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Personality development of antigone and ismene as seen in Sophocles` Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone - USD Repository


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First of all I would like to thank my lord Jesus for blessings me and giving me

strength to solve all problems in my life. The greatest thing that He gives to me is He

leads me to find the way that makes me easier to follow him.

My deepest gratitude is dedicated to my beloved father, Sugeng Mardiyanto,

S.Pd., and my mother Laurensia Budiyanti for their love, prayers, and most of all,

thank for their big sacrifice and their patience that makes me do the best in my life. I

would like to thank my beloved sister, Valentina Heny Puspitasari for her support and

help in every single day. I love them in every single moment of my life and this thesis

is dedicated for them with all my heart.

My greatest gratitude goes to my advisor Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum. for

her advice, ideas, support and patience in reading and guiding me to finish my

undergraduate thesis. I thank to my co-advisor Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

for his carefulness in reading and checking my mistakes.

I would like to give my appreciation to lecturer in English Letters Department

at Sanata Dharma University, to mbak Ninik who always helps me at the secretariat

and also library staff for their assistance along my study.

I also thank God for giving the best person, Renata Diana who has been so

patient for accompany me until I finish my thesis, for giving her best support and love



best friend Dhika “Lampard” who always disturbs me in the morning by knocking

out my door and makes me wake up earlier, I thank for everything. We have shared a

lot of things together and I hope our friendship will never end. To all my best friends

in class of 2006: Atom, Adit “Kiper”, Hasan, Denal, Yuniar, Nana, Lusi, Esther, Ryo,

Elok, Ambar, Mela, “Ionk”, Elis and many others that I cannot mention all of you,

my teammates after 20, I just want to say that we won a lot of games and thank for

giving me support.

Last but not least I would like to thank to my friends in my KKN for their

cooperation so I can enjoy finishing the programs of KKN. We have done our work


Aditya Dwi Kurniawan





ADITYA DWI KURNIAWAN. Personality Development of Antigone and Ismene

as Seen in Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone are two parts of trilogy of Sophocles. Those two plays tell us about the life in Greece. The background of the story is the Theseus’ kingdom and in the city called Thebes. In that city live two sisters, Antigone and Ismene that have two brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, that are treated as traitors by the king of Thebes, Creon. When Antigone knows that Polyneices is killed by Creon, she is angry and she tries to fight against Creon to give honor to her family and her brother, Polyneices.

There are three objectives that the writer wants to achieve through this thesis. The first is describing the characterization of the characters in the play to understand their characteristics in the play. The second is describing the personality development of the main characters and the character that has the important role in the play. The last objective is to reveal the causes of personality development of the main character and the other character in the play.

This undergraduate thesis is a library research. The main data were taken from

the plays Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone written by Sophocles. The secondary data

were taken from supporting books and articles. In solving the problems, the writer uses the psychological approach. This approach is the best approach to be applied to this topic because the topic of the thesis is the personality development of the characters in the play.

The writer concludes that Antigone is described as an obedient woman, brave

and dependent. Her personality develops when she hears about the death of her brother, Polyneices. Creon treats him as traitor and does not give the proper funeral for Polyneices. It makes Antigone’s personality develops from a woman who always obeys the rule become rebellious one by fighting against Creon and gives her brother the proper funeral and honor.

Ismene is described as a weak and obedient woman. Her personality develops when she knows that Antigone is caught by Creon and he gives the death penalty to Antigone. Ismene tries to fight against Creon by standing beside Antigone and sharing the death punishment because she loves Antigone as her sister.




ADITYA DWI KURNIAWAN. Personality Development of Antigone and Ismene

as Seen in Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone adalah dua bagian dari trilogi drama karangan Sophocles. Kedua drama ini bercerita tentang kehidupan di Yunani. Latar belakang dari cerita ini adalah kerajaan Theseus and sebuah kota yang bernama Thebes. Di kota itu hiduplah dua saudari perempuan, Antigone dan Ismene yang mempunyai dua saudara laki-laki, Polyneices dan Eteocles yang di perlakukan sebagai penghianat oleh raja dari Thebes, Creon. Ketika Antigone mengetahui bahwa Polyneices dibunuh oleh Creon, dia sangat marah dan melawan Creon untuk memberi kehormatan bagi keluarga dan saudara laki-lakinya, Polyneices.

Ada tiga tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh penulis melalui skripsi ini. Yang pertama adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggambaran karakter-karakter ini dalam drama untuk mengerti penggambaran karakter di dalam drama. Yang kedua adalah pendeskripsian perkembangan kepribadian dari tokoh utama dan tokoh yang mempunyai peran penting pada drama ini. Tujuan yang terakhir adalah untuk mengungkap penyebab-penyebab perkembangan kepribadian dari tokoh utama dan tokoh yang lain di dalam drama.

Skripsi ini adalah penelitian pustaka. Data utama diambil dari drama Oedipus

at Colonus dan Antigone yang ditulis oleh Sophocles. Data yang lain di ambil buku-buku pendukung dan artikel-artikel. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah, penulis menggunakan pendekatan Psikologi. Pendekatan ini adalah pendekatan yang terbaik untuk diaplikasikan dalam topik ini karena topik dari skripsi ini adalah perkembangan kepribadian pada tokoh-tokoh di dalam drama.

Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Antigone di deskripsikan sebagai seorang yang penurut, berani dan selalu bergantung kepada ayahnya. Kepribadiannya berkembang ketika dia mendengar kematian kakaknya, Polyneices. Creon memperlakukan dia seperti penghianat dan tidak memberi pemakaman yang layak kepada Polyneices. Hal ini membuat kepribadian Antigone berubah dari orang yang selalu patuh pada peraturan menjadi pembangkang dengan melawan Creon dan memberi kakaknya pemakaman yang layak dan penghormatan.




A. Background of the Study

Literary works explain a lot of things in human lives. One of them is that

literary work can explain the way of human lives. When people read literary works,

they could reflect their way of life or they could make their life better after reading

the literary work.

In literary works, people will understand the culture of the other country or

the culture of the other people. It can be shown from the settings or from the behavior

of the characters in the story. Through the settings, people will understand how the

culture of the characters in the story has been shown. It will be shown in the scenery

or the characters in the story.

There are a lot of kinds of literary works. There are novel, poetry, prose and

play. Most of them are contain culture, history and people’s life. It can be seen from

the story or the behavior of the characters.

In this study the writer chooses the personality development as a topic. In the

personality development, the writer is concerned about the change of the personality

of the characters from the beginning of the story and the causes of the development of

the personality of the characters. The personality development can be seen from the

conversation of the characters or from the behavior of the characters.



The writer chooses Sophocles’s Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone as the

material in this study. In Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone the writer analyzes how

the character is developed. The writer takes a few conversations between Antigone

and Ismene as an example to show the personality development.

ANTIGONE. I will not press you any more. I would not want you as a partner if you asked. Go to what you please. I go to bury him. How sweet to die in such pursuit! To rest loved by him whom I have loved, sinner of holy sin with longer time to charm the dead than those who live. For I shall abide forever there. So go and please your fantasy and call it wicked what the Gods call good.

ISMENE. You know I don’t do that. I’m just too weak against the state. (Antigone, p. 167).

From this conversation, the writer understands that Antigone and Ismene have

disagreement in the case to bury Polyneices’ body. Even though, before Polyneices

dies he has a good relationship with Antigone.

Antigone is a story about Antigone. She has two brothers, Polyneices and

Eteocles. In Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone, the writer sees the closeness of the

relationship between Antigone and the two brothers. Antigone is a woman who is

concerned about the two brothers as seen when the Polyneices was buried without

honor by the ruler of the Thebes, Creon. In this event, the writer sees the

psychological aspect of a woman who cares about her family. In Thebes, there is a

law which is said that a traitor must be unburied without honor. When Antigone

disputes the law that is made by the ruler of the Thebes, Creon. She must decide to




brother’s body unburied. To reveal these two aspects, the writer uses the

psychological approach in this research.

When Antigone decided to fight against the law, she asked Ismene to go with

her. But, Ismene refused her, because she was afraid to fight against the law from

Creon. The writer understands why Ismene is afraid of the law from the ruler. It is

because Ismene avoids the death punishment that will be given to anybody who

buries Polyneices’ body. Ismene chooses to obey the rule and avoids the pain from

the law, but Antigone tries to fight against the law and helps her brother to get the last


The writer also focuses on the changes of the relationship between Antigone

and Ismene. In the beginning of the story they have a good relationship. But, when

Antigone decided to bury her brother, their relationship changes. The relationship

influenced by their different perception and their different behavior based on their

character and their emotion. The change of the relationship between Antigone and

Ismene can be seen from how both of them accept the law from the Creon, the ruler

of Thebes. They have different perception about the law from Creon, Antigone tries

to fight against the law from Creon because she wants to give honor to Polyneices,

but Ismene obeys the law from Creon because she is afraid of the death punishment.

The relationship between Antigone and Ismene is getting worse when

Antigone decides to fight against the law of the Thebes. There are a lot of conflicts

that happened between both of them. The conflicts can be seen when Antigone asks

Ismene to go with her in order to bury Polyneices’ body, but Ismene refuses her. It




makes Antigone angry and hopes Ismene get a punishment from the god. The

different opinions between Antigone and Ismene cause their relationship becomes


From the characterization of Antigone and Ismene, the writer can conclude

the personality of both of them has develop. Antigone who always loves her family,

and brave now she becomes rebelious to dispute the law from the Creon. However,

Ismene who is calm and obedient now becomes brave to defend her sister from the

law of the Creon.

When the writer focuses on the personality development of the characters, the

writer describes the characterization of the characters in the story. The writer wants to

reveal how the emotion and the behavior of each character influence the personality

development of the characters in this play. The writer uses the psychological analysis

to reveal how the behavior and the characterization from each character can influence

the personality development of the characters in this play.

The psychological analysis is used to understand the personality development

of the characters in the play. There are many aspects that influence the personality

development of the characters in the play, it is can be influenced by the

characterization of the characters and the behavior of the characters in the play.

B. Problem Formulation




2. How is the personality development of Antigone and Ismene revealed in Oedipus

at Colonus and Antigone?

3. What are the factors that cause the personality development of Antigone and


C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of answering the first question in the problem formulation, the writer

will describe the characterization of Antigone and Ismene. The writer explains the

characterization of both of them only based on Oedipus at Colonus because the

characterization of Antigone and Ismene is started from this play.

In the second question, the writer will explain the personality development of

Antigone and Ismene. The writer uses Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone to explain

the personality development of Antigone and Ismene. The writer also explains how

the personality of both of them is developed.

Finally, in the third question, the writer will explain the causes of personality

development between Antigone and Ismene.

D. Definition of terms

In this part, the writer will explain the definition that is used in the title of this

thesis. The definition will help the writer to understand how the words can revealed

the problems formulation in the previous part. In this part, the definition will be

quoted from some sources that are reliable to give an explanation.



The definition of personality according to Tina Abbott in Social and

Personality Development (2001: 5) is

A concept used in everyday life to describe the character of a person. It is often seen as an unchanging part of their make up. A commonsense approach to the study of personality might include the use of everyday language to identify certain certain characteristics (Abbott, 2001: 5).

The definition of development according to Pikunas in Human development is

all processes of change which included process of growth, maturation, learning and

achievement. It is a function of genetic and environment stimulation (1976: 22-23).

Allport, in Hurlock’s Personality Development defines personality

development as a stage in growth of constantly changing and evoking within an

individual. It determines his or her uniqueness in speech, in relation to people and

things, in mannerism, in fantasy and in other ways directed toward the specific goal

to adjust to his or her environment (1974: 7).

In this part, the writer uses those definitions to find the theories that can be

used to answer the problems formulation. Those definitions help the writer to find the




A. Review of Related Studies

In this paper, the writer will use some related studies that are related to the topic in the paper. The writer finds that Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone has been used by some people as their study. They use Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone to see the life society, especially in Greek.

In his thesis, The Moral Lesson of Antigone’s Struggle Against Tyranny in Sophocles’s Antigone, Finansius Yudha Kurniawan (2005: 3) states that the moral lesson in the story of the play is described through the character of Antigone. It is shown through her reaction toward the policy that is made by the king, Creon. The moral lesson here is described through the rebellion toward the king. In Antigone, a king or power is described as something that is absolute and can not be criticized. Yudha describes how the major character, Antigone showed the moral lesson through her reaction toward the law which is made by Creon. In the story, the law from Creon is absolute and cannot be broken by anything or anyone. Even though, Creon knows that Antigone is his sister he still gives her a punishment because Antigone has broken his law in society. The main point here is the relationship between Antigone and Creon becomes worse when Creon has a great power and he thinks that nobody can defeat him.

The writer concludes that Yudha explains the reaction of Antigone toward the law which is made by Creon can be described as a rebellion from people toward


the unfair treatment in the society. The point of this thesis is how the moral lesson influences the relationship between Antigone and Ismene. The relationship between Antigone and Ismene become worse because Antigone thinks that her opinion to fight against the law from Creon is the right opinion. She also thinks that she has a power from god so nobody will stop her. But, Ismene uses her common sense in the reality that Creon has the greater power and rule the country, she think that they do not need to fight against Creon, because they will get the death punishment.



In Putri’s thesis the position of woman and man can influence their role in the society. Antigone is a symbol of woman who always obeys the rule from the ruler at that time. Antigone can not do anything to fight against the power of Creon in the Greek’s society of. As a symbol of inferiority in the society, Antigone only has her motivation to defend her family honor from Creon.

The writer also found another study of Antigone made by RR. Lira Dewi Cahyaningrum (2007: 2), in her thesis Representation of Creon’s Tragic Hero in Sophocles’ Antigone, she states that basically, by using his absolute power, Creon as a king, wants to control Thebes and its citizens in order to make the city safe and well-organized, and Thebes can get its prosperity back after undergoing a civil war (the attack of the Argive Army from Argos, which cause a big disaster in Thebes) (Cahyaningrum, 2007: 2). She describes Creon as a man who has a great power in Thebes. She also describes Creon as a hero in her thesis. Creon can make the rule in Thebes and it must be obeyed by the people of the Thebes. Creon uses his power to rule the Thebes and keep the peace in the Thebes.

In her thesis, Cahyaningrum focuses on the power of the Creon in the society. Creon uses his power to control the people of the Thebes, he tries to make a great kingdom. But, Creon gets punishment when he does not bury Polyneices’s body, he must fight against with the anger of Antigone.

In her thesis, The Relationship Between the Members of The Fellowship of the Ring in J.J.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of The Ring, Widiastuti Budiningsih (2005: 1) explains how the characters in the story can be aroused by the adventure and the environment around the characters. The characters in The Lord of the Rings make a


good relationship in order to finish their job to save the earth. In life, every individual requires to have a good relationship with his or her environment in his or her process to be mature and grown up person. The environment can influence people’s behavior and action.

In the writer’s opinion the relationship between the characters in The Lord of the Ring happened because they have the same motivation in their adventure to save the earth from the darkness. Widiastuti focuses on how important the relationship in human’s lives. The relationship of human lives is influenced by environment and the behavior of the people when they interact with other people. Widiastuti also explains the importance of relationship in human life, because without the others help nobody can live in this world.

This study has a different topic with the other thesis that take Antigone as their study. The writer concerns about the personality development as the focus in this study. The writer tries to describe how the personality of some characters in



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory on Character and Characterization

In this review, the writer explains the theory of the character and the theory of the characterization. The theory on character explains how the characters are described in the play of Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone. The theory on characterization explains the characteristics of the character in the play.

a. Theory on Character

The character has the important role in literary works. It helps us to understand about what happen in literary work. The characters are the person in the story that interpreted by the readers with their moral and emotional qualities. The author can describe the characters based on their motivation and the action in the story. According to Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms (1993: 23).

Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say: the dialogue, and by what they do: the action.

The characters in a story can also be found by the interpretation of the readers according to their conceptions of the characters. The characters can be described through the behavior and action in the play. The writer tries to understand the characters in the story by the dialogue of the characters in the play. The dialogue in the story can influence the behavior and the action to the character itself.

According to Robert Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction states that the most important evidence of all is the characters’s own dialogue and behaviour.


Every speech or action is not only a step in the plot, but also a manifestation of character (Stanton, 1964 : 18).

Hugh Holman and William Harmon in A Handbook to Literature (1986: 81) states that character is a complicated term including the idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler nation of the presence of creatures in art. Characters are divided into two; static character which gives the appearance of changing simply because our picture of the character is revealed bit by bit; and dynamic character which is one who is modified by action and experiences, and one objective of the work in which the character appears is to reveal the consequences of these actions.

b. Theory on Characterization

The theory of characterization explains how the characteristics of the characters are described. Reaske in his book How to Analyze Drama states that all characterization must be presented through dialogue; characters speak about each other and characters speak about themselves particularly of course about their central emotions, such as love and hate (1966: 40). Reaske also explains six ways of the characterization to describe the character in the play.

i. The appearance of the character

In the prologue or in the stage directions the playwright often describes the character in the physical sense.

ii. Asides and soliloquies



iii. Dialogue between characters

Not only does the language of the character speaking alone characterize him, but his language when speaking to others also sheds a great deal of light on his personality.

iv. Hidden narration

While a character in a play is never directly described by the playwright himself, there are nevertheless descriptions of the characters. One of the devices of characterization frequently employed is having one character in a play narrate something about another character.

v. Language

It cannot be emphasized too many times that the language of any given character is extremely central to his personality attributes. Not only must we pay close attention to the kind of words which the character uses, but also we must be careful to remember how the character speaks.

vi. Character in action

As the characters become more involved in the action of the play we quite naturally learn more about them. For once the playwright chooses to have a character act in one way rather than another, we immediately understand that character much better. Motivation usually translates into action in the real world and there is no reason to assume that the same does not hold true in the world of the characters in the stage (Reaske, 1966:46-48).

With these six ways to reveal the characteristics of the character in the story the writer uses these six ways to reveal the characteristics of the characters in the play.

2. Theory of Personality Development

The writer uses two theories in this part of the study that are covered by theory of psychology. The first theory is the theory on personality. This theory will explain the definition of the personality and the difference with the character and the individual. The second theory is the theory on personality development, it used to see the definition of personality. This theory also explains about the factors that influence someone’s personality development, such as the influence of the family and the influence of the environment.


When the writer uses the theory of character, the writer finds that a character has different characteristics with the other character. In this study, the writer uses the theory of personality. First of all the writer will expain the definition of the personality. In this study, personality is explained in how the dominant characteristics of the characters influence their behavior in their life. The writer finds that the personality has been explained in many perception by many theorists. According to Larry A. Hjelle and Daniel J. Ziegler in the Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research and Applications (1981: 7), they say that many conception which is dealing with personality are in commons.

1.Most definitions depict personality as some kind of hypothetical structure or organization. Behavior, at least in part, is seen as being organized and intergrated by personality. In otherwords, personality is an abstraction based on inferences derived from behavioral observation.

2.Most definitions stress the need to understand the meaning of individual differences. With the word “personality”, the palpable of uniqueness in all individuals is indicated. Further, it is only through the study of personality that the special properties or combination of properties that distinguish one person from another can be made clear.

3. Most definitions emphasize the importance of viewing personality in terms of a life history, or developmental, perspective. Personality represents an evolving process subject to a variety of internal and external influences, including genetic and biological propensities, social experiences and changing environmental circumstances.

Personality of the characters can be seen from many aspects. It can be seen from their behavior, the uniqueness of the characters and a life history. Those aspects can influence the personality of the characters.



Ziegler in the Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions,Research and Applications

(1981: 3), they explain how the personality relates with the psychology.

Personality theories, then, have distinct scientific functions in psychology. A crucially important point, however, is that all theories of human behavior are constructed by human beings.

When the writer uses theory of personality, it will need the explanation about the connection between personality and character. Hurlock in her book,

Personality Development, stated that personality is often confused with “character”. The two are not synonymous, and cannot be used interchangeably. Character implies a moral standard and involves a judgement value. When used in connection with personality, character relates to behavior that is regulated by personal effort and will (Hurlock, 1974: 8).

With this quotation, the writer knows that the personality theory can be related with many others aspects. In this thesis, the writer relates the theory of personality with the psychology of the characters in the story.

When the writer uses the theory of personality, the writer finds the personality of human being is developed. In the personality development, the writer finds that personalities of human being are unique. Hurlock in her book Personality Development stated that each personality pattern is unique in that it differs from all other patterns in the combination and organization of its constituent traits, in the strength of the different traits, and its core the person’s concept of himself (Hurlock, 1974: 8). It explains that human being have different types and uniqueness in their behavior.


i. The Influence of Family

When the writer talks about the family, it explains the position in the family. Each position in family has their own responsibility. Hurlock (1974: 359-360) states the psychological position of a person in the family resulting from his order of birth, affects his self concepts both directly and indirectly. The direct effect that comes from the role of the person is expected to play in the home and what different family members expect of him. Indirectly, ordinal position influences the self concept through the effect that competitiveness and rivalry among siblings has on the home climate and through the way the individual’ behavior in relation to social expectations is judged by the people who are significant in his life.

ii. The Influence of Environment



C. Theoretical Framework

This thesis will reveal the personality development of the characters in the plays of Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone. First of all, the writer uses the theory of character and characterization to analyze the characteristics of the characters of Antigone and Ismene. To answer the problem formulation number one, the writer uses theory of character and characterization to reveal the characteristics of Antigone and Ismene. The characteristics of the characters in the play will be revealed based on their behavior and their dialogues in the play.

The Theory of psychology which contains of the theory of personality and theory of personality development will be used by the writer to reveal how personality of the characters in the play developed. In the theory of personality development, the writer see how the personality of the characters in the play is influenced by the family and by the environment around the charater’s life. When personality of some characters are developed, the writer needs to find the causes as the evidence.

The personality development of the characters will be revealed by seeing the action and the behavior of the characters. Based on theory of the character and characterization, the writer tries to analyze the interpretation of the characters of Antigone and Ismene by their action in the play. The character of Antigone is brave, full of ambition and trust in her beliefs. It is different from the character of Ismene that is afraid to fight against the law which can make her and her sister get the death punishment. So, the personality of antigone and Ismene develops because of the different perception between both of them.


To understand how the personality of Antigone and Ismene develops in




This chapter consists of three parts. Those are the object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. The object of the study explains about the identity of the play. The approach of the study explains the approach that is appropriate to analyze the play. The method of the study explains how the writer uses the theory to analyze the play.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study are Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone, those are plays written by Sophocles, an ancient Greek writer. Sophocles is one of outstanding writer in Greek. Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone is one of masterpiece of Sophocles. Sophocles made trilogy version of Oedipus the King,

Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone at about 442 or 441 BC. Oedipus at Colonus

and Antigone consists of 104 pages which are divided into prologue, parodos, scene I, scene II, scene III, scene IV, scene V and exodos. Oedipus at Colonus

and Antigone firstly appears in Athens. The plays of Oedipus at Colonus and

Antigone are taken from The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles which are published in 1958.

There are so many characters in the play, but the writer takes two main characters. They are Antigone and Ismene (Antigone’s sister). The Oedipus the King tells the story of Oedipus as the king of the Thebes. In the Oedipus at


Colonus and Antigone plays which are written by Sophocles, the writer can find many different perceptions, there is different perception between Antigone and Ismene that change their personality. The story begins when Creon treats Polyneices as a traitor to his country and when Polyneices died, he puts Polyneices’ body unburied. Creon also makes a law that say Polyneices is a traitor and nobody is allowed to bury his body. It makes Antigone angry and she breaks the law in order to give her brother the last honor. Antigone asks Ismene to help her to bury Polyneices’ body. When Ismene refuses to help Antigone because she is afraid of the death punishment that will be given by Creon, it makes Antigone angry and treat Ismene as an enemy. The different perception between Antigone and Ismene makes their personality develops. She has the different perception with her sister Ismene, Ismene tries to accept the law from the Creon but, Antigone chooses to break the law and gives her brother the last honor with bury his body.

B. Approach of the Study

The writer uses the psychological approach to reveal the personality development in the play. The writer focuses on psychological approach because it helps the writer to understand the personality development of the characters in the play.

According to David Daiches in the Critical Approaches to Literature



this investigation of the act of creation and in the psychological study of particular to show the relation between their attitudes and states of mind and the special qualities of their work. Psychological approach can be used to interpret a work of literature such as the behavior of the characters in a play and a novel by applying psychology theory. Daiches also explains how the psychology can be influenced by the author, and the characters. Daiches states that psychological investigation of individual authors can sometimes help us to see why those authors displayed certain characteristics qualities in their work (Daiches, 1956: 341). He also states that we can look at the behavior of the characters in a novel or a play in the light of modern psychological knowledge and, if their behavior confirms what we know about the subtleties of the human mind, we can use modern theories as a means of elucidating and interpreting the work (Daiches, 1956: 348).

In this thesis, the psychological approach is an approach that can be used to analyze the personality of the characters in the literary works. The writer uses the psychological approach to reveal the personality development in the characters of the play. The psychological approach is suitable in this thesis because it can be used to analyze the personality development of the characters in literary works. The writer uses the psychological approach because the writer wants to reveal the personality development of the characters by applying psychology theory.


C. Method of the Study

In this part, the writer uses the library research to write this thesis. The writer used the main source in this study the plays of Oedipus at Colonus and

Antigone. The secondary books that the writer uses are the books about the psychological approach and other books. One of them is Critical Approaches to Literature written by David Daiches, etc. The writer used the library research to collect data which was related with the topic.

This study employed theories about the character and characterization and the personality development. The writer had several steps to make this thesis. The first step, the writer read the plays under discussion. Second step, the writer found the topic and formulated the problems as written in problems formulation, about the characterization of the main characters, the personality development of the main characters in the play and the influence of the environment to the personality development of the main characters in the play. The last step, the writer answered the questions systematically by referring to relevant the theories, studies and the approach.





In this chapter, the writer will answer the questions from problems

formulation in Chapter I. This part will be divided into three parts. The first part will

focus on the characteristics of Antigone and Ismene in the play. The second part will

focus on personality development of Antigone and Ismene. The third part will focus

on the causes of personality development of Antigone and Ismene.

A. The Characterization of Antigone and Ismene

Character is one of important elements in a story such as a play and a novel.

The characters are described through the story by describing their physical

appearance and their conversation with the other characters. The writer will focus on

the main characters in the play. The writer applies Reaske’s theory of the

characterization in How to Analyze Drama. Reaske says that there are six ways to

characterize the characters. The ways are the appearance of the character, asides and

soliloquies, dialogue between characters, hidden narration, language, and character in


In this thesis, the writer focuses on the main characters, Antigone and Ismene.

The writer will analyze the characteristics of both characters in the play. The writer


1. Antigone

In the beginning of the story Antigone is a weak and dependent woman. She

always needs someone helps to escape from Creon. She thinks that her father cannot

protect her from Creon anymore. It can be seen when Creon and his army attack the

kingdom, she feels that her father will be defeated by Creon and his army.

ANTIGONE. Father, poor wayworn Oedipus, the walls and turrets of the town, as far as I can see, are still a long way off, but where we are is clearly consecrated ground: luxuriant in laurel, olive, vine, and deep in song of nightingales. So rest yourself upon this boulder here. You’ve come too long a way for an old man.

OEDIPUS. Yes, help me down: look after the blind old man. ANTIGONE. If time can teach, I need no lessons there OEDIPUS. Now tell me if you can: where have we come to? ANTIGONE. Well, I know it’s Athens-but this spot… OEDIPUS. Yes, that we know from every passer-by.

ANTIGONE. Then shall I go and ask what the place is called? (Oedipus at

Colonus, p. 87-88).

From this quotation, Antigone is described as a dependent woman. She needs

the other’s help to make a decision. In this quotation, Antigone shows that she is

dependent when she says, “Then shall I go and ask what the place is called?” She

knows that her father cannot protect her anymore. From the dialogue above, the

writer knows that she dependent and needs someone else to make a decision to fight

against Creon. Reaske’s theory that focuses on character in action is used to support

the quotation.

The writer finds the quotation of Antigone that shows that she is an obedient

woman. It is shown when she and her father were forbidden to live in the kingdom



leave the kingdom and she will not be protected by her father so she follows her

father to escape from Creon.

OEDIPUS. Now tell me if you can: where have we come to? ANTIGONE. Well, I know it’s Athens-but this spot… OEDIPUS. Yes, that we know from every passer-by.

ANTIGONE. Then shall I go and ask what the place is called? OEDIPUS. Do child-if there’s any sign of life.

ANTIGONE. O, but there must be!-yes, I think I needn’t go- I see a man approaching.

OEDIPUS. Is he coming this way? Coming toward us?

ANTIGONE. He’s almost on us. Quick, you speak, father- here he is (Oedipus at Colonus, p.88).

In this quotation, the writer sees that Antigone obeys her father’s order when

she sees someone is coming toward her and her father. Antigone thinks that the man

is one of Creon’s army who is looking for them. When she says, “He’s almost on us.

Quick, you speak, father-here he is.” In this quotation Antigone shows that she obeys

her father’s order when Creon’s guard is coming to them, she is asked to hide from

the Creon’s man. The writer uses Reaske’s theory that focuses on dialogue between

characters. In the conversation above, Antigone is described that she always obeys

her father.

When Creon becomes a king of Thebes, he orders the guards to find Antigone

and her father that has been accused as a murderer around the country. Antigone and

her father escape from Creon’s guards by traveling around the country. But, when

they hide in one of cities of Thebes, they were found by the Creon’s guards. In this

situation, Antigone shows her love to her father by telling her father not to fight

against the guards.


OEDIPUS. My daughter, what are we to think? ANTIGONE. Do as they do Father.

We must yield and listen. OEDIPUS. Your hand then-come. ANTIGONE. There, you have it

OEDIPUS. Good friends I am breaking cover You must not violate my trust

CHORUS. Never fear, old man, no one will dislodge you-not against your will.

OEDIPUS. Further?

CHORUS. Come still further. OEDIPUS. Further?

CHORUS. Lead him girl-you understand?

ANTIGONE. Come, Father, come! Let your blind steps follow. (Oedipus at

Colonus, p. 93-94).

In this quotation, Antigone is described as obedient woman. Not only obeys

her father’s order she also obeys the other people’s order. Antigone thinks that she

needs escape from Creon’s army and she knows that she and her father need help

from her father’s men. Antigone knows that Creon is a king now after he takes over

Oedipus crown. She also knows that her father has no power to protect her and to

fight against Creon’s power. In Reaske’s theory that focuses on character in action,

Antigone shows her love to her father in the quotation above and it makes she obeys

the order from her father’s man to help her father escape from Creon.

The other quotation that shows Antigone is a dependent woman is shown

when she was caught by Creon and she cannot escape. Creon comes to the palace

with his guards and he wants to take Antigone from Oedipus. Not only that, he wants

to humiliate Oedipus by taking Antigone as a prisoner.



The state itself at bay! The state manhandled, help!

ANTIGONE. Friends! Friends! They’re dragging me away! OEDIPUS. My child, where are you?

ANTIGONE. They’re pulling me away. OEDIPUS. Child-a hand.

ANTIGONE. I cannot move (Oedipus at Colonus, p. 121).

This quotation, explains that Antigone is caught by the guards of Creon and

she shows that she has courage to fight against Creon. In this situation Antigone

needs her father’s men to release her from Creon and his guards. In this quotation,

Antigone shows that she is a dependent womanand has no courage to defend herself.

According to Reaske’s theory, this quotation is influenced by the language. Through

the language, Antigone shows her fear of Creon and she needs her father’s men to

save her from Creon.

The Polyneices and his army plan to fight against Creon, it makes Antigone

sad because she knows that the Creon’s army is stronger than Polyneices’ army. She

is told by her father that Polyneices will die if he goes to war through his prophecy.

She does not want her brother dies in that battle. Antigone shows that she is an

obedient woman because she obeys her father’s order and she does not want to lose

her family members.

ANTIGONE. Turn your army back on Argos now. Do not destroy yourself and Thebes. POLYNEICES. Impossible!

How could I lead my army in the field again?

ANTIGONE. Again, dear brother? What new hate should make you? What can ruin of your country gain?

POLYNEICES. Yes-but running from my younger brother, Mocked like this…


Of duel and double death?

POLYNEICES. Of course! It’s what he wants.

But I shall not give way (Oedipus at Colonus, pp. 145-146).

In this quotation, the writer knows that Antigone is afraid to lose her brother

in the battle field. She also hears about the prophecy from her father that says about

the death of Polyneices. She knows that the Polyneices’ army will not win the war

with Creon’s army. In this situation Antigone wants to obey her father’s order by not

giving permission to her brother to go to war. The writer uses Reaske’s theory that

focuses on character in action. Through her action, Antigone warns Polyeneices not

to go to war because he will be killed in the war.

The writer finds the other quotation that shows that Antigone is a dependent

woman. It is shown when Polyneices goes to the battle field and Antigone knows that

Polyneices will not win when he has to fight against Creon and his army.

ANTIGONE. I’m broken utterly. POLYNEICES. Don’t cry for me. ANTIGONE. Who would no cry to see

You my brother hurrying to die. POLYNEICES. If I must die, I’ll die. ANTIGONE. No, hear me-never you! POLYNEICES. Don’t press me uselessly.

ANTIGONE. But if you’re lost what’s left for me? POLYNEICES. The future is in Fortune’s hands-

One finish or another (Oedipus at Colonus, pp. 146-147).

In this quotation the writer knows that Antigone depends on her family

members to protect her from Creon. When Polyneices plans to go to war with Creon,

Antigone tries to stop him because she is afraid to lose her brother. When Antigone



to protect her. Reaske’s theory that focuses on dialogue between characters is used to

support this quotation.

In the previous characteristics, Antigone was explained as a dependent

woman. The writer finds the other quotation that explains Antigone as a dependent

woman. She always thinks that she cannot do anything without the other people help.

When she is caught by Creon’s guards, her father, Oedipus asks his loyal man to

release his daughter. It shows that Antigone needs her father and his loyal man to

escape from Creon.

ANTIGONE. Father, father!

O, I wish some god could make you see this princely man who has brought us back to you!

OEDIPUS. My child-it’s you?

ANTIGONE. Yes, saved by his strong arm;

By Theseus and his loyal men (Oedipus at Colonus, p. 133).

In this quotation, the writer sees that Antigone needs her father’s men to save

her when she was caught by Creon and she knows that only her father’s men who can

save her from Creon. In this quotation, the writer uses Reaske’s theory that focuses

on language to support this quotation.

When Oedipus dies, Antigone is sad because she knows the crown of the

kingdom has been given to Creon. She knows if her father dies, no one will protect

her from Creon. Her father is threatened as a traitor in his country by Creon. When

her father dies, she thinks that Creon will treat her same as he did to her father.

ANTIGONE. Cry, cry and cry again Our cause is too complete Two sisters and their sire.

Tears for their spellbound blood.


We lived his long-drawn life of pain Until this dazing hour,

This passing and this vision. CHORUS. What took place?

ANTIGONE. We can only guess. CHORUS. He is gone?

ANTIGONE. Gone as you would wish it (Oedipus at Colonus, p. 156).

In this quotation, the writer sees that the sadness of Antigone is shown when

she and Ismene were left by her father. It also shows that Antigonedependent woman

and she thinks that she cannot fight against Creon without her father on her side to

protect her. The writer also finds the other quotation that shows the sadness of

Antigone when she was left by her father.

ANTIGONE. Ah! What was pain was joy What lacked all love was love When I had him in my arms. O father, father, friend, Clothed with perpetual gloom In that deep territory

Not even there shall love Hers and mine

Be barred from you. CHORUS. He is content? ANTIGONE. He had his wish. CHORUS. His wish?

ANTIGONE. He wished to die on foreign soil--- (Oedipus at Colonus, p.


According to Reaske, Antigone speaks in asides and soliloquies to show her

sadness when she is left by her father. In the quotation above, the writer knows that



In this part, the writer analyzes the characteristics of Antigone. Antigone is a

woman who has the courage to fight against injustice. She is a brave woman because

she takes all the risks to give her family the last honor.

ISMENE. You firebrand! Could I do a thing to change situation as it is? ANTIGONE. You could. Are you willing to share danger and suffering and--- ISMENE. Danger? What are scheming at?

ANTIGONE. ---Take this hand of mine to bury the dead (Antigone, p. 166).

From this conversation, the writer knows that Antigone shows her bravery in

front of Ismene. In this part, the writer uses Reaske’s theory on dialogue between

characters. By using this dialogue, the writer can conclude that Antigone intimidate

Ismene to do anything she wants. In the evidence Antigone uses also her words to

show her bravery.

Antigone is not only described as a brave woman, but she is also described as

a woman who loves her family. The writer finds the evidence that Antigone loves her

family especially Polyneices when she knows Polyneices died and Creon treats him

as a traitor, she tries to bury the body properly.

ISMENE. I’ve heard no news of friend, Antigone, good or bad, ever since we two were stripped of two brothers in a single day, each dismissing each by each other’s hand, and since the Argive army fled last night, I’ve heard no more either glad or sad.

ANTIGONE. That’s what I thought. That’s why I’ve brought you here beyond the gates that you may hear my news alone.

ISMENE. What mischief are you hinting at?

ANTIGONE. I think you know: our two dear brothers, Creon is burying one to desecrate the other. Eteocles, they say, he has dispatched with proper rites as one judged fit to pass in glory to the shades. But, Polyneisces, killed as piteously, an interdict forbids that anyone should bury him or even mourn. He must be left, unwept, unsepulchered-a vulture’s prize, which rich and rare is sweetly

scented from afar (Antigone, pp. 165-166).


From this conversation, the writer knows that Antigone loves her family

members even though the member of family is said as a traitor for his country. When

Antigone knows that her two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices died, she wants her

two brothers get the honor. Antigone is very angry when she knows that Polyneices

was not buried properly so that she breaks the law from Creon to show her love to the

family. The writer uses Reaske’s theory that focuses on character in action. Antigone

wants to revenge to Creon by breaking his law because he left Polyneices’ body


The writer finds another characteristic of Antigone, she is a brave woman. It is

seen from Antigone’s speech. She chooses to obey God and abandon Creon’s law

bravely. She obeys God because she thinks that all human being must obey God and

love each other.

ANTIGONE. Naturally! Since Zeus never promulgated such a law. Nor will you find that justice publishes such laws to man below. I never thought your edict had such force they nullified the laws of heaven, which unwritten, not proclaimed, can boast a currency that everlastingly is valid; an origin beyond the birth of man. And I, whom no man’s frown can frighten, I am far from risking heaven’s

frown by flouting these (Antigone, p. 179).

From this quotation the writer knows that Antigone is a brave woman because

she always thinks that God has a greatest power in the world, and God rules the

world, the human beings must obey God. To support the evidence, the writer takes

Reaske’s theory that focuses on asides and soliloquies. In the quotation above, the

writer knows that Antigone shows her courage to fight against Creon by showing her



By using the Reaske’s theory, the writer finds three characteristics of

Antigone. Antigone is dependent, obedient and brave.

2. Ismene

The writer will also analyze the characteristics of Ismene. Ismene is

Antigone’s sister. In this play, Ismene is not the main character, but she is important

in the story of the play. The writer uses Reaske’s theory to analyze the characteristics

of Ismene and finds the evidence in the text.

When Oedipus needs someone that can make him escape from Creon, he asks

one of her daughters to find the man that can help him to escape from Creon. In this

situation, Ismene makes a decision to find the man and bring him to her father.

Ismene takes risk to find the man because she obeys her father’s order.

ISMENE. Then I shall perform the rite, if you will tell me where that I must know.

CHORUS. Beyond the copse, girl.

A guardian there will tell you anything you want to know. ISMENE. To my task then.

Antigone, you look after father here.

No trouble’s too much trouble taken for a parent (Oedipus at

Colonus, pp. 106-107).

In this quotation, the writer sees that Ismene offers to help her father to find

the man and takes the risk to face Creon’s guards. It shows that Ismene is an obedient

woman by following her father’s order. She also tries not to break the order from her



In the play Ismene is not only described as a woman who always obeys the

order of her father but she is also described as a woman who obeys the order from the

ruler. She does not like Antigone who always shows her bravery, Ismene is afraid to

fight against the law of Creon. This characteristic can be found when Antigone asks

Ismene to bury Polyneices’ body and Ismene refuses to help her.

ISMENE. What! Challenge Creon to his face?

ANTIGONE. He has no right to tamper with what’s mine.

ISMENE. Sister, please, please! Remember how our father died: hated and disgrace, wrapped in horror of himself, his own hand stabbing out his sight. And how his mother-wife in one twisted off her earthly days with cord. And thirdly how our two brothers in a single day each achieved for each suicidal nemesis. And now, we two are left.

Think how much worse our end will be than all (Antigone, pp.


In this quotation, Ismene shows her fear of death if she and Antigone break

the law from Creon. Ismene tries to warn Antigone that her action can make both of

them get the death punishment from Creon. Ismene refuses to help Antigone to bury

Polyneices’ body because she remembers how their family die and suffer. In this

quotation, the writer uses Reaske’s theory that focuses on character in action to

support the evidence. In the quotation above, Ismene warns Antigone of the terrible

death of their parents and their brothers. She shows her weakness by saying that they

can get the death punishment if they break the law from Creon, so she chooses to

obey Creon’s law and avoids the death punishment.

The writer finds the other evidence that shows that Ismene is an obedient

woman who always obeys the rule of the country. It is shown in the play when



Ismene shows her fear to face the punishment from Creon. Ismene does not want to

take the risks to give Polyneices the last honor and get the death punishment, she

chooses to stay and obey Creon’s law.

ISMENE. You know I don’t do that. I’m just too weak to war against the state.

ANTIGONE. Make your apologies! I go to raise a tomb above my dearest brother.

ISMENE. Poor girl! And now you frighten me.

ANTIGONE. Don’t fear for me. Be anxious for yourself.

ISMENE. At least tell no one what you do, but keep it dark, and I shall keep it

secret too (Antigone, p. 167).

From this quotation, the writer knows that Ismene is very afraid to fight

against Creon’s law because she knows that Creon can give the death punishment to

her and Antigone if they break his law. According to Reaske’s theory in his book

How to Analyze Drama that focuses on language, the writer can conclude that Ismene

is an obedient woman. The language that is used by Ismene in the quotation above

shows that she is afraid to face the death punishment of Creon.

Another characteristic of Ismene can be seen from the dialogue between her

and Antigone. From the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene, the writer realizes

that Ismene is described as an obedient woman. It is shown when Ismene chooses to

obey Creon’s law and she acts like a woman who has no strength to fight against the

power of Creon.


The rest, if we defy our sovereign’s edict and his power. Remind ourselves that we are women, and as such not made to fight with men. For might unfortunately is right and makes us bow to things like this and worse. Therefore I beg the saints below to judge me



leniently as one who kneeled to force. I bend before authority. It does not do to meddle.

ANTIGONE. I will not press you anymore. I would not want you as a partner

if you asked. Go to what you please. I go to bury him.--- (Antigone,

p. 167).

In this quotation, Ismene thinks that a man cannot be defeated by a woman.

Ismene says that a man who has the authority and has a power cannot be defeated.

From this quotation above, the writer knows that Ismene chooses to obey the law of

Creon and avoids the punishment of Creon. To support the quotation above, the

writer uses the Reaske’s theory that focuses on dialogue between characters.

The writer quotes the other dialogue between Antigone and Ismene that shows

the fear of Ismene to fight against Creon’s law. Ismene thinks that if they break

Creon’s law they will get the death punishment. She also says that they do not have a

chance to win if they fight against Creon’s law.

ANTIGONE. Why then, I’ll fail, but not give up before. ISMENE. Don’t plunge into such a hopeless enterprise.

ANTIGONE. Urge me so, and I shall hate you soon. The dead will justly hate you too. Say that I’m a mad, and madly let me risk. The worst that I can suffer and the best. A death which martyrdom can render blest. ISMENE. Go then, if you must, toward your end fool, wonderful fool and

loyal friend (Antigone, p. 168).

From this quotation, the writer concludes that Ismene has no courage to stand

beside Antigone to fight against Creon. Ismene shows her fear by saying, “Don’t

plunge into such a hopeless enterprise”, she thinks that if they break Creon’s law they

will get a death punishment of Creon. According to Reaske’s theory that focuses on

dialogue between characters shows that Ismene is a weak woman and has no courage



By using the Reaske’s theories, the writer finds two characteristics of Ismene.

The characteristics of Ismene are weak and obedient.

B. The Personality Development of Antigone and Ismene

After analyzing the characteristics of Antigone and Ismene, the writer will

analyze the personality development of Antigone and Ismene. Hurlock in her book

Personality Development states that each personality pattern is unique in that it

differs from all other patterns in the combination and organization of its constituent

traits, in the strength of the different traits, and its core the person’s concept of

himself (Hurlock, 1974: 8). From the characteristics of Antigone and Ismene, the

writer can analyze the personality of both of them. It can be analyzed through their

behavior, speech and the dialogue between characters in the play. In the first step, the

writer will analyze Antigone’s personality development and the second step the writer

will analyze Ismene’s personality development.

Besides, the writer will use the other theory to support the theory from

Hurlock. The theory is used to understand how the personality of the characters

develops. The writer uses the theory from Kurt Lewin in Paths to Succesful

Development: Personality in the Life Course to explain how the personality

development is influenced by the environment. The writer also uses the theory from

Hurlock to understand how the personality development is influenced by the family.

So, the writer can reveal the causes of personality development by using the influence

of the family and the environment.


1. Antigone’s Personality Development

Antigone is described as an obedient woman that obeys her father’s order.

But, in other dialogue, the writer finds that Antigone becomes rebellious. It is seen

when she fights against Creon to bury her brother’s body, she never thinks that she

breaks the law and does not feel guilty. When she is caught by the guards while she

buries her brother’s body, she states that she is not guilty.

CREON. Come girl, you with downcast eyes do you plead innocent or guilty to these things?

ANTIGONE. Guilty, I deny not a thing.

CREON. You sir, you can go. Scot free of all these serious imputations. Now, tell me, Antigone, as briefly as you can, did you know an edict had forbidden this?

ANTIGONE. Of course I knew. Was it not publicly proclaimed? CREON. So you chose flagrantly to disobey my law?

ANTIGONE. Naturally! Since Zeus never promulgated such a law. Nor will you find that justice publishes such laws to man below. I never

thought your edicts had such force---. (Antigone, p. 179).

In this conversation Creon states that Antigone has broken his law and

abandoned it. But, Antigone thinks that she does the right thing to give an honor to

her brother. She believes in God and she refuses Creon’s laws. The writer concludes

that Antigone becomes rebellious because she wants to bury Polyneices’ body so, she

has to fight against Creon’s law. It can be seen from the conversation above,

Antigone fights against Creon using her words to say that she is not guilty in order to

bury her brother’s body. In this dialogue the writer sees how the development of



The writer finds the other characteristic that shows Antigone’s personality

development from an obedient woman into a rebellious one. She shows that she is

rebellious when she finds somebody or something that is against her. For example

when Ismene refuses to help her to bury Polyneices’ body and breaks Creon’s law,

she treats Ismene as her enemy.

ANTIGONE. I will not press you anymore. I would not want you as a partner if you asked. Go to what you please. I go to bury him. How sweet to die in such pursuit! To rest love by him whom I have loved, sinner of a holy sin, with longer time to charm the dead than those who live. For I shall abide forever there. So go and please your fantasy and call it wicked what the God call good.

ISMENE. You know I don’t do that. I’m just too weak to war against the state.

ANTIGONE. Make your apologies! I go to raise a tomb above my dearest brother.

ISMENE. Poor girl! And now you frighten me.

ANTIGONE. Don’t fear for me. Be anxious for yourself.

ISMENE. At least tell no one what you do, but keep it dark, and I shall keep it secret too.

ANTIGONE. Oh tell it, tell it, shout it out! I’ll hate your silence more than if

you told the world (Antigone, p. 167).

In this conversation, Antigone feels that Ismene does not agree with her

decision to break Creon’s law. Antigone thinks that Ismene does not love her family

and becomes her enemy. Antigone wants Ismene to show her courage to bury

Polyneices’ body properly and share the punishment, but Ismene is too afraid to fight

against Creon and his guards. It makes them disagree with each other. In this

conversation, Hurlock’s theory is used by the writer to support the change of

Antigone’ personality development from an obedient woman into a rebellious one. In

the previous part the writer sees that Antigone obeys her father’s order and avoids to



fight against Creon, but this quotation shows that Antigone is very angry and she

becomes rebellious when she knows that Ismene disagrees to her decision to bury

Polyneices’ body. Her reaction by treating Ismene as her enemy shows her anger.

At first, Antigone is described as an obedient woman who always obeys the

rule from her father, she is also described as a woman who has no power to fight

against Creon. This quotation shows that Antigone treats Ismene as her enemy when

Antigone and Ismene are caught by the guards, she refuses to let Ismene to share the

punishment together. Antigone is angry with Ismene because Ismene is only afraid to

face the punishment of Creon. She becomes rebellious by fighting against Creon and

takes a punishment of Creon by herself.

ISMENE. I did it too. If she’ll allow my claim. I share with her the credit and the blame.

ANTIGONE. That is not true. You did not share with me, nor did I grant your partnership.

ISMENE. But now that your poor ship is buffeted, I’m not ashamed to sail the voyage at your side.

ANTIGONE. The dead of Hades know whose act it was. I do not take to those who take to talk.

ISMENE. Sister, do not scorn me; let me share your death and holy homage to the dead.

ANTIGONE. No share in work, no share in death. Must consummate alone what I began.

ISMENE. Then what is left of life to me when you died. ANTIGONE. Ask Creon. You and he are friends. ISMENE. Ah! Must you jeer at me? It does not ANTIGONE. You are right. It is a joyless jeering. ISMENE. Tell me, even now: how can I help? ANTIGONE. Save yourself. I shall not envy you. ISMENE. Poor dear sister—let me suffer with you.

ANTIGONE. No. For you choose life, and I chose dead (Antigone, pp.



From this quotation, the writer understands that Antigone does not take a

favor from Ismene because she thinks that Ismene does not have the courage to take

the risks to fight against Creon. In this quotation, the theory of Hurlock that explains

that human being have different types and uniqueness in their behavior (Hurlock,

1974: 8) can be used to shows that Antigone’s personality develops from an obedient

woman into a rebellious one. Antigone not only refuses to take a favor from Ismene

and saying that she does not need Ismene help her fight against Creon but she also

shows that she becomes rebellious by fighting against Creon. She also thinks that

Ismene tries to help her because she is afraid of Creon’s law. Antigone wants to show

that she can take all the risks by herself and fight against Creon as a revenge for her


In the previous part, the writer explains that Antigone is a dependent woman.

She needs her father’s men to protect her from Creon. After her brother, Polyneices,

is dead, Antigone becomes an independent woman. She has to make a decision by

herself. It can be seen when her brother Polyneices is dead and his body is unburied.

She decides to fight against Creon’s law and bury her brother’s body.

ANTIGONE. Take this hand of mine to bury the dead? ISMENE. What! Bury him and flout the interdict?

ANTIGONE. He is my brother still, and yours-though you would have it otherwise. But I shall not abandon him.

ISMENE. What! Challenge Creon to his face?

ANTIGONE. He has no right to tamper with what’s mine (Antigone, p.166).

In this dialogue, the writer knows that Antigone has to decide to bury her

brother by herself because her father is no longer with her. The writer uses Hurlock’s



Dokumen terkait

yang mengikuti semua standarisasi peralatan listrik seperti cara penggambaran dan kode- kode pengaman dalam pemasangannya, maka menjadi tanggung jawab kita untuk. menggunakan

Denagan aneka makanan dan minuman yang enak dan segar dengan harga yang bias dicapai oleh semua golongan masyarakat sehingga hal tersebutlah yang menyebabkan ketertarikan saya

Fasilitas yang disediakan oleh penulis dalam perancangan ini adalah kapel sebagai tempat berdoa baik bagi komunitas maupun masyarakat sekitar, biara dengan desain interior

Kata hasud berasal dari berasal dari bahasa arab ‘’hasadun’’,yang berarti dengki,benci.dengki adalah suatu sikap atau perbuatan yang mencerminkan




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