er t o warn t he people, however, t he respondent can’ t explain what t o do af t er t hey are warned. It is onl y f ew person answer t hat t hey will run t o a higher place once t hey are warned about a disast er. Even unt il now, we can st ill f ind church bell, Kent ongan and Bedug in t he village t hough t hey are no longer used as an early warning syst em but as religious ceremonial t ool. The lack of syst em which shows who is responsible f or sounding t he t ools when a disast er occurs and how t o use t he t ools make t he t radit ional t ools lef t by t he societ y replaced by more sophist icat ed modern t ools.

Tabel. 4. Knowledge about Traditional Early Warning

Do you know that there are traditional device (kentongan, bell, bedug, etc)that ever used as early warning device?

Yes No

Age 18-25 years old 50. 00% 50. 00%

26-35 years old 40. 00% 60. 00%

36-45 years old 63. 00% 37. 00%

46-55 years old 83. 30% 16. 70%

56-59 years old 100. 00% 0. 00%

Above 60 years old 100. 00% 0. 00%

Total 60. 30% 39. 70%


Below is t he pict ure of Kent ongan and Church Bell used as an Early Warning Tools.

Picture. 3. Beduk dan Lonceng Gerej a

Source : Research Documentation (Notrh Nias District, Lahewa Sub-district, Pasar Lahewa dan Muzoi village)

4. 3.


Picture. 4. The Community’ s Knowledge About Current Early Warning System

Source : Quesioner

Regardless whet her t he exist ing early warning syst em has been used or not , around 46 % of t he public respondent s do not know about t he exist ing early syst em in t heir area, Government respondent 57. 1 %, NGO 75 % and common people 47. 7%.


Figure. 5. Society Knowledge about Early Warning System Based on Age.

Source : Quesioner

Mout h t o mout h inf ormat ion is underst ood by all age, siren can be underst ood by t hose aged 59 , hand phone and amat eur radio can be underst ood by t hose aged unt il 55 whil e commercial radio can be underst ood by t hose aged below 45.

Table 5. Society Knowledge about Early Warning System Based on Age

What kind of early warning syst em is in your area?

Amat eur radio

Commercial radio

Inf ormat ion f rom mout h t o mout h

Inf ormat ion f rom phone

Sirin Et c

Age 18-25 years old 50. 00% 0. 00% 50. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00%

26-35 years old 10. 00% 5. 00% 40. 00% 20. 00% 25. 00% 0. 00%

36-45 years old 7. 40% 3. 70% 55. 60% 7. 40% 22. 20% 3. 70%

46-55 years old 8. 30% 0. 00% 33. 30% 8. 30% 50. 00% 0. 00%

56-59 years old 0. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00% 100. 00% 0. 00%

Above 60 years old 0. 00% 0. 00% 100. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00% 0. 00%

Total 9. 50% 3. 20% 46. 00% 11. 10% 28. 60% 1. 60%

Source : Quesioner

Below are t he pict ures of Radio Communicat ion Tower and Ebb t ide St at ion used as Tsunami Early warning t ools and Disast er Announcement t ools.


Source: Research Documentation (

Fig. 7 Society Knowledge about Early Warning System based on Group

Source : Quesioner

Based on t he current ly known met hod, mout h t o mout h met hod is t aken as t he most known met hod in societ y and non government organizat ion, siren t akes t he second place, while in government siren is regarded as t he most popul ar one and mout h t o mout h t akes t he next alt ernat ive. For non government organizat ion, amat eur radio is known as an early warning syst em f ollowed by ot her met hod like hand phone and commercial radio.

Table 6. Society Knowledge about Early warning System based on Group

What kind of early warning system that do you know in your area?

Amat eur radio

Commercial radio

Inf ormat ion f rom mout h t o

mout h

Inf romat ion f rom phone

Sirin Et c

The group Sampel

Government 0. 00% 14. 30% 28. 60% 14. 30% 42. 90% 0. 00%

Non-government al organizat ion

33. 30% 0. 00% 33. 30% 16. 70% 16. 70% 0. 00%

Communit y 4. 50% 2. 30% 52. 30% 9. 10% 29. 50% 2. 30%

Total 9. 50% 3. 20% 46. 00% 11. 10% 28. 60% 1. 60%


Generally, t he societ y regarded t hat current early warning syst em is 42 % ordinary, 37 % Bad, 22. 2% Good, and 3. 2 % Worst .

Inst ead, t he percept ion t hat current earl y warning syst em is bad 57 % comes f rom government while 34 % comes f rom societ y. Percept ion t hat current warning syst em is worst most ly comes f rom societ y. NGO on t he ot her hand regard t hat 41. 7 % of t he exist ing syst em is already good, 50 % regard good enough and 8 % regard bad.

Table7. Society Perception on the Existing Early Warning System

What kind of early warning syst em that have been operated well?

Good Ordinary Bad Worst

The group of Sampel

Government 14. 30% 28. 60% 57. 10% 0. 00%

Non-government al organizat ion

41. 70% 50. 00% 8. 30% 0. 00%

Communit y 18. 20% 43. 20% 34. 10% 4. 50%

Total 22. 20% 42. 90% 31. 70% 3. 20%

Source : Quesioner


Table8. Society Perception on the Potential Early Warning System in Future

According to you, which one is the most effective as early warning

model in the fut ure?

Tradit ional Modern Local agreement

The group of


Government 0. 00% 42. 90% 57. 10%

Non-government al organizat ion

16. 70% 16. 70% 66. 70%

Communit y 0. 00% 63. 60% 36. 40%

Total 3. 20% 52. 40% 44. 40%

Source : Quesioner

Generally t he choice of modern earl y warning syst em is chosen by 52, 4 % respondent , while more t han 3, 2 % choose t radit ional early warning syst em and t he rest 44, 4 % st at es t hat local agreement about what early warning syst em is bet t er.

Uniquely, 63, 6 % of t he societ y choose modern earl y warning syst em more t han t radit ional early warning syst em while t he rest choose local agreement . 42. 9 % of government choose local early warning syst em while t he rest is local agreement .


Table 9. The reason of Choose Early Warning System Method.

Metode EWS Tradisional Metode EWS Modern Kesepakatan Lokal

• Have been used bef ore • Easy t o be underst ood and

simulat ed

• Sophist icat ed and easy t o use • Up t o dat e

• More ef f ect ive in det ect ing a disast er

• The communit y int ensive act ivit y makes t he aut omat ic modern met hod is bet t er • Technology can be mat ched t o

t he needs

• Fast er, ef f icient , smoot h, wide in det ect ion and give t he disast er at t ent ion • More reliable

• In order t o make an agreement s what device should be used when disast er occur

• Can be received by t he communit y psychologically t hat have been agreed t oget her

• Easy t o operat e • Observed well

• Can be suit able wit h t he f acilit y and condit ion t hat exist

Source : Quesioner

The reasons of choosing early warning model in f ut ure can’ t be separat ed f rom how t he respondent evaluat es t he earl y warning syst em exist s now bot h t radit ional and modern. The evaluat ion of respondent about t he exist ing t radit ional and modern early warning syst em can be shown as f ollows :

Table 10. The Opinion of Respondent t about The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Traditional System and the existing System based on government or PMI

Model EWS Tradisional Model EWS Modern

ƒ Tradit ional EWS have been replaced by modern syst em which needs simulat ion t o adapt it

ƒ Tradit ional EWS is easy t o use and maint enance can be operat ed by all people

ƒ Limit ed scope and low awareness of t radit ional EWS t ools can caused t rauma

ƒ Easier t o underst and

ƒ The inf ormat ion od disast er is spread f ast er ƒ EWS can’ t f unct ion when blackout

ƒ EWS inf ormat ion exist s but no suggest ion act ion

ƒ More ef f ect ive if well socialized ƒ Overlapping wit hout any explanat ion

Source : Quesioner

Picture 8. The Perception of Community about who should operate early warning system


The respondent s are asked about t heir opinions of who should operat e t he EWS. Dif f erent f rom t he previous result , modern EWS dominat es t he answers. For t he quest ion of who should operat e t he program, 28. 6 % of t he respondent s choose government , 20. 6 % choose PWI, 7. 9 % choose NGO, 27 % choose societ y, t he rest 15 % choose new organizat ion specialized f or EWS.

Picture 11. Perception of Community about who should Operate Early Warning System

According to you, who should operat ed early warning system?

Government PMI Non government al organizat ion

Communit y et c

The group Sampel

Government 28. 60% 28. 60% 14. 30% 14. 30% 14. 30%

Non-government al organizat ion

25. 00% 8. 30% 8. 30% 41. 70% 16. 70%

Communit y 29. 50% 22. 70% 6. 80% 25. 00% 15. 90%

Total 28. 60% 20. 60% 7. 90% 27. 00% 15. 90%

Source : Quesioner

Specif ically, t he communit y chooses government t o operat e t his syst em wit h many reasons and so do t he government . But non government organizat ion suggest s t hat earl y warning syst em is managed and operat ed by communit y t hemselves.

The reason of why t he respondent must choose t he government , PMI, non government organizat ion, communit y or must est ablish t he new organizat ion t o operat e early warning syst em in t he f ut ure is f igured as f ol lows :

Table 12. The Reason of who should preferable to Operate Early Warning System Government PMI Non Governmental


Community Special Organization

ƒ Can inst ruct t he communit y

ƒ Exist in every area

ƒ Government is act ive in communit y

ƒ Government have aut horit y and dut y t o prot ect all cit izen

ƒ Government has aut horit y t o cont ol and give inst ruct ion t o t he communit y

ƒ Law t hat regulat e it is already exist

ƒ Reach whole societ y

ƒ Spread inf ormat ion f ast er because t he procedure is f ast

ƒ Close t o t he communit y

ƒ PMI is one of t he organizat ion t hat known early warning syst em

ƒ Trained

ƒ Available in t he f ield

ƒ Able t o t ake care t he early warning syst em equipment well and maint ain it

ƒ Have good

relat ionship wit h t he societ y

ƒ Suggest t he communit y t o operat e

ƒ Available in f ield

ƒ Close t o t he EWS t ools t hat t hey can maint ain t hem


Source : Quesioner

61. 9 % of Respondent s know about t he early warning syst em f rom government , 46% f rom PMI, 47. 6% f rom non government organizat ion while 11. 1% f rom ot her sources.

The social izat ion devices f or media inf ormat ion of early warning syst em are Print ed media 46%, elect ronic media 58. 7%, banner/ bill board/ post er/ st icker 30. 2%, brochure 28. 6%, t raining 60. 3%, f amily/ f riends 23. 8% and ot hers 3. 2%.

Whil e respondent suggest ed t hat t he best inf ormat ion media used f or socializat ion early warning syst em are print ed media 41. 3%,

elect ronic media 50. 8%, banner/ bill board/ post er/ st icker 41. 3%, brochure

27%, t raining 87. 3%, f amily/ f riends 20. 6% and ot hers 3. 2%.

Besides above social izat ion model, t his st udy also t ried t o explore t he communit y ideas about how t o socialize early warning syst em more ef f ect ively :

ƒ Forming special t eam t o socialize EWS more int ensively

ƒ The socializat ion al so can b done t hrough in religius cent er such as church and mosque on Friday and Sunday af t er t he ceremony

ƒ Int ercom as inf ormat ion device

ƒ Arranging music concert , et c which involved a lot of peopl e

ƒ Socializat ion can be done t hrough t he communit y organizat ion

ƒ Early warning socializat ion can be included on f ormal and inf ormal educat ion curriculum

ƒ Socializat ion in a f orm of t raining and simulat ion

ƒ Using announcement plank in t he village headman of f ice

ƒ Socializat ion, t raining and simulat ion especially f or children, advanced age and physical def ect


Picture. 10. Moral Hazard

Source : Quesioner

Af t er early warning syst em was est ablished besides ef f ect ive socializat ion t here should be a t ry out about t he exist ing syst em t hrough simulat ion. The respondent agrees t o do t he simulat ion is 96. 8% and 3. 2%. do not . According t o t he respondent , t he simulat ion must be hel d once in 3 mont hs

Almost all respondent have responsibilit y t o inf orm ot her people such as f amil y, neighbor, f riends and general communit y when t hey know and underst and t he syst em.

The ot her t hings hoped f rom t his st udy t o increase early warning syst em perf ormance in f ut ure are list ed as f oll ows :

ƒ Est ablish act ive and rout ine guard groups t o inf orm about disast er

ƒ Invent modern device which is easy t o underst and and maint ain

ƒ Provide Communicat ion radio t o EWS of f icer 1 person in 1 village, church, of f ices, and ot her organizat ions

ƒ The placement is prrorit ized in sensit ive areas

ƒ Young age EWS of f icer f or more responsive and react ive act ion

ƒ EWS device should be t reat and maint ain regularl y f or bet t er operat ion



5. 1. Conclusions

All percept ion of disast er and earl y warning syst em is very import ant t o creat e t he next plan. The similarit y and dif f erence about some keys in disast er and early warning syst em can become t he f irst t hing t o plan and how t o operat e t he EWS syst em in t he next day. Some general conclusions f rom t his st udy are list ed as f ollows :

ƒ The t hird groups of respondent can underst and t hat t he disast er can’ t be guessed

ƒ The communit y not t oo underst and t hrough t he real comprehension of early warning syst em

ƒ Bot h early warning syst em and modern (t hat exist now) especially t he easy one is warning syst em t hat have sound, it is proven by t he communit y knowledge t hrough t he t radit ional early warning device such as bell and kent ongan and modern warning syst em such as siren.

ƒ Folkt ale is not t oo popular f or t radit ional warning syst em while communicat ion radio not also t oo popular in communit y.

ƒ If compare wit h t he t radit ional earl y warning syst em, t he modern early warning syst em is t he communit y choice wit h many reasons.

ƒ Tradit ional early warning is not operat ed yet because it is not ef f ect ive but it has been up t o dat e wit h t he modern syst em

ƒ The exist early warning syst em is no good and low maint ain so t he cont inuit y can’ t def ended

ƒ Most ly respondent s want t he government t o operat e early warning syst em because t he government have t he main responsibilit y

ƒ Met hod of st udy such as do and adj ust are t he best choice t o socialized EWS syst m t hrough t raining and simulat ion

ƒ The ef f ect ive t ime t o do simulat ion is once in t hree mont hs

5. 2. Recommendations

The syst emat ic and ef f ect ive way t o managed early warning syst em needs management principle, so t he f unct ion of management is used t o arrange t he basic plan as t he recommendat ions f rom t he dif f erent percept ion above

ƒ Make regulat ion and operat ed t he early warning syst em t o t he lowest government .

ƒ Make a coordinat e wit h t he non-government al organizat ion, PMI, and communit y so it ’ s operat e “ one command, one syst em” .


ƒ Follow t he t raining and simulat ion willingl y wit h coordinat ion of village government and make cooperat ion wit h non-government al organizat ion t hat f acilit y t he t raining and simulat ion.

ƒ Modern earl y warning syst em such as siren become t he main earl y warning syst em, while church bell and kent ongan become t he alt ernat ive early warning syst em. It should be done and simulat ion t oget her t o ant icipat e t he t echnics f ailed of modern early arning syst em. Tradit ional early warning syst em can become t he main early warning syst em in t he hint erland.

ƒ Prepare t he development and maint ain budget of early warning syst em.

ƒ Government can give f acilit y and make coordinat ion wit h non-governmant al organizat ion, make a guideline of comprehension t hrough disast er and early warning syst em t hat have been legit imat ed by government as guideline t hat must be socialized and implement ed t oget her.



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1 | H a l a m a n 

Name : ______________________

Phone Number : ______________________ Institution : ______________________ Reponden Number : ______________________


Traditional, Existing and Potential Early Warning System



A-1 Sex

[ 1] Male [ 2] Female

A-2 Age

[ 1] 18 - 25 [ 2] 26 - 35 [ 3] 36 - 45 [ 4] 46 – 55 [ 5] 56 – 59 [ 6] 60 ke at as

A. 3 Sample Group

[ 1] Government

[ 2] Non-government Organizat ion [ 3] Societ y




B-1 Do you think disaster can be predicted?

[ 1] Yes [ 2] No

B-2 Based on your opinion, which of these following statement depicted EWS?

[ 1] Basic inf ormat ion about how disast er occurs [ 2] Vigilit y bef ore disast er occur

[ 3] Disast er Overcoming [ 4] et c









C-1 Do you know any folktale which tells about how society should act when a disaster occurs?

[ 1] Yes [ 2] No

C-2 If there is, could you tell it?





C-3 Do you know any traditional tools (Kentongan, bell, Beduk, etc) which has ever been used as Early warning System?

[ 1] Yes [ 2] No

C-4 If there is, could you tell anything about it?





C-5 If t here is, could you t ell us t he effect iveness of using one of t he above t radit ional t ools when a disast er occurs?






2 | H a l a m a n 




D-1 Do you know that in your are EWS has already been existed?

[ 1] Yes [ 2] No

D-2 What is the EWS that you know in your area?

[ 1] Amat eur Radio [ 2] Commercial Radio

[ 3] Mout h t o mout h inf ormat ion

[ 4] Cell phone Inf ormat ion (SMS or Phone Call) [ 5] Siren

[ 6] et c. (Please ment ion____________________________)

D-2 How does t he exist ing EWS f unct ion? [ 1] Very good

[ 2] Good [ 3] So-so [ 4] Bad [ 5] Worse




E-1 Do you think that EWS is important in future?

[ 1] Yes [ 2] No

E-2 According to you, which EWS method is the most effective one to be used in future?

[ 1] Tradit ional

[ 2] Modern (t he exist ing one) [ 3] Local agreement

E-3 Explain your reason.






E-4 According to your opinion, who should execute the EWS?

[ 1] Government

[ 2] PMI

[ 3] Non-government Organization

[ 4] Societ y

[ 5] Other(ment ion: ___________________________)







F-1 Which organization has ever informed about EWS? (Answers can be more t han one)

[ 1] Government [ 2] PMI

[ 3] Local and Int ernat ional NGO

[ 4] Ot hers (ment ion: ___________________________)

F-2 How do you get information about EWS? (Answers can be more t han one)

[ 1] Print ed media [ 2] Elect ronik media

[ 3] Banner/ Billboard/ Post er/ St icker [ 4] Brochure

[ 5] Training Cent re [ 6] Family/ Friends

[ 7] Ot hers (ment ion: ___________________________)

F-3 How the EWS should be socialized? (Answers can be more t han one) [ 1] Print ed media

[ 2] Elect ronik media

[ 3] Banner/ Billboard/ Post er/ St icker [ 4] Brochure

[ 5] Training Cent re [ 6] Family/ Friends

[ 7] Ot hers (ment ion: ___________________________)

E-5 Please give us more effective idea to socialize it.








G-1 Do you think EWS is important?


3 | H a l a m a n  [ 2] No

G-3 What is the best time interval to conduct EWS simulation?

[ 1] Once a month

[ 2] Once in t hree mont hs [ 3] Once in six months

[ 4] Once a year

[ 5] Others(ment ion: ___________________________)

G-4 If you know about EWS, are you willing to explain anything about it to other people?

[ 1] Yes

[ 2] No

G-5 To whom will you be willing to explain anything about the EWS?

[ 1] Family [ 2] Neighbor [ 3] Of f ice mat e [ 4] Societ y

[ 5] Ot hers (ment ion: ___________________________)



H-1 TradiTional EWS

How can we get any information about disaster 30 – 40 years ago?






H-2 Existing EWS

How can we know anyt hing about disast er nowadays, f rom government or PMI?






H-3 The weakness and strength of traditional and existing EWS.

What do you think about weakness and strength of traditional and existing EWS, from government or PMI?





H-4 When you get an information of disaster

After a disaster occurs, how long do you get the news from government or PMI?






H-5 Other advice about EWS














No Name Inst it ut ion No. Cont act

1 I. B. Zalukhu TNI 081397082265

2 Samsidik Zebua Pemko Nias 081361316077

3 Zef ri Man Dinas Perhubungan Laut 081263593330

4 Darna Dinas Kesehat an 081361534353

5 Sodara a’ ro Zaluku Pemkab Nias Ut ara 081376195773

6 Haj ar Budi Zega Pemkab Nias Selat an 081376269921

7 Mukhlis Haref a BMKG 081361039402


No Name Inst it ut ion No. Cont act

1 Fit ria Rinawat i UNICEF-Nias 0639-21378

2 Hendricus. H YEU-Nias 08112511175

3 Frendy Hut apea RRI 08126379095

4 Pendiani ACTED 081397159265

5 Baj iduhu Nazara Yayasan Sant o Fidelis 081263169664

6 Harliandi Mahardika St af f PB-PMI Sumut Chapt er 081265340004 7 Ridha Yuanit a Sut omo Kamada PMI Sumut Chapt er 081362337316

8 Evi St af f CRC Sumut Chapt er

9 Rosmawat i PMI-Nias 081370006694

10 Yanu Eli PNPM Mandiri Kab. Nias Ut ara 081264596668

11 Aswin Orari 0811617070

12 Saro ICBRR PMI Nias


No Name Inst it ut ion Ket erangan

1 Forogu Zebua Masyarakat Usia diat as 60

t ahun, t ak punya HP

2 A. Jermih Sebua Masyarakat Usia hampir 60

t ahun, t ak punya HP

3 Agust inus Hia Masyarakat 085262907176

4 James P. Hareva Masyarakat 085297455849

5 Yudianis Gul o Masyarakat 081397007865

6 Boroli Zega Tokoh Masyarakat 081370151553

7 Abimeri Gul o Masyarakat 081380095001

8 Ikut i Zai Masyarakat 081370006801


11 Mariani Zega Masyarakat / aparat desa/ Pemerint ah


12 Yost ina Zebua Masyarakat / aparat

desa/ pemerint ah

13 Amiruddin Waruwu Masyarakat / Aparat desa 081263860928

14 Erniwat i Hul u Masyarakat 08136076293

15 Erika Zega Masyarakat 081362226454

16 Bazat ulo Zal uku Masyarakat 085296213242

17 Asa’ aro Waruwu Masyarakat 081397153445

18 Elif at i Dawolo Masyarakat 085261971988

19 Yamomaha Tel Masyarakat 081370657585

20 Rorogo Waruwu Masyarakat 081362453980

21 Yusuf ARif in Gea Masyarakat 081397899074

22 Suardi Hulu Masyarakat 081361077381

23 Arieli Zal ukhu Masyarakat 081376744179

24 Bahruddin Waruwu Masyarakat 081396464449

25 Besi Giawan Masyarakat 085261069389

26 Devnas Tokoh Masyarakat 081376627330

27 Yusmina Zebua Masyarakat 081263132772

28 Erwin Zendrat o Masyarakat 081375197869

29 Adrianus Zendrat o Masyarakat 085261924577

30 Yulisa Lase Masyarakat 081264844510

31 Nasrani Zebua Masyarakat 081361333740

32 Lizaro Telembanua Masyarakat 085296950344

33 Polinus Zebua Masyarakat 081376117620

34 Faj ar Zebua Masyarakat 081361570626

35 James Haref a Masyarakat 085297365640

36 Proziduhu Telembanua Masyarakat 081370909981

37 Aguspian Zalukhu Masyarakat 081263070885

38 Venus Jamil i Masyarakat 081376807226

39 Edwin Zendrat o Masyarakat 085375197869

40 Marwan Ef endi Zebua Masyarakat 081264837520

41 Dewi Telembanua Masyarakat 081397084686

42 Bedarius Tel embanua Masyarakat 081265356940

43 But et Baeha Masyarakat 08126403952


Figure 1. Research Area
Table 1. The respondent answer whether the disaster can be guessed
Figure.5. Society Knowledge about Early Warning System Based on Age.
Table 6. Society Knowledge about Early warning System based on Group


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