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Submitted to the English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts UNIMED as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number. 2103220027






Thankful to God for blessings, mercy, guidance, strength, and help which have been given to her so she can finish this Thesis well.

This Thesis was written in order to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the completion of this Thesis, the writer was greatly indebted to many people which without their help; she will not be able to complete this Thesis properly. Therefore, on this occasion the writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.Hum., and Dra. Yunita Agnes Sianipar, M.Hum., as The Examiner. All Lecturers of English Department for lessons, advices and useful Evrida Sembiring, for their endless love, support, encouragement,

motivation, prayers, and laughter shared during the writer’s life. She loves

them so much. Also her great family for the support during the completion of this thesis.



Patick, S.S., R Hadi Prabowo, S.S., and Suci Retno Utami, S.S. It

means a lot to her. All of the writer’s friends in Applied Linguistics A

and B 2010, thank you for the love and having a great time studying. She will be missing those memories.

Maam Euis for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of this thesis.

 Everyone who has been involved directly or indirectly in the writing of

this thesis that can not be mentioned one by one, and thanks for all the memories that the writer got during her study at her beloved campus. Thank you very much. May God bless us all, Amin.

Medan, July 2014 The Writer,



Mariati Br Sembiring. NIM 2103220027. Violation Maxims in Awas Ada Sule Situation Comedy. A Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan 2014.






vii 



APPENDIX A. Analyzing violation maxims ……… 45





A. The Background of the Study

A human cannot be separated from the language and communications. The

relationship of language and communication are included in the area of

Pragmatics. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated

by the speaker and interpreted by a listener (Yule, 2003:3). It requires a

consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say and what the

utterances might mean by the speakers.

Pragmatics also has various sub-studies, one of them is Cooperative

Principle. Grice (1975) as a philosopher of linguistics developed a model called as

Cooperative Principles which human being follows to ensure successful

communication. Grice divides the principle more specific called maxims. There

are four types of maxims: (1) maxim of quantity, (2) maxim of quality, (3) maxim

of relation, and (4) maxim of manner. These principles can make the conversation

work effectively and run smoothly. The people actually have followed this

principle unconsciously in their daily life conversation. But in fact, there are many

people who disobey this principle. This is called as the violation of maxim. There

are four violation of maxims: (1) violation of maxim of quantity, (2) violation of

maxim of quality, (3) violation of maxim of relation and (4) violation of maxim

of manner. This all violation maxim can be occurred for some reasons such as

when someone wants to show respect, to change the topic/subject and also for



Sometimes people express their opinion and ideas with concise, humorous,

dramatic, exaggerating and sarcastic method to achieve certain effects, thereby

people could feel content and funny, and get enlightenment and meditation (Pan,

2012:20). Recently, humor cannot dismissed in social life. It occurs in daily

conversation, in the movies, on television, in books, newspaper and magazines, on

the radio to create humor. Humor is a mode of communication which produces to

entertain the hearer. For humor to work as a rapport-building device, speakers

must be able to gauge when their remarks are less likely to be interpreted as

having serious implications and more likely to be taken as a switch to a more

playful with its own cooperation principle and set of maxims (Lampert and Susan,

2006: 53). It means that humor can violate based on each type of violation of

maxim, such as lying, irrelevant, or run out from the topic.

The violation may exist not only in ordinary conversation but also in the

situation comedy (sitcom) conversation as in a television program. A situation

comedy is one of television program which functions to entertain the audience. It

is the media instrument for human being and it is the one of the mass media orally

delivered. It used the scripts to present the story by the characters as well.

Awas Ada Sule is one of the famous television program in Indonesia and it

is a situation comedy. The characters should not make their contributions more or

less informative than they are required, do not relate to each other as a usual

conversation and use code or another word to replace the word they mean, or even

to make a humor/funny conversation for comedy purpose so that there is a great



Setting : Home

Participants : Sule, bu Tiyo

Bu Tiyo : Makmur.. Makmur.. Sule, you see Makmur don’t you?

Sule : How much you want the sate mam? (fanned)

Violation of maxim of relation requires the speaker to say something irrelevant statements or changing the topic. Here, Sule’s answer does not relate

with Bu Tiyo’s question. Sule should answer “yes or no”, but he says irrelevant

answer to make humor. If he does not changing the topic, the conversation will

not humorous.

Concerning all the explanation above, the writer would like to analyze

Awas Ada Sule situation comedy as source of data in this research. The writer is

interested in studying the violation of maxim of utterance used by the characters

on Awas Ada Sule situation comedy because the writer assumed that it would

violate the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, or maxim of


B. The Problems of the Study

Related to the background above, the problems of this study are

formulated as follow:

1. What types of violation of maxims are used in episodes Awas Ada Sule

situation comedy?

2. What is the most dominant type of violation of maxims used in episodes



3. What are the causes of the dominant type of violation of maxims used in

episodes Awas Ada Sule situation comedy?

C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the problems of the study, the objectives of this study are:

1. to find out the types of violation of maxims in episodes Awas Ada Sule

situation comedy.

2. to find out the most dominant type of violation of maxims in episodes

Awas Ada Sule situation comedy.

3. to find out the causes of the dominant type of violation of maxims in

episodes Awas Ada Sule situation comedy.

D. The Scope of the Study

The discussion of study is limited to violation of maxim. The writer will

analyze the violation maxim occurred in main characters’ utterances in episodes

Awas Ada Sule situation comedy. There are five main characters in Awas Ada

Sule, they are: Sule/Sule, Makmur/Ery Owe, Kanjeng Mami/Maya Wulan, Mr.

Tiyo/Hikmal Abrar, and Mrs. Tiyo/Hannah Al Rasyid.

E. The Significance of the Study

The research findings are expected to be useful in theoretically and

practically. In theoretically, the findings of the research will give useful



understanding the violation of maxims in their utterances. Practically, it is hoped

that this research can give a contribution to other researchers to do the some





A. Conclusions

Having collected and analyzing the data, some conclusions were given


1. There were four types violation maxims in Awas Ada Sule situation

comedy. There were 33 utterances (66%) violation of maxim of quantity, 7

utterances (14%) violation maxim of quality, 7 utterances (14%) violation

of maxim of relation, and 3 utterances (6%) violation of maxim of manner.

2. The results showed that the most dominant type of maxims which was

violated in Awas Ada Sule situation comedy was the violation of maxim of


3. Violation of maxim of quantity was the most dominant in scripts Awas

Ada Sule situation comedy because the speaker gives too much or too little

information than is required which was aimed at creating humor or



B. Suggestions

Having conducted a research about an analysis of violation maxim, it is

useful to consider the following suggestions:

1. Understanding the maxim would help people when conducted a

conversation whether as speaker or hearer. To everyone who are talking or

speaking especially in a formal situation should give complete, clear, true,

and orderly information. Breaking the maxim or creating violation of

maxim is dangerous, because it could trigger the wrong perception of the


2. It is suggested that not only the students but also everyone should have a

good knowledge of the use of maxim to avoid the violation of maxim




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Table 4.1 The percentage overview of violation maxims……………………… 29


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