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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Reg. NO. 2101121013







First of all, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to Allah SWT the most almighty and the most merciful for His amazing grace, uncountable blessing, loves, opportunity and strength given to the writer during her study. Next, peace be upon to Prophet Muhammad SAW who brought human being from the dark ages to the bright one in the world and in completing this thesis which entitled: Conjunctions in Senior High School English Textbook. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express his gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State

University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages

and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of English Education

Study Program, who took the role of being his reviewer and examiner.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., her Thesis Advisor, who has given his valuable

advice, guidance and spent her precious time in the process of completing this thesis.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., he Academic Advisor, who has

supported his throughout the academic years.

Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., as her reviewer and examiner, who has

given his precious time, suggestions, and comments.

All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided,

and advised his throughout the academic years.

Mam Euis, as the Administration Staff of English Department, for her

attention, assistance, and information in completing it.

Susiani, S.Sos., as the Cordinator of Reading room of Faculty, who



Her beloved parents, Surya and Mami, her lovely younger brother

and sister, Gagah Dwiva and Swas Hanna Yakaty, and all her families for their endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation, mental and everything that they have given to the writer.

Her friends in Reguler Dik. B’ 2010, especially Fatin, Rosa, Linda and Lidya as his great class for the love and togetherness throughout

four years; her friends in PPLT SMP Negeri 1 T. Mengkudu 2013 especially Sarika and Meida for many experiencies and togetherness.

The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, he conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, Juli 2014 The writer,




Ferzhawana, Diemam. 2101121023. Conjunctions in Senior High School English Textbook. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.

This study is aimed at finding out the kinds, the functions and how conjunctions are developed in five discussion texts of the English textbook. The data were words or phrases categorized as conjunctions. The study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative research.The research findings indicate that a). There are four type of conjunctions found in five discussion texts of the English textbook. The total number of conjunctions used were 229 conjunctions. Additive (110), adversative (18), causal (79) and temporal (22); b). The functions of additive (to indicate an addition of facts or idea, an alternative and additions), adversative (to indicate opposition or concession and contrast new information with previous information), causal (to show cause-effect relationship like giving reason, result, or purpose from a statement), temporal (to make sequence in time expressed by when, while, before, after and had function to indicate a conclusion or summary); c). Discussion texts are developed based on taxonomy bloom system arranged from the easiest level to the highest level of difficulty. The first text contained simple conjunctions catagorized remembering and understanding conjunctions while starting from the second, third, forth and the last text used conjunctions catagorized applying, analysing and evaluation conjunctions.



C. Research Findings and Discussions ... 53


A. Conclusions ... 56

B. Suggestions ... 57






Table 4.1 The distribution of conjunction phrases ... 34

Table 4.2 The classification of Additive conjunctions... 35

Table 4.3 The distribution of Additive conjunctions ... 37

Table 4.4 The classification of Adversative conjunctions ... 40

Table 4.5 The distribution of Adversative conjunctions ... 41

Table 4.6 The classification of Causal conjunctions ... 43

Table 4.7 The distribution of Causal conjunction ... 44

Table 4.8 The classification of Temporal conjunctions ... 47

Table 4.9 The distribution of Temporal conjunctions ... 48





Appendix 1 Pros and Cons of Using Blackberry in The Work Place .... 60

Appendix 2 Pros and Cons of Young Marriage ... 61

Appendix 3 Pros and Cons of School Uniform ... 62

Appendix 4 Weighning The Pros and Cons of Credit Cards ... 63





A. The Background of The Study

The word “text” is used in linguistic to refer to any passage, spoken or

written of whatever length that formed a unified whole. A text can be defined as a

unit of language in use, it means that language was contextual, the whole system

of language lives in the context where the language can be accepted in spoken or


Nowadays, the English language learning concernes with discourse

competence that had a deal with language and context to make the text acepted in

daily life. According to Curriculum of KTSP, one of the objectives of learning

English in Senior high school is to develop the students’ ability in communicate in

spoken or written language with the more formal and complicated language seen

from the structure and the linguistics used, so the students will use the acceptable

language according to the context of the language itself.

Context consists of three systems, they are context of situation (register),

context of culture (genre) and context of ideology. Context of cultures creates

many kinds of text that we called genre. There are thirteen kinds of academic texts

(genre) that senior high school students should understand. They are: descriptive

spoof, recount, procedure, report, news item, anecdote, analytical exposition,

hortatory, narrative, explanation, discussion and review. every text has its own



characteristics, different communicative objective and used certain structure and

linguistics and linguistics element.

All those genre are covered in textbook and those are arranged in the form

of structure. Textbook takes important rule in teaching and learning process so

every school provides textbook to revise the students’ ability especially in

English. It is designed based on curriculum and it fullfilled the students’ needs in

teaching and learning process. Textbook coveres various of topics in learning, one

of them was conjunction. Conjunction can be seen in the written text in the

textbook. Moreover, conjunction is important to be studied because it is a very

important means in a language that makes sentences or clauses cohesively related.

As a result, it makes the sentences or clauses clearly interpreted and easy to be

understood especially in the text.

But when the writer was in the research in field (PPL) in SMA, the writer

found that the students have difficulty with conjunction in writing activity and

even in comprehending the text. They did not use good variation of the types of

conjunction in their writing text. They only used one or two kinds of conjunction,

e.g: and, or, but, because. Although, there were many kinds of conjunction that

they could use in writing, they also couldn’t understand the meaning of

conjunction in reading text, because they didn’t understand it clearly. It made

them difficult in comprehending a reading text. So, that’s why the writer wanted

to analyze the use of conjunction in reading text especially in discussion text as

the input for the students in developing and improving their knowledge in reading



Discussion texts in the textbook was analyzed. The writer analyzed the 3rd

year of senior high school English textbook published by Grafindo Media Pratama

entitled Advance Learning English 3. As we know that the 3rd year of senior high

school students will face the national examination, so they need information and

need to understand the reading text in English textbook easily in order to enable

them to understand text in the exam.

This study hopefully could build the students’ willingness in developing

their habit of reading preparation before the examination and also made them

think critically about the text given. Furthermore, this study had the implication

for teaching, especially for teacher. Teacher could explore creatively the types and

functions of conjunction as a material discussion and teaching with the students.

The study of analyzing conjunction in textbook has been done by Philip

(2012) who conducted research entitled, “Conjunctions in Malaysian Secondary

School English Language Textbooks” using Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman

theory. The result showed that coordinating conjunctions were the most frequent

conjunctions that occurred in the five textbooks followed by subordinating and

correlative conjunctions. The ranking of the different types of conjunctions in the

Textbook Corpus was similar to that of the reference corpus. The next research

was conducted by Ketabi (2012) entitled, “A Corpus-based Study of Conjunction

Devices in English International Law Texts and its Farsi Translation” using

Halliday and Hasan Theory. The result showed that both ELTs and FTTs share

more similarities than differences in the use of cohesive device of conjunction



majority of cohesive devices are maintained in Farsi translation for precision,

clarity and logicality. The next research was conducted by Huyen (2012) entitled

“Analysis of cohesive devices in the esp textbook on accounting at university of

labor and social affairs” using Halliday and Hasan Theory. The result showed that

lexical cohesive devices are used more often in the textbooks than grammatical

cohesive devices.

In order to have an understandable research, the writer gave an underlying

theory that explained the types and functions of conjunction based on what was

proposed by Halliday and Hassan theory that explained conjunctions clearly. In

addition the writer also used Wren and Martin theory. This research aimed at

analyzing “Conjunctions in Senior High School English Textbook”.

B. The Problem of Study

The problems in this study were formulated as follows.

1. What types of conjunction used in discussion texts of the English


2. What were the functions of the conjunction used in discussion texts of the

English textbook?

3. How were conjunctions developed in discussion texts of the English



C. The Objective of The Study

This research was aimed at analyzing conjunctions in the English

textbook. And the objectives were stated as follows.

1. To find out the types of conjunction used in discussion texts of the English


2. To describe the functions of conjunction used in discussion texts of the

English textbook.

3. To explain how conjunctions were developed in discussion texts of the

English textbook.

D. The Scope of The Study

Cohesion consist of two main parts, grammatical cohesion and lexical

cohesion. This research was limited to the study of grammatical cohesion, which

was conjunction. Grammatical cohesion could be exposed to the people through

some media such as textbook, news paper, magazine, etc. This study was limited

to the study of conjunctions in the 3rd year of senior high school English textbook

published by Grafindo Media Pratama entitled Advance Learning English 3. In

English textbook, there were some reading texts including narrative, explanation,

discussion and review. Only five discussion texts were taken into analysis based

on Halliday and Hasan (1984) Theory since they provided more detail



E. The Significance of The Study

This research was expected to have both theoretical and practical


1. Theoretical perspective.

a. For teaching materials designers, it could be used as an alternative

information to design the teaching materials especially conjunctions.

2. Practical perspectives.

a. For the English teachers, it could be inspiring to give more

explanations about conjunctions clearly.

b. For the English students, it could be used to study about conjunctions.






In reference with analyzing the conjunctions in five discussion texts of the

3rd year of senior high school English textbook published by Grafindo Media

Pratama entitled Advance Learning English 3. It could be concluded that:

1. There were four types of conjunction used such as additive, adversative,

causal and temproal. Furthermore, the result showed that the total of

conjunctions used in five Discussion texts were 229. Yet, corrective

adversative, dismissive adversative, respective causal and summary

temporal could not be found in the data.

2. The functions of conjunction based on the types of conjuction like,

additive conjunction had functions to indicate an addition of facts or idea,

an alternative, addition that reduced the weight of what have been stated

before, a comparison of dissimilarity and similarity and exposition oe

exemplication. Adversative conjunction had functions to indicate

opposition or concession and contrast new information with previous

information. Causal conjunction had functions to show cause-effect

relationship like giving reason, result, or purpose from a statement.

Temporal conjunction had functions to make sequence in time expressed

by when, while, before, after and had function to indicate a conclusion or




based on taxonomy bloom arranged from the easiest level to the highest

level of difficulty. The first text contained simple conjunctions catagorized

remembering and understanding conjunctions while starting from the

second, third, forth and the last text used conjunctions catagorized

applying, analysing and evaluation conjunctions. It meaned that the

distribution of conjunctions in the last text was the most complicated.


In relation to the conclusions, the writer would like to propose some

suggestions both theoretical and practical perspective:

1. Theoretical perspective.

a. For teaching materials designers, it could be used as an alternative

information to design the teaching materials especially conjunctions.

2. Practical perspectives.

a. For the English teachers, it would be inspiring to give more

explanations about conjunctions clearly.

b. For the English students, it could be used to study about conjunctions.

c. For those who interested in conducting further study about


Table 4.1 The distribution of conjunction phrases ..................................


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