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Academic year: 2017



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Praise and Gratitude must be prayed to Almighty God, Allah SWT, for all the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author so writer can finish this thesis well.

The title of this thesis is "Implementation of Learning Cycle Model with Experimental Method to Increase Students Achievement In Teaching of Colloid ". This research is done in SMA N 3 Medan in academic year 2012/2013 that prepared to get degree Sarjana Pendidikan of Chemistry Education , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan.

On this occasion, the author also conveys a respect and gratitude to : 1. Mr. Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si, As a thesis supervisor who has provided

guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning of the study until the completion in writing this thesis.

2. Give Thanks also to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, Dr. Eddyanto, Ph.D , Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si. who has provided suggestions from the plan until the

completion of this thesis.

3. Thanks also conveyed to Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si., as the Academic Supervisor who always guided researcher during the lecture and the entire along with Mr. and Mrs. Staff and Lecturer in chemistry department FMIPA UNIMED who have helped the author.

4. The awards were also presented to Mr. Drs. Sahlan Daulay, M.Pd as a school principals SMA Negeri 3 Medan and Mr. Drs. Simon Manurung, M.Si as a chemistry teacher and staff which assist in the implementation of this research.



6. Say thanks also for my beloved brothers and sister Muhammad Kurnia Rahman, A.Md, Syafrida Sondang, S.Sos, Robert Anthony Coll and Rahmat Kesuma who have given me love, pray, support and motivation that they always give until the completion of this thesis. I love you all.

7. Say thanks also for my beloved brother Chairul Anwar , The Founder of CA Club Medan Belajar, who have opened my paradigm, my mind set, thanks to pray, support and motivation that he always give until the completion of this thesis.

8. Special gratitude also the authores convey thanks to my family at Ikatan

Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) in PK.IMM.KH.A.Dahlan Unimed and especially for all Immawan/ti Se-Unimed, they are Kak Ayu Rangkuti, Mas Dedyan, Kak Zakiyah, Kak Nurul, Kakanda Amrizal, Kakanda Suramah, Kakanda Sidik, Kakanda Fachri, Habibi, Aisyah, Deni, Sakti, Jay, Ilham, Rini,

Lisa, Affan, Aswin, and all Immawan/ti that can’t be called name’s one by one, thanks for your pray and support. Also Immawan/ti in PC.IMM.Kota Medan especially Kakanda Fahrur .

9. Do not forget also thanks for my beloved friends Lia Isti Indriyani, Rahmi Wardha Lubis, Ika Irayani, Masitho Purnama Sari, Yeni Riska Putri, Fitri Maulida Saragih, Irna Ariani, Siti Rahmah, Sansah Sinaga and all of friends in class and bilingual program that helped me in every moment. Thanks my friends.

The author has done the maximal effort in the completion of this thesis, but the author is aware there are many weakness in terms of both content and grammar. Authors hope the suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for completeness the thesis perfectly . At least, Authors hope this

thesis can be useful to enrich the reader in science education.

Medan, July 2013 Author,



The implementation of Learning Cycle Model with Experimental Method to

increase student’s achievement is conducted to know the student’s achievement in SMA Negeri 3 Medan. The population was all the students at second level in SMA Negeri 3 Medan. The students were divided into two groups one was called experimental class in class XI IPA-6 and control class in class XI IPA-5 based on purposive sampling techniques. The kind of this research is experimental research. Instrument used is validated multiple choice questions as 20 questions and all questions is reliable. The first time, pre-test is given to experimental class and control class. In experimental class was used learning cycle model with experimental method and in control class was used conventional learning. The last, post test is given for each of class. Before hypothesis test, the data is tested by normality test by using Chi Square test and homogeneity test by using F test. Test result stated the sample is distributed normally and homogeny. Based on the result in experimental class was obtained the average of pre-test score 36.86 with standard deviation 6.65 and post test score 79.71 with standard deviation 5.68. In control class was obtained the average of pre-test score 36.57 with standard deviation 6.15 and post test score 68.71 with standard deviation 4.90. The hypothesis is tested by using z test and obtained zcount = 9.151 while ztable = 1.669 at significance level t0.95 and dk = 68 so zcount > ztable, so Hypothesis is received. It proved that student’s achievement taught by learning cycle model with experimental method is higher than conventional learning. Increasing of student’s achievement was calculated by using normalized gain and the percentages gain in experimental class is 67.9 % and percentages gain in control class is 50.4 % .

Student’s experimental skills percentage is 90 %.



1.2. Problem Identification 5

1.3. Problem Statements 5 Integrated Science Process Skills 21

2.1.8 Colloid 23 Definition of Colloid 23 Classification of Colloid 25 Properties of Colloidal System 26 Hydrocolloid 28 Interaction Between Colloid Particle 28 Preparation of Colloid 29



2.2. Conceptual Framework 31

2.3 Research Hypothesis 32


3.1. Overview of The Research 33

3.6.1. Arranging Research Instrument 37

3.6.2. Teaching Treatment 37

3.7. Data Collecting Tools 38

3.8. Data Processing Techniques 42

3.9. Research Time Table 45


4.1. Research Result 46

4.1.1. Data Analysis of Research Instrument 46

4.1.2. Data description of research result 47

4.1.3. Data analysis of research result 47 Normality Test 48 Homogenity Test 49 Gain 50 Calculation of Students Experiment Process Skills 50 Hypothesis Test 50

4.2. Discussion 50


5.1. Conclusion 54

5.2. Suggestion 54



List of Table

Page Table 2.1. Difference Learning Characteristics of Conventional and

Constructivist Learning 12

Table 2.2. Comparison between Solution, Colloid, and Suspension 24

Table 2.3. Dispersed Phase 26

Table 3.1. Design of research the implementation of learning cycle model with experimental method to increase students

achievement in teaching of colloid 35

Table 3.2. Research time table implementation of learning cycle model with experimental method to increase students achievement

in teaching of colloid year 2013 44

Table 4.1. Data Research Results 47



List of Figure


Figure 2.1. Diagram of Learning Cycle 15

Figure 2.2. Solution and Colloid 30



Appendix 10.a Lesson Plan Experiment Class 84

Appendix 10.b Lesson Plan Control Class 90

Appendix 22 Calculation The Increasing of Students Achievement(Gain) 126 Appendix 23 Calculation of Students Experiment Process Skill 131

Appendix 24 Hypothesis Test 135

Appendix 25 Table of F Value Distribution 137



Appendix 28 Table of Chi-Square Value 142




1.1 Background

Indonesia is a developing country which is still in development prosess. In supporting this development, Indonesia needs qualified human resources besides natural resources. Efforts to create and enhance these resources is through education.

The quality of education is an indicator for development rate of the

country, and therefore the development in education sector is a key for the development of the nation. Indonesia is categorized as a developing country and the quality of National Education is moving an international standard. Changes and improvements continue to be made for the sake of improvement, both

systemic as well as the infrastructure. But in reality the quality of education in Indonesia is still low and it can be said concerning. As has been reported by the UNDP (United National Development Program) that the HDI (Human Development Index) in 2007 Indonesia was ranked at 111 out of 177 countries in the world (Malik, 2009).

One of the problems facing our education is the problem of lack of learning. In the process of learning, children are less encouraged to develop the ability to think (Sanjaya, 2007). The learning process in the classroom geared to the child's ability to memorize information. The learning process is still giving teachers domination and does not provide access for students to develop their independence through discovery and student’s thinking process. Students simply memorize concepts and less able to use these concepts if encountered in real life

problems related to its concept (Trianto, 2008).

In fact, chemistry learning process today is shown by the teaching style of teacher that always drilling students to memorizing the concepts without accompanied by the concepts understanding, with the reason to achieve the final



process. It is expected that professional teacher has to be able to make chemistry more relevant, enjoyable, easy and meaningfull to students ( Sola, 2007 ).

Success of teaching learning process is determined by the model that teacher used to teach the students. Model of teaching can help the teachers to understand capacity of student’s thinking and level of student’s difficulty ( Montelone, et all.2008 ). Teaching process is more meaningfull when learning is not one direction so that it will increase relationship between the students and teachers, fellow the student. The teachers must give opportunity to the students to thinking process, to ask, to develop creative attitude when it is go on and to “discovery” a new things ( Wilson, et all.2009 ).

The data obtained from national examination showed that average of student’s achievement in mathematic and natural science are still below national standard given by the government. For example, the average achievement of the

Senior High Schools students in Physics is 4.00, while other subjects were 5.00 ( http//www.mediaindo.co.id/newsprint). Furtermore, the average student’s achievement in Chemistry from the Indonesia national Examination ( UN ) were obtained successively in 2005 was 6.26, in 2006 was 6.22, in 2007 was 7.13 and in 2008 was 7.34 (http://puspendik.com/hasil2008/rata08/index.htm). These achievement is categorized as in medium achievement. The student’s achievement in Chemistry are presented earlier possible caused by the in learning process faced by the students.

Difficulties in studying chemistry students also due to the characteristics of different chemistry concepts of science. Chemistry contains a count, a fact that should be remembered, specialized vocabulary, laws linking one idea to another idea that should be understood and chemical knowledge to be applied in everyday

life. Chemistry students in learning with all its potentials should be trained to discover new ideas to construct a creative new facts (Mahmudin, 2009).

Chemistry is one of interesting subject for Senior High School if the teacher could teach chemistry in good model and method. To help students



context of actual experience in everyday life. Therefore, choosing the right teaching model is very important to teacher and apply it by suitable method. This is the reason of the research proposal has been set up to investigate the best teaching model that combine with method in teaching of colloid. Learning cycle model with experimental method is choosen to be applied for the teaching colloid as they are assumed to attract student’s attention in the teaching and learning of chemistry.

Learning Cycle is a model student-centered learning (student centered), a series of activities stages (phases) are organized in such a way that students can

master the competencies that must be achieved in the way of learning to play an active role. Besides constructivism contains sides, in this study also contained self-reliance and group learning.

Laboratory experiment are key rules to improve the students ability and

skills in teaching of chemistry. Laboratory experiment known as a practicum, is compulsory for many topics in chemistry as it is konwn that theoritical aspect has to be proven by experimental work in the laboratory. It is known in chemistry that a laboratory experiment could be used to improve the students ability and skills in chemistry. This is the reason that practicum has to be included for many topics in chemistry subjects for it is known that theoeritcal aspect has to be supported and proven by the experimental work in the laboratory. Experimental method give the real world to the students in teaching and learning process. Teaching colloid with learning cycle model with experimental method believes can increase students achievement.

Teaching of laboratory experiment had researched by ( Sihole and Situmorang, 2006 ) said that resulted of students achievement was improved by



Colloid is one subject that can engage students actively in the learning process because the subject matter is directly related to the problems faced by the students and the community at large. It is the learning matter that should be taught with experimental method. For that is the subject of colloid are expected to conform when using the Learning Cycle model with experimental method. It is expected that students are more interested in studying this material and are expected to improve student learning outcomes.

Several studies using the model of Learning Cycle has been done and can give better results than using conventional means. Melizar (2006) states that

"Using Learning Cycle models can effectively improve student learning outcomes in subjects thermochemical at 17.81%." Nursyamsiah (2007) states that "The use of the learning cycle model on the subject of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution has been to improve the quality of the chemical processes and learning

outcomes of students". Handayani (2007) states "The application of learning cycle to improve student understanding on the subject of buffer solution." Abdulkadir (2013) states that “The use of the learning cycle model on the subject of trigonometry has been to improve the students achievement .” Ahmed (2012) state that “ The study indicated that using the learning cycle reflects that there were greater effects on academic achievement of students taught with this model .” In the field of physics models have been studied Anzani (2008) which states that "the application of the learning cycle model of the material elasticity and vibration can improve high school students' learning outcomes.

Based on the background of the problems above, researcher interested in applying learning cycle model with experimental method in teaching of colloid in chemistry subject for senior high school students. So the research is titled

"Implementation of Learning Cycle Model With Experimental Method To Increase Senior High School Student’s Achievement In Teaching of Colloid". The purpose of the research planning are to investigate the students achievement of learning cycle model with experimental method on the teaching of colloid, to



Learning Cycle model with experimental method. The study is conduct to SMA N 3 Medan by applying learning cycle model with experimental method for the teaching of colloid.

1.2 Problems Identification

Identification of problems in this study are as follows:

1. Is chemistry student learning outcomes is low especially in the topic of Colloid?

2. Whether in the learning process, students are less encouraged to develop

thinking skills, students asked to memorize the concepts and less able to use the concept in real life?

3. Whether low teacher competence in applying appropriate learning model resulted in the level of understanding and mastery of chemistry concepts

of student is not optimal?

1.3 Problem Formulation

The problems studied can be formulated as follows:

1. Is the students achievement who are taught by Learning Cycle Model with Experimental Method on the topic of colloid is higher than conventional learning?

2. How much the percentage number of student’s experimental skills taught by Learning Cycle Model With Experimental Method?

3. How much the student’s achievement increased taught by Learning Cycle Model With Experimental Method?

1.4 Problem Limitation

The extent of the problem in this study:

1. The research is conducted by applying learning cycle model with experimental method



1.5 Research Objectives

The objective of this study are:

1. To determine if the students achievement who are taught by the Learning Cycle Model With Experimental Method is higher than the students achievement taught by conventional methods on the topic of Colloid in SMA N 3 Medan academic year 2012/2013.

2. To determine the the percentage number of student’s experimental skills taught by Learning Cycle Model With Experimental Method.

3. To determine the increasing percentage of student’s achievement taught by

Learning Cycle Model with Experimental method.

1.6 Benefits of Research

As for the benefits to be achieved from this research are:

1. As consideration for teachers and prospective teachers to use the Learning Cycle models in teaching and learning.

2. In addition to the insights and experiences for prospective teachers in student learning in particular on the topic of Colloid.

3. As a matter of information for researchers, especially chemistry teachers in order to improve the quality of learning chemistry.

1.7 Operational Definition

1. Learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives, and serve as guidelines for the designers of learning and teachers in planning learning activities.

2. Learning Cycle (Learning Cycle) is one of the constructivist learning approach, which is a model student-centered learning (student centered), a series of stages that activity consists of 5 stages: stage generating interest (engagement), digging (Exploration), explain (explanation), application of



students can master the competencies that must be achieved in the way of learning to play an active role.

3. Experimental method is method designed in a set of experiment that will help the students to solve the problems by doing experiment and to guide the students in observation and critical analysis. The experiment is also useful in answering the question raised for a certain hypothesis, and it would develop their understanding on scientific phenomena.

4. Learning outcomes or achievement is the realization or the expansion of the skills of potential or capacity of a person as a result of the interaction




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Table 2.1.     Difference Learning Characteristics of Conventional and
Figure 2.1.  Diagram of Learning Cycle


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