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Exploration of Pulp and Husk of Gayo Arabica Coffee as Raw Material of Pectin – SWOT, Risk and Chemical Component Analysis | Sulaiman | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5846 1


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Exploration of Pulp and Husk of Gayo Arabica Coffee as Raw Material of Pectin – SWOT, Risk and Chemical Component Analysis | Sulaiman | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5846 1"


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I sm ail Sulaim an,


Murna Muzaifa,


Dian Hasni and


Julius Munandar


Depart m ent of Agricult ural Product Technology, Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala

Universit y, Darussalam , Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;


St udent of Depart m ent of Agricult ural Product Technology, Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah

Kuala Universit y, Darussalam , Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;

I n t r od u ct ion

Fresh coffee cherries are described as sm all round and reddish green berries. Coffee processing t ransform s coffee cherries int o green bean by rat io 6: 1 ( 6 kg fresh cherries to have 1 kg green bean ( I TC, 2015a). Global coffee product ion counted as green bean in 2014 reach out up t o 141.800 t housand bags, where I ndonesia supported 90.000 thousand bags ( I CO, 2015b). On t he ot her hand, t ot al world consum pt ion was 149. 265 t housand bags in 2014 where m ost ly com ing from im port ing count ries such as EU, USA, Japan and Russia ( I CO, 2015) . The num bers shows im pressive dem ands in coffee which t riggers farm ers to produce intensively as well as produces abundant by products t o handle. By assum ing t his, t here are need t o opt im alise t he robust num bers of waste, especially pulp t hat has highest percentage.

Pect in defines as water soluble carbohydrate which norm ally known as plant fiber, com m only used in food indust ry as food addit ive t o enhance text ure, viscosit y and stabilit y such as jelly, j am , m arm alade etc ( Chaubey and Kapoor, 2001; Whillet et al., 2006). By refers t o t rials in cacao pulp, t his research at t em pt s to produce pect in from coffee as well as said by Avellone et al ( 1999) pulp and m ucilage from coffee contains high num bers of pect in, sugars and prot ein.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

Coffee pulp t aken from Desa Geleulungi Kecam at an Pegasing Aceh Tengah dist rict s t hree t im es ( 20t h May; 2nd May and 25t h April 2015). Fresh coffee pulp t hen is cleaned, weighed, and packaged in fold-clipped vacuum t ransparent plast ic t hen st ored for 16 days, 24 days and 30 days in dark - room t em perature.

Pr oce d ur e

Coffee pulp t hen analyzed the m oist ure contents oven m et hod (Sudam adj i et al., 1997) , ash contents ( AOAC, 1997) and crude fiber content s ( Apriyant ono, 1989) . Another explorat ion m et hods carried out

* Corresponding Aut hor

: ism ail.sulaim an@unsyiah.ac.id

Ex plor a t ion of Pu lp a n d H u sk of Ga y o Ar a bica Coffe e a s

Ra w M a t e r ia l of Pe ct in – SW OT, Risk a n d Ch e m ica l

Com pon e n t An a ly sis

Abst r a ct

Adv ances in w ast e m anagem ent offer huge possibilit ies for econom ic and social ut ilizat ion of residues from coffee product ion such as t he pulp and husk . Coffee pulp are obt ained during coffee product ion around 20- 45% of raw m at erial eit her it processed w et or dry . I n Gay o Highland areas, as a cent re of Arabica product ion in I ndonesia, coffee product ion k now n as sem i- dry ing process w here num bers of coffee residues arise up t o 40% of t ot al coffee berries. For local farm ers pulp and husk s oft en be decom pose by burning, w het her sev eral alt ernat iv es hav e been at t em pt ed indiv idually , eit her used as fert ilizer, liv est ock feed and com post . How ev er t he applicat ions abov e cov er only sm all num ber of robust coffee residues. Therefore st udies hav e been conduct ed t o ex plore possibilit y t o ex t ract pect in from coffee pulp. I m plem ent at ion of SWOT analy sis and Risk Analy sis by FMEA gain t o enhance t he inform at ion of st ren gt h, w eak ness, opport unit y and t hreat s of ex t ract ion pect in from coffee pulp/ husk s dem onst rat ed t hat t his at t em pt hav e higher possibilit y t o be m ore efficient t han ot hers t rial for bot h econ om ically and ecologically . Furt her m ore, m oist u re cont ent s, ash and crude fiber are ex am ined from fresh pulp/ husk w hich are st ored in room t em perat ures for 16 day s, 24 day s and 30 day s. The dat a dem onst rat ed t hat lengt h of st orage up t o 30 day s has im pact on increasing ash ( up t o 12.66% from 1.38% ) and solid fiber cont ent s ( up t o 28.24% from 2.70% ) w hilst m oist ure are decreased (dow n t o 15.51% from 86.08% ) w hich em phasizes t hat delay ing product ion or prolonging t he st or age of coffee residues m ight not hav e any im pact on product qualit y .


searched, collected, m apped based on SWOT and t hen counted the risk based Risk Priorit y Num ber ( RPN) as well as recom m endat ion act ions should be list ed. All of dat a was searching based on research quest ions “ t he possibilit y of using coffee pulp as raw m aterial of pect in” .

Failure Mode Evaluat ion Analysis ( FMEA) as support ive t ools t o analyze occurrences fact ors, ( possibilit y errors to be occurs) , severit y ( t he im pacts) and detect ion ( inabilit y t o det ect t he error) for all t he failures, t hen counted t he RPN, as t he sum up of m ult iplicat ion of t hese t hree aspects of FMEA. Measurem ent scale of FMA could be seen in Table 1.

Ta b le 1 . FMEA scale m easurem ent (

FMEA Measurem ent Skala Deskripsi Skala

Occurences/ Probabilit y ( O/ P)

1 Failure is unlikely 2/ 3 Relat ively low failures

4/ 5/ 6 Moderat e ( occasional failures) 7/ 8 High ( repeated failures)

9/ 10 Very high ( failure is alm ost inevit able)

Severit y ( S) :

1 No severit y

2 Very m inor (be unnot iced and have only m inor effect on perform ances)

3 Minor ( cause m inor nuisance but can overcom e with no perform ance)

4/ 5/ 6 Low t o Moderate ( casue m inor perfom ance loss up t o part ial m alfunct ion)

7/ 8 High, casue ext rem e m alfunct ion and dissat isfact ion consum er 9/ 10 Very high and hazardous for healt h

Detect ion ( D) :

1 Very easy t o det ect

2 High abilit y t o cont rol failures

3 Moderat e

4/ 5/ 6 Moderat e – high consum er loss 7/ 8 Low abilit y t o detect failures 9/ 10 Very difficult tp detect failures Sources: Janssen ( 2010) ; Mc. Derm ot et al., ( 199)

Resu lts a nd D iscussion

SWOT analysis carried out t he st rength, opportunit y as well as pointed out t he weakness and t hreat s of of using coffee pulp as raw m aterial of pect in. As shows in Figure 1 Aceh Tengah dist rict as cent re product ion of Arabica coffee in I ndonesia has pot ential resources of coffee pulp in low prices, which considers as wast e by t he farm ers at t he m om ent . According t o Bressani et al., ( 1972) each 1000 kg coffee berries produces 43% pulp, 38% coffee beans, 11.8% m ucilage, and 6.1% hulls. Therefore when reported in 2012 Aceh Tengah produced 26.163 t ons of coffee ( BPS, 2013) 43% ( 11.250 t ons) of it are coffee pulp. On t he ot her hand, research showed high int erest of Aceh Tengah farm ers t o ut ilize t he coffee wast e as fert ilizers ( PSI , 2015), cat t le feeding ( Daud et al., 2013; Usm an et al., 2013) or m edia plantat ion ( PSI , 2015) . Moreover innovat ive research developed part icleboard from t his by products ( Odih, 2009; Safriana, 2012).However t hese att em pt s could not accom m odate high num bers of coffee wast e available.

Com m ercial pect in usually produced from cit rus peel and apple pom ade ( Food Navigat or, 2014) . Report s m ent ioned t hat pect in from m aterial above com m only used in food product ion and becom ing t ight in prices on raw m aterial short age and supply chain problem s. On t he ot her hand dem ands on pect in supply in I ndonesia and Asia globally st eadily increased. BPS ( 2010) and Chahyadit ha ( 2011) assum ed t hat I ndonesia im port s 289.12 tons pect in a year where Asia requires 24.315 t ons a year. Since I ndonesia st ill lack of pect in m anufacturer pect in consum es high cost.

Threat s and weakness m ent ioned challenges and lack of resources t o obt ain t he goal of product ion pect in from coffee pulp. Recent research showed ext ract ion of water soluble carbohydrate from coffee pulp wit h wat er produced yield 10,98% wit h pect in fiber 57,24% ( Diniyah et al., 2013) by t em perature variat ion and coffee variet ies. The result s also showed that pect in have darker color and unat t ract ive ( Ningsih, 2013). Furt her researches found out using chloric acid, acet ic acid ( Sat ria & Auda, 2008) , am m onium sulfic ( Syukra, 2007) and oxalate acid ( Ut am i, 2014) . Furt herm ore Nazaruddin and Asm awat i ( 2014) pointed out t hat cacao pulp t hat ext racted wit h am m onium oxalat


15.52% from 86.09% ) which em phasizes t hat delaying product ion or prolonging t he st orage of coffee residues m ight not have any im pact on product qualit y. Moreover the drying process of coffee pulp could be recom m ended as prevent ive act ion t o avoid m icrobial growt h.

Ta b le 2 . Changes of diet ary fiber, ash and m oisture cont ent s of fresh coffee pulp during st orage

Lengt h of st orage Crude fiber (%) Ash cont ent s (%) M oisture Content s (%)

M ean M ean M ean

16 days 19.48 ± 0.73 9.91 ± 0.02 86.09 ± 0.39

24 days 27.73 ± 0.13 11.48 ± 0.03 18.61 ± 0.34 30 days 33.44 ± 0.67 14.99 ± 0.13 15.52 ± 0.08

Con clusions

Taking everyt hing into considerat ion pect in product ion considers as effect ive t rial t o ut ilise t he availabilit y of coffee pulp in Aceh Tengah. However int ensive research t owards t he ext ract ion m et hods required t o be done, especially by adopt ion of Nazaruddin and Asm awat i 2014) m et hods.

Ack n ow led g em e n ts

The authors are t hankful t o Universit y of Syiah Kuala and Direkt orat Penelit ian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat for t he financial support in proj ect “ Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (UPT) with cont ract num ber 035/ SP2H/ PL/ Dit .Lit abm as/ I I 2015 on Date 05t h February 2015.

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Table 1 . FMEA scale measurement (
Figure 1 . SWOT Analysis of possibility coffee pulp as pectin material
Table 2 . Changes of dietary fiber, ash and moisture contents of fresh coffee pulp during storage


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