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A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By: Krisna Efrata

Student Number: 141214005





You can have it all, just not all at once. -Oprah Winfrey-

This thesis is dadicated to my beloved parents and brother, Sumarwoto, Chatarina Tyas Weningsih,



Efrata, Krisna. (2019). Jordan Belfort’s Sex-Related Swear Words in The Wolf of Wall Street Movie. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Swear words are commonly used in society to express their emotion or feeling. Furthermore, sex-related swear word, which is a part of swear word are the most commonly used by Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street movie to swear. This research is designed to analyze the impetus swearing category and the swearing expressions category behind sex-related swear word “fuck, fucking, and fucked” which is used by Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street movie.

The purpose of this research is to answer the two research questions, namely (1) What categories of Jordan Belfort’s sex-related swear words are found in The Wolf of Wall Street movie? and (2) What are the notions of Jordan Belfort’s sex-related swear words in The Wolf of Wall Street movie?

This study used descriptive and qualitative method. Observation was a technique to gather the data. The researcher watched The Wolf of Wall Street movie and classified the sex-related swear words which were used by Jordan Belfort using tables and cross tabulations. In analysing the data, the researcher used Creswell’s (2009) descriptive and qualitative data analysis procedure.

There are 226 sex-related swear words “fuck, fucking, fucked” uttered by the main character. According to its impetus, the swearing words were catgorized into two, namely the propositional category and non-propositional category. According to its notion, there were 9 categories of swearing expressions in Jordan Belfort’s utterances. They were violent refusal, exclamation of surprise, surprised question, exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of unconcern, insult (imperative verb +object), intensifying / intensifier, insulting request to go away, and miscellaneous. Moreover, the researcher also found that each swearing expression had either positive or negative connotation.

It is concluded that the sex-related swear words which were uttered by Jordan Belfort, have different notions. The sex-related swear words were used by Jordan Belfort to express 9 kind expressions. Furthermore, the sex-related swear words could be used in positive connotation or negative connotation based on the context of the utterances. Moreover, this sex-related swear word could be uttered/used in spontaneously or intentionally according to the contexts and the situations of the speaker.



Efrata, Krisna. (2019). Jordan Belfort’s Sex-Related Swear Words in The Wolf of Wall Street Movie. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kata umpatan sering digunakan di masyarakat untuk mengungkapkan emosi atau perasaan. Istilah-istilah seksual yang mana masih termasuk dalam bagian dari kata umpatan adalah yang paling sering digunakan oleh Jordan Belfort dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street untuk mengupat. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menganalisis kategori dari kemunculan dan ekspresi dari istilah seksual seperti fuck, fucking, dan fucked yang digunakan oleh Jordan Belfort dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) Apa saja kategori kata-kata umpatan terkait dengan seks yang diucapkan oleh Jordan Belfort dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street?, dan (2)Apakah maksud dari kata-kata umpatan terkait dengan seks yang digunakan oleh Jordan Belfort dalam film The Wolf of Wall Street?

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik observasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Peneliti menonton film The Wolf of Wall Street dan mengklasifikasikan kata-kata umpatan terkait dengan seks yang diucapkan oleh Jordan Belfort dengan menggunakan tabel pengamatan dan tabulasi silang. Dalam menganalisi data, peneliti menggunakan teori deskriptif kualitatif dari Creswell (2009).

Dalam penenelitian ini terdapat 226 istilah seksual “fuck, fucking, fucked” yang diucapkan oleh tokoh utama. Berdasarkan kemunculannya, kata umpatan dikategorikan menjadi 2 yaitu kategori propositional dan non-propositional. Berdasarkan maksudnya, terdapat 9 kategori dari ekspresi umpatan dalam perkataan Jordan Belfort. Diantaranya violent refusal, exclamation of surprise, surprised question, exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of unconcern, insult (imperative verb + object), intensifying / intensifier, insulting request to go away, dan miscellaneous. Selain itu, peneliti juga menemukan bahwa setiap ekspresi dari kata umpatan memiliki arti konotasi positif atau konotasi negatif.

Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kata-kata umpatan terkait dengan seks yang diucapkan oleh Jordan Belfort memiliki ekspresi yang berbeda. Kata umpatan terkait dengan seks yang digunakan Jordan Belfort adalah untuk mengekspresikan 9 jenis ekspresi. Kata-kata umpatan terkait seks yang digunakan oleh Jordan Belfort untuk mengekspresikan berbagai macam ekspresi. Kata-kata umpatan terkait seks dapat digunakan dalam konotasi positif atau negatif, berdasarkan konteks dalam ucapan-ucapan tersebut. Bahkan, kata-kata umpatan terkait dengan seks ini dapat diucapkan / digunakan dalam keadaan spontan maupun sengaja, sesuai dengan konteks dan situasi dari pembicara tersebut. Setiap kata umpatan memiliki sebuah ekspresi yang berbeda.




Firstly, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessing in all the time that makes me could finish this research. He gave me the spirit, strenght and health in the process of making this research. He also indirectly helped me by providing me the supportive environment; friends, lecturer, and parents.

Secondly, I would like to thank Dr. Emanuel Sunarto, M. Hum., for his valuable time, guidance, and patience when making this research. He always support me to not give up doing this research by giving some motivations, suggestions and a lot of knowledges which were very useful for me.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my beloved parents and brother who always support and encourage me through the facilities and advices in making my dream come true. Without them, I could not finish this research. Furthermore, I would like to thank my English Language Education Study Program’s lecturers and staffs who guide me to survive in this study program.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my friends; PBI Underground, NUDC LO, Penerbang Sigung and Wonkave: Ajik, Vito, Jere, Bayu, Bimo, Ajeng, Vee, Vidi, Voni, Rea, Moore, Martin, Maria, Deo, Yosa, Ampaloz, Simbah, Wendi, Marcel, Mace, Verina, Blawonk, Abet, Adip, Thomas, Hanung, Bangkit, Kribo, and Kecap who always support me in every situation until finished this research.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






A. Background of The Study ... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. Problem Limitations ... 5

D. Significance of The Study ... 5

E. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Pragmatics ... 9

2. Swearing ... 11

3. Taboo Words and Swear Words ... 11

4. Propositional Swearing and Non-Propositional Swearing ... 12

5. The Swearing Expressions ... 14

6. Positive and Negative Connotations ... 17




A. Research Method ... 19

B. Type and Source of Data ... 20

1. Digital Sources ... 20

2. Document Source ... 21

C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 21

D. Data Analysis Techniques ... 23


A. Swearing Categories of Sex-Related Swear Words ... 25

1. Non-Propositional Swearing Category ... 26

2. Propositional Swearing Category ... 28

B. The Notions of Sex-Related Swear Words ... 30

1. Non-Propositional Swearing Category ... 31

2. Propositional Swearing Category ... 40


A. Conclusions ... 52

B. Implications ... 54

C. Recommendations ... 54





EA : Exclamation of Annoyance SQ : Surprise Question

VR : Violent Refusal

ES : Exclamation of Surprise EU : Exclamation of Unconcern IA : Insulting Request to Go Away IN : Insult as Noun

IT : Intensifying/Intensifier

IV : Insult (Imperative Verb + Object)

M : Miscellaneous




Figure No. Page

Figure 4.1 The Frequency of Swearing Categories ...26

Figure 4.2 The Frequency of Swearing Expressions ...31

Figure 4.3 The Frequency of Sex-Related Swear Words ...32



This study discusses four major parts. Those are the background of the study, research questions, significance of the study, and definition of terms.

A. Background of The Study

Language is used by all people in the world to communicate with others. Through language, the message can be transferred from a person to another. According to Fromkin, Blaire, and Collins (1999), when people know a language, people can speak and be understood by other who know that language. It means somebody needs to know the language and another person’s language if somebody

wants to understand his or her ideas. By understanding other people ideas, people can do and react based on the language that they used.


In the communication process, the emotions or feelings of the speakers can be reflected through the language they use. It could be in the form of angry, happy, sad, surprised, or afraid expressions. People express their emotions or feelings by uttering some words, such as uttering bad language. Frequently, bad language is used to reflect anger or sadness. However, there are five ways that people can use to express their emotions. The examples are compliment, greeting, statement, question, and also swearing.

Swearing is one of many utterances which exists in our society. Based on Cambridge dictionary, swearing is a rude or offensive language that someone uses, especially when they are angry (CED, 2018). Jay and Janschweit (2008) also state that swearing is primarily used to convey emotional meaning. In swearing, people produce swear words or taboo words. From that explanation, there are two reasons that caused people produce swear words or taboo words. People usually produce taboo words to swear because it might be the strongest way to signify a number of emotions in an impolite way such as anger, confusion, frustration, disappointment, joy and sometimes surprise (Jay, 2002).


“fuck off” and “piss off” have nothing to do with sex or urinating – they are simply violently rude wars of saying ‘go away’. It shows that swear words and taboo words are always correlated in daily life. However, nowadays swearing is not only used to express anger but it is also used in daily conversation.

In this era, swearing can be found in conversations between people regardless their gender. Swearing is used not only for expressing anger, but also for expressing happiness, sadness, surprise, and fear situations. Swear words have become common in society because many people produce swear words in their daily conversation. Men, women, and children can speak using swear words by learning from any sources. For example, by watching movie, listening to other people, and reading a novel. However, people are also exposed to swear words in the social media, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Ask FM, etc. That is why people can easily learn and know how to produce swear words. English language has its own swear words and some them are considered as universal swear words, thus they might influence people to produce swear words in their daily lives.

Wardaugh (2005) states that taboo and swear word can be classified into six types. There are religious matters, death, body part, sex, mother in law, and animal terms. The sex-related swear words were chosen by the researcher to analyze in this research.


uses swear words in his dialogues. This movie was published in 2013. Furthermore, this comedy movie portrays the biography of Jordan Belfort which contains many swear words in the dialogues. In addition, the movie is popular since it is rated 8.2 by, https://www.imdb.com. (2018). Due to those reasons, this movie becomes the source to be analyzed.

By watching this movie, it is possible for people’s behavior to be influenced by the swear words used in this movie. This movie has great moral values in which life is precious for us and we need to struggle to live our own lives. Thus, it is very important for the audience to get deeper understanding about the function and the cultural context of the swear words uttered by Jordan Belfort in this movie. Moreover, it is also important for students to understand the concept of swear words, especially in studying pragmatics in this movie. Thus, it is possible for students to be able to avoid using swear words in their daily conversation.

B. Research Question

From the background of the study presented above, there are two questions which the researcher would like to formulate in this research.

1. What categories of Jordan Belfort’s sex-related swear words are found in The Wolf of Wall Street movie?


C. Problem Limitations

The researcher limits the scope which is related to the research questions. Almost all of the characters in The Wolf of Wall Street movie use swear words in their utterances. The researcher only focuses on the Jordan Belfort who utters a lot of swear word in The Wolf of Wall Street movie. Furthermore, the researcher specifies on the sex-related swear words “fuck, fucking, and fucked”. The researcher also analyzes the categorization of (non-propositional or propositional) and the swearing expressions of the sex-related swear words to answer the research questions.

D. Significance of The Study

The study is beneficial for students of English Language Education Study Program and for future researchers who are going to do a research on swear words. Hopefully, the study can also give some benefits for the readers. The benefits of this research are as follows:

1. English Learners

English learners will gain more understanding about taboo words and swear words. The students are also expected to understand the concept of swear words or taboo words, particularly when they are studying about pragmatics. By explaining the students of the concept of swear words, it is hoped that the students will get more understanding on the use of swear words in society. Therefore, the students will be able to avoid using swear words in their daily conversation.


2. Future Researchers

After the future researchers read this study, the researcher believes this study can give information, and inspiration to future research while conducting another study about swear words or taboo words. For the future researchers, this research will guide them to find some references about swear words, especially in sex-related swear words.

3. General Readers

This study can give a better understanding to readers in general about swear words or taboo words, so the readers will know the intentions behind swear words in conversations. The general readers will also know about the phenomenon of sex-related swear words in the movie. Thus, the general readers will be able to consider the swear words used in their daily conversations.

E. Definition of Terms

Definition of terms gives an explanation of the information and theories which are related to the research. This part consists of three terms that are important and they are used to avoid misunderstanding in this study. The researcher provides definitions of three terms that are frequently seen in this study. The terms that are frequently used in this research are in swear words and taboo, sex-related swear word, and characters.

1. Swear Word


express strong emotions and attitude” (p.53). However, Dewaele, J-M (2004) explains that swear or taboo words are multifunctional, pragmatic units which assume, in addition to the expression of emotional attitudes, various discourse function. In this study, the taboo words which are uttered by Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street is considered as swear words. Jordan Belfort also uses swear words to express his solidarity and anger in his friendship. Swear words or taboo words are included in a linguistic device used to affirm in-group membership and establish boundaries and social norms for language use (Drescher, 2000; Rayson, Leech & Hodges, 1997; Stenstrom, 1995, 1999).

2. Sex-Related Swear Words

Sex-related swear word is one of the types of swear words, which is taboo or obscenity. One of the swear word types proposed by Jay (1992) is taboo or obscenity, which is a type of swear word that has a strong meaning, and people usually use this swear word from sexual organs and excretory items (e.g. fuck, motherfucker, and cocks). Swan (2005) also argues that sex-related swear words are usually related to the associated parts of the body and sexual activity (e.g. balls, fuck).

3. Characters

Based on Abram’s explanation (1999), characters are the persons in a





This chapter presents the review of related literature. It is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical description and theoretical framework. In the theoretical description, the researcher reviews six theories which are used as guides on this study. The theories’ review includes the swearing categories and the swearing expressions. The theoretical framework is aimed to provide the theories which help the researcher to answer the problems.

A. Theoretical Description

This chapter explains the literature review containing six theories that are used as the guides for this research. The discussions cover the details of pragmatics, swear words, the concept of swearing, the swearing expressions, the category of swearing (propositional or non-propositional), and the positive and negative connotations.

1. Pragmatics

a) Definition of Pragmatics


speaker. In order to understand speaker’s swearing expressions, a pragmatic approach also needs to explore how listener perceives toward speaker’s intention. Then in a pragmatic approach, the relation factors between the listener and the speaker are very important. It means physical, social, or conceptual factors should be considered to get the intentions of the speakers.

By understanding Yule's explanation about pragmatics, pragmatic approach is suitable to be implemented in this research. The aim of this research is analyzing the swearing expression category of sex-related swear words within the Jordan Belfort utterances in The Wolf of Wall Street movie based on the contextual meaning of the utterances.

b) Context

In order to analyze the swearing expression categories of sex-related swear words, context is an important factor that would be used to analyze language. According to Asher and Simpson (1994), “context is one of those linguistic terms which constantly used in all kinds of context” (p. 731). It has the connection with the function of language and they are important in pragmatics. It means that the essential element in the interpretation of utterances is the context in which it is uttered.

Further, Holmes (2001) argues that in any situation, linguistic choices could be reflected from these following components of context:

1) The participant (it conveys the speaker and whom they are speaking). 2) The setting or social context of interaction (it conveys the place when the


3) The topic (it conveys what is being talked about).

4) The function (it conveys the reasons, why they are speaking).

Therefore, those four components are the important things to analyze the context in this research.

2. Swearing

Swearing is a part of a language that people use to communicate with each other. Swearing is a linguistic device used to affirm in-group membership and establish boundaries and social norms for language use (Drescher, 2000; Rayson, Leech & Hodges, 1997; Stenstrom, 1995, 1999). They may express annoyance, aggression, insult, or they may express solidarity and friendliness (Holmes, 2013). Moreover, swearing is the use of taboo language with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and communicating that information to listeners. (Jay,

2008). Lieury, Boissière, Jamet & Marinkovic (1997) have found that swearing stands out from neutral words in the L1 and is more likely to be recalled in short and long-term recall experiments.

3. Taboo Words and Swear Words a) Taboo Words


speaker’s emotional state and communicating that information to listeners.”

(p.268). Jay (2008) also argues that the use of taboo when they are swearing is not primarily meant the word itself. For example, the word fuck is not always meant to express someone’s desire to have sexual intercourse with anybody to whom they

talk to.

b) Swear Words

After comprehending the concept and definition of taboo words, the researcher is going to define the swear words. Karjailanen (2002) explains that swear word is not always taboo. It means that taboo words do not always belong to swear words, for example, the word cannibalism. It is included in taboo words but not in swear words. It is because cannibalism is a cultural word and no one use this taboo word to swear. Moreover, Ljung (2011) explains that swear words are words which have a bad connotation in the content, for the example, the word bitch. The word bitch contains a negative connotation which according to CED (2018) bitch is a female dog. Therefore, the word bitch is contextually used as a swear word.

In contrast, taboo words and swear words cannot be separated. It is because they are correlated with each other. Usually, when people are swearing, taboo words will change their meaning completely. For example, fuck off, the meaning is not to have sex. It is a rude command of saying go away (Swan, 2005).

4. Propositional Swearing and Non-Propositional Swearing


swearing happens consciously planned and intentionally. It can be polite or impolite, or neither. It is polite when it promotes social harmony, as in face building (e. g., This pie is pretty fucking good!). It is rude when it is used to deliberately attack someone, as in face threat (e.g., You fucking asshole!)". It can be concluded that propositional swearing can be used in a polite or impolite situation. It depends on the speaker's purpose. In conclusion, propositional swearing is swearing which is spoken in under control of the speaker or intentionally uttered by the speaker.

The second categorization is non-propositional swearing. Jay (2008) states that non-propositional swearing is unintentional, unplanned and uncontrollable. In other word, non-propositional swearing requires spontaneous respond of a person to a certain condition. It involves automatic emotional responses which frequently occur in response to sudden bursts of emotion (e.g., surprise) or as a result of brain damage.


5. The Swearing Expressions

Swan (2005, p. 567-569) categorizes swearing expressions into 10 swearing categories. They are exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of surprise, surprised question, insult (noun), insult (imperative verb + object), insulting request to go away, expression of unconcern, violent refusal/rejection/defiance, intensifying adjective/adverb, and miscellaneous. The further explanation on each category is discussed below.

a) Exclamation of Annoyance:

Example of use: “DamnIt! Can’t you hurry up?”

From the example above, the use of Damn it! to express the expression of annoyed feeling against other situation or behavior. Then, it can be concluded into exclamation of annoyance.

b) Exclamation of Surprise:

Example of use: “My God! Look at that!”

From the example above, the words My God! means that the speaker is expressing speaker reaction against other situations or behaviors. Then, it can be concluded into exclamation of surprise.

c) Surprised Question:

Example of use: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”


d) Insult (noun)

Example of use: “You bastard!”

From the example above, the words bastards used by the speaker to abuse or harm others. It can be concluded into Insult (noun) because the swear word stands as a noun. However, a swear word which is classified as a noun is having no real intention. It only expresses the speaker’s emotion of anger, hatred, envy or contempt.

e) Insult (imperative verb + object) Example of use: “Fuck you!”

From the example above, the words Fuck can be concluded into insult (imperative verb + object) because the speaker wants to abuse or harm others, and it is just the same with the insulting words as a noun. Nevertheless, an insult in these types is consisting of an imperative verb and followed by an object. Usually, people express a command then follow by the object to complete the sentence.

f) Insulting request to go away: Example of use: “Fuck off!”

From the example above, the words fuck off is used to request people to leave or go away from the speaker. The insulting request to go away means that the speaker asks people to move by using a swear word.

g) Expression of Unconcern:

Example of use: “They can come and arrest me if they want to, I don’t give


From the example above, the speaker expresses his/her emotion of unconcern to the people who want to come and arrest the speaker. It means that this expression is used to express an ignorance against the situation or other by using swear word.

h) Violent Refusal/Rejection/Defiance:

Example of use: “Give me a kiss – Get stuffed!”

From the example above, it shows that the speaker refuses the people request. It means that violent refusal is used to reject or refuse something or someone’s idea by using swear word.

i) Intensifying Adjective/Adverb:

Example of use: “Put the fucking cat out!Look!”

From the example above, the word fucking meant that the speaker wants to emphasize the cat that should be putted out. It means that this swearing expression is used to intensify or strengthen somethings that speaker wants by using a swear word. In addition, Swan explains when people use swear word to emphasize an emotion it includes in Intensifying swear word.

j) Miscellaneous:

Example of use: “Somebody’s fucked up the TV”


6. Positive and Negative Connotations

Reason for swearing depends on the intention of the speaker. It may be used in the positive or negative connotations. Sex-related swear words can be used to get personal or interpersonal outcomes which may be negative or positive of their impact on others. Jay (2009) states, in the positive personal outcomes, the sex-related swear word is used in the situations of joking, social commentary, sex talk, and storytelling in order to promote social harmony. In negative personal outcomes, the sex-related swear word is used in negative context. Furthermore, those connotations are still regarded as impolite.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research aims to analyze swearing in The Wolf of Wall Street movie concerning a main problem, it is the categorization of sex-related swear words used by Jordan Belfort. In this part, the researcher synthesizes major theories to help in conducting the research and answering the research questions.

The researcher discusses the context of sex-related swear words that exist in Jordan's utterances. The context is used to find out the sex-related swear words. In this research, the researcher uses Holmes’ (2001) theory of contextual meaning. There are four important components to conduct the context. They are the participant, the setting or social context of interaction, the topic, and the function.


question. This analysis is necessary to observe the previous and afterward of each utterance by looking on the scripts. It is made the researcher get valid analysis based on the context of the conversation.

In order to analyze the notion of the swearing expressions, the researcher utilizes the theory of swearing expressions by Swan (2005). Those are, exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of surprise, surprised question, insult (noun), insult (imperative verb + object), insulting request to go away, expression of unconcern, violent refusal/rejection/defiance, intensifying adjective/adverb, and miscellaneous. In addition, the researcher uses Jay’s (2009) to analyze the




This chapter presents research methodology to answer the research questions stated in the first chapter. This chapter comprises five parts, namely the research method, the research setting, the data source and size, instrument and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

In this research, descriptive and qualitative research are applied to gather and analyze the data. According to Leedy and Ormrod (2016), descriptive research is employed to describe characteristics of a phenomenon or population being studied. The research is concerned on the “what” question rather than “why” question. Moreover, the research elaborate the data in numarical statistics in order to answer the research question. However, qualitative research thus refers to the meaning, definitions, concepts, characteristics, symbol, metaphor, and descriptions of things (Berg, 2007). Based on Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002), qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants and in a form of interpretative descriptive research.


narrative and it is used to answer the second research question. Moreover, descriptive qualitative research is used to better understand research problems by uniting broad numeric trends from quantitative research and the detail from qualitative research.

B. Type and Source of Data

In this research, the sex-related swear words were the types of data to be analyzed. The researcher limited three kinds of sex-related swear words, namely fuck, fucking, and fucked. Those data were taken from the Jordan Belfort’s utterances in The Wolf of Wall Street movie. In conducting this research, there were two major data sources involved.

1. Digital Sources


2. Document Source

According to O'Leary's (2014) theory, the document which was used to obtain the data were public records, physical evidence, and personal document. In this research, a document was used as the secondary data source which was taken from the script of The Wolf of Wall Street movie. Virtual document was used as a secondary source of the data to conduct this research.

There were 226 sex-related swear words uttered by Jordan Belfort in the movie. From the data collection, all of the sex-related swear words was listed, then code and classified it into two types categorization; appearances, and swearing expressions of sex-related swear words.

C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


intensifier/intensifying, insult as a noun, insulting request to go away, and miscellaneous.

In addition, Gay (1987) states, observation is one of three techniques that could be used in collecting the data in descriptive and qualitative research. While observing the movie, there were four steps which undergone this technique.

1. Watching the movie

The researcher watched The Wolf of Wall Street movie for three times, in order to understand the context of the sex-related swear word utterances.

2. Taking notes

The words, phrases, clauses, or sentences that contained sex-related swear words was noted based on three theories. Holmes (2001), Swan (2005), and Jay (1992), the theories were used to decide what sex-related swear words that used by Jordan Belfort in themovie.

3. Validating the transcript

In order to make sure the valid transcriptions, the script from subtitle file was compared with the movie.

4. Recording the data


Table 3.1 Categorization of Sex-Related Swear Words



EA : Exclamation of Annoyance IN : Insult (noun) EU : Exclamation of Unconcern SQ : Surprised Question IV : Insult (imperative verb + Object) M : Miscellaneous IT : Intensifying Adverb/Adjective

IA : Insulting request to go away ES : Exclamation of Surprise

1A : number of sex-related swear word (fuck) P : Positive Connotation

N : Negative Connotation D. Data Analysis Techniques

In order to analyze the data, the researcher adapted Cresswell’s (2009) theory. There are four steps in descriptive qualitative data analysis procedure, which are reading all of the data, coding, generating the description, and represent the categories in the narration.


1. Read all the data

The researcher read all of the sex-related swear words from the table that had been collected. This step was used by the researcher to check whether there were mistakes in the process of gathering the data.

2. Coding

The sex-related swear words were classified in the column of the table based on the swearing category and the swearing expressions category. For the categories of swearing used Jay’s (2009) theory. In this categorization, only put one category in a sex-related swear words utterance. For the swearing expressions, the researcher used Swan’s (2005) theory of swearing expressions.

3. Generating Description

The data categorized based on the category by counting and analyzing in one group. In this step, the researcher also gave the descriptions of each category.

4. Represent in Narration

The categories were represented in the narrations. In this step, the researcher discussed the details of each category by showing an example of the data from each category in the narration.





In this chapter, the researcher discusses the result of the research in an attempt to answer the research questions. The first research question aims to find out the categories of sex-related swear words according to its impetus. The second research question aims to find out the notions of sex-related swear word in communication. The researcher divides this chapter into two sections. The first section elaborates the analysis of the sex-related swear words categories according to their impetuses. The second section elaborates the analysis the notion of sex-related swear words which have been analyzed in the first section.

A. Swearing Categories of Sex-Related Swear Words


Figure 4.1 Frequency of Swearing Categories

Figure 4.1 showed non-propositional and propositional swearing category were found in Jordan Belfort’s related swear words. There found 226

sex-related swear words which belonged both swearing categories. In non-propositional swearing category, 33 sex-related swear words were suddenly appeared which consisted of 25 words fuck, and 8 words fucking. However, there found 193 sex-related swear words were categorized to propositional swearing category. Those 193 sex-related swear words were intentionally uttered by Jordan Belfort and they were consisted of 30 words fuck, 159 words fucking, and 4 words fucked. Both swearing categories would be discussed in the following explanations.

1. Non-Propositional Swearing Category

In non-propositional swearing category, the found 33 sex-related swear words were categorized into non-propositional swearing category because the swear words which were appeared unintentionally, surprisingly, uncontrollable,

25 30



0 4

Non-Propositional Propositional


and unplanned. The following explanation was the examples of sex-related swear words which belonged to non-propositional swearing category.

a) Fuck 55A

Violet : Mr. Jordan, you got a visitor. Jordan : What?

Violet : You’ve got a visitor. Denham : I need you get dressed.

Jordan : Why? What the fuck is going on? Denham : You are going to jail.

The conversation above happened when Jordan was sleeping in his home. Violet as his servant told to Jordan that Denham came to his house. Then Jordan was surprised, because Denham was coming to his home in the morning. He also was surprised when Denham asked him to get dressed, but he did not know anything with his problem. After that Jordan automatically replied “what the fuck is going

on?”. It showed that the Jordan’s utterance was unintentional and unplanned. By knowing this explanation above, the researcher concluded that this expression was included into non-propositional swearing category.

b) Fucking 46B

Naomi: There were four right here.

Jordan: Ugh! Are you fucking serious? Right there?


earlier before he sitted in that sofa. The sex-related swear word fucking showed that Jordan was surprised with Naomi’s explanation. The word fucking was uttered Jordan spontaneously. The utterance fucking was unintentionally happened. Jordan did not any plan to insult or used fucking to attack Naomi but he was surprised and automaticly used that word to express his emotion. From the explanation above, it could be concluded that the word fucking categorized to non-propositional swearing category because the sex-related swear word was spontaneously uttered by the speaker.

2. Propositional Swearing Category

In propositional swearing category, the found 193 sex-related swear words were categorized into non-propositional swearing category because the swear words which were appeared intentionally and planned. The following explanations were the examples of sex-related sweawr words which belonged to non-propositional swearing category.

a. Fuck 45A

Denham : Good to see you again, Jordan. You are under arrest!

Jordan : You gotta be joking! You are kidding me. Hey, get the fuck away from me!

Denham : Turn that camera off.

Jordan : I’m fucking shooting a fucking infomercial here, you fucking cocksucker! Fuck you, you motherfucker!


other people to leave or go away from him. This utterance be the strongest way of Jordan to insist and press Denham to go away from him and feel uncomfortable with him. Moreover, the swear word fuck also intentionally uttered by the speaker, because the speaker could control the utterances that he produced. He really wanted to make Denham leave and go away from him. Which is to say, this swearing category concluded into propositional swearing.

b. Fucking 102B

Jean : You ate 2 million? Donnie : Later

Jordan : Get off the phone. Get off the fucking phone! Idiot!

Data number 102B was the example of this sex-related swear word fucking in this category. It happened when Jordan known that all of his phone was tapped of the FBI. He saw that Donnie talked to Jean with his phone in his house. Then, Jordan asked Donnie to cut their conversation but Donnie did not understand about it because they were getting drunk. This swear word belonged to propositional swearing category because this sex-related swear word fucking uttered intentionally. Jordan conciously uttered fucking because he really wanted Donnie to get off from the phone. Moreover, there was no surprised emotion of this swearing. Thus, it could be concluded that the word fucking belonged to propositional swearing category.

c. Fucked 4C


got busted for shit that had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to fucking do with me.

The utterances above happened when Jordan was telling to the audience about the destruction of his company. In that moment Jordan told to the audience that all of his partner was caught by the police. The utterances could be concluded into miscellaneous category, because the swear word fucked was used by Jordan Belfort as a replacement of word worst of something and it could be told spoiled. This utterance was consciously uttered by the speaker, there was no reaction of replying something. Then this category could be concluded into propositional swearing, because this utterance did not suddenly utter by the speaker.

B. The Notions of Sex-Related Swear Words

After categorized the sex-related swear words into two major types (propositional and non-propositional) according to their impetuses, the notions of Jordan Belfort’s related swear words were discussed in this section. Every


Figure 4.2 The Frequency of Swearing Expressions

Figure 4.2 showed, there were 226 sex-related swear words utterances that belonged to nine swearing expressions. Furthermore, the most frequent swearing expression was used by Jordan was sex-related swear words as intensifying. There found 161 sex-related swear words had the notions as intensifier. The explanations of 9 swearing expressions were elaborated in following section.

1. Non-Propositional Swearing Category

In non-propositional swearing category, there found 33 sex-related swear words. Those 33 sex-related swear words belonged to four swearing expressions. Those 33 sex-related swear words can be seen in the following figure.

1 7



1 13



Figure 4.2 The Frequency of Sex-Related Swear Words

Figure 4.2 showed, there were thirty-three sex-related swear words utterances that were included into non-propositional and categorized into four swearing expressions. Furthermore, the researcher only found two kinds of sex-related swear word which were categorized to non-propositional.

Jay (2008) states that swearing is used to express the speaker’s emotion and

communicating the information to listeners. The researcher concluded that all sex-related swear words could have their intention, either to show emotion or to communicate. Sex-related swear words were used to express emotion of the speaker to the listener and depends on the situation and condition. The swearing expressions of each sex-related swear word were discussed in the following section.

a. Violent Refusal / Rejection / Defiance

In this swearing expression, the researcher found sex-related swear word fuck. Only one utterance was used to express this expression. This swearing


2 2






Violent Refusal Exclamation of Surprise

Surprised Question Exclamation of Annoyance


expression was used to express the emotion of rejection. This following monolog was the example of violent refusal swearing expression in this movie.


Jordan: I heard some stupid shit. I don't know. Fuck, I didn’t even want to bring it up. It’s just. It’s stupid.

The monolog happened when Jordan Belfort was having lunch with Donnie Asof in a restaurant. They discussed Donnie's life experiences. Jordan heard that Donnie married with his cousin. It made Jordan was surprised and curious about Donnie. After that, Jordan opened the conversation about Donnie's marriage. Actually, Jordan refused to open that topic. The refusing showed by swearing fuck. The sex-related swear word fuck belonged to violent refusal swearing expression because it was used by Jordan to express his refusal toward his acts. It was supported by the utterances after word fuck. “I didn’t even want to bring it up. It’s

just, it’s just stupid.” It showed that Jordan refused to open the topic that he did not

want to talk about. This sex-related swear word belonged to non-propositional swearing category because the swear word was spontaneously uttered by the speaker. Jordan did not plan to use the swear word and he accidentally uttered fuck to express his refusal to talk about the topic.

b. Exclamation of Surprise


swearing is unintentional, unplanned and uncontrollable. It involves automatic emotional responses, occurring most frequently in response to sudden bursts of emotion (e. g., surprise). Besides, exclamation of surprise was divided into two connotations. They were negative and positive connotation. Both of them did not affect the researcher to put this expression into non-propositional swearing because the key to analyzing this section depended on the swear words utterances in surprise expression. In this expression, there were seven swear word belong to negative connotations and two to positive connotations. These were the examples of the expression.

1) Positive Connotation

Here the example of exclamation of surprise with positive connotation: 3A

Jordan Belfort : You got me a present? Donnie : I got you something. Jordan Belfort : Oh, fuck. You’re sweet.


non-propositional swearing category because the sex-related swear word suddenly occurred and the speaker did not plan to utter the sex-related swear word.

2) Negative Connotation

Here the example of exclamation of surprise with negative connotation: 40A

Naomi : She’s dead!

Jordan : Who? Who’s dead?

Naomi : I just got a call from my cousin Betty. Jordan : Yeah?

Naomi : Aunt Emma is dead.

Jordan : Are you fucking kidding me? Naomi : No.

Jordan : You’re serious? Oh, my God! Baby that’s. Oh, fuck!

The example above happened when Jordan was talking with Naomi in his yacht. Naomi came to Jordan when she was crying. Then, Jordan asked about it and Naomi gave a bad news to him. Naomi told to Jordan that her aunty was dead. It surprised him and suddenly reacted “Oh,fuck!”. It showed that his utterances were not planned and uncontrollable because Jordan was uttered it automatically when Naomi just said about it twice. This utterance belonged to non-propositional swearing category because it was spontaneously uttered by Jordan Belfot. Besides, the word fuck included into exclamation of surprise with negative connotation because Jordan uttered fuck to show his sadness.

c. Surprised Question


surprised question with a positive connotation. Jay (2009) states “Taboo words can be used to achieve a variety of personal and interpersonal outcomes that may be positive, negative, or inconsequential in terms of their impact on other” (p. 8).

In this movie, the researcher found 14 words fuck and 8 words fucking that belonged to surprised question. Furthermore, these 22 utterances had the same purpose with the exclamation of surprise swearing expression. It was used to express the surprised reaction against other people or situations. Nevertheless, in this expression, the speaker used a question to express their surprise that containing questions word (who, when, what, why, where, and how) and a question mark (?) in the utterances.

In this movie, the researcher found 14 words fuck that belonged to surprised question with a negative connotation. Besides, the researcher did not find the surprised question with positive connotation from Jordan Belfort utterances. The following conversation was the example of surprised question expression with a negative connotation.


Janet : Jordan! Barry Kleinman’s on the phone from Future Video. Jordan : Who?

Janet : I don’t know. He shot at your wedding. He says it’s urgent. Jordan : Urgent? Who the fuck is Barry Kleinman?


from Barry Kleinman. Barry was a videographer of Jordan Belfort’s Wedding party. The sex-related swear word fuck belonged to surprised question expression because Jordan Belfort was surprised when he got an important call from a stranger and he spontaneously uttered the sex-related swear words fuck with a question. This swear word fuck was included into negative connotation because it was used by Jordan Belfort to express his curiosity to the caller. It was showed when Jordan uttered “urgent? Who the fuck is Barry Kleinman?”. He was curious to the caller because the caller was a stranger and the caller asked him to pick up the phone when he was celebrating his big salary. However, Jordan's utterance was unintentional and unplanned. By knowing this explanation above, the researcher concludes that this expression was included into non-propositional swearing category.

In this movie, the researcher found eight words fucking that belonged to surprised question with positive and negative connotations. There were six words fucking belonged to surprised question with negative connotation and two fucking words with positive connotation. The following conversation was the example of surprised question expression with a negative connotation. The following conversations were the examples of both connotations.

1) Positive Connotation

Here the example of surprised question with positive connotation: 97B

Donnie : Twenty real Lemons. Retired pharmacist’s client of mice, they’ve been in the safe for 15 years.


The conversations number 97B happened when Donnie gave a present for Jordan in his office. Donnie gave present lemmons. In that case, Lemmons meant a kind of drug which would make people drunk. At that moment, Jordan was so happy because Donnie gave his favorite present. The swear word fucking represented Jordan’s emotion. Jordan shocked got a present from Donnie. This fucking belonged to positive connotation because this sex-related swear word was used by Jordan to express his happiness when he got that present.

2) Negative Connotation

Here the example of surprised question with negative connotation: 42B

Naomi : You were calling her name in your sleep! Jordan : Are you out of your fucking mind? I don’t.


d. Exclamation of Annoyance

The fourth swearing expression belonged to non-propositional swearing category was exclamation of annoyance. In this movie, three sex-related swear word of swear words fuck uttered by Jordan Belfort belonged to exclamation of annoyance in non-propositional swearing category. However, five sex-related swear words fuck also belonged to propositional swearing category. There were three utterances which belonged to this expression and this category. Each utterance was used to express annoyance against other characters or situations. The researcher also found that this expression was used to express Jordan’s annoyance toward other people act. Some of Jordan's utterances were suddenly uttered. Thus, some of the sex-related swear word fuck in this expression belonged to non-propositional category. The following explanation was the example of exclamation of annoyance.


Jordan : Get the fucking ludes! Donnie : What are you saying! Jordan : Fuck! Get the ludes!

Donnie : I can’t go down there, Jordan. It’s flooded. It’s three feet of water down there!

Jordan : I will not die sobet! Get those fucking ludes!


because Jordan was saying softly. The sex-related swear word fuck belonged to exclamation of annoyance because the sex-related swear word fuck was suddenly uttered and it was used to express his annoyance toward Donnie. He was annoyed of Donnie because he did not understand what Jordan said, and it made Jordan asked repeatedly. By knowing the facts that had explained, this swearing expression could be included into non-propositional swearing category.

2. Propositional Swearing Category


Figure 4.3 The Frequency of Sex-Related Swear Words

Figure 4.3 showed propositional swearing category found in the Jordan Belfort utterances. There were 193 sex-related swear words that belonged to propositional. Jay (2008) states, swearing is used to express the speaker’s emotion

and communicating the information to listeners. It could be concluded that swearing was used to express his emotion. Every sex-related swear word also had a swearing expression. The swearing expressions of 193 sex-related swear words were exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of unconcern, insult (imperative verb + object), intensifier/intensifying, insulting request to go away, and miscellaneous. Those swearing expressions were discussed in the following explanation.

a. Exclamation of Annoyance

This swearing category was also included into propositional category because some of the sex-related swear words occurred intentionally and planned.

0 0 0


0 0





7 6


There were five utterances included in this expression. Each utterance was used to express annoyance against other characters or situations. This expression is used to express emotion of annoyance that people did not like or want. Furthermore, this swearing expression only appeared in word fuck. The following explanation was exclamation of annoyance which used by Jordan Belfort in the movie.


Jordan : Can you get him out of here? Janet : Yeah. Lick my twat.

Jordan : No, I’m serious! Fuck. Guys, act like we’re working. You got any fucking stock forms?

This utterance happened when Janet told to Jordan that his dad was coming to his office. Jordan asked Janet to make his dad did not go to his room but Janet replied with a joke. Then, Jordan was angry and insulted her because he told her seriously. The sex-related swear word fuck was used to express his anger against Janet. He felt annoyed of Janet because Janet did not respond Jordan’s order

seriously. This sex-related swear word was also included into propositional swearing category because it was uttered by Jordan intentionally, and he could control his utterances to express his emotion.

b. Exclamation of Unconcern



Jordan : They don’t know, right? They gotta think about it, they gotta talk to their fucking wives, or the fucking Tooth Fairy. Point is, it doesn’t matter what the fuck they say. The only real objection that they have is that they don’t trust you guys.

The monolog above happened when Jordan was explaining about their job to his employee in his new company. He explained the trick to provoke the customer to buy the stock that Jordan's company provided. At this scene, Jordan also gave a real example about their job with a real customer. The sex-related swear word fuck was used by Jordan Belfort to explain his unconcern toward his customer. He also thought that the customer did not trust the employees too. He told to his employees that their job only to get the money from the customer. So, they did not need to pay attention to the customer’s saying and just ignored it. It showed on "it doesn't matter

what the fuck they say” from Jordan’s utterance. Based on that utterance, this expression could be categorized as propositional swearing category because the speaker used the sex-related swear word intentionally, and he could control what he wants to say. This utterance was also not suddenly uttered like the previous category.

c. Insult (Imperative Verb + Object)


imperative verb (express a command) then followed by an object to complete the sex-related swear word. However, this expression could not be divided into negative or positive connotation, it was because all of sex-related swear word in this expressions had bad meanings. It was used to harm other people. They might use this expression when they were angry with someone. The following sentence was the example of insult with (imperative verb+object).


Denham : Good to see you again, Jordan. You are under arrest!

Jordan : You gotta be joking! You are kidding me. Hey, get the fuck away from me!

Denham : Turn that camera off.

Jordan : I’m fucking shooting a fucking infomercial here, you fucking cocksucker! Fuck you, you motherfucker!


d. Intensifier / Intensifying

The researcher found intensifier/intensifying as an expression of sex-related swear words. In the data, the researcher found four sex-related swear words fuck and 157 sex-related swear words fucking which were used by Jordan Belfort to express his emotion. This expression was used to emphasize his intention. This swearing expression mostly stands as an adjective or an adverb and it would be used to intensify a word/phrase. In this expression, the sex-related swear word would not make a different meaning if the sex-related swear word was deleted in the sentence. The sex-related swear word fuck and fucking were used only as additional words in order to intensify his intention. The following conversation were the examples of fuck and fucking in this expression.

Negative connotation 17A

Donnie : Hey, Jordan! Welcome.

Jordan : Steve here yet? Troops are all here, everyone’s all rallied, excited. What the fuck is that kid doing? What’s he doing? The biggest IPO in this firm’s history. What the fuck is he doing?

Janet : Is he ... Is he wearing a bow tie?


employee’s act and it delivered intentionally. Which is to say, this swearing

expression belonged to propositional swearing. 1) Positive Connotation

Here the example of intensifier with positive connotation: 12B

Chester : I can sell anything. Shit, I can sell ludes to a convent full of nuns, and get them so horny they’d be fucking each other.

Jordan : That’s the attitude. You can sell anything? Sell me this fucking pen right here. You can sell anything. Sell that. Go ahead. Sell me the pen.


2) Negative Connotation

Here the example of intensifier with negative connotation: 96B

Jordan : He’s got a gun, you fucking idiot!

Donnie : I put that one in there! You know what you are a fucking dealer. I got fice more just like you, bro.

The utterances above occurred when Donnie had a conflict with Brad, and Jordan was the mediator of them. The conflict happened in Jordan's house. Brand refused to bring Donnie's money to Swiss because he thought that it was out of the contract. Donnie was angry because he also contributed in this case, so he wants Brad’s wife also bring his money to Swiss Bank. In that case, Donnie mocked Brad,

then they got a conflict. Jordan tried to neutralize the situation but they refused it. Then, Jordan was angry and mocked Donnie that he was an idiot person. The sex-related swear word fucking was used by Jordan Belfort, to emphasize that Donnie was really an idiot. These utterances also belonged to negative connotation because the sex-related swear word fucking was used by the speaker to emphasize bad intention “you idiot”. This sex-related swear word belonged into propositional swearing category because it was uttered intentionally. Thus, Jordan could control the content of his utterances.

e. Insulting Request to Go Away


Those sex-related swear words always had a negative connotation toward the listener. This swearing expression belonged to propositional category because the sex-related swear word fuck was uttered by the character intentionally. These following conversation were the examples of insulting request to go away.


Police : Mr. Belfort? Mr. Belfort? Jordan : Get the fuck out of here. Fuck.

Police : Sir, we need to ask you some questions. Jordan : Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck you. Police : Come on, get up.

Jordan : Get the fuck out of my house.

This conversation above happened when the police came to Jordan’s house.

It happened because Jordan ruined the traffic signs. Jordan was driving a car and damage the traffic signs when he was drunk. In the morning, the police came to his house and asked him a question. Jordan was upset and angry because the police disturbed him while he was sleeping. Then, Jordan asked the police to leave his house by uttered "get the fuck out". The utterance "get the fuck out" made his request stronger because he feels uncomfortable with the situation. Moreover, the sex-related swear word fuck was intentionally uttered by the speaker because the speaker could control the utterances that he produced. He really wanted to make Denham leave and go away from him. Thus, this swearing expression was concluded into propositional swearing.


Police : Well?


The conversation number 107B happened when the police came to Jordan’s house in the morning. The police woke up Jordan to clarify about his act toward the traffic signs. Jordan was so angry because the police woke him up in the early morning without reason. The police asked him to quit from his house, and then Jordan uttered the sex-related swear word fucking. It was used by Jordan Belfort to make the police to go away from the way in form of insult. All of the sex-related swear word which belonged to this expression were included into negative connotation because they were used to insult people. This swearing expression also belonged into propositional swearing category because the sex-related swear word was uttered under the control of Jordan Belfort. He intentionally uttered the sex-related swear word in order to insult other people. It meant, this swearing expression was categorized to propositional swearing category.

f. Miscellaneous

The sixth swearing expression was miscellaneous. Swan (1982) adds, “the sex-related fucked commonly used to replace a word which means like destroyed, ruined, and spoiled”. Based on Swan’s (1982) explanation, the researcher argued


the example of the sex-related swear word fucked that Jordan Belfort used in the movie.


Jordan : Boy, Donnie really knew how to celebrate. He said he was saving these for a special occasion. Like a birthday, or being clap free, our money arriving safely in Switzerland. So that night, I cleared my schedule and I rid my body of anything that could fuck with my high. It was celebration time.

The monolog above happened when Jordan Belfort was telling to the audience. He told to the audience that Donnie was good in celebrating their fruitfulness. Donnie gave him some pills which had been saved for several years. They were celebrating their happiness with drinking some pills that Donnie gave in Jordan's home. The sex-related swear word fuck was used by Jordan to tell the audience that the pills gave a bad effect. This sex-related swear word occurred because it was used to replace a word but hard to explain This sex-related swear word also could be interpreted as a word that could damage his feeling of drunk. In addition, this sex-related swear word fuck did not suddenly appear or spontaneity spoken by Jordan. The sex-related swear word fuck was uttered intentionally and it not suddenly occurred. Thus, this swearing category could be concluded into propositional swearing.


Jordan : See, we were a little different. We liked to get as fucked up as possible during our business powwows in order to stimulate our free-flowing ideas, which is why we were popping these ludes like they were M&M’s.


were discussing their business. Jordan and friends drunk in his new house. They drunk because Jordan celebrated his successes in his company. They also need the methamphetamine to stimulate their free-flowing ideas. The sex-related swear word fucked + up was interpreted as drunk/screwed. Thus, the sex-related swear word fucked belonged to propositional swearing category because the swearing was uttered intentionally when he explained his emotion.




This chapter presents three sections, namely conclusions, implications, and recommendations. The first section is conclusions which is summarized the results of the research problems. The second section is implications which explain the implications of this research to English learners, especially to ELESP students. The third section is recommendations which explain the recommendation for ELESP students, and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

In the first section summarized the results of the research questions. The first research questions aimed to analyze the swearing categories of sex-related swear words based on its impetus (propositional or non-propositional). The second research questions aimed to analyze the notions of sex-related swear words.


Figure 4.3 The Frequency of Sex-Related Swear Words ....................................32
Table 3.1 Categorization of Sex-Related Swear Words
Figure 4.1 Frequency of Swearing Categories
Figure 4.2 The Frequency of Swearing Expressions


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