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A Research Paper

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

Amalia Dwi Utami 1102400









Approved by:


Eri Kurniawan, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 198111232005011002

Head of English Education Department

Faculty of Language and Literature Education

Indonesia University of Education

Dr. R. Safrina Noorman, M.A.



The Representation of Joko Widodo’s Figure in the Jakarta Post


Amalia Dwi Utami

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat

memperoleh gelas Sarjana Sastra pada Fakultas Pendidikan dan Sastra

© Amalia Dwi Utami 2015

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2015

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Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This research investigates the representation of Jokowi’s figure as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in the Jakarta Post by using nomination and predication strategies of Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) proposed by Reisigl and Wodak (2009). By employing descriptive qualitative method, this research examines fifteen editorials focusing on Jokowi. The findings reveal three main points. First, deixis and synecdoches become the nomination strategies that signify changes. The strategies signal that the Jakarta Post prefers to focus on Jokowi when he becomes the president since his every action represents the action that the government and Indonesia take. Second, the Jakarta Post prefers to use positive predication strategies in presenting Jokowi’s figure in all categories except in the KPK issue. Third, the signification of the representation indicates that nomination and predication strategies are employed to represent the shift in political support towards Jokowi: from positive to negative. The Jakarta Post supports Jokowi since his performance as a leader is in line with the Jakarta Post values. However, the fact that the Jakarta Post no longer gives him its full support on the KPK issue indicates that his action contradicts the Jakarta Post’s ideology that supports anticorruption movement.

Keywords: Jokowi, the Jakarta Post, discourse historical approach,


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




PREFACE ... iii







1.1 Background of the Research ... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Research ... 3

1.3 Purposes of the Research ... 4

1.4 Significance of the Research ... 4

1.5 Scope of the Research ... 4

1.6 Clarification of the Terms ... 5

1.7 Organisation of the Report ... 5


2.1 Representation ... 7

2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis ... 7


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2.4 Discursive Strategies ... 10

2.4.1 Nomination Strategy ... 12

2.4.2 Predication Strategy ... 13

2.5 Simpson’s Model of Modality and Point of View ... 16

2.6 Media Discourse... 18

2.7 Previous Studies on Discourse Historical Approach ... 18

2.8 Concluding Remarks ... 20


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Data collection ... 21

3.3 Data Analysis ... 23

3.4 Concluding Remarks ... 24


4.1 Nomination Strategies ... 25

4.1.1 Deixis ... 26

4.1.2 Proper Names ... 29

4.1.3 Professional Anthroponyms ... 30

4.1.4 Synecdoches ... 31

4.2 Predication Strategies ... 32

4.2.1 Explicit Predicates ... 35 Positive Explicit Predicates ... 36


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2.2 Adjectives ... 46

4.3 Signification of the Representation ... 49

4.4 Concluding Remarks ... 53


5.1 Conclusions ... 54

5.2 Suggestions ... 55



Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter encompasses the introduction of the research that covers background of the research, formulation of the problems (comprising thesis statement and research questions), purposes of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, clarification of terms, and organisation of the research.

1.1 Background of the Research

Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has become Indonesia‟s new media darling. He gains popularity for his unique „street democracy‟ style of leading starting when he

occupied a position as the mayor of Surakarta who directly handled roadside vendors. He later won the Jakarta governor election over his opponent, the former governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo in 2012. Being a governor, he stuck to his image as an approachable leader who was not reluctant to visit slummed areas to listen to

his people‟s complaint directly.

In 2014, his popularity increased since he was nominated as the presidential candidate from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). However, his nomination has also caused controversy in Indonesia because it happened when he was still in charge of Jakarta. Some people considered it to be the perfect time to nominate a young, communicative leader as a president. However, the rest doubted him since they thought he was not ready to lead a country yet, especially when his pledge in the governor election campaign had not fully realised.


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

His popularity during his leadership, particularly as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia, is reflected in the news reporting what he does. The mass media as the producers of the news have the responsibility to present the pros and the cons of what he does objectively (Cohen-Almagor, 2008). However, there is no such thing as being neutral in reporting news; they will always have standpoint. It is because the information given in the news is not only affected by what really happens in reality but also by how the mass media shape the reality. In other words, the news will always contain certain ideology (van Djik, 1988). In addition, the news always has social functions; they have power to change the point of view or ideology of a society (Trčková, 2011).

An example of the mass media‟s standpoint is displayed by the Jakarta Post. It openly declared the endorsement for Jokowi in the presidential election campaign through its editorial entitled “Endorsing Jokowi”. It was made as a

moral choice, as it said. Moreover, the Jakarta Post argued that the endorsement was not expected to sway votes (“Endorsing Jokowi”, 2014). Despite the reason given, its ideology has become the source to lead people‟s opinions on Jokowi‟s figure in the mass media. The Jakarta Post has used its power to change the point of view of the society by presenting the good side of Jokowi during the campaign.

Regarding the fact, this research is conducted to investigate how the

Jakarta Post‟s editorials report Jokowi‟s figure as the governor of Jakarta, the


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

mitigation (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009). However, this research only focuses on nomination and predication strategies.

Literature shows that there have been volumes of studies that employ DHA, for instance, van Leeuwen and Wodak (1999) who investigate the rejection

of Austrian immigrants‟ family reunion applications by combining DHA with

systemic-functional linguistics. Unger (2010) studies how language ideologies about Scots language are realised linguistically. Meanwhile, Chiu and Chiang (2012) examine the use of metaphor in the representation of people‟s name

rectification movement of Taiwan‟s indigenous in newspaper. DHA is also used

by Larasati (2014) and Lacerda (2015) to investigate news. While Larasati (2014) focuses on war discourse, Lacerda (2015) centres the analysis on the political discourse on favelas (slums).

Nevertheless, there have not been many studies about important people in the mass media, especially in Indonesian context, that employ DHA. Given that

particular reason, this research investigates the representation of Jokowi‟s figure

and its signification in online news media. However, to prevent the research from being too broad, it focuses on one online news media that is the Jakarta Post. Furthermore, the data investigated are the editorials of Jokowi on his first months of leading as the governor of Jakarta and the President of Indonesia as well as the presidential candidate.

1.2 Formulation of the Research

Based on the problem stated in the background, this research investigates the representation of Jokowi as the governor of Jakarta and the President of Indonesia with limitation to the first months of leading and as the presidential candidate. In addition, this research also examines the signification of the representation in the

Jakarta Post. By applying Discourse Historical Approach‟s discursive strategies,

it is expected that the present research gives a deep understanding on how


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Therefore, the current research is conducted to answer the following questions:

1) How is Joko Widodo as the governor of Jakarta and the President of Indonesia during his first months leadership and as the presidential candidate represented through nomination and predication strategies in the selected editorials?

2) What does the representation signify?

1.3 Purposes of the Research

Based on the research questions stated above, there are two objectives of the conduct of the research:

1) To examine the representation of Jokowi as the governor of Jakarta and the President of Indonesia during his first months leadership and as the presidential candidate in the selected editorials through nomination and predication strategies.

2) To investigate the signification of the representation of Jokowi as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in one mass media.

1.4 Significance of the Research

Practically, the result of the present research on the representation of Jokowi‟s

figure is expected to invoke critical awareness of the ideology invested in news discourse. Furthermore, it is also expected that the use of discourse historical approach in this research will enrich the literature on discourse historical approach and provide guideline for later research that use the same approach.

1.5 Scope of the Research


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.6 Clarification of the Terms

Some terminologies need to be clarified in order to avoid misunderstanding in the research:

1) Representation

Representation refers to the way language is employed in a text to express the underlying meanings of the descriptions of people, places, or social practices (van Dijk, 2002).

2) Discourse Historical Approach (DHA)

DHA is one of the approaches of critical discourse analysis (CDA). DHA synchronises text analysis with knowledge about the historical sources and the background of the social and political fields in which discursive events are embedded (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009).

3) Nomination Strategy

Nomination strategy is a strategy in using linguistic devices to refer to persons, places, or events (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009).

4) Predication Strategy

Predication strategy is a strategy in attaching persons, animals, or objects with some qualities, features, or characteristics. This strategy is aimed at representing social actors more or less positively or negatively (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009).

1.7 Organisation of the Report

This research is organized in five chapters. Each chapter details the different information needed to construct the idea of the research. It is elaborated as follows:



Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 2) CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS:

This chapter consists of relevant theories, ideas, and issues in which the principles and justifications of the research are grounded. It also provides findings of previous research and other supportive information relevant to the present research.


This chapter describes approaches and procedures, research design, data collection, and data analysis all manifested in the research.


This chapter provides the results of the analysis. Furthermore, there is discussion on the significance of the results.



Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter provides the research methodology employed in the present research. This chapter encompasses research design, data collection, and data analysis. The research design elaborates the method and the theoretical framework used in this research. In the data collection, the steps of collecting the data are elaborated. In the end of this chapter, the process of analysing data is elaborated in the data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Consistent with the nature of the research questions, this research employs descriptive qualitative method because “the focus of qualitative approach is to understand how meanings are (re)constructed” (Merriam, 2009, p. 13). Moreover, it is used since the research calls for interpretation that demands a careful and theoretical analysis with textual construction (Phillips & Hausbeck, 2000 as cited in Marsh & White, 2003). By using descriptive qualitative method, this research is mainly centred in describing, interpreting, analysing, and criticizing the representation of Jokowi as the Jakarta governor, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in the selected online news editorials.


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

election campaign through its editorial entitled “Endorsing Jokowi” that shows its standpoint toward Jokowi.

The number of editorials taken as samples is 15. Fifteen editorials are considered sufficient to conduct a DHA research that requires an in-depth analysis. They are purposely selected based on the variance and the importance of their contents. Moreover, they represent the change of Jokowi’s roles in the government: as the Jakarta governor, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia. The editorials of Jokowi as the president are then divided into three categories, which are Jokowi during his first month leadership as the president, the fuel-prices hike issue, and the KPK issue. His figure as the president is specifically analysed because the editorials appear in great quantities compared to his roles as the governor and the presidential candidate. In addition, it is not possible to discuss all issues he faces based on the three roles specifically due to the space limit.

All of editorials analysed are published in October 2012 until March 2015. They are divided into five categories, with three editorials for each category. Overall, the five categories are selected to see whether there is any change in nomination and predication strategies of Jokowi’s figure employed by the Jakarta Post due to historical background. The first three editorials are editorials about


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Table 3.1 Editorials of Jokowi published by the Jakarta Post

No. Title Publication Date Category

1. Welcome Governor Jokowi 15 October 2012

As the governor 2. Rain on Jokowi’s parade 29 December 2012

3. A tale of two Anases 17 February 2013 4. The Jokowi-Kalla platform 26 May 2014

Presidential election 5. Business-friendly

candidates 10 June 2014

6. Endorsing Jokowi 4 July 2014 7. Seventh President 20 October 2014

One month as the president

8. Jokowi’s Hot Porridge 2 November 2014 9. When Jokowi Steals the

Show 16 November 2014

10. Fuel-Price Hike, Finally 19 November 2014

Fuel-price hike issue 11. The Oily Politics of Fuel 23 November 2014

12. Harassing Jokowi 25 November 2014

13. Jokowi against Us 17 February 2015 The Corruption Eradication nomination strategies employed by the Jakarta Post in referring to Jokowi using linguistic devices. The linguistic devices found are then classified based on the types of nomination strategy proposed by Reisigl and Wodak (2009).

Second, examining the predication strategies used by the Jakarta Post in representing Jokowi after the linguistic devices used to refer to him are identified. The analysis is done to see how it represents Jokowi by giving some characterizations to him. The predication strategies found in the editorials are classified based on the types of predication strategy proposed by Reisigl and Wodak (2009).


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

predication strategies employed by the Jakarta Post in representing Jokowi as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia.

3.4 Concluding Remarks


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter provides the conclusions of the present research and the suggestions for upcoming research. This chapter is divided into two sections: the first section provides the answers to the research questions; the second section provides some suggestions for further research.

5.1 Conclusions

This research examines the representation of Jokowi as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in the Jakarta Post. Specifically, this research investigates how nomination and predication strategies are employed by the Jakarta Post in presenting Jokowi’s figure. In addition, this research also analyses the signification of the representation.

According to the analysis of nomination strategies, deixis and synecdoches become the strategies that represent changes. Deixis ‘they’ and ‘their’ are only used when Jokowi becomes the governor and the presidential candidate. Meanwhile, synecdoches realised by word ‘government’ and ‘Indonesia’ only appear after he is elected as the new president. The strategies signal that the

Jakarta Post prefers to focus on Jokowi when he becomes the president since his

every action represents the action that the government and Indonesia take.

This research also finds that the predication strategies also change due to the historical background. The Jakarta Post prefers to use positive predications in presenting Jokowi’s figure in all categories except in the KPK issue. The same result is also displayed by the comparisons between Jokowi and other politicians where they are used to emphasise Jokowi’s positive representation in all but in the KPK issue.


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Jokowi’s performance as a leader is in line with the Jakarta Post values.

However, the fact that the Jakarta Post no longer gives him its full support on the KPK issue indicates that his action contradicts the Jakarta Post’s ideology that

supports anticorruption movement.

5.2 Suggestions

There are three suggestions to be considered in conducting further research with the same approach. The first is the selection of the discursive strategies. This research focuses on two discursive strategies. It is advised that further research focus on not only nomination and predication strategies but also other types of discursive strategies to arrive at a more in-depth analysis.

The second is about the editorials. The data of the present research are only collected from the Jakarta Post. It will be worth trying to collect editorials from different media. By doing so, the further research can see whether there are differences in the representation of Jokowi’s figure between the media.


Amalia Dwi Utami, 2015

THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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THE REPRESENTATION OF JOKO WIDODOS FIGURE IN THE JAKARTA POST Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Table 3.1 Editorials of Jokowi published by the Jakarta Post


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