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Musthofa Khuzein Rangkuti 4113322007

Physics Bilingual Education Program


Submitted to Acquire Eligible Bachelor of Education





Musthofa Khuzein Rangkuti was born on December 04, 1992 in Maga

Lombang. He is number third of fifth brother-sister from Tohiruddin Rangkuti and

Mardiah. Writer was begun the education on 1999 in SD N 146957 Maga

Lombang and graduated on 2005. Then writer continued his education in SMP N

1 Lembah Sorik Marapi on 2005 and graduated on 2008. Writer registered in

SMA N 1 Panyabungan on 2008 and graduated on 2011. Writer followed

university test and accepted in Medan State University on 2011 at Bilingual

Physics Education Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science and




ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 Musthofa Khuzein Rangkuti


This study aims to analyze the effect of problem based learning model toward student’s learning outcome about student problem solving skills. The type of this research was quasi experimental, with experiment class used problem based learning and control class used conventional learning. The population was all of the tenth class of SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan academic year 2016/1017 which consist of six classes. Sample was taken with a simple random sampling technique. The data in problem solving skill was collected by essay tests. Data were analyzed with t test. The pretest value in experiment class 30.87 and the posttest value 85.65 with the gain 0.7 which is included as a medium category. And in the control class had the pretest value 17.44 and the posttest value 74.28 with the gain 0.6 which is included in medium category. Hypothesis result of pretest tcount < ttable = 1.80 < 1.99, both of class have the same initial problem solving skills. Hypothesis result of posttest tcount > ttable = 2.50 < 1.66. Proved from hypothesis result in experiment class was higher than control class or there was significant difference of post test score. The result of the study showed that there was effect of problem based learning model toward student’s outcome about student problem solving skill in experiment class or given by problem based learning model.



Praise to ALLAH Almighty for all His bless and grace so that the study

can be completed well in accordance with the planned time. This thesis titled "The

Effect of Problem Based Learning Model towards Student’s Learning Outcome in

Dynamic Electricity Subject Matter at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabunngan Academic

Year 2016/ 2017". It’s requirement of a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University.

In this moment I would like to thank to Prof. Dr. Sahyar, M.S, M.M as

thesis supervisor who has provided guidance and advice to the author since the

beginning of the writing of the proposal until the end of this thesis. Thanks also

submitted to Prof. Dr. Nurdin Bukit, M.Si as a lecturer comparison I, Mam Dr.

Rita Juliani, M.Si as a lecturer comparison II, and Mam Dr. Sondang R.

Manurung, M.Pd as comparison lecturer III. Thanks also to Prof. Drs. Motlan,

M.Sc, Ph.D as academic lecturer and to all the faculty and staff employees of the

Department of Physics Faculty Unimed who have helped me to finish this thesis.

Thank you to Mr. Drs. H. Muhammad Nuh Nasution as Headmaster and Hafsah

Nasution S.Pd as Physics teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan that have

allowed the authors to conduct research.

Especially the author said thank you so much to father Tohiruddin

Rangkuti and my beloved mother Mardiah whose have been fighting for me, my

sister Fadilah NovYanti Rangkuti, my brother Abdurriadi Rangkuti, my little

brother Muhammad Alwi Azis Rangkuti, and my siter in law Maya Ragela which

have given support and meet all the needs and affection to the author so author

can finish the study. And do not forget to Billingual Physics 2011, PPL’s Team

SMA Plus Matauli 2014, Big Family of Forum Indonesia Muda have been making

stronger when writer feel bored that support me from social media and many more


The author has tried as much as possible in the completion of this thesis,

but the authors recognize there are still many weaknesses in terms of content, as

well as grammar, author needs any suggestions and constructive criticism from

readers for the perfection of this thesis. This thesis would be beneficial to the


Medan, March 2017




Approval Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Table of Content vi

Figure List ix

Table List x

Appendix List xi


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 4

1.3 Problem Limitation 4

1.4 Problem Formulation 4

1.5 Research Objectives 5

1.6 Research Benefits 5



2.1 Theoretical Framework 6

2.1.1 Problem Based Learning Model 6 Characteristic of Problem Based Learning 7 Purpose of Problem Based Learning 9 Stages of Problem Based Learning 10 Advantages of Problem Based Learning 12 Disadvantages of Problem Based Learning 13

2.1.2 Definition of Learning 13

2.1.3 Learning Theory 14 Constructivism 14 Piaget and Vygotsky Learning Theory 15 Bruner Learning Theory 15

2.1.4 Conventional Learning 16

2.1.5 Learning Outcomes 17 Cognitive Aspect 17 Affective Aspect 19

(8) Problem Solving Skill 21

2.1.6 Learning Matter 22 Current 22 Potential Difference 22 Resistance 23 Ohm’s Law 23 Series Circuit 24 Parallel Circuit 25 Kirchhoff’s Law 26 Electric Power 27

2.1.7 Relevant Research 28

2.2 Conceptual Framework 30

2.3 Hypothesis 30



3.1 Location and Time of Research 31

3.2 Population and Sample Research 31

3.2.1 Population of Research 31

3.2.2 Sample of Research 31

3.3 Research Variable 31

3.3.1 Independent Variable 31

3.3.2 Dependent Variable 31

3.4 Type and Research Design 31

3.4.1 Type of Research 31

3.4.2 Design of Research 32

3.5 Research Procedure 32

3.6 Research Instrument 37

3.6.1 Test Result Learning 35

3.6.2 Validity of Test 35

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques 36

3.7.1 Determine Average Mean 37

3.7.2 Determine the Standard Deviation 37

3.7.3 Normality Test 37

3.7.4 Homogeneity Test 38

3.7.5 Hypothesis Test 39




4.1 Processing and Data Analyze 42

4.2 Data Pretest Student Problem Solving Skill in Experiment Class

and Control Class 42

4.3 Pretest Analyze 44

4.3.1 Normality Test Data 44

4.3.2 Homogeneity Test Data 45

4.3.3 Hypothesis Test 45

4.4 Data Posttest Student Problem Solving Skill in Experiment Class

and Control Class 46

4.5 Data of Student Problem Solving Skill Experiment Class

and Control Class 48

4.6 Problem Solving Skill 52

4.7 Posttest Analyze 52

4.7.1 Normality Test Data 53

4.7.2 Homogeneity Test Data 53

4.7.3 Hypothesis Test 53

4.8 N –gain Test 54

4.9 Discussion 55

4.9.1 Student Problem Solving Skill with Problem Based

Learning Model 55

4.9.2 Student Problem Solving Skill with Conventional Learning 56 4.9.3 Comparison Student Problem Solving Skill between Problem

Based Learning Model and Conventional Learning 57



5.1 Conclusion 61

5.2 Suggestion 61



Figure 2.1 Learner Outcomes for Problem Based Learning 9

Figure 2.2 Much charger move past a fix point 22

Figure 2.3 Series Circuit 24

Figure 2.4 Parallel Circuit 25

Figure 2.5 Kirchhoff’s Circuit 26

Figure 3.1 The Flow of Design Research 34

Figure 4.1 Diagram of Data Control Class in Pretest 43 Figure 4.2 Diagram of Data Experiment Class in Pretest 44 Figure 4.3 Diagram of Data Control Class in Posttest 47 Figure 4.4 Diagram of Data Experiment Class in Posttest 48 Figure 4.5 Diagram Data Student Problem Solving Skill Based



Table 2.1 Syntax for Problem Based Learning 11

Table 2.2 Difference between Bloom’s Taxonomy 1956

and Anderson and Krathwhol’s 2001 18

Table 2.4 Relevant Research 28

Table 3.1 The Design of the Research 32

Table 3.2 The Guidelines scoring Problem Solving Skill Test 35 Table 3.3 Specification of Problem Based Learning Skill 36

Table 4.1 Data Pretest Experimental Class 42

Table 4.2 Data Pretest Control Class 43

Table 4.3 Mean and Standard Deviation 44

Table 4.4 Normality Test Pretest in Experimental Class and Control Class 45 Table 4.5 Test Homogeneity Pretest Experimental Class and Control Class 45 Table 4.6 Summary Calculation Hypothesis Test Pretest 46

Table 4.7 Data Posttest Experimental Class 46

Table 4.8 Data Posttest Control Class 47

Table 4.9 Mean and Standard Deviation 48

Table 4.10 Average Value of Student Problem Solving Skill 49 Table 4.11 Specification of Problem Solving Skill Level 52 Table 4.12 Data Pretest and Posttest Experimental Class and Control Class 52 Table 4.13 Normality Test in Experimental Class and Control Class 53 Table 4.14 Test Homogeneity Posttest in Experimental Class and Control

Class 53

Table 4.15 Summary Calculation Hypothesis Capabilities Posttest 54



Appendix 1 Lesson Plan I 66

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan II 74

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan III 84

Appendix 4 Worksheet I 94

Appendix 5 Worksheet II 97

Appendix 6 Worksheet III 100

Appendix 7 Test Specification 102

Appendix 8 Test on Problem Solving Skill 107

Appendix 9 Validity Test 109

Appendix 10 Student Problem Solving Skill Data Experiment Class 113 Appendix 11 Student Problem Solving Skill Data Control Class 116

Appendix 12 Normality Test 120

Appendix 13 Homogeneity Test 124

Appendix 14 Hypothesis Test 126

Appendix 15 Research Documentation 130

Appendix 16 Distribution Table Z 134

Appendix 17 Distribution Table F (Lilliefors Test) 135 Appendix 18 Answering Sheet Pretest Experiment Class 136 Appendix 19 Answering Sheet Pretest Control Class 138 Appendix 20 Answering Sheet Posttest Experiment Class 140 Appendix 21 Answering Sheet Posttest Control Class 142

Appendix 22 Answering Worksheet 144

Appendix 23 Information Letter of Thesis Supervisor 146

Appendix 24 Permission Letter of Research 147




1.1. Background

Teaching and learning process is the core of the educational process as a whole

the teacher become the primary role holder. Teaching and learning activities is a

series of activities between teachers and students as a basis of reciprocal relationships

that occurs in an educational situation to achieve educational goals. Learning process

is regard to the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Learning often emphasize only to the cognitive aspects on remembering activity,

understanding activity, and applying activity. In future, the learning in the cognitive

aspects required and must develop problem solving ability. Include in the teaching

and learning of physics.

Basically students have skills or ability in learning, for example, questioning

skills, hypothesis, investigation, observation, classification, prediction, interpretation,

and communication. However, these skills are sometimes not appears to learn

problem solving ability that gave rise to these students. Therefore, to develop and

improve the skills or ability of the learners need a model of learning so that students

can be actively involved.

According to one of the International Study on student’s cognitive abilities are

TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) conducted by the IEA

(International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement). TIMSS

201 results in physics field shows that the Indonesia gained 397 values, and this value

is below the international average is 500. The data indicates that the absorption of

students in physics learning. Based on the results of TIMSS, it can be said that the

students' ability of problem solving skill Indonesia is still low.

Results of interviews with physics teacher about student learning outcomes are

seen from daily test is still low and evidenced by average value in semester exams in

class X SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan. Students in X just reached 64 score in final


too far from absolute score (KKM) 75 who students must reached. In addition,

students are not familiar to solve physics problems in divergent question.

Based on observations made by researchers and distributed to students in Senior

High School (SMA) Negeri 1 Panyabungan is still dominated by the conventional

learning. Teacher use conventional learning from beginning till end of learning

process, teacher just use question and answer, discussion tends to procedural and

more emphasis on learning outcomes, instead of the understanding of the concept.

From the data of learning physics is still relatively low about the cognitive. And also

obtained the students are have less interested with the physics subject. Most of the

students said that physics is a difficult subject to understand, boring, and most

formulas, concepts, theories also considered complicated. This is also evidenced by

the low activity of students in the learning process. Besides that, the questions that

presented by teachers and also the examples of which are given focused by the

formulas. Without explaining the detail concept beforehand, this causes student using

the wrong formula for completing the assignment from teachers, and if the problem is

different from the example given by teacher, the students will be confusion solve it.

It is also due to the learning model used is less varied. Teachers simply use the

conventional model, where the learning system centered on teachers, and more

actively and students only passively. The Student follow the direction of the teacher

and listen to what the teacher explained, and are not required to express an opinion,

discuss or investigate the knowledge that obtained so significantly less tedious and

experience saturation. In addition, the lack of ability of the students to connect the

concepts of physics are taught by teachers with daily life as causes less interest

students learn physics.

In achieving learning standard and to obtain a high learning outcomes include

problem solving skills are not only supported by facilities, learning models are also

influential. In the subject matter of physics, not all the learning model can be

implemented well, therefore the selection of learning model leads to successful


problem-based learning (PBL) courses, students work with classmates to solve

complex and authentic problems that help develop content knowledge as well as

problem-solving, reasoning, communication, and self-assessment skills (Stanford

University, 2001: 1).

Research of models with the type of problem based learning has been made by

Pinar Celik, et al (2011) about success in Physics course. The result showed that the

average score of students who give problem based model 78.85 and control class just

raised 61.45. Hasanul Hadi, et al research showed control class using conventional

learning and experiment class using problem based learning model. The result

showed that the average score of students who give problem based learning model

62.3 and control class just raised 56.

Based on the above explanation, so the student need a learning environment that

engages students actively or in other words emphasize the involvement of students in

the learning process so that the students are more understand and also understand the

material being taught and become more active. Because basically learning is a change in behavior that results from the learner’s interaction with the environment (Michael, 2003: 3) .In this case the process of the work done by a person to obtain a new

behavior change as a whole, as a result of experience by itself in interaction with the

environment. The researcher proposes problem based learning model to overcome or

to be solution to solve the matter. Problem based learning is one alternative that is

innovative learning with constructivism based.

However, the problem based learning model has weaknesses in its application.

Weaknesses of the problem based learning model, for example the conditions not

conducive to school, need tools and infrastructure that not all schools have them, and

require a long time. Based on the above description, the researchers will conduct

research under the title "The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model toward


From the explanation above, can be identified the scope of the problem, namely: 1. Students assume that physics is a lesson that still less interesting and

difficult to understand.

2. Less interest in learning that is focused on the formula, physics

learning process is teacher center, and rarely to conduct with


3. Teacher respond to the student’s work just answer right and wrong

without the reason, and less of problem solving skill.

4. The using of a less varied learning models, as well still a low level of

understanding of the concepts.

1.3. Problem Limitation

Based on the identification, the researcher limit this problem, there are:

1. Learning model that use is problem based learning model.

2. Research conducted in two classes namely control class and

experiment class that implement of problem based learning model.

3. Subject matter that will be present is Dynamic Electricity.

4. The results of the study examined only cognitive aspect actually

problem solving skill.

1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the above problem definition, formulation of the problem in this study

as follows:

1. How the results of the student’s learning outcome as a student’s

problem solving ability using problem based learning model in

Dynamic Electricity subject matter at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan

Academic Year 2016 / 2017?

2. How the results of the student’s learning outcome as a student’s


Year 2016 / 2017?

3. Is the result of the student’s learning outcome as a student’s problem

solving ability using problem based learning model better than using

conventional learning model in in Dynamic Electricity subject matter

at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Academic Year 2016 / 2017?

1.5. Research Objectives

There are some research objective items, namely:

1. To Analysis student’s learning outcome as a student’s problem solving

skills by using problem based learning model in Dynamic Electricity

subject matter at at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Academic Year 2016 /


2. To Analysis student’s learning outcome as a student’s problem solving

skills using conventional learning model in Dynamic Electricity subject

matter at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Academic Year 2016 / 2017.

3. To analysis which one better use about student’s learning outcome as a student’s problem solving skills by using problem based learning model and conventional learning model in Dynamic Electricity subject matter at

SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Academic Year 2016 / 2017.

1.6. Research Benefits

After the research is completed, the expected the research benefits are:

1. Student likely and mastery study physics, because can pull out, thinking,

discuss, foster a scientific attitude to develop a fundamental skill,

conclude the physics lesson.



1. Problem Solving Skill student who given Problem Based Learning Model

on Dynamic Electricity Topic in X grade at SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan

Academic Year 2016/2017 have initial ability 30.87 and 85.65 after

student given treatment, there is 0.7 n gain (increased level) of problem

solving skill and included as high category.

2. Problem Solving Skill student who given Conventional Learning there is

0.6 n gain (increased level) of problem solving skill and included as

medium category. The initial ability 17.44 and 74.28 after student given

conventional learning.

3. The value of posttest in experimental class is higher than control class, that

is 85.65 and 74.44 with tcount>ttable= 2.507> 1,667 with α = 0,05, therefore,

the experiment class is greater than control class. So, there is the effect of

problem based learning towards student problem solving.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on conclusion, there are suggestion to next researcher, they are:

1. For the next researcher who wants to study problem based learning model,

will be better ifprepare the problem that include as a contextual and

authentic problem which are relate with the topic and it will be motivation

to students follow the teaching and learning process.

2. Attention to the use of time in learning process for each phase, because it

requires a lot of time, especially when students try to find their own

information in experiment and discussion group.

3. For teacher will be better if using variaety model moreover problem based


4. For school will be able if giving more attention to laboratory intruments

and giving facility to student and teacher, therfore the learning process to



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