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Academic year: 2017



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Praise and Gratitude must be prayed to Almighty God Jesus Christ, for all the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to me to compose this thesis.

The tittle of this thesis is "The Effectiveness of Laboratory Experiment Method To Increase Activity and Student’s Achievement On Teaching Salt Hydrolysis ", conducted in SMA N 1 Lubukpakam, SMA N 2 Medan and SMA N 3 Medan in academic year 2011/2012” that prepared to get Sarjana Pendidikan degree from chemistry education on Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan.

On this occasion, the author conveys a respect and gratitude to: Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si, as my Thesis’s Supervisor who has provided

guidance, support and suggestions since the beginning to complete in writing this thesis. I also give thanks to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc, Ph.D, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, and Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si, as an evaluator committe who has provided suggestions from the plan until the completion of this thesis. The gratitude also goes to Prof. Drs. Motlan Sirait, M.Sc, Ph. D, the Dean of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan, and Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.S., M.Sc as a Coordinator of Bilingual Programme, their advices and other necessary administrative.


Thanks to prayer, motivation and sacrifices for both of them so I can complete Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) from State University of Medan. Say thanks also for my beloved brother and sister, Ellyas L.Tobing, ST, Imelda L. Tobing, STP and Irene L.Tobing, S.Pd who have given me support and motivation until the completion of this thesis. The authors also express thanks to Bintang, Eva, Dian, Jane, Dameita, Amel, Rizal, my friends in Bilingual Chemistry 2008 Education Programme, Miss. Romanti, Mr. Rio Togatorop, and to all of Sunday school teacher, especially for Ma Men and Miss. Grace Eunike Sinaga, and also for Julinton Sianturi who have helped and supported the author.







Legalization Paper i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix

List of Appendix x


1.1. Background 1

1.2. The Research Scope 4

1.3. Problem Statement 5

1.4. Problem Limitation 6

1.5. Research Objectives 6

1.6. Research Benefits 7

1.7. Operational Definition 7


2.1. Learning 9

2.1.1. Learning Outcomes 9

2.1.2. The Essence of Learning Chemistry 11 2.2. Teaching Method in Chemistry 13

2.2.1. Conventional Method 13

2.2.2. Laboratory Experiment in teaching chemistry 14

2.3. Discussion method 16

2.4. Definition of learning activity 17


2.5.1. pH of salts solution 17

2.6. Conceptual Framework 21

2.7. Research Hypothesis 22


3.1. Time and Research Location 24 3.2. Population and sample of the research 25

3.3. Research Variable 25

3.4. Research Instrument 25

3.5. Research Design 27

3.6. Research Procedure 28

3.7. Data Collection Techniques 30

3.7.1. The instrument Testing 30 Validity of item test 30 Reliability of item test 31 Difficulty Level 31 Different Index 32

3.8. Data Analysis Technique 33

3.8.1. Normality test 33

3.8.2 Homogenity test 34

3.8.3 Hypothesis Test 34

3.8.4. Calculation of Effectivity Percentage 39


4.1. The Description of School Samples 40 4.2. Analyzing of Research Instrument 40

4.2.1. Validity test 41

4.2.2. Reliability test 41


4.2.4. Differentiate Index of instrument 42 4.3. Description of Research Data 42

4.4. Analysis of Research Data 42

4.4.1. Normality Test 43

4.4.2. Homogeneity Test 44

4.4.3. Hypothesis testing 45

4.4.4. The Effectiveness of Laboratory Experiment Method 47

4.5. Discussion 47


5.1. Conclusion 50

5.2. Suggestion 50



Table 3.1. Table of time schedule the research 24 Table 3.2. Table of indicator and scoring for students’ learning activity 27

Table 3.3. Table of research design 28

Table. 3.4. Table of correlation coeficience 39 Table 4.1. Table of description of students in sample class 40 Table 4.2. Table of description of research data 42

Table 4.3. Table of normality test 44

Table 4.4. Table of homogeneity test 45 Table 19.1 The Student’s achievement data nad student’s activity 143

Table 19.2 List of sidik ragam 149





Appendix 1. Syllabus 55

Appendix 2. Lesson plan 68

Appendix 3. Worksheet for experimental class 93 Appendix 4. Table of specification based on indicator 98

Appendix 5. Instrument test 99




1.1. Background

Learning is an activity in order to acquire knowledge, skills and positive values by utilizing a variety of sources for learning. Learning involves two parties namely the students as learner and teacher as facilitators. The most important activity in learning is a learning process. The learning process has several features the following: (1) Learning to realize its nature, in this case the student feels that he is learning, arise in him the motivation to have a knowledge of the expected. (2) Results obtained with the process of learning; in this case knowledge is not acquired spontaneously and instantly, but gradually. (Fuadaturrahmah, 2011)

Learning must be done individually by students, learning is experiencing, and learning cannot be delegated to others. According to Edgar Dale, argued that learning is best learned through direct experience. In learning through direct experience of the students do not simply observe directly but he should live, directly involved in the action, and are responsible for the results. (Dimyati and Muhjiono, 2002)

To implement the effective teaching needed some condition (1) learning is active, both mentally and physically, (2) motivation, (3) planning before teaching, (4) The influence of suggestive teachers, should be given also to the students, (5) The teacher must able to create a democratic condition in school, (6) the presentation of materials to students, teachers need to provide a stimulating issues to think. (Slameto, 2003)


chemical as a product of the scientists in the form of facts, concepts, principles, laws, and theories of chemistry as a process of scientific work. (Jahro, 2009)

Subject matter of abstract and concrete chemistry requires direct observation by the students towards the object and the material being discussed. Therefore, by using practical teaching methods are very effective delivery of teaching materials for students will be confronted with real situations. Practical methods of implementation in the laboratory is expected students will have the ability to think scientifically, is able to find scientific facts, identify, think critically and be able to accept criticism from fellow students owned a difference. Students are asked to experience for her/his, seek the truth and draw conclusions from what has been taught. (Simanjuntak, 2010)

Students are often difficult to understand the subject matter of abstract chemical or chemical material which is microscopic. This difficulty will bring adverse implications for students' understanding of chemical concepts, because basically the facts that abstract or a microscopic is explanation for the facts and concepts concrete. (GuruIT, 2009). Generally, teachers only emphasize the learning by using conventional method, rare used media in communicate the learning matter so that there is no interaction in learning. (Yamin, 2004).

Based on observation researcher in SMA N 2 Balige showed most of the students have opinions about chemistry. In their opinions, chemistry is difficult and abstract subject, also not interesting. When the students have examination test, the students that can passed the test only 7 students from 30 students per class with their KKM is 75 and it always happen when students get daily test after they finished to study 1 chapter and the others students always get remedial test. Some of the student that has mark above 75 are categorized as active student but some of them are categorized not active students.


students in this school have difficulties to study chemistry. Then from interview for students they tell that the teacher always teach students with conventional method and it make students not interest and feel bored when they learn chemistry and the other problem in this school is the students rarely do the experiment for chemistry eventhough in fact they have good facility for laboratory such as room, apparatus, materials and also lighting. The same problem also happen in Senior High School 2 Medan, the students are rarely do the experiment. The teacher usually used conventional method to teach them.

Experimental method is a way of teaching which provides the opportunity for students to find some facts that they need or want to know by themselves. This method emphasizes the activities that must be experienced personally, sought and found their own data and solutions. (Lazarowitctz and Tamir in Astri and Zainuddin, 2008)

Learning chemistry is closely associated with experiments suitable with the characteristic of chemistry as an experimental science. There are 2 important things that must be noticed in studying the chemistry that is chemistry as a result of the finding of experts such as principles, laws, theories and the chemistry as process that is scientific work such as laboratory experiment. One effort to improve student’s achievement is to use laboratory experiment method. By laboratory experiment method, activities students will be more focused attention on the learning process and not on other things as well as students have the opportunity to develop the ability to observe all things that are involved in the process and can take the expected conclusions. (Nurasiyah, 2010)


Research using laboratory experiment method has been done by previous researchers, namely: Marlon (2008), with the research result by laboratory experiment method = 78.18 and by conventional method = 67.74. Beside that, Lubis (2007), with the research results of laboratory experiment method = 69.00 and by conventional method = 59.16, also Jahro (2009) with the results of design research methods lab PAS = 81.6 and practical methods of design without PAS = 68.7

The chemistry topics of salt hydrolysis is categorized as a difficult subject to be taught to the students as the contents of the subjects are difficult to understand. Salt hydrolysis is one of the subject matter in the even semester of Grade XI Sciences. One of learning activities that suggested by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) in syllabus KTSP 2006 is to designing and doing experiment to determine salt hydrolysis. From that learning activity so teacher has to combine the theory and practice when teaching of salt hydrolysis. So to make it easier for students to learn the salt hydrolysis, the author argues that laboratory experiment method is learning method that appropriate to be used to teaching salt hydrolysis.

From description above then the researcher interested in conducting research about practical method by the title: "The Effectiveness of Laboratory Experiment Method To Increase Activity and Student’s Achievement On Teaching Salt Hydrolysis".

1.2. The Problem Identification

Based on the background, the problem identification in this research as follows:

1. Chemistry is difficult so as to impact student’s achievement.

2. Students are difficult to understand the subject matter of abstract chemical or chemical material which is microscopic.


4. Learning chemistry is based on the cooperative so as to impact the independence of students that can be seen from the student’s activities.

1.3. The Research Scope

This research is focused on the following:

1. Chemistry students' achievement on the subject of the Hydrolysis in the even semester of high school class XI school year 2011/2012 at SMA N 1 Lubukpakam, SMA N 2 Medan and SMA N 3 Medan.

2. Learning activities were observed limited to activities related to attention to give questions, answer questions, give suggestion/argument, doing experiment/doing discussion group, write notes for observation result in experiment/discussion group result, doing test/solve problems, make conclusion from experiment/discussion result.

3. Student learning activities are categorized on the category of high and low. 4. Student’s achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in even semester

grade XI senior high school and be limited to the cognitive area of Bloom's taxonomy includes aspects of knowledge (C1), understanding (C2), applications (C3), and analysis (C4).

5. Learning strategies that used for the experimental class is the learning to use a laboratory experiment method.

1.4. The Problems Statement

Based on the background, problems identification and research scope above, so the problems statement in this research are:

1. Did laboratory experiment method effective to increase student’s activities on teaching salt hydrolysis?

2. Did laboratory experiment method effective to increase student’s achievement on teaching salt hydrolysis?


1.5. The Research Objectives

Based on the problems statement above, so the objectives that has been achieved in this research are to know:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of laboratory experiment method on teaching hydrolysis by looking the student’s activities related to the chemistry subject after applying laboratory experiment method compare with conventional teaching method.

2. To investigate the effectiveness of laboratory experiment method on teaching hydrolysis by looking the student’s achievement on solving problems dealing with related to the chemistry subject after applying laboratory experiment method compare with conventional teaching method.

3. To investigate the relationship between student’s activities and student’s achievement with laboratory experiment method on the teaching hydrolysis. 1.6. The Research Significance

The significance of this research are:

1. As information and input for chemistry teachers that laboratory experiment is one method that effective to be used for improving the quality of teaching and learning process chemistry to make it more effective, an effort to improve students’ achievement.

2. Be using as information and reference for teachers, managers, developers of educational institutions, and subsequent researchers who will to examine in more depth about the use of laboratory methods in learning chemistry as one of the effective teaching strategy.

1.7. The Operational Definitions

To avoid the distinction or misconception of some words in this research, so in this research writer make some operational defenition that is:


Effectiveness is influence condition, succesfull to effort or action. (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 1997) On this research, the effectiveness means succesfull from the using of Laboratory Experiment Method on learning hydrolysis topic XI science. The indicator of effectiveness is if the average of student’s learning outcomes that follow the learning with laboratory experiment method is better than student’s learning outcomes that be taught by conventional method.

2. Conventional method

Step of conventional method in this research still focused on teacher include preparation phase, discussion phase, training phase, assignment, feed back. 3. Laboratory Experiment Method

Experimental method is a way of teaching which provides the opportunity for students to find some facts that they need or want to know by themselves. This method emphasizes the activities that must be experienced personally, sought and found their own data and solutions. (Lazarowitctz and Tamir in Simalango and Zainuddin, 2008). To apply laboratory experiment, there are some activities steps that must be done by teacher, such as, determine the objective of experiment, design the procedure of experiment, prepare apparatus and materials that will be used and prepare worksheet for students.(Jahro, 2008)

Laboratory experiment method in this research means learning strategy that focused to the students that observed based on student’s achievement and student’s activities by using instrument test and observation sheet.

4. Learning activities are all activities that done by a student in the context of learning to achieve the goals (Sadiman in Siregar, 2010) include, (1) give

attention to techer’s explanation, (2) give question, (3) answer the question,

(4) give argument/suggestion, (5) observing the change that happen in

experiments/seriousness follow the teaching learning process, (6) record a

note , (7) discussion/cooperation in group, (8) doing test, (9) enthusiastic

follow the lesson and (10) collecting the report of experiment/ summary


The characteristic of learning activities in this research are (1) give question,

(3) answer the question, (4) give argument/suggestion, (5) write a note for

observation result in experiment/discussion group result , (6) doing test, (7)

make conclusion from experiment/ discussion result. It has been chosen based

on the validation process of lecturer or content valodation. 5. Student’s Achievement

According to Catharina, student’s achievement is the changing of behaviour that obtained by the students after undergo the learning activities.




Based on the research result in the discussion obtained the conclusions as below:

1. Laboratory experiment method effective to be used to increase students’ activities on teaching Hydrolysis and also proved with t-test, average in experimental class is (71 ± 9.459) and control class is (65 ± 10.128) at significant level α = 0.05, Ha is received and Ho is refused (tcount 3.438 > ttable 1.289).

2. Laboratory experiment method effective to be used to increase students’ achievement on teaching Hydrolysis also proved with t-test, average in experimental class is (64.6 ± 10.542) and control class is (57.03 ± 10.696) at significant level α = 0.05, Ha is received and Ho is refused (tcount 5.282 > ttable 1.289).

3. There is correlation between two variables that is student’s activities and student’s achievement that is taught by laboratory experiment method with equation regression is = -7,14 +1,02x and correlation percentage is 91.6%. It means categorized in very high correlation.

5.2. Suggestion

From the results obtained from this study, some suggestions had to be raised in order to the learning process on chemistry is effective in increasing of student’s achievements, they are:


2. It is suggested to other researcher in order to notice the relevant topic so that the research result for the next will be better and the activity of students will be increase.



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Table 3.1. Table of time schedule the research
Figure 3.1. Flow Chart Overview of Research Procedure


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