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A study of code switching in radio announcers` utterances used in the `Sunset Drive` Program of Swaragama FM Radio.


Academic year: 2017

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Mahanani, Christina Rina. 2015. A Study of Code Switching in Radio

Announcers’ Utterances Used in the “Sunset Drive” Program of Swaragama FM Radio. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata

Dharma University.

Indonesia has been influenced by the western culture in multiple aspects. One of the prominent western footprints is Indonesian-English code switching in broadcasting program. One of broadcasting programs, namely, the “Sunset Drive” program, provides a unique forum for analyzing the linguistic phenomena of code switching in broadcasting. The phenomena of code switching can be found in the communication of the announcers and the listeners. The announcers often use different languages in the same utterance. This phenomenon interested the researcher to undertake the research on code switching used by the announcers.

In this research, there are two questions to be answered. They are: (1) What are the types of code switching used in radio announcers’ utterances of the

“Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio?; (2) What are the reasons for

the code switching in radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program

of Swaragama FM radio?

In conducting the research, the researcher used document analysis, observation, and interview method. Here, the researcher acted as the main instrument to gain the data. The data were taken from the “Sunset Drive” programs that were broadcasted from September 16 until September 20, 2013. In answering the first research question, researcher implemented theory on types of code-switching from Asher (1994) and McCormick (1994). There were six types of code switching proposed to analyze data, namely diglossia, single word code switching, situational code switching, metaphoric code switching, conversational code switching and integrated loanword. To answer the second research question about the reasons of code switching, the researcher used theory reason of code switching by Malik (1994) and Gumperz (1982). The nine reasons were linguistic deficiency, quotation, message qualification, showing identity with group, personalization, semantic significance, making a joke, social status and attraction.

The results of the research showed that there were three types of code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program.

The types of code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program were single word code switching, conversational code switching and integrated loanword. The researcher also found that there were six reasons of code-switching used in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio. They were linguistic deficiency, quotation, message qualification, identity with group, personalization and attraction.





Mahanani, Christina Rina. 2015. A Study of Code Switching in Radio

Announcers’ Utterances Used in the “Sunset Drive” Program of Swaragama FM Radio. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Indonesia telah dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan barat dalam berbagai aspek. Salah satu bukti yang menonjol dari pengaruh kebudayaan barat adalah alih kode Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dalam program penyiaran. Salah satu program penyiaran tersebut adalah program “Sunset Drive”, yang memberikan forum yang unik untuk menganalisa alih kode dalam program radio. Fenomena alih kode dapat ditemukan dalam komunikasi antara penyiar dan pendengar. Penyiar sering menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda-beda dalam percakapan. Fenomena ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk meneliti alih kode yang digunakan oleh para penyiar.

Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua pertanyaan yang akan dijawab. Pertanyaan tersebut adalah: (1) tipe alih kode apa saja yang digunakan dalam percakapan penyiar radio dalam program “Sunset Drive” radio Swaragama FM?; (2) Apa saja alasan digunakannya alih kode pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program

“Sunset Drive” di radio Swaragama FM?

Dalam melakukan penilitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode dokumen analisis dan wawancara. Dalam hal ini, peneliti bertindak sebagai instrument utama dalam pengumpulan data. Data yang digunakan diambil dari program “Sunset Drive” yang disiarkan dari tanggal 16 September sampai 20 September 2013 dengan purposeful sampling. Untuk menjawab permasalahan pertama, peneliti menggunakan teori tipe-tipe alih kode dari Asher (1994) dan McCormick

(1994). Ada enam tipe alih kode yang digunakan, seperti diglosia, single word code switching, situational code switching, metaphoric code switching, conversational code switching dan integrated loanword. Untuk menjawab

permasalahan kedua tentang alasan-alasan dalam alih kode, peneliti menggunakan teori alasan alih kode dari Malik (1994) dan Gumperz (1982). Sembilan alasan alih kode adalah linguistic deficiency, quotation, message

qualification, showing identity with group, personalization, semantic significance, making a joke, social status and attraction.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga tipe alih kode yang digunakan pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program “Sunset Drive”. Tipe -tipe alih kode yang digunakan pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program

“Sunset Drive” adalah single word code switching, conversational code switching dan integrated loanword. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa ada enam

alasan digunakannya alih kode pada program “Sunset Drive” radio Swaragama

FM. Alasan-alasan tersebut adalah linguistics deficiency, quotation, message qualification, showing identity with group, personalization dan attraction.








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Christina Rina Mahanani

Student Number: 091214020






I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 22 January 2015 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Christina Rina Mahanani

NomorMahasiswa : 091214020

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:






Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 22 Januari 2015 Yang menyatakan:




A Mystery of My Life

I was born like a piece of paper Pure and spotless

I am created as a painter

A piece of paper will be painted by my hands Now, as a painter I decorate it with colors Deciding to put colors in, dark or bright The scratch of pen like journey of my life Straight, wavy, dotted or tortuous

Time goes stepping forward definitely

My paper is full of squiggle, torn and a hole Various colors blend beautifully

Happiness, sadness, laughs and cries unity as one I wish to carve success in a long road of my life Hoping my dream and hope will come true God as my guidance

In a mystery of my life

I can only guess and look for the secret In darkness I try to find a light

Will I find the good way? Or I’ll fall into a black hole I never know what I’ll get

Life is a mystery

Wishing I can find the mystery, but I can’t I just believe life must go on

Never surrender and trust God always be with me

By Christina Rina Mahanani (2010)

I dedicate this thesis to Jesus Christ, my wonderful Dad,

my beautiful Mother, my lovely brother and sister, and all




Mahanani, Christina Rina. 2015. A Study of Code Switching in Radio

Announcers’ Utterances Used in the “Sunset Drive” Program of Swaragama FM Radio. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata

Dharma University.

Indonesia has been influenced by the western culture in multiple aspects. One of the prominent western footprints is Indonesian-English code switching in broadcasting program. One of broadcasting programs, namely, the “Sunset Drive” program, provides a unique forum for analyzing the linguistic phenomena of code switching in broadcasting. The phenomena of code switching can be found in the communication of the announcers and the listeners. The announcers often use different languages in the same utterance. This phenomenon interested the researcher to undertake the research on code switching used by the announcers.

In this research, there are two questions to be answered. They are: (1) What are the types of code switching used in radio announcers’ utterances of the

“Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio?; (2) What are the reasons for

the code switching in radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program

of Swaragama FM radio?

In conducting the research, the researcher used document analysis, observation, and interview method. Here, the researcher acted as the main instrument to gain the data. The data were taken from the “Sunset Drive” programs that were broadcasted from September 16 until September 20, 2013. In answering the first research question, researcher implemented theory on types of code-switching from Asher (1994) and McCormick (1994). There were six types of code switching proposed to analyze data, namely diglossia, single word code switching, situational code switching, metaphoric code switching, conversational code switching and integrated loanword. To answer the second research question about the reasons of code switching, the researcher used theory reason of code switching by Malik (1994) and Gumperz (1982). The nine reasons were linguistic deficiency, quotation, message qualification, showing identity with group, personalization, semantic significance, making a joke, social status and attraction.

The results of the research showed that there were three types of code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program.

The types of code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program were single word code switching, conversational code switching and integrated loanword. The researcher also found that there were six reasons of code-switching used in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio. They were linguistic deficiency, quotation, message qualification, identity with group, personalization and attraction.





Mahanani, Christina Rina. 2015. A Study of Code Switching in Radio

Announcers’ Utterances Used in the “Sunset Drive” Program of Swaragama FM Radio. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Indonesia telah dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan barat dalam berbagai aspek. Salah satu bukti yang menonjol dari pengaruh kebudayaan barat adalah alih kode Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dalam program penyiaran. Salah satu program penyiaran tersebut adalah program “Sunset Drive”, yang memberikan forum yang unik untuk menganalisa alih kode dalam program radio. Fenomena alih kode dapat ditemukan dalam komunikasi antara penyiar dan pendengar. Penyiar sering menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda-beda dalam percakapan. Fenomena ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk meneliti alih kode yang digunakan oleh para penyiar.

Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua pertanyaan yang akan dijawab. Pertanyaan tersebut adalah: (1) tipe alih kode apa saja yang digunakan dalam percakapan penyiar radio dalam program “Sunset Drive” radio Swaragama FM?; (2) Apa saja alasan digunakannya alih kode pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program

“Sunset Drive” di radio Swaragama FM?

Dalam melakukan penilitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode dokumen analisis dan wawancara. Dalam hal ini, peneliti bertindak sebagai instrument utama dalam pengumpulan data. Data yang digunakan diambil dari program “Sunset Drive” yang disiarkan dari tanggal 16 September sampai 20 September 2013 dengan purposeful sampling. Untuk menjawab permasalahan pertama, peneliti menggunakan teori tipe-tipe alih kode dari Asher (1994) dan McCormick

(1994). Ada enam tipe alih kode yang digunakan, seperti diglosia, single word code switching, situational code switching, metaphoric code switching, conversational code switching dan integrated loanword. Untuk menjawab

permasalahan kedua tentang alasan-alasan dalam alih kode, peneliti menggunakan teori alasan alih kode dari Malik (1994) dan Gumperz (1982). Sembilan alasan alih kode adalah linguistic deficiency, quotation, message

qualification, showing identity with group, personalization, semantic significance, making a joke, social status and attraction.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga tipe alih kode yang digunakan pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program “Sunset Drive”. Tipe -tipe alih kode yang digunakan pada percakapan penyiar radio dari program

“Sunset Drive” adalah single word code switching, conversational code switching dan integrated loanword. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa ada enam

alasan digunakannya alih kode pada program “Sunset Drive” radio Swaragama

FM. Alasan-alasan tersebut adalah linguistics deficiency, quotation, message qualification, showing identity with group, personalization dan attraction.




First of all, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His great blessing, spirit, and motivation during my thesis writing. I thank Him for giving me this beautiful life. Nothing can replace the grace.

I sincerely thank and appreciate my advisor Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. for her guidance, advice, and support so that I could finally finish my thesis. I am so thankful for her patience, suggestion during my thesis writing, and willingness to provide her valuable time. I would also like to thank Adyaningrum P. Cinta

Perdana, S.Pd., Septiana Citra Fridayani and Christina Nuci Vera Margono,

S.Pd. for their invaluable advices in giving corrections for my thesis.

I would like to thank all lecturers and staff members of the English Language Education Study Program who are very patient and caring in guiding me during my period of learning in the department. I learned so many things from them. I would like to thank them for the greatest contribution in my learning process.

My deepest thanks go to my beloved parents, Drs. F. Sumiyono and

Yuliana Tri Mulyati, S.Pd., for their support and greatest patience since the first

time I saw this world until I start to build my own life. I am very grateful to have such wonderful parents like them. I also want to thank my beloved brother,

Yohannes Eko Hadi Nugroho, for being a lovely brother ever and my sister,

Maria Maris Astuti, who is separated by place and time, and my beloved family



My special thanks also go to my best friends and partner in ‘Itikiwir Agent’, Retno ‘enok’, Septi ‘simbah’, Nuci, Cinta, Marina ‘Makrin’, and Alex for their support, laughter, and happiness. I thank them for being nice friends who helped when I was in trouble since first semester until the last semester. I am very grateful for our wonderful friendship.

I owe thanks to Swaragama FM Yogyakarta’s crews, Fania Zetira and

Dimas for their support while I collected my data to support my thesis. I feel very

graceful. Without them, this project would not be as valuable as it is.

I would like to thank Ms. Catherine Elliot and Ms. Rosie Anderson for giving me a big chance to open new world in my life. I could have different friends from different backgrounds and cultures. I am very thankful for the greatest moments that I have been through.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all people whom I cannot mention here, who always give their support in writing my thesis. Although my name stands alone on this document, it would never have been completed without the support of countless other people. I take great pleasure in this opportunity to thank many people who generously furnished assistance and advice while I was working on this project.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii








A.Research Background ... 1

B.Research Problems ... 4

C.Problem Limitation ... 5

D.Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 7


A.Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Sociolinguistics ... 9

2. Utterance ... 10

3. Communication ... 11



5. Code Switching ... 14

a. Definitions of Code Switching ... 14

b. Types of Code switching ... 15

c. Reasons for Code Switching ... 21

B. Theoretical Framework ... 27


A.Research Method ... 29

B.Research Setting ... 30

C.Research Participants ... 31

D.Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques ... 33

E. Data Analysis Techniques ... 36

F. Research Procedures ... 37


A.Types of Code Switching ... 39

B.Reasons for Code Switching ... 46


A.Conclusions ... 52

B.Recommendations ... 53






Table 3.1 The Date of The Radio Recordings ... 33

Table 3.2 Types of Code Switching ... 34

Table 3.3 Reasons for Code Switching ... 35

Table 4.1 Types of Code Switching Observed by the Researcher ... 41

Table 4.2 Single words Code Switching Observed by the Researcher ... 43









Appendix 1. Observation Form of The Types of Code Switching ... 59

Appendix 2. Observation Form of The Reason for Code Switching ... 79

Appendix 3. Interview Form ... 100




DIG : Diglossia

SIT : Situational Code Switching MET : Metaphoric Code Switching CON : Conversational Code Switching SIN : Single Word Code Switching INT : Integrated Loanwords

LIN : Linguistic Deficiency QUO : Quotation

MES : Message Qualification ATT : Attraction

SHO : Showing identity with a group PER : Personalization

SEM : Semantic Significance MAK : Making a Joke





In this introduction chapter, the researcher presents the introduction of the research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, and definition of terms. Therefore, the introduction is intended to contribute and describe the background information and rationale of the research.

A. Research Background

Language is a means to communicate with others in everyday life. According to Lehmann (1982, p. 1), “language acts as a means for us to take our place in society, to express our wants and convey information. Besides, language is also used to learn about people and the whole world around us.” Thus, people cannot be separated from spoken or written language in their daily lives.


One of the social issues that the researcher has captured is that more and more people speak in English in their life. Crystal (2003, p. 4) states that “English is now the language most widely taught as a foreign language in over 100 countries.” It is spoken in different forms of varieties by people over the world. This language is used in international communication.

English gets embedded in local languages and leads to phenomena like code switching which is a major area of research in sociolinguistics. English is considered to be the key to many doors (Sichyova, 2005, p. 487). This trend is frequent among the educated people of the country, especially young people. They develop a deep sense of the opportunities and advantages of speaking English well. This kind of code change is a familiar phenomenon in society. Those who have gone through high school and university will have some knowledge of English.


It is a nature of human to cope with changes, certain circumstances that force someone to use special codes in order to communicate or to use more than one language to another. Moreover, Bullock (2009, p. 2) points out that “the ability and alternate between languages in an unchanged setting within the same utterance is called code-switching”. People switch or even create a new language to meet with changing needs. These phenomena of code switching can be found in the language that is used in a local radio program named the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragma FM radio. The announcers who presented the music program tended to switch Indonesian language to English during the program. The following example [1]will be the evidence of code switching phenomenon in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio.

[1]Sementara untuk album ini Robin Thick sendiri mengatakan bahwa dia ingin lebih banyak bersenang-senang daripada membahas kehidupannya lagi seperti di album-album selanjutnya. Are you ready to have some fun

with Robin Thick along this September? because this is our soundtrack of this month. Along this september „give it to you‟ with Robin Thick

featuring Cez and Conciz Glamour. Don‟t forget to colour your dream

with swaragama fm the soundtrack of your life.

(Sunset Drive September 18, 2013)

Radio has an important role such as a medium of communication, report actual events, economics, politics, sports, and entertainment news (Bowers, 2006, p. 7). In the radio program, the radio announcers can find various styles and several of language that can attract the listeners’ attention and make the radio program more interesting. The announcers often switch to English to signal their sophistication and identification with modernity.

This research analyzes code switching in the announcers’ utterances of the


for the study of conversational techniques and language styles (Shields, 1992, p. 487). On the other hand, they facilitate the listeners’ unimpeded access to the range of language styles in Indonesian and English used by announcers and their guests. They provide an ideal data base for a study on spontaneous speech. This research uses data transcription from the “Sunset Drive” program as a data for the discussion.

The researcher recognized the phenomena of code switching in the “Sunset Drive” program. Even announcers who are not very proficient in a foreign language may use brief phrases and words of different languages for this purpose because the program broadcast international and local information along with Indonesian songs and English songs. The radio announcers often use English words and phrases in this way, whether their knowledge of English is impressive or not. The switches are often very short. Here, it is a signal of inadequate fluency in one language or even both languages. Therefore, the researcher was interested in analyzing the phenomena of language switching in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio in order to find the types of code switching and the possible reasons why the announcers and his colleagues used code switching in the program.

B. Research Problems

In this study, there are two research problems which can be formulated as follows:


2. What are the reasons for code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio?

C. Problem Limitation

This research is limited to the discussion on the types and the reasons for code switching in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio. The findings of this study cannot be generalized to all announcers due to the small size of the sample chosen in this research, namely the “Sunset Drive” program, the selected sample in one of programs in Swaragama FM radio. As the current study was conducted on September 16 until September 20, 2013, the researcher would like to state that the findings were limited to the time used in this study.

D. Research Objectives

There are two research objectives addressed in this study. The first research objective is to identify the types of code switching used in the radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio. The second objective is to analyze the reasons for the code switching used in radio announcers’ utterances of the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio.

E. Research Benefits


1. Future Researchers

The finding of the study is expected to give benefits to the future researcher especially students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. For the future researchers who will conduct the research that has the same topic, it is hoped that this research would be able to give all the information that another researcher need during the research. This research also gives beneficial contributions for the future researcher to have better knowledge about code switching, particularly its existence in radio program.

2. Announcers

The result of the research hopefully can give information to announcers to improve announcers’ knowledge for the usage of code switching in broadcasting and announcers can create appropriate language utterances for their listeners when presenting their program.

3. English Language Learners


F. Definition of Terms

There are some terms necessary to be defined in order to understand this research better. Below are some terms relating to the using of code switching within radio broadcasters’ utterances in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM radio.

1. Code Switching

The term code switching refers to a process whereby switching between different language occurs. Gumperz (1996) defines code switching as “alteration among different speech varieties within the same event” (as cited in Holmes 2001, p. 365). These alternation types of code switching have been further defined as code mixing and code switching. According to Couplan and Jaworski (2009, p. 311), “code-switching can be defined as the implementation of at least two or more languages in conversation or utterance.” In this study, code-switching means the changing from one language to another when announcers change topics or when announcers are talking in one or two languages.

2. The “Sunset Drive” Program





This chapter reviews the theories used in conducting the research. This review of related literature is divided into two sections, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description describes relevant theories that are used in the research. The theoretical framework provides the major relevant theories to solve the research problems and relate all the theories to the research.

A. Theoretical Description

This section discusses the five major parts of theoretical description, namely the sociolinguistics theories, utterances, communication, translation and code switching theories. The utterance theories discuss the theories that relevant to the utterance cases. The code switching theories consist of the theories which encompass the definition of code-switching, types of code switching, and the reasons of code switching. The theoretical description begins from sociolinguistics focusing on the definition of sociolinguistics in general since code switching is a study under sociolinguistics.

1. Sociolinguistics


communities.” In addition, Radford et al. (1999, p. 16) defines sociolinguistics as “the study of relationship between language use and the structure of society.” There are some factors which provide the understanding of both structure and function of language used in a certain condition. They are social background of speaker and listener relationship, context and manner of the interaction (Radford, 1999, p. 16). It means that people can modify their language in a social relationship in order to be clearly understood by the addressee.

Sociolinguists are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social contexts. “And the effect of social factors such as (social distance, social status, age, gender, class) on language varieties (dialects, registers, genres) and they are concerned by identifying the social functions of language and the way they are used to convey social meanings” (Holmes, 2001, p. 42). It studies on how a language is used in a society, and actually does not discuss a structure of a language. In other words, sociolinguistics is concluded as one of the branches in the linguistics focusing on the study on language used in society which will be the base for this research on code switching.

2. Utterance

This section describes the theories related to utterance, namely the definition of utterance. Carter and Carthy (2006) describe the term utterance to:


In spoken language analyzing an utterance is the smallest unit of speech. It is a continuous piece of speech beginning and ending with a clear pause. In the case of oral languages, it is generally but not always bounded by silence. Utterances do not exist in written language, only their representations do. It can be represented and delineated in written language in many ways.

According to Bakhtin (1986, p. 76), there are four accepted properties that utterances should have. The first is boundaries. All utterances must be bounded by a “change of speech subject”. This usually means, as previously mentioned,

that they are bounded by silence. The utterance must be either responding or following a previous utterance or generating dialogue. The second is finalization. An utterance must have a clear ending, and only occurs if the speaker has said everything he or she wishes to say. The third is generic form. The choice of the speech genre is determined based on the specific circumstances and sphere in which the dialogue occurs.


3. Communication

Himstreet and Baty (1984, p. 15) state that, “communication is a process that remains incomplete until the message reaches its destination as undiluted or unchanged as possible.” There should be the transmitter and the receiver. In the process of communication, the process is complete because the messages reach the destination on the receiver. The speaker who will be the transmitter will “send”

the message through the language to the receiver. Then, the receiver receives the message. Himsetreet and Baty (1984, p. 16) also provide the theory of human communication in which the information source is the human mind, the transmitter is voice or whatever means human have at their disposal to use in transmitting and the receiver and the final destination are the sensory organs, such as ears, skin, nose, eyes, along with the mind of the recipient of the message.

In this research, which is related to radio announcers‟ utterances,

communication is synonymous with information (Dainton & Zelley, 2011, p. 162). The communication process occurs between the announcers and the listeners of “Sunset Drive” radio program who receive the messages. The messages

transferred are in verbal forms. 4. Translation


addition, it is used to differentiate with interpretation for oral language. The message or statement in one language should have its translated to target language expression. The expression then should be equivalent in term of semantic (meaning) and stylistic (the style of language). The equivalent text requires the translation to be as similar as possible in case of delivering message in the source language (SL) to the target language (TL) reader. Bell (1997) defines the definition for “equivalence”:

Texts in different languages can be equivalent in different degrees (fully or partially equivalent, in respect of different levels of presentation (equivalent in respect of context, of semantics, of grammar, of lexis, etc.) and different ranks (word-for-word, phrase-for-phrase, sentence-for-sentence) (p. 6).

There will be no absolute equivalence which can convey meaning to the target language (TL) as similar as in the source language (SL). But at least, it is sufficient to look for the closest equivalence for each word, phrase and sentence in the target language (TL).

Figure 2.1. The Process of Translation

The figure 2.1 above shows the transformation of a source language text into a target language text. The process takes place in the memory where it analyzes

Source language text


Semantic representation



the source language text into a universal semantic representation and synthesizes the semantic representation into the target language text.

5. Code Switching

In this section, the researcher provides some theories in understanding the definitions of code switching, the types of code switching, and the reason for code switching.

a. Definitions of Code Switching

According to some linguists, code switching is a product of language alternation in the same utterances. A definition of code switching is given by Winford (2003, p. 103), “code switching is the alternate use of two languages (or dialects) within the same speech event.” Auer (1998, p. 5) states that the term code switching refers to “the alternation between two or more languages, dialects,

or language registers in the course of discourse between people who have more than one language in common.” Therefore, people may use more than one code in speech instead of employing a single code.


particularly studied in this research. Code switching is possible to be found in the utterances in adults who acquire two languages or more.

b. Types of Code Switching

Every linguist has their own point of view in classifying the types of code switching. Wardaugh (1992, p. 36) classifies three kinds of code switching that may happen in society. They are situational code switching, metaphorical code switching, and conversational code switching. According to Wardhaugh (1992, p. 36), situational code switching happens when the language which is used by a speaker changes according to the situation that is faced by the speaker. The speaker may employ one language in one situation and another language in the different one. The second type is metaphorical code switching. Metaphorical code switching has an affective dimension, for instance formal to informal, official to personal, and serious to humorous. The last type is conversational code switching. Conversational code switching is the juxtaposition in the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems. This type tends to occur subconsciously as the speakers are motivated by factors when the conversation takes place.


1) Diglossia

The first type of code switching is diglossia. According to Holmes (2001, p. 9), diglossia is “a feature of speech community rather than individuals.” There are two distinctive varieties of code that exist in diglossia communities, namely high (H) and low (L) variety. High (H) variety is the prestige variety which is used in formal discourse, while low (L) is used in less formal discourse. People may employ H variety in the formal discourse, such as in presentations, interviews, formal correspondences, etc, but then they may switch to L variety when they speak with their close friends, or speak with their family at home. For example, Singapore, which is an English speaking country, is the most appropriate example of diglossic community. Many Singapore citizens use L variety such as Singapore English (shortened as Singlish) and Mandarin in their informal interaction with others such as, when they communicate with their families, when they bargain something in the traditional market, or when they interact with neighbors in their neighborhood. However, they also employ H variety, the Standard English, when they present a presentation in classroom or when they take a walk in interview in a corporate.

2) Situational Code Switching

The second type is called situational code switching. It is “the codes may be


language used. It happens when people switch from one code to another for reasons which can be identified and it is happened only in one context and without any change of the topic. For example, an English teacher may talk in English for the whole part of the explanatory speech of a present continuous tense to the first-grade students of junior high school. Unfortunately, the students have not understood about the teacher‟s explanation about the lesson, particularly how to

use that tense. Then the teacher re-explains the lesson with Bahasa Indonesia. This example gives description that situational code switching happens without any change of the topic.

3) Metaphoric Code Switching

This type of code-switching occurs in a conversation in which the role of relationship between the speakers may change. According to McCormick, (1994, p. 583) metaphoric code switching occurs in “whole conversation, each within one role relationship”. For example, a person goes to tax office to sort out her or his


4) Conversational Code Switching

The fourth type is conversational code switching, in which “its occurrence is

not dependant on a change of interlocutors‟ topic or situation” (McCormick, 1994, p. 583). There are three smaller types of conversational code switching which allows the speaker to juxtapose various lengths of foreign language elements in her or his utterances. Those three types of code-switching are phrase code switching, clause code switching and whole sentence code switching.

The first type of conversational code switching is clause code switching that happened within a sentence in a form of a clause. Sinclair (2001, p. 204) states that clause is “a group of words, consisting of a subject and a predicate including a finite verb, that does not necessarily constitute a sentence.” It means that phrase is may be either group of words that includes a subject and predicate forming a sentence (independent clause) or a sentence like construction in another sentence (dependent clause).

The second type of conversational code switching is phrase code switching. According to McCormick (1994, p. 583), “chunks within the utterance are called phrase code switching”. Here, phrase is a group of words that forming a unit in a sentence. The phrase could be noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, verb phrase or prepositional phrase.


(,), question mark (?), or exclamation (!). Thus, whole sentence code switching is a group of words that consist of a statement, question, or a command that begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop to form a full sentence.

5) Single Word Code Switching

Another term for this type is lexical borrowing. This type of code-switching allows a speaker to use only single word from another language and put it within her or his native language utterances (McCormick, 1994, p. 585). Below is one example of this type of code switching can be seen like this, the announcer is placing an English single word within her native language utterance.

a) Kalo kamu bisa menjawab kamu boleh request dua lagu. [If you answer correctly, you can request two songs].

(Sunset Drive September 18, 2013)

It is clear from the example given that the speaker substitutes an Indonesian word with an English word. In the example, the announcer translates Indonesian word „minta’with an English word „request‟.

6) Integrated Loanwords

This type of code switching happens in a morpheme level (McCormick, 1994). It means that a speaker may integrate a word from a foreign language with affixes of her or his native language to form a certain language expression. The example of this type of code switching can be seen in this sentence, which involves Indonesia and English language. From the example, the speaker combines an Indonesian prefix „di’with an English word „reject‟.

a) Tapi, di-reject sama Blue, if you do not come back

[But, it is rejected by Blue, if you do not come back].

(Sunset Drive September 18, 2013)


On the other hand, according to Romaine (1995, p. 122) there are three types of code switching such as inter-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching and tag-switching. Tag switching is the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in the other language (Romaine, 1995, p. 122). Intra-sentential switching is a code switching that occurs within a sentence. This kind of code switching can be in a form of a single word, a phrase, or a clause. Moreover, inter-sentential code switching is code switching which occurs between sentences. The example of inter-sentential code switching and intra-sentential can be shown in the following case.

a) Intra Sentential Switching

Awal-awal kadang-kadang bilang aku ga bisa nge-reject karena udah punya

mantan lagi come back in my life.

[At the beginning, sometimes you say I cannot reject because I have my ex come back in my life].

b) Inter Sentential Switching

Satu lagu ini yang kita puterin. This is one direction with „best song ever‟

special for you.

[This song that we are playing. This is one direction with „best song ever‟ special for you].

c) Tag Switching

You know, diakan artis yang selalu gonta-ganti pasangan itu.

[You know, he is the artist who always changing his partner].


utterances. Therefore, in this study, the researcher combines six types of code switching based on the theories proposed by Asher (1994) and McCormick (1994) which have been stated previously.

c. The Reasons for Code Switching

People switch their language from one language to another language with some reasons. According to Gumperz (1982, p. 75), “code switching is used to build an effective communication between people who are involved”. Gumperz (1982) proposed some reasons of code switching. They are quotation, addressee specification, message qualification, personalization and facility of expression. 1. Quotation

Code switching refers to this reason when a subject of code switching quotes themselves and others to state slogan or maxim, and to sound more credible to be addresses. This is a proof that what he is saying is a fact and the addressee has to believe it. As an example, when a speaker said I swear kalau

ternyata dia sudah….”, the code switching words “I swear” form a quotation that is quoted by the announcer from experts indirectly to sound more credible to the listeners to believe him.

2. Addressee Specification

In this second reason, this type of code switching aims to direct message to a specific person. “This type of switching is recognizing not only the interacting members of the speech events but it is recognizing that their language act may be more than merely a matter of individual‟s preference or facility, but also a matter


program, there is a word bro. This word bro” is used to call people who are listeners of the music program so the announcers and the listeners sound closer. The word „bro‟ is a shorten term for „brother‟. It is usually used among youngsters to call a young man who is familiarized.

3. Message Qualification

Message qualification deals with the switching that consists of qualifying constructions, such as clauses, phrases and sentence (Gumperz, 1982, p. 79). The main message is sometimes in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. When it is in

Bahasa Indonesia, the following English phrases or sentences are used to qualify

message or vice versa. As an example, “Dia sedang menyusun makalah untuk

tentang disability people around the world. Here, the main message is in Indonesian, while the English phrase serves to give more information to the reader what the paper is about.

5. Personalization

The switching reflects personal opinions, feeling, and knowledge of the speaker. As some English expressions are familiar in some situations and contexts, a speaker might feel that English is more personal when talking about a difficult situation and therefore it describes his feeling better. Some English expressions such as “I miss you” and “I love you” are commonly found. People

find it strange and awkward to say “Aku rindu kamu” or “aku cinta kamu”. These


6. Facility of Expression

In accordance with this study, this kind of reason refers to the lack of Indonesian equivalence for certain words in English. For example, the words “online”, “browser” and “server” do not have exact equivalent words in Bahasa

Indonesia. Thus people tend to use the original English words.

In order to have more understanding about the reasons for code switching, the writer also referees theories proposed by another linguist. According to Malik (1994, p. 16), there are ten communicative reasons of code switching. These reasons are lack of facility, lack of register, mood of the speaker, emphasizing a point, habitual experience, semantic significance, showing identity with a group, addressing a different audience, pragmatic reasons, and attraction. Each will be described in the following pages.

1. Lack of Facility

Malik (1994, p. 10) defines that “bilinguals or multilingual often explain that they code switch when they cannot find an appropriate expression or vocabulary item or when the language of conversation does not have the particular word needed to carry on the conversation smoothly”. In accordance with this research, this reason is related to the lack of equivalent words in Bahasa

Indonesia. The writer offered an example below

Seafood adalah makanan langka di musim penghujan

[Seafood is a rare food in rainy season].


the habitual English expressions which are used in some contexts and situations. There are many English expressions commonly used in Indonesia. As a result, this kind of situation creates a tendency in which people use English expression rather than equivalent expressions in Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Lack of Register

It is the condition in which a speaker is not equally competent in two languages, and when the speaker does not know the terms in two languages. In certain occupation code switching takes place in the speech of doctors, lawyers, engineers while they interact among themselves owing to the fact that proper terms in Bahasa Indonesia or in any other language other than English may not be available to them. As a result, people employ the English term that they use familiar with, for example in this case below.

[3] Tadi itu yang falsetto yang bagian belakangnya doang, saya yang nambahin.

[The falsetto is just in the ending part, I add some].

(Sunset Dive September 18, 2013) 3. Mood of the Speaker

Malik (1994, p. 17) claims that when bilinguals are tired or angry, code switching takes place with a new dimension. This means, when the speaker is in the certain state of mind, he/she can spontaneously find the certain English expressions that can represent his annoyance. In the writer‟s opinion, this reason also emphasizes on personal expression or feeling of the speaker toward situation. 4. Emphasizing a Point


argument not only helps to and the interaction but may serve to emphasize a point. In this case the switching aims to give a stress and to add more force to the statement.

5. Habitual Experience

Malik (1994, p. 19) stresses the fact that “code switching often occurs in fixed phrases of greeting and parting, commands and request, invitation, expressions of gratitude and discourse markers.” In this reason, people use code switching because the expressions used have been a habitual experience in daily life. For example, the announcer opens the program, “Good afternoon listeners.

Ketemu lagi dengan saya.” In this case, “good afternoon” is considered as

habitual experience since it is an example of greeting expression. 6. Semantic Significance

All stress that switching at a particular moment conveys semantically significant information (Gumperz 1982, p. 171). It is a communicative resource that builds on participant‟s perception of two languages. Drawing upon this

quotation, switching may also serve as an implicit purpose which is only known by particular speakers in certain specific information.

7. Showing Identity with a Group


8. Addressing a Different Audience

Malik (1994, p. 21) states that “Code switching is also used when the speaker intends to address people coming from various linguistic backgrounds.”

The writer gives an illustration as the example, Yosie, who is Javanese, was talking to Bagas, who is also Javanese. They were accustomed to use Bahasa

Jawa in their conversation. During the conversation, suddenly Simatupang was

not being able to speak Bahasa Jawa, Yosie and Bagas directly switched the language into Bahasa Indonesia. It aimed to make Simatupang could be able to join in the discussion.

9. Pragmatic Reason

Sometimes the alternation between two languages is highly meaningful in terms of the conversational context. Gumperz (1970, as cited in Grosjean, 2001, p. 152) notes that switching may emphasize varying degrees between speakers. As an example, a Javanese student was talking with his lecturer at campus. In some expression, he switched the language with krama alus in order to have a more polite meaning than used Bahasa Indonesia. In addition, this switching is used to show respect to the addressee.

10. Attraction


dan indahmu!” [Clear Hair Model 2013, be more famous with your strong and beautiful hair]. From this example, the words “Hair Model” are used to attract and to ensure readers that the product is fabulous.

Some additional reasons for code switching are explained by Holmes (2001, pp. 25–26), there are social distance, status relationship, formality and function or goal of the interaction. A particular topic may be discussed in one code than another. Those reasons why people use code-switching in society, whether consciously and unconsciously, will give impact to the using of language in communication itself. The efficiency of using language makes interaction and communication more efficient than using translated version which probably takes longer explanation. As a result, people who have consideration in more than one language will get more chance to deal with wider community.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research investigated code switching phenomena of the radio announcers‟ utterances used in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM.

There are two research problems in this study, namely the types of code switching used in the “Sunset Drive” program and the reasons for using code switching in the “Sunset Drive” program. The major theories that have been stated previously are used by the researcher to solve the research problems stated before in this research. Here are the basic theories in this theoretical framework.


loanwords code switching, situational code switching, metaphoric code switching, and conversational code switching. Moreover, conversational code switching will be classified into three smaller units, namely phrase code switching, clause code switching and whole sentence code switching. Based on the provided theories, the researcher attempts to identify the types of code switching used by the radio announcers‟ in the “Sunset Drive” program. All code switching collected will be classified based on the theories.

In answering the second research question which deals with the reasons for code switching, the researcher used the theory by Malik (1994) and Gumperz (1982). They are nine reasons for code switching. The researcher attempts to classify the announcers‟ utterances used in the “Sunset Drive” program into some categories, namely linguistic deficiency, quoting someone statement, message qualification, attraction, social status, showing identity with a group, personalization, semantic significance and making a joke. Afterwards, the researcher will identify each category is the possible reasons used in the “Sunset





This chapter presents the methodology used in this research to solve the research problems. This chapter consists of six subunits. The first subunit is the research method implemented in the research. The second subunit is the research setting. The third presents the research participants to collect the data. The fourth is the research instruments to analyze the data. The fifth is the data gathering techniques. The sixth part of this chapter is data analysis technique. The last part is the research procedures in this research. This chapter is used as a reference to see how the research was done and how the researcher analyzed the data to answer the problems.

A. Research Method

This research is qualitative research. Qualitative research provides the researcher to explore feelings, opinions and experience of people who involve in the research. This condition is in line with Ary et al. (2002, p. 453) state that “qualitative research did not generally try to test the hypothesis but to seek the

information to describe “what exist” in a situation.” Here, qualitative research


One type of qualitative research is document analysis. Since this study was conducted to comprehend written language phenomena in society, in this research the utterances transcription, the method used in this research was document analysis. Leedy and Omrod (2005, p. 142) explain that a document analysis is,

“typically performed on form of human communication, including books,

newspapers, films, television, art, music, videotapes of human interactions, and transcript of conversation.” In document analysis, the materials, such as reports, books, newspapers, films, television, art, music, videotapes of human interactions, and transcript of conversation, might be used as the sources of data. The data for this information was in the form of words from the participants’ utterances in the “Sunset Drive” program. This made this research qualitative.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama

FM radio. The “Sunset Drive” program is one of the programs in Swaragama FM

radio owned by Swaragama Group, one of the local companies of radio in Indonesia. The “Sunset Drive” program focuses on its information to the young

adult urban female or male world. The “Sunset Drive” program airs every

Monday to Friday from 4 PM until 7 PM. There are two main radio announcers in this program and two additional announcers. Many features are served by “Sunset

Drive” for listeners. Those are music updates, life styles, news, latest fashion and


until 30 years old, who are aware of global trends and having value as the identity as Indonesia youngsters. It was first aired on February 27, 2000. The mottos of this radio are smart, mature, fun and friendly. It is always updating the information about what is something new in youngsters’ world. The information

in the radio provides the listeners with fun information on matters related to music, education, entertainment, career, and health. (Source: Profile of Swaragama FM radio)

The sources of the data were the radio announcers’ utterances that had been

collected from September 16 to September 20, 2013. There were five recordings

taken from the “Sunset Drive” program because the researcher only got a

permission to record the program during that time. The researcher chose five editions of topics discussed in the program because the “Sunset Drive” program is five days daily program and the researcher found the phenomena of code switching during those editions.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this study were two main announcers and two additional announcers. The four announcers lived in Yogyakarta, X1, X2, X3, and X4. Most of the announcers graduated from one of Universities in Yogyakarta. Most of the announcers used Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Jawa in their daily communication. When they talked in the radio program, sometimes they switched

Bahasa Indonesia into English. They learned English since elementary until


few of the participants to get their background that caused them to switch languages. Based on the information about their background, the researcher found that they learned English only at school and used Bahasa Indonesia or Bahasa

Jawa to communicate. However, during the broadcasting in the radio, they often

created switch utterances subconsciously when talking with listeners or other announcers. (Interview on July 8, 2014)

The principle of this research consisted of recording the transcript of interaction between the radio broadcasters and listeners in various situations during the program. This study, however, only used the code-switching of the subject investigated in five recordings with different topics, for instance graduation, jobseeker, falling in love, Wednesday diary and music. Since the

announcers’ utterances in radio program were too broad to be used as a whole, the

researcher classified the utterances based on the day of publication and the topics. The announcers’ recordings were presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. The Data of the Radio Recordings

No The Announcers Date of the recording Topic

1 X1, X2, X4, X3 September 16, 2013 Graduation 2 X1, X2, X3, X4 September 17, 2013 Falling in love 3 X1, X2, X3, X4 September 18, 2013 Wednesday diary 4 X1, X2, X3, X4 September 19, 2013 Jobseeker/ banking

5 X1,X2,X3, X4 September 20, 2013 Music



D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

Data needed for this research were in the form of transcription in the “Sunset Drive” program of Swaragama FM. The information about background

information, announcers’ opinion and working environment were to be drawn and

analyzed to answer the problem formulations. To obtain the data for this research, observation forms and interview were used. The researcher decided to use these two kinds of instruments for their effectiveness and efficiency. Observation forms will provide detail hints about announcers, while interview will provide deep

answer to the announcers’ perception and background towards code switching.

The following parts provide more explanation about them.

1. Observation Forms

The first instrument to collect the research data was observation. The researcher used observation forms as the guideline used for recording data. There were two kinds of observation sheet, namely, observation forms for types of code switching and the reasons of code switching. The researcher classified the code switching categories in Table 3.2 and 3.3. All the observation sheets were intended to discover detailed information about the announcers’ code switching

production. They covered notes about the announcers’ code switching production


(1994). Each type of code switching is given a code, for instance diglossia was given DIG. The other codes could be shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. The Blueprint of the Types of Code Switching Adapted from McCormick (1994) and Asher (1994)

Date CS case Types of Code Switching




DIG : Diglossic

SIN : Single Word Code Switching CON : Conversational Code Switching SIT : Situational Code Switching MET : Metaphoric Code Switching INT : Integrated Loanwords CS : Code-Switching

Table 3.3 was used to collect the reasons for code switching used in the“Sunset Drive” program. There are six types of possible reasons that are shown


Table 3.3. The Blueprint of the Reasons for Code Switching Adapted from Malik (1994) and Gumperz (1982)

Date Code Switching case

The Reasons for Code Switching


LIN : Linguistic Deficiency QUO : Quotation

MES : Message Qualification ATT : to attract attention

SHO : to show identity with a group PER : Personalization


E. Data Analysis Techniques

In qualitative research, there are general steps that are used to analyze the data. The researcher used three basic steps by Miles and Huberman (1994, pp. 10-11). The steps were elaborated as follows.

1. Data Reduction

In this step, the researcher decided the sample that would be used in this research. It means that the selected sample was believed to provide necessary information for the research. The sample used were announcers’ utterances of the

“Sunset Drive” program in Swaragama FM radio, issued on September 2013. The

data used in this research were the transcript of the announcers’ utterances used in

the “Sunset Drive” program. Firstly, the researcher made the codes of the types of

code switching, for instance, one of the types of code switching, namely single word code switching was given a code SIN. Miles and Huberman (1994, p. 11) explain, data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards,

and organizes data in such a way that “final” conclusion can be drawn and

verified. After coding the types of code switching and the possible reason of code switching, the researcher filtered the data and reduced the data set of an entire data set by listing their categories of code switching.

2. Data Display

The next step was displaying the announcers’ utterances. In presenting the


3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

After conducting the two steps, the last step of the research was conclusion drawing and verification. The researcher analyzed the major answer from the observation forms and interview related to the types of the code switching in the “Sunset Drive” program. Then, the researcher analyzed the reasons for code

switching used in the “Sunset Drive” program. The researcher then wrote up the

report based on the result of the data analysis. Here, the report was not numerical or statistical data. Instead, the researcher used words to explain the result of the research.

G. Research Procedures

In conducting the research, the researcher made a general procedure to follow, so that the researcher could conduct the research effectively and efficiently to get the answers of the problems. The procedure can be elaborated as follows.

The first step, the researcher decided the topic that was going to be discussed. The second step, after deciding the topic, the researcher designed the observation forms to accommodate the data of code switching cases with theories from Asher (1994) and McCormick (1994). The third step, the researcher collected the data from the transcription of selected target recordings of the

“Sunset Drive” program. The fourth steps, the code switching cases of code



Table 3.1  The Date of The Radio Recordings .....................................................
Figure 2.1  The Process of Translation  ................................................................
Table 3.1. The Data of the Radio Recordings
Table 3.2. The Blueprint of the Types of Code Switching Adapted from McCormick (1994) and Asher (1994)


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