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A Contrastive Analysis Between English And Arabic Past Tense


Academic year: 2017

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study

For every human, language is one of the important things to communicate to

each other. Language as a means of communication has a very important role.

Role of the language as a communication tool among others, as a means of

maintaining good relations between individuals, for the sake of the world for

tourism, business, and so forth. The relationship is not only limited to regional and

national relationships, but also of international relations. Chiercia (1990: 11)

states that language carry meaning unable us to use them express message, to

convey information to another.

There are many languages in the world. English and Arabic as the

international languages are learned as a foreign language in Indonesia. It is not

easy to learn them in Indonesia. Besides English and Arabic is still known and

studied as a foreign language, there are many factors that influence the mastery of

English and Arabic. The factors that become difficult in mastering them for many

students are the difference particularly as regards the rules of language or


James (1980: 3) says that Contrastive analysis is a linguistic enterprise aimed

at producing inverted two valued typologies (a contrastive analysis is always

concerned with a pair of languages), and founded on the assumption that

languages can be compared.



Contrastive analysis in general term is an inductive investigative approach

based on the distinctive elements in a language (Kardaleska, 2006). In common

definition, the term can be defined as the method of analyzing the structure of any

two languages with a view to estimate the differential aspects of their system.

Contrastive analysis is very useful for a teacher who teaches a foreign

language because it helps him in identifying the problems that a foreign language

learner may experience in the learning process. Lado (1957: 2) states “The teacher

who has made a comparison of the foreign language with the native language of

the students will know better what the real problems are and provide for teaching


That’s why when the students made some mistakes during learning or using a

foreign language attract the attention of experts, especially experts engaged of

language teaching. It is not surprising that many books are written to introduce

new approaches in language teaching. The approach is speaking an error analysis

approach and a contrastive analysis.

In this opportunity the writer will attempt to compare the formation of past

tense between Arabic and English. We often hear that the Arabic language is so

complete compared with other languages. Arabic language has all been arranged

so neatly and systematically. But when we see the formation of past tense between

Arabic and English, in fact we can see that the English language has a past tense

division formation is more complete than the Arabic language.



In this opportunity the writer also will compare the formation of past tense

verb in Arabic and English with the use of contrastive analysis, for example, we

compare the past perfect in English with Fiil Madhi equivalent to that in the

Arabic language. In this case though we do not find a more specific name in the

Arabic language as found in English, but we can actually find an equivalent

comparison between the two languages.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

It is an important to understand that the comparison between English and

Arabic past tense are interesting subject to investigate. For the investigation there

are some problems that has formulated as follows:

a. What are the function of past tense in English and Arabic?

b. What are the formation of past tense in English and Arabic?

c. Are there any similarities and differences between English and Arabic past


1.3 The Scope of the Study

Considering the verb's complexity and also the writer's ability and time

restricted the scope of this investigation need to be limited to the discussion of the

analysis in comparing the similarities and the differences between the past tense

of English and those of Arabic.


4 1.4 The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of writing this paper:

1. To explain the Structure of Past Tense.

2. To explain the Structure of Fiil Madhi.

3. To find out the similarities and differences of Past Tense in English and


1.5 The Significance of the Study

1. To enrich knowledge about Past Tense and Fiil Madhi.

2. To answer the curious of the writer in Past Tense and Fiil Madhi.

3. To be used as references for the readers or students and teachers who are

interested in analyzing of Past Tense and Fiil Madhi.

1.6 The Method of the Research

When someone wants to do a research, he or she may select a technique

which is familiar to him or her. In writing this paper, the library method of

research is used.

1.7 Review of Related Literature

Massey (2008: 38) says, “Past tense describes actions or conditions that

happened in the past. In Arabic, you express past tense by adding one of the many

past tense personal pronoun suffixes to the verb.”

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