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2 highlight of indonesia chairmanship rev


Academic year: 2017

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1. Supporting Joint External Evaluation


2. Promoting Health Security Agenda in

various fora.

3. Strengthening Action Packages (AP)



Joint External Evaluation


• GHSA contributes active role in supporting WHO to revise IHR monitoring and evaluation

framework to the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool.

• 11 Action Packages of GHSA has been incorporated in the JEE.

• GHSA supports the implementation of JEE that becomes one of key milestone in achieving of GHSA goals.

• GHSA actively involves JEE assessment in 28


Joint External Evaluation


As the result of some encouragements by

Indonesia as the Chair of GHSA, 4



Summit in Lao PDR, September 2016,

welcomed the intention of ASEAN Member

States to support JEE.


Health Security in Various Fora

• Workshop on Advancing Global Health Security : From Commitments to Actions in Bali, 27-29 June 2016.

High Level Meeting on Anti Microbial Resistant (AMR) at the 71stUnited Nations General Assembly in New York, September 2016.

The GHSA Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT) Side Events on the margins of the 69th WHA in Geneva, May 2016, and on the margins of the 71stUNGA in New York, September 2016.

• Meeting of Task Force on Health Security


GHSA Action Packages

• Indonesia commits to enhance activities of GHSA Action Packages and strengthen coordination among 11 Action Packages as the heart of GHSA.

• Include the GHSA Action Package Leaders in GHSA Steering Group Meeting in Geneva, May 2016.

GHSA Action Packages Coordination Meeting in Jakarta, 23-25 August 2016 and Jakarta Call for

Action .

• Meeting and Presentation GHSA Action Packages in 3rd GHSA Ministerial Meeting in Rotterdam, October 2016.

Draft ToR for Action Package Coordination was


GHSA Membership


GHSA Steering Group Meetings

4 GHSA Steering Group Meetings in 2016 :

– 1st GHSA Steering Group Meeting in Geneva, 23

January 2016 on the margins of WHO Executive Board, marking the handover of the GHSA

chairmanship from Finland to Indonesia.

– 2nd GHSA Steering Group Meeting in Geneva, 21 May

2016, on the margins of the 69th World Health Assembly.

– 3rd GHSA Steering Group Meeting in Rotterdam, 13 October 2016, on the margins of the 3rd Ministerial



Ministerial Meeting



GHSA Ministerial Meeting was conducted on

12-14 October 2016 in Rotterdam, the



Side event

GHSA side event on the margins of the 69




the theme The Role of


Supporting Countries’ Capacity to Implement


5 .

The objective of this Side Event is to increase

knowledge and understanding on the role of

GHSA in strengthening countries’ capacity and



• Lack of mechanisms to keep track of all commitments of the GHSA member countries and ensure that all

those commitments are met in time.

• Ensuring an intensive, effective, and interactive way of communication among GHSA member countries.

• Non-Government Stakeholders involvement through

out cycle life of GHSA, including role of the next gen

into national policy.

• Funding mechanism to support GHSA activities.

• Improve and enhance GHSA events in all aspects of global health security agenda, not only beyond


Indonesia Future Commitments

• Continue leadership in GHSA as member of Troika and Steering Group as well as Co-Leaders Action Packages.

• Join the Alliance for Country Assessment to support the JEE missions and serve as the member of the advisory group of the Alliance.

• Host and take part in the development of the Health Security Financing Assessment Tool.

• Host a bi-regional meeting on mass gathering in collaboration with WHO SEARO and WHO EMRO in February 2017.

Complete JEE in 7 and contribute Indonesia’s experts in




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