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Handling a Four-Year-Old Child at TK Angkasa 1 Who Did Not Want to Enter the Class without His Mother.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas akhir ini berisi pembahasan masalah tentang seorang anak laki-laki berumur 4 tahun yang selalu menolak masuk ke kelas jika ibunya tidak menemaninya. Masalah ini terjadi pada saat saya melaksanakan tugas magang di TK Angkasa pada tanggal 16 Juli 2013 sampai 26 September 2013. Posisi saya selama magang di TK Angkasa adalah sebagai asisten guru.

Penyebab dari masalah tersebut yaitu pertama, saya tidak memiliki pengalaman yang cukup dalam menangani anak TK. Kedua, saya merasa bingung karena anak tersebut hanya ingin masuk kelas jika ibunya

menemaninya. Masalah tersebut menimbulkan beberapa akibat. Pertama, saya kehilangan waktu mengajar saya. Kedua, saya merasa

tertekan.Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut saya mendapatkan tiga solusi. Pertama, saya melakukan observasi guru senior dalam menangani anak. Kedua, saya membuat peraturan untuk mengijinkan ibu anak tersebut untuk masuk ke dalam kelas pada waktu-waktu tertentu dan ketiga saya memberikan hadiah jika anak tersebut bersedia untuk masuk ke dalam kelas tanpa ibunya.

Dari hasil analisis yang saya lakukan, solusi terbaik dari masalah yang saya hadapi adalah gabungan dari ketiga solusi tersebut. Hal ini


iv Maranatha Christian University







A. Background of The Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Methods of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS...5








A. Background of the Study

At the time kindergarten children go to school, they usually expect their

parents to accompany them into the classroom and refuse to be left alone

with the teacher. However, some schools do not allow the children’s

parents to accompany them into the classroom. As a result, the children

feel stressful and they start to cry and scream. According to article

“Mandiri Sejak Dini”, Vera states that “it is general, many children will cry

and scream when their parents leave them with the teacher” (par.12).

The same problem also happened to me when I did my internship at TK

Angkasa 1 from 16 July until 27 September 2013. At that time, I was a

teacher assistant. When the class began, there was one child who refused

to enter the classroom. He only wanted to enter the classroom with his

mother. I did not know how to make him want to enter the classroom

without his mother. Therefore, to find out the solutions, I would like to


2 Maranatha Christian University and the effects of the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the problem that I found during my internship program as a

teacher assistant at TK Angkasa 1, I would like to analyze :

1. Why was it difficult for me to make a four-year-old child at TK

Angkasa 1 kindergarten want to enter the classroom without his

mother ?

2. How did the problem influence me and my activity as a teacher?

3. How should I, as the teacher, handle this problem?

C. Objective and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of writing this term paper are to analyze the causes and

effects of handling a four-year-old child in class A TK Angkasa 1, who did

not want to enter the classroom. After analyzing the problem with its


Beside the objectives, there are some benefits for the institution, the

readers and for myself. For the institution, I expect that this term paper can

give some positive information, especially the teachers at TK Angkasa 1,

to help them know how to make the children enter the class without their

parents. Apart from the benefit for the institution, there is also a benefit for

the readers, especially those who want to be a teacher, they will get the

solution if they face the problem of children who do not want to enter the

classroom without their parents. Finally for me, the benefits are I can know

how to make children enter the class, and I hope it will also help me to

teach children well if I work as a teacher in the future.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the interview with Mrs. Praemi Sanggiani, the headmaster of

TK Angkasa 1 and the book “ Laporan Kelompok Program Latihan

Profesi”, TK Angkasa 1 Kindergarten was established on 1 Desember

1952. At that time the school was named Dian Kindergarten. Then, in

1968 the school’s name was changed into Slamet Suryono Kindergarten

School. On 1 September 1977 this school changed its name again and


4 Maranatha Christian University The location of this school is on Jalan Pajajaran no. 148 Bandung. The

school has programmes for Preschool, Playgroup and Kindergarten. The

facilities in TK Angkasa 1 are seven classrooms, a library, a computer

laboratory and a playground.

E. Method of Study

The data for this term paper was taken from my internship journal,

when I did my internship programme in class A, TK Angkasa 1

kindergarten. Beside that, the theories to support my analysis are from the

internet, library and interviews.

F. Limitation of the Study

In this term paper, the analysis will be focused on me as a new teacher

assistant who finds it difficult to make a child in class A, TK Angkasa 1

enter the classroom without his mother. My internship was carried out from

16 July 2013 until 27 September 2013.


The term paper is divided into five chapters, Chapter One is the

Introduction, which has seven parts. In this chapter, there are Background

of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objective and Benefits of the

Study, Description of the Institution, Method of Study, Limitation of the

Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two discusses about

the causes and effects of the problem. Chapter Three, discusses some

potential solutions including the potential negative and positive effects of

the potential solutions. Chapter Four describes the best potential solutions

for my problem. Finally, the term paper is completed with a Bibliography

and Appendices.


12 Maranatha Christian University



In the previous chapters I explained about my problem which is

difficulty in handling a child in class A at TK Angkasa I who did not want to

enter the class without his mother. The causes are I did not have enough

experience in handling kindergarten children and I do not know the

character of the child well. The effects are I wasted my teaching time to

teach English and I felt stressed. I have three potential solutions for my

problem. My first potential solution is I will observe my senior teacher

handling the child to enter the class. The second potential solution is the

teacher makes the rule at school to permit the child’s parent to come into

the classroom on special occasions and the third potential solution is I will

give the child a reward if he is willing to enter the class without his mother.

Based on the analysis, I think the best solution to handle my problem is

the combination of the three potential solutions because the solutions

support one another. By observing my senior teacher I can learn how to

handle the child. By making the rules to permit the child’s parent to come


obey my instructions. Furthermore, by giving the child a reward the child

will be willing to enter the class without his mother. Therefore, by using the

three potential solutions to handle the child, I can persuade the child to

enter the class without his mother.In conclusion, teachers, especially

kindergarten teachers should have experience in teaching and school

should set rules to make children discipline. Moreover, the teachers

should also cooperate with senior teachers so that they can learn how to

handle the children effectively.

For a new teacher, I suggest that he or she should cooperate with

senior teachers and the parents if he or she faces the same problem like I

experienced when I did my internship. By doing this, they can learn how to


Maranatha Christian University


Printed sources

Melati, Risang. Kiat Sukses Menjadi Guru Paud. Yogyakarta : Araska,

September 2012.

Smith, Colin J, and Robert Laslett. Effective Classroom Management:

Teacher Stress and Teachers’ Feeling. London :Routledge, 1993.

Wibowo, Agus.M.Pd. Pendidikan Karakter Usia Dini.Yogyakarta :

Pustaka Pelajar, 2012.

Electronic Sources

“Anak Mogok Sekolah”. Anak Mogok Sekolah.com. July 20, 2010. August

28, 2014.

<https:// puku-baby-indonesia/anak-mogok-sekolah-normalkah.com>.


< http://www.schoolsparks.com/early-childhood- development/class


Education World. “ Teacher Observing Teacher: A Professional

Development Tool For Every School”. www.educationworld.com.

September 10, 2014. August 12, 2014.

< http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin297.shtml>.

“In Education, Self-Esteem”. www.imperial.ac.uk. May 10, 2013. August

12, 2014.

<http://www.imperial.ac.uk/In Education, Self-Esteem/html>.

Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo , Vera. “MandiriSejakDini”. Perspektifbaru.com.

July 8, 2013. November 5, 2013.


J. Gebhard. “Classroom Observation in Teaching Practice”. New York:

Cambridge University Press.1984. April 20, 2014.



Linsin, Michael. “How To Stop Wasting Time And Attention On Difficult


Maranatha Christian University 2014.

< http://www.smartclassroommanagement.com/2009/10/10/how-to-

stop-wasting-time-and-attention-on-difficult-students/ >.

Mc Cormic, Maggie.” How To Handle Classroom Discipline In Preschool”.

www.e-how.com. August 8, 2014.



Pendidikan Karakter Di Paud. Nagaripetualang.

www.pendidikan karakter di paud.com . October 9, 2011. July 3, 2014.


Rini, Jacinta F. “FobiaSekolah”. e-psikologi.com. October 10, 2002. May

17, 2014.


Sindhi, Swaleha. “Need For Enhancing Sensitivity Among The Early

Childhood Educators” www.countercurrents.org. December 20, 2013.

July 2, 2014.


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