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(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade Students of MAN Tengaran in the Academic Year of2014/2015)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Intitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

ARIS ZULFA 11310047





In the name of Allah, the most gracious.

Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is writtenby the writer herself. It does not contain any materials which have been published by other people and other people‟s idea except the information from the references.

This declaration is written by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, January 27th, 2015 The writer




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Website: www.iainsalatiga.ac.id email: administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id

Salatiga, January 27th, 2015 Ruwandi, M.A

The lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE CONSELOR’S NOTE

Case : Aris Zulfa‟s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

After reading and correcting Aris‟s graduating paper entitled “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION


SKILL(Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade Students of MAN Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)”, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.




It always seems impossible until it’s done

(Nelson Mandela)

Happy people is not a great man in every way, but one that can find simple things in life and give thanks



To my beloved Parents and Brother,Mr. Basroni, Mrs.

Tadzkiroh, and Munif,



In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful, the Lord of universe, Thanks to Allah, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Kependidikan Islam in English Department of Education Faculty of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has given us enligtment for our lives.

However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd, the rectorof State Institude Islamic for Studies(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the deanof Teacher Tarining and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Rr Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Department

4. Mr. Ruwandi, M.A, as the counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience and guidance.

5. All lecturers of IAIN Salatiga who have bestowed their knowledge to me, especially the lectures of English Department (TBI). Thanks a lot for the very invaluable education.

6. All staffs of IAIN Salatiga who have helped the writer in processing administration.


8. My Lovely brother (Muhammad Fatkhul Munif) who helped me, in this paper, and always give me advice and support.

9. My beloved family thanks for your guidance, advice, encouragement, and praying to Allah.

10.My best friends in Bhe the One(Ikhsan Susilo, Rizky hanano, Umairoh, Darsini, Yuni, Ismi, Nisa, Aras, Echan, Mupti,Rois, etc.), and Phaiz, Muna, Yahya thanks for your helping and support.

11.My beloved special one, thanks for your support, love, trust, and praying. 12.My friends in TBI 2010 especially TBI B keep on fire, we always


13.Mr.Muhammad Fuad, M.Pd as Head master of MAN Tengaran

14.Mrs. Aliyati Fatmawati, S.Pdas English Teacher in MAN Tengaran, thanks for your helping and collaborating in teaching learning process. 15.The students in XI.IPA 1 class, thanks for your participant in the


16.Many people who have help the writer that I can‟t mention one by one, thanks all.

Salatiga, January 27th 2015 The writer



Zulfa Aris, 2015:”The Implementation Of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill(Classroom Action Research at the second grade students of MAN Tengaran in the Academic year 2014/2015).”

Graduating Paper of English Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

The objectives of the study are to find out the improving of students‟speaking skill of the second grade students of MAN Tengaran inthe academic year of 2014/2015through Student Teams achievement Division (STAD) method, and to find out the significant improvementof speaking skill after using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) methodof the second grade students of MAN Tengaran in the academic year of 2014/2015 through the method. The methodology of research used classroom action research. The methods of collecting data usedobservation, documentation and test. This study take two cycles, each cycle comprised of two meetings and each meeting consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection

To find out the improving of students‟ speaking skill the researcher used pre test and post test to know how deep the students masteringthe speaking material.The research shows that the students involved actively in teaching learning process, they are more encourages and interested to speak English than before.Then, the researcher analyzedthem by statistical technique. Both in the cycle I and cycle II.

in the cycle I show the students‟ improvement speaking skill in the class. The mean score of post-test ( ) are higher than score of pre-test ( ). Then,in the cycle II. The mean score of post-test ( ) are higher than score of pre-test ( ).From the t-calculation, the researcher analyzes that there is a significant difference between cycle I and cycle II. The t-calculation of cycle II (2,434) are higher than score of cycle I (1,917). These indicated that there is significant improvement of students‟ speaking skill through Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method of the eleventh grade students of MAN Tengaran in the academic year of 2014 /2015.







MOTTO... v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ……….. 1

B. Identification of the Problems....………. 4

C. Limitation of the problem ... 4

D. Statement of the Problems………... 5

E. Objective of the Study...………... 5

F. Pedagogical significance... 5

G. Review of Related Literarure... 6

H. Hypothesis of the study ... 7

I. The Outline of Paper……… 7


1. Definition of Speaking ... 9

2. The Elements of speaking... 9

3. The Components of Speaking Skill... 11

4. Teaching Speaking... 12

5. The Principles of Teaching Speaking... 12


7. The Role of the Teacher in Speaking... 15

B.Student Teams Achivement Division (STAD) method………... 16

1. Definition of STAD Method... 17

2. Components of STAD... 18

3. Preparation... 20

4. Schedule of the activities... 21

5. Theoretical Framework... 24


1. History of MAN Tengaran... 26

2. Location of MAN Tengaran... 27

3. Vision and Mission of MAN Tengaran... 28

4. Condition of Students, Teacher and Functionary... 29

5. The organization structure of MAN Tengaran... 30

6. Infrastructure and Facilities of MANTengaran... 31

B. Research Approach... 32

C. Type of Research... 33

D. Subject of Research... 33

E. Time Schedule of Research... 34

F. Procedures of the Research... 34

G. Techniques of Collecting Data... 37

H. Research Instruments... 38

I. Technique of Analyzing Data... 43


1.Cycle I... 46

2.Cycle II... 47

B. Data Analysis... 48


2.Cycle II... 50

C. Research FindingsDiscussion... 52

1.Cycle I... 55

a. Planning... 55

b. The implementation of the action... 56

c. Observation... 67

d. Reflection... 68

2.Cycle II... 68

a. Planning... 69

b. The implementation of the action... 70

c. Observation... 77

d. Reflection... 77

D. Discussion ... 78

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 79

B. Suggestion... 80 REFERENCES



(Table 2.1) Table the way to assign students to teams ...……….. 21

(Table 2.2) Table of improvement score…...…………..…... .. 23

(Table 2.3) Team members sheet ...……… 23

(Table 3.1) The number of student in MAN Tengaran ...……….……. 29

(Table 3.2) The organisation of MAN Tengaran ……….. 30

(Table 3.3) Infrastructure and fasilities of MAN Tengaran ……… 32

(Table 3.4) The time schedule of research ….……….. 34

(Table 3.5) Students‟ observation sheet ………. 39

(Table 3.6) The assesment scale for group performance …………... 42

(Table 3.7) The students‟ achievement …...……… 43

(Table 4.1) Result of pre test and post test cycle I …...……… 46

(Table 4.2) Result of pre test and post test cycle II ……… 47




A. Background of Study

Foreign language learners in general, and English learners in particular should be aware the language skills which must be achieved. The abilty of each learners to improve their language skills are different. The learners have different strenghts and weaknesses in improving their language skills.

One of the skills that should be mastered by junior and senior high school students is speaking.To master speaking skill, all students need to get acquired the language components needed. Components of speaking include grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency. Grammar is needed for learners to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. Pronounciation in the way for learners to produce clearer language when they speak. Vocabulary means the appropriate diction used in communication. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas in both oral and written forms. Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners.


to speak English. Third, students do not pay attention in teaching learning processes because teachers may use the same methods.

Actually, teacher are educator. Educators are adults with all abilities that can change mindset of their students from not knowing to knowing and to be matured. A professional teacher must have skill to design and organize the classroom well. One of the most important skills is the performance of the teachers in the classroom as controlling a classroom to create a good and fun learning environment. Thus, teachers mush choose the learning methods that are appropiate to the characteristics of students.

The difficulties of mastering speaking skill must be faced by most of the sudents in Indonesian school institutional including in MAN Tengaran. Their problem in improving speaking skill can be seen when they are in the speaking class. The students feel so hard to express their ideas because they often feel that they do not master enough vocabulary. and they seldom use English in daily activities. So, their language can not develope.

Based upon the interview with english teacher in MAN Tengaran conducted 5 April 2014, the writer identified some factors that make the speaking are not developed: first, students rarely use English in daily life. Second, students are shy to speak English. Third, English is not mother tongue students and the teacher usually use same method, like oral and presentation.


is ways to improve the students speaking skill. For example teacher ask students to make a small group and give students some interesting topic for discuss use english in the group, student will be comfortable if they speak with their friends. And the teacher must controlled students‟ activities during the lesson. So, From the topic students gets new vocabularies and they can practice to speak in the group.

The researcher is interested in improving students‟ speaking skills using

STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division), and he wants to prove whether the STAD method can be effective for increasing students‟ ability in speaking

skills and their achievements. Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) developed by Robert Slavin and his friends at the Johns Hopkins University (in Slavin, 1995) is the simplest cooperative learning, and is suitable use by teachers who are just starting to use cooperative learning. Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) is a type of cooperative learning is the simplest, and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method as an alternative to teach speaking competence in the classroom. STAD is one of the popular methods in cooperative learning that is introduced by John Hopkins. Due to the fact found, the researcher wants thesis entitled “The Implementation of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Method To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill(A Classroom Action Reasearch at


B. The Identification of the Problem About Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Method

There are some reason about why Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method is not applyed in the English teaching :

1. Not all English teachers are well comprehended Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method.

2. Not all English teachers are wiling to comprehence Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method.

3. Teacher need a lot of time to applyed STAD method.

4. Teacher must control the students and condition in the classroom when use STAD method so that the students not noisy.

5. Occurred crowdy class situation. So, students can not work effectively in groups.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher would like to limit of the study to the following problems in order to avoid misinterpretation of the problem, are:

1. The implementation Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method to improve students speaking skill.

2. The subject in this research is speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of MAN Tengaran.


D. Statement of the Problem

1. Can STAD method improve speaking skill of eleventh grade students‟ of MAN Tengaran in the academic year 2014/2015?

2. Can STAD method significantly improve speaking skill of eleventh grade students‟ of MAN Tengaran in the academic year 2014/2015?

E. Objectives of the Study

1. To prove that Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method help students skill improvement of MAN Tengaran in the academic year of 2014/2015

2. To prove the significant improvement of speaking skill after using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method

F. Pedagogicals significance

The out puts of the study expected to be useful for: 1. Students

Students are expexted to be able to increase their speaking competense through Student Teams Achievement Division.

2. Teacher


3. Researcher

The researcher hopes that this study can facilities himself and the English learners in Speaking Competense toward Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method.

G. Review of Related Literature

In this research, the writer reviews several researchers conducted by the previous writer references as comparison the first related to this research, and the title is “The Use of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) To

Improve Listening Comprehension of The Second Grade Students of SMAN 2 Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2012/2013” by Wafa (2013).

In that paper, he analyzed that the result of the research shows that the use of Student Teams Achievement Division can improve students‟ listening

comprehension. The implementation of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is reasonable because it can give students‟ improvement in listening skill (Wafa, 2013: 96)

The second review was researched by Any Laelasari, a student of STAIN Salatiga entitled “The Use of Student Teams Avhievement Division (STAD) to

Improve Reading Comprehension” (A Classroom Action Research at the second year students of MA Al Manar Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2012/2013).


understand the lesson but motivated andinterest students in learning Endlish particulary in Reading ability as well (Lestari, 2013: 75)

H. Hypothesis of the study

Based on previous chapter in the background of the study, statement of the problem, the hypothesis of this study stated that: “Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method can to Improve Students‟ Speaking Competense of students of MAN Tengaran in the Academic year 2014/2015”.

I. The Outline of Paper

In order to meke easy to understand this thesis, the reseacher uses a system of presentation as follows:

Chapter I is introduction. It consist; background of the study, the identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, research question, objectives of the study, pedagogocal significance, classification of key term, Review of Related Literature, and outline of paper.

Chapter II is Literature review which contains about the definition of the Definition of Speaking, Elements and Components of Speaking, Teaching Speaking, the Principles and Technique of teaching speaking and role of the teacher in speaking, STAD method, component of STAD, Preparation before use STAD, Schedules of the activities, theoritical framework.


research, research procedure, collecting of data, research instrument, achievement indicator, evaluation criteria,and data analysis, Hypothesis of the studyand the general description of MAN Tengaran, Hypothesis of the study.

Chapter IV is research implementation and data analysis which consist the Students‟ improvement and analysis of Speaking competense after using

Student Teams Achievement Division, Research Finding and Discussion. Chapter V is closure which consist of conclusion and suggestion. References




1. Definition of Speaking

One of language skill which is very important to be mastered by students to be a good communicator is speaking. Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher, 2003: 23). Speech is about making choices. Students must choose how to interact in expressing themselves and forming relationship through speech.

Speaking is an ability that is taken for granted, learned as it is through process of socialization through communicating. Speaking is making use of language in ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in words, making speech.

In short, speaking can be as the way to carry out feeling through words, even conversation with other. It means that human uses words and phrases in interactive process of contructing meaning of speaking.

2. The Elements of speaking

Hermer, (2003: 269), state that the ability to speak English presuppose the elements necessary for spoken production as follows:


1) Connected speech: in connected speech sounds are modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), added (linking), or weakened (through contractions and stress patterning). It is also for this reason that we should involve students in activities designed specificially to improve their speaking skill.

2) Expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially in face to face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meanings. 3) Lexis and grammar: teacher should therefore supply a

variety of phrases of different function such as agreeing or disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or approval.

4) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatiors language we use to seek clarification and show the structure of what we are saying. We often need to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talks and it is very crucial for students.

b. Mental / social processing

Success of speaker‟s productivity is also dependent upon the rapid


1) Language Processing: Language processing involves the retrieval of words and their assembly into syntactically and propositionally appropriate sequence.

2) Interacting with other: effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding or how the othe participants are feeling, and knowledge of how linguistically to take turns allow others to do so.

3) Information procesing (On the spot) : Quite apart from our response to other‟s feelings, we also need to be able to process

the information they tell us the moment we get it. 3. The Components of Speaking Skill

Rubiati, (2010: 17), stated that here are five components are generalization recognized in analyses of the speech process.

a. Pronunciation including the segmental features vowels and consonants and the stress and the stress and intonation patterns.

b. Grammar. c. Vocabulary.

d. Fluency; the case and speed of the flow of speech.

e. Comprehension; for oral communiaction certainly requires a subject to respond to speech as well as initiate it.


4. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is started at teaching the students how to speak in English as their foreign language, for then ask them to be able to pronunce the new language accurately. It‟s continued then to guide students to a point

where they can begin to judge whether their sound production are correct or not. At this point, teacher is no longer primarily to correct, but he or she is supposed to encourage students to practice speaking the target language. Meanwhile, teacher should be able to encourage students speaking some sounds, repeating, and imitating him/her. Finally, the students are required to be used practice and do oral language.

5. The Principles of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking has some principles, there are (Nunan, 2003: 54-56) :

a. Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign lahuage learning contexts. (A foreign language contexts is one where the target language is not the language of communication in the society, then a second language context is one where the target language is the language of communication in the society)

b. Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy (Accuracy is the extent to which students‟ speech matches what people actually


c. Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair work and limiting teacher talk.

d. Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning. Research suggests that learners make progress by communicating in the target language because interaction necessarily involves trying to understand and make you understood.

e. Design classroom activities that involved guidance and practice in both transactional and interaction of speaking.

6. Technique in Teaching Speaking

Many of classroom speaking activities which are currently used are: a. Acting from script

This activity encouage students to act out scene from plays or their course books, sometimes filming the result (Hermer, 2003: 27). Students will often act on dialouges they have written themselves. This frequently involves them in coming out the front of the class.

b. Communication Games

Speaking activities based on games are often a useful way of giving students valuable practice, where younger learners are involved. Game based activities can involve practice of oral strategies such as describing, predicting, simplifying, and asking for feedback.

c. Discussion


think of anything to say and are not confident of the language they might use to say it. Many students feel extremely expose in discussion situation. d. Prepared talks

A popular kinds of activity is the prepared talk where students make a presentation on a topic of their own choice. Students should speak from notes rather than from a script. Prepared talks represent a defined and useful speaking game, and if properly orginized, can be extremly interesting for both speaker and listener.

e. Simulation and role play

Many students derive greet benefit from simulation and role play. Students simulate a real life encounter as if they were doing si in the real world. A simulation and rolr play can be esed to encourage general oral fluency to train students for specific situation.

f. Debate

Debate is an activity in which opposite points of view are presented and argued. Debate can present opportunities for students to engage in using extended shunks of language for a purpose: to convicingly defend one side of an issue.

All of speaking activities above encourage students to practice speaking in classroom. Teacher should choose appropriate activities above based on the level of the students. Every teaching and learning process can be enjoyable if teacher gives the appropriate activity based on the student‟s


7. The Role of the Teacher in Speaking

Rubiati, (2010: 17), said that there are many roles in teaching speaking that can make effective in learning speaking process:

a. Use the target language not only to deal with the subject matter but also to regulate the interaction in the classroom.

b. Keep the number of display questions to a minimum. Example: teacher question that are aimed at getting learners to „display‟ their knowledge, such as „What‟s the past of go?’.

c. Build the topic at hand together with the students; assume that whatever they say contributes to the topic.

d. Tolerate silences; refrain from filling the gaps between turns. e. Encourage students to sustain their speech beyond one or two

sentences and to take longer turns, do not use a student‟s short

utterance as aspringboard for your own lengthy turn.

f. Extend your exchanges with individual students to include clarification of the speaker‟s intentions and a negotiation of

meanings; do not cut off too soon an exchange to pass on to another student.

g. Pay attention to the message of students‟ utterances rather than to the form in which they are cast.


i. Give students expicit credit by quoting them; do not take credit for what students contributed by giving the impression.

j. Promter; students sometimes get lost, can not think of what to say next or in some other way lose the fluency it expect of them. The teacher can leave them to struggle out of situation on their own, and indeed sometimes this may be the best option.

k. Paticipant: teacher should be a good animators when asking students to produce language.


B. Student Teams Achivement Division (STAD) method 1. Definition of STAD Method

According to Slavin (2005:143),two of oldest cooperative laerning and most widely research are Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and Teams Games Tournament (TGT). Those method included in cooperative learning that very much applied,from grade two to grade eleven, in mathematics, language, social, scientics lesson. STAD and TGT have similarities, the only one different between STAD and TGT. STAD use individual quiz in the end of lesson, while TGT use academic games.Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) student are assigned to four or five members learning that are mix in performence level, gender, and ethnicity. Students work in mixed ability teams to study the lesson or work on the material presented by the teacher. Then, they work in groups of four or five members before doing individual quizzes. The team may earn reward based on how much they progess over the previous learning period. The only way that the team can be succesful is to ensure that everyone in the group has learned the content and is able to master the quizzes.


2. Components of STAD

According to Slavin (2009: 136), there are five component of STAD such as:

a. ClassPresentation.

The material inSTADwas first introducedin a presentationin the

classroom. This is thedirect teachingthat oftendone in thelessonsor discussions wholed bythe teacher, but it canalsoenteredaudiovisual presentation. The difference,classpresentationwiththeregularteachingis thatthepresentationreallyfocused onSTADunit. Thisway, the studentswill realizethattheyhave toreallypay attentionduring theclass presentation,

because it would very helpthemwork

onquizzesandquizscorestheydeterminetheirteam's score. b. Team.

The teamconsistsoffourorfivestudents who representingall partsofthe

classin terms ofacademic performance, the kind of sex,race, andethnicity. The primary functionofthe teamis to ensurethatall team membersare actually

learning, andmore specifically, is to preparemembers of teamto be able toworkquiz as well. After theteacherdeliveringthe material, the teammust gather tolearn theactivity sheetorthematerial. The mostcommon happen,thestudyinvolvedthe discussion ofcommon problems, compareanswers,andcorrectingthe missunderstandingerrorsifthere areteam memberswhomake mistakes.


the team must do the best to help each of the members. The team is giving support the groups for academic performance in the learning, and to give mutual respect are important for the effect produced by such inter-group relationships, self-esteem, acceptance of mainstream students.

c. Quiz.

After about one or two periods after the teacher gave a presentation and one or two teams practice period, the students will work on individual quiz. The students are not allowed to help each other in the quiz, each student is individually responsible for understanding the material.

d. Individuals Scores Progress.


e. Recognition Team.

The team will get a certificate or other form of reward when the average score they achieve certain criteria. Student team scores can also be used to determine the twenty percent of their ratings.

3. Preparation

In according with Slavin (2009: 147), before applying STAD in a classroom, teacher should make some preparation as follows:

a. Material.

STAD can be used with curriculum materials designed specifically for Students Learning Team distributed by Johns Hopkins Team Learning Project or can also be used with materials adapted from textbooks or other published sources or can be made by material teacher.

b. Assigning students to teams.

STAD teams represent a cross-section of te class (Slavin, 2009:149). A team should consist of students from variousperformance level, gender and ethnicity. For example the team would have a high perfomer, a low performer and two average performers.

To divide students into a team, teacher can follow this steps: 1) Make a teams summary that is given for students. 2) Arrange the students‟s achievement.


4) Divide students into a team.

5) Fill the paper of team summary.(Slavin, 2009:150) The way to assign students to teams can be seen in following table.

Table 2.1

c. Determining Initial Base Score.

Based score represents students‟ average scores on the past quizzes. It is possible to use students‟ final grades from the previous


d. Team Building.

it is good idea to start off with one or more team building exercises just to give teams members a chance to do something fun and get to know one another.

4. Schedule of the activities


a. Teacher ask the students to make a group, and every groups consist of 4 students heterogen

b. Teacher gives materials.

c. Teacher give assigment to groups which to be done every group students in a group.

d. Teacher give qizzes to all of students e. Evaluation

f. Conclusion

According to Slavin (2009: 151), STAD consist of reguler cycle of intructional activities, as follows:

1. Teach : The teacher presents the lesson.

2. Team Study : During team study, team member‟s task are to master the material presented by the teacher and to help their teammates master the material. Students have worksheets and answer sheets they can use to practice their skill.

3. Test : Students take individual quizzes. It is not allowed for team to work together on the quiz.

4. Team recognition : Team scoes is calculated based on progress score.


Table 2.2

Quiz Score Improvement point

More than 10 points below base score 5

10 points below to 1 point below base score

10 Base score to 10 points above base



More than 10 points above base score 30

Perfect paper (regardless of base score) 30 (Slavin,2009:159)

b) Score of the team. To calculate the team score, each point of progress for all team members recorded on the team sheet and a summary of the total number of points divided by the number of team progress team members in attendance.

Table 2.3

Value Last Year Initial Scores First

A 90


5. Theoretical Framework

For the teacher, Teaching Speaking enough difficult in the learing process. Teaching speaking skill to students is not only act as only teacher but he/she also should help the students as fasilitators, assistans, guide, partner, model, and mediator.

In the studies that have been performed in MAN Tengaran, the researcher using STAD Method in the teaching and learning process, hopefully it‟s can help students to improve their speaking skill.

In the teaching process that using STAD method, Researcher divided the students into groups to learn and work together finishing the task who given by the teacher, they must help their teammates in order to get a good score. if they want their team to earn team rewards, they must help their teammates to learn the material. And teacher is motivate students to encourage and help each other master speaking skills.

In the learning process, the researcher trying to speaking english with students in the teaching process. In the presentation stage, the researcher explain the material using English. So, it‟s can be model for students. The

researcher also trying to communicate with the students often using English in order to encourage students to be able to speaking English. And to examine how far student understanding, the researcher geve some quetions orally to the students, it‟s called Practice stage. The purpose of the stage is


The last stage is production stage. In this stage the researcher give an opportunity to the students in order to practice their speaking skill with their group. And students done quiz from the teacher as individual task. In this stage the researcher would see how far STAD method can improve students speaking skill.




A.Setting of Research

This research is done in the class of the second grade students of MAN Tengaran in the academic years of 2014/2015. The resercher take this school is located at Solo-Semarang streets Km.10, Tengaran. This school is strategic and easy to reach by bus other tranportation because it‟s in street Semarang-Solo that many vehicles from anywhere, and MAN Tengaran is school that used Islamic basic to the students.

1. History of MAN Tengaran

The idea to built intitute of Islamic educational named PGAP NU in 1967 by Mr. Amin (Now, he is chairman of foundation ASWAJA Tengaran). During 3 years academic was graduated the first students registered, after that directly opened PGAA named PGAA NU, in the 1970.

After educational status develop in 1978 PGAP changed be MTs NU (nowdays to be MTs ASWAJA) PGAA NU to be MA NU. In 1979 registered in Kanwi Depag Prov Jateng with contract Nomor: Lk/3c/29/Pgm.MA/1979, date 13 November 1979.

In 1984 be affiliated of MAN Suruh with decision letter Kanwi Depag Prov Jateng Nomor: Wk/5,d/1984, date 29 September 1984. With decision letter of religion minister No 107 at 17 March 1997, status of affiliate MAN Suruh Changed be MAN Tengarn Semarang Regency.


Since established in 1970 MAN Tengaran that formerly was called PGAA led by some persons. The first headmaster was Mr. Dawam Badruddin who led some years, after that, the headmaster was replaced by Mr. H. Ghufron, after Mr. H. Ghufron lead, and the leadership followed by Mr. KH. Kamil Yasin and led until 1984. After Mr. Kamil Yasin, the headmaster held by Mr. K. Muh. Amin (Filial MAN Tell) for a few years until replaced by Mr. Drs. Suharto, M. Ag and Status of MANu became MAN Tengaran.

The headmaster after becoming MAN Tengaran, are Mr. Drs. Qosim, Mr.Drs. Rif'an, Mr. Drs. Satibi who led for a long time until he retiring and was replaced by Mr.Drs. H.Mudlofir, MM (PLT) only a few months, until the headmaster chaired by Mr. Drs. Mahsun Alwa'id, M.Ag until late2013, and was replaced by Mr. Muhammad Fuad, M.Pd, which is still as headmaster of MAN Tengaran.

2. Location of MAN Tengaran

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Tengaran.MAN Tengaran is located in Solo-Semarang street Km 10 Tengaran 50775, phone number (0298) 610288.

The location of the school is near with Traditional Market Tengaran. In the east of the school there are SMP N 1 Tengaran. The location of school beside the public transportation. The society surrouding MAN Tengaran work as a trader and a lot of store in there.


a. Vision of MAN Tengaran

“Realization of Islam Generation who Excellent inPerformance,

Honesty, Discipline, Hard Work and Self Contained”

b. Mission of MAN Tengaran

1) Growing appreciation of learners about the teachings of Islam and the culture of the nation. So, it will becomes a source of wisdom to think and act in everyday life which is based on excellence inachievement, honesty and discipline 2) Implemention the democratic education and meaningful,

which can improve the academic achievement of students be based on the excellence in achievement, honesty and discipline.

3) Implemention the guidance program effectively until every student can develop optimally with potential to become a human being who has the character of hard work, and self-contained.

4) Implemention the Madrasah management with participative management that involving all citizens of Madrasah and groups be based on the value of honesty and discipline. 5) Implemention extra curricular learning effectively


superior value in achievement, hard work, and


4. Condition of Students, Teacher and Functionary in MAN Tengaran a. Condition of Student

Totaly, MAN Tengaran have 317 students in 2013. This is the delail of students.

Table 3.1

The Number of Student in MAN Tengaran

Grade Number of class Number of students

X 4 106

XI 5 90

XI 5 110

TOTAL 14 306

b. Condition of Teacher and Functionry condition of MAN Tengaran

MAN Tengaran have profesional teacher, almost of them are S1, in fact there are some teacher was graduate S2.


5. The Organisation of MAN Tengaran ofMANTengaran

The Organisation of MAN Tengaran of MAN Tengaran consists of the Head master. As the leaders of school, the Head master coordinated withthe school committee. Moreover, in academic duties, Headmaster assisted by vice headmaster of the school (Wakasek), that works intheir fields as well as the coordinator BK. Wakasek of MAN Tengaran divided into five Wakasek. Wakasek of curriculum, Students, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, and curriculum development. And the clerical duties, the Head master assisted by the administration. Here isa list of the names and positions of MAN Tengaran management:

Table 3.2

The Organisation of MAN Tengaran




1 2 3 4 5 6

1 M. Fuad, M.Pd 196209151989031003 Pembina IV/a Kepala Madrasah

2 Drs. Sarno, M.Pd 196306241993031001 Pembina Utama

Muda, IV/c Waka Kurikulum

3 Drs. Wardani, M.Pd 196304251994011001 Pembina, IV/a Ketua Pengelola BOS

4 Maryono, S. Pd, M.Pd 196910031998031002 Pembina, IV/a Waka Sarana dan Prasarana

5 Drs. Solihin, M.Pd.I 196203241999031001 Pembina , IV/a Waka Kesiswaan

6 Ruslin, S.Pd 196805281999031002 Pembina, IV/a Kepala Perpustakaan

7 Dra. Mahmudah Rahmawati 196706281997032001 Pembina, IV/a Wali Kelas XI IPS 1, Koperasi dan Sosial

8 Munawir, S.Ag, M.Pd 196811232001121001 Pembina, IV/a Waka Humas

9 Nur Aini Widi Astuti, S.Pd 197703172002122002 Penata Tk. I, III/d

Kepala Laboratorium IPA

12 Noviati Jamilah, SS 197811192005012005 Penata Tk.I, III/d


13 Dra. Muntafiyah, M.Pd 196812042005012002 Penata Tk. I, III/d Kepala Laboratorium Ketrampilan

14 Selamet Hanafi, S.Si 197502162005011004 Penata, III/c

Kepala Laboratorium Dokumentasi Kurikulum 20 Yuliati Khasanah, S.Si 197807162005012003 Penata, III/c Wali Kelas XII IPA 2

21 Nur Fathonah, S.Pd.I 197911132007102001 Penata Muda,

III/a Wali Kelas XII Agama

22 Nur Rokhman, S.Pd 198710102011011006 Penata Muda

III/a Pembina OSIS/Upacara

23 Prayudi Kurniyanto, S.Pd 198702112011011005 Penata Muda,

III/a Pembina Pramuka/Upacara 24 TANWIR, SH, MpdI 195710111980031004 Pembina, IV/a Kepala Urusan Tata Usaha

25 MUTMAINAH SE 196204261993032002 Penata Tk.I III/d URS. KEPEGAWAIAN dan


26 MUSTGFIRIN, SH 197802011998032001 Penata muda Tk.I,


27 KAROMI 196111261986031003 Penata muda


35 Nina Triyanawati, S.Pd 197109142006042001 Penata, III/c Guru Mapel

36 Komedi, S.Ag Guru Mapel

37 SAMSUL BAHRI URS. SAI, presensi


6. Infrastructure and Facilities of MANTengaran

In the process of teaching and learning activities MAN Tengaran supported by the facilities and infrastructure is sufficient. Infrastructures are whatever is in the school in the physical form (movable or immovable objects), and the function to help all the activities of teaching and learning.

Table 3.3

Infrastructure and Facilities of MANTengaran

1. Cadaster Large m2

a. Certificatate of land 1 2.350 b. Certificatate of land 2 1.645

Total 3.995

2 Buildings

Facilities Total Condition

a. Classroom 14 unit Fine

b. Library 1 unit Fine

c. Science laboratory 1 unit Fine d. Computer room 1 unit Fine e. Teachers‟ room 1 unit Fine f. Headmaster room 1 unit Fine g. Health room 1 unit Fine h. Volley-basket field 1 unit Fine i. OSIS and Scout‟s


1 unit Fine

j. Mosque 1 unit Fine

3 Learning Equipment Quantity

a. Table 346


B. Research Approach

The researcher use quantitative approach as a primary approach in this research. In this research the researcher will prepare some media and try to ask students discuss interesting topic and it will produce a speaking activity in the group. From speaking activity it will develop into discussion because each student will tell different idea from same thing. When teacher use this method everyday surely that the students comprehend in speaking be increase. The secondary approach is descriptive. Descriptive is describing how a technique of learning is applied and how the result wanted can be research (Muklis. 2000:57).

C. Type of Research

The research method used in this study is classroom action research. There are some definition of action research. The first definition is given by kemmis (2008 in Kunandar 2011) that action research is form of collective self reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order to improve the rationally and justice of their own social as educational practices,as well as understanding of this practices and the situation in which these practice are carried out.


D. Subject of Research

The researcher done of research in the MAN Tengaran and the researcher take class of students in the eleveth grade which has students15 each class. The students are taken from XI IA. because based on the observation and interview with the English teacher. these class have high grade that other classes.

E.Time Schedule of Research

The classroom action research was done in November 2014. The time schedule of research could be drawn in the table below:

Table 3.4

The Time Schedule of Research

Date and Time Activities Place

April, 5 2014 Permit Aplicattion MAN Tengaran April, 7 2014 Interviewing Mrs. Fatma as

English teacher at secound grade

MAN Tengaran

April, 21 2014 Consultation the schedule of the research

Teaching Learning process by using Student Team

Achievement Division (STAD) method. (give a post-test)


Teaching Learning process by using Student Team

Achievement Division (STAD) method. (give a post-test)


F. The Procedure of Research

This study uses classroom action research, so in this case the writer use some steps as Kemmis (2008) stated. There are two cycle in this action research in each cycle, the procedure are as follow:

1. Planning

The activities the planning is :

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the step in doing action.

b. Preparing list of student‟s name and scoring. c. Preparing teaching aids.

d. Preparing shells for classroom observation(to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied).

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ reading skill improve or not).

2. Action

a. Giving pretest

b. Teaching Speaking by using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problem


f. Observation: Observation is one of instruments used in collecting the data. Observation can be systematically used to observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students‟

feeling, thingking, and something they do in teaching learning process. He plans this observation fixable and writes something that happened in the classroom.

3. Reflection

The result of the observation is analized. It is to remember what happened that has been written in observation. Reflection seeks to make sense of process, problems and real issues in strategy action.it tool: account of the comprehend the issues and circumstance in which they arose. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, it ask the researcher to weigh the experience, to judge whether effects were desirable, and suggest ways of proceeding. The researchers„ reflection is done by

discussing with collaborator. Then the next cycle can decided or designed.

Action Planning


Reflection Observation


Action Reflection


G. Techniques of Collecting Data 1. Test

To get the data, the reseracher proceeds with the test which consists of pre-test and post-test. The function of pre-test is to get the information about the student‟s ability in speaking before the treatment. Pre-test on whatever instruments are used to assess the effect of the experiment before the treatment is given.

The function of post-test is to know the result of the experiment and usually on the instruments, after the treatmen is given (Muijs, 2004: 18). The data will prove that there is improvement for the students speaking competense using STAD.

2. Observation

In addition, the researches also do the class observation. The observation is done to find out the situation of the teaching and learning process while the learning process using STAD method is applied. It is an important thing that must to do because the reseacher should make a note for the further data collection, not only to get the final score after using STAD method for learning process in increasing speaking‟s competense but

also to show their collaborative and their participate in the group. Because STAD method is not only focus on the final score but how develop student‟s

attitude with their friends.


methods can provide an understanding of what is happening in encounter between a service provider and user, a commitee, a ward or residental unit, a large organizational or a community.

3. Documentation

According Arikuntoro (2010: 201-202), Documentation is needed to know about the situation and condition of the students, teachers, and school‟s profiles. Documentation not only includes the official organizational papers, brochures, and reports, but also more of work a day, lesson plans, and materials.

The researcher collects the data as documentaion by taking photos or videos since the teaching and learning process is going. Document is a record of events in the past in the forms of handwriting, pictures, or even literature works (Sugiyono, 2007:329). The researcher ask the school to complete the data that is needes, so this research can produce a good result that depict the teaching and learning process in MAN Tengaran in second grade by using STAD method.

H. Research Instrument

The instrument used to collect the data is test and observation sheet. 1. Observation


for the further data collection, not only to get the final score after using STAD method for learning process in increasing speaking‟s competense but also to show their collaborative and their participate in the group. Because STAD method is not only focus on the final score but how develop student‟sattitude with their friends.

Table 3.5

Students’ Observation Sheet


Names of Students



Note A B C D

1 Agus Tri Widodo M

2 Annisa Ma`Arifatul Azza F 3 Annisa Ma`Arifatul Isna F

4 Diah Safitri F

5 Faizatul Mukaromah F

6 Habibah Sandra Dewi F

7 Ika Solehati F

8 Irnawati Agustina F


Explanation A: Pay attention

B: Activeness in asking question

C: Activeness in responding question D: Enthusiasm in doing test

2. Test

To get the data, the researcher proceeds with the test which consists of pre-test and post-test. The function of pre-test is to get the information about the student‟s ability in speaking before the treatment. Pre-test on whatever instruments are used to assess the effect of the experiment before the treatment is given.

The function of post-test is to know the result of the experiment and usually on the instruments, after the treatmen is given (Muijs, 2004: 18). The data will prove that there is improvement for the students speaking competense using STAD.

10 Laela Lintank R F

11 Muhammad Ali Sodik M

12 Nikmah Khoirin Ramadhani F

13 Nur Rohim M

14 Puji Nugraheni F


The instrument used to collect the data is observation sheets and test.The writer use pre-test and post-test.

Questions Sheet

Pre-test I Make a dialogue using Expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and practice with your group in front of class.

Post-test I Make a dialogue using Expression of asking and giving opinion, and practice with your group in front of class.

Pre-test II Make a dialogue using Expression of giving advice and warning, and practice with your group in front of class.


Table 3.6

The Assesment Scale for Group Performance

Content 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points


Table 3.7

The Students’ Achievement

Criteria of Assesment Grade

90-100 Exellent

80-90 Very good

70-80 Good

60-70 Fair

50-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very poor

I. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the next step of this studyis analyzing the data. There are two ways to analyzing data, they are;

1. Descriptive qualitative technique

A descriptive qualitative technique is used to know the students behavior during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the researcher analyzes the observation sheet which has been made by his partner (collaborator).

2. Statistical technique


= Where:

:Mean of Students‟ score : The sum of students‟ score

: The total number of studens‟

b) Standart Deviation

= - 2


SD : Deviation Standart

D : Different between pre-test post-test N : number of Observation in sample c) T-test

After calculating the SD the researcher calculate t-test to know is there any significant differences or not between pre-test and post-test



T : T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-teset SD : Deviation standart for one sample t-test




This chapterfocuses on analyzingthe data collection. The researcherswill analyzethe dataobtained from theaction researchactivitiesthroughlearning and teaching process that have been donein thesecond gradestudentsat MAN Tengaran.To used to measure how far the improvement of students speaking skill by aplying STAD method.

The researcher gives the details of the findings,which is consist of the results of the cycle I and cycle II. The two cycles are treatment of the implementation of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method in speaking skill.

A. Data Presentation 1. Cycle 1

The result of both of the tests can be seen in the table as follows: Table 4.1

The Result of Pre Test and Post Test Cycle 1

No Names of Students

Pre Test I


Post Test I



(D) (D2)

1 Agus Tri Widodo 60 55 -5 25

2 Annisa Ma`Arifatul Azza 70 100 30 900

3 Annisa Ma`Arifatul Isna 75 90 15 225

4 Diah Safitri 45 60 15 225

5 Faizatul Mukaromah 65 80 15 225


7 Ika Solehati 50 70 20 400

The Result of Pre Test and Post Test Cycle 2


14 Puji Nugraheni 85 90 5 25

15 Sandi Ariyanto 60 80 20 400

1095 1210 115 2975

B. Data Analysis 1. Cycle 1

Moreover, the researcher would like to analyze the improvement of students speaking skill by using t-test calculation from the results of pre test and post test.

a. Mean of pre test I

b. Mean of post test I

 Mean of pre test =


 Mean of pre test ≤ than post test

 There is an improvement of speaking skill through Student Team Achievement (STAD) method between pre test I (before the action) and the post test I (after the action). c. SD of post test and pre test d. T-test calculation


to = students speaking skill by using t-test calculation from the result of pre test and post test.

a. Mean of pre test II


 Mean of pre test =

 Mean of post test =

 Mean of pre test ≤ than post test

 There is an improvement of speaking skill throughStudent Team Achievement (STAD) method between pre test I (before the action) and the post test I (after the action). c. SD of post test and pre test



C. Research Findings and Discusion

In this research, the researcher acts as the teacher and learning process. The researcher arranged two cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection.


the action of applying the method, most of the students take a part in the learning process.

The test instrument in the cycle I show the students‟ improvement

speaking skill in the class. The mean score of post-test ( ) are higher than score of pre-test ( ). It means that the students‟ competences are increase. From the t-calculation, the researcher analyzes that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test.

In order to get more data, the researcher continuous the cycle I to cycle II. In second meeting, the students look more relax enthusiastic than first meeting. In this section, the researcher prepares the teaching well. Student Team Achievement Divisionmethod used in this cycle.

In cycle II, the field note also obtains the data. The researcher concluded that the students are more interested with Student Team Achievement Division method.

The test instrument also shows the development of the students‟ achievement in the second cycle. The mean score of post-test ( ) are higher than score of pre-test ( ). It means the students‟ achievements are increase.

From the t-calculation, the researcher analyzes that there is a significant difference between cycle I and cycle II. The t-calculation of cycle II (2,434) are higher than score of cycle I (1,917). It means the students‟ achievement


After analyzing the data each cycle, the researcher identifies the result of cycle I and cycle II. In order to understand the data easily, the researcher makes the table as follow;

Table 4.3

The analysis of students’ improvement No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean

Pre test Post test

73 80,67 2 Standard Deviation 11,754 11,81

3 t-test 1,917 2,434

Table above (Table 4.3) shows that there is significant improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The raising of the students score is equal with their competence, students develop their speaking skill. They also participate and enjoy the English class well. In general, Student Team Achievement Divisionmethod improves both students‟ achievement and students‟ interest in learning process.

From the score of analysis in cycle I and II, the researcher concluded that the score of post-test in the cycle I is higher than the score of pre test. Based on the research finding, there is a significant improvement after applying Student Team Achievement Divisionmethod in the class.It means the method is successful to improve the students speaking skill.


Before conducting the research the researcher prepared the instrument, they are;

1) Lesson plan

In order to controlthe teaching learning process, the lesson plan as a guidance for the reseacher during the activity in the class. 2) Material

In the first cycle, the reseacher used meterial about“Expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction and Expressions of asking and

giving opinion”,He used severel books as resource and looking for the material in Internet.

3) Attending List

The writer prepared the attending list in order to check the attendance of the students in joining class activity.

4) Teaching aid

The researcher prepared some instrument, such as; fotocopy material, rubrik, and work sheet.

5) Sheet for classroom observation


6) Test (pre-test and post-test)

The test was the teacher asked to the students to answer some question about “Expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction and

Expressions of asking and giving opinion”.

b. The implementation of the action

On Monday, November3rd November 2014, the reseacher entered to the English class, the teacher opened the lesson and check the students present and introduce hisself. The first meeting was followed by 15 students.

Before the lesson, the reseacher devide the student in the group, the researcher gave the students pre-test for about 40 minutes in the group. The researcher distribute speaking assessment rubric sheet and ask students to fill their own name in the name field. Then, the researcher asked students to make conversation in front of class with their group. Actually, students feel confused about the task, but the researcher trying to encourage them so they dare to speak using English. Pretest is intended to measure how far students speaking skill. The situation in the class that follow;

Teacher :“Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh” Students :“Waalaikumsalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh” Teacher :“Ok, saya sudah katakan kemarin bahwa hari ini


penelitiannya.” (Ok, I already talk it on last week that today mr. Aris will do the research in this class, so please cooperate and help to accelerate her research).

Students :“Iya buk” (Yes, mom)

Teacher :“Tolong dibantu karena saya tidak bisa menemani di kelas dan tolong disiplin.” (Please help her because I can‟t accompany her in this class and

please be discipline). Students :“Iya, bu” (yes, mom)

Teacher :“Silahkan Mas tapi saya minta maaf tidak bisa menemani di kelas.” (Please Mr. but I‟m sorry that I can‟t accompany in the class).

Researcher :“Nggeh bu tidak apa apa, terima kasih.” (Yes mom it‟s okay, thank you).

Researcher :“Ok guys, I will start the lesson assalamualaikum

warrahmatullahi wabarokatuh.”

Students :“Waalaikumsalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh” Researcher :“Please reciting basmallah together to start the

lesson today.”

Students :“Bismillahirrahmanirrohim”


partner as the observer today, Nur Ikhsan. You can call him Kak Ikhsan.”

Students :“Ok, Kak aris tapi jangan cepat-cepat ngomongnya ya, kak.” (But please don‟t say it very fast, Kak) Researcher :“Ok. I would like ask you to help my graduation

paper as a source of research data.”

Students :”Arti nya apa itu Kak?” (What is that meaning, Kak?)

Researcher :“Artinya saya akan meminta kalian untuk membantu skripsi saya sebagai sumber data penelitian.” (It‟s mean I would like ask you to help my my graduation paper as a source of research data).

Students :“Oh, ya Ka.” (Oh, yes Kak).

Researcher :“Ok, I will ask to you “what is Expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction?” Do you know about Expression of satisfaction and dissatisfaction”

Irna :“Ekspresi puas dan tidak puas Kak.” (satisfaction and dissatisfaction, Kak)


kebahagiaan.digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kepuasan. Ketika kami senang setelah kami melihat sebuah konser dan kita benar-benar puas/terhibur dengan pertunjukkanya, ketika kita senang dengan hasil ujian kita, kita harus merasa puas.”

ExpressingSatisfaction:Expressing good feeling;sense of comfort or happiness. Use to express satisfaction.

When we are happy after we see a concert and we are really contented with the performance, when we are happy about our result of exam we must feel satisfied.“Do you understand?”

Students :“Understand, Kak.”

Researcher:”Oke,Ekspression satisfation adalah untuk menyatakan kepuasan. Jadi, Expressing Dissatisfaction adalah kebalikannya.


Table 2.1
Table 2.3 Value Last Year
Table 3.1
Table 3.2


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