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IMPROVING STUDENT’S COMPETENCE OF VOCABULARY THROUGH SCRABBLE GAME (A Clasroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of MTs Muhammadiyah Purwokerto in School Year 2014/2015) - repository perpustakaan


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A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language components that should be mastered by the students in learning foreign language. Hanson & Padua (2011: 4) explain that vocabulary are words we use to communicate oral and print language. Vossoughi (2009: 1) explains that words are the tool we use to think to express ideas and feelings, and to learn about the world.

Rowenthorst (2006: 4) and Bintz (2011: 44) state that vocabulary is important to learn for comprehensible communication, without vocabulary the structures and function unable to use.


2. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary was essential in communicating with other. If someone does not know the meaning of word used by other on communicating, someone will be unable to respond. On the other hand, vocabulary was important to express ideas or to ask certain information. Vossoughi (2009: 1) state that vocabulary is the tool we use to think, to express ideas or feeling, and to learn about the world.

Vocabulary also has an important role in language acquisition. It has to be mastered by the students in order to be able to conduct meaningful communication both orally and written. Alemi and Tayebi (2012: 81) define that vocabulary is the basic component of language proficiency which provides the basic for learners’ performance in the both productive and

receptive skills of language. Dealing with the students’ perfomance in the skill of language, Stahl and Fairbanks in Bromley (2007: 528) state that the students who have good vocabulary mastery will have good reading comprehension and high score on achievement test than students who are lack of vocabulary.


understanding of language through what a students hear, sees, and reads in the classroom.

From previously statements, it can be concluded that the role of vocabulary in English language is very essential because it is becoming the key of mastering the skills of English. Such as; speaking, reading, listening, writing. It is known that every skill in English are related to both oral and written communications, and those communications are related to sentence, but there is no sentence without vocabularies.

3. Words Classification of Vocabulary

Words used to classify into part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, and adverbs are the four largest groups. Eugene (1993: 8) state that the remaining classification are essentially fuction words. Classifications may substitute for words in one of largest group serve as signals for various patterns, or related on group of words to another. In English, the fuctional categories include pronouns and interjections.

There are four classification or four largest groups’ such as noun, verb,

adjective, and adverb. 1. Noun

Noun is a word used as the name of anything, person, animal, object, place, situation, quality or idea

2. Verb


3. Adjective

Adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or pronoun. 4. Adverb

Adverb is a word which is modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb. In brief, vocabulary is the important tools when we study about language. When the student lack vocabulary the students difficult to got the lesson.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is given in every level of language learner. In junior high school, the learner should be given the vocabulary lesson to give basic knowledge in English. Vocabulary is realized as the main tool of communication. Meanwhile the main purpose of language teaching and learning is making the learner be able to conduct meaningful communication by using the target language. So that, as an English teacher important to know how the effective ways in teaching vocabulary.

The process of teaching vocabulary has important role, especially when the teacher gives some materials to the students. There is the influence of language learning theories, or approaches,classroom exercise, and activities for teaching vocabulary.


a. Presentation

According to Gairns and Redman (1985: 73-75) as cited in Tuan (2012: 2) there are three tehcnique used in presentation of new vocabulary items. First: visual technique including mime, gesture, and visual such as flashcard, photographs, blackboard drawings, wall chart and realia. Second: verbal tehcnique, use illustration situation, use synonym and definition, contrast and opposite, scales, example of the type, third is translation. b. Practice

The vocabulary practice can be done in many ways, one of them is by playing scrabble. The students practice the vocabulary by arranging many letters based on the vocabulary that they got before.

c. Production

Thornbury (2002: 100) as cited in Tuan (2012: 2) recommends those learners should produce something as a product of their own. Here the teacher gives students homework to make paragraph using the words that they got before.

d. Review


5. Potential Problem of Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is not easy thing for students; usually the problems of vocabulary learning which are faced by them are main cause of their lack of vocabulary. Therefore, the teacher has to know what their problem is in order to help the students to reach the goal of vocabulary teaching and learning. Rahmini and Sahragard (2008: 2-6) argue the following vocabulary learning problems:

a. Misconception

It is the serious problem in vocabulary learning. The students often get misconception on the elements of the target language such as the lexion, for example the students often confused when English speaker or the teacher refer to two or three types of cooking vessel using the word pot while in their native language those vessel have different names.

b. Rote Learning

The student often forget the vocabulary taught by te teacher. It is not because their forgetting habit, but it is because there is no meaningful teaching and learning process in which can help them to memorize the vocabulary.

c. Dictionary use


usually it is the first meaning of the difficult word which is choosen by them in translating the word. Meanwhile, the first meaning in the dictionary is not always the same with the meaning based context. Consequently, the wrong way will mislead them in finding the word’s meaning.

d. Lack of sufficient input

Foreign language learners do not have sufficient source to learn the target language. Teacher and textbook are their main sources to learn the target language, whereas to have good vocabulary acquisition, rich of sources are much needed.

e. Lack of output

Foreign language learners do not have enough opportunities to practice the new vocabulary have been gotten by them, though the vocabulary will be forgetten easily if the learners do not use it in the productive skill. Therefore, the learners have to find opportunities to practice the vocabulary inside or outside the classroom.

f. Memory

Memory has important role in foriegn language learning. The students have to memorize all of the material including the vocabulary given by the teacher in long term memory, but forgetting is a common problem in foreign language teaching and learning.


6. Types of Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to words that we use to communicate orally or written, vocabulary is devided into two types, they are receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary

According to Hanson & Padua (2011: 5) receptive vocabulary refers to words we understand through reading and listening. Productive vocabulary refers to the words we use to communicate through writing and speaking.

7. Aspect of Vocabulary

In learning vocabulary, there are some vocabulary aspect that teacher should convey to the students. According to (Harmer 2007: 16-21) there are some aspect of vocabulary that can be evaluated:

a. Word Meaning

Word meaning is an aspect of vocabulary in which a language learner is able to know and understand the meaning of the words being used. b. Word Pronunciation

Word pronunciation means the way how the words are pronounced according to the international pronunciation system.

c. Word Spelling


d. Word classes

Word classes are categories of word. There are grammatical pattern should practice fluently to the students such as noun (countable and uncountable noun), verb complementation, phrasal verbs, adjective and adverb. Classification of the word of a language in the way depends on their function in communication. Nouns can occur in certain fuction. Verbs also occur in certain places and have special function, so word class membership is an important lexical feature.

Aspect of vocabulary that will be use taught to the students in this research is only focus on three aspects; they were meaning, pronunciation, and spelling. The reason for choosing those aspect is it is suitable for the Scrabble game which will be implemented in the class.

8. Learning of Vocabulary

According to Hatch and Brown (1995: 372) there are some essential steps in learning vocabulary:

a. Encountering new words

The first essential step for vocabulary learning is encountering new words that are having a source for words. According to Payne (1988: 33) as cited in Brown (1995: 372) the students strategies here included “learning

new words by reading books, “listening to TV and Radio” and “reading


In this case, the teacher can provide text or dialogue; they contain many words that can be learnt by students.

b. Getting the word form

The second step essential to vocabulary learning appears to be the getting of a clear image – visual or auditory or both – of the form of vocabulary item. The important of having a clear image of the “form” of a

word becomes apparent when we think about what happens when we try ro retrieve words.

Here the teacher can provide text or dialogue. By providing text or dialogue students can get many words in them. Teacher can ask students to read the sentences or paragraph orally, if the students pronounce the words incorrectly the teacher should revise it.

c. Getting the words meaning

By reading text will make students easily in getting the words meaning, because the words in the text are connected each other. It will be easier to students to know or guess the meaning of the words.

d. Consolidating word form and meaning memory.


e. Using the words.

The final steps in learning words is using the words. In this case, the teacher can give homework to the students. Teacher can ask students to make paragraph using the words that they got before.


1. Definition of Game

Language learning is not an easy task; we have to learnt it step by step. Such a task can be something bored for students. It is why teacher should have strategy in teaching language, especially vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary is not about giving a lot of vocabulary to the students, but how to make the students memorize vocabulary easily and fun without pressure. Here the teacher can use games in te teaching vocabulary.

Games in learning activity are learning media that is used by the teacher as a strategy or technique to catch students’ attention in creating fun


2. Function of Game

Wang et al (2011: 2) states that major purpose for using games in class is to help students learn English in lowered anxiety environment.

According to Harmer (2010) as cited in Vissoughi (2009: 2) games gives learners a feeling of competition to participate in the process of learning vocabulary and motivates them to repeat them with enthusiasm.

3. Types of Game

According to Jacobs as cited in Wang (2011: 3) games classified into more detailed forms which are composed of both the elements defining linguistic and communicative games.

a. Sorting, ordering or arranging games. For example, students have a set of cards with months, and they have to arrange those cards in order.

b. Information gap games. In such game, one or more people have information that other people do not, and they have to exchange their information to complete a task.

c. Guessing game. These are a variation on information gap games, for instance, one student who has a flash card can not show it to others but must instead mime it to othres, and than other students have to guess the word from his or her perfomance.


everyone is given a clue to find out who the criminal is. They have to ask and then reply to their patners to solve the problem.

e. Matching game. As the name implies, participants need to find a match labels and pictures.

f. Labeling games. These are a form of matching game. The only difference is that the participants match labels and picture.

g. Exchanging games. Many cards games fall into this category. In these games, students barter cards, objectives, or ideas.

h. Board games. “scrabble” is one of the most popular games in this category.

i. Role playing games. Such games involve students in playing roles that they might not play in real life.

If the teacher chooses to use games in teaching, they should have standard, it means they should have some essential things that need to be done to make the games can run well in the class. There are some steps that are needed to be remembered in leading the games, Susanto (2012: 23) they are:

a. Choosing a good time to show the games in teaching.

b. Mastering and understanding well the games material that will be taught. c. Focusing to achievements while doing the games.

d. Giving spirit and motivation to the students. e. Giving reward to winner.


4. Advantages of Games

There are many advantages of using games in the class room:

a. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class. b. They are motivating and challenging.

c. Learning requires and great deal of the effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning.

d. Games provide language practice in the various skills – speaking, writing, listening and reading.

e. They encourage students to interact and communicate. f. They create a meaningful context for language use.

(Lee Su Kim, www.Teflgame.com 2013).

Based on the expalanation before, it is obvious that games are very useful in teaching language learning.

C.Scrabble Game

1. Definition of Scrabble Game


1. Double word point (x2)

This floor has a soft blue color, if the tile is put in this floor tile, the score will be double.

2. Triple word point (3x)

This floor tile has a hard blue color, if the tile is put in this floor tile, the score will be tripled.

3. Double score word

Total one word score is multiplied by 2. 4. Tripe score word.

Total one word score is multiplied by 3. 5. Only one chance.

The second, scrabble game consist of tiles where the tiles have alphabets and score in them, they are:

1. 0 point for empty floor tile.

2. 1 points for A,E,I,L,N,O,R,S,T, and U. 3. 2 poits for D and G.


Here the Example of Scrabble:


2. Procedure of Scrabble Game to Teach Vocabulary

Using scrabble game in teaching vocabulary is easy enough, but for the first time the teacher should introduce the game, and give an example to the students. Scrabble game is a popular game in the world, even there is a champion world that is held for this game. There are international rules for this game, but the teacher can use their own rule and steps to makes the students are comfort in following the game without ignoring the main rule and steps of scrabble. Based on Warmer & Brown (2005: 3) explain that Scrabble game can be used developing problem-solving skills and motivating for students.

There are some rules and steps in playing this game, they are:

a. The first player combines two or more of his or her letters to form a word and places it on the board to read either across or down with one letter on the center square. Diagonal words are not allowed.

b. Complete the turn by counting and announcing the score for that turn. Then draw as many new letters, always keep seven letters on the rack, as long as there are enough tiles left in the bag.


d. New words may be formed by:

1. Adding one or more letters to a word or letters already on the board. 2. Placing a word at right angles to a word already on the board. The new

word must use one of the letter already on the board or must add letter to it.

3. Placing a copmlete word parallel to a word already played so that adjacent letters also form complete words.

4. No tile may be shifted or replaced after it has been played and scored. 5. Blanks: the two blank tiles may be used as any letters. When playing a

blank, you must state which letter it represents. It remains that letter for the rest of the game.

6. You may use a turn to exchange all, some, or none of the letters. To do this, place your discarded letter facedown. Draw the same number of letters the pool, and then mix your discarded letter into the pool. This end your turn.


8. The game ends when all letters have been draw and one player uses his or her last letter; or when posible plays have been made.

3. Advantages of Scrabble Game

a. Scrabble helps improve the language

This is the most obvious and very well-know benefit of playing scrabble. The scrabble can help one improve the language in the following three ways.

- It builds vocabulary

- It helps one improves the spellings b. Scrabble is good for the brain

Playing scrabble game can prove to be a good stimulant for the memory. It can help a person to keep the brain cells active. Playing scrabble can be good for people who want to sharpen their memory. The scrabble can also help in slowing down the aging of the brain cells. So playing scrabble can be great for the elderly too. (M.M. Rooni voices.yahoo.com 2013)

If the students are difficult in memorizing vocabulary, it will be a good choice for the teacher to use this game in teaching vocabulary. Warmer & Brown (2005: 3) explain that Scrabble can be used in developing problem-solving skills and is motivating for students.


spelling, dictionary skills, cooperative learning, conflict resolution and creative problem solving (Warmer & Brown, 2005:3). Thus, based advantages described above, scrabble game can be used a very good technique for teaching vocabulary.

4. Implementation of Scrabble Game in the Class

a. Teacher gives material that will be taught to the students based in the syllabus.

b. Teacher gives vocabulary that should be achieved by students. c. Teacher gives 1 scrabble game for each group.

d. Students accept scrabble game from the teacher.

e. Teacher explain to the students about scrabble game, the rules and each group’s role in playing scrabble game.

f. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

g. Teachers demonstrates scrabble game with several students.

h. Teacher ask students to from many words, it is better for them if they make words based the words that they get before.

i. Teacher asks students to begin the game. j. Students begin the game.


D.Basic Assumption

In learning vocabulary the problem that is faced by students is how to remember the vocabulary that they get in the teaching learning process easily. Some of students are difficult in memorizing vocabulary, because when they found new words they don’t apply those words in another activity, thus the

vocabulary that they got will be forgotten easily. By playing scrabble game students will apply their vocabularies to learn the spell, and recognize the vocabulary all at once, it makes students easily in memorizing vocabularies. Here students not only know and memorize many vocabularies, but also students should be able to arrange many words, the more words students arrange, the higher score that students get. It makes students challenge and curious in playing this game.




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