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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh



Cindy Lacitra Dialek


Beautiful Boxer is a Thailand film based on the true story of Nong Toom, a transgender muay thai boxer. He decided to do coming-out when he is on his successful boxing career. This study aims to examine how gender performativity is represented and what ideology lies on the film. The study is carried out by applying gender performativity by Judith Butler. This research is a qualitative study. The interpretation is formulated by analysing selected scenes which focus on Nong Toom’s gender performance. In this film, Toom performed two genders.

When he is on the ring he performed as man, but when he was off the ring he performed as woman. The analysis covers narrative and non-narrative aspects such as costume, make-up and performance. This study found that the gender performance done by Toom proves that gender is very fluid. Moreover, although this is a queer film, the ending of the film emphasizes heteronormativity.

Keywords: Coming-Out, Gender Performativity, Heteronormativity, Transgender.

1. Introduction

The very concept of gender and sex are the dichotomy of male and female. However, there are some countries divide the conceptual categories of gender and sex in to three, four and even five categories.

One of the countries is Thailand. Thailand, historically, categorizes sex and gender in to the term phet.

There are three categories: phu-chai to refer to male/man; phu-ying for female/woman; and an intermediate category that is known as kathoey (Barea 191). Thailand has different way to identify sex.

Phet does not identify phu-chai and phu-ying based on the genital organ. It identifies sex based on the ability of the genital organ itself to do its function in intercourse. According to Peter Jackson, the virility of man is judged by its ability to be an inserter in intercourse (Putri 21). When a man could not do that, then he could be identified as kathoey. Kathoey is also well-known as phuying praphet song (second kind of woman) and he is considered as transgender because his sex is different from his gender performance.

Therefore, if a man is categorized as kathoey, he is considered to play his role as woman.

The phenomenon of kathoey in Thailand happened because of few things. There are some aspects which support the existence of transgender in that country. One of the aspects is the religion. Buddha, the dominant religion in Thailand, gives significant contribution. According to Bunmi (Barea 193) anyone can become a kathoey or has been one in the previous lives, so everyone should be tolerant to them.

Buddhism believes that kathoey is people who suffer their karma and being kathoey is not the thing they want. This tolerance makes Thailand becomes ‘friendly place’ for transgender people. There are more than 10.000 transgenders living in Thailand (wpath.org). In this country, transgender has wider occupation and occasion. Kathoey has jobs as shopkeeper, barber, tour guide, beauticians and entertainer for tourism (Putri 2009). Their role brings them to be the magnet of Thailand tourism.

Beautiful Boxer (2004) is one of the queer films in drama genre. This film was directed by Ekachai Uekrongtham (IMDB). This film tells about the true story of male-to-female transgender named Noong Toom or Parinya Charoemphol. Beautiful Boxer used flashback mode to tell the story of Nong Toom fromhe his childhood until his decision to do sex surgery on his 16th. The setting was taken in Thailand in 1998.

From the story of Toom, the writer finds interesting things related to gender negotiation and sex surgery decision. Toom’s gender negotiation and his decision to be woman make an impression that Toom surrenders to gender dichotomy in society. It makes an impression that Toom has to choose to be man or woman. This is interesting, because in the beginning of film, the audience is invited to understand Toom as the person considered as third gender. However, the ending suggests the audience to agree with conservative notion about gender, that there are two genders. From this point, the writer sees that although Beautiful Boxer promotes queer idea, it also emphasizes heteronormativity.

To examine the issues, the writer uses gender performativity theory. The notion of gender performativity was written by Judith Butler, a post-structuralist feminist philosopher born on 24th


February 1956. For Butler, gender is not only about feminine or masculine. Gender contains three things;

those are sex, gender and desire. Public consider that gender is an abiding substance which is decided by knowing the sex first. However, Butler questioned that notion. How if sex could not be an identification of someone’s gender? Hence, in Gender Trouble Butler gave an example case of Herculine Barbin (Butler 31). Barbin is an intersex. He was born with small vagina with big clitoris but he also has a very small penis. After re-checking his genital organ, the doctor declared that Alexina is a male. He had to obey social regulation to complete his new identity as a male. He had to change his name. He chose Herculine Barbin.

In the first volume of The History of Sexuality dan Herculine Barbin, Being the Recently Discovered Journals of a Nineteenth-Century Hermaphrodite by Michael Foucault, Butler implied Foucault’s opinion. He argued that before “changing” his genital organ as a male, Barbin experienced a world which Foucault mentioned as “a world of pleasures in which grins hang about without the cat” (Butler 32).

“World” is a condition where smile, happiness, pleasure and desire become quality for human being without obeying statement of abiding substance. Barbin’s gender located in that “world”, suggests that gender is not limited by regulation. According to Foucault, an accident of Barbin drove in a notion that postulation about identity is a fiction cultural regulation (Butler 33). If the regulation is fiction, then the statement of gender is abiding substance is result of construction. It drove Butler to a notion that abiding substance of gender is actually performative.

2. Research Method

In order to have comprehensive analysis, there will be two steps of method used in this study. First is method of data collection and the second is method of data analysis. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. The primary data of the study will be taken from selected scenes and transcribed dialogues from the film entitled Beautiful Boxer.

To process and analyse the data, the writer did three steps, those are data reduction, data analysis, and conclusion or verification. Data reduction explains about how the writer processes the raw data to be the valid data. Meanwhile, data analysis covers two steps. First the writer gave the descriptive explanation about what happened on scenes and transcriptions. Second the writer applied Butler’s theory to interpret and to find meaning from the data. Finally, the writer will conclude all the findings and ideology of the film.

3. Discussion

Representation of Toom’s Gender

In this subsection, the writer would like to explain about gender representation in this film, how Toom understands gender, and his attitude towards traditional gender roles. This film introduces image of man and woman differently. Man is depicted as strong, harsh, and protective; while woman is depicted as gentle, and weak. This film also mentioned the consequences if the law is disobeyed which are being mocked and laughed. It means that little Toom had been given knowledge about gender in heteronormative society and its consequences. However, little Toom preferred to show his effeminate character.

When he was a teenager, Toom was in monastery. There was a rule that a monk was prohibited to groom himself. One day, Toom found lip balm. Toom really wanted to use that lip balm. Lip balm or lipstick is a make-up tool which is a prominent symbol of femininity and sexuality (buzzsawmag.org). As he felt that he preferred to be woman, Toom applied the lipbalm silently. However, his friend found him and told him to throw the lip balm since the lip balm was prohibited in monastery. However, Toom lied to his friend and took the lip balm back.

In Buddha, if a man makes mistakes like lying, breaking Buddha rules, hurting human beings, and other bad things then he will be kathoey on his following life as his karma (Barea 193). Toom thought that his fault of keeping the lip balm had made him to be kathoey on his adult life. On the following days, Toom also got so many problems like his mother was arrested by police, his father was sick, and Toom was expelled from monastery. When he was trapped on his hard times, he met Pi Nid. Pi Nid was the owner of small noodle restaurant. Her business seemed good since her restaurant looked crowd enough.


She felt pity when knowing Toom’s sufferance. She gave some helps to Toom like releasing his mother and inviting him to see travelling monk who will help his father. Since Pi Nid had helped him so much, Toom came to Pi Nid’s house to give her some gifts. When he met her, Pi Nid cried. She told Toom that her lover left her.

That was the first time when Toom finally knew that Pi Nid is a man to woman transexual. Although he knew that Pi Nid is a transexual, he still loved her like his own sister. Pi Nid is a first queer character on this film. She is depicted as kind, nurturing and gentle. Nurturing is casted as women’s characterization (Tyson 85). In the beginning of her emergence in this film, she was depicted as an accepted male to female transexual. The crowd restaurant shows that she is accepted by her environment. However, she also mentioned that she had been hated by others. Here, Pi Nid’s scenes depict two public reactions towards LGBT at that time.

The setting of this film was taken in 1998. At that time, Thai Ministry of Health still considered homosexuality as mental disorder (Allyn 7). Pi Nid role emphasized the fact at that time that kathoey in this film does exist. However, based on the state regulation, homosexuality was also prohibited. Toom’s reaction towards Pi Nid’s confession implied that Toom accepted kathoey well in his mind.

Previous explanations provide depictions of gender representation in this film. At the beginning scenes, the film presents traditional gender roles by showing Toom wearing boy clothes. He also had short hair. Moreover, when he tried to imitate women by wearing women clothes, applying lip balm, or wondering to have long hair, he always faced negative reaction from his environment. Then, the traditional gender roles are followed by scenes portraying the emergence of kathoey through the emergence of Pi Nid. Pi Nid had women appearance like wearing women blouse, wearing long skirt, having long hair, and having voice like women.

Although Toom had known about the rule in heteronormativity, he seemed to fight it. In his teens, he wore men clothes but he did not feel that he was a man. His attitude and sexual orientation were inclined like women. He loved to tease man and spoke coquettishly like women. Furthermore, the statement that he did not like muay thai in one scene implied his disagreement about men’s trait in traditional gender roles which is strong and protective (Tyson 85). In brief, Toom understood about the concept of gender in heteronormativity but he disagreed.


Accidentally, Toom joined muay thai game and won it. His winning gave him an idea. He thought that muay thai could be his way to earn money. He met Pi Chart, a muay thai coach, and decided to join muay thai traineeship. This event depicts the beginning of Toom’s gender negotiation. His decision to try muay thai implies that he will try to negotiate his gender. He has no objection on muay thai consequence that he will be hurt and he has to protect himself. His decision to help his family also portrays himself as decision-maker. It fits with men in traditional gender roles which cast as breadwinner (Tyson 85).

Although he had joined muay thai traineeship, Toom still hide his private gender identity as an effeminate boy. After doing the exercise, Toom felt so tired. He was depressed with muay thai hard traineeship. When he was confused, he wanted to tell his feeling to reduce his burden. Here Toom started to do his revelation or coming-out. Therefore, he needed to share his hesitancy. Toom decided to tell his feeling to Pi Bua, Pi Chart wife. Toom told his sorrow feeling to Pi Bua about muay thai. Pi Bua told him that if he wanted to reach his dream he must work very hard. Toom decided to stay and did exercise.

Furthermore, in the traineeship, Toom was interested in Nat, his male friend. It shows his sexual desire as a transgender. His hardworking drove him to be best muay thai player. He gained much money. Along with his success, his feminine expression still craves to blow out. Then Toom bought some cosmetics.

One day, Nat caught him when he applied lipstick in toilet.

Nat : Whose lipstick is this?

Toom : (panic)

Pi Bua : That is mine.

(Disc 1. 00:51:10)

Since he lived in heteronormative society, he tried to hide when he applied the lipstick. Therefore, he was very afraid when his friend found the lipstick. However, Pi Bua’s reaction was different. Pi Bua’s


attitude shows that she accepted Toom’s gender identity. Pi Bua reaction shows positive reaction towards kathoey. Pi Chart’s attitude is one of situations that makes Toom braver to come-out.

Toom’s revelation in this film happens three times. First is when Toom admitted it to Pi Bua. Secondly, he told Pi Chart, and third is when he announced to public. On the following day, he decided to apply make-up during muay thai game. Butler (178) mentioned that gender is performance with punitive consequences. In 1998 LGBT was still seen as mental disorder in Thailand (Allyn 7). Toom, as a man who performed women gender on the ring, had to face the punitive consequences from the audiences.

When he went up to ring, he showed his face towards audience. The audience laughed and mocked him blatantly. For them, it was ridiculous to watch muay thai boxer, which is identical with masculine image, applied make-up on his face.

Figure 1: Toom applied make-up during fighting for the first time. (Disc 2. 00:00:38)

Figure 2: Audiences laughed at Toom (Disc 2. 00:00:32)

Nevertheless, he tried to focus on the game. Although he appeared by applying make-up on his face, he still boxed hardly. In the end, he could win the muay thai game. Interestingly, after watching Toom’s muay thai performance, the audiences gave applause to him and praised him despite his effeminate appearance.

Toom’s revelation towards public implied two things. The first is negative reaction due to applyting make-up when fighting though he stated that he is a man. The second reaction is appreciation and pride towards him since he was able to fulfil audiences’ expectation in performing good fight. Following that event, his promoter also agreed with his appearance and supported him.

Changing Gender and Repetition

Butler (173-174) stated that if an actor could act the performed gender well, then the regulations and disciplinary practices are effectively displaced from view. This statement is related with Toom’s condition after revelation. Since he has done revelation and still needs muay thai as his job, finally Toom must survive between two roles; being a strong muay thai player and introducing his new identity as kathoey.

He divides his gender roles based on the places. He performed himself as male he was on the ring and female when he was off the ring. Furthermore, his decision to join muay thai to earn money implies that his reason to play two genders is optional.

Butler (178) stated that various acts of gender create the idea of gender, and without those acts, there would be no gender at all. It means that if Toom wants to survive in doing two genders, he has to do some acts repeatedly. After the revelation, Toom became braver to show his effeminate side. One of the examples is he rejected to bathe together with his male friend (previously, they bathed together). He also used towel to cover his breast. The action of covering breasts with towel reflects action of woman. Breasts are not only parts of body however breasts are a symbol of feminine sexuality (Young 152). Toom did not do breasts surgery or implant. However, the action of covering breasts implied an impression that Toom wanted to be categorized as women. This act was replied by negative reaction from his friends.


They mocked and laughed at him. Toom did not react on his friends’ behavior by abusive words. Instead, he showed bashful smile. Toom’s gesture is similar with girl’s reaction when she is teased. The negative reaction from Toom’s friends implies that they start to differentiate each other. They started to consider that Toom was no longer a man, but a kathoey.

The negotiation also continues on the ring. Although Toom covered his breast while being with his male friends, he uncovered it during fighting. Toom appeared like male boxer by being topless, using boxer pants and hitting hardly although he had make-up on his face.

Figure 3: Toom’s appearance when he was on the ring. (Disc 2. 00:03:54)

Toom: It seems like the more make-up I put on, the harder my opponents kick me.

So, I kick them back harder. (Disc 2. 00:03:46)

Gender needs act to suggest dramatic and to build construction meaning (Butler 177). Above scene implies about how Toom played male gender on the ring. It depicts Toom’s seriousness in performing male gender. He knew that he still needed money from muay thai so he kept his image as strong male boxer when he was on the ring. It made the audience respected and appreciated him. The positive reaction from public reaction implies Butler (173) opinion that playing of acts and gestures create the illusion of an interior. Public still considered Toom as a man because he could prove that he could fight well.

Interestingly, in order to convince public with his masculinity, Toom also showed his femininity when the game was over. After winning, Toom kissed his opponent after defeating him.

Toom: The audiences like moment when I kiss my opponent, especially the journalists. But they do not know that my kiss just to say ‘I am sorry’. I do not like to hurt strangers. But on the ring, you have no choices

(Disc 2. 00:04:23)

This scene and conversation implies that on the ring Toom did not only show his masculine but also feminine traits. He kissed his opponent which directly impressed as if a woman kissed a man since public knew that Toom was kathoey. On the other sides, this action could show to public about Toom’s sexual orientation. Toom seemed to try to explain to public that he is a woman by not only showing his make-up as the sign, but also by kissing. Previously, Toom was a strong male muay thai boxer but later he became a woman who was sensitive about hurting someone else. Being sensitive is the characterization of women in traditional gender roles (Tyson 85). This scene also indicates the shifting gender from male gender to female gender at the same place. It proves that gender performance done by Toom on that ring is very performative. It also means that femininity and masculinity are fluid.

Performativity is not a singular act, but a repetition and a ritual which achieve its effects through its naturalization in the context of a body (Butler xv). In order to adapt his new ‘self’ to his environment, Toom started to do woman habits like wearing woman clothes, applying make-up, applying night cream, wearing woman accessories, and so on. One day, before joining muay thai game, Toom did facial treatment in beauty salon. Interestingly, the beautician also offered female hormone. Usually, according to Media Sehat, hormone pill is consumed by transgender to make their body appear like female body (Putri 33). Toom accepted the pill but he still did not consume it.


On the other side, Toom kept fight well in muay thai game. He was invited to compete in Lumpini stadium. This stadium is the most famous and prestigious muay thai arena in Bangkok, Thailand (wmcmuaythai.org). The fact that Toom was invited to compete in Lumpini proves that Toom was a very capable muay thai player. Toom got his winning after competing in Lumpini. It also implies that Toom was successful to play men role because he was asked to play in Lumpini as a man.

Unfortunately, Pi Chart, his muay thai coach, passed away because of lungs cancer. Pi Chart’s death brought deep depression for Toom. He thought about leaving muay thai. This sorrow drove him to determine his identity. He chose to emphasize his feminine side more. In order to repeat his female gender, Toom finally consumed the hormone pill. It aimed to make his body weaker. He showed bad performance on the next muay thai game. Moreover, Toom also wore miniset, kind of bras, to protect his chest.

Figure 4: Toom wore bra during fighting (Disc 2. 00:32:31)

Weaker body and bra during muay thai game made disappointing performance for the audience. Toom experienced losing than winning. Besides, a muay thai male boxer actually prohibited to wear chest protector. Chest protector is only worn by female muay thai boxer (wmcmuaythai.org). Then, public considered that Toom was not appropriate to fight with men anymore. Toom was prohibited to fight muay thai in Thailand. The fact that he was expelled and prohibited to play in Thailand shows that public reject him as a man. His promoter thought that he had to save Toom’s career although Toom did not want it.

Since Toom was prohibited to fight in Thailand, his promoter tried to find equal opponent for Toom which was appropriate to Toom’s condition as transgender. Then he held combination game in Japan: Thailand muay thai player, Nong Toom versus Japanese female wrestler, Kyoko Inoue. This part shows that Toom was considered as a woman since he had to fight Kyoko as his opponent.

Sex Surgery Decision

After defeating Kyoko Inoue in Japan, Toom finally realized that leaving muay thai was the right choice. After the combination game, Toom stayed in a hotel in Japan. Surprisingly, he had a female fan.

That girl had been waiting for Toom for long time. Toom let her to enter his room. She went naked to make Toom sexually seduced. Hoever, Toom did not aroused. He only hugged her and cried on her shoulder. Toom’s reaction shows that he did not do an intercourse with woman. In Buddha, the virility of man is judged by his ability to be an inserter in intercourse (Putri 21). In this case, Toom was not virile since he was incapable of being an inserter.

When he arrived in Thailand, Toom and his parents met the doctor to sign the declaration form of sex surgery. The scene then moved on recent day. At the end of movie, Toom finally did the sex surgery.

He appears in woman appearance by wearing long dress, having long hair, and applying make-up. He also walks gorgeously like women and his body shape is like a woman’s body. Toom is a woman now.

His decision to change his genital into vagina reflects his inability to beat heteronormativity. However, what he had done is the same as what Barbin had experienced (see Chapter 2). Toom has done female gender and he needed to change his sex to be fully appropriate with his gender. It means that sex and gender is a continuum. The beginning of film seems to promote queer idea, however, the ending emphasizes an idea that sex, gender, and desire are strongly related as in heteronormativity.

Non-narrative 3.5.1 Costume


Since Toom is a cross-dresser, costume is one of the most prominent non-narrative aspects. Costume could support a person to emphasize his or her character (D’sign Up 8). The costume will easily show Toom’s gender transformation. When he was a trainee in muay thai traineeship, Toom usually wore men clothes like oversized t-shirt, oversized sweater, short trousers and jeans. His appearance was almost the same with other trainees. However, after the revelation, Toom gained much confidence so he also changed his outfit in to women outfit. He did not wear oversized clothes again. He changed them with women tanktop. His tanktops were dominated by pink and white. Pink symbolizes character like caring and tenderness while white symbolizes birth (incredibleart.org) which is strongly associated with female characteristic.

Figure 5: Floral tanktop (Disc 2. 00:07:35)

Toom also wore miniset or bra when he was off the ring. Bra is only worn by women for medical reason or for improving their body shape. Bra also could represent women because bra is related with breast. Bra and tanktop function to expose breasts. Breasts are the symbol of feminine sexuality (Young 152). Breast also has milk feeding which is only produced by women. The wearing of bra by Toom could be a sign that he wanted to be a real woman.

Figure 6: Pink miniset (Disc 2. 00:36:26) 3.5.2 Make-up

Make-up is another important non-narrative aspect in this film. Toom applied make-up on his face to show his revelation. Someone who did make-up usually intens to show it in front of others for certain purpose (Paningkiran 1). Toom applied so much make-up on his face. He applied foundation, lipstick, face powder, and blush-on. This kind of make-up is called as theatrical make-up which tends to give more attention on eyes, lips, and cheeks (Ulung 11). This kind of make-up must be obvious to make audiences recognize it though from a distance. Toom used this make-up when he was on stage and he wanted all audiences could see his make-up at that time.


Figure 7: Theatrical make-up (Disc 2. 00:24:33) 3.5.3 Performance

The impressive acting will convince the audience and they will judge it according to the best standards of acting anywhere (MacDonald 193). Acting is supported by facial expression. Facial expression could show emotional meaning like sad, happy or coquettish (Devito 14). As woman, Toom performed a little effeminate expression and showed her emotional side like crying as shown in figure 8 and figure 9. Figure 8 shows flirtatious expression from Toom when he answered journalist question. He stared at him so coquettish which means that he was interested in his question. In Figure 9, Toom cried when people mocked him. He did not only cry but he gave a body gesture like bowing his face to show his sadness.

Figure 8: Effeminate staring (Disc 2. 00:22:00)

Figure 9: Toom cried (Disc 2. 00:25:39)

4. Conclusion

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that this film presents a representation of gender performativity. However, in this film, the main character (Toom) could negotiate the two roles of gender well. He divided those roles based on their place: on the ring and off the ring. When he went up on the ring, he performed his masculinity. However, when he went down off the ring, he played his gender as female. Surprisingly, when he felt braver, Toom switched his genders at the same place. It proves that gender is fluid and performative. Based on this analysis, Toom could also act both gender appropriately.

He was successful to be a man until he could compete in Lumpini, Furthermore, he was also successful to be a woman when Thailand public forbid him to fight in Thailand.


The beginning of this film seems to promote queer ideas. However, the ending of the film emphasizes heteronormativity. Toom chose to be a woman. By doing sex surgery, it means that he had surrendered to heteronormativity. Toom’s decision to do sex surgery gives notion that this film did not only promote queer but also heteronormativity.

5. Works Cited

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