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Pusat Sains Angkasa | Space Science Centre 2011


Academic year: 2017

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Bil Jenis Penerbit an

I d Penerbit an

Judul Karya dan Nam a Jurnal/ Buku/ Yang berkait an

Tar ikh/ Tahun

Terbit Nam a- nam a Pengarang

1 Bab dalam buku TLL201128

Adapt ive Filt er ing Applicat ions

Applicat ion of Adapt iv e Noise Cancellat ion in Transabdom inal Fet al Heart Rat e Det ect ion Using Phot oplet hy sm ography


Kok Beng Gan, Edm ond Zahedi and Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali

2 Bab dalam buku TLL201154

Curr ent Tr ends and Challenges in RFI D

RFI D Technology: Perspect ives and Technical

Considerat ions of Microst r ip Ant ennas for Mult i- band RFI D Reader Operat ion


Ahm ed Toaha Mobashsher , Moham m ad Tariqul I slam and Norbahiah Misran

3 Bab dalam buku TKK2011828 Microst r ip Ant ennas

Microwav e Propert ies of Dielect r ic Mat er ials

2011 JS Mandeep, Loke Ngai Kin

4 Buku TLL20119

Rem ot e sensing of solar I nfluence on ant arct ic t err est r ial clim at e from a GPS perspect iv e

2011 Wayan Supart a

5 Filem / Video/ Slaid/ Mult im edia


I nt ense of Collaborat ion Wit h Malay sian Met eor ological Depart m ent

2011 Wayan Supart a

6 Jurnal T1520111331

A 4.1- bit , 20 GS/ s com parat or for high speed flash ADC in 45 nm CMOS t echnology

I nt ernat ional Review on Com put ers and Soft war e

2011 Taghizadeh Mar vast , M.J., Sanusi, H., Mohd Ali, M.A.

7 Jurnal TLL20122

A Com pact Shor t ed Wall Pat ch Ant enna for Dual Band Operat ion

Trends in Applied Sciences Research


Ahm ed Toaha Mobashsher , Moham m ad Tariqul I slam and Rezaul Azim

8 Jurnal TKK20111405

A Spat iot em por al Model of Hum an Circadian Rhyt hm in Sm art Hom es

Applied Art ificial I nt elligence

2011 Muham m ad Raisul Alam , M. B. I . Reaz, M. A. M. Ali

9 Jurnal TKK20111028

A Spect rally Efficient Macrodiv ersit y Handover Technique for I nt erference- Lim it ed I EEE 802.16j Mult ihop Wir eless Relay Net works

ETRI Journal


Jam il Sult an, Norbahiah Misran, Maham od I sm ail, and Moham m ad Tariqul I slam

10 Jurnal TKK20111101

A Ter rain Roughness Cor rect ion Fact or For Hat a Pat h Loss Model at 900MHz

Progress I n Elect rom agnet ics Resear ch C


M. A. Nisirat , M. I sm ail, L. Nissirat , and

S. Al- Khaw aldeh

11 Jurnal T152011767

A com pact circular- r ing ant enna for ult ra- w ideband applicat ions

Microwav e and Opt ical Technology Let t ers

2011 Liu, L., Cheung, S.W., Azim , R., I slam , M.T.

12 Jurnal TKK20111307

A quart er- wave Y- shaped pat ch ant enna w it h t w o unequal arm s for w ideband Ult ra High Fr equency Radio- frequency



ident ificat ion ( UHF RFI D) operat ions I nt ernat ional Journal of t he Phy sical Sciences

13 Jurnal TKK20111515

Achievable Node Analysis in Migrat ed Tr ee t o Ring Based FTTH- PON

Advances in Nat ural and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an and Lat ifah Sar ah Supian

14 Jurnal T152011337

Advanced perform ance in geot echnical engineer ing using t om ography analysis

Environm ent al Eart h Sciences

2011 I slam , T., Chik, Z.

15 Jurnal TLL201122

Analysis of Elect rom agnet ic Absorpt ion in Mobile Phones Using Met am at er ials

Elect rom agnet ics

2011 M. R. I . FARUQUE, M. T. I SLAM, N. MI SRAN

16 Jurnal TKK20111472

Analysis of Receiv ed Pow er in Migrat ed Ring Net work Prot ect ion Schem e w it h Boost er Applicat ion for Scat t ered Placem ent Fiber t o t he Hom e Passive Opt ical Net work ( FTTH- PON)

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an and Anis Sabir in Baharom

17 Jurnal TLL201120

Analysis of SAR Levels in Hum an Head Tissues for Four Types of Ant ennas w it h Port able Telephones

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran

18 Jurnal TLL201140

Analysis of m et am at erial at t achm ent for EM absorpt ion in hum an head

I nform acij e MI DEM


Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran

19 Jurnal TKK20111100

Charact er izat ion and observat ion of ( t ransm ission cont rol prot ocol) TCP- Vegas perform ance w it h different param et ers over ( Long t erm evolut ion) LTE net works

Scient ific Research and Essays

2011 Ghassan A. Abed, Maham od I sm ail and Kasm iran Jum ari

20 Jurnal TLL201136

Circular m icrost r ip slot ant enna for dual- frequency RFI D applicat ion

Progress I n Elect rom agnet ics Resear ch

2011 J. J. Tiang, M. T. I slam , N. Misran and J. S. Mandeep

21 Jurnal TLL201141

Com pact Tapered- Shape Slot Ant enna for U WB Applicat ions

I EEE Ant ennas and Wireless Pr opagat ion Let t ers


Rezaul Azim , Moham m ad Tar iqul I slam and Norbahiah Misran

22 Jurnal T152011813

Com pact UWB planar ant enna for broadband applicat ions I nform acij e Midem - Journal Of Microelect ronics Elect ronic Com ponent s And Mat er ials

2011 Azim , R; I slam , MT; Misran, N; Mobashsher, AT

23 Jurnal TKK2011825

Com parison and Analysis of Tropospher ic Scint illat ion Models for Nort hern Malaysia

Act a Ast ronaut ica


J.S. Mandeep, Ant hony Cheng Chen Yee, M. Abdullah, M Tariqul

24 Jurnal TKK20111411

Com parison of rain at t enuat ion predict ion m odels w it h ground m easur em ent dat a for Penang

I ET Microwaves, Ant ennas and Propagat ion

2011 R. Nalinggam , W. I sm ail, J.S. Mandeep

25 Jurnal TKK2012283

Com parison of r ain rat e m odels for equat or ial clim at e in


Sout h East Asia Geofizika

26 Jurnal TLL20127

Design Analysis of An Elect rom agnet ic Band Gap Microst r ip Ant enna

Am erican Jour nal of Applied Sciences

2011 M.S. Alam , M.T. I slam and N. Misran

27 Jurnal T1520111274

Design and dev elopm ent of com pact m icrost rip ant ennas for port able dev ice applicat ions

I nform acij e MI DEM


Design and dev elopm ent of com pact m icrost r ip ant ennas for port able dev ice

applicat ions

28 Jurnal TLL201139

Design and dev elopm ent of com pact m icrost rip ant ennas for port able dev ice applicat ions

I nform acij e MI DEM


Ahm ed Toaha Mobashsher , Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran

29 Jurnal TLL201121

Design of Handset Ant enna w it h Low Elect rom agnet ic Absorpt ion

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque, Norbahiah Misran and Sakt hiaseelan A/ L Ganasen

30 Jurnal T152012291

Design of a planar UWB ant enna w it h new band enhancem ent t echnique

Applied Com put at ional Elect rom agnet ics Societ y Journal

2011 Azim , R; I slam , MT; Misran, N

31 Jurnal TLL201253

Developm ent of Exchange Rat e Est im at ion Met hod by Using Art ificial Neural Net works

Journal of Applied Sciences


M. Niam ul Bary, M. Habib Ullah, M. T. I slam and M.R. Ahsan

32 Jurnal TKK2012195

Developm ent of a Secur ed Dat abase Access on Applicat ion Serv er

I nt ernat ional Journal of Research and Reviews in I nform at ion Securit y and Pr ivacy ( I JRRI SP)

2011 Sit i Rosm aniza Ab Rashid and Maham od I sm ail

33 Jurnal TKK20111369

Developm ent of an Algorit hm for Fiber- t o- t he- Hom e Passive Opt ical Net work Aut om at ic Self- rest orat ion Schem e Using Access Cont rol Syst em

Journal of Com put er Science


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an and Sit i Raihan Ahm ad Mahir

34 Jurnal TLL201142

Direct im pact m onit or ing of light ning act iv it y on t he GPS signals propagat ion

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


Wayan Supart a, Ja` afar Adnan, Mohd Alauddin Mohd. Ali

35 Jurnal TLL201138

Dual polarized m icrost rip pat ch ant enna for KU- band applicat ion

I nform acij e MI DEM


Rezaul Azim , Moham m ad Tar iqul I slam and Norbahiah Misran

36 Jurnal TKK20111520

Effect of Net wor k Param et er t o t he Digit al Perform ance in OXADM Ring Prot ect ion Schem e

Advances in Nat ural and Applied Sciences

2011 Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an

37 Jurnal TKK2011930

Effect s of polarizat ion loss fact or, form fact ors and reader t ransm it t ing power on t he range of paper and plast ic UHF t ags in a free and m et allic env ironm ent

I nt ernat ional Journal of t he Phy sical Sciences

2011 J. S. Mandeep and Hilary

38 Jurnal TLL201118

Elect rom agnet ic ( EM) Absorpt ion Rat e Reduct ion of Helix 2011


Ant enna w it h Shielding Mat er ial for Mobile Phone Applicat ion

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

39 Jurnal T152011291

Elect rom agnet ic ( EM) absorpt ion reduct ion in a m uscle cube w it h m et am at er ial at t achm ent

Medical Engineering and Physics

2011 Faruque, M.R.I ., I slam , M.T., Misran, N.

40 Jurnal TKK2011858

Est im at ion of specific absorpt ion rat e and t em perat ure increases in t he hum an head due t o port able t elephones Scient ific Research and Essays


Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque, Norbahiah Misran, Rosdiadee Nordin,

Moham m ad Tariqul I slam and Baharudin Yat im

41 Jurnal TKK2011743

Exper im ent al Works on Short Range Com m unicat ion Syst em s Using Phot ovolt aic Based Receiver Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Luqm an Al- Hak im Azizan and Kasm iran Jum ar i

42 Jurnal TKK20111067

Experim ent al works on phot ocell based v isible light com m unicat ion for audio signal t ransm ission applicat ion Advances in Nat ural and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Luqm an Al- Hak im Azizan, Hadiguna and Moham m ad Hazwan Harun

43 Jurnal TKK2011914

Ext ract ing of t ropospheric scint illat ion propagat ion dat a from Ku- Band sat ellit e beacon

I nt ernat ional Journal of t he Phy sical Sciences

2011 J. S. Mandeep

44 Jurnal TST2011507

Finit e differ ence calculat ion of elect ron st at es in CdTe- CdS core- shell quant um dot s

Sains Malaysiana

2011 C.Y. Woon, G.Gopir & A.P. ot hm an

45 Jurnal TLL201155

GPS TEC Var iat ion Affect ed by t he I nt erhem ispher ic Conj ugat e Auroral Act iv it y on 21 Sept em ber 2009 World Academ y of Science, Engineering and Technology ( WASET)


W. Supart a, M. A. Mohd. Ali, M. S. Jit Singh, B. Yat im , T. Mot oba, N. Sat o, A. Kadokura and G. Bj ornsson

46 Jurnal T152011836

Ground m odified double- sided print ed com pact UWB ant enna

Elect ronics Let t ers

2011 Azim , R., I slam , M.T., Misran, N.

47 Jurnal TLL201149

Hardware Prot ot yping of Root Raised Cosine FI R Filt er for 2x2 MI MO Channel Sounder

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


M. Habib Ullah, Mandeep Sing, Sum azly Sulaim an, M. Sham im Shum on M.I slam

48 Jurnal T152011837

Hardware im plem ent at ion of a MI MO decoder using m at r ix fact or izat ion based channel est im at ion



I slam , M.T., Num an, M.W., Misran, N., Mohd Ali, M.A., Singh, M.

49 Jurnal T152011812


I nform acij e Midem - Journal Of Microelect ronics Elect ronic Com ponent s And Mat er ials

2011 Faruque, MRI ; I slam , MT; Misran, N

50 Jurnal T15201253

I nfluence of SAR reduct ion in m uscle cube w it h m et am at er ial at t achm ent

I nform acij e MI DEM- Journal of Microelect ronics Elect ronic Com ponent s and Mat er ials

2011 Faruque, MRI ; I slam , MT; Misran, N

51 Jurnal T152011821 2011 Misran N., Faruque M.R.I .,


I nvest igat ion of dosim et ry in hum an head m odel for a helical ant enna w it h m obile phone

I nt ernat ional Journal of Physical Sciences

52 Jurnal TLL20125

I nvest igat ion of opt ical det ect ion st rat egies for t ransabdom inal fet al heart r at e det ect ion using t hree-lay ered t issue m odel and Mont e Carlo sim ulat ion Opt ica Applicat a

2011 K.B. Gan, E. Zahedi, M.A. Mohd Ali

53 Jurnal TKK2011447

I onospher ic var iat ions befor e som e large eart hquakes over Sum at ra

Nat ural Hazards and Eart h Syst em Sciences

2011 A. M. Hasbi, M. A. Mohd Ali and N. Misran

54 Jurnal TLL201135

Loaded annular r ing slot Microst r ip ant enna for Wideband and Mult i- band operat ion

Microwav e Jour nal

2011 A.T. Mobashsher, M.T. I slam and N. Misran

55 Jurnal TLL201116

Monit or ing of GPS PWV associat ion t o t he solar energet ic event s dur ing t he int ense solar flares of Oct ober/ Novem ber 2003

Geographia Technica

2011 Wayan Supart a

56 Jurnal T1520111304

New low specific absorpt ion rat e ( SAR) ant enna design for m obile handset

I nt ernat ional Journal of Physical Sciences

2011 Faruque M.R.I ., Misran N., I slam M.T., Yat im B., Bias B.

57 Jurnal TKK2011555

OBBP: An Efficient Burst Pack ing Algor it hm for I EEE802.16e Syst em s

I nt ernat ional Scholarly Research Net work I SRN Com m unicat ions and Net working

2011 Om ar M. Eshant a, M. I sm ail, and Kasm iran Jum ari

58 Jurnal TKK2011651

Observat ion of m edium - scale t raveling ionospher ic dist urbances ov er Peninsular Malay sia based on I PP t raj ect or ies

Radio Science

2011 Asnaw i Husin, M. Abdullah, M. A. Mom ani

59 Jurnal TKK20111477

Param et ers Cont r ibut e t o t he Pr opagat ion Profile Change Advances in Nat ural and Applied Sciences

2011 Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an

60 Jurnal TKK2011810

Perform ance Analysis of Access Cont rol Syst em ( Acs) Based Fiber- t o t he Hom e ( FTTH) Net work

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Asw ir Prem adi and Kasm iran Jum ari

61 Jurnal T152011541

Perform ance of adapt iv e beam form ing algor it hm for angle separat ion and int erference power level

I ETE Journal of Research

2011 I slam , M.T., Mandeep, J.S., Misran, N., Mohd Yat im , B.

62 Jurnal T152011316

Planar UWB ant enna w it h m ult i- slot t ed ground plane Microwav e and Opt ical Technology Let t ers


Azim , R., I slam , M.T., Misran, N., Cheung, S.W., Yam ada, Y.

63 Jurnal TKK20111474

Port able Solar Headphone Am plifier- The Feasibilit y Approved

Advances in Nat ural and Applied Sciences

2011 Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an

64 Jurnal TKK2011823

Rain rat e analysis and t ot al rain accum ulat ion in t he Nort h


of Malayan Peninsula Annals of Telecom m unicat ions

65 Jurnal TKK20111454

Receiv ed Power Analysis in Double Prot ect ion Solut ion for Scat t ered Placem ent Fiber- To- The Hom e Passive Opt ical Net w ork ( FTTH- PON)

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Sit i Asm a Che Aziz and Kasm iran Jum ari

66 Jurnal T152011607

SAR r educt ion in a m uscle cube w it h m et am at er ial at t achm ent

Applied Physics A- Mat erials Science & Processing

2011 I slam , MT; Far uque, MRI ; Misran, N

67 Jurnal TLL201133

Slot loaded circular m icrost r ip ant enna w it h m eander ed slit s

Journal of Elect rom agnet ic Waves and Appllicat ions

2011 J. J. Tiang, M.T. I slam , N. Misran and J. S. Mandeep

68 Jurnal TST20101953

Test ing And Calibrat ion Of An Ult rav iolet A Radiat ion Sensor Based On GaN Phot odiode



J. They ir akum ar , G. Gopir , B. Yat im , H. Sanusi, P.S. Megat Mahm ud & T.C. Hoe

69 Jurnal TKK20111295

The Effect ive and Low Cost Solut ion for St at us Det erm inat ion in Mult i- line Fiber- t ot he- hom e ( FTTH) Net work

Aust ralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Mast ang, Kam arulzam an Mat and Kasm iran Jum ari

70 Jurnal TKK2011811

The Effect iveness of Video Signal Ex t ract ion t o Ease of Maint enance and Efficiency of FTTH Net work

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Mast ang, Kam arulzam an Mat and Kasm iran Jum ari

71 Jurnal TKK2011662

The Feasibilit y Analysis on Tree- Based EPON- FTTH Prot ect ion Archit ect ure - The Art of Access Cont r ol Syst em Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Kasm iran Jum ar i and Sahbudin Shaar i

72 Jurnal TST2011509

The Response of TEC at Quasi- Conj ugat e Point GPS St at ions Dur ing Solar Flares

Act a Geophysica


Sit i Am inah Bahar i, Mardina Abdullah and Baharudin Yat im

73 Jurnal T15201272

The st udy of specific absorpt ion rat e ( SAR) reduct ion in m obile phones using m at er ials and m et am at er ials I nt ernat ional Journal of Physical Sciences

2011 Faruque, M.R.I ., I slam , M.T., Misran, N.

74 Jurnal TKK20111215

The t ransit ion from hom ogeneous flow t o fract ure in m et allic glasses at high- hom ologous t em perat ures Script a Mat erialia

2011 P. Tham buraj a and N. Nikabdullah

75 Jurnal T152011328

Topology- aw are m acro diversit y handover t echnique for I EEE 802.16j m ult i- hop cellular net works


2011 Sult an J, Misran N, I sm ail M, I slam MT

76 Jurnal TKK2012196

Topology- aw are m acro diversit y handover t echnique for I EEE 802.16j m ult i- hop cellular net works

I ET Com m unicat ion

2011 J. Sult an, N. Misran, M. I sm ail, and M. T. I slam

77 Jurnal T152011289

Tr iple band RFI D reader ant enna for handheld applicat ions Microwav e and Opt ical Technology Let t ers


78 Jurnal TKK2012186

Tropospher ic Scint illat ion Measurem ent s in Ku- Band sat ellit e signals on Eart h- Space Pat hs Wit h Low Elevat ion Angle

I doj aras


Jit Singh Mandeep, Ant hony Cheng Chen Yee, Mardina Abdullah and Moham m ad Tar iqul I slam

79 Jurnal TLL20123

UWB Band- not ch Ant enna w it h a Sem icircular Annular St r ip Trends in Applied Sciences Research


Rezaul Azim , Ahm ed Toaha Mobashsher and Moham m ad Tar iqul I slam

80 Jurnal T15201254

Ult ra- com pact w ideband ant enna for port able dev ice applicat ions

I nform acij e MI DEM- Journal of Microelect ronics Elect ronic Com ponent s and Mat er ials

2011 Mobashsher , AT; Misran, N; I slam , MT

81 Jurnal TLL201143

Var iabilit y of GPS- based precipit able wat er vapor over Ant arct ica: com par ison bet ween observat ions and predict ions

World Applied Science Journal

2011 Wayan Supart a

82 Jurnal TKK20111473

Var ious SOA Current I nj ect ion in Double Prot ect ion Solut ion for Scat t er ed Placem ent Fiber- To- The Hom e Passive Opt ical Net w ork ( FTTH- PON)

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an and Anis Sabir in Baharom

83 Jurnal T152011509

Wideband com pact ant enna w it h part ially radiat ing coplanar ground plane

Applied Com put at ional Elect rom agnet ics Societ y Newslet t er

2011 Mobashsher , A.T., I slam , M.T., Misran, N.

84 Jurnal TKK2011654

Wir eless Opt ical Sensor Net wor k ( Wosn) for Opt ical Line Monit or ing and Rest orat ion in FTTH

Journal of Applied Sciences Research


Moham m ad Syuhaim i Ab-Rahm an, Mast ang, Kam arulzam an Mat and Kasm iran Jum ari

85 Kert as Sem inar/ Persidangan


Det ect ion of cor eless w int er in bipolar regions using GPS PWV observat ion

Fift h Malaysia I nt ernat ional Sem inar on Ant ar ct ica ( MI SA5) 2011

Wayan Supart a, Faizat ul Noor Abu Bakar, Mardina Abdullah

86 Kert as Sem inar/ Persidangan


Developm ent of ionospher ic st udies in Malaysia part icular ly in UKM - The Nat ional Universit y of Malay sia

I nt ernat ional Sout heast Asia low0lat it ude ionospheric observat ion net work sym posium 2011

2011 Mardina Abdullah, Sit i Am inah Bahar i, Asnaw i

87 Kert as Sem inar/ Persidangan


Hardware I m plem ent at ion of an easy Float ing point t o Fixed point bidirect ional t ransform at ion schem e for current dq PI cont roller

3rd CUTSE I nt ernat ional Confer ence ( 2011)


Mohd. Marufuzzam an, M. B. I . Reaz, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali

88 Kert as Sem inar/ Persidangan


The GPS signals affect ed by t he 2010 Eyj afj allaj ökull erupt ion: An abundant of at m ospher ic wat er v apor st udies Fift h Malaysia I nt ernat ional Sem inar on Ant ar ct ica ( MI SA5)


Faizat ul Noor Abu Bakar, Wayan Supart a, Mardina Abdullah

89 Kert as Sem inar/ Persidangan


Young m en wit h abdom inal obesit y have increased indices of art erial st iffness

MASO 2011 - Scient ific Conference on Obesit y


Nor Anit a MMN, Kalaivani C, Am ilia A, Ahm ad Faiz AF, Zait on Z, Wan Zurinah WN

90 Lain- lain TKK201242

Diurnal, seasonal and geographic locat ion effect s on TEC



var iat ion ov er Malay sia

XXX URSI General Assem bly And Scient ific Sym posium Of I nt ernat ional Union Of Radio Science

91 Lain- lain TKK201241

Forecast ing of ionospher ic delay using t he Holt - Wint ers m et hod

XXX URSI General Assem bly and Scient ific Sym posium of I nt ernat ional Union of Radio Science


Mardina Abdullah, Sit i Am inah Bahar i, Azam i Zahar im , Ahm ad Faizal Mohd Zain, Sit i Nor Afzan Abdul Habib and Cheak Bi Yi

92 Penulisan Popular Dalam Bidang


Pem ant auan suar m at ahar i Dewan Kosm ik

2011 Mardina Abdullah

93 Penulisan Popular Dalam Bidang


Suar m at ahar i: let upan t erbesar dalam sist em sur ia Dewan Kosm ik

2011 Mardina Abdullah

94 Penulisan Popular Dalam Bidang


Suar m at ahar i: bila- bila m asa Dewan Kosm ik

2011 Mardina Abdullah

95 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012190

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace) Proceeding

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace) Proceeding


Maham od I sm ail, Mardina Abdullah, Wayan Supart a, and Durat ul Ain Yahya

96 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2013998

A Low volt age Charge Pum p Circuit for RFI D Tag EEPROM 2011 Fourt h I nt ernat ional Conference on Em er ging Trends in Engineering & Technology

2011 Labonnah F. Rahm an, M. B. I . Reaz, M. A. M. Ali

97 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111291

A new I slot t ed com pact m icrost r ip ant enna for L1 & L2 bands

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Um niyyah Ulfa Hussine, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran

98 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111099

A st udy of t he coreless w int er effect s on t he GPS t ropospheric delay in Ant arct ica

2011 I nt ernat ional Confer ence on Space Science & Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace2011)

2011 Supart a W., Bakar F.N.A., Abdullah M.

99 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201299

Am plit ude phase grouping Algor it hm t o enhance t he PAPR problem

The 7t h I nt ernat ional Conference on I nform at ion Technology and Applicat ions ( I CI TA 2011) , Sy dney Aust ralia


Mont adar Abas Taher, JS Mandeep, Maham od I sm ail, and MT I slam

100 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111517

Assessm ent of fat igue cr ack growt h dat a available for m at erials from Port uguese bridges based on UniGrow m odel

Engineer ing Procedia


N. Nik Abdullah, José F.O. Correia, Abílio M.P. de Jesus, Moham m ad Hadi Hafezi, S. Abdullah

101 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111169

At m ospher ic Gas I m pact on Fix ed Sat ellit e Com m unicat ion Link A St udy of it s Effect s at Ku, Ka and V Bands in Niger ia Proceeding of t he 2011 I EEE I nt ernat ional Conference on Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace)

2011 T.V Om ot osho, J. S. Mandeep and M.Abdullah

102 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201280

Availabilit y of GPS and A- GPS signal in UKM Cam pus for Hearabilit y Check



2011 I EEE 10t h Malaysia I nt ernat ional Conference on Com m unicat ions ( MI CC2011) , Kot a Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia

103 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201297

Biologically- inspired soft fusion schem e for cooperat iv e spect rum sensing in cognit iv e r adio net works

The 7t h I nt ernat ional Conference on I nform at ion Technology and Applicat ions ( I CI TA 2011) , Sy dney Aust ralia


Aym an A. El- Saleh, Maham od I sm ail, Mohd Alaudin Mohd Ali, and Md. Kam al Hossain

104 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201285

Blind Technique t o Lower t he PAPR of t he MC- CDMA Syst em w it hout Com plexit y

The 17t h Asia Pacific Conference on Com m unicat ions ( APCC2011) , Kot a Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Mont adar Taher , JS Mandeep, Maham od I sm ail, and Hussain Falih Mahdi

105 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111354

Circuit of an EEPROM sense am plifier in 0.18 um CMOS t echnology

2011 I EEE Region 10 Conference: Trends and Developm ent in Converging Technology Towards 2020, TENCON

2011; Bali


Labonnah F. Rahm an, Md. Syedul Am in, M. B. I . Reaz, M. A. M. Ali

106 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111100

Com pact planar ant enna w it h dual band- not ched charact er ist ics for UWB applicat ions

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Azim , R., Alam , Md.S., Misran, N., Mobashsher , A.T., I slam , M.T.

107 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TLL201134

Com plex it y cut back of m ult iple ant enna channel est im at ion usingort hogonal m at rix t r iangular izat ion

10t h WSEAS I nt ernat ional Conference on Signal Processing, SI P` 11; Lanzarot e, Canary I slands


Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Most afa Wasiuddin Num an, Norbahiah Misran, M.B.I . Reaz, Aj m al Hussain Shah, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali And J.S. Mandeep

108 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111287

Design of an array feed offset parabolic reflect or ant enna for a sim ple por t able eart h st at ion

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


J. Shinohara, N. Michishit a and Y. Yam ada, M. Tariqul I slam and N. Misran

109 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111213

Det ect ion of light ning act iv it y using GPS PWV m easurem ent s

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace)

2011 Supart a W., Adnan J., Ali Mohd.A.Mohd.

110 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TLL201125

Det erm inat ion of reflect ance opt ical sensor arr ay configurat ion using 3- layer t issue m odel and Mont e Car lo sim ulat ion

5t h Kuala Lum pur I nt ernat ional Conference on Biom edical Engineer ing 2011 ( BI OMED 2011) 20- 23 June 2011, Kuala Lum pur, Malaysia

2011 N.A. Jum adi, K.B. Gan, M.A. Mohd Ali, and E. Zahedi

111 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111293

Developm ent of A Single Squar e Ring Reflect ar ray Elem ent for Bandwidt h Enhancem ent

I nt ernat ional Conference on I nst rum ent at ion,

Com m unicat ion, I nform at ion Technology and Biom edical Engineer ing 2011, I CI CI - BME 2011; Bandung


Sit i Hafizah Yusop, Norbahiah Misran, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , and Muham m ad Yusof I sm ail

112 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111173

Developm ent of new t ropospher ic scint illat ion predict ion m odel for count ry in t ropical clim at e

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and 2011


Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang

113 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012174

Effect s of gam m a radiat ion on passiv e UHF t ags

Regional Engineering Post graduat e Conference ( EPC) 2011

2011 KA Hilary, JS Mandeep

114 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111174

Evaluat ion of GPS PWV anom aly during ENSO

Proceeding of t he 2011 I EEE I nt ernat ional Conference on Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace)


F.H. Abdul Rahim , J.S. Mandeep, M.A. Mohd Ali, B. Yat im , W. Supart a

115 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111289

Evaluat ion of SAR in t he hum an head due t o hand r ing j ewellery at 900 and 1800 MHz

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence and Space Science and Com m unicat ion ( I conSpace)


Hafizah Zainool Abidin, Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam and Norbahiah Misran

116 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TLL201144

GPS wat er vapor m onit or ing and TroWav updat ed for ENSO st udies

I nt ernat ional Conference on I nst rum ent at ion,

Com m unicat ion, I nform at ion Technology and Biom edical Engineer ing 2011, I CI CI - BME 2011; Bandung


Wayan Supart a, Mandeep Singh Jit Singh, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali,

Baharudin Yat im and Ahm ad Norazhar Mohd Yat im

117 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111345

HGS- assist ed det ect ion algorit hm for 4g and beyond w ireless m obile com m unicat ion syst em s

17t h Asia- Pacific Confer ence on Com m unicat ions ( APCC)

2011 Maham od I sm ail, Fares Sayadi, Rosdiadee Nordin

118 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201284

I nfluence of Par am et ers Var iat ion of TCP- Vegas in Perform ance of Congest ion Window over Large Bandwidt h-Delay Net works

Proc. The 17t h Asia Pacific Conference on Com m unicat ions ( APCC2011) , Kot a Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Ghassan A. Abed, Maham od I sm ail, and Kasm iran Jum ari Jum ari

119 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012273

I onospher ic t ot al elect ron cont ent m odelling using GPS in Equat or ial region

Proceedings of EnCon2011 4t h Engineer ing Conference, Kuching, Saraw ak, Malaysia.


B. Voon Pai, W.A.W.Z. Abidin, H. Zen, T. Masr i, A. K. Ot hm an, M. Abdullah

120 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111171

Modified I TU- R rain at t enuat ion m odel for equat or ial clim at e

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


JS Mandeep, Ooi Wen Hui, M Abdullah, M Tar iqul, M I sm ail, W Supart a, Baharudin Yat im , P. Sust hit ha Menon, H. Abdullah

121 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TLL201115

Monit or ing t he associat ion bet ween GPS PWV and light ning act iv it y dur ing t he 2009 Wint er Monsoon over Bangi Malaysia

2011 I nt ernat ional Confer ence on Environm ent Science and Engineer ing ( I CESE 2011)


Wayan Supart a, Ja` afar Adnan, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali

122 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111290

Num erical analy sis of alum inium sheet for SAR reduct ion 2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Nurul Hafizah Mohd Hanafi, Moham m ad Tariqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran, Moham m ad Rashed I qbal Faruque

123 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T152011993

Offset - fed UWB ant enna w it h m ult i- slot t ed ground plane 2011 I nt ernat ional Workshop on Ant enna Technology: Sm all Ant ennas, Novel St ruct ur es and I nnovat ive Met am at erials, iWAT 2011; Hong Kong(



124 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111288

Opt im izat ion of t w o elem ent ant enna array for low -frequency t ransient radio t elescope

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Radial Anwar, Moham m ad Tar iqul I slam , Norbahiah Misran, Ger i Gopir, Baharudin Yat im

125 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012191

Proceeding 2011 I EEE 10t h Malaysia I nt ernat ional Conference on Com m unicat ions


Maham od I sm ail, HafizalMoham ad,

BorhanuddinMohd Ali, and Durat ulAinYahy a

126 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012192

Proceeding The 17t h Asia Pacific Confer ence on Com m unicat ions ( APCC2011)


Maham od I sm ail, Hafizal Moham ad, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali, and Durat ul Ain Yahya

127 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111175

Proposed physical m echanism for upper- lower at m ospher ic coupling from GPS perspect ive

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang

2011 Supart a, W.

128 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111243

Syst em level design and analysis of an 8 GHz low eart h orbit sat ellit e t r ansm it t er

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Ahm ad Y.A., Jaswar F.D., Arshad A.S., Ali M.A.M., Sanusi H.

129 Prosiding/ Pascasidang T1520111250

TEC var iat ions at GPS st at ions over high- lat it ude and at t he equat or ial region

2011 I EEE I nt er nat ional Confer ence on Space Science and Com m unicat ion: " Towards Exploring t he Equat orial Phenom ena" , I conSpace 2011; Penang


Abdullah M., Abdullah S., Bahar i S.A., Asnaw i, Supart a W., Zain A.F.Mohd.,

Kadokura A., Bj ornsson G.

130 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK201279

Technical assesm ent on w ifi pilot deploym ent for rural t elecom m unicat ion in Malaysia

Proc. 2011 I EEE 10t h Malaysia I nt ernat ional Conference on Com m unicat ions ( MI CC2011) , Kot a Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia


Maham od I sm ail, Jam il Sult an, Moham ad Zaki I brahim , Ahm ad Nazri Mohd Ali, and Noraidi Taw il

131 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK20111081

The invest igat ion of t he effect of aging t hrough

phot oplet hysm ogram signal analysis of er ect ile dysfunct ion subj ect s

10t h WSEAS I nt ernat ional Conf. on Telecom m unicat ions and I nform at ics, TELE- I NFO` 11,


Y. K. Qawqzeh, M. B. I . Reaz, O. Maskon, Kalaivani Chellappan, M. T. I slam , M. A. M. Ali

132 Prosiding/ Pascasidang TKK2012176

Weat her dat a processing for t r opospher ic scint illat ion analysis for y ear 2008 and 2009

Regional Engineering Post gr aduat e Conference 2011, Universit i Kebangsaan Malaysia


Cheng Chen Yee, JS Mandeep, M Abdullah, M Tar iqul


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