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Shift Of Cohesion In The Translation Of Tempo Magazine Chapter III VI


Academic year: 2017

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter gives an account of the methodology of the research which is adopted in this study, and a description of the procedures that have been followed. It is organised around five main headings: Research Approach; Research Design; Procedures and Preparation; Data Source and Data Gathering; Method of Analysis; Presentation of Data Analysis. It is appropriate at this point to be reminded of the research questions presented in Chapter One; to discover if (1) the explicit and implicit meaning potential change in the translation from Indonesian text to the English one in Tempo magazine (2) shifts of cohesion in influence the meaning of the translation from Indonesian text to the English one in Tempo magazine and (3) if culture changes the shifts of cohesion in the translation from Indonesian text to the English one in Tempo magazine.

3.2 Research Approach: Qualitative

Basically, there are two types of research method: qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative method used to be considered as one which fulfils the requirements of a qualified research method since it advocates the use of instruments in order to measure certain phenomena and is processed statistically. However, it is a known fact that data comprising of figures and systematic processes are not necessarily able to explain the truth.



quantitative research, the researcher wishes to test a hypothesis, establishes facts or statistically describes a phenomenon, but the qualitative research on the other hand, strive to develop understanding, to interpret and describe natural realities or capture naturally occurring behaviour. In a qualitative research approach, the data may consist of interviews, narratives or texts, documents or artifacts.

Qualitative research emphasizes on observatory method in the field, and the data are analyzed non-statistically even though it does not mean that there will not be any figures in it. Qualitative research emphasizes more on the use of the researcher himself as the instrument. He has to be able to reveal the social phenomena in the field by exerting all his five senses. Therefore, he has to be able to be accepted by his respondents and his environment so that he is able to disclose the hidden data through utterances, gestures, attitude, or idiomatic expression which are developing in the respondents’ world and environment.

This study can therefore be categorized as a qualitative descriptive analytical research performed within a research framework in which the concepts are investigated using documents which in this case, is a set of articles from an independently published magazine. Analysis is focused on the occurrence of shifts in cohesion in a translated version of the documents, to discover if there is a change in meaning and message in the target text.

3.3 Research Design



are expressed by using language specific markers. The argument was developed by adopting a discoursal and communicative approach to the study of translation.

The shifts of cohesion proposed by Kulka in Venuti is an approach which is viewed as an act of communication related at least to linguistic, discoursal, and social system found in two different languages in which there were, of course, cultural elements. In addition, the researcher also adopts Larson’s theory of

meaning-based translation. Larson points out that translation is the presentation of the same meaning in the second language as what is intended in the first language. Larson further states that searching for the translated text meaning would include searching for the explicit and the implicit information. A translator is normally aware of the implicit and explicit information meant. In order to rewrite a text semantically, there most probably be numerous implicit concepts which should be made explicit.



The model for the analysis of data in this study emulates that proposed by Miles and Huberman,1994 depicted below, and following the model is the description of the procedures that the researcher undertakes.

Figure 3.1 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive model Matthew Miles and Huberman,(1994 : 26)

It needs to be stated that the components of data analysis include the following:

1. Data reduction, which refers to the process of selecting, focusing, and simplifying the “raw” data which occur in the researcher’s field research.

2. Data display, defined as the amount of information which is arranged in an orderly manner so that it allows the conclusion to be described and action to be taken.



every phenomenon s/he has obtained, take notes on the regularity or pattern of explanation and, the existing configuration, linear of causality, and proposition. During the study, each conclusion which has been drawn would be verified so that the researcher would obtain valid conclusion.

3.4 Procedures and Preparation

The first step is to be clear on the key concepts involved in this study. Thus the researcher needs to gather enough information to have an in-depth understanding of what is translation, cohesion, shifts in cohesion and impact on the target text.

Next it is necessary to explicate and interpret the overall theoretical framework, which is the approach taken by Kulka in Venuti with regards to shifts in cohesion and the resulting explicitness or implicitness in the target text.

The third step is to decide on the source of data and the amount needed to produce a sufficient and reasonable set of findings.

3.5 Data Source and Data Gathering

As referred to in Chapter One, the source of data for this study is Tempo, a weekly Indonesian magazine that covers news on politics and economics. It was founded by Goenawan Mohamad and Yusril Djalinus and, with the first edition published on March 6, 1971.



on September 20, 2000. It adopted 80 percent of the content of the Indonesian version and 20 percent from other countries. However, the content of the cover story was adopted 100% from the Indonesian version: Berita Utama

The data source of the research consisted of the main source from Tempo magazine, both in Indonesian version and in the English version. The data were obtained the texts found in the column of “Berita Utama” and the text found in the

Cover Story of Tempo magazine in the Indonesaian version and the English version respectively. The data were the texts above – Tempo magazines of the 24th of January, the 31st of January, the 14th of March, 2010, the 24th of March, the 27th of March, the 24th of April, the 16th of May, the 3rd of July, the 24th of july, the 28 of August, 2011, and the 15th of June, 2012 editions. Therefore, all of the texts

consisted of 11 articles which consisted of 363 paragraphs. The samples were taken by using random sampling technique: the 14th of March, 2010 and the 28 of August, 2011 editions which consisted of 54 paragraphs both same in Indonesian and English text in which words, phrases, and clauses were analyzed according to their analytical problems.



It can be seen therefore that Tempo is very influential, sufficient for the Indonesian government to label it a threat to national stability and ban it. It means that the authority considers it to have the power to influence the masses.

This study selected texts randomly from 11 articles of the published magazine from January 2010 to July 2012. These samples are thus purposive, the researcher reduces the number of data to be analyzed and interpreted them according to the categories discussed in the research questions.

3.6 Method of Data Analysis

In a qualitative research, the analysis commences since the beginning of the study. The data obtained is directly analyzed. This continues until the adequate results are obtained and completed. This is particularly a characteristic aspect of qualitative research, the emphasis is on the process rather than the result. It means that the gathering of the data is concerned with the result and the consequence of various affected variables.

Analyzing the data is actually doing the interpretation, and there was a valid reason for this. Scientific knowledge is a creation or development rather than an imitation, a concept, or hypothesis, of the theories which have not been found yet in reality but they have to be developed.



analysis include data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification.

3.7 Presenting the Data Analysis

The analysis begins by presenting the product of the translation, that is the cover stories in Tempo magazines, the Indonesian version as well as the English version. The process of shift of cohesion in translation is examined in each paragraph that make up each of the 11 selected articles. The shifts that the researcher looks for are the linguistic and lexical forms which would occur in the process of translating the source text in Indonesian to the target text in English.

The occurrence of shifts is indicated by underlining the phrases and expressions in the original text and presenting them separately as Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT).

The result of the analysis will be represented in the form of description, tables, and diagrams for each of the segment that has been analyzed. The following is an example of each type of analysis and presentation.

ST : di ruangan lain

TT : taking place in another room LIT: in another room

The phrase, di ruangan lain literally means ‘in another room’, but here it is translated to ‘taking place in another room’. Here, the translator again



Table 3.1 Shift of cohesion : the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness higher than that of the ST

No. ST TT Occurrence Percentage

Figure 3.2 Representation/diagram of the finding of a segment

In conclusion, this chapter has detailed the procedures taken to obtain the data for a research of this nature. The next two chapters present the complete analysis of the data and discussion of the major findings.






words - phrases words - clauses phrases - phrases phrases - clause clauses - clauses 0

Percentage of the general level of the target text’s textual

explicitness is higher than that of the source text



This chapter consisted of two parts: data and data analysis. The main data were obtained from Tempo magazines randomly, either from the Indonesian version as the ST or from the English version as the TT. The data were taken specifically from the text of Berita Utama as the ST and of the ‘Cover Story’ as the

TT. The raw data were presented in columns and classified based on the types, according to the subject matter of the research which was related to the shifts of meaning in cohesion found in the source text and in the target text explicitly and implicitly.

4.1 Data Analysis

Data analysis was obtained from the two types of text, ST (Indonesian version) and TT (English version). The analysis dealt with words, phrases, clauses which were found in the ST and then classified and analyzed the two texts in order to find out and to determine whether there were the shifts in meaning from the ST to the TT.

The classified shifts which were related to the problems of the research were then extended. The extension could be divided into

- Shifts in the level of explicitness; namely, the general levels of the target text’s textual explicitness is higher or lower than that of the source text;



4.1.1 Shifts of Cohesion: the General Level of Target Text’s Textual Explicitness higher than that of Source Text

The overt cohesive relationships between part of the texts are necessarily linked to a language‘s grammatical system (Halliday and Hasan 1976). Kulka in Venuti further points out that the difference between languages will be expressed with the changes in the types of cohesive ties from the source languages to the target languages. These changes will make a shift in the text in the level of explicitness which is higher or lower than that of the ST (Kulka in Venuti in Venuti: 2000). The following is shifts in the level of explicitness which are higher than those of the ST.

ST: Lobi intensif hingga detik akhir (March 7, 2010)

TT: Intensive lobbying is being done up to the final moments (March 9, 2010) LIT: Intensive lobbying until the last second

In the paragraphs below, the shift in the level of explicitness; namely, the general level of the target texts’ textual explicitness is higher than that of the ST.

ST: Wakil presiden Boediono dan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati kemungkinan besar lolos dari jerat panitia angket Bank Century. Lobi intensif hingga detik terakhir (1),

TT: ‘Vice president Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati

are likely to fare well in the final decision of the Bank Century inquiry special committee. Intensive lobbying is being done up to the final moments’ (1).

1. ST: Lobi intensif hingga detik terakhir



The change occurs in the level of explicitness, the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness is higher than that of the ST (Kulka in

Venuti in Venuti, 2000:299). The shift is caused by the grammatical distinction which is indicated by the change in the cohesion; that is, the phrase becomes a clause which is explicitly shifted. In ST, the verb is omitted while in TT it appears: ‘is being done’. Therefore, the shift occurs in the higher level: the verb ‘is being done’ is inserted, ‘lobby’ becomes ‘lobbying’ and ‘moment’ becomes ‘moments’.

It is worth noted that this is the Heading which is usually a short statement. In this case, Tempo seems translates it to a long sentence. It is much better if it is translated to a phrase, ‘Intensive lobbying up to the final moments’.

ST: TIDAK mudah menyamakan isi kepala (2) sembilan orang. Apalagi jika mereka mewakili sembilan kepentingan politik yang ber beda. Kamis pekan lalu, rapat tim kecil (3) panitia khusus penyelidikan bailout Bank Century, di Hotel Santika, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, tak bisa menemukan kata sepakat Padahal, dua jam lebih mereka berembuk, merumuskan laporan final Panitia Angket yang akan dibacakan dalam Rapat Paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Selasa pekan ini.


53 Plenary Session on Tuesday this week’.

2. ST: menyamakan isi kepala TT: get to think along the same line LIT: treat as equal [the] content [of] head

In the clause, menyamakan isi kepala, there are two types of shift in cohesion: the shift in the implicit and explicit potential of the ST which changes through translation and the general level of TT is higher than that of the ST. menyamakan isi kepala is literally translated as ‘treat as equal [the] content [of] head’. Here, it is translated into ‘get to think along the

same line’ so that the TT reader will clearly understand which has been intended by the writer of the ST which will automatically indicates the general level explicitness of TL is in a higher level.

3. ST : tim kecil

TT : team of representatives LIT: small team



ST: “Dibolak-balik (4), tetap saja tidak ketemu," kata politikus (5) Fraksi Partai

Persatuan Pembangunan, Muhammad Romahurmuziy, saat dihubungi akhir pekan lalu. Mereka baru bubar (6) setengah jam lepas tengah malam.

TT: “We kept going over it, but(4) we still failed to reach an agreement,” said Muhammad Romahurmuziy, a member (5) of the United Development Party (PPP) faction, at the end of last week. The meeting had just broken up (6) a half hour after midnight.

4. ST : dibolak balik TT: we kept going over it LIT: turned over and over

The clause, dibolak balik, which literally means ‘turned over and over’, is translated as ‘we kept going over it’ in the target text. In this case, the translator changes the clause dibolak balik which is a collocation in the ST might bewilder the TT. To avoid this, the translator has to find its explicit form in his translation and change it to a clause which indicates that there is a shift in the grammatical level ST is in passive but in TT active. Besides that, there is also the shift in higher level explicitly by using grammatical cohesion of reference ‘we’. The conjunction in the target text from the source text is disguised. This indicates that there is ashift of cohesion in the target text to a higher level.

5. ST : politikus



The word, politikus in the source text literally means ‘politician’. This literal translation is, of course, does not match with the context of the source text, and the translator also believe that the reader of the target text will be confused since the word does not go anywhere. The translator then tries to find the right translation (in this case, the correct phrase), and finally translates it ‘as a member of PPP’s party’ in the target text. Here, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text (reiteration at super-ordinate cohesion device/lexical cohesion).

6. ST: bubar

TT: had just broken up LIT: [to] disperse

The same is true to the word, ‘bubar’ in the source text literally means ‘[to] disperse’, but the translator might think that this word is not appropriate to be used in the target text; therefore the translator has to find the right word or phrase which in part with the intention of the context in the source text; therefore, the translator finally choose the clause, ‘had just

broken up’ from word in ST becomes clause in TT. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text (reiteration/lexical cohesion).

ST: Agenda rapat malam itu memang bukan soal sederhana. Mereka ha rus menyatukan sedikitnva empat kubu pendapat menjadi satu laporan tunggal untuk disikapi 560.anggota parlemen dalam rapat paripurna pada (7) Rabu, 3 Maret.



gradasinya terlalu lebar, tidak mungkin disamakan (8)." kata Romahurmuziy lagi. TT: The meeting's agenda that night was no simple matter. They had to bring together at least four viewpoints into one single report to be read out to 560 members of the legislalure at a plenary session scheduled for March 3. They initially tried to compromise so that the Special Committee could come up with a unanimous stance. "However, the differences were too great. We could not unify them," stressed Romahurmuziy.

7. ST : pada

TT : [be] scheduled for LIT: on

The same is true to the word, pada which literally means ‘on’, as the preposition of indicating days and dates, but in the target text the translator translates it to the phrase, ‘[be] scheduled for’ which is called reiteration (synonym). Here, the translator, of course, intends to let the reader in TT know in more detailed as the result of the shift in the level ofexplicitness in the higher level. Therefore, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

8. ST : tidak mungkin disamakan TT : we could not unify them LIT: impossible to be equalized



higher than that of the source text. Here, there is a mistranslation since one cannot ‘unify differences’; therefore, the translator should find anothe word to replace the word, unify. It is better to change it to ‘settle’ differences or to ‘reconciliate’.

ST: Wakil Sekjen Partai Ka'bah ini benar belaka. Persepsi sebagian (9) fraksi atas proses penyelamatan Bank Century memang berbeda bak langit dan bumi. Meski sudah hampir empat bulan bersama-sama menguliti dokumen dan kesaksian dari berbagai pihak yang diduga terlibat, kesepahaman tampaknya mustahil (10) dicapai (11).

TT: This PPP Deputy Secretary-General was entirely correct. The differ-ences of opinion among some of the factions regarding the Bank Century bailout process were like night and day. Even though they spent almost four months together going through documents and the testimonies of various parties suspected of involvement, it was impossible (10)to reach some kind of an agreement (11).

9. ST : sebagian TT : among some of LIT: a part

The word, sebagian in the source text literally means ‘a part’. In the target text the translator translates it to the phrase ‘among some of’ which causes the occurrence of shift of cohesion in the level of explicitness to be higher than that in source target.

10. ST : dicapai


58 LIT: [be] achieved

The word dicapai in the source text literally means ‘[be] achieved’ but in the target text the translator translates it into the phrase, ‘to reach some kind of’. In this case, basically the translator only adds or develops a word

which comes from the source text in order to be adjusted to the grammar of the source text which has the existing pattern. In consequence, there is the shift of cohesion in general level of explicitness which is higher than that of the source text.

11. ST : mustahil

TT : it was impossible LIT: impossible



TT: These differences were clearly reflected (12) during the session of the factions, at which they submitted their final viewpoints (13), which was held on Tuesday last week. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) faction, Golkar Party, the Justice Prosperity Party (PKS), and Hanura emphatically concluded that an error in policy was made. Four factions charged that Vice President Boediono–who at that time was Governor of Bank Indonesia –and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, acting as head of the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK), should take responsibility for the error (14).

12. ST : tercermin jelas TT : were clearly reflected LIT: [be] reflected

The clause, tercermin jelas in the target is translated according to its meaning in SL: tercermin literally means ‘[were] reflected’ and jelas literally means ‘clear’, and the clause is translated to ‘[were] clearly reflected’. Here, the word class is changed from adjective (clear) to adverb (clearly) since it modifies the adjective, ‘reflected’. In this case, the shift occurs in the arrangement of words only.

13. ST : dari sesi pemandangan akhir fraksi-fraksi

TT : during the session of the factions, at which they submitted their final viewpoints.

LIT: the final to from the session of viewpoint of factions



which they submitted their final viewpoints’. Here, clearer information

about the meaning in ST is highly needed in order that the TT reader will clearly understand what is intended by the writer of the ST; in consequence, there is the shift in the level of explicitness higher than that of SL.

14. ST : bertanggung jawab

TT : take the responsibility for the error LIT: responsible [for]

The phrase, bertanggung jawab in the source text literally means ‘[be] responsible [for]’, but in the target text it is translated to the verb + noun +

preposition + object: ‘take the responsibility for the error’. Here, the translator thinks that the adjective, ‘responsible itself’’ is not enough to make the reader of the target text understand the context because the word above has specific meaning which has its own grammatical form in TT. Besides that, the translator needs to add some information for the TL reader. Therefore, he needs to add the object of the preposition in order that it will match with the context in the target text. In this case, there is the shift in the general level explicitness of TL is higher than that of SL.



TT: The views given by the other five factions were more moderate, even though they were not in complete agreement. The PPP and Gerindra party felt that the policy to aid a bank in crisis was appropriate, but that there were mistakes in the way the policy was formulated and implemented. The National Mandate Party (PAN) pointed to the various shortcomings in the application of the policy. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) emphatically stated there was nothing wrong with the Bank Century bailout.

15. ST : tak sepenuhnya seragam

TT : they were not in complete agreement LIT: completely uniformed

The phrase, tak sepenuhnya seragam literally means ‘not completely uniformed’, but the translator translates it to ‘they were not in complete

agreement’. It seems that he changed the phrase to the clause so as to make it clear for the reader in TL. The reference ‘they were not and in complete agreement’ has caused the shift in the level of explicitness higher than that of SL text.

ST: Menurut Achsanul, semua partai koalisi sepakat adanya enam temuan itu, tapi berbeda sikap soal penafsiran temuan itu. Fraksi Demokrat, misalnya, menilai tidak ada indikasi korupsi atau pelanggaran hukum di enam temuan int. "Lain ceritanya (16) kalau Panitia Angket menemukan aliran dana sekian puluh miliar ke Boediono dan Sri Mulyani. Tapi ini kan tidak ada?"kata Achsanul keras.



corruption or crime in these six findings. "It would be a different story(16) if the Special Committee found tens of billions of rupiah going to Boediono and Sri Mulyani. However, nothing like this happened," stressed Achsanul.

16.ST : lain ceritanya

TT : It would be a different way [if…] LIT: its different story.

The phrase, lain ceritanya in the source text literally means ‘its different story’, but in the target text it is translated to a clause, ‘It would be a different way [if…]’. In this case, the translator attempts to provide more

explicit information for the TL reader what it means by the word, ceritanya which can be accepteds in TL. The result is thatthe shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Ketika satu jurnalis bertanya apakah keceriannya hari itu berkaitan dengan dukungan politik Partai Demokrat dan kualisinva (17) di DPR, Sri Mulyani tertawa. "Tidak ada hubungannya,” katanya. "Kalau proses hukum, politik, dan

administrasi dievaluasi secara obyektif, saya tenang (18). Saya tahu saya sudah menjalankan semuanya sesuai undang-undang."

TT: When one journalist asked if her good mood that day was connected with the political support of the Democrat Party and its coalition (17) partners in the DPR, Sri Mulyani laughed. "That has nothing to do with it." she said. "If the legal, political, and administrative processes are evaluated objectively, I should be nothing but calm (18). I know that I have implemented everything according to law."


63 TT : its coalition partner LIT: its coalition

The phrase kualisinya in the source text literally translated into ‘its coalition’, but in the target text the translator translates it into ‘its coalition

partner’. In this case, there is no difference in meaning; the translator only needs to add words explicitly in order that the target text reader will understand clearly in receiving information which has been intended by the writer in the source text. Therefore, the shift of cohesion occurs in the general level of explicitness which is higher than that of the source text. 18. ST : saya tenang

TT : I should be nothing but calm LIT: I am calm

The clause, saya tenang in the source text literally means ‘I am calm’, but here it is translated to the clause, ‘I should be nothing but calm’. Here,

the translator attempts to provide clearer information according the condition. He attempts to avoid vague information; therefore, he adjusts it to the accepted form and style for the TL reader whici in line with what has been pointed out by Larson (1988-24) that in creating idiomatic translation, a translator should avoid ambiguity like this; he should translate the meaning which has been intended by the writer of the ST. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

(Wahyu Dhyatmika)



TT: Rarily refused to be legally represented by Kaligis. He was upset at being billed for(19) supposedly free legal assistance (20).

19. ST : Akibat kesal ditagih duit TT : He was upset at being billed for

LIT: annoyed to be dunned or requested [a payment of a debt]

The clause, akibat kesal ditagih which literally means ‘annoyed to be dunned or requested [a payment of a debt]’ is translated to the clause ‘He

was upset at being billed for’. In this case, the clause in ST has explicit meaning. It is similar to TT which changes its form to clause; it still not only has its explicit meaning but also has the different form and grammar from that of ST. Here, the shift of cohesion occurs in a higher level of explicitness.

20. ST : pendampingan hukum

TT : supposedly free legal assistance LIT: legal assistance

The phrase, pendampingan hukum literally means ‘legal assistance’, but here it is translated to ‘supposedly free legal assistance’. In this case, its

shifts of cohesion are in general level explicitness higher than that of the source text.



pertemuan rumah tahanan Markas Komando Brigade Mobil Kepolisian RI di Kelapa Dua, Depok, Jawa Barat, Senin pekan Ialu.

TT: LAWYER Otto Cornelis Kaligis held out a pen for Muhammad Nazaruddin to sign. Nazaruddin, a suspect in a bribery case regarding an athletes' accommodation project for the upcoming SEA Games (21) just sat still, ignoring the offer made by the lawyer. He refused to sign the paper in front of him. Only these two were in the meeting room located inside the detention facility of the police's Mobile Brigade (Brimob) Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Monday last week.

21. ST : perkara suap proyek wisma atlet SEA Games

TT : a bribery case regarding an athlete’s accommodation project for the upcoming Sea Games

LIT: bribery case of SEA Games Athlete guesthouse project

Here, the phrase perkara suap proyek wisma atlet SEA Games literally means ‘bribery case of SEA Games athlete guesthouse project’, but the translator has to lengthen the translation by adding some words since he has to make it clear to the target text reader since the latter will not quite understand the real condition of the case. Here, the shift occurs in the general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.



"Nazar lebih banvak diam." kata Ajun Komisaris Besar K. Budinian, juru bicara rumah tahanan Brimob.

TT: A camera installed by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), captured the scene taking place in another room (22). Muhammad Nasir, a member of the Law Commission of the House of Representatives (DPR), Nazaruddin's older brother, met with this former Democrat Party treasurer. Lasting for about 15 minutes, not much was said between the two siblings. "Nazaruddin mostly kept quiet.” said Senior Adjunct Commissioner IC Budiman, spokesman for Brimob's detention facility.

22. ST : di ruangan lain

TT : taking place in another room LIT: in another room

The phrase, di ruangan lain literally means ‘in another room’, but here it is translated to ‘taking place in another room’. Here, the translator again

adds some words in order to make the phrase clearly understood by the target text reader. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.



TT: Based on the recordings at the Brimob detention facility and eyewitness testimony, these legislators their way (23) inside, despite being obstructed by of-ficers. They insisted on meeting Nazaruddin, who was actually not interested in meeting them. These legislators said that their visit to the detention facility was a part of their job. “I am carrying out constitutional duties. We just want to take a

look,” said Nudirman in a high-pitched voice (24). 23. ST : merangsek

TT : inched their way LIT: [to] attack.

The word, ‘merangsek’, according to Echols’ Kamus

Indonesia-Inggeris, means [to] attack. However, here it is translated to the clause ‘inched their way’. It seems that the translator feels that using an idiomatic

expression which is, he believes, more explicitly understood by the target text reader. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

24. ST : nada tinggi

TT : high pitched voice LIT: high pitch

The phrase, nada tinggi literally means ‘high pitch’, but here it is translated to ‘high pitched voice’. The translator decides to add the word voice in order to give the impression to the target language reader that what it is meant by the phrase nada tinggi here is something which is related to the ‘voice’ of a person who is irritated. In this case, the shift occurs in



ST: Sebelum ke tahanan Brimob, Nasir dan Kaligis menemui pemimpin DPR: Marzuki Alie (Demokrat), Pramono Anung (PDI Perjuangan), dan Anis Matta (PKS), Nasir mengeluhkan susahnya menemui Nazaruddin dan kekhawatiran akan kondisi kesehatannya. "Sangat mungkin Nazaruddin mengalami pencucian otak (25),” kata Kaligis di DPR sebelum bertolak ke tahanan Brimob.

TT: Before going to the Brimob detention, Nasir and Kaligis met with DPR leaders: Marzuki Alie (Democrat Party), Pramono Anung (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle—PDIP), and Anis Matta (Justice and Prosperity Party-PKS). Nasir complained about the difficulty of meeting Nazaruddin and his concern for his health. “It is very possible that Nazaruddin was undergoing some kind of

brainwashing (25),” said Kaligis in the DPR before going to the Brimob facility. 25. ST : pencucian otak

TT : some kind of brainwashing LIT: brain washing

The phrase pencucian otak which literally means ‘brain washing’, is translated into ‘some kind of brain washing’. In this case, there is no significant changing in meaning; the translator only adds the words ‘some

kind’ to make it clearer to the target language reader. Here, the shift of cohesion occurs in the general level explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: NAZARUDDIN dibawa ke Indonesia dari Kolumbia pada 13 Agustus lalu.

Sejak Nazaruddin tiba di Tanan Air kasusnya menciptakan berbagai kisah (26).

Drama pertama tersaji (27) ketika turun dari pesawat carteran Guifstreaum,



(28) pasukan bersenjata lengkap. la diboyong ke Markas Brimob, baru kemudian

diserahterimakan ke komisi antikorupsi pada malam harinva.

TT: NAZARUDDIN was brought back to Indonesia from Colombia on August 13. Nazaruddin’s return home created a number of dramatic stories (26).

The first took place (27) when he debarked the chartered Gulfstream airplane. Handcuffed to a KPK investigator, Nazaruddin was escorted under heavy guard (28) of a fully armed police detail. He was taken to the Brimob, HQ and was turned over to the KPK later that night.

26. ST : kisah

TT : dramatic stories LIT: a story or a tale

The word, kisah in the source text tends to refer to ‘a story’ or ‘a tale’, or something which is unfavorable. Therefore, the translator translates it in the target text to the phrase, ‘dramatic stories’ so that the target language reader can understand that what it is meant by kisah here is an unfavorable condition; therefore, the translator needs to add the word ‘dramatic’ in his translation. Here, the shift of cohesion occurs in general level explicitness higher than that of the source text.

27. ST : tersaji TT : took place LIT: has been served



translator should find the appropriate phrase for the translation which is relevant to or equivalent with the real intention by the writer in the source text. However, in the target text the word which has the same meaning is in the active form, ‘took place’. Therefore, the translator uses the shift of cohesion in the general level explicitness higher than that of the source text. 28. ST : ketat

TT : under heavy guard LIT: tight

The word, ketat in the source text literally means ‘tight’ as in the phrase, ‘tight shoes/shirt/pants’. Here, the translator translates it to the phrase, ‘under heavy guard’. In this case, the translator translates it explicitly because the word ketat here has the meaning which is related to the word kawal; therefore, the translater uses lexial cohesive marker (collocation) in order that the translation in the target text becomes clear. In this case, the translator uses the shift of cohesion in general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Pemeriksaan perdana Nazaruddin soal biodatanva berlangsung hingga pukul

01.00 WIB. Dalam rekaman video KPK, terlihat Nazaruddin berbincang santai

dengan dua penyidik diruang pemeriksaan berukuran sekitar 3 x 3 meter di lantai

7 gedung KPK. Ia ditawari rokok, kopi, hingga makanan dalam kotak berlauk

rending (29). “Sudah lama saya tidak makan nasi Padang (30),” ujar Nazaruddin

sembari tersenyum kepada penyidik.



investigators in an interrogation room measuring about 3 x 3 meters on the seventh floor of the KPK Building. He was offered cigarettes, coffee, and a boxed lunch with an Indonesian dried beef dish (29). “I haven't eaten this kind of food (30) for a long time,” said Nazaruddin smiling to investigators.

29. ST : makanan dalam kotak berlauk rendang

TT : boxed lunch with an Indonesian dried beef dish

LIT: [The] food in the box of rice with side dishes of rendang

The phrase makanan dalam kotak berlauk rendang does not have the exact translation in English since it is a specific Indonesian ‘kind of food’; it

is a dish made of beef (or other ingredients) cooked in chilies and coconut milk until dry. Therefore, it is not necessarily translated into a target language since there is no equivalency of the word rendang in the target language. But here the translator wants to explain the word rendang to the target language reader. He then translates it to the phrase ‘a dried beef dish’.

In this case, the translator uses the shift of cohesion in general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

30. ST : nasi padang TT : the kind of food LIT: Padang dish



shift of cohesion used by the translator is on general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Drama lain seputar Nazaruddin adalah perebutan hak pembelaan (31) dua kubu pengacara, yakni Elza Syarief dan OC. Kaligis. Elza mengaku mendapat mandat dari adik bungsu Nazaruddin, Mujahidin Nur Hasyim. Ia juga hadir ketika Nazaruddin pertama kali dibawa ke KPK. Selasa pekan lalu, ia mengunjungi Nazaruddin di tahanan Brimob, dan mendampingi pemeriksaan Nazaruddin. “Kalau Nazar mau ringan hukumannya, harus terbuka,” kata Elza (32).

TT: Another drama involving Nazaruddin had to do with two camps fighting over who was his rightful legal counsel (31), namely Elza Syarief or O.C. Kaligis. Elza claimed he obtained a mandate from Nazaruddin's youngest brother, Mujahidin Nur Hasyim. He was present the first time Nazaruddin was taken to the KPK. On Tuesday last week, he visited Nazaruddin in the Brimob jail and was present for Nazaruddin's questioning by the KPK two days later. Elza said she only wanted to help Nazaraddin (32)-“If Nazar wants to get a lenient sentence, he has to

be open,” said Elza.

31. ST : hak pembelaan TT : rightful legal counsel

LIT: the right of sacrificing one’s self for

The phrase, ‘hak pembelaan’ literally means ‘the right of sacrificing one’s self for’, but in the target text it is translated to the phrase, ‘rightful



cohesion occurs in general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

32. ST : kata Elza

TT : Elza said she only wanted to help Nazaruddin LIT: said Elza

The clause kata Elza literally means ‘said Elza’, but the translator changes the simple clause in the source text into the complex clause in the target text, ‘Elza said she only wanted to help Nazaruddin’. It seems that the translator adds some information in the target text which is longer than that of the source text, so that there is the shift in meaning which seems superfluous. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in general level explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Pernyataan Kaligis tentang upaya menghalanginya menemui Nazaruddin terbantahkan. Dalam rekaman video yang dilansir KPK, pada malam ketika Nazaruddin diperiksa KPK, perwakilan Kaligis, Afrian Bonjol, diperbolehkan penyidik menemuinya. Afrian menyodorkan surat kuasa untuk ditandatangani, tapi Nazaruddin menolak. “Nanti (33) pemeriksaan kedua,” kata nya.

TT: Kaligis's statement about efforts being made to prevent him from meeting Nazaruddin is debatable. In a video recording released by the KPK, on the night when Nazaruddin was questioned by the KPK, Kaligis's representative, Afrian Bonjol, was allowed to meet him by investigators. Afrian presented him a power of attorney letter to be signed, but he refused. “It happened later (33) during the second questioning,” he said.


74 TT : it happened later

LIT: later or next

The word, nanti literally means ‘later’ or ‘next’, but it is translated in the target text to the clause, ‘it happened later’. Here, there is no difference

in meaning, but the translator uses a clause instead of a word or a phrase in order to make it clearer. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Meski berkali-kali menolak Kaligis (34), Nazar akhirnya menyerah. Surat kuasa untuk Kaligis ditekennya pada Selasa, 16 Agustus, di tahanan. Surat dititip-kan Kaligis lewat Nasir. Sehari setelah itu. Kaligis menemui Nazaruddin di tahanan. Keesokan harinya, Nazaruddin diperiksa KPK. Di sinilah Nazaruddin memainkan babak baru dalam drama hidupnya: bungkam.

TT: After repeatedly rejecting to be represented by Kaligis (34), Nazaruddin finally gave in. He signed the power of attorney in favor of Kaligis on Tuesday, August 16, while in detention. The letter was sent to Kaligis through Nasir. A day later, Kaligis met Nazaruddin in custody. The following day, Nazaruddin was questioned by the KPK. This was when Nazaruddin began a new chapter in his drama: keeping quiet.

34. ST : menolak Kaligis

TT : rejecting to be represented by Kaligis LIT: [to] reject, object, or refuse

The clause, menolak Kaligis in the source text literally means ‘[to] ‘reject’, ‘object’, or ‘refuse’, but the translator might think that the reader of



he needs to put some other words to make it clearer and understandable. Then, in the target text, it is translated to the clause, ‘rejecting to be represented by Kaligis’. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Dalam pemeriksaan selama dua jam, Nazaruddin lebih banyak menjawab lupa, kala 20 pertanyaan tentang peristiwa dugaan korupsi proyek wisma atlet(35) diajukan. Ia menyampaikan kesediaanya menerima hukuman tanpa diperiksa. Bahkan dalam surat yang ditujukan kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Nazaruddin meminta istrinya tak diseret ke meja hijau.

TT: During the two hours of questioning, Nazaruddin mostly replied “I forget” to the 20 questions asked about the events surrounding the alleged embezzlement in the SEA Games accommodation project (35). He conveyed his willingness to accept punishment without being questioned. In fact, in a letter addressed to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Nazaruddin asked that his wife not be dragged into court.

35. ST : proyek wisma Atlet

TT : SEA games accommodation project LIT: athlete guesthouse project

The phrase, proyek wisma Atlet literally means ‘athlete guesthouse project’, but in the target text it is translated to the phrase, SEA ‘games



the shift occurs in general level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.

ST: Dalam surat yang diketik rapi dan ditanda tanganinya itu, Nazaruddin berjanji tidak akan menceritakan apa pun yang dapat merusak citra Partai Demokrat dan KPK. Ia rela dihukum asalkan Presiden memberi ketenangan bagi keluarganya. “Khusus bagi istri dan anak – anak saya,” tulis surat (36) yang

ditunjukkan Kaligis itu.

(Tito Sianipar, Rusman Paraqbueq, Atmi Pertiwi) TT: In the typed letter he signed, Nazaruddin promised he would not say anything that could damage the Democrat Party or the KPK.. He was willing to be punished as long as the President gave his family some peace. “In particular, for my

wife and children," he wrote in the letter (36) shown by Kaligis.

(Tito Sianipar, Rusman Paraqbueq, Atmi Pertiwi) 36. ST : tulis surat

TT : he wrote in the letter LIT: a written letter

The clause tulis surat in the source text literally means ‘a written letter’, but in the target text the translator translates it to a clause, ‘he wrote in the letter’. The translator assumes that the reader in the target text will not

understand what it means by the phrase, ‘a written letter’. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness higher than that of the source text.



categories of word, phrases and clauses. All at all, it can be seen in the following table.

Table 4.1 Shift of cohesion : the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness higher than that of the ST

No ST TT Occurrence Percentage become clause are 2 shifts or 5,5%, and in the category of phrase become phrase are 12 shifts or 33%, category phrase become clause are 5 shifts or 14%, and the category clause become clause are 11 shifts or 30,5%. It can be concluded that the shifts of cohesion in the level of explicitness are higher than that of the source text. This indicates that the shifts of cohesion really occur which can influence the process of translation.

The following diagram is the percentage of the shifts of cohesion in the level of the target text’s textual explicitness is higher than that of the source text in



Figure 4.1 Representation/Diagram of the finding of a segment

4.1.2 Shifts of Cohesion: the General Level Target Text’s Textual Explicitness lower than that of Source Text

As it was told above that the Shift in the level of Explicitness can occur on the lower level than that of the ST. The following are the Shifts of Cohesion on the lower level.

In the paragraphs below, the shift in the level of explicitness; namely the general level of the target texts’ textual explicitness is lower than that of the


ST: TIDAK mudah menyamakan isi kepala sembilan orang. Apalagi jika mereka mewakili sembilan kepentingan politik yang ber beda. Kamis pekan lalu, rapat tim kecil panitia khusus penyelidikan bailout Bank Century, di Hotel Santika, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, tak bisa menemukan kata sepakat Padahal (1), dua jam lebih mereka berembuk, merumuskan laporan final Panitia Angket yang akan dibacakan dalam Rapat Paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Selasa pekan ini.






words - phrases words - clauses phrases - phrases phrases - clause clauses - clauses 0

Percentage of the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness is



TT: It is not easy to get nine people to think along the same lines, especially if they represent nine different political interests. On Thursday last week, at a meeting of a team of representatives of the special committee to investigate the Bank Century bailout case, at Santika Hotel, in West Jakarta, no agreement was reached.Ø They met (1) for more than two hours, formulating the final report of the DPR's Bank Century Special Inquiry Committee, which was to be read at the DPR Plenary Session on Tuesday this week.

1. ST : padahal TT: Ø

LIT: whereas

The word, padahal which has the literal meaning ‘whereas’ (conjunction), is omitted by the translator. In this case, he includes it in grammatical cohesion (ellips) in the category of shift because of grammatical difference in the lower level.

ST: Agenda rapat malam itu memang bukan soal sederhana. Mereka ha rus menyatukan sedikitnva empat kubu (2) pendapat menjadi satu laporan tunggal untuk disikapi 560.anggota parlemen dalam rapat paripurna pada Rabu, 3 Maret.

Semula mereka berusaha berkompromi agar Panitia Angket bulat bersikap. Tapi gradasinya terlalu lebar, tidak mungkin disamakan." kata Romahurmuziy lagi.

(Wahyu Dhyatmika)



unanimous stance. "However, the differences were too great. We could not unify them," stressed Romahurmuziy.

(Wahyu Dhyatmika) 2. ST : empat kubu

TT : four

LIT: four camps

The phrase, empat kubu in the source text literally means ‘four camps’,

but the translator thinks that this phrase is superfluous since the reader of the target text has already known what is meant by four camps since it has already mentioned in the source text. Therefore, the translator translates it to only one wordfour’, without translating the word, kubu/camp. It indicates that there is the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness lower than that of the source text.

ST: Pengacara Otto Cornelis Kaligis menyodorkan pulpen ke tangan Muhammad Nazaruddin. Tersangka perkara suap proyek wisma atlet SEA Games itu diam saja, mengabaikan sodoran sang pengacara. Ia menolak menandatangani kertas di depannya. Hanya dua orang itu yang terlihat (3) di ruang pertemuan rumah tahanan Markas Komando Brigade Mobil Kepolisian RI di Kelapa Dua, Depok, Jawa Barat, Senin pekan Ialu.



police's Mobile Brigade (Brimob) Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Monday last week.

3. ST : yang terlihat TT : Ø

LIT: which is seen

The phrase, yang terlihat.literally means ‘which is seen’, but the translator translates it to a single word ‘file [for]’. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness lower than that of the source text.

ST: Alat perekam Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, yang sengaja dipasang (4) di ruangan itu, kemudian menangkap adegan di ruangan lain. Muhammad Nasir, anggota Komisi Hukum Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, kakak kandung Nazaruddin, menemui mantan Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat itu. Bertemu seperempat jam, tak banyak yang dibicarakan anak-anak pasangan M. Latif dan Aminah ini (5). "Nazar lebih banvak diam." kata Ajun Komisaris Besar K. Budinian, juru bicara rumah tahanan Brimob.

TT: A camera installed Ø (4) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), captured the scene taking place in another room. Muhammad Nasir, a mem-ber of the Law Commission of the House of Representatives (DPR), Nazaruddin's older brother, met with this former Democrat Party treasurer. Lasting for about 15 minutes, not much was said between Øthe two siblings (5). "Nazaruddin mostly kept quiet.” said Senior Adjunct Commissioner IC Budiman, spokesman for Brimob's detention facility.



LIT: intentionally installed in that room

The clause, sengaja di pasang di ruangan itu is translated to only a single word, ‘installed’. Here, the translator assumes that the TT reader has understood from the previous translation that the object has been installed in a certain room. Therefore, he thinks that he does not need to translate the whole phrase.

5. ST : anak pasangan M. Latif dan Aminah ini TT : Ø the two siblings

LIT:the children of this couple

The phrase, anak-anak pasangan M. Latif dan Aminah ini literally means ‘the children of this couple’, M. Latif and Aminah, but the translator translate it to ‘the two siblings’ since the reader in the TL has already known who the two siblings are. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness lower than that of the ST.

ST: Guna menghindari cekcok berkepanjangan, penyidik akhirnya memperbolehkan Nazaruddin ditemui empat mata (6) oleh Aziz Syamsuddin. Pada saat itulah anggota rombongan lain merangsek masuk. “Nanti pakai hak untuk

diam saja,” kata Kaligis sembari menyerahkan buku soal hukum pidana. “Tanpa

pengacara, jangan mau (diperiksa),” Nudirman menimpali.


83 6. ST : empat mata

TT : privately LIT: four eyes

The phrase, empat mata literally means ‘four eyes’, but, of course, it has idiomatic meaning which implicitly means ‘privately’; therefore, the translator translates it to the word ‘privately’. Here, the shift occurs in the level of explicitness lower than the ST.

ST: NAZARUDDIN dibawa ke Indonesia dari Kolumbia pada 13 Agustus lalu.

Sejak Nazaruddin tiba di Tanan Air (7) kasusnya menciptakan berbagai kisah.

Drama pertama tersaji ketika turun dari pesawat carteran Guifstreaum, dengan

tangan diborgolkan ke seorang penyidik KPK Nazaruddin dikawal ketat pasukan

bersenjata lengkap. la diboyong ke Markas Brimob, baru kemudian

diserahterimakan ke komisi antikorupsi pada malam harinva.

TT: NAZARUDDIN was brought back to Indonesia from Colombia on August 13. Nazaruddin’s return home (7) created a number of dramatic stories. The

first took place when he debarked the chartered Gulfstream airplane. Handcuffed to a KPK investigator, Nazaruddin was escorted under heavy guard of a fully armed police detail. He was taken to the Brimob, and was turned over to the KPK later that night.

7. ST : tiba di tanah air TT : return home

LIT: arrive(s) in a home country



home. In this case, the translator uses the shift of cohesion in level of explicitness lower than that of the source text, for the phrase tanah air has the synonymous meaning as the word ‘home’.

ST: Nazaruddin, menurut sumber di KPK, juga diminta menuliskan nama -nama kerabat atau keluarga yang boleh menjenguknya. Satu per satu nama (8) yang ditulis Nazaruddin pada secartik kertas adalah Neneng Sri Wahyuni, istrinya; M Nasir, kakaknya; Rita Zahara, kakak sulung; Hasyim, adiknya, Aan, sopir pribadi; dan Kaligis. Setelah menuliskan nama-nama itu. Nazaruddin berpikir sejenak, kemudian mencoret nama Kaligis. “Enggak usah aja (9),” ujarnya.

TT: Nazaruddin- according to a source in the KPK, was also asked to write

down the names of friends and relatives who were allowed to visit him. The names (8) that Nazaruddin wrote on a piece of paper were: Neneng Sri Wahyuni, his wife: M. Nasir, his older brother; Rita Zahara, his oldest sister; Hasyim, his younger brother. Aan, his driver; and Kaligis. After writing down those names, Nazaruddin thought for a moment, then crossed out Kaligis's name. “Not necessary (9). he said.

8. ST : satu persatu nama TT : the names

LIT: one by one

The phrase, satu persatu nama in the source text literally means ‘one by one’, while the phrase, the name is translated in the target text to ‘the names’. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness

lower than that the source text. 9. ST : nggak usah aja ya


85 LIT: It is not necessary

The clause, nggak usah aja ya is a colloquial expression which literally means ‘It is not necessary to’, ‘It does not need to’, or ‘It does not have to’. In the target text it is translated to the phrase, ‘not necessary’. Here, the translator uses the same meaning although he uses a phrase instead of a clause. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness lower than that of the ST.

ST: Dalam surat yang diketik rapi (10) dan ditanda tanganinya itu, Nazaruddin berjanji tidak akan menceritakan apa pun yang dapat merusak citra (11) Partai Demokrat dan KPK. Ia rela dihukum asalkan Presiden memberi ketenangan bagi keluarganya. “Khusus bagi istri dan anak – anak saya,” tulis surat yang

ditunjukkan Kaligis itu.

TT: In the typed letter (10) he signed, Nazaruddin promised he would not say anything that could damage (11) the Democrat Party or the KPK.. He was willing to be punished as long as the President gave his family some peace. “In

particular, for my wife and children," he wrote in the letter shown by Kaligis. 10. ST : surat yang diketik rapi

TT : typed letter

LIT: a neatly typed letter

The phrase, surat yang diketik rapi in the source text literally means ‘a neatly typed letter’, but in the target text it is translated to the phrase, ‘typed


86 spoil/damage the image of’, but in the target text it is translated to a single

word, ‘damage’. Here, the translator omits the word citra/image. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of explicitness lower than that of the ST.

The following are the shifts of cohesion which occur in the level of explicitness of the target text’s textual explicitness is lower than that of the source

text in the category of word, phrase and clause.

Table 4.2 Shift of cohesion : the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness lower than that of the ST


87 Percentage of the General Level of the Target Text’s Textual

Explicitness lower than that of the Source Text

From Table 4.2 above, we can see that the shifts of cohesion in the category of word become ∅, there is only one shift or 9%, phrase become ∅ one shift or 9%, phrase become word are 2 shifts or 18%, phrase to phrase are 3 shifts or 27%,

clause become ∅ only one shift or 9%, clause become word also only one or

9% clause to clause is only 1 or 9%. Among the eight categories of shifts, the shifts in the category of phrase become phrase which is 27%.

The following diagram is the percentage of the shifts of cohesion in the level of the Target Text’s Textual Explicitness is lower than that of the Source




4.1.3 Explicit and Implicit Meaning Potential of the Source Text Changes through the Translation

In the level of cohesion, shift in types of cohesive markers used in translation seem to affect translation in the category of shift in text meaning namely the explicit and implicit meaning potential of the source text change through the translation. Kulka in Venuti (2000).

The following are the Shift of Cohesion in the level of the Explicit and Implicit meaning potential changes through the Translation from Indonesian text to the English one.

ST: Wakil Presiden Boediono dan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati kemungkinan besar lolos dari jerat (1) panitia angket Bank Century. Lobi intensif hingga detik terakhir,

TT: Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati are likely to fare well in the final decision (1) of the Bank Century inquiry special committee. Intensive lobbying is being done up to the final moments.

1. ST : lolos dari jerat

TT : fare well in the final decision LIT: escaped from the snare



shift of cohesion at the level shift in text meaning; that is, “…the implicit

and explicit meaning potential of the source text changes through the translation” (Kulka in Venuti in Venuti, 2000:299). For the user of the SL, it

is not difficult to give the meaning of ‘snare’, but for the user of TL, it is very difficult to know the real meaning of jerat since it literally means ‘snare’ which is usually used for ‘hunting’ or ‘prey’; therefore, the

translator has to find the implicit meaning of the word. The same is true for the word lolos which literally means ‘escape’ (from danger; in this case, it means problem).

ST: TIDAK mudah menyamakan isi kepala (2) sembilan orang. Apalagi jika mereka mewakili sembilan kepentingan politik yang ber beda. Kamis pekan lalu, rapat tim kecil (3) panitia khusus penyelidikan bailout Bank Century, di Hotel Santika, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, tak bisa menemukan (4) kata sepakat Padahal, dua jam lebih mereka berembuk (5), merumuskan laporan final Panitia Angket yang akan dibacakan dalam Rapat Paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Selasa pekan ini.

TT: It is not easy to get nine people to think along the same lines (2), especially if they represent nine different political interests. On Thursday last week, at a meeting of a team of representatives (3) of the special committee to investigate the Bank Century bailout case, at Santika Hotel, in West Jakarta, no agreement was reached (4). They met (5) for more than two hours, formulating the final report of the DPR's Bank Century Special Inquiry Committee, which was to be read at the DPR Plenary Session on Tuesday this week.


90 TT : get [nine people] to think

LIT: [to] treat the head content as equal

In the clause, menyamakan isi kepala, there are two types of shift in cohesion: the shift in the implicit and explicit potentials of the source text which changes through translation and the general level of target text (TT) is higher than the source text (ST). Literally, menyamakan isi kepala/treat as equal [the] content [of] head/ can literally be translated into ‘treat the head

content as equal’. Here, it is translated into ‘get to think along the same line’ which indicates the meaning potential of higher level.

3. ST : tim kecil

TT : team of representatives LIT: small team

The phrase tim kecil has the shift of cohesion in the general level of target text which is higher than the SL and the shift of the text meaning; that is meaning potential of the ST changes through the translation:’small team’ becomes ‘team of representatives’. The change in the process of translation is caused by the translator’s willingness to provide clear information to the

target reader what really means by tim kecil. 4. ST : menemukan

TT : was reached LIT: [to] find



which is correlated with agreement (idea) which basically will reach the agreement. In this case, the shift occurs in the level of text meaning potential by using a synonym lexical cohesive marker.

5. ST : berembuk TT : met

LIT: discussing or conferring

The word, berembuk in the source text literally means ‘discussing’ or

‘conferring’, but in the target text the translator translates it to the verb,

‘met’. Here, the synonym used in the cohesion is in the lexical cohesion: the

translator uses the word met which relevant to the context; that is, ‘[to]

meet’ in order to discuss something.

ST: Agenda rapat malam itu memang bukan soal (6) sederhana. Mereka harus menyatukan sedikitnva empat kubu pendapat menjadi satu laporan tunggal untuk disikapi (7) 560.anggota parlemen dalam rapat paripurna pada Rabu, 3 Maret.

Semula mereka berusaha berkompromi agar Panitia Angket bulat bersikap. Tapi gradasinya terlalu lebar (8), tidak mungkin disamakan." kata Romahurmuziy lagi.

TT:The meeting's agenda that night was no simple matter (6). They had to bring together at least four viewpoints into one single report to be read out to (7) 560 members of the legislalure at a plenary session scheduled for March 3. They initially tried to compromise so that the Special Committee could come up with a unanimous stance. "However, the differences were too great (8)”

6. ST : soal TT : matter



The word, soal in the source text literally means ‘matter’ or ‘question’.

In this case the translation is appropriately used. It shows that the meaning potential is correctly used since it is what is intended by the context which, in the ST, the word, soal has ambiguous meaning so that the translator has to be able to determine which meaning that is more appropriate to be informed to the target reader. The shift occurs in the level of lexical cohesion, synonym.

7. ST : disikapi

TT : to be read out to LIT: taken a position on

The word, disikapi in the source text literally means ‘taken a position on’, but in the TT it is translated to ‘to be read out to’ in the TT. In this case,

there is meaning potential which gives the message correctly to the readers in the target language. The change which occurs in the the translation process is the difference in the principal meaning in the SL. The translator has to express this difference carefully in order that the target reader can clearly understand the information in the ST. The shift which occurs is the shift in the text meaning potential from implicit meaning in the ST to the explicit meaning in the TT.

8. ST : lebar TT : great LIT: wide



that the word, great is more appropriate than the word, wide in the translation; therefore, he translates the word lebar to ‘great’. In this case, the shift of cohesion occurs in the level of text meaning potential with lexical cohesive marker, synonym.

ST: Wakil Sekjen Partai Ka'bah ini benar belaka (9). Persepsi sebagian fraksi atas proses penyelamatan Bank Century memang berbeda bak langit dan bumi. Meski sudah hampir empat bulan bersama-sama menguliti (10) dokumen dan kesaksian dari berbagai pihak yang diduga terlibat, kesepahaman tampaknya mustahil dicapai.

TT: This PPP Deputy Secretary-General was entirely (9) correct. The differences of opinion among some of the factions regarding the Bank Century bailout process were like night and day. Even though they spent almost four months together going through (10) documents and the testimonies of various parties suspected of involvement, it was impossible to reach some kind of an agreement.

9. ST : belaka TT : entirely

LIT: only, solely, or merely


Figure 3.1 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive model Matthew Miles
Table 3.1 Shift of cohesion : the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness higher than that of the ST
Table 4.1 Shift of cohesion : the general level of the target text’s textual explicitness higher than that of the ST  No ST TT Occurrence Percentage
Figure 4.1 Representation/Diagram of the finding of a segment


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