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Academic year: 2017



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Reading is a process of learning that is inseparable from any other kinds of

learning including language learning. In this activity, students are in the process of comprehending the content of the text given by the teacher. In the process, the students perform some tasks given, such as finding main ideas and supporting details of the content of the texts being read. When the students can not get something from what they read, they will not get the knowledge that is a part of learning.

The objective of this research is to find out students’ reading comprehension achievement between the students who are taught through Graphic Organizers Technique and those who are taught through Translation Technique.

The researcher applied true experiment pretest posttest group design (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:22). The researcher selected two classes, one as experimental class one and the other one as the experimental class two. Simple random probability sampling is used to select the samples. The samples are the first grade of SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung. The writer used objective reading test in form of multiple choice that was administrated in both pretest and posttest. Independent group t-test was used to analyze the data and hypothesis t-testing was proved by comparing the means score of posttest of both classes through SPSS version 13.0 at the level of significance of 0.05.

The result showed that there is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement between students who are taught by using graphic organizers technique and those who are taught by using translation technique. The significant increase of students’ achievement in the experimental class I (graphic organizers class) is (p<0.05, p=0.000) with the increase of mean in pretest and posttest is 17.59 points. Meanwhile, in the experimental class II is (p>0.05, p=0.000) with the increase is only 7 points. It indicates that the graphic



A. Conclusion

After conducting the research at grade X of SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung and

analyzing the data, the researcher draws some conclusions as follows:

1. There is a significant difference of student’s reading comprehension

achievement between the students who were taught by applying graphic

Organizers technique and those who were taught by applying translation

technique. This can be identified from the significant increase of students’

achievement in experimental class I from their mean score of pretest (54.13) to

posttest (71.72) with an increase 17.59 points. While in the experimental class

II, the mean score of pretest is 55.16 and the posttest is 62.16 with the increase

was only 7 point. It can be concluded that the use of graphic organizers

technique is better than translation technique in teaching reading


2. Furthermore, applying graphic organizers made the brainstorming process in

reading more effective since the process is significant to activate the students’

schemata before they create graphic organizers. In reason that it made them

aware of text they are reading hence ease them to find out the relationship


3. The problem in Translation was that the students still translate the words by

the literal meaning. Therefore, their translation result was not really proper in

Bahasa Indonesia seen from the context of the text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the findings in conducting the research, the researcher would like to

convey some suggestions below:

1. Graphic organizers technique can be used as an appropriate way for teaching

reading since it can be used to increase the students’ reading comprehension

achievement. Therefore, the English teachers are suggested to use it.

2. The teacher should give much attention to the brainstorming process. By

activating students’ schemata and relating it to the topic, it will ease them to

find the connections among ideas in the text. Hence, it maximized their

understanding about the text.

3. To make students easier in following teaching reading through graphic

organizers, it is suggested that the students should have enough understanding

about the concept of topic, main ideas and supporting details.

4. The translation technique can be used to teach reading, it is proved by the

result that the students’ achievement increased significantly.

5. The researcher expects that this research can provide positive contribution and

reference for further studies in applying graphic organizers not only in reading



A. Background of Problem

English is taught at formal education settings, from Elementary School at grade 4

(there are also schools that start teaching English to their students at first grade)

up to University in Indonesia. There are four skills of language to be mastered in

learning English, that is: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are

hoped to master these skills.

From the four skills, reading dominates the teaching materials in almost English

textbooks where there are some types of reading text that should be mastered by

the students of SMA especially. In the curriculum stated that SMA/ MA students

should be able to use the language in informational level that is expected to access

knowledge by the language skills (Depdiknas, 2006: 307). This objective is

basically the same as comprehension of reading texts where the students are faced

with the text written in English then they are hoped to read it in order to gather

information from it. Here, students use skill of reading in order to understand the

written text. Means, they access knowledge by reading skill.

Reading is a process of learning that is inseparable from any other kinds of


comprehending the content of the text given by the teacher. In the process, the

students perform some tasks given, such as finding main ideas and supporting

details of the content of the texts being read. When the students can not get

something from what they read, they will not get the knowledge that is a part of


To gather the knowledge from the text, it is important for students to have a good

reading comprehension. Without comprehension, reading would be empty and

meaningless. Comprehension is not only intended to know what the letters stand

for, but also involved power of fully understanding. According to Dallman (1982:

23) reading is more than knowing what each letter of alphabet stands for. Reading

involves more than words recognition; that without comprehension, no reading

takes place. It is supported by Hornby (1972: 63) who mentions that

comprehension is the power to understand fully. It means that comprehension

determines the essence of the reading process. Comprehension is the level that

should be achieved by students that determines they are doing reading or not.

Reading comprehension requires motivation, mental frameworks for holding the

ideas, concentration and good study techniques. There are many ways to be good

at reading such as the readers should know the purpose in reading, they also

should have awareness of type of material they are reading, and kinds of learning

strategies can also be used in reading that can help them in comprehending the


Good reading means building frameworks in order for connecting words to

thought. But not everyone is good at reading. In general, students still have

difficulty in comprehending the idea in a reading text. Nurmalasari (2005)

conducted research in SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung found that students there had

difficulty in comprehending reading texts. Some factors that cause the students

difficulties in comprehending the text which she found in her research, are: (1)

interpreting the new vocabulary, (2) unphrasing reading, (3) interest in the

materials (the text), (4) schemata, (5) ignoring reading technique.

However, the researcher assumes that the problem in reading comprehension is

that the teachers do not use any kind of techniques in teaching reading

comprehension. It is important to be familiar with many kinds of teaching reading

technique in order to help the students comprehend the text better.

Translation technique can be used to teach reading comprehension. And, the

Translation technique is still widely used by English teachers in Indonesia until

now. In here, the teachers administer teaching reading by translating the text

written in English into Indonesia. Usually, almost teachers at school use

Translation technique in reading text. Commonly, teachers ask their students to

read the text aloud; one paragraph for one person. Discuss the materials in reading

text then the teacher asked them to translate together with the class by using


Meanwhile, another technique can be used in teaching reading comprehension is


information. It helps the readers to visualize the main concept of what they are

reading into organizers such as lines, boxes etc.; hence, graphic organizers ease

the readers to comprehend the text. Since, they can see clearly the concepts of

topic, main ideas, and supporting after applying a text concept into a graphic


Brookbank’s research (1999) questioned about the effect of using graphic

organizers toward students’ comprehension ability and vocabulary skills, also how

critical thinking/higher order thinking skills were enhanced. He found that the use

of graphic organizers help students comprehend better and at least 80% students

master key vocabulary skills. He also found that students’ critical thinking skills

were enhanced.

According to the previous statement, the researcher is interested to compare the

students’ reading comprehension achievement between the students who are

taught through Graphic Organizers Technique and those who are taught through

Translation Technique.

B. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the writer formulated the problem

as follows: “Is there any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension

achievement between the students who are taught through Graphic Organizers


C. Objective of Research

In relations with the research problem above, the objective of the research was to

find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ reading

comprehension achievement between the students who are taught through Graphic

Organizers Technique and those who are taught Translation Technique.

D. Uses of Research

The uses of the research are:

1. Theoretically, to see whether the result of this research supports previous

theories of teaching reading through Graphic Organizer Technique.

2. Practically, to see whether the result of this research can be applied in teaching

reading to the students of SMA.

E. Scope of Research

The research focused on the students’ reading comprehension achievement. This

quantitative research was conducted in SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung. In this

research, Graphic Organizers Technique was used to teach students of

experimental class one and Translation Technique was used to teach the students

of experimental class two. Related to KTSP 2006, there are three types of reading

text in the second semester of level X of SMA which should be comprehended by

the students that is Narrative text, Descriptive text and News Item text. However,


since this text was still rarely used in research. There are three topics that were

used in this research; they were health, sports and society.

F. Definition of Terms

o Reading comprehension is an activity of understanding printed text through

making sense a written text by relating written language to what we know

already and to what we want to know.

o Translation technique is a technique where the students transfer the ideas in

form of written text in language 1 (source language) into language 2 (target


o Graphic organizers are visual graphic used to illustrate the concepts of ideas,

such as main idea and supporting details of a written text by using lines,

boxes etc. to show the connection of each others.

o Achievement in this research is the change or improvement of students’

reading comprehension after being taught. The achievement can be seen from


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