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Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Export of Raw Minerals Opened, Companies Keep Encouraging Smelter Development

Ekspor mineral mentah dibuka, perusahaan tetap dorong pembangunan smelter

Adaro Receives Jumbo Debt of Rp 5.8 T, Why Are There Protests?

Adaro Dapat Utang Jumbo Rp 5,8 T, Ada Apa kok Diprotes? Copper Price Increase Boost Sales Freeport

Kenaikan Harga Tembaga Dongkrak Penjualan Freeport Vale Indonesia Prints US$ 33.69 Million Profits

Vale Indonesia Cetak Laba US$ 33,69 Juta

Note! Adaro Energy's (ADRO) dividend distribution schedule totals US$ 146.8 million

Catat jadwal pembagian dividen Adaro Energy (ADRO) total US$ 146,8 juta

Legitimate! Febriany Eddy Becomes CEO of Vale Indonesia Sah! Febriany Eddy Jadi CEO Vale Indonesia

Tread the Path of Sustainability, ITM was Awarded the TOP CSR Award

Menapak Jalan Keberlanjutan, ITM Dianugerahi TOP CSR Award

Vale Indonesia (INCO) will distribute dividends of US$ 0.00333 per share

Vale Indonesia (INCO) akan membagikan dividen US$0,00333 per saham

China Supply Is Running Out, Coal Prices Continue To Rally Pasokan China Menipis, Harga Batu Bara Lanjut Reli Copper prices set Teck profit on fire — up 247% in Q1 Australia injects $3m into Tasmanian minerals exploration Newcrest on track for full year targets

Kontan CNBC Indonesia Investor Daily Neraca Kontan CNBC Indonesia Bisnis Kontan CNBC Indonesia Mining.com Australian Mining Mining Weekly 3 6 10 14 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 26


Daily News Update Page 2 13.


Daily News Update Page 3

Export of Raw Minerals Opened,

Companies Keep Encouraging

Smelter Development

Reporter: Intan Nirmala Sari | Editor:



FFECTED by the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) said the smelter construction had not progressed as expected. Even so, management emphasized that PTFI is committed to continuing to provide added value to Indonesia in various ways.

Vice President (VP) for Corporate Communications of Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama, revealed that the actual realization of physical progress for the construction of a smelter did not reach the target set due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. "The government and PTFI are currently discussing and detailing which smelter construction activities have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic," Riza told Kontan, Wednesday (28/4).

In accordance with the obligations in the IUPK, Freeport Indonesia needs to complete the construction of a new smelter by December 2023. So far PTFI is still committed to implementing the second smelter project in Manyar, Gresik, which is also part of the divestment.

On the other hand, the government's move to loosen raw mineral exports has been welcomed positively by PTFI. Furthermore, PTFI will continue to discuss cooperatively with the Government to realize PTFI's production plan and contribution. "We welcome that the Indonesian government has issued PTFI export permits for the next one year," he said.

Ekspor mineral mentah dibuka,

perusahaan tetap dorong

pembangunan smelter

Reporter: Intan Nirmala Sari | Editor:



ERDAMPAK pandemi Covid-19, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) sebut progres pembangunan smelter belum berjalan sesuai harapan. Meskipun begitu, mana-jemen menekankan kalau PTFI berkomit-men untuk terus memberikan nilai tambah bagi Indonesia dalam berbagai cara.

Vice President (VP) Coorporate Communi-cations Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama

mengungkapkan kalau realisasi aktual kemajuan fisik untuk pembangunan

smelter tidak mencapai target yang

di-tetapkan karena dampak pandemi Covid-19. "Pemerintah dan PTFI tengah men-diskusikan dan mendetilkan aktivitas-aktivitas pembangunan smelter mana saja yang terdampak oleh pandemi Covid-19," kata Riza kepada Kontan, Rabu (28/4). Sesuai dengan kewajiban dalam IUPK, Freeport Indonesia perlu merampungkan pembangunan smelter baru pada Desember 2023. Sejauh ini PTFI masih berkomitmen melaksanakan proyek

smelter kedua di Manyar, Gresik yang juga

bagian dari divestasi.

Di sisi lain, langkah pemerintah untuk melonggarkan ekspor mineral mentah disambut positif oleh PTFI. Selanjutnya, PTFI bakal terus berdiskusi secara kooperatif dengan Pemerintah untuk merealisasikan rencana produksi dan kontribusi PTFI. "Kami menyambut baik, bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan izin ekspor PTFI untuk satu tahun ke depan," ungkapnya.


Daily News Update Page 4 AMNT Head of Corporate Communication

Kartika Oktaviana said the opening of the tap for raw mineral exports had no impact on the company's plans to build a smelter. "We have met the smelter verification target, so the easing has no impact on us," explained Kartika to Kontan, Wednesday (28/4).

Previously, President Director of PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) Rachmat Makkasau, had discussed the development of smelter construction in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Rachmat emphasized that the company that operates the Batu Hijau mine in KSB is always committed to building a smelter as mandated by the government. The plan is for Amman to build a smelter project with a concentrate input capacity of 900 thousand tons per year, in Benete, KSB, with a completion plan in 2023.

"This target is in accordance with the Minister of ESDM Regulation No. 17 of 2020, in which business actors can make adjustments to the smelter project completion schedule until 2023," explained Rachmat some time ago.

The 900 thousand tons capacity has been adjusted from the previous capacity plan, which reached 1.3 million tons per year. This capacity adjustment was carried out due to development challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "We have to improve the protocol to prevent the spread of the virus by limiting access in and out of the smelter area in our operational area," he explained.

In addition, it was stated that Amman's business partners also experienced travel restrictions. Even so, the company is trying to quickly adapt in order to continue to achieve the targets that have been set. With a lower capacity,...

Head of Corporate Communication AMNT

Kartika Oktaviana mengungkapkan, dibuka-nya keran ekspor mineral mentah tidak berdampak pada rencana perusahaan untuk membangun smelter. "Kami sudah memenuhi target verifikasi smelter, jadi pelonggaran itu tidak berdampak pada kami," jelas Kartika kepada Kontan, Rabu (28/4).

Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) Rachmat Makkasau, telah membahas perkembangan pembangunan smelter di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Rachmat menegas-kan bahwa perusahaan yang mengoperasimenegas-kan tambang Batu Hijau di KSB tersebut selalu berkomitmen untuk membangun smelter sesuai dengan yang diamanatkan pemerintah.

Rencananya, Amman akan membangun proyek

smelter dengan kapasitas input konsentrat 900

ribu ton per tahun, di Benete, KSB, dengan rencana penyelesaian pada 2023.

“Target ini sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 17 tahun 2020, di mana pelaku usaha dapat melakukan penyesuaian ter-hadap jadwal penyelesaian proyek smelter sampai tahun 2023,” jelas Rachmat beberapa waktu lalu.

Adapun kapasitas 900 ribu ton tersebut telah disesuaikan dari rencana kapasitas sebelum-nya, yang mencapai 1,3 juta ton per tahun. Penyesuaian kapasitas tersebut dilakukan karena adanya tantangan pembangunan akibat pandemi COVID-19. “Kami harus me-ningkatkan protokol pencegahan penyebaran virus dengan membatasi akses keluar masuk area smelter yang berada di wilayah operasional kami," jelasnya.

Selain itu, disebutkan kalau para mitra bisnis Amman juga mengalami pembatasan per-jalanan dinas. Meskipun begitu, perusahaan tersebut berupaya untuk cepat beradaptasi agar terus dapat mencapai target yang sudah ditetapkan. Dengan kapasitas yang lebih rendah,...


Daily News Update Page 5 With a lower capacity, it is hoped that the

target project completion schedule can be achieved.

In addition, adjustments have also been made to adjust the concentrate supply capacity that can be produced from Batu Hijau and the potential for the Elang block in the future. Currently, several EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construc-tion) consortiums - contractors that build smelters - are in the final evaluation stage. In the future, Amman aims to complete the process of determining the winner of the EPC tender in the near future. The licensing process related to construction, logistics, and buildings also continues to be carried out in parallel with the support of the local government.

Verification of the progress of the smelter project for the period August 2020 to January 2021 was completed in March 2021. From the verification results, the total physical progress of the Amman smelter reached 26.6% of the target set by the government of 26.7%.

This means that the percentage of achievement of physical progress towards the development plan up to January 2021 is 99.35%, exceeding the minimum target of 90% every 6 months.

Amman's success in continuing to achieve the targets set by the government is a manifestation of Amman's commitment to supporting the government's efforts to build derivative industries.

This National Strategic Project is also the result of good coordination between Amman with the Ministry of ESDM and also the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

Dengan kapasitas yang lebih rendah, maka target jadwal penyelesaian proyek harapannya bisa tercapai.

Di samping itu, penyesuaian juga dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan kapasitas suplai konsentrat yang dapat diproduksi dari Batu Hijau dan potensi blok Elang ke depannya. Saat ini beberapa konsorsium EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and

Cons-truction) - kontraktor yang membangun smelter - sedang dalam tahap final evaluasi.

Ke depan, Amman menargetkan untuk menyelesaikan proses penentuan peme-nang tender EPC dalam waktu dekat. Proses perizinan terkait konstruksi, logistik, dan bangunan juga terus dijalan-kan secara parallel dengan dukungan pemerintah daerah.

Verifikasi kemajuan proyek smelter periode Agustus 2020 hingga Januari 2021 telah selesai pada Maret 2021 lalu. Dari hasil verifikasi tersebut, total kemajuan fisik smelter Amman mencapai 26.6% dari target yang ditetapkan pemerintah sebesar 26.7%.

Artinya, persentase pencapaian kemajuan fisik terhadap rencana pembangunan sampai dengan Januari 2021 adalah sebesar 99,35%, melampaui target minimal 90% setiap 6 bulan.

Keberhasilan Amman untuk terus men-capai target yang ditetapkan pemerintah merupakan wujud komitmen Amman dalam mendukung upaya pemerintah membangun industri turunan.

Proyek Strategis Nasional tersebut juga merupakan hasil dari koordinasi baik Amman dengan Kementerian ESDM dan juga Kemenko Perekonomian.


Daily News Update Page 6

Adaro Receives Jumbo Debt of

Rp 5.8 T, Why Are There


Monica Wareza, CNBC Indonesia


OAL mining company PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) through its subsidiary PT Adaro Indonesia has signed a Loan Facility Agreement amounting to US$ 400 million or equivalent to Rp 8.5 trillion (exchange rate of Rp 14,500/US$). As much as 88.467% of Adaro Indonesia (AI) shares are indirectly held by ADRO.

ADRO Corporate Secretary Mahardika Putranto said the loan, which was signed on April 23, was obtained from several banks without mentioning the institution in question.

"The proceeds from this loan facility will be used to make early repayments of all outstanding outstanding loans owned by AI based on the Loan Facility Agreement of US$ 1 billion [equivalent to Rp. 14.5 trillion] dated August 25, 2014," said Mahardika, in information disclosure on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Wednesday (28/4/2021).

He explained, this loan facility will be paid quarterly and will mature on April 23, 2026 or 5 years after the date of the AI Loan Facility Agreement. The Company provides full guarantee for this loan facility to AI.

"This loan facility will have a positive impact on ADRO's financial condition," said Mahardika.

In fact, this loan was widely reported in February, although it had not been realized at that time.

Adaro Dapat Utang Jumbo Rp

5,8 T, Ada Apa kok Diprotes?

Monica Wareza, CNBC Indonesia


ERUSAHAAN tambang batu bara PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) melalui anak usahanya PT Adaro Indonesia telah menandatangani Perjanjian Fasilitas Pinjaman sebesar US$ 400 juta atau setara dengan Rp 8,5 triliun (kurs Rp 14.500/US$). Sebanyak 88,467% saham Adaro Indonesia (AI) secara tak langsung dipegang ADRO.

Sekretaris Perusahaan ADRO Mahardika Putranto mengatakan pinjaman yang diteken pada 23 April lalu tersebut diperoleh dari beberapa bank tanpa menyebut lembaga yang dimaksud.

"Dana yang diperoleh dari fasilitas pinjaman ini akan digunakan untuk melakukan pelunasan lebih awal atas seluruh saldo pinjaman terhutang yang dimiliki AI berdasarkan Perjanjian Fasilitas Pinjaman sebesar US$ 1 miliar [setara Rp 14,5 triliun] tertanggal 25 Agustus 2014," kata Mahardika, dalam keterbukaan informasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Rabu (28/4/2021).

Dia menjelaskan, fasilitas pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan setiap kuartal dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 23 April 2026 atau 5 tahun setelah tanggal Perjanjian Fasilitas Pinjaman AI. Perseroan memberikan jaminan sepenuhnya atas fasilitas pinjaman ini kepada AI.

"Fasilitas pinjaman ini akan memberikan dampak positif pada kondisi keuangan ADRO," kata Mahardika.

Pinjaman ini sebetulnya sempat ramai di-beritakan pada Februari lalu kendati belum terealisasi saat itu.


Daily News Update Page 7 At that time, Adaro Energy's Head of

Corporate Communication, Febriati Nadira, said that this effort was also a step for the company to strengthen the company's capital by opening several possible options.

"We will always strive to strengthen our capital structure, and bonds or loans [bank loans] are several options," Febriati told CNBC Indonesia, Friday (5/2/2021). Based on ADRO's financial report for September 30, 2020, the company has a short-term bank debt worth US$ 571.94 million. This debt consists of five syndicated loans with a number of banks in the form of US dollars and Singapore dollars.

The value to be paid by the company this year reached US$ 551 million or equivalent to Rp.7.71 trillion, while the rest had to be paid last year.

In its financial statement statement at the end of September 2020, the company's management stated that the company's liquidity level was still high at US$ 1.67 billion, consisting of US$ 1.18 billion in cash and US$ 151 million in other invest-ments.

The company also has an unused loan facility of US$ 326 million. Interest rate debt reached US$ 1.6 billion, up 23% on an annual basis (year on year/YoY). This value includes bonds worth US$ 750 million issued in October 2019.

"Adaro Energy maintains a healthy financial position with net debt of US$ 264 million, net debt to last 12 months operating EBITDA of 0.29x and net debt to equity ratio of 0.07x," wrote management. How come Adaro got protested?

On the other hand, Adaro's loan of Rp 5.8 trillion has also received attention from environmental activists. They also held...

Head of Corporate Communication Adaro Energy Febriati Nadira saat itu mengatakan upaya ini juga merupakan langkah per-usahaan untuk melakukan penguatan modal perusahaan dengan membuka beberapa opsi yang mungkin akan dilakukan.

"Kita akan selalu berupaya untuk mem-perkuat struktur permodalan kita, dan bond [obligasi] atau loan [pinjaman bank] merupakan beberapa opsi," kata Febriati kepada CNBC Indonesia, Jumat (5/2/2021). Berdasarkan laporan keuangan ADRO 30 September 2020, perusahaan memiliki nilai utang bank jangka pendek senilai US$ 571,94 juta. Utang ini terdiri dari lima pinjaman sindi-kasi dengan sejumlah perbankan dalam bentuk dolar Amerika Serikat dan dolar Singapura. Adapun nilai yang harus dibayarkan perusaha-an di tahun ini mencapai US$ 551 juta atau setara dengan Rp 7,71 triliun, sedangkan sisa-nya harus dibayarkan di tahun lalu.

Dalam keterangan laporan keuangannya di akhir September 2020, manajemen per-usahaan menyebutkan tingkat likuiditas perusahaan masih tinggi mencapai US$ 1,67 miliar, terdiri dari kas senilai US$ 1,18 miliar dan US$ 151 juta investasi lainnya.

Perusahaan juga masih memiliki fasilitas pinjaman yang masih belum terpakai mencapai US$ 326 juta. Nilai utang berbunga mencapai US$ 1,6 miliar, naik 23% secara tahunan (year on year/YoY). Nilai ini sudah termasuk obligasi senilai US$ 750 juta yang diterbitkan pada Oktober 2019.

"Adaro Energy menjaga posisi keuangan yang sehat dengan utang bersih sebesar US$ 264 juta, rasio utang bersih terhadap EBITDA operasional 12 bulan terakhir sebesar 0,29x dan rasio utang bersih terhadap ekuitas sebesar 0,07x," tulis manajemen.

Kok Adaro Diprotes?

Di sisi lain, pinjaman Adaro senilai Rp 5,8 triliun ini pun mendapat sorotan dari para aktivis lingkungan. Mereka pun menggelar...


Daily News Update Page 8 They also held a peaceful demonstration in

front of Adaro Energy's office Tuesday morning (26/4), in conjunction with the company's AGMS.

They include the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) Jakarta, Trend Asia, Southeast Asia Energy Finance from Market Forces (part of Friends of the Earth Australia), Ecological Action and People's Emancipation, and Indonesia Team Leader 350.org.

"Coal has proven to be a silent and deadly killer for the people around the PLTU [steam power plant]. For example in the Jabodetabek area. Coal-fired power plants within a radius of 100 km from Jakarta are responsible for around 2,500 premature deaths in the Greater Jakarta area, at an annual cost that is generated up to Rp 1.5 trillion rupiah per year," said Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi, Executive Director of Walhi Jakarta, in his official statement.

On that occasion, Elok Faiqotul Mutia, Executive Director of Enter Nusantara, stated that this action was part of an effort to stop the use of dirty energy and urged investors and financial service institutions that have been supporting the coal business no t to be lulled by Green Initiatives' plans which appear to be green-washing efforts.

"Adaro's statement regarding the company's plan to diversify towards green energy is questionable," he said.

"Because so far there has been no clear strategy contained in the company's publications. The Green Initiatives that Adaro has echoed are only a false narrative to build the company's good image. Because at the same time Adaro is still trying to find a loan of US$ 400 million to cover falling debts. tempo so that we can still exploit coal energy," said Andri Prasetiyo, a researcher with Trend Asia.

Mereka pun menggelar aksi damai di depan kantor Adaro Energy Selasa pagi (26/4), bersamaan dengan pelaksanaan RUPST perseroan.

Mereka di antaranya Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) Jakarta, Trend Asia, Southeast Asia Energy Finance dari Market Forces (bagian dari Friends of the Earth Australia), Aksi Ekologi dan Emansipasi Rakyat, dan Indonesia Team Leader 350.org. "Batu bara telah terbukti menjadi pembunuh senyap dan mematikan bagi masyarakat sekitar PLTU [pembangkit listrik tenaga uap]. Contohnya di wilayah Jabodetabek. PLTU batu bara dalam radius 100 km dari Jakarta bertanggung jawab atas sekitar 2.500 kematian dini di wilayah Jabodetabek, dengan biaya tahunan yang ditimbulkan mencapai Rp 1,5 triliun rupiah per tahun," tegas Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi, Direktur Eksekutif Walhi Jakarta, dalam pernyataan resminya.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Elok Faiqotul Mutia Direktur Eksekutif Enter Nusantara, menya-takan aksi ini bagian dari upaya menghenti-kan penggunaan energi kotor dan mendesak kepada para investor dan lembaga jasa keuangan yang selama ini mendukung bisnis batu bara untuk tidak terbuai dengan rencana Green Initiatives yang terkesan sebagai upaya greenwashing.

"Pernyataan Adaro terkait rencana perusaha-an untuk melakukperusaha-an diversifikasi ke arah

green energy patut dipertanyakan," katanya.

"Karena sejauh ini tidak ada strategi jelas yang tertuang dalam publikasi perseroan. Green Initiatives yang digaungkan Adaro saat ini hanya sebatas narasi semu untuk membangun citra baik perusahaan. Sebab, pada saat yang sama Adaro tetap berupaya mencari pinjaman US$ 400 juta untuk menutupi utang jatuh tempo agar tetap dapat melakukan eksploitasi energi batu bara," ujar Andri Prasetiyo, peneliti Trend Asia.


Daily News Update Page 9 Adaro Energy, he said, through its

sub-sidiary Adaro Indonesia, has a syndicated loan with a ceiling of US $ 1 billion which will mature in August 2021. The banks previously involved in these loans are ANZ, Standard Chartered, HSBC, Citigroup, CIMB, Maybank, DBS, OCBC, UOB, MUFG, SMBC, Mizuho, ING Bank, and Bank Mandiri.

In its annual report, Adaro Energy states that coal mining is still the DNA of the group and targets a coal production volume of 52-54 million tonnes, comparable to their production last year. Adaro Energy has coal reserves of 1.1 billion tonnes. If the coal is burned it will produce emissions of 2.2 Gt CO2-e.

In fact, he said, the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, stated that the world must immediately stop using coal in order to achieve the global target of limiting temperature increases to below 1.5° C. "Banks involved in financing Adaro Energy will be exposed to reputation risk as a bank that finances a source of greenhouse gas emissions that trigger global warming. Adaro Energy investors should encourage Adaro Energy to develop strategic plans with measurable deadline targets to reduce the company's dependency against coal and eventually get out of the coal business," said Binbin Mariana, Market Forces Southeast Asia Energy Finance Campaigner.

Pius Ginting, coordinator of the Ecological Action and Emancipation of the People association added, " Adaro Energy's production trend which continued to increase during 2016-2020 contradicts the mandate of the 2017 RUEN which requires coal production to be reduced from 461.6 million tonnes in 2015 to a maximum of 400 million tonnes a year 2019. So the proportion of...

Adaro Energy, katanya, melalui anak usaha-nya Adaro Indonesia, memiliki pinjaman sindikasi dengan plafon US$ 1 miliar yang akan jatuh tempo pada Agustus 2021. Bank-bank yang sebelumnya terlibat dalam pinjaman-pinjaman tersebut adalah ANZ, Standard Chartered, HSBC, Citigroup, CIMB, Maybank, DBS, OCBC, UOB, MUFG, SMBC, Mizuho, ING Bank, dan Bank Mandiri.

Dalam laporan tahunannya, Adaro Energy menyebutkan bahwa pertambangan batu bara masih merupakan DNA grup dan menargetkan volume produksi batubara sebesar 52-54 juta ton, sebanding dengan produksi mereka tahun lalu.

Adaro Energy memiliki cadangan batu bara sebesar 1,1 miliar ton, jika batu bara tersebut dibakar maka akan menghasilkan emisi sebesar 2.2 Gt CO2-e.

Padahal, katanya, Sekjen UN, Antonio Guterres, menyatakan bahwa dunia harus segera ber-henti menggunakan batu bara untuk dapat mencapai target global membatasi kenaikan temperatur di bawah 1.5°C.

"Bank yang terlibat dalam pendanaan Adaro Energy, akan terpapar risiko reputasi sebagai bank yang mendanai salah satu sumber emisi gas rumah kaca yang memicu pemanasan global. Investor Adaro Energy harus men-dorong Adaro Energy untuk mengembangkan rencana strategis dengan target batas waktu yang terukur untuk mengurangi keter-gantungan perusahaan terhadap batu bara dan akhirnya keluar dari bisnis batu bara," tegas Binbin Mariana, Southeast Asia Energy Finance Campaigner dari Market Forces.

Pius Ginting, koordinator perkumpulan Aksi Ekologi dan Emansipasi Rakyat menambah-kan, "tren produksi Adaro Energy yang terus meningkat selama tahun 2016-2020 ber-tentangan dengan amanat RUEN 2017 yang mengharuskan produksi batu bara diturun-kan dari 461,6 juta ton tahun 2015 menjadi maksimal 400 juta ton tahun 2019. Jadi proporsi...


Daily News Update Page 10 So the proportion of Adaro Energy's

investment has not had a significant transformation to non-coal energy."

"Adaro Energy is one of 100 companies in the world that is responsible for 71 percent of global emissions. Financial support for Adaro Energy is the same as investing in ensuring the climate crisis," said Sisilia Nurmala Dewi from Indonesia Team Leader 350.org.

"Currently, the world has abandoned fossil energy. Banks and investors must choose whether to build for the safety of mankind or save the coal elite. We are waiting for the commitment of financial institutions and investors to immediately stop funding fossil energy," he concluded. (tas/tas)

Jadi proporsi investasi Adaro Energy belum ada transformasi signifikan ke energi non-batu bara."

"Adaro Energy adalah satu dari 100 per-usahaan di dunia yang bertanggung jawab atas 71 persen emisi global. Dukungan pembiayaan terhadap Adaro Energy sama dengan investasi memastikan krisis iklim," kata Sisilia Nurmala Dewi dari Indonesia Team Leader 350.org.

"Saat ini, dunia telah meninggalkan energi fosil. Bank dan investor harus memilih apakah akan membangun untuk kese-lamatan umat manusia atau menyelamat-kan elite batu bara. Kami menunggu komitmen institusi keuangan dan para investor untuk segera berhenti mendanai energi fosil," tutupnya. (tas/tas)

Copper Price Increase Boost

Sales Freeport

Primus Dorimulu and Rangga Prakoso


T FREEPORT Indonesia said that world copper demand is projected to increase in the future along with the era of clean energy. The increased demand for copper also raised copper prices above the level of US$ 4 per pound, thus boosting Freeport sales.

Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas said that in early 2020, the price of copper was in the range of US$ 2.75 per pound. However, the price of copper was under pressure when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in March 2020. Prices strengthened again in mid-2020 to the level of US$ 3 per pound in line with the improvement in the Chinese economy. Even now, the price has jumped to the position of US$ 4.3 per pound.

Kenaikan Harga Tembaga

Dongkrak Penjualan Freeport

Primus Dorimulu dan Rangga Prakoso


T FREEPORT Indonesia mengungkapkan permintaan tembaga dunia diproyeksikan meningkat dalam beberapa waktu ke depan seiring dengan era energi bersih. Meningkatnya kebutuhan tembaga itu ikut mengerek harga tembaga di atas level US$ 4 per pound, sehingga mendongkrak pen-jualan Freeport.

Presiden Direktur Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas mengatakan, awal 2020 kemarin harga tembaga berada di kisaran US$ 2,75 per pound. Namun harga tembaga tertekan ketika pandemi Covid-19 merebak di Maret 2020. Harga kembali menguat pada pertengahan 2020 ke level US$3 per pound seiring membaiknya perekonomian Tiongkok. Bahkan saat ini harga melonjak ke posisi US$ 4,3 per pound.


Daily News Update Page 11 "Prices are rising because the Chinese

economy is positive, they are spending minerals," he said in a meeting with the editor in chief, in Jakarta, Wednesday (28/4).

He revealed that copper is one of the raw materials needed for a number of components in renewable energy-based power plants. Windmills used in wind-fired power plants require five times more copper than steam-fired power plants. Copper is also required in the manufacture of solar panels. Even electric vehicles require about 4 times more copper than conventional fuel-based vehicles.

"In the future, the prospect of copper should increase because there are not many copper mines in the world while demand for copper increases, among others for EBT (new and renewable energy)," said Tony.

He said Freeport was ready to meet world copper demand. This is because this year the copper production target has almost doubled compared to 2020 yesterday. This year, copper production is targeted to reach 1.4 billion pounds. Meanwhile, last year's production target was 800 million pounds. Meanwhile, this year's gold production is set at 1.4 million ounces. This gold target almost doubled in 2020, which reached 800 thousand ounces.

He revealed that this year's production target is higher because the Grasberg underground mine has reached 80 percent. Freeport's production decreased during the transition from the Grasberg open pit mine to the underground mine at the end of 2019. The shift in operations to an underground mine has not reduced the number of employees who have reached 27 thousand employees. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, Freeport did not reduce employees.

"Harga naik karena ekonomi Tiongkok positif, mereka belanja mineral," ujarnya dalam pertemuan dengan pemimpin redaksi, di Jakarta, Rabu (28/4).

Dia mengungkapkan, tembaga menjadi salah satu bahan baku yang diperlukan bagi sejumlah komponen di pembangkit listrik berbasis energi terbarukan. Kincir angin yang digunakan pembangkit listrik tenaga bayu membutuhkan tembaga lima kali lebih banyak dibandingkan pembangkit listrik tenaga uap. Tembaga juga diperlukan dalam pembuatan panel surya. Bahkan kendaraan listrik pun membutuhkan tembaga sekitar 4 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan kendaraan konvensional berbasis bahan bakar.

"Ke depan prospek tembaga harusnya bisa naik karena tambang tembaga di dunia enggak banyak muncul sementara permin-taan tembaga naik antara lain untuk EBT (energi baru terbarukan)," kata Tony.

Dikatakannya Freeport siap memenuhi permintaan tembaga dunia. Pasalnya pada tahun ini target produksi tembaga naik hampir dua kali lipat dibandingkan 2020 kemarin. Pada tahun ini produksi tembaga ditargetkan mencapai 1,4 miliar pon. Sedang-kan target produksi tahun lalu sebesar 800 juta pon. Sedangkan produksi emas tahun ini dipatok hingga 1,4 juta ounces. Target emas ini naik hampir dua kali lipat di 2020 kemarin yang mencapai 800 ribu ounces. Dia mengungkapkan target produksi tahun ini lebih tinggi lantaran operasional tambang bawah tanah Grasberg sudah mencapai 80%. Produksi Freeport sempat menurun seiring dengan masa transisi dari tambang terbuka (open pit) Grasberg menuju tambang bawah tanah di akhir 2019 kemarin. Peralihan operasi ke tambang bawah tanah itu tak mengurangi jumlah pegawai yang tercatat mencapai 27 ribu karyawan. Bahkan saat pandemi Covid-19 pun, Freeport tidak melakukan pengurangan pegawai.


Daily News Update Page 12 Freeport McMorran in its official statement

stated that Freeport Indonesia's copper production until the end of March reached 298 million pounds, an increase of 112.85% from the realization for the same period last year of 140 million pounds. Furthermore, gold production touched 294 thousand ounces or jumped 93.42% from the realization in the first quarter of 2020 which amounted to 152 thousand ounces. Accordingly, copper and gold sales also increased. Freeport Indonesia's copper sales in the first quarter of 2021 were recorded at 258 million pounds, up 103.15% from the realization in the first quarter of 2020 which was only 127 million pounds. Meanwhile, gold sales amounted to 256 thousand ounces, an increase of 84.17 percent from the realization of the same period last year at 139 thousand ounces.

Freeport McMoran President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Richard Adkerson said the increase in production and sales was in line with the development of the Grasberg Block Cave and Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) underground mines. Ore production in these two mining areas continues to increase.

“The development of the Grasberg Mine is making tremendous progress. Currently, we have achieved 75% of the annual production rate target,” he said in a conference call for the First Quarter 2021 Performance, Thursday (22/4) local time. This year, Freeport Indonesia's copper sales are targeted to reach 1.34 billion pounds, up 66.67 percent from last year's 804 million pounds. Meanwhile, the gold sales target is set at 1.3 million ounces, an increase of 62.5 percent from last year's 0.8 million ounces.

Freeport McMorran dalam keterangan resminya menyatakan bahwa produksi tembaga Freeport Indonesia hingga akhir Maret kemarin mencapai 298 juta pound atau melonjak 112,85% dari realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu 140 juta pound. Selanjutnya, produksi emas menyentuh 294 ribu ounces atau melejit 93,42% dari realisasi kuartal I-2020 yang sebesar 152 ribu ounces.

Sejalan, penjualan tembaga dan emas juga naik. Penjualan tembaga Freeport Indonesia pada kuartal I-2021 ini tercatat sebesar 258 juta pound atau naik 103,15% dari realisasi kuartal I-2020 yang hanya 127 juta pound. Sementara penjualan emas sebesar 256 ribu ounces atau meningkat 84,17% dari realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu 139 ribu ounces.

President dan Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Freeport McMoran Richard Adkerson mengungkapkan, peningkatan produksi dan penjualan ini sejalan dengan pengembangan tambang bawah tanah Grasberg Block Cave dan Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ). Produksi bijih di kedua area tambang ini terus meningkat.

“Pengembangan Tambang Grasberg men-capai kemajuan yang luar biasa. Saat ini, kami telah mencapai 75% dari target tingkat produksi tahunan,” kata dia dalam conference call Kinerja Kuartal I-2021, Kamis (22/4) waktu setempat.

Pada tahun ini, penjualan tembaga Freeport Indonesia ditargetkan mencapai 1,34 miliar pound atau naik 66,67% dari realisasi tahun lalu yang sebesar 804 juta pon. Sementara target penjualan emas dipatok mencapai 1,3 juta ounces atau meningkat 62,5% dari realisasi tahun lalu 0,8 juta ounces.


Daily News Update Page 13 Dividend

Tony revealed that if the condition of commodity prices continues to improve as it is today, PT Inalum (Persero) as the majority shareholder will receive dividends of up to US$ 1 billion. Even Tony said that Inalum's loan could be paid off in 2025 with the dividend amount. "As planned and the price is good, the debt will be paid in 2025. 2022 will receive dividends of US$ 1 billion per year," he said.

The amount of the 2022 dividend is higher than previously projected. In a working meeting with Commission VII DPR at the end of March, MIND ID President Director Orias Petrus Moedak said that dividend distribution had indeed been projected since the acquisition of Freeport in 2018. He explained that the dividend amount this year amounted to US$ 200 million and then increased to US$ 400 million in 2022. Dividends will increase to US$ 1 billion in 2023. Meanwhile in 2024 and 2024 the dividend is US$ 1.5 billion respectively. "This is a conservative figure in accordance with the copper price assumption in the long-term plan. But we hope it can be even greater with the current increase in commodity prices," he explained.

Smelter Progress

Tony said that the dividend received by Inalum already includes the cost of building a copper mineral refining facility (smelter). According to him, if Freeport did not build a smelter, the dividends that Inalum would get could be even greater. "If you don't build a smelter, the dividends will be better," he said.

He revealed that the smelter construction of the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) industrial area in Gresik, East Java continues. The land clearing and pilling tests have been completed.


Tony mengungkapkan bila kondisi harga komoditas tetap membaik seperti saat ini maka PT Inalum (persero) sebagai peme-gang saham mayoritas bakal memperoleh dividen hingga US$1 miliar. Bahkan Tony menyebut pinjaman Inalum bisa lunas di 2025 mendatang dengan besaran dividen tersebut. "Sesuai rencana dan harganya bagus maka 2025 utangnya lunas. 2022 dapat dividen US$1 miliar per tahun," ungkapnya. Besaran dividen 2022 tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang diproyeksikan sebelum-nya. Dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi VII DPR pada akhir Maret kemarin, Direktur Utama MIND ID Orias Petrus Moedak menuturkan pembagian dividen memang sudah diproyeksikan sejak akusisi Freeport di 2018 silam.

Dia menerangkan besaran dividen pada tahun ini sebesar US$ 200 juta kemudian meningkat menjadi US$ 400 juta di 2022. Dividen semakin membengkak hingga US$1 miliar pada 2023. Sementara di 2024 dan 2024 dividen masing-masing sebesar US$1,5 miliar. "Ini angka konservatif sesuai dengann asumsi harga copper dalam rencana jangka panjang. Tapi kami harap bisa lebih besar lagi dengan kenaikan harga komoditas saat ini," terangnya.

Progres Smelter

Tony mengungkapkan besaran dividen yang diterima Inalum sudah memperhitungkan biaya pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) tembaga. Menurutnya bila Freeport tidak membangun smelter maka dividen yang diperoleh Inalum bisa lebih besar lagi. "Kalau enggak bangun smelter lebih bagus (dividennya)," ujarnya.

Dia mengungkapkan pembangunan smelter kawasan industri Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) Gresik, Jawa Timur terus berjalan. Tahapan pematangan lahan (land clearing) dan pilling test telah selesai.


Daily News Update Page 14 Now the smelter construction process will

soon enter the construction phase. Meanwhile, the smelter investment with a capacity of 1.7 million tons of copper concentrate reaches US$ 3 billion.

Furthermore, Tony revealed that Freeport is still in talks with Tsingshan Steel regarding cooperation in smelter construction. If an agreement is reached with Tsingshan, Freeport will not continue building the smelter at JIIPE. Later Freeport will supply concentrate to the smelter located in Halmahera. "We have negotiated with them and there is no common ground yet," he said. Editor: Euis Rita Hartati

Kini proses pembangunan smelter segera memasuki tahap konstruksi. Adapun investasi smelter dengan kapasitas 1,7 juta ton konsentrat tembaga itu mencapai US$ 3 miliar.

Lebih lanjut Tony mengungkapkan Freeport masih melakukan pembicaraan dengan Tsingshan Steel terkait kerjasama pembangunan smelter. Bila tercapai kese-pakatan dengan Tsingshan maka Freeport tak melanjutkan pembangunan smelter di JIIPE. Nantinya Freeport bakal memasok konsentrat ke smelter yang berlokasi di Halmahera tersebut. "Kita sudah negosiasi sama mereka dan belum ada titik temu," ujarnya. Editor : Euis Rita Hartati

Vale Indonesia Prints US$33.69

Million Profits

By: Ahmad Nabhani


HE INCREASE in coal prices at the beginning of this year boosted PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) 's net profit growth. In a press release in Jakarta, yesterday it was stated that the company posted a net profit in the first quarter of 2021 of US$ 33.69 million or an increase of 16.35% compared to the same period last year of US$ 28.95 million.

Thus, basic earnings per share grew to US$ 0.0034, compared to the first quarter of 2020 which was recorded at US$ 0.0029. This was supported by sales of US$ 206.6 million or an 18% growth compared to the first quarter of 2020. President Director of INCO, Nico Kanter, said this was due to higher average sales prices. So that it can offset the decline in sales levels during the first quarter of 2021.

Vale Indonesia Cetak Laba

US$33,69 Juta

Oleh: Ahmad Nabhani


ENAIKAN harga batu bara di awal tahun ini mendorong pertumbuhan laba bersih PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO). Dalam siaran persnya di Jakarta, kemarin di-sebutkan, perseroan membukukan laba bersih kuartal pertama 2021 sebesar US$ 33,69 juta atau tumbuh 16,35% dibanding priode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar US$ 28,95 juta.

Sehingga, laba per saham dasar tumbuh menjadi US$ 0,0034, dibanding kuartal I 2020 yang teratat senilai US$ 0,0029. Hal itu ditopang oleh penjualan sebesar US$ 206,6 juta atau tumbuh 18% dibanding kuartal pertama 2020. Disampaikan Presiden Direktur INCO, Nico Kanter, hal itu disebabkan oleh harga penjualan rata-rata yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga dapat mengimbangi penurunan tingkat penjualan selama kuartal pertama 2021.


Daily News Update Page 15 "We benefited from the increase in nickel

prices in the first quarter of this year, at a time when we also managed to control our operating costs amid rising fuel and coal prices," he said.

Meanwhile, the Group's cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2021 were recorded at US$ 386.2 million or decreased slightly from the position on December 31, 2020 which was recorded at US$ 388.7 million. As for development, INCO spent around US$ 38.5 million for capital expenditure in the first quarter of 2021 or experienced a decrease from that spent in the fourth quarter of 2020 which was recorded at US$ 47.7 million.

This year, the company targets to produce around 64 thousand tons by planning to rebuild one of the electric furnaces. The prospects for PT Vale Indonesia Tbk in the future remain bright in the long term, in line with the strengthening trend of global nickel prices. This prospect is also supported by a number of company expansions in order to boost financial performance going forward.

BRI Danareksa Sekuritas analyst Stefanus Darmagiri said that the nickel business will continue to shine in the future, despite a drop in the selling price of this commodity in 2020. However, in 2021, nickel selling price is expected to recover and increase, so that Vale Indonesia's net profit this year is expected to be better. Expectations of a better selling price prompted BRI Danareksa Sekuritas to revise the average nickel selling price target this year from US$ 17 thousand per ton to US$ 18 thousand per ton. Meanwhile, the projected average selling price of nickel in 2022 is maintained at US$ 18 thousand per ton.

“Kami diuntungkan oleh adanya kenaikan harga nikel pada triwulan pertama tahun ini, di saat kami juga berhasil mengen-dalikan biaya operasi kami di tengah kenaikan harga bahan bakar dan batu bara,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, kas dan setara kas Grup pada 31 Maret 2021 tercatat sebesar US$ 386,2 juta atau turun sedikit dari posisi pada 31 Desember 2020 yang tercatat sebesar US$ 388,7 juta. Adapun untuk pengembangan, INCO mengeluarkan sekitar US$ 38,5 juta untuk belanja modal pada kuartal pertama 2021 atau meng-alami penurunan dari yang dikeluarkan pada kuartal IV 2020 yang tercatat sebesar US$ 47,7 juta.

Tahun ini, perseroan menargetkan produksi sekitar 64 ribu ton dengan merencanakan membangun kembali salah satu tanur listrik. Prospek PT Vale Indonesia Tbk kedepan tetap cerah dalam jangka panjang, seiring dengan tren penguatan harga nikel global. Prospek tersebut juga didukung oleh sejumlah ekspansi perseroan guna mendongkrak kinerja keuangan ke depan.

Kata analis BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, Stefanus Darmagiri, bisnis nikel tetap bersinar ke depan, meskipun terjadi penurunan harga jual komoditas tersebut pada 2020. Namun, pada 2021, harga jual nikel diperkirakan pulih dan meningkat, sehingga laba bersih Vale Indonesia tahun ini diharapkan lebih baik. Ekspektasi harga jual yang lebih baik mendorong BRI Danareksa Sekuritas merevisi naik target rata-rata harga jual nikel tahun ini dari US$ 17 ribu per ton menjadi US$ 18 ribu per ton. Sedangkan proyeksi rata-rata harga jual nikel tahun 2022 dipertahankan sebesar US$ 18 ribu per ton.


Daily News Update Page 16

Note! Adaro Energy's (ADRO)

dividend distribution schedule

totals US$146.8 million

Reporter | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T ADARO Energy Tbk (ADRO) will distribute dividends to shareholders. This coal issuer will distribute a total dividend of US$ 146.81 million.

The dividend is equivalent to US$ 0.00459 per share. In terms of ratios, ADRO also increased its dividend payout ratio from net income to 99% from last year's 62%. Last year, Adaro's net profit was US$ 146.93 million.

This dividend distribution has secured the approval of the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS), Monday (26/4). The following is the schedule for ADRO dividend distribution based on information disclosure on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Wednesday (28/4):

• Cum dividend in regular and negotiated markets: May 4, 2021

• Ex dividend in regular market and negotiated market: 5 May 2021

• Cum dividend on the cash market: May 6, 2021

• Ex dividends on the cash market: 7 May 2021

• Recording date: 6 May 2021 • Dividend payment: 25 May 2021

ADRO President Director and Chief Executive Officer, Garibaldi Thohir explained that throughout 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the coal industry. As a result, there was a significant decrease in coal demand and prices.

Catat jadwal pembagian dividen

Adaro Energy (ADRO) total

US$146,8 juta

Reporter | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T ADARO Energy Tbk (ADRO) akan menebar dividen bagi para pemegang saham. Emiten batubara ini akan mem-bagikan total dividen US$ 146,81 juta. Dividen tersebut setara dengan US$ 0,00459 per saham. Dari sisi rasio, ADRO juga meningkatkan rasio pembagian dividen dari laba bersih menjadi 99% dari tahun lalu sebesar 62%. Pada tahun lalu, laba bersih Adaro mencapai US$ 146,93 juta.

Pembagian dividen ini telah mengantongi persetujuan rapat umum pemegang saham tahunan (RUPST), Senin (26/4). Berikut jadwal pembagian dividen ADRO berdasar-kan keterbukaan informasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Rabu (28/4):

 Cum dividen di pasar reguler dan pasar negosiasi: 4 Mei 2021

 Ex dividen di pasar reguler dan pasar negosiasi: 5 Mei 2021

 Cum dividen di pasar tunai: 6 Mei 2021

 Ex dividen di pasar tunai: 7 Mei 2021

 Recording date: 6 Mei 2021

 Pembayaran dividen: 25 Mei 2021 Presiden Direktur dan Chief Executive Officer ADRO, Garibaldi Thohir menjelas-kan sepanjang 2020 pandemi Covid-19 sangat mempengaruhi industri batubara. Akibatnya, terjadi penurunan signifikan terhadap permintaan maupun harga batu-bara.


Daily News Update Page 17 Over the past year, ADRO recorded

revenues of US$ 2.53 billion. The realization was down 26.66% compared to the same period the previous year amounting to US$ 3.45 billion.

Along with the decline in revenue, ADRO's net profit fell 63.65% to US$ 146.92 million. In fact, the previous year Adaro Energy was able to book a net profit of US$ 404.19 million.

Sepanjang tahun lalu, ADRO mencatatkan pendapatan sebesar US$ 2,53 miliar. Realisasi tersebut turun 26,66% diban-dingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar US$ 3,45 miliar. Beriringan dengan penurunan pendapatan, laba bersih ADRO turun 63,65% menjadi US$ 146,92 juta. Padahal, tahun sebelum-nya Adaro Energy mampu membukukan laba bersih sebesar US$ 404,19 juta.

Legitimate! Febriany Eddy

Becomes CEO of Vale Indonesia

Syahrizal Sidik, CNBC Indonesia


HE ANNUAL General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) decided to appoint Febriany Eddy as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & President Director for a term of 3 years until 2024.

Febriany replaces Nicolas D. Kanter who has occupied the top position at Vale Indonesia for about 10 years or since September 2011. Meanwhile, Nico Kanter was appointed as Commissioner of the Company, replacing Cory McPhee who submitted his resignation.

Based on CNBC Indonesia's records, Febriany is the first female CEO in this mining issuer. This Bachelor of Economics from the University of Indonesia and holder of an MBA title from UCLA Anderson School of Management and the National University of Singapore has worked at Vale for nearly 14 years, and 11 of them are at Vale Indonesia.

Sah! Febriany Eddy Jadi CEO

Vale Indonesia

Syahrizal Sidik, CNBC Indonesia


APAT Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) memutuskan mengangkat Febriany Eddy menjadi Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Presiden Direktur untuk periode jabatan selama 3 tahun hingga tahun 2024.

Febriany menggantikan Nicolas D. Kanter yang telah menduduki posisi puncak di Vale Indonesia sekitar 10 tahun atau sejak September 2011. Sementara itu Nico Kanter ditunjuk menjadi Komisaris Perseroan, menggantikan Cory McPhee yang mengajukan pengunduran diri.

Berdasarkan catatan CNBC Indonesia, Febriany merupakan CEO perempuan pertama di emiten pertambangan ini. Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Indonesia dan pemegang titel MBA dari UCLA Anderson School of Management dan National University of Singapore ini telah berkarir di Vale selama hampir 14 tahun, dan 11 tahun di antaranya adalah di Vale Indonesia.


Daily News Update Page 18 She has served as Vale's Project Financing

Supervision and Financial Evaluation Manager for three years. He has also served in the Vale Base Metals Asia Pacific and Africa regional office based in Brisbane, Australia, for 2.5 years.

There, Febriany is responsible for the operations of Vale Base Metals in Indonesia, Japan, China, Taiwan and Africa. Upon his return to Indonesia, he served as CFO of Vale Indonesia in 2018-2019, and served as Deputy CEO for 2 years, before finally being appointed CEO.

The following is the composition of the Board of Directors and Commissioners of Indonesia based on the 2021 Annual GMS: Directors:

President Director: Febriany Eddy Vice President Director: Adriansyah


Director: Bernardus Irmanto Director: Dani Widjaja Director: Agus Superiadi

Director: Vinicius Mendes Ferreira Commissioner:

President Commissioner: Mark James Travers

Vice President Commissioner: Ogi Prastomiyono

Commissioner: Luiz Fernando Landeiro Commissioner: Nicolas D. Kanter

Commissioner: Nobuhiro Matsumoto Commissioner: Rizal Sukma

Commissioner: Alexandre Silva D'Ambrosio

Independent Commissioner: Raden Sukhyar

Independent Commissioner: Rudiantara Independent Commissioner: Dwia Aries

Tina Pulubuhu. (dob/dob)

Dia pernah menjabat Manajer Pengawasan Pembiayaan Proyek dan Evaluasi Keuangan Vale selama tiga tahun. Dia juga pernah bertugas di kantor regional Vale Base Metals Asia Pasifik dan Afrika yang berbasis di Brisbane, Australia, selama 2,5 tahun.

Di sana, Febriany bertanggung jawab terhadap operasional Vale Base Metals di Indonesia, Jepang, China, Taiwan, dan Afrika. Sekembalinya ke Indonesia, dia menjabat sebagai CFO Vale Indonesia pada 2018-2019, dan menjabat Deputy CEO selama 2 tahun, sebelum akhirnya dilantik menjadi CEO.

Berikut ini adalah susunan Direksi dan Komisaris Indonesia berdasarkan RUPS Tahunan 2021:

Direksi :

Presiden Direktur : Febriany Eddy Wakil Presiden Direktur : Adriansyah


Direktur : Bernardus Irmanto Direktur : Dani Widjaja Direktur : Agus Superiadi

Direktur : Vinicius Mendes Ferreira Komisaris:

Presiden Komisaris : Mark James Travers Wakil Presiden Komisaris : Ogi


Komisaris : Luiz Fernando Landeiro Komisaris : Nicolas D. Kanter

Komisaris : Nobuhiro Matsumoto Komisaris : Rizal Sukma

Komisaris : Alexandre Silva D'Ambrosio Komisaris Independen : Raden Sukhyar Komisaris Independen : Rudiantara Komisaris Independen : Dwia Aries Tina


Daily News Update Page 19

Tread the Path of Sustainability,

ITM was Awarded the TOP CSR


Author: Digital Media


HE UMPTEENTH award for ITM is an affirmation of the seriousness of this coal-based energy company in managing its operations with a sustainable approach. ITM received a 5 Star award (highest rating), TOP CSR Awards 2021 Environ-mental Program (DAS Rehabilitation Program) and TOP Leader in CSR given to the President Director of ITM, Mulianto. TOP CSR Award given by Top Business Magazine in collaboration with 8 leading independent institutions in the fields of Social Responsibility, Governance, Community Empowerment and others. Awarding was held at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta, Ciputra World on April 22, 2021. The Chairman of the Jury, Mas Achmad Daniri, explained that the main concern of the jury was on the alignment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the Business Strategy and Implementation of CSV (Creating Shared Value). Next, the form of the Flagship CSR Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the extent to which ISO 26000 was adopted in the implementation of CSR-based programs in which a CSR Policy and Governance System was practiced.

Carrying out the Largest Watershed Rehabilitation

In the TOP CSR 2021 event, ITM prioritizes CSR programs related to tree planting in the context of Watershed Rehabilitation (DAS Rehabilitation), which has been running since 2016. Watershed rehabili-tation is...

Menapak Jalan Keberlanjutan,

ITM Dianugerahi TOP CSR


Author: Media Digital


ENGHARGAAN yang kesekian kalinya untuk ITM menjadi penegasan akan keseriusan perusahaan energi berbasis batu-bara ini dalam mengelola operasinya dengan pendekatan keberlanjutan. ITM mendapatkan penghargaan Bintang 5 (rating tertinggi), TOP CSR Awards 2021 Program Lingkungan (Program Rehabilitasi DAS) dan TOP Leader in CSR yang diberikan kepada Direktur Utama ITM, Mulianto.

TOP CSR Award diberikan oleh Majalah Top Business bekerja sama dengan 8 lembaga independen terkemuka di bidang Tanggung Jawab Sosial, Tata Kelola, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan lain-lain. Awarding diseleng-garakan di Hotel Raffles Jakarta, Ciputra World pada tanggal 22 April 2021 yang lalu. Ketua Dewan Juri, Mas Achmad Daniri, menjelaskan bahwa perhatian juri utamanya adalah pada keselarasan Corporate Social Responsibility atau Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perusahaan (CSR) dengan Strategi Bisnis dan Penerapan CSV (Creating Shared Value). Berikutnya, bentuk Program CSR Unggulan di masa Pandemi COVID-19, sejauh mana adopsi ISO 26000 di dalam pelaksanaan program berbasis CSR di mana di dalamnya tergambar Kebijakan dan Sistem Tata Kelola CSR yang dipraktikkan.

Menjalankan Rehabilitasi DAS Terbesar Dalam ajang TOP CSR 2021, ITM meng-unggulkan program CSR terkait penanaman pohon dalam rangka Rehabilitasi Daerah Aliran Sungai (Rehabilitasi DAS), yang telah dijalankan sejak tahun 2016. Rehabilitasi DAS adalah...


Daily News Update Page 20 Watershed rehabilitation is a program

required by the Government, in this case the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia to companies holding Borrow and Use Forest Areas Permits (IPPKH).

ITM Watershed Rehab is interesting because it contains comprehensive elements in accordance with the 7 core subjects of CSR. Where it is rich in forms of corporate responsibility, including aspects of compliance and governance, community empowerment and development, environ-mental awareness and stakeholder involvement in supporting sustainability. Until now, ITM has handed over a watershed rehabilitation area of 9,164.8 hectares to the Government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The area is divided into the responsibilities of four ITM subsidiaries in East and South Kalimantan, namely PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Kitadin site Tandung Mayang, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, and PT Trubaindo Coal Mining.

More than what is required by the Government, ITM has made important efforts in carrying out the rehabilitation of this watershed. These efforts include saving and enriching forests as well as means of research and education which are directly supervised by tertiary institutions. ITM also provides increased awareness of forest functions through the education of school-age children in villages around the forest, this program also involves the community as stated in the economic empowerment program for the community around the forest.

These efforts have been mapped by ITM in the four pillars that are covered in its Social and Environmental Responsibility. The four pillars are Sustainable with ITM, Learning with ITM, Empowering with ITM and Obeying with ITM.

Rehabilitasi DAS adalah program yang di-wajibkan oleh Pemerintah, dalam hal ini Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia kepada Perusahaan pemegang Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan (IPPKH).

Rehab DAS ITM menarik karena meng-andung unsur yang komprehensif sesuai dengan 7 subjek inti (seven core subject) CSR. Dimana didalamya kaya akan bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan, diantaranya aspek kepatuhan dan tata kelola, pember-dayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat, kepedulian lingkungan serta keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan dalam mendukung keberlanjutan.

ITM hingga saat ini telah menyerahkan area rehabilitasi DAS seluas 9.164,8 hektare kepada Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Luasan itu terbagi dalam tanggung jawab empat anak perusahan ITM di Kalimantan Timur dan Selatan, yakni PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Kitadin site Tandung Mayang, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, dan PT Trubaindo Coal Mining.

Lebih dari apa yang dipersyaratkan Peme-rintah, ITM telah melakukan upaya penting dalam menjalankan rehabilitasi DAS ini. Upaya tersebut adalah penyelamatan dan pengayaan hutan yang sekaligus sebagai sarana penelitian dan pendidikan yang langsung disupervisi oleh Perguruan Tinggi. ITM juga memberikan peningkatan kesa-daran akan fungsi hutan melalui pendidikan anak usia sekolah di desa sekitar hutan, program ini sekaligus melibatkan masya-rakat yang tertuang dalam program pember-dayaan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar hutan. Upaya-upaya tersebut telah dipetakan oleh ITM dalam empat pilar yang disusung dalam Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungannya. Empat pilar terebut adalah Lestari Bersama ITM, Belajar Bersama ITM, Berdaya Bersama ITM dan Patuh Bersama ITM.


Daily News Update Page 21 Growing with the Community is ITM's


According to the President Director of ITM, Mulianto, what ITM achieved in an award event was a momentum for reflection. "ITM has chosen the sustainability method as a reference in running its business, because we realize that a business will only be strong when it goes hand in hand with both social and environmental respon-sibilities," he said.

ITM to reinforce this commitment by carrying out its new Company Vision, namely to become an Energy Company in Indonesia that is core to innovation, technology, inclusion and sustainability. The position that ITM has chosen as a Greener and Smarter Company has yielded results, both in terms of performance and social responsibility. Going forward, ITM has made plans to add to its environ-mentally friendly energy portfolio and continue to carry out digital transfor-mation covering aspects of technology, business and the way of thinking of its employees.

Our Way in Energy, that is the path chosen by ITM. Editor: Digital Media

Berkembang Bersama Masyarakat adalah Pilihan ITM

Menurut Direktur Utama ITM, Mulianto, apa yang dicapai ITM dalam sebuah ajang peng-hargaan adalah sebuah momentum untuk melakukan refleksi.

“ITM telah memilih cara keberlanjutan sebagai acuan dalam menjalankan usahanya, karena kami menyadari bahwa sebuah bisnis itu hanya akan kuat manakala berjalan bersama tanggungjawab baik sosial maupun lingkungannya,” ungkapnya.

ITM untuk meneguhkan komitmen itu dengan menjalankan Visi Perusahaan yang baru, yaitu menjadi Perusahaan Energi di Indonesia yang berintikan Inovasi, Tekno-logi, Inklusi dan Keberlanjutan.

Posisi yang dipilih ITM sebagai perusahaan yang makin Hijau dan Cerdas (Greener and Smarter Company) telah membuahkan hasil, baik dari sisi kinerja maupun tanggung jawab sosialnya. Ke depan, ITM telah menorehkan rencana untuk menambah portofolio energi yang ramah lingkungan serta terus melakukan tranformasi digital yang meliputi aspek teknologi, bisnis dan cara berpikir karyawannya.

Our Way in Energy, itulah jalan yang dipilih ITM. Editor : Media Digital

Vale Indonesia (INCO) will

distribute dividends of

US$0.00333 per share

Reporter: Benedicta Prima | Editor: Wahyu

T. Rahmawati


T VALE Indonesia Tbk (INCO) will distribute dividends for the 2020 financial year.

Vale Indonesia (INCO) akan

membagikan dividen

US$0,00333 per saham

Reporter: Benedicta Prima | Editor: Wahyu

T. Rahmawati


T VALE Indonesia Tbk (INCO) bakal membagikan dividen tahun buku 2020.


Daily News Update Page 22 Vale Indonesia Finance Director Bernardus

Irmanto explained that based on consi-deration of cash conditions and projected capital and working capital expenditure requirements for business continuity, the Board of Commissioners at a meeting on Tuesday (27/4) approved the recommen-dation. directors so that Vale Indonesia distributes 40% of net profit for the 2020 financial year as dividends to shareholders. "Shareholders will receive US$ 0.00333 for every one share they own and will be paid by the company on May 28, 2021," said Bernardus, Thursday (29/4).

If using an exchange rate of Rp. 14,000 per US dollar, the dividend value is equivalent to Rp. 46.62 per share.

Furthermore, Bernardus explained that to distribute dividends based on dividend policy, Vale Indonesia considers the amount of cash available, and not only based on net income.

Vale Indonesia's policy regarding dividends is based on the availability of cash after calculating the need for working capital, loan and interest payments, capital invest-ment programs and taking into account retained earnings.

Direktur Keuangan Vale Indonesia Bernardus Irmanto menjelaskan berdasarkan pertim-bangan kondisi kas dan proyeksi kebutuhan belanja modal dan modal kerja untuk keberlangsungan usaha, Dewan Komisaris pada rapat Selasa (27/4) telah menyetujui rekomendasi direksi agar Vale Indonesia membagikan 40% dari laba bersih untuk tahun buku 2020 sebagai dividen ke peme-gang saham.

"Pemegang saham akan menerima sebesar US$ 0,00333 untuk setiap satu saham yang dimilikinya dan akan dibayarkan oleh per-seroan pada tanggal 28 Mei 2021," kata Bernardus, Kamis (29/4).

Apabila menggunakan nilai tukar rupiah sebesar Rp 14.000 per dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), maka nilai dividen tersebut setara Rp 46,62 per saham.

Lebih lanjut Bernardus menjelaskan untuk membagikan dividen berdasarkan kebijakan dividen, Vale Indonesia mempertimbangkan jumlah kas yang tersedia, dan bukan hanya berdasarkan laba bersih.

Kebijakan Vale Indonesia mengenai dividen didasarkan pada ketersediaan kas setelah diperhitungkan dengan kebutuhan akan modal kerja, pembayaran pinjaman dan bunganya, program-program investasi modal serta dengan memperhatikan saldo laba ditahan.

China Supply Is Running Out,

Coal Prices Continue To Rally

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


HE ICE Newcastle thermal coal price has resumed its strengthening trend.

Pasokan China Menipis, Harga

Batu Bara Lanjut Reli

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia


ARGA batu bara termal ICE Newcastle kembali melanjutkan tren penguatannya.


Daily News Update Page 23 The prospect of better economic growth in

Asia and the tight domestic supply of Chinese coal are the factors that make coal prices rise.

At the close of trading yesterday (28/4/ 2021), the price of the Newcastle coal futures contract rose 0.8% to US$ 88.7/ ton. The coal price is getting closer to the psychological level of US$ 90/ton.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its latest report estimates that economic growth in the Asian region will reach 7.3% this year. Higher than the estimate last December which was only 6.8%.

The upward revision of Asian economic growth projections was triggered by the massive vaccination program in the Asian region and benefited from the momentum of global economic recovery.

Asia is the largest coal market in the world. It is hoped that improvement in economic activity will also boost energy demand, one of which is coal. Moreover, China, as the largest economy in Asia as well as the largest coal importer, is experiencing tight domestic coal supply.

Argus Media reported that the Shanxi Province, China's second largest coal producer, had stopped operations at four mines for violating safety rules.

This could reduce China's domestic coal supply. Operations at the mine were suspended after the Shanxi emergency administration conducted safety checks at 24 local mines from April 11-21. The administration identified 384 safety regulations violations and imposed a $ 608,000 fine.

At a time when China's economy is predicted to grow at a rate of over 8% this year and requires a lot of energy, the supply will actually decrease. China's coal consumption is...

Prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi di Asia yang lebih baik dan ketatnya pasokan batu bara domestik China menjadi faktor yang mem-buat harga batu bara naik.

Pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin (28/4/2021), harga kontrak futures (berjangka) batu bara Newcastle naik 0,8% ke US$ 88,7/ton. Harga batu bara semakin mendekati level psikologis US$ 90/ton.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) dalam laporan terbarunya memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan Asia bakal mencapai 7,3% tahun ini. Lebih tinggi dari estimasinya di bulan Desember lalu yang hanya 6,8%.

Revisi ke atas proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi Asia ini dipicu oleh masifnya program vaksinasi di kawasan Asia dan diuntungkan juga dengan adanya momentum pemulihan ekonomi global.

Asia merupakan pasar batu bara terbesar di dunia. Perbaikan aktivitas ekonomi diharap-kan turut mendongkrak permintaan energi salah satunya adalah batu bara. Apalagi di China sebagai ekonomi terbesar di Asia sekaligus importir batu bara terbesar meng-alami ketatnya pasokan batu bara domestik. Argus Media melaporkan Provinsi Shanxi sebagai penghasil batu bara terbesar kedua di China telah menghentikan operasi di empat tambang karena melanggar aturan keselamatan.

Hal ini dapat mengurangi pasokan batu bara dalam negeri China. Operasi di tambang dihentikan setelah administrasi darurat Shanxi melakukan pemeriksaan keamanan di 24 tambang lokal selama 11-21 April. Adminis-trasi mengidentifikasi 384 pelanggaran peraturan keselamatan dan mengenakan sanksi berupa denda senilai U$ 608.000. Di saat ekonomi China diprediksi bakal tumbuh dengan laju di atas 8% tahun ini dan membutuhkan banyak energi, pasokannya malah berkurang. Konsumsi batu bara China...


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