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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Fatiah Laily Raharjanti 112006036








Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Fatiah Laily Raharjanti 112006036






This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any univer-sity. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material pre-viously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@ 2013. Fatiah Laily Raharjanti and Maria Ch. Eko Setyarini., S.S., M.Hum

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means with-out the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Depart-ment, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University, Salatiga.





Fatiah Laily Raharjanti (112006036)


Reading is an important skill for English Department of Satya Wacana Christian University students. Many subjects in this department require students to read, but many students dislike reading because often they do not understand the text. The problem, actually, is not the students’ inability in reading but their lack of interest. The aim of this study was to examine students’ reading strategies used when they read academic texts, especially Literary Theory and Application (LTA) reading texts. This study used quantitative as well as qualitative method. I used a questionnaire that was distributed to 47 students who already taken LTA class. The results showed that student used three kinds of reading strategies: cog-nitive, metacogcog-nitive, and compensating reading strategies. There were students who used one single reading strategy like metacognitive or compensating reading strategies only, but there were also students who combined two reading strategies; cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies, metacognitive and compensating reading strategies, or metacognitive and compensating reading strategies, or com-bine those three reading strategies, cognitive, metacognitive, and compensating reading strategies, altogether. In addition to that, compensating reading strategies became the most frequent reading strategy used by LTA students. There were sev-en compsev-ensating reading strategies revealed in this study and high-lighting ap-peared as the most frequent reading strategy being used

Keywords: reading strategies, LTA students


Along with writing and reasoning, reading is one of the most important

activities in which students have to engage, especially for those who learn

lan-guage. One of many problems students face in reading nowadays is not their

ina-bility to read but their lack of interest, indifference or rejection of reading. When

reading a text, learners will stop reading when they find difficult words.



reading and they look it up in the dictionary, which is time consuming. In

order to understand a text, students need to know some strategies for reading. In

this study, I would like to explore students’ reading strategies in their English

lan-guage learning.

As an English Department student, I have to take several elective classes

as the study requirement. The elective classes provided are divided into three big

major, they are linguistics, teaching and education, and literature. One of literature

subject I took as an elective subject is Literary Theory and Application (LTA).

Literary Theory and Application is a class which requires students to read a lot.

Besides, students have to deal with text analyze and interpretation in reading the

text since most of the text is about theory or literary works. I have to read a lot of

English text about theory in literature. For me myself, it means that I have to deal

with the language and the length of the text to understand. My lecturer said that

we did not have to understand the whole thing from the text but at least we

showed our effort by reading and understanding several things from the text so

that she asked us to make notes or summary to help us dealing with the text in

Li-terary Theory and Application. Rarely could I understand the text in one time

reading. I have to re-read the text, even for more than two times if I found it was

too difficult to understand and to be critical toward the text. The obstacle of the

circumstances increases my curiosity whether my friends also have the similar

problems to mine or not and what they do to face the problems if they have.

The obstacles coming to the students taking LTA course motivated me. I



Every week, students had to read a paper about one literary theory and on the

fol-lowing week, students would read a piece of literary work while applying theory

that they have learned on the previous week. Both the literary theory paper and the

literary work consisted more than 7 pages, which added the difficulty of the

course. I myself sometimes overwhelmed by the demand of the course but my

great interest in literature made me stick to every meeting of this course. Perhaps,

not all students had a great interest enrolling this course. They might enroll this

class since this was the only elective class remained in the SIASAT or they have

to take this class because it is the pre-requisite of the final paper project. There

were various motives of students taking this class, but I am sure that those who

enroll this course find obstacles in their study. That is why I eager to find out what

problems occur in their study and how they cope with their problems.

A current study about reading strategies conducted by Sari (2011)

be-comes one of my concerns. In her research, she investigated about reading

strate-gies used by several reading classes of English Department in Satya Wacana

Christian University. The results of this study showed that, in general the students

are moderately active strategy users when reading in English, with

problem-solving strategies used most frequency. Such findings suggest that the students

have the basic tools to reach a high level of reading proficiency in English. Poole

as cited in Sari (2011) found that 147 college students reported using problem

solving strategies with high frequency support the students’ reading

comprehen-sion. The results of Sari and Poole’s researches are similar to the findings of the



language learners using problem solving strategies with high frequency and global

and support strategies with moderate frequency. Those studies were investigating

L2 learners’ reading strategies in reading classes but none of them investigated

reading strategies in literature class.

Since there are not many studies done to investigate reading strategies in

literature class, I was motivated to conduct this research. My motivation also

came from my own experience having problems reading in LTA class. My

re-search question is “What kind of reading strategies used by LTA students” and I

investigated the problems faced by students in reading LTA text so this research

will lead to what kind of strategies used to cope with obstacles in reading LTA


It is hoped that the results of this study can be beneficial to language

learners and reading instructors in ESL/EFL contexts. Firstly, English Department

students of SWCU who are going to conduct research on the same field of mine

and secondly for students who are going to take Literary Theory and Application

class so that they can cope the problem in reading the material. Besides, the

strat-egies used by LTA students may also help students of other courses in Faculty of

Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University which require



Literary Theory and Application Course

Literary Theory and Application (LTA) is an elective class that explores

various literary theories, or lenses (tools) of reading and interpreting literature.

Literary theory is the body of ideas and methods used in reading and

understand-ing literature. Literary theory does not refer to one true meanunderstand-ing of a work of

lite-rature, but rather, theories that help to reveal what literature can mean. In this

course, students have to read pieces from broader school theory. The students will

use literary theory to more thoroughly understand literature.


Farbairn (2001) revealed that reading is an important way in which we

gain information about the world. Students must read in order to become and

re-main aware of their subject, to keep their knowledge and understanding up to date,

and to check their work and ideas and research against those of their peers. This

active process of understanding print and graphic texts usually called as a thinking

process. Effective readers know that when they read, what they read is supposed

to make sense. They monitor their understanding, and when they lose the meaning

of what they are reading, they often unconsciously select and use a reading

strate-gy (such as rereading or asking questions) that will help them reconnect with the

meaning of the text. Reading skills and strategies can be taught explicitly while

students are learning subject-specific content through authentic reading tasks.

Since this research was in classroom context, the topic was closely



by Grabe (1991) in Sari (2011): reading to search for information (scanning and

skimming); reading for quick understanding (skimming); reading to learn; reading

to integrate information; reading to evaluate, critique, and use information; and

reading for general comprehension (in many cases, reading for interest or reading

to entertain).

Reading Strategies

A strategy is an individual's comprehension approach to a task. It

in-cludes how a person thinks and acts when planning and evaluating his or her study

behavior. Successful language learners know how to use such reading strategies

efficiently. Oxford in Hertiyani (2007) stated that strategies which can be divided

into two major classes, direct and indirect strategies. Direct strategies consist of

memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies, while

indi-rect strategies consist of affective strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social

strategies. Reading skill and reading strategies are related but have different

defi-nitions. Robb in Setiadi (2011) explained the distinction of reading skills and

reading strategies; “Reading skills are as set of helpful tools which are practiced

by students in improving their comprehension in reading” (p.9). The readers can

be considered into strategic readers when the readers can use the reading skills

independently, they can understand how the skill work and apply to the new

read-ing materials. By applyread-ing the strategies, many researchers have interest in

inves-tigating how the reader use the strategies related to effective reading



According to Simangungsong (2003) cited in Hertiyani (2007), there are

two definitions of reading strategies. First, reading strategies are a definite way

taken by readers to make reading comprehensible, smoothly, easily, and

enjoya-ble. Second, reading strategy is also explained as the way the students read, how

they plan to read the various texts, habit of reading and also their reading


In his study of reading strategies in ESL and EFL contexts, Park (2010)

explained some factors which may influence in strategy use and reading

compre-hension. The first factor is ESL reader might also have different characteristics

from EFL readers in strategy use and reading comprehension. He also reported

that Japanese college students in an ESL context showed a different pattern and

frequency of strategy use from Japanese EFL college students. The second factor

is the grade level may play a part in strategy use and reading comprehension. The

learners from the lower grade level can be less proficient, cognitively less

devel-oped and still in the process of developing their reading skills than the learners of

the higher grade level. The third factor is the nationality/ethnicity. From a

cross-cultural perspective, researchers have been also interested in studying reading

strategies use and reading comprehension. Tailefer as cited in Park (2010)

re-ported that national origin influences both reading comprehension and strategy


Reading strategies are of interest for what they reveal about the way

readers manage their interaction with written text and how these strategies are



learners use a variety of strategies to assist them with the acquisition, storage, and

retrieval of information (Rigney, 1978). In the context of second language

learn-ing, a distinction can be made between strategies that make learning more

effec-tive, versus strategies that improve comprehension.

The purposes of reading strategies are to have general knowledge, get a

specific detail, find the main idea or theme, learn, remember, delight, summarize,

and do research (Hyland, 1990). Zare-ee (2007) stated that linguists (for example:

Ellis, 1994) have commented on the lack of consensus about the definition of the

term ‘reading strategies’. This diversity is largely due to the way the term has

been used in different contexts such as first, second or foreign language learning.

Keep in mind that not all readers use the same strategies while reading. Many

stu-dies have been conducted to reveal kinds of reading strategies that can enhance

reading skill. That is why Anderson as cited in Anderson (1999) had developed a

kind of “Reading Strategy Checklist”. It contains 24 common reading strategies

that were classified into three different groups: cognitive reading strategies

(think-ing), metacognitive reading strategies (thinking about your thinking/plann(think-ing),

and compensating reading strategies.

Another researcher, Byrnes (1988), revealed that reading strategies can

help learners to read more quickly and effectively by previewing, predicting,

skimming and scanning, guessing from context, and paraphrasing. While Abita in

Hertiyani (2007) mentioned that reading strategies are set into 18 specific

strate-gies; activating prior knowledge, clarifying, context clues, drawing conclusion,



rereading, restating, setting a purpose, scanning/skimming, summarizing,

survey-ing, think aloud, and visualizing.


Cognitive strategies are one type of learning strategy that learners use in

order to learn more successfully. These include repetition, organizing new

lan-guage, summarizing meaning, guessing meaning from context, using imagery for

memorization. All of these strategies involve deliberate manipulation of language

to improve learning (British Council, 2013). Sabuncuoglu (2010) stated that it

enables the learner to understand and produce new language. Similarly, English

asserted that cognitive strategies help learner to identify, change and manipulate

the language.

Previous study held by Sabuncuoglu (2010) suggested that cognitive strategies

involve interacting with learning tasks, manipulating materials mentally or

physi-cally, or applying a specific technique to the learning task such as writing down

key words or concepts to assist one’s performance in the learning task (

note-taking), making a written summary of language and information presented in the

learning task (summarization), using mental or actual pictures or visuals to

represent information (imagery), using a meaningful context to make the learner

easier remembering new word (placing new words into a context), physically

act-ing out a new expression, or relatact-ing a new expression to physical feelact-ings (using

physical response or sensation), and using available clues provided by the text to


10 Metacognitive

Metacognition is defined as "thinking about thinking" (Anderson, 2002,

p. 23). Oxford (1990) in Sari (2011) believes that metacognitive strategies

"pro-vide a way for learners to coordinate their own learning process" (p. 136).

Metacognition refers to the knowledge and control that we have over our cogni-tive processes. As far as it is concerned with reading, it is common to talk about metacognitive awareness (what we know) and metacognitive regulation or con-trol (knowing when, where, and how to use strategies, that is, what we can do). As a whole, metacognitive involves awareness and control of planning, monitor-ing, repairmonitor-ing, revismonitor-ing, summarizmonitor-ing, and evaluating. Research on the relation-ship between metacognition and reading comprehension has progressed through several different stages. During the early stages, research focused on the investi-gation of the relationship between metacognition and reading comprehension from the developmental perspective.

(Sari, 2011, p.3)

According to Grabe (2009), reading is an essential skill and probably the

most important skill for second language learners to master in academic contexts.

Since reading comprehension has been distinctively important both in first and

second/foreign languages, reading strategies are of great interest in the field of

reading research. Reading research has also shed light on metacognitive

aware-ness of reading strategies, perception of strategies, and strategy training and use in

reading comprehension. Readers’ use of reading strategies is informed by their

metacognitive awareness of the strategies and how these strategies can be

max-imized for optimal effects in solving comprehension problems (Cohen, 2007 and

Hudson, 2007 in Sari, 2011).


Compensating reading strategies, which also known as compensatory or



their language knowledge or help the learner make up for missing knowledge

(Sa-buncuoglu, 2010). Reis (2002) defined compensation strategies to include study

strategies, cognitive strategies (also called learning strategies), compensatory

sup-ports (e.g. tape recorders and computer word processing programs), and

environ-mental accommodations (e.g. extended test time, less distracting test-taking

set-ting). English added that compensation strategies with regard to reading strategies

should include guessing lexical meaning from the text and making inferences.

Written expression also supported compensating reading strategies. Reis

(2002) stated that it helped students in the development of skills such as the

or-ganization of written assignments, proofreading, and sentence structure and

me-chanics. Learning specialist provided modeling and practice in paraphrasing,

hig-hlighting the text, identifying main ideas and supporting details and training in a

technique known as SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review). This

strate-gy provides a reading format that promotes an organized approach to absorb

writ-ten information (Bragstad & Stumpf, 1987)


This study primarily used mixed methods that combine quantitative and

qualitative approaches. According to Creswell (2003) mixed methods research is a

research design (or methodology) in which the researcher collects, analyzes, and

mixes (integrates or connects) both quantitative and qualitative data in a single

study or a multiphase program of inquiry. Another researcher, Chen in Johnson,



integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study for purposes

of obtaining a fuller picture and deeper understanding of a phenomenon. Mixed

methods can be integrated in such a way that qualitative and quantitative methods

retain their original structures and procedures (pure form mixed methods).

Alter-natively, these two methods can be adapted, altered, or synthesized to fit the

re-search and cost situations of the study (modified form mixed methods).

Context of the study

The setting of the study was English Department – English Education

Major of Satya Wacana Christian University which is located on Diponegoro

street number 67-69, Salatiga, Central Java. English Department – English

Educa-tion Major is a department that prepares its students to be well-qualified English

teacher. All courses in this faculty are grouped into three major, education,

lin-guistic, and literature. One elective course which should be taken by students who

want to write about literature major is Literary Theory and Application. This

course provides theory that will help students who are going to write literary

The-sis, but any students who are interested in literature but not going to write about

literary Thesis may also enroll the class. Students are required to read a lot in this

class, therefore, the researcher can identify reading strategies that are used in

read-ing Literary Theory and Application material.


The participants involved in this study were 50 students from two

dif-ferent Literary and Theory classes.



The data of this research was collected through an open-ended

ques-tionnaire. Students would answer the questions with “yes” or “no” followed by a

brief explanation. The questionnaire was divided into three sections. The first

sec-tion had 11 quessec-tions that cope 9 strategies belong to cognitive reading strategies.

The strategies were guessing from context, using text-structures, looking up words

in the dictionary, skipping a word, identifying main idea, summarizing, forming

questions, mind-mapping, using visual graphic and graphic organizer. The

second section had 12 questions related 11 specific strategies belong to

metacog-nitive reading strategies. The strategies were having reading purpose, setting

goal, checking factual statement, activating prior knowledge, reading slowly,

re-reading the prior sentence, restating ideas, making vocabulary list, working with

friends, practicing reading, and self evaluation. While, the last section contained

7 questions that cope 7 strategies belong to compensating reading strategies. The

strategies were note-taking, remembering what you already know, checking the

reliability of text material, information visualization, reviewing key ideas and

de-tails, and high-lighting.

Procedure of Data Collection

The questionnaire was administered to 50 students who already taken

Literary Theory and Application course at end of third semester 2012 – 2013 to

make sure that students were not burdened by their final project and tasks

any-more. From 50 questionnaires I administered to 50 students, only 47 were back to




There were 30 questions in the questionnaire and it is divided into

three sections; 11 questions that cope 9 specific strategies on cognitive reading

strategies, 12 questions that cope 10 specific strategies on metacognitive reading

strategies, and 7 questions that cope 7 specific compensating reading strategies. I

created a standard to decide whether a student used only single strategy among

cognitive, metacognitive, and compensating reading strategy or combine between

those three strategies. The standard for each section was different but had similar

a criteria, a student had to reach more than half number of expected answers in

each section. Students would be considered using cognitive reading strategy if

they had minimum 6 “yes” answers in the first section. While, they would be

con-sidered using metacognitive reading strategy if they had minimum 7 “yes”

an-swers in the second section, and they were considered using compensating reading

strategy if they had minimum 4 “yes” answers in the last section.


The questionnaire used in this research had three sections; the first

sec-tion had 11 quessec-tions related to cognitive reading strategies, the second secsec-tion

had 12 questions related to metacognitive reading strategies, and the third section

had 7 questions about related to reading strategies. In the first section, a student

would be considered as a cognitive reading strategies user if they had minimum 6

“yes” answer, while in the second section, a student would be considered as a



they would be considered using compensating reading strategies if in the third


16 Table 1. Kind of strategies used by LTA students


Strategies Cognitive Metacognitive Compensating

1 8 9 7 Cog Met Comp



Table 2.The number of reading strategies used by LTA students




Student 1 3   

Here we can see that there were 30 out of 47 students used cognitive reading

strat-egy, while metacognitive reading strategy was used by 26 out of 47 students, and



With regard to the research question (i.e., “What kind of reading

strate-gies used by LTA students?”), I broke down cognitive, metacognitive, and

com-pensating reading strategies into more specific strategies. Each specific strategy

had the maximum frequency up to 47 points since the number of respondent in

this research was 47 students and might differ to each specific strategy. E.g. the

frequency of skipping a word strategy that belongs to cognitive reading strategy

was 40 points means there were 40 out of 47 students used skipping a word

strat-egy.Here I display the frequency of each specific reading strategy used by LTA

students on Table 3.

Table 3. The frequency of specific reading strategies used by LTA students


1 Cognitive Skipping a word 40

2 Forming questions 40

3 Guessing from context 34 4 Identifying main idea 34 5 Using visual graphic and graphic-organizer 26

6 Summarizing 23

7 Mind-mapping 23

8 Looking-up words in the dictionary 18 9 Using text-structures awareness 12 10 Metacognitive Activating prior knowledge 38 11 Re-reading prior sentence 36 21 Compensating High-lighting 44 22 Remembering what you already know 37 23 Information visualization 37 24 Relying on background knowledge 36

25 Note-taking 35


19 Cognitive Reading Strategies

In this research, there are 9 specific cognitive reading strategies that are

used by Literary Theory and Application students. They are guessing from

con-text, using text-structure awareness, looking-up words in the dictionary, skipping

a word, identifying main idea, summarizing, forming questions, mind-mapping,

and using-visual graphic and graphic organizer. I will explain further about 4

specific strategies: skipping a word, forming questions, guessing from context, and

identifying main idea since those strategies are mostly used cognitive reading

strategies in this research.

Skipping a word

One of many ways to deal with unknown words is finding the word

meaning from the context. When students found an unknown or difficult word,

they would skip the word and continue reading the text while trying to find the

word meaning from the context. Student 2 usually found word meaning by linking

the word with the previous or next word and sometimes re-reading the sentence.

Student 44 also has similar opinion to Student 2,


“Usually I will read the whole text first, and try to guess the meaning of the word, and I will give a mark on that word, and after I finish reading the text, if I think that word is an “important” word I will use dictionary to find the meaning, but if it is not that important, I won’t use my dictionary”.

(Student 44)

There are 40 students who usually used ‘skipping a word’ reading strategy. I

re-vealed that most of LTA students preferred to find word meaning from the context


20 Forming questions

Students might have questions popped-up in their mind while reading

and the questions could be various. By reading the text, students expected to get

the answers of their questions. Sometimes, students had questions that the answers

could not be found in the text. Those unsolvable questions could be a good start

for a discussion in the class. Or, if the students were really curious about it, they

would find another resource (book, article, or journal) to get the answer. 40

stu-dents out of 47 stustu-dents usually had questions in their mind when to keep their

attention the reading material they have. Perhaps, this reading strategy can help

students to gain their critical thinking. They were trained to question and triggered

to find the answers. Student 38 admitted that questioning while reading is one way

to keep her progress in reading.

Exerpt 2

“It is important to find the answer when you read something and have question about it. Because sometimes I find myself get disappointed when I can’t find the answer of my question”.

(Student 38)

Guessing from context

In LTA class, 34 students out of 47 students predicted the content of

an upcoming passage or section since they read at the initial of the text. When

students found that the text is interesting, they would instantly predict the content

of the next passage, but when they found that the text was less interesting or quite

difficult, they continued reading without predicting what the whole text was about



ing the passage without predicting the upcoming section to enjoy the ‘surprise’ of

the upcoming section (Student 2)

Exerpt 3

“…when I found that the text is interesting, I will predict the content of next chap-ter, but when the text is difficult to be understood, I just read the text and try to understand the text without predict what the next text about”.

(Student 44)

“…usually I just read it and try to enjoy the storyline without guessing what might come after this scene or chapter so that I can get the surprise ‘bite’”.

(Student 2)

Identifying main idea

Identifying main idea, which is also familiar as scanning, can help

stu-dents to get the main point of the text and wholly understand it. Student 29 stated

that identifying main idea could help her understanding the coherence of the

cohe-rence of the text, while Student 22 added that the main idea explain the whole

content of the text, so students could understand the text easily and they could

save their time because they did not need to read all sentence.

Exerpt 4

“…that helps me to summarize and find the main point of the text where I can use to link back the subject, especially when facing difficulties and confusion of un-derstanding the coherence”.

(Student 29)

Metacognitive Reading Strategies

There are 11 specific metacognitive reading strategies in this research:

having reading purpose, setting goal, checking factual statement, activating prior

knowledge, reading slowly, re-reading the prior sentence, restating ideas, making



specific strategies; activating prior knowledge, re-reading prior sentence, reading

slowly, and practicing reading; as the most common metacognitive strategies used

by LTA students will be explain further.

Activating prior knowledge

Prior knowledge here means student’s knowledge in their first

lan-guage. All of LTA students who became my respondent are Indonesian and most

of them are Javanese, so I assumed that their first language could be bahasa

Indo-nesia or Javanese language only or combination of both language. The researcher

believed that students already had knowledge in their L1 and sometimes they used

it in reading LTA material.

Exerpt 5

“…I sometimes compared between the culture which was described in the text and Indonesian culture or Javanese culture (as my first language)

(Student 23) “… in feminist chapter, I link the role of women in Kartini era with the theory…”

(Student 36)

Sometimes students found that LTA material is new for them. They

did not have any idea about it then they linked it with what they already know

even though it was in their first language. I conclude that their knowledge in L1

could help them when they meet difficulties in understanding reading text. That is

why 38 out of 47 students used this strategy in reading LTA material.

Re-reading the prior sentence

LTA reading material is condensed reading text. They can be written in a



Sometimes students could not understand the content in one time reading. They

need to re-read the passage to find the relationship among ideas on it. They would

go back and forth or read the whole text for more than one time. 36 out of 47

stu-dents found that re-reading the prior sentence could help them understand the

ma-terial better.

Exerpt 6

“…If necessary, I would repeat the difficult parts twice or three times just to make sure that I really get the point...”

(Student 29)

“I usually read the whole text first, and give mark to the part that difficult, and after I read the whole text, I will go to that part and read it again, and again.”

(Student 44)

Reading slowly

Students liked to read LTA material fast to save their time, however they

slow down their reading when they find difficulties in understanding the text. 29

out of 47 students admitted that slowing down their reading could help them

get-ting the idea of the text better.

Exerpt 7

“…particularly when the text was difficult to understand. So I had to read it slow-ly and carefulslow-ly to understand it well.”

(Student 23) “…it was really hard to focus on the text so I must read slowly and carefully even repeated in reading the text.”

(Student 34)

Practicing reading

Practicing reading here means students applied reading strategies they



ledge, high-lighting, etc, to other text related to LTA material or other text with

different genre. There are 28 out of 47 students who practiced their reading

strate-gies. Perhaps practicing reading can help students to keep their reading progress


Exerpt 8

“What kind of practice? Doing the exercise related to the text? If so, yes. It was to evaluate my understanding of the text.”

(Student 23)

“…the theories that I get in LTA is very valuable that should never be wasted. I used them in analyzing literacy especially for my thesis. The different fields of theories broaden my horizon and not using it means forgetting them.”

(Student 29) “…the theories is hard to understand, so I have to read the PPT that I downloaded, the summary, to help me in figuring out the text and taking notes.”

(Student 36)

Compensating Reading Strategies

I revealed 7 specific compensating reading strategies in this research:

relying on background knowledge, note-taking, remembering what you already

know, checking material’s reliability, information visualization, reviewing key

ideas and details, and high-lighting, but I will only explain 3 specific strategies

that have highest frequency among them, high-lighting, remembering what you

already know, and information visualization.


In compensating reading strategies, lighting is not only

high-lighting the key word or difficult word but it can also be circling or underlining

the word. I revealed that 44 out of 47 students used high-lighting strategy in



tion to the part being high-lighted, whether it is colored, circled, or underlined.

Student could find the important part faster and easier when they re-read the


Exerpt 9

“…I underline and circle information to help me select the important informa-tion.”

(Student 5)

“…I make three different categories of highlighting. Red for important informa-tion, blue for difficult words and circle for key ideas or details.”

(Student 29)

Remembering what you already know

In this research, I found that students also memorizing things that they

got from the reading text. Student 29 stated that memorizing information from the

text is one way to keep the information with them (Exerpt 10) I assumed that

me-morizing went well with other strategies like note taking and summarizing. It

be-nefited students if they combined those strategies altogether. While taking notes

or summarize the passage, they also memorized important things that they could

use for another time, for example when they work with their thesis later. Besides,

students memorizing some part of the passage to develop better comprehension

toward the text (Exerpt 11)

Exerpt 10

“…memorizing is always easier with all the note takings and summary.”

(Student 29) Exerpt 11

“From the manner how to understand the text such as annotation, take notes, etc is yes but what the text about sometimes yes sometimes no.”


26 Information visualization

Information visualization can happen in students’ mind or in paper by drawing it,

whether it is in the form of mind map of picture. In this research, students

admit-ted that when they read Literary Theory and Application they would automatically

visualized information in their mind (Exerpt 12). There are also students who

pre-ferred to visualize the information in a form of mind map or drawing. They stated

that visual things worked better on them (Exerpt 13). There are 37 out of 47

stu-dents stated that visualizing information in their mind or in drawing form could

help them in understanding the text. Even, some student revealed that the drawing

form or mind map gave more help than only in mind visualization.

Exerpt 12

“… I usually did it. It feels like it automatically happen when I read something.” (Student 38) Exerpt 13

“…I prefer to draw it or visualize it directly on the reading.”

(Student 22)

Out of three kinds of reading strategies used by LTA students,

compen-sating reading strategies are the most frequent reading strategies being used.

Among 7 specific strategies of compensating reading strategies, high-lighting

ap-peared as the most frequent reading strategies used by LTA students. This strategy

could be very practical and helpful so that almost all of the students in LTA class

used it. In my opinion, high-lighting which means coloring, underlining, circling,

or giving mark to the important of the text, could be a fun activity. Perhaps,

stu-dents liked to have their handout more colorful and more interesting with the



cause of the colorful handout and could understand the material more since the

important point already high-lighted.


The purpose of this study was to identify reading strategies used by

Eng-lish Department of Satya Wacana Christian University student in reading Literary

Theory and Application material. The result of this study showed that, in general

LTA students used compensating reading strategies. Specific strategies of

com-pensating reading strategies such as high-lighting, remembering what you already

know, information visualization, relying on background knowledge, note-taking,

reviewing key ideas and details, and checking the reliability of text material could

cover students’ problem in reading LTA material. However, students not only

used one single strategy in reading LTA material. They might used combine two

or all three reading strategies altogether to understand the material better.

Despite the interesting findings, the research has certain limitations; first

the questionnaire used in this study consists of only 30 questions. This amount is

obviously not enough to cover all strategies used by students, therefore, a wider

variety of assessment method is recommended in future studies e.g. interview,

ob-servation, verbal report, and diaries. Next, in this study, only 47 students were

in-volved. Perhaps this little number of students influences the results. In the future

study, more classes can be involved so that more students can finish the



While high-lighting is the mostly used reading strategy in LTA, not all

students knew how to high-light correctly. The aim of high-lighting is to point out

information that is important to the reader. It can be key word or term, difficult

words, opinion or fact that the reader agree, etc. Teacher can help students

famili-ar to this strategy by training them how to high-light important point in the

read-ing text. Beside another strategies revealed in this study can also be beneficial for

the students if the teacher would like to introduce and familiarize those strategies

to the class. Teacher does not need to give theory about reading strategies to the

students, rather teacher applies the strategy to the reading material.

I found out that this study can be useful not only for LTA students but all

English Department students since most all of courses in English Department

re-quire reading. Strategies revealed in this study, cognitive, metacognitive, and

compensating reading strategies can be applied to other courses that require

read-ing. Besides being used for academic purposes, reading strategies appeared in this

study can also be used in non-academic purposes like when they read novel or

newspaper, or other book. In addition to what I explained before, this study is

hoped to give insight for English Department students who are working with their


29 Acknowledgements

I would like to express my gratitude to Allah S.W.T who gave many

bounties to me to finish this thesis. I submit my highest appreciation to my thesis

advisor, M. Ch. Eko Setyarini., S.S., M.Hum, whose expertise, understanding,

pa-tience, and her assistance helped me much in writing this thesis. Without her

guidance, I would never have been able to finish my thesis, despite her extremely

busy schedule. I also express my gratitude to my second reader Rindang

Widinin-grum, S.S, M.Hum who helped me in completing this thesis. Also, I would like to

thank the participants for their ready participation in this study for assistance in

data collection, I owe you my eternal gratitude.

Special thank goes out to my family: Bapak, Ibu, Mas Edo, Mbak Tanti,

and Radit. Your endless prayer and support bring out my best for this final paper

and every second of my life, I love you so much. Last but not least, I would also

express my gratitude to my friends: Adis, Cik Onik, Nandi, Hendrata, Dwi, Adi,

Ginan, Melisa, Debi, Janti, Prima, and others that I cannot mention one by one,

for they exist to be my besties. Thanks a lot for your enormous support and



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Name : ………..

Student Number : ………..

The purpose of this survey is to collect information about the various strategies you use in reading. Please refer to you experience when you read Literary Theory and Application material. Please explain your answer briefly.

1. Do you predict the content of an upcoming passage or section of the text? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

2. Do you analyze the theme, style, and the transition words in the text?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

3. Do you concentrate on grammar to help you understand the text?



______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

5. Do you guess the meaning of unknown words from the context?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

6. Do you find the main idea of the text to understand the whole text?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

7. Do you summarize what you read to reflect on important information in the text?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

8. Do you expect to get the answers of your questions by reading the text? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

9. Do you make a kind of map/drawing to understand the ideas in the text? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________



12. Do set targets when you read?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

13. Do you set goals to help yourself improve areas that are important to you? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

14. Do you distinguish between opinions and facts in the text?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

15. Do you think about what you already know to help you understand what you read?



16. Do you link what you know in first language with what you learned from the text?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

17. Do you read slowly and carefully to make sure that you understand the text? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

18. Do you go back and forth in reading the text to find relationship among ideas on it?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

19. Do you paraphrase (restating ideas in your own words) to better understand what you read?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

20. Do you make lists of relevant vocabulary to prepare for new reading?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

21. Do you work with your classmates to develop your reading skills?



22. Do you practice what you already know to keep your progress steady? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

23. Do you evaluate what you have learned and how well you are doing to help you focus on your reading?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

24. Do you rely on what you already know to improve your reading comprehen-sion?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

25. Do you take notes while you are reading?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

26. Do you try to remember what you understand from a reading to develop bet-ter comprehension skills?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________



______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

28. Do you try to picture or visualize information in your mind to remember and understand your reading?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

29. Do you review key ideas and details to remember?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

30. Do you underline or circle information in the text to help you remember it? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Table 1. Kind of strategies used by LTA students
Table 2. The number of reading strategies used by LTA students
Table 3. The frequency of specific reading strategies used by LTA students


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