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Pool Tournament Eve and Can t Sleep.


Academic year: 2017

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Pool Tournament Eve and Can´t Sleep. Word Count:

354 Summary:

Read about a restless night before a big pool tournament. Find out about the Dr. Cue (Tom Rossman) billiards tournament in Pueblo Colorado.


pool tournament, billiards tournament, tom rossman, dr. cue, pueblo colorado

Article Body:

The title Pool Tournament Eve above would be more accurate if it said day instead of eve. As I type this article, 4:36 in the morning, March 1, 2008, I should be sleeping.

Tomorrow is the annual Dr Cue Tournament here in Pueblo Colorado. Billiards is pretty popular here in Pueblo. This tournament is the largest held here. Players come from all over the State of Colorado and sometimes a few other states. We have 2 BCA (Billiards Congress of America) National Champions residing here in Pueblo along with many other players who shoot lights out. Dr. Cue (Tom Rossman) puts on a trick shot exhibition the night before the tournament. I attended this show last night where I payed my entry fee of $40 and watched Tom put on a great show as usual.

The pool hall where this tournament is played is about 15 minutes from my house. I made it home by 10:30 PM and finally fell asleep around 11:30. Right on nice job. Get some rest before the tournament. Not.

My eyes popped open around five till two and I have not been able to get back to sleep. Thursday night wasn´t much better because I only slept about 4 hours. I am hoping that writing this post gets me tired.

I will be bringing my lap top to this tournament and plan to report on the event between my matches. I will also be bringing my video camera which is also a pretty cool digital camera. This should make for some cool reporting and hopefully some interesting and exciting content. Between a couple of brain freeze attacks and and watching some billiards on my DVR another half hour has gone by. It is now 5 in the morning and I must be present in the pool hall by 10:00 AM. Ouch. Don´t they know that pool players are not early risers by nature?

Well maybe my plan is working. I just experienced a yawning attack. I think I will attempt to get about 3 or 4 more hours sleep time in before the big Dr Cue Pool Tournament today. That´s it for now.

To Your Run Out Success, Ted

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