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Konstruksi Makna Testimoni Recommended Seller Bagi Seller Online Shop.


Academic year: 2017

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Ade Syaefullah (210110077079), 2013 Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran dengan Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd sebagai pembimbing Utama dan Drs. Rosnandar Romli, M.Si sebagai pembimbing pendamping. Penelitian ini berjudul “Konstruksi Makna Testimoni Recommended Seller Bagi Seller Online Shop”.

Penelitian ini meneliti bagaimana Seller Online Shop di FJB (Forum JualBeli) Kaskus memaknai testimony Recommended Seller yang dimilikinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengetahuan seller online shop mengenai testimoni recommended seller, mengetahui motif seller online shop dalam menggunakan testimoni recommended seller dan mengetahui pengalaman seller online shop mengenai testimoni recommended seller. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif dalam tradisi fenomenologi.

Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan studipusaka. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah seller online shop di FJB (Forum JualBeli) Kaskus. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan reduksi data dan menginterpretasi makna testimoni recommended seller berdasarkan pengetahuan, motif dan pengalaman terhadap kata-kata dan tindakan para informan.



Ade Syaefullah (210110077079), 2013. Major Society Relationship Science, Padjajaran

University with Dr. Agus Rahmat, M. Pd. as the main supervisor and Drs. Rosnandar Romli, M. Si. as the secondary supervisor. This research is titled “The Meaning Construction of Testimonial of Recommended Seller to Online Shop Seller”.

This research focused on how Online Shop Seller on BSF (Buying-Selling Forum) Kaskus™ uses

testimonials of their Recommended Seller. The goals of this research is to find out the knowledge

of online shop seller about the recommended seller testimonial, to find out the motives of online

shop seller in using the recommended seller’s testimonial, and to find out the experience online shop seller about the recommended seller’s testimonial. The method used in this research is qualitative method in phenomenology tradition.

The data of this research is retrieved from the results of profound interview, participant

observation, and literature study. The informant of this research is online shop seller on

Kaskus™ BSF (Buying-Selling Forum). The retrieved data is analyzed with data reduction, the

testimonial meaning is interpreted based on knowledge, motives, and experience towards the words and the informant’s actions.

The motives that underlie them on using the recommended seller’s testimonial is to convince buyer to by the offered product to increase revenue. Their knowledge of recommended seller’s testimonial importance, which is to increase the seller’s reputation and to increase the buyer’s trust to buy the seller’s offered products or services.

According to the seller’s experience, reputation holds important role because without a good

reputation, they won’t get positive response from buyers or potential buyer. As their reputations getting better, they are also increasing the trust of their potential buyer, and so their business is


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