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Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts UNIMED in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 209421052







Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin. First of all, the writer would like to express her highest gratitude to the Almighty, Allah SWT., for the blessing, guidance, mercy, love, and opportunity that has been given to the writer until this thesis could be completed. Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu‘alaihi Wasallam. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements of obtaining the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at the English Department, Faculty of language and arts, State University of Medan.

This thesis could have been completed also because of guidance, encouragement, suggestions, and comments from numerous people. In this fair chance, the writer would like to extend her sincere and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, the Vice Dean I, the Vice Dean II, and the Vice Dean III.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., the Secretary of English Department, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department.  Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., her Thesis Consultant.

Dr. Willem Saragih, Dipl.Appl., M.Pd., her Academic Consultan and also one of her Reviewer and Examiner.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., and Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., the Reviewers and Examiners.

All the lectures who have given very valuable knowledge through academic years.

Drs. H. Sosiar, the Headmaster ofSMA Swasta Sinar Husni Deli Serdang, the English teacher Mafriza Anggraini, S.Pd., the administrator purser Yulisma, S.T., and the all teachers of SMA Swasta Sinar Husni. And also the all students of class X-M.Sains of SMA Swasta Sinar Husni for their good attention and their best in doing the test.



Arini Amanja Lubis, Syamsiah Br. Marpaung, S.Pd., and Wildah Hayati Nasution, S.Pd., for being her lovely Power Puff Girls and also for many valuable times spent at class and anywhere together in love, for all of the moments, the supports, and the motivations when the writer was in her confusion, love you girls.

 All students of Regular A, B, and C’09 of English Education, especially A class (Budi, Azam, Finny, Siska, and Femmy) for their help, support, information, friendship and kindness during spending the time in State University of Medan.

The Sixteen Members of PPLT SMP N. 1 Pematangsiantar 2012 especially The Angels, for the supports and the unforgettable three months.  And also for all people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for

their support and friendship throughout her academic years and along her life.

Overall, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the English Education students and further pedagogical research.

Medan, April 2014 The Writer,




Yoeanita. NIM: 209421052. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing

Procedure Text by Using Team Pair Solo Technique. A thesis. English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2014.




A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Writing ... 6

a. Genre ... 7

b. Procedure Text ... 8

2. Writing Procedure Text ... 9

3. Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text ... 11

4. Cooperative Learning ... 11

a. Team Pair Solo (TPS) ... 12

1) The Steps of Team Pair Solo (TPS) ... 13

2) Using Team Pair Solo in Writing Procedure Text ... 15

3) The Advantages of Team Pair Solo (TPS) Technique ... 18

4) The Disadvantages of Team Pair Solo (TPS) Technique ... 18

5. Theory of Writing Assessment ………. 19


1) First Meeting ……….. 29

2) Second Meeting ……… 30

3) Third Meeting ……….. 32

c.Observation ……….. 33

d.Reflection ………. 33

F. Scoring the Test ... 33

G. Technique of Data Analysis ………. 34


A. The Data ………. 35

1. The Primary Data ………. 35

2. The Secondary Data ………. 37

a.Observation Sheet ………. 37

b.Questionnaire Sheet ……… 37

B. Data Analysis ……….. 39

1. The Primary Data ………. 39

2. The Secondary Data ………. 45

a.Observation Sheet ……… 45

b.Questionnaire Sheet ………. 45

C. The Research Findings ……… 46

D. Discussion ……… 47


A. Conclusion ……… 49

B. Suggestion ……… 49







A. The Background of the Study

Writing is a system for interpersonal communication using visible signs or

graphic symbols on a flat surface such a paper, cloth or even stone slabs. It is not

just arranging words into a sentence, linking the sentences into paragraph, and

ordering the paragraphs into a text. It also requires grammatical and lexical

knowledge, understanding in applying the grammatical knowledge into different

contexts and purposes and knowledge of topic that are going to be written

(Hyland, 2003: 3-14). Sharples (1999:8) in Sanjaya (2011:1) said that actually,

writing is an opportunity; it allows students to express something about

themselves, explore and explain ideas.

Writing is usually thought to be the most difficult skill to acquire and should

only be taught after students have learned the other skills. But here, students are

expected to be able to write well. Because by writing, the writer can express what

happen in her mind, so that the readers will know about it. Writing plays an

important role in life to express ideas, desire, and feeling to convey information.

Writing is to produce or reproduce written message. It means that writing is one of

language skill use hand to transform what we think in our mind. Good writing

begins with understand how to construct and use effective sentences and


There are many types of genre of writing that students should be mastered



learning English. The social function of Procedure Text is to tell someone how to

do something or how to make something and how to operate something. Anderson

and Kathy (1998:2) explain that a procedure is a piece of text that tells the reader

or listener how to do something. The purpose of procedure text is to provide

sequenced information or directions so that people can successfully perform

activities in safe, efficient, and appropriate ways.

When the researcher was doing her observation on grade X of SMA Swasta

Sinar Husni, she found that many students could not make their own procedure

text when their teacher asked them to write. The English teacher already taught

the material to students well but the students still had the problem in writing

procedure text. In addition, the researcher also had looked the English teacher

teaching by lecturing, and then asked the students to write procedure text

individually without giving any example or explanation about what actually they

should write first.

From the above, student's ability to write procedure text was very less

because the learning methods that was adopted by the English teacher was a

method that does not fit anymore in this day because it reduced the interest and

liveliness of the students in the learning process so that students were bored and

did not want to continue learning as they should.

The researcher offered a technique that had to be applied in the learning

process of writing procedure text because Ransdell and Laure Barbier (2002: 143)

maintain that a good writing strategy can be trained, and it can improve writing



of Student Centered Learning (SCL) and the development of Cooperative

Learning (CL) that according to Robert E. Slavin (1995:2) Cooperative Learning

refers to variety of teaching methods in which students work in small group to

help one another learn academic content. In cooperative classroom, students are

expected to help each other to discuss and argue with each other, to assess each

other’s current knowledge and fill in gaps in each other’s understanding, so that

the interest and active students in the learning process could be improved not only

individually but in groups or together. Writing in groups can be greatly motivating

for students. And the learning method which the researcher refers to is Team Pair

Solo (TPS).

Team Pair Solo (TPS) is a method of cooperative learning in which the

students do problem first as a team, then with a partner, and finally on

their own (Jane Cook, 2007:8). It was designed to motivate the students to tackle and

succeed at problem which initially were beyond their ability. The effectiveness of

Team Pair Solo has been tested by Dedi Sanjaya (2011). The research done in

class X/A of SMA Nurul Ilmi Padang Sidempuan resulted that teaching English

writing by using Team Pair Solo technique is more effective than teaching English

writing by using Lecturing method. The use of TPS improved the students’

achievement in writing descriptive text.

Since Sanjaya (2011) was successful in doing his research, the researcher

would like to use the same technique but in different genre, that is procedure text.

Procedure text has different social function and generic structure from descriptive



have to compose statements in a sequence (Gerot:1994). In descriptive text,

students do not face the similar challenge since they can describe something in

one perspective. Procedure text should be written in one perspective of doing

something. Then the order is very much important. So this research will use Team

Pair Solo as a technique to improve students’ achievement in writing procedure

texts to solve the problem that was found in grade X of SMA Swasta Sinar Husni.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study is

formulated as follows:

“Does the students’ achievement in writing procedure text improve when

they are taught by using Team Pair Solo as the technique?”

C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, the objective of this study is to find out

the improvement of students’ achievement in writing procedure text by using

Team Pair Solo technique.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study discussed about the students’ improvement in writing procedure

text when they were taught by using team pair solo technique. And this study was

conducted by classroom action research.

E. The Significance of The Study

The findings of the study are expected to have both theoretical and practiced



1. Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected to enhance the

theories of writing.

2. Practically, the findings of the study are expected to give a feedback to:

1) the teacher as a one of the technique in teaching writing procedure text

to improve the students’ achievement;

2) the students to understand how to write a good procedure text;





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the study, the conclusions are drawn as follows:

1) The ability of the student in class X-M.Sains of SMA Swasta Sinar Husni

in writing procedure text was improved. It can be seen from the mean of

the students’ score in writing test. In orientation test, the mean is 54,9. In

cycle I test the mean is 71,8. And in cycle II test, the mean is 87,2.

2) The students’ score continuously improved in each writing test and they

could produce a good procedure text individually.

3) The students were more active, interested and enthusiastic in writing

procedure text.

4) Team Pair Solo technique helped the students to understand the content of

the text and the element of the procedure text by practiced themselves in

the steps of Team Pair Solo technique.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of this study, Team Pair Solo technique could improve

the students’ achievement in writing procedure text. The researcher would like to

give some suggestions to:

1) The English teachers to use Team Pair Solo Technique because Team Pair

Solo can make teaching-learning process more enjoyable and make the



2) The students to use Team Pair Solo technique while writing in class, so

that they can write easily.

3) The all readers who are interested in this Team Pair Solo Technique, may

this research bring them into good understanding how to improve the




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Figure 2.1 Process of Team Pair Solo ...........................................................


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