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Academic year: 2017



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Dynasti Stefani R N

Mind Mapping is a visual representation of concept and understanding that help people generating and organizing ideas. It is usually using non-linier

diagram, graphic, picture, and also colors. This research is about increasing student’s reading comprehension ability of report text using Mind Mapping technique. The objective of this research is to find out whether Mind Mapping technique can increase students’ reading comprehension of report text at the second year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung.

The population of this research was the second year students of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung. There were ten classes and XI IPA 3 is chosen as the sample of this research that consisted of 35 students. This research used one group pre- post test design. The treatment was conducted in three times and concluded by

comparing the results score between pre-test and post-test. The difference of those test are calculated by using Sample Paired t-test.

The result shows that the mean of pre-test was 63.4 and the mean of post-test is 77.42. It means that the increase of students’ score is 14.02.

Besides, the significance level is 0.00 and it is significant where 0.00 < 0.05. Thus, for the hypothesis, the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is increase of students’ reading

comprehension ability of report text using Mind Mapping technique at the second year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung.



Praise is to the Almighty God for the blessing that make the writer finally accomplish her script. This script is submitted as a compulsory fulfillment of the requirements for S1 degree of English Education Study program at the Teachers Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung.

On this precious occasion, the writer would like to address her deepest gratitude to Dra. Editha Gloria Simanjuntak her first advisor and Dra. Rosita S, M.A. her second advisor, for their valuable guidance, encouragement, ideas, and suggestion which are very helpful during the script writing process. Her gratitude also

extended to the Chief Examiner, Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. for his valuable ciriticisms and suggestions to improve this script.

The writer would like to express her thankfulness to the teachers in SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung, especially Mrs. Tujuana Nainggolan, for the opportunity to do her research and to the students of XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 3 in SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung for their cooperation in the research.

Furthermore her appreciation is also extended to all her beloved friends ever, Gita Prima Lestari and Wenni Clara Kurnia for their supports and time to accompany her during the writing process and to Renaldi Hutasoit for the togetherness and all sweet memories. Her appreciation also goes to her friends in English


close friends; Fenny Kaesa, Catra Novandra, Andre Ismawanto, Arham Pandu, Denny Indrajit, Windy Ayu, Anggarawan Fiandinata, Denmas Pongky for the happiness and togetherness and to CISC (Chelsea Indonesia Supporters Club) regional Lampung for their supports and cheers in the boredom periods. She is also grateful for the three-months-togetherness with KKN & PPL friends “Palas Aji Crew”.

Last but not least, she would like to dedicate her greatest indebtedness to her beloved parents, Tanjung Beriman Nainggolan and Ida Tiur Sitompul for their endless prayers, loves and supports. The spirit, guidance, and motivation from both of them are everything for her. Her gratitude is also dedicated to her beloved sisters, Chika and Tya for their care, helps and loves.

Hopefully this script will be beneficial to the readers as well as to those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, April 2013




1. Examination


















The writer, Dynasti Stefani R N, was born in Bandar Lampung on October 1st, 1991. She is the first child of a beloved couple, Tanjung Beriman Nainggolan and Ida Tiur Sitompul. She has two younger sisters, namely Jesicha and Ruth Chyntia.

She started her study from kindergarten at TK Xaverius Tanjungkarang in 1995 and graduated in 1997. Then, she was registered at SD Fransiskus I

Tanjungkarang and graduated in 2003. After that, she continued her study at SMPN 1 Bandar Lampung, and graduated in 2006. She was enlisted at SMAN 10 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2009.

In the middle of 2009, the writer was registered as a student of English Education Study Program at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung









. .

















Student'sName Student'sNumber







Tle Cbiryersoaof

The Deparment of Language and Arts Educalion



I would like to dedicate this paper to:

My beloved parents: Tanjung Beriman Nainggolan and Ida Tiur Sitompul

My beloved sisters: Jesicha and Ruth Chyntya Anggita Marito

The big family of Op. Stefani, especially my grandpa Pangulu Nainggolan and grandma Sahur Maruli Pakpahan



Table Page

1. Table 4.1 Specification of Try Out Test... 43

2. Table 4.2 Specification of Pre Test... 44

3. Table 4.3 Distribution Frequencies of Pre Test ... 44

4. Table 4.4 Pre Test Score... 45

5. Table 4.5 Specification of Post Test... 46

6. Table 4.6. Distribution Frequencies of Post Test... 46

7. Table 4.7. Post Test Score... 47

8. Table 4.8 Increase from Pre Test to Post Test... 50

9. Table 4.9 T-test Table... 52






akademik Universitas Lampung, saya yang bertanda tangan di



NPM rilama

-iudul skripsi

program studi




Dynasti Stefani Rebecca N

lncreasing Students' Reading Comprehension



Report Text Using Mind Mapping Technique at The

Second Year of


12 Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Bahasa tnggns

Pendidikalr Balra-qa dan Seni

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa








gagasan, rumusan, dan

pelaksanaan penelitiar/implementasi saya sendiri tanpa bantuan



manapun, kecuali arahan pembimbing akademik dan narasumber di organisasi tempat riset;


Dalam karya


ini terdapat karya atau

pendapat yang telah


atau dipublikasikan orang lain. kecuali secara tertulis dengan dicantumkan sebagai acwrn dalam naskah dengan disebutkan nama pengarang dan dicantumkan dalam daftar pustaka;




saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan apabila


kemudian hari terdapat penyimpangan dan ketidakbenaran dalam pernyataaan


maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi akademik berupa pencabutan

gelar yang

telah diperoleh kama kary'a tulis


serta sanksi lainnya sesuai dengan norrna yang berlaku di Univ'ersitas Lampung.



Mei 2013

Yang membuat pernyataan,







MOTTO... iv






1.1. Background of Problems... 1

1.2. Identification of Research Problems... 6

1.3. Limitation of the Problem... 6

1.4. Formulation of the Problem... 7

1.5. Objective of the Research... 7

1.6. Uses of the Research... 7

1.7. Scope of the Research... 8

1.8. Definition of Terms... 8


2.1.Review of Previous Research... 9

2.2. Review of Related Literature... 12

2.2.1.Concept of Reading Comprehension... 12

2.2.2.Concept of Reading Aspect... 14

2.2.3.Reading Strategies... 15

2.2.4.Concept of Report Text... 18

2.2.5.Concept of of Mind Mapping Technique... 20

2.3. Procedures of Teaching Reading through Mind Mapping Technique.... 24

2.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mind Mapping... 26

2.5. Theoretical Assumption... 27



3.1. Research Design... 28

3.2. Population and Sample of The Research... 29

3.3. Data Collecting Technique... 30

3.4. Research Procedure... 31

3.5. Research Instrument... 32

3.6. Try Out Test... 32

1. Validity... 33

2. Reliability... 34

3. Level of Difficulty... 36

4. Discrimination Power... 37

3.7. Scoring System... 38

3.8. Data Analysis... 38

3.9.Hypothesis Test... 39


4.1. Results of Research... 40

4.1.1. Result of a Try Out Test... 41

4.1.2. Result of Pre Test... 43

4.1.3. Result of Post Test... 46

4.1.4. Increase of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Report Text By Using Mind Mapping Technique... 48

4.1.5. Hypothesis Test... 52

4.2.Discussions of Findings... 54


5.1. Conclusions... 61

5.2. Suggestions... 62





This chapter discusses the particular introduction points of this research such as; background of the problem, research problem, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of term.

1.1. Background of the Problem

Language has an important role in human life because people need to communicate with one another. Language presents as a medium as communication can build a good relationship and also opens many good chances in people’s life. Therefore, language is one of the important subjects to be studied at school especially English.


Curriculum states that the students are able to communicate in English either in written or spoken. In fact, learning English in Indonesia is more focused in reading. We can prove it by looking at the English National Examination questions. There are more questions about reading comprehension. Suparman (2007:6) states that the emphasis on reading ability rather than on speaking ability is not a surprise because English in Indonesia is primarily used not for verbal communication like in Malaysia or The Philippines but for acquiring science and technology.


During the teaching practice that the researcher did for three months started on 9th of July until 23rd of September 2012 at SMAN 1 Palas, she observed that the average score of students’ reading comprehension in one class at the second year of SMAN 1 Palas was 58.84. It din not achieve the target score of reading comprehension that the curriculum stated 75. The students did many mistakes in comprehension questions. They had difficulty in finding main ideas, main topics, and explicit and implicit specific information from the text they read. They merely read to answer questions by looking over the text. As a matter of fact, the researcher is attracted to find the solution for the students’ problems in comprehending the text.

The same problems was detected in the SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung. In pre-observation, the researcher has looked for the reading score of XI IPA 3. This class is one of classes that have a problem in reading. The researcher continued her pre-observation with interviewing some students of class XI IPA 3. They justified the finding of the researcher. They said that they usually got difficulties in comprehending a text especially Report Text. They lack of vocabulary which made reading more difficult. Making harder that most of examination questions are reading comprehension test. It made their score getting low.


comprehending the text is Mind Mapping technique. Actually, Mind Map is a general technique for helping people to find all the things they need from their own mind. Mind Mapping is one technique that can help the students to read with their mind. Mind Mapping was popularized by Tony Buzan in 2005. He explained that mind mapping facilitated the people to construct and order their thinking by making a visual illustration of concepts and their understanding. Then, by using Mind Mapping students can achieve the visual way to process information. It looks like the mirror of our brain.

Using Mind Mapping can make the students easier to understand the content of the text. Buzan (2005) suggests utilizing Mind Mapping technique because it can make the students to imagine, to find new idea, to save time, to be creative, to keep note, to develop concept, and to perform a presentation. Mind mapping is visual representation of the context and understanding. The Mind Mapping technique enables the students not only to understand what they read but also to get involve with the text. They may not remember the details of the text, but they will be able to retell what they have got from the text. Using Mind Mapping also activates the both sides of the brain, the right and the left. It indicates that cognitive, psychometric, and affective work together in this technique.


that they read individually. They can predict, question, clarify, summarize, connect and evaluate what they have read by themselves in their mind. They have to read it not only with their mouth, but also their mind. They should be proficient in engaging their mind with the idea of the text. They will find it with their own capacity if they find an appropriate way.

Most of students in Senior High School are uninterested when their students ask them to read the text. It would be better to make them interested both in the text and the technique. Mind Mapping can be a solution for making reading be fun. In addition, Mind Mapping is also accepting to use color and picture. It should attract the students to read the text and draw the content into conceptual picture or diagram. The students can generate and organize their ideas and understanding with their own creation. They can draw anything based on their idea about what they have read. They are free to express their understanding. It will be enrich students’ imagination and perception.


Based on those explanations, the researcher tries to apply mind mapping technique for helping students to increase their reading comprehension; especially to comprehend report text. Thus, the researcher entitled her script “Improving students’ reading comprehension of report text using mind mapping technique at the second year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung”.

1.2.Identification of Research Problems

From the background above, the researcher finds several problems related to the research:

1. The students’ reading score have not achieved the target score that the curriculum stated in 75.

2. Reading is seen as a boring and hard thing to do since they do not understand the contents of the text.

3. Students avoid reading since they do not know an appropriate technique to comprehend the text.

4. Students have difficulties in understanding text since they lack of vocabulary.

1.3. Limitation of the Problem


1.4. Formulation of the Problem

The researcher formulates the problem as follows:

Is there any increase of students’ reading comprehension ability of report text after being taught using Mind Mapping technique?

1.5. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out whether there is any increase of students’ reading comprehension ability of report text after being taught using Mind Mapping technique.

1.6. Uses of the Research

The writer expected that the research result can be used as:

1. Theoretically

a. It may support theories that Mind Mapping technique can be used in increasing students’ reading comprehension ability.

b. It can be a reference for other researchers who want to conduct the same object with different point of view.

2. Practically


1.7. Scope of the Research

This research focuses on using Mind Mapping technique to increase students’ reading comprehension ability of report text. It is conducted in the second year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung. In this research, the material of reading taught is report text. The researcher choosed one class as try out class, and one class as treatment class. The results is found out through reading pre and post test. The reading comprehension tests consist of some reading aspects such as main idea, vocabulary, specific information, reference and inference.

1.8. Definition of Terms

There are some terms used in this research. Some definitons of terms are clarified as follow:

1. Reading Comprehension is defined as the dynamic, interactive process of

constructing meaning by combining the reader’s existing knowledge with the text information within the context of reading situation,etc. (Cook, 1986)

2. Report text is a type of text which functions to desribe general features of

something or some phenomenon. (Suparmin et al, 2012)

3. Mind Mapping is a visual representation of concept and understanding that



This chapter discuss as the methodology of doing this research. It consists of research design, data collection, research procedure, the instrument of this research, and also data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

This research is a quantitative research based on the experimental class. Quantitative research is a kind of research in which the data used to tend to use statistic measurement in deciding the conclusion (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:22). It is conducted using one group pretest posttest design. It means that the researcher find out the improvement of students’ reading comprehension by comparing the pretest with the posttest result. Reffering to Setiyadi (2000:40), the design can be presented as follows:

T1 X T2

T1 = Pretest

X = Treatment ( by using Mind Mapping technique)


Pretest is done to find out the prior students’ reading comprehension before being taught using Mind Mapping technique. Then, the posttest is to find out the students’ reading comprehension result after being taught using Mind Mapping technique. The score is compared to get the result.

In the situation that the average score of pretest is higher than posttest means that there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension after being taught by using Mind Mapping (H1). In contrast, if the average score of posttes is lower than

pretest, it indicates that Mind Mapping can not improve students’ reading comprehension (H0).

3.2. Population and Sample of the Research


3.3. Data Collecting Technique

The researcher collected the data by administring three stages of acitivities. There are a pre-test, treatments, and post-test. Before doing those stages, the researcher conducted a try out test. The activity can be describe as follows:

1. Try Out

Try out test was conducted to know the quality of the test as the instrument of the research such as validity, reliability, level of difficulty and discrimination power. The try out test contained 40 multiple choice items with five options (a,b,c,d and e). The students were from one class that was choosen purposively, out of experimental class. The students were given 90 minutes to do the try out.

2. Pre-test

The researcher gave the pre-test before the treatment. It used for knowing the basic ability of the students’ reading comprehension before treatment and also the mean score of students’ reading comprehesion. The pre-test consisted of 30 reading comprehension multiple choice items with five optional answer (a,b,c,d and e). The students were given 60 minutes to answer the pre-test. The material was given based on KTSP 2006 curriculum of senior high school.

3. Post-test


choices (a,b,c,d and e). The questions were the same with the pre-test but the number was re-arrange.

3.4. Research Procedure

The procedure of this research are:

1. Determining the sample and population

The population of this research is the second year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung. There are ten classes of second year students, which is five science class and five social class.

2. Administering try out test to analyze the quality of reading comprehension test.

The try out class was given in multiple choice items with four answer choices. Through try out the researcher recognized the realibility and validity of the test.

3. Administering the pre-test

The researcher gave the pre-test for the experimental class. It was done before the treatment. The students answered 30 reading comprehension multiple choice items with four answer choices.

4. Treatment


5. Administering the post-test

After conducting the treatment, the researcher gave the post-test as the final result of this research. It was used to find out whether the students’ reading comprehension increase or not after taught using Mind Mapping technique.

6. Analyzing the test result

The researcher analyzed the data from pre-test and post-test result by using T-test through SPSS program. It showed the result whether the Mind Mapping technique is able to increase students’ reading comprehension of report text.

3.5. Research Instrument

The instrument of this research is objective reading test in forms of pre-test and post-test. The researcher chooses multiple choice form since its marking is rapid, simple, and most importantly reliable, not subjective or influenced by the marker’s judgement (Heaton, 1975). In try out, the item is 40 number. It is selected to be 30 numbers for pre-test and post-test. The test items for pre-test and post-test was the same but in different order.

3.6.Try Out the Test


fulfill some crieteria such as: validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power that will be discussed below.

1. Validity

Validity is defined as the extent to which inferences and uses made on the basis scores from an instrument are reasonable and appropriate ( McMillan and

Schumacher, 2001:181). Validity indicates how deep the instrument can measure the target of the research. An instrument is valid when it capable to provide the output accord with the researcher’s need of data.

In teaching English as foreign language, there are five kinds of validity: face validity, content validity, predictive validity, construct validity, and concurrent validity (Setiyadi, 2006:22). This research instrument have been analyzed based on content and construct validity.

a. Content Validity

As the name, content validity finds out the validity of what the instrument containing. Content validity is used to analyze the multiple choice items that will be applied to measure students’ reading comprehension. According to Setiyadi (2006:23), to fulfill this type of validity the researcher should be aware of all the indicators of the test items and analyze whether the instrument, in this case reading comprehension test, have represented the material which will be masured.

b. Construct Validity


data of reading comprehension score, the instrument must truly examine the students ability in comprehending the text. It means that the test construction is already in line with the objective of the learning (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:251). Related to this research, the test items should be questioning the five aspects of reading such as main idea, specific information, reference, inference, and vocabulary.

2. Reliability

Reliability means consistency and stability. A research instrument must have the consistency in giving the result. Then the result also has to be stable in desribing the object. In practice, the test should shows the consistant findings if it is done for the same subject although in different times.

Determining the reliability of the test, the researcher uses the Spilt half method, The coefficient of the realibility the first and second half group measuring use the Spilt half method, the formula as follows:


= coefficient of reliability between first half and second half

= total number of the first group


= square of X

= square of Y

(Lado in Hughes, 1991:3)

Next to find the coefficient correlation of the whole items, the researcher uses Spearman Brown Formula :


Rk = the reliability of the test

= the reliability of half test

The criteria of reliability are:

0.80 – 1.00 = very high

0.60 – 0.79 = high

0.40 – 0.59 = average

0.20 – 0.39 = low

0.00 – 0.19 = very low


3. Level of Difficulty

Level of difficulty gives the description of students’ perception about the test items. Test items should not be too easy and also not be too difficult for the students as research object.

To find out the level of difficulty of the test items, the researcher uses formula:


LD = level of difficulty

R = number of students who answer correctly

N = total number of students following the test

The criteria are:

<0.30 = difficult

0.30-0.70 = average

>0.70 = easy


4. Discrimination Power

Descrimination power is used to know whether the test items can diffirentiate the students’ ability. To calculate the discrimination power, the researcher used the formula:


DP = discrimination power

U = the proportion of upper group students

L = the proportion of lower group students

N = total number of students

The criteria were:

0.00-0.20 = Poor

0.21-0.40 = Satisfied

0.41-0.70 = Good

0.71-1.00 = Excellent

(negative) = Bad items ( should be omitted)


3.7. Scoring System

The researcher has used Arikunto’s formula in scoring the students’ test result. The highest score is 100. The score of pretest and posttest are calculated using the formula as follows:


S = Score of the test

r = total of right answer

n = total of test items

(Arikunto; 1997)

3.7.Data Analysis

The researcher analyze the students’ score in order to find out the students’ improvement in reading report text using Mind Mapping technique using the following steps:

1. Scoring the pre-test and post-test

2. Tabulating the results of the test and calculating the score of pre-test and post-test.


Measure T-Test of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to test whether the increase of students’ gain is significant or not, in which the significance is determine by p<0.05. it is uses as the data come from the two samples. (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:111)

3.9. Hypothesis Test




This chapter presents the elaboration of the theoretical foundation of the research.

It consists of the theory of the review of previous research, review of related

literatures, procedures of teaching reading through Mind Mapping technique, and

advantages and disadvantages of using Mind Mapping technique in teaching

report text.

2.1. Review of Previous Research

Reading skill is crucial skill because it highly connected with the language ability

of people. It makes reading very important especially in language learning.

Getting involved in reading comprehension needs appropriate techniques or

strategies. As the result, there are many researches had investigated about how to

increase reading comprehension mainly in language teaching concept. Mind

Mapping takes a part as one of techniques in teaching reading comprehension.

The previous study about the use of Mind Map showed that Mind Map is


Bekti (2007) used Mind Mapping in teaching reading comprehension at eleventh

grade of SMK Negeri 8 Semarang. He did the research to find out how mind

mapping technique is applied as a technique in teaching reading comprehension

and to find out whether this technique can affect the students’ reading

comprehension achievements. This study was experimental research. He choosed

one class as experimental group and one class as control group by using cluster

random sampling. After being taught using Mind Mapping, the experimental

group developed better as the average scores increased 2.40 point (from 70.06 to

72.46), whereas the average scores of the control group increased only 0.20 point

(from 70.10 to 70.30). The significant differences of the two means were

measured by using the t-test formula. It means that there are significant

differences between students who were taught using Mind Mapping and those

who were not.

Shiripanich (2010) also did the research about implementation of Mind Mapping.

The object of his research was Thai EFL University Students. The objective of his

research was to find out whether Mind Mapping can improve reading

comperehension ability and also the opinion towards the use of Mind Mapping.

The research design used in this study was one-group pre test-post test design.

The study employed bothquantitative and qualitative data analyses from pre-and

post-tests, a questionnaire, and an interview. The participants of the study were

35 first-year students enrolling in a compulsory reading course called


showed that The English reading comprehensionpost test mean score of students

was higher than the pre test mean score at the 0.05 level of significance; 2) most

students were satisfied with their own reading comprehension ability; 3) they

enjoyed working in group and agreed that mind mapping technique was a useful

technique and can be applied to non- English subjects.

Yahmun (2011) a graduate students in The State of Malang University had

explained about the effect of Mind Mapping on the MTs’ students. This study was

to investigate whether Mind Mapping can improve the students’ ability in

comprehending reading passages. To be more specific, this study was conducted

to find out: (1) whether the low achieving students in experimental group who

have been taught using Mind Mapping significantly achieve higher score than the

low achieving students in the control group, (2) whether the high achieving

students in the experimental group who have been taught using Mind Mapping

significantly achieve higher score than the low achieving students in the control

group. The design of this study was a Quasi-experimental or Nonrandomized

Control Group, Pretest-Postest Design. The subjects of this study were students of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Malang which is located on Jalan Arjuno. The result

showed there was no significant differences between experimental and control

group. However, it was founded that the mean score of the low achieving students

in experimental group was 58.40 whereas the mean score in the control one was

49.23. the researcher concluded that Mind Mapping be applied to help or to


Even though there was many researchs in increasing reading comprehension using

Mind Mapping, no research were available in report text. So that in this time, the

researcher will apply the Mind Mapping technique to increase students’ reading

comprehension in report text.

2.2. Review of Related Literature

This part presents related theories of the concern of the research, such as: concept

of reading comprehension, concept of reading aspect, reading strategies, concept

of report text, and concept of Mind Mapping technique.

2.2.1. Concept of Reading Comprehension

There are many theories about reading comprehension. Nuttal (1982:2) has cited

reading as the process of the interaction between language perception and the

readers’ language skill, cognitive skill, and the knowledge of the words. In the

consideration, reading seen as an active process and connectivity between the

readers and the information restricted on the text. Nutal adds that authentic reason

for reading is to get something from the writing: fact, ideas, enjoyment, even

feeling of family community (a letter). The important of reading not only in what

we get from the text but also the process itself. When the readers feel enjoy with


Suparman (2007:12) states that there are three theories of reading comprehension.

They are the theories of comprehension based on cognitive perspectives, social

perspectives, and text-driven operation and knowledge-driven operation

perspectives. Reading from a cognitive perspective is considered as an

intrapersonal problem-solving task that takes place within the brain knowledge

structure (Bernhardt, 1991:6). In other words, it is seen as an independent idea in

finding solution using the readers’ own way of thinking to link up with the other

idea for instance text.

As social perspective argues that a text is a social and cultural artifact representing

group values and norms (Bernhardt, 1991:13). Particularly, what people read can

influence the way they think. Then, when some people read a kind of text can lead

them having a similar point of view. Another side, they may have different point

of view in understanding a similar text. It is talking about the previous knowledge

that people have before reading the text influence the way people thinking about

the text itself.

The third is The Text-Driven Operation and Knowledge-Driven Operation. Any

conceptualization of reading especially in the second language must deal with

reader interaction with both dimensions of text (Bernhardt, 1991:72). All over,

readers should be able to read the text not only “seen” texts but also “unseen” text.

Suparman (2007:19) explain that “seen” text defined as the words, sentences and


text as conceptually driven, implicit, internal and reader-based meaning. In order

to get with those aspects, the readers have to comprehend the text when they are


Now, clearly that comprehension is important in reading. Since comprehension

seen as the process of getting new information and connecting with the previous

knowledge. Comprehension has to be the product of reading process.

2.2.2. Concept of Reading Aspect

There are five reading aspects that used in directing this research:

1. Main Idea

Main idea is a sentence containing the most important information that

tells about the whole paragraph. It usually appears in the beginning of

paragraph. This sentence is called the topic sentence (Whother, 1986:36).

In simply, this sentence is all the writer wants to express and the reader

wants to get. It can be stated both implicitly and explicitly. The readers

have to be wise in deciding the main idea of a paragraph.

2. Specific Information

Supporting sentence or specific information develops the topic sentence by

giving definition, examples, facts, an incidents, comparison, analogy,


stated will be broaden in supporting sentence. The writer gives the

reinforcement of the idea in those supporting sentences.

3. References

Reference is words or phrase or after the reference in reading material

(Latulippe 1986:20). It is used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words or

phrases. So, it is indicated the readers about the meaning of words that will

be found elsewhere in the text.

4. Inference

Inference is an educational guess or prediction about something unknown

based on available facts and information (Kathleen, 1986:31). The readers

have to connect the words with the context of the text to conclude the

exact meaning.

5. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the stock of words used by people or even person (Wallace,

1988:30). It is being important for the readers to understand what they


In this research, those 5 aspects above are applied to indicate the students’ ability

in comprehending a text.

2.2.3. Reading Strategies

Reading comprehension strategies can be referred to as specific tactics, or

techniques, observable or non-observable, that a comprehender uses to store,


2007:60). In order to comprehend the text, the readers should have a special

technique that can encourage their ability in reading.

Brown (2001:306) proposes ten strategies of reading such as identifying the

purpose of reading, using graphemes rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up

decoding (for beginning level of learners), using efficient silent reading

techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate and advanced

levels), skimming the text for main idea, scanning the text for specific

information, using semantic mapping or clustering, guessing when the reader are

not certain, analyzing vocabulary, distinguishing between literal and implied

meanings, and capitalizing on discourse markers to process relationship. This

research is involving the four strategies related to Brown theories. They are

getting general picture, extracting detailed information, using semantic mapping

or clustering, and extracting specific information.

Reading as the important aspect of language should be containing meaningful

activity in the learning process. As Simanjuntak (1988:18) states, there are ten

claims about reading that fulfill the principles of learning:

1. Reading requires purpose and motivation (interest, need)

It seen that reading should be an activity that attrack people to do it for

pleasure. They must have a desire to read when they saw a text. The

curiousity for knowing something can be one factor to make them


2. Reading requires the meaning for the learner.

The learner will have a good spirit in reading when reading being an

impressive activity for them. A good material without a suitable stragey

will drive the activity drably and vice versa. Unity of a good material and

suitable strategy can actualize a meaningful process.

3. The teacher must bring much background information to any reading task.

Teacher as the facilitator of learning process have to build a good

circumstances from the beginning until the end. In the beginning, teacher

should bring the students to be drowned to the material. It can be done by

giving cross questions to the students.

4. Reading is an active process, it requires the learner to be active in his

learning to read.

5. Reading skills need the forming of habits.

6. A knowledge of syntatic structure and vocabulary is important.

7. Reading requires practice – time on task.

8. Favorable attitudes are important for effective reading.

9. Reading capabilities are different for each student.

10.Reason for reading is important to be an effective reader.

Based on those claims, reading should be done in a perfect activity that encourage

the students not to read the text and ended with forgetting but to read with

pleasure. They should not feel burdenning with reading but take reading as


2.2.4. Concept of Report text

As senior high school students on second grade, there will be some text that

should be mastered. On the 2006 (KTSP) curriculum, there are: narrative, report,

hortatory and analytical exposition that have to be learnt by the students. The

researcher focuses to the report text as one of difficult texts based on students’


Report is a kind of text that tells the readers about the descriptive of objects

generally. Siahaan and Shinooda (2008:43) state that report is a text which can be

written out with a descriptive technique. It describes an object to the readers. The

purpose of the text is to inform or entertain the readers. It should be mastered by

the students of senior high school on the second grade.

Report text is telling about a matter of fact. It is based on the reality. The text is

opened by introducing the phenomenon under discussion. It also contain of the

definition of the things that will be discussed. Then, followed by the details

description of the things that is being discussed. This part is the important one

because it is the main point of the text. Next, there is usually a conclusion for

closing the text. It gives the final statement about the whole information of the

text. Since report text tells about the general truth, it uses simple present tenses.

Report text focuses on generic participants. It uses of relational processes to state


Here is an example of report text.

What Are Clouds?

General Classification: Clouds are water vapor condensed into minute water

particles which float in masses in the atmosphere. There

are three main types of clouds, classified according to the

height at which they occur. Clouds were first named

by The English chemist Luke Howard in 1803, a pioneer

of meteorology. The types he named were cirrus, cumulus

and stratus.

Description : Cirrus clouds are usually high and appear as delicate

whitish threads against a blue sky. Because of their height,

they are composed of ice crystals and not of water droplets.

Cumulus clouds typically have a rounded appearance and

sometimes reach 20.000 feet into the sky. They are often

characterized by having an anvil shape in the center of the


Stratus clouds are layers of cloud which can form at any

height and tend to cover the whole sky. Often, the sky is

overcast and the sun is probably completely concealed.

Conclusion : This is a basic grouping of types of clouds. The


meteorology and clouds can be further described in many


(Source: F.A. Soeprapto & Mariana Darwis, Linked to The World 2, Yudhistira,


2.2.5. Concept of Mind Mapping Technique

Mind Map is an alternative of general thinking towards linear thinking. It seizes to

the whole direction and gets many thinking from the whole angle (Michalko,

2007). Mind map is the simple way to place the information to the brain and get

the information out from the brain. Mind map is a creative, effective way of

noting and actually “mapping” is all of our minds (Buzan, 2007:4). As Buzan

states that mind map is similar with the map of a city. The similarities are:

1. Mind Map gives the entire conception of the main problem or wide area.

2. Possible us to plan the route, or making choices, and knowing where we

will go and where we were standing.

3. Collecting a big number of data in one place.

4. Supporting the problems solving with showing us the new creative ways.

5. Nice to look, to read, to understand, and to remember.

We usually look a map for searching an area that we want. By Mind Mapping, it


Mind Map can be defined as system of data saving, data conclusion, and amazing

access of big library that actually existing on human brain (Buzan, 2007:12).All of

Mind Maps has the similarity. They use color and have a natural structure that is

started from the center. Additionally, Speller (2008) states that “mind map is a

powerful graphic technique which connect the full range of productive skills in a

single, powerful manner such as words, images, numbers, logics, rhythms, colors,

and spatial awareness.

According to Buzan (2007:15), there are seven steps for making Mind Map:

1. Starting from the center of a landscape paper

Starting from the center, giving a freedom for the brain extending to whole

direction and gasp the mind more freely and natural.

2. Using PICTURE or PHOTO for the central idea

It is because picture can show many words and help us to imagine. A

central picture will be more interesting, make us focus, help us

concentrate, and act our brain.

3. Using Colors

For our brain, colors as interesting as picture. Colors can make Mind Map

more meaningful and add energy for creative thinking.

4. Connect the main branch to the central picture and connect the second

branch and third branch to the first and second and etc.

The brain works by association. The brain likes to connect two or more

things together. If only we connect the branches, it will be easier to


5. Make connecting line in curve, not a straight line.

Since the straight line will be boring for the brain, it would be better to use

curve for connecting any keywords on the Mind Map.

6. Using one key word for every line

Every single word or picture looks like multiplier, resulting many

connection and association by their own.

7. Using drawing

As a central picture, every drawing has many meaningful words. So, if we

have only ten drawings in our Mind Map, it is similar to ten thousand


The using of Mind Mapping in report text can be designed in a simple type as


Report text


An earthquake is the shaking of the land. It happens when rocks

suddenly move because there a break deep underground. Hundreds of

earthquakes happen each year, but most of them are very small. The most

famous and terrible earthquake happened in 1755 in Lisbon, Portugal.

Three shocks came at intervals of forty minutes destroying most of the

large buildings and killing many people. Another example of a big

earthquake happened in 1990 when an earthquake measuring 7.7 on the

Richter scale destroyed cities, towns and villages in North-Western Iran.

When the location of the earthquake is under the ocean, it will

cause a great tidal wave. We called it tsunami. The height of the tsunami

wave is about 30 meters. The speed of the wave is about 800km per hour.


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happened. There are three first red branches from the center circle. Each branch

contains the ideas of the topic using a key word. It is based on the readers

background knowledge relating to the topic before reading the text. Then, every

branch has more branches. It describes the information that put on the first

branches. The second branches are from the readers’ mind or the information refer

to the text.

2.3. Procedures of Teaching Reading through Mind Mapping Technique

According to Alyousef (2005), the teaching reading activity is divided into three

parts. They are pre- a reading, while- reading and post- reading. Those procedures

are modified by the researcher as follow:


1. The teacher asks the students about their experiences about report text.

(What do you know about report text? Is it difficult for you? What are

your difficulties in reading report text?)

2. The teacher asks the questions related to the topic they will learn.

(E.g. Do you know about earthquake? Why it can happens?, etc.)

Whilst- reading:

1. The teacher explains about the generic structure, grammatical features and

social function of report text.

2. The teacher explains about Mind Mapping technique that will ease them in


3. The teacher asks the students to read the text “Earthquake”.

4. The teacher gives the example of Mind Mapping from the text


a. The teacher writes “Earthquake” at the center of the whiteboard

using black marker.

b. The teacher asks the students what they know about earthquake.

c. The teacher makes some branches and writes any supporting idea

about earthquake on the branches using many different colors.

d. Add some pictures related to the ideas.

5. The teacher and the students discuss the answer of reading comprehension

test related to the text “Earthquake”.

6. The teacher gives the second text “Elephant”, and asks the students to read

and mind map the text based on the teacher’s previous example.

a. Ask the students to take a sheet of paper.

b. Ask the students to write the title of second text at the center of

the paper.

c. Let the students do like the what has been done previously by

the teacher, without instruction.

d. Let them free to express their mind to comprehend the text.

7. The teacher lets the students answer the reading comprehension text.

8. The teacher collects the students answer.

Post- reading:


2. The teacher asks the students about the difficulty in understanding the


3. The teacher asks the students to make a conclusion of the lesson.

Hopefully, with the implementation of this technique, there will be a significant

improvement of student’s reading comprehension of report text.

2.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mind Mapping technique in

Teaching Report Text

There are some advantages of using Mind Mapping in teaching report text, such


1. The students are stimulated to be creative and imaginative in

comprehending the text.

2. Motivating the students in reading.

3. It is enjoyable and eases the students to get the idea and to remember.

4. Help students transform vague ideas into concrete projects.

5. It helps students to place the right point of view. (Busan, 2007:214)

However, Mind Mapping also has some disadvantages, such as:

1. Mind Mapping needs many school tools, for example: pencil colors,

crayon, and markers.

2. It requires a little more time since the students will spend their time to


2.5. Theoretical Assumption

Based on all the literatures reviewed before, the researcher finds that

comprehension is very important in reading text. Because reading is not only

about what is written, but also what does it mean. Students of Senior High School

have to master many kinds of text. Report text is the difficult one. As one of

difficult texts, report text usually hard to comprehend. It makes the students being

lazy to read report text.

Dealing with this fact, the researcher chooses Mind Mapping technique.Mind

Mapping technique will be suitable for report text. It can increase the students’

motivation and help them to concept their way of thinking. The researcher

assumes that Mind Mapping will handle the students’ difficulties in reading report

text. In other side, it is going to increase the creativity and motivation of the

students in reading.

2.6. Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulates the

hypothesis as follows:

H0 : There is no significant increase of students’ reading comprehension

ability of report text by using Mind Mapping technique.

H1 : There is significant increase of students’ reading comprehension ability




This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and suggestions for the

future research.

5.1. Conclusion

After doing the research, the conclusion of this research are:

1. There is significant increase of students’ reading comprehension ability of

report text after been taught using Mind Mapping technique at the second

year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung. It can be seen from the result of the

hypothesis test which shows that at significant level of p <0.05 (p=.00), in

which the students’ mean score in pre test is 63.4 increases to 77.42 in post

test, with gain of 14.02. It can be concluded that Mind Mapping can be

used to increase students’ reading comprehension of report text.

2. Using Mind Mapping can make the students more active and creative.

Unconciously, they comprehend the text when they create their Mind Map


worried or confused anymore. They have understood what the text talks

about and even the vocabulary have been mastered by them.

3. Mind Mapping gives the students a chance to set their mind freely. They

can use their own imagination to translate the text. They are expected to

use their previous knowledge in comprehending the text. It makes their

comprehension wider than what it is implied in the text. It also can make

the class activities funnier as Mind Mapping presents a comfortable

situation where the students can achieve the material well.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the result of this research, the researcher purposes suggestions as follow:

1. The reseracher suggests the English teacher to apply Mind Mapping as one

of techniques in teaching reading comprehension of report text. It can

help the students comprehend the text easier.

2. Mind Map is made by using many key words related to the topic which is

able to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. This technique is beneficial


3. It is suggested for further researchers to conduct this technique on

different level of students and also other kinds of text. To vary Mind



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