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Academic year: 2017

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Proceedings of Annual Bangkok Business and Social Sciences Research Conference

3 - 4 June 2016, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-925488-07-4

The Influence of Dual Role Conflict toward Fear of Success

with Gender as Moderating Variable on Male and Female

Nurses: A Case Study of Private Hospital in Indonesia

Andys Bayu Tjahjono


and Rosaly Franksiska


Dual role conflict occurs when one person have different and more than one roles in their life and one those roles demands more attention. This conflict might influence

one’s person fear success, because with the success in one role, might means overlooking the other role. Nursing job in Indonesia is often associated with woman, therefore not many man take this job, while the work itself actually can be done by both woman and man. Analysis on dual role conflict usually involving working mother, but working father also experiencing dual role conflict. This research would like to analyze not only working mother but also working father on whether dual role conflict influence fear of success with gender as moderating variables, and also analyzing the differences of the two variables in terms of gender for nurse position. This research took place early 2016 in private hospital, questionnaires were distributed, and interviews were held. Using MRA and t test, the research found that gender was indeed a moderating variable that improve dual role conflict influence toward fear of success. Dual role conflict between male and female nurses were not differ. Both male and female nurses experiencing low dual role conflict. Fear of success on the other hand were differ between male and female nurses. Male nurses showed less fear of success compare to their female coworkers. These findings imply that both male and female nurses experiencing dual role conflict and that female nurses have higher fear of success.


dual role conflict, fear of success, gender, nurses




Mr. Andys Bayu Tjahjono, student of Economics and Business Faculty, Satya Wacana Christian University



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