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Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Antam's (ANTM) ferronickel smelter electrical installation will be completed in July

Instalasi listrik smelter feronikel Antam (ANTM) akan rampung bulan Juli

This is PTBA's Strategy to Take Advantage of the Momentum of Coal Price Increase

Ini Strategi PTBA Manfaatkan Momentum Kenaikan Harga Batu Bara

Minerba Investment Realization Only Reached 23 Percent as of May 2021

Realisasi Investasi Minerba Baru Capai 23 Persen per Mei 2021

Bumi Resources Minerals (BRMS) boosts production in Q2 2021 Bumi Resouces Minerals (BRMS) memacu produksi di kuartal kedua 2021

Until May, Coal Production Reached 237 Million Tons Hingga Mei, Produksi Batu Bara Mencapai 237 Juta Ton DEWA's Profit in 2020 Reaches Rp24 Billion

Laba DEWA di Tahun 2020 Capai Rp24 Miliar

Kobexindo Tractors (KOBX) posted a profit in the first quarter of 2021

Kobexindo Tractors (KOBX) bukukan keuntungan pada kuartal I 2021

4 Smelters Will Operate in 2021, Here's the Progress 4 Smelter Bakal Beroperasi di 2021, Ini Progresnya

In Half a Year Minerba Licensing Authority Takes Over Central Setengah Tahun Lagi Wewenang Perizinan Minerba Dambil Alih Pusat

Coal Prices Rage, RI's Production Is Far From The Target Harga Batu Bara Ngamuk, Produksi RI Malah Jauh dari Target Metso Outotec boosts end-user service offering in central, southern Sweden Kontan Bisnis CNN Indonesia Kontan Dunia Energi Dunia Tambang Kontan CNBC Indonesia Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Int'l Mining 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 19 21


Daily News Update Page 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Indonesian tin miners target the ocean as reserves dwindle on land

Critical Elements retains Metso and WSP for lithium plant study

Iron-ore tumbles as optimism around China demand fades Column-Asia coal prices surge, but China-Australia dispute means rally is uneven: Russell

Coal India's e-auction sales up 52% YoY in April-May, as demand rises

Global nickel market may turn into deficit by 2023 - report

Mining.com Kitco News Mining Weekly Reuters Business Standard Kitco News 22 23 24 25 27 28


Daily News Update Page 3

Antam's (ANTM) ferronickel

smelter electrical installation

will be completed in July

Reporter: Filemon Agung | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat


HE CONSTRUCTION of the smelter owned by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) is still ongoing. The electrical installation process for Antam's ferronickel smelter will be completed in July.

Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ridwan Djamaluddin said that currently the progress of the smelter has reached 97.7%.

"There is a problem with electricity supply. We received a report from Antam that an auction has been carried out and the electricity installation is targeted for completion in July," said Ridwan in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday (7/6).

Previously, efforts to provide electricity to the East Halmahera ferronickel smelter owned by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) were planned to use a diesel power plant (PLTD) at the beginning of the operation period.

Previously, the Director of MIND ID Orias Petrus Moedak had said that there was an initial estimation error that caused delays in the electricity supply side. For this reason, his party is holding an auction and is now entering the pre-qualification process for a prospective electricity provider for the first five years.

The electricity supply will be supplied by PLTD with a capacity of 3X18 MW and PLTU with a capacity of 2X45 MW.

Instalasi listrik smelter

feronikel Antam (ANTM) akan

rampung bulan Juli

Reporter: Filemon Agung | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat


EMBANGUNAN smelter milik PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) masih terus ber-jalan, Proses instalasi kelistrikan smelter feronikel Antam bakal rampung bulan Juli nanti.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ridwan Djamaluddin mengatakan, saat ini progres smelter telah mencapai 97,7%.

"Ada kendala pasokan listrik, dapat laporan dari Antam sudah lakukan lelang dan pada Juli ditargetkan selesai instalasi listriknya," ujar Ridwan dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) bersama Komisi VII DPR RI, Senin (7/6).

Sebelumnya, upaya penyediaan kelistrikan smelter feronikel Halmahera Timur milik PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) diren-canakan bakal menggunakan pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel (PLTD) di awal masa operasi.

Sebelumnya, Direktur MIND ID Orias Petrus Moedak pernah mengatakan, ada kesalahan perkiraan di awal sehingga membuat keterlambatan di sisi penyediaan kelistrikan. Untuk itu, pihaknya tengah mengadakan lelang dan kini memasuki proses pra kualifikasi calon penyedia listrik fase I untuk kurun waktu lima tahun pertama.

Penyediaan listrik bakal dipasok PLTD berkapasitas 3X18 MW dan PLTU ber-kapasitas 2X45 MW.


Daily News Update Page 4

"We are planning the end of this year or the first quarter of next year, the diesel must be ready. Especially for Feni Haltim, we want fast electricity," Orias explained in a Virtual Press Conference, last Friday (7/5).

Orias added that after three years the PLTD is operating, it is hoped that the PLTU can start operating. However, Orias has not been able to confirm whether the PLTD will continue to operate or be stopped.

"So later there will be overlap, we'll see if it automatically stops when the PLTU operates, etc., will be explained later," said Orias.

The construction of the East Halmahera Ferronickel Plant (P3FH) of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) has not been completed. In fact, the construction of the factory has reached 97% since 2019. The operation of Antam's smelter is still hampered by the electricity supply. Later, the Feni Haltim Plant line-1 will have a capacity of 13,500 tons of nickel in ferronickel (TNi).

Antam has completed a no-load test of the plant, which is currently 98% construction progress.

Later, when construction is complete, the Feni Haltim plant will increase Antam's portfolio of total annual production capacity to 40,500 TNi.

"Kami merencanakan akhir tahun ini atau kuartal I tahun depan sudah harus jadi untuk dieselnya ya. Khusus untuk Feni Haltim ini listriknya kita mau yang cepat," jelas Orias dalam Konferensi Pers Virtual, Jumat silam (7/5).

Orias menambahkan, nantinya setelah tiga tahun PLTD beroperasi maka diharapkan PLTU dapat mulai beroperasi. Kendati demikian, Orias belum bisa memastikan apakah PLTD akan tetap dioperasikan atau disetop.

"Jadi nanti akan ada overlap, kita lihat nanti apa otomatis setop waktu PLTU beroperasi dst, akan dijelaskan nanti," ujar Orias.

Pembangunan Pabrik Feronikel Halmahera Timur (P3FH) PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) tak kunjung selesai. Padahal, konstruksi pabrik itu sudah mencapai 97% sejak 2019 lalu.

Pengoperasian smelter milik Antam ini masih terganjal pasokan listrik. Nantinya, Pabrik Feni Haltim line-1 ini memiliki kapasitas 13.500 ton nikel dalam feronikel (TNi).

Antam telah menyelesaikan uji coba tanpa beban (no load test) terhadap pabrik tersebut, yang saat ini telah mencapai kemajuan konstruksi 98%.

Nantinya jika pembangunan telah selesai, pabrik Feni Haltim akan menambah portofolio kapasitas produksi total tahunan Antam menjadi 40.500 TNi.


Daily News Update Page 5

This is PTBA's Strategy to Take

Advantage of the Momentum of

Coal Price Increase

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T BUKIT Asam Tbk. (PTBA) plans to take advantage of the upward trend in coal prices by increasing its coal production target to around 30 million tons this year. PTBA President Director Suryo Eko said that the company's first strategy to take advantage of rising coal prices was to maintain coal production and sales not less than the set target. In addition, the company also opens up opportunities to increase its production target at the level of 30 million tons.

"In the short term, there is an opportunity to increase it because the government has stated that it opens opportunities for revision of the RKAB [work plan and budget] to increase production. There is an opportunity, we will increase production in a short time, maybe reaching a little over 30 million [tons]. ]," said Suryo in a virtual discussion, Monday (7/6/2021).

He said that the increase in production targets is not too high because the company wants to keep coal prices stable. According to him, an increase in production that is too large has the potential to suppress coal prices.

"Changing too much means there will be a lot of fundamental changes in financing and so on. It actually has a dangerous impact on coal prices if we increase production too much," he said.

Ini Strategi PTBA Manfaatkan

Momentum Kenaikan Harga

Batu Bara

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T BUKIT Asam Tbk. (PTBA) berencana memanfaatkan momentum tren kenaikan harga batu bara dengan meningkatkan target produksi batu bara menjadi sekitar 30 juta ton pada tahun ini.

Direktur Utama PTBA Suryo Eko mengatakan bahwa strategi pertama yang dilakukan perseroan dalam memanfaatkan kenaikan harga batu bara adalah dengan menjaga produksi maupun penjualan batu bara tidak kurang dari target yang telah ditetapkan. Selain itu, perseroan juga membuka peluang untuk meningkatkan target produksinya di level 30 juta ton.

"Secara jangka pendek ini ada peluang untuk menaikkan karena pemerintah menyatakan membuka peluang untuk revisi RKAB [rencana kerja dan anggaran belanja] untuk peningkatan produksi. Ada peluang tersebut, kami dalam waktu singkat akan naikkan produksi mungkin capai sedikit di atas 30-an juta [ton]," ujar Suryo dalam diskusi virtual, Senin (7/6/2021).

Dia menuturkan bahwa peningkatan target

produksi tidak terlalu tinggi lantaran perseroan ingin menjaga harga batu bara agar tetap stabil.

Menurutnya, peningkatan produksi yang terlalu besar berpotensi menekan harga batu bara.

"Mengubah terlalu banyak berarti akan ada banyak perubahan fundamental dari pem-biayaan dan sebagainya. Itu justru punya dampak berbahaya ke harga batu bara kalau kami meningkatkan produksi terlalu besar," katanya.


Daily News Update Page 6

Previously, the company targeted coal production to increase from 24.8 million tons in 2020 to 29.5 million tons in 2021, while coal sales were targeted to increase from 26.1 million tons in 2020 to 30.7 million tons in 2021.

Meanwhile, the reference coal price (HBA) continued to strengthen and rose to US$100.33 per ton in June 2021. The June HBA was the highest since November 2018, at US$97.9 per tonne. Editor : Zufrizal

Sebelumnya, perseroan menargetkan produksi batu bara dapat meningkat dari 24,8 juta ton pada 2020 menjadi 29,5 juta ton pada 2021, sedangkan penjualan batu bara ditargetkan dapat naik dari 26,1 juta ton pada 2020 menjadi 30,7 juta ton pada 2021. Adapun, harga batu bara acuan (HBA) ter-catat terus menguat dan melesat ke angka US$100,33 per ton pada Juni 2021. HBA Juni tersebut merupakan yang tertinggi sejak November 2018, yaitu US$97,9 per ton. Editor : Zufrizal

Minerba Investment Realization

Only Reached 23 Percent as of

May 2021


HE MINISTRY of ESDM recorded the realization of investment in the mineral and coal sector (minerba) of US$1.39 billion or Rp.19.46 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,000 per US dollar) as of May 2021. This figure is only 23 percent of the target set at US$5. 98 billion.

Director General of Mineral and Coal Ridwan Djamaluddin said there were several obstacles in boosting mineral and coal investment this year. Some of these obstacles, such as licensing issues to land acquisition.

"The obstacles in this field are licensing issues, environmental impact analysis (AMDAL), and market conditions. There are obstacles to land acquisition due to customary land, social conflicts, there are also weather constraints and of course related to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of funding," said Ridwan at the working meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday (7/6).

Realisasi Investasi Minerba

Baru Capai 23 Persen per Mei



EMENTERIAN ESDM mencatat realisasi investasi di sektor mineral dan batu bara (minerba) sebesar US$1,39 miliar atau Rp19,46 triliun (kurs Rp14 ribu per dolar AS) per Mei 2021. Angka ini baru 23 persen dari target yang ditetapkan sebesar US$5,98 miliar.

Dirjen Minerba Ridwan Djamaluddin mengatakan terdapat beberapa kendala dalam menggenjot investasi minerba tahun ini. Beberapa kendala itu, seperti masalah perizinan hingga pembebasan lahan.

"Kendala di lapangan ini masalah perizinan, analisis dampak lingkungan (AMDAL), dan kondisi pasar. Ada kendala pembebasan lahan karena lahan adat, konflik sosial, ada juga kendala cuaca dan tentu terkait pandemi covid-19 dari sisi pendanaan," ungkap Ridwan dalam rapat kerja bersama Komisi VII DPR RI, Senin (7/6).


Daily News Update Page 7

For this reason, Ridwan stated that the government would provide a number of supports for entrepreneurs to encourage investment in the mineral and coal sector in Indonesia. Some of these supports include facilities for compiling information on investment opportunities, info memos, and assisting with market sounding.

Meanwhile, Ridwan said that his party is targeting to have additional refining plants or smelters operating this year. The details are three nickel smelters and one lead smelter.

One of the smelters is owned by PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk in North Maluku. The progress rate of Antam's smelter construction is 97.7 percent.

"The problem is the electricity supply. Based on Antam's report, an auction was conducted in July and the electrical installation is targeted for completion," said Ridwan.

Then, the smelter belongs to PT Smelter Nickel Indonesia. Smelter has been built 100 percent and successfully tested.

"However, this activity (trial) was stopped while waiting for additional operational funds," Ridwan added.

Then, a smelter belonging to PT Cahaya Modern Metal Industri in Banten. The smelter has also been built 100 percent and has been operational.

Furthermore, the smelter owned by PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk in Central Kalimantan. So far the progress rate has been 99.87 percent.

"Currently waiting for experts from China to start the smelter process which is planned to come (experts) in June 2021," explained Ridwan. (aud/agt)

Untuk itu, Ridwan menyatakan pemerintah akan memberikan sejumlah dukungan bagi pengusaha untuk mendorong investasi sektor minerba di Indonesia. Beberapa dukungan yang dimaksud, antara lain fasilitas penyusunan informasi peluang investasi, info memo, dan membantu

market sounding.

Sementara, Ridwan menyebut pihaknya menargetkan ada penambahan pabrik pemurnian atau smelter beroperasi tahun ini. Rinciannya, tiga smelter nikel dan satu smelter timah.

Salah satu smelter tersebut adalah milik PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk di Maluku Utara. Tingkat kemajuan dari pem-bangunan smelter milik Antam sebesar 97,7 persen.

"Kendalanya pada pasokan listrik. Ber-dasarkan laporan Antam sudah dilakukan lelang pada Juli dan ditargetkan akan selesai instalasi listriknya," ujar Ridwan. Lalu, smelter milik PT Smelter Nikel Indonesia. Smelter sudah terbangun 100 persen dan berhasil uji coba.

"Namun, kegiatan ini (uji coba) terhenti sementara menunggu tambahan dana operasional," imbuh Ridwan.

Kemudian, smelter milik PT Cahaya Modern Metal Industri di Banten. Smelter tersebut juga sudah terbangun 100 persen dan sudah dilakukan operasional.

Selanjutnya, smelter milik PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk di Kalimantan Tengah. Sejauh ini tingkat kemajuannya sudah 99,87 persen.

"Saat ini tunggu tenaga ahli asal China untuk memulai proses smelter yang di-rencanakan akan datang (tenaga ahlinya) pada Juni 2021," jelas Ridwan. (aud/agt)


Daily News Update Page 8

Bumi Resources Minerals

(BRMS) boosts production in Q2


Reporter: Muhammad Julian | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T BUMI Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) will boost production in the second quarter. As of May 2021, BRMS production utilization is approaching 100% of BRMS' installed capacity of 500 tons of ore per day.

Director & Investor Relations of BRMS Herwin Hidayat said, BRMS revenue has the opportunity to increase with additional production utilization. "It is hoped that in the second half of this year, apart from the factory operating at full capacity, there is also potential for revenue from mining consulting services, so BRMS's revenue is expected to increase," said Herwin to Kontan.co.id.

A little flashback, the company's existing factory facilities in Poboya, Palu, are only able to operate with production utilization at 70% of installed capacity in the first few months of this year. The obstacle came from the staggering supply of spare parts for production facilities that have been operating since March 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Even so, the realization of compact BRMS dore bullion and gold production increased yearly or year-on-year (yoy) in the first three months of this year. In a previous statement, BRMS said it had produced 50 kg of dore bullion and 24 kg of gold. Just so you know, BRMS only produced 5 kg of dore bullion and 2 kg of gold in the first quarter of last year.

Bumi Resouces Minerals (BRMS)

memacu produksi di kuartal

kedua 2021

Reporter: Muhammad Julian | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati


T BUMI Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) akan menggenjot produksi pada kuartal kedua. Per Mei 2021, utilisasi produksi BRMS sudah mendekati 100% dari kapasitas terpasang BRMS yang sebesar 500 ton bijih per hari.

Direktur & Investor Relations BRMS Herwin Hidayat mengatakan, pendapatan BRMS berpeluang meningkat dengan tambahan utilisasi produksi. “Diharapkan di semester kedua tahun ini selain pabrik sudah mulai beroperasi dengan full capacity, juga ada potensi pendapatan dari jasa konsultasi pertambangan, sehingga diharapkan penda-patan BRMS akan meningkat,” ujar Herwin kepada Kontan.co.id.

Sedikit kilas balik, fasilitas pabrik perusaha-an yperusaha-ang ada saat ini di Poboya, Palu, hperusaha-anya mampu beroperasi dengan utilisasi produksi di angka 70% dari kapasitas terpasang pada beberapa bulan pertama tahun ini. Kendala datang dari tersendatnya pasokan suku cadang untuk fasilitas produksi yang ber-operasi sejak Maret 2020 lalu itu gara-gara pagebluk Covid-19.

Meski begitu, realisasi produksi dore bullion dan emas BRMS kompak meningkat secara tahunan alias year-on-year (yoy) pada tiga bulan pertama tahun ini. Dalam keterangan sebelumnya, BRMS menyebutkan telah memproduksi dore bullion sebanyak 50 kg serta memproduksi emas sebanyak 24 kg. Asal tahu, BRMS hanya memproduksi 5 kg dore bullion dan 2 kg emas di kuartal pertama tahun lalu.


Daily News Update Page 9

Production and sales are the only sources of revenue for BRMS in the first quarter of 2021. At that time, BRMS had not yet recorded revenue from mining consulting services in the first three months of this year.

However, BRMS' top line and bottom line performances climbed in the first quarter of 2021. Citing the company's interim financial report, BRMS' revenue rose 37.09% yoy from US$ 991,860 in the first quarter of 2020 to US$ 1.35 million in the first quarter. 2021.

Along with the increase in revenue, BRMS's net profit skyrocketed 880.41% yoy from US$ 165,057 in the first quarter of 2020 to US$ 1.67 million in the first quarter of 2021. This occurred in line with the soaring net other income from US$ 359,491 to US$ 2.15 million.

In addition to spurring production, BRMS is also still overseeing the expansion of the second factory which is also located in Poboya. If nothing goes wrong, it is hoped that the production facility, which is planned to have a production capacity of 4,000 tons of ore per day, can be completed in the second quarter of next year and be operational soon.

In the BRMS roadmap, the production capacity of the second factory will be increased to 8,000 tons per day and will operate in the first quarter of 2024.

“So the total capacity of BRMS gold ore processing at the Palu location in 2024 will be 8,500 tons of ore per day. Assuming a gold grade of 2 grams per tonne-2.5 grams per tonne and a recovery rate of 90% and there are 350 working days in 1 year, it is expected that the total gold produced in 2024 is in the range of 200 thousand ounces of gold," concluded Herwin.

Produksi dan penjualan menjadi satu-satunya sumber pendapatan BRMS di kuartal pertama 2021. Kala itu, BRMS belum belum membukukan pendapatan dari jasa konsultasi penambangan di tiga bulan pertama tahun ini.

Walau demikian, kinerja top line dan

bottom line BRMS kompak mendaki di

kuartal pertama 2021. Mengutip laporan keuangan interim perusahaan, pendapatan BRMS naik 37,09% yoy dari semula US$ 991.860 di kuartal pertama 2020 menjadi US$ 1,35 juta di kuartal pertama 2021. Bersamaan dengan kenaikan pendapatan, laba neto BRMS meroket 880,41% yoy dari semula US$ 165.057 di kuartal I 2020 menjadi US$ 1,67 juta di kuartal I 2021. Hal ini terjadi seiring melejitnya penghasilan lain-lain neto dari semula US$ 359.491 menjadi US$ 2,15 juta.

Selain memacu produksi, BRMS juga masih mengawal ekspansi pabrik kedua yang juga berlokasi di Poboya. Kalau tidak ada aral melintang, harapannya fasilitas produksi yang rencananya memiliki kapasitas produksi 4.000 ton bijih per hari tersebut bisa rampung di kuartal kedua tahun depan dan segera beroperasi.

Dalam peta jalan BRMS, kapasitas produksi pabrik kedua tersebut nantinya akan kembali ditingkatkan menjadi 8.000 ton per hari dan beroperasi di kuartal pertama tahun 2024 mendatang.

“Sehingga total kapasitas pengolahan bijih emas BRMS di lokasi Palu di 2024 menjadi 8.500 ton bijih per hari. Dengan asumsi kadar emas 2 gram per ton- 2,5 gram per ton dan recovery rate 90% dan ada 350 hari kerja dalam 1 tahun, maka diharapkan total emas yang diproduksikan di tahun 2024 adalah di kisaran 200 ribu ons emas,” pungkas Herwin.


Daily News Update Page 10

Until May, Coal Production

Reached 237 Million Tons

Rio Indrawan


HE MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that the realization of domestic coal absorption (Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) until May 2021 had reached 51.8 million tons. Ridwan Djamaluddin, Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, stated the DMO target for 2021 amounted to 137.5 million tons. Ridwan is optimistic that the target by the end of the year will be achieved. “As of May 31, 51.8 million tons have been reached. We ensure that domestic coal needs will still be met," said Ridwan on the sidelines of a working meeting with Commission VII DPR, Monday (7/6).

For the production target of 625 million and has reached 38% or 237 million tons. Ridwan admitted that production had stalled at the beginning of the year due to weather disturbances, even though the government had just increased this year's production target of 75 million tons. "Some of the obstacles faced by coal companies are weather conditions, disasters in early 2021," said Ridwan.

The government is optimistic that production can run smoothly until the end of the year, especially since the June Reference Coal Price (HBA) has already reached US$100 per ton. HBA shot to US$100.33 per tonne in June 2021, an increase of US$10.59 per tonne compared to the May 2021 period of US$89.74 per tonne. This price is the highest since November 2018, at US$97.90 per tonne.

Hingga Mei, Produksi Batu Bara

Mencapai 237 Juta Ton

Rio Indrawan


EMENTERIAN Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat realisasi serapan batu bara domestik (Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) hingga Mei 2021 telah mencapai 51,8 juta ton.

Ridwan Djamaluddin, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM, menyatakan target DMO untuk 2021 sebesar 137,5 juta ton. Ridwan optimistis target hingga akhir tahun itu akan tercapai. “Pada 31 Mei telah tercapai 51,8 juta ton. Kami pastikan kebutuhan batu bara dalam negeri akan tetap terpenuhi,” kata Ridwan di sela rapat kerja dengan Komisi VII DPR, Senin (7/6).

Untuk target produksi 625 juta dan sudah tercapai 38% atau 237 juta ton. Ridwan mengakui produksi sempat tersendat diawal tahun lantaran adanya gangguan cuaca, padahal pemerintah baru saja menambah target produksi tahun ini sebesar 75 juta ton. “Beberapa kendala yang dialami perusahaan batu bara adalah kondisi cuaca, bencana pada awal 2021,” ungkap Ridwan.

Pemerintah optimistis produksi bisa berjalan lancar hingga akhir tahun, apalagi Harga Batu Bara Acuan (HBA) Juni sudah tembus US$100an per ton. HBA melesat ke angka US$100,33 per ton pada Juni 2021 atau naik US$10,59 per ton dibanding periode Mei 2021 sebesar US$89,74 per ton. Harga tersebut merupakan yang tertinggi sejak November 2018, yaitu US$97,90 per ton.


Daily News Update Page 11

Agung Pribadi, Head of the Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation (KLIK) of the Ministry of ESDM, said that the upward trend in coal prices in the last two months was mainly driven by increased demand from China due to the rainy season in the country, as well as higher domestic prices. local coal.

"The increase in (China's) demand for power plants exceeds the domestic coal supply capacity," said Agung.

The extreme rainy season, according to Agung, has also tightened China's coal supply capacity.

"This factor has triggered the increase in global coal prices," said Agung. (RI)

Agung Pribadi, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama (KLIK) Kementerian ESDM, mengungkapkan tren kenaikan harga batu bara dalam dua bulan terakhir terutama didorong oleh peningkatan permintaan dari Tiongkok akibat periode musim hujan di negara tersebut, serta semakin tingginya harga domestik batu bara setempat.

“Kenaikan permintaan (Tiongkok) untuk keperluan pembangkit listrik yang melam-paui kapasitas pasokan batu bara domestik,” kata Agung.

Musim hujan ekstrim, menurut Agung, ikut memperketat kapasitas pasokan batu bara Tiongkok.

“Faktor ini yang memicu harga batu bara global ikut terimbas naik,” kata Agung. (RI)

DEWA's Profit in 2020 Reaches

Rp24 Billion

Author: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


T DARMA Henwa Tbk (DEWA) was able to record revenues of USD303.19 million for the period 2020. This number is known to have decreased by 12 percent when compared to the record in 2019 which reached USD344.65 million.

Meanwhile, for the current year's profit in 2020, it reached USD 1.65 million or around Rp. 24 billion. This amount was also recorded to have decreased compared to the previous year's period in 2019 which amounted to USD3.77 million.

Laba DEWA di Tahun 2020

Capai Rp24 Miliar

Penulis: Edo Fernando, Editor: Ocky PR.


T DARMA Henwa Tbk (DEWA) mampu mencatatkan pendapatan mencapai USD 303,19 juta untuk periode tahun 2020. Jumlah ini diketahui mengalami penu-runan sebesar 12 persen jika dibandingkan dengan catatan di tahun 2019 yang men-capai USD344,65 juta.

Sementara untuk laba tahun berjalan di 2020, mencapai angka USD1,65 juta atau sekitar Rp24 miliar. Jumlah ini juga tercatat mengalami penurunan dibanding-kan periode tahun sebelumnya di 2019 yang sebesar USD3,77 juta.


Daily News Update Page 12

From the financial report data released, the subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) which is engaged in mining contractor services, recorded its total assets throughout 2020 of USD550.64 million, which experienced a fairly slight increase from the previous year which was at USD549. 52 million. The most significant increase came from current assets which previously stood at USD199.33 million to USD220.66 million for 2020.

There was also a decrease in liabilities, both for the short term and for the long term. It is known that the number decreased by 10.7 percent where in 2019 it was USD315.26 million, to USD281.24 million in 2020. Meanwhile, DEWA's share price in the last trading closed was at Rp. 50 per share. This number stagnated did not move from the previous trade.

For information, DEWA began to enter the gold and mineral mining business in early 2021, by acquiring a 99.9 percent stake owned by PT Sabina Mahardika. With the majority share ownership, DEWA pocketed a number of potential projects in gold and mineral mining located in Aceh Province. Not only taking the acquisition strategy, DEWA also plans to increase its capital through a private placement or PMTHMETD scheme of 5.87 billion shares.

Dari data laporan keuangan yang dirilis, anak usaha PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa kontraktor pertambangan tersebut, tercatat total aset-nya sepanjang tahun 2020 sebesar USD 550,64 juta yang mengalami kenaikan cukup tipis dari tahun sebelumnya yang berada di angka USD549,52 juta. Adapun kenaikan paling signifikan itu berasal dari aset lancar yang sebelumnya berada di angka USD 199,33 juta menjadi USD220,66 juta untuk tahun 2020.

Penurunan juga terjadi pada liabilitas baik itu untuk jangka pendek maupun untuk jangka panjang. Diketahui jumlahnya me-nurun sebanyak 10,7 persen di mana pada tahun 2019 sebesar USD315,26 juta, menjadi USD281,24 juta di tahun 2020. Sedangkan harga saham DEWA pada perdagangan terakhir ditutup berada di angka Rp50 per lembar saham. Jumlah ini stagnan tidak bergerak dari perdagangan sebelumnya. Sebagai informasi, DEWA mulai terjun ke bisnis tambang emas dan mineral pada awal tahun 2021 ini, dengan melakukan akuisisi sebanyak 99,9 persen saham milik PT Sabina Mahardika. Atas kepemilikan saham mayo-ritas tersebut, DEWA mengantongi sejumlah proyek potensial dalam pertambangan emas dan mineral yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Aceh.

Tak hanya mengambil strategi akuisisi, DEWA juga berencana untuk melakukan penambahan modal lewat skema private

placement atau PMTHMETD sebesar 5,87


Daily News Update Page 13

Kobexindo Tractors (KOBX)

posted a profit in the first

quarter of 2021

Reporter: Vina Elvira | Editor: Noverius Laoli


T KOBEXINDO Tractors Tbk (KOBX) made a good performance in the first three months of this year. It was noted that KOBX managed to reap a net profit of US$ 996.97 thousand.

Whereas in the same period last year, KOBX still had to bear a loss of US$ 1.83 million.

Launching the company's financial report released Monday (7/6), KOBX's net income grew significantly 73.73% from US$ 13.01 million in the first quarter of 2020 to US$ 22.55 million in the first quarter of this year.

Until the end of March 2021, KOBX's net income was supported by heavy equipment units of US$ 16.19 million, spare parts US$ 3.33 million, repair services US$ 1.66 million, heavy equipment rental of US$ 1.16 million, and building rental US$ 192.06 thousand.

KOBX's sharp net income in the first three months of this year led to a significant increase in cost of revenue. Noted, KOBX's cost of revenue increased by 65.63% to US$ 17.54 million from US$ 10.59 million in the first quarter of 2020.

KOBX also had to bear the increase in expenses on selling expenses by 11.85 percent from US$ 976 thousand to US$ 1.09 million in the first quarter of 2021.

Kobexindo Tractors (KOBX)

bukukan keuntungan pada

kuartal I 2021

Reporter: Vina Elvira | Editor: Noverius Laoli


T KOBEXINDO Tractors Tbk (KOBX) menorehkan kinerja yang ciamik di sepanjang tiga bulan pertama tahun ini. Tercatat, KOBX berhasil meraup laba bersih senilai US$ 996,97 ribu.

Padahal pada periode yang sama di tahun lalu, KOBX masih harus menanggung rugi sebesar US$ 1,83 juta.

Melansir laporan keuangan perseroan yang dirilis Senin (7/6), pendapatan bersih KOBX tumbuh signifikan 73,73% dari semula US$ 13,01 juta di kuartal I 2020 menjadi US$ 22,55 juta di kuartal pertama tahun ini.

Hingga akhir Maret 2021, pendapatan bersih KOBX ditopang oleh unit alat berat sebesar US$ 16,19 juta, suku cadang US$ 3,33 juta, jasa perbaikan US$ 1,66 juta, sewa alat berat US$ 1,16 juta, dan sewa bangunan US$ 192,06 ribu.

Melesatnya pendapatan bersih KOBX di tiga bulan pertama tahun ini, mendorong kenaikan signifikan pada beban pokok pendapatan Tercatat, beban pokok pendapatan KOBX naik hingga 65,63% menjadi US$ 17,54 juta dari semula US$ 10,59 juta di kuartal I 2020.

KOBX juga harus menanggung kenaikan pengeluaran pada beban penjualan sebesar 11,85% dari US$ 976 ribu menjadi US$ 1,09 juta di kuartal I 2021.


Daily News Update Page 14

On the other hand, general and adminis-trative expenses also rose slightly by 1.78 percent to US$ 1.78 million. Whereas in the same period last year, KOBX only posted general and administrative expenses of US$ 1.75 million.

As of March 31, 2021, KOBX's total assets were recorded at US$ 108.32 million, with total liabilities of US$ 85.77 million and equity of US$ 22.55 million.

Di sisi lain, beban umum dan administrasi juga tercatat naik tipis 1,78% menjadi US$ 1,78 juta. Padahal pada periode yang sama di tahun lalu, KOBX hanya membukukan beban umum dan administrasi sebesar US$ 1,75 juta.

Per 31 Maret 2021 jumla haset KOBX tercatat senilai US$ 108,32 juta, dengan total liabilitas sebesar US$ 85,77 juta dan ekuitas US$ 22,55 juta.

4 Smelters Will Operate in

2021, Here's the Progress

Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia


HE MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) targets that this year there will be an additional four mineral processing and refining facilities (smelters) that will start operating, consisting of three nickel smelters and one tin smelter.

Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of ESDM, Ridwan Djamaluddin, said that currently there are 23 smelters in operation.

The four new smelters targeted to start operating this year include:

1. PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) Ferronickel Smelter in East Halmahera, North Maluku

He said the progress has now reached 97.7%. According to him, the smelter project is constrained by electricity supply, so it cannot operate yet. Currently, Antam is said to have auctioned off the electricity supply.

4 Smelter Bakal Beroperasi di

2021, Ini Progresnya

Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia


EMENTERIAN Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menargetkan tahun ini akan ada penambahan empat fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral (smelter) yang mulai beroperasi, terdiri dari tiga smelter nikel dan satu smelter timah.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Ridwan Djamaluddin mengatakan, saat ini telah terdapat 23 smelter yang telah beroperasi.

Adapun empat smelter baru yang ditarget-kan mulai beroperasi tahun ini antara lain: 1. Smelter Feronikel PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) di Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara

Dia mengatakan, progresnya saat ini sudah mencapai 97,7%. Proyek smelter ini menurutnya terkendala pasokan listrik, sehingga belum bisa beroperasi. Saat ini pihak Antam dikabarkan telah melelang pengadaan listrik.


Daily News Update Page 15

It is hoped, he added, that in the near future in July 2021, the electrical installation in the smelter will be completed.

"And hopefully in the near future, in July, the electrical installation at the location will be completed," he said.

2. Nickel Smelter PT Smelter Nikel Indonesia

He said that currently it has been built 100% and has successfully carried out production trials. However, this activity was temporarily suspended due to waiting for additional funds for operations.

3. PT Cahaya Modern Metal Industri Nickel Smelter in Banten

He said, this project has been built by 100%, and has started production.

"It has been built 100% and has started production activities and has been visited by Commission VII," he said.

4. Prima Citra Smelter in Central Kalimantan

He said that 99.87% of the smelter project has been built. But currently still waiting for experts from China.

"Currently waiting for experts from China to start the smelter process, this will come in June 2021," he continued.

Previously, Minister of ESDM Arifin Tasrif explained that only two new smelters operating in 2020, namely nickel smelters. Thus, the total nickel smelters operating until 2020 will reach 13 smelters.

Meanwhile, smelters for other commodities, namely copper, remained unchanged from the previous year, only two smelters, two smelters for bauxite, one iron smelter, and one manganese smelter. Thus, in 2020 there are 19 smelters that have been operating.

Diharapkan, imbuhnya, dalam waktu dekat pada Juli 2021, instalasi listrik di smelter tersebut akan rampung.

"Dan mudah-mudahan dalam waktu dekat, Juli, akan selesai instalasi listrik di lokasi tersebut," ucapnya.

2. Smelter Nikel PT Smelter Nikel Indonesia

Dia mengatakan, saat ini sudah terbangun 100% dan sudah berhasil melakukan uji coba produksi. Namun, kegiatan ini terhenti sementara karena menunggu tambahan dana untuk operasional.

3. Smelter Nikel PT Cahaya Modern Metal Industri di Banten

Dia mengatakan, proyek ini sudah ter-bangun sebesar 100%, dan sudah mulai produksi.

"Sudah terbangun 100% dan mulai kegiatan produksi dan sudah dikunjungi Komisi VII," ujarnya.

4. Smelter Prima Citra di Kalimantan Tengah

Dia mengatakan, proyek smelter ini telah terbangun 99,87%. Tapi saat ini masih menunggu tenaga ahli dari China.

"Saat ini tunggu tenaga ahli dari Tiongkok untuk memulai proses smelter, akan datang Juni 2021 ini," lanjutnya.

Sebelumnya, Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif memaparkan smelter baru yang beroperasi pada 2020 hanya sebanyak dua smelter yakni smelter nikel. Dengan demikian, total smelter nikel yang beroperasi hingga 2020 mencapai 13 smelter.

Sementara smelter untuk komoditas lain-nya yakni tembaga tetap tidak berubah dari tahun sebelumnya hanya dua smelter, bauksit dua smelter, besi satu smelter, dan mangan satu smelter. Dengan demikian, pada 2020 terdapat 19 smelter yang telah beroperasi.


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Meanwhile, in 2021, it is targeted to add four new smelters so that the total operating smelters will reach 23 smelters. Of the total target, 23 smelters are operating, including 16 nickel smelters, two copper smelters, two bauxite smelters, one iron smelter, one manganese smelter, and one lead and zinc smelter.

By 2024, the government targets as many as 53 smelters to operate. This means that 34 new smelters are needed over the next four years.

Meanwhile, the investment needs to build 53 smelters by 2024 reach US$ 21.59 billion. With details of investment for nickel smelters of US$ 8 billion, bauxite of US$ 8.64 billion, iron of US$ 193.9 million, copper of US$ 4.69 billion, manganese of US$ 23.9 million, and lead and zinc amounting to US$ 28.8 million. (wia)

Sementara pada 2021, ditargetkan tambahan empat smelter baru sehingga total smelter yang beroperasi akan mencapai 23 smelter. Dari total target 23 smelter beroperasi, di antaranya 16 smelter nikel, dua smelter tembaga, dua smelter bauksit, satu smelter besi, satu smelter mangan, dan satu smelter timbal dan seng.

Sampai dengan 2024 mendatang, pemerintah menargetkan sebanyak 53 smelter ber-operasi. Artinya, dibutuhkan 34 smelter baru selama empat tahun mendatang.

Sementara kebutuhan investasi untuk mem-bangun 53 smelter sampai dengan 2024 tersebut yakni mencapai US$ 21,59 miliar. Dengan rincian investasi untuk smelter nikel sebesar US$ 8 miliar, bauksit sebesar US$ 8,64 miliar, besi sebesar US$ 193,9 juta, tembaga US$ 4,69 miliar, mangan sebesar US$ 23,9 juta, serta timbal dan seng sebesar US$ 28,8 juta. (wia)

In Half a Year Minerba

Licensing Authority Takes Over


Author: Newswire


FTER the ratification of the 2020 Minerba Law, all licensing authority will be transferred to the center starting on December 10, 2021.

This was conveyed by the Director of Engineering and the environment for Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of ESDM, Lana Saria, when she was a resource person at the socialization held by the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Kalimantan, related to the implementation of Law No. 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal (Minerba),...

Setengah Tahun Lagi Wewenang

Perizinan Minerba Dambil Alih


Author: Newswire


ETELAH disahkannya UU Minerba 2020, seluruh kewenangan perizinan akan di-pindahkan ke pusat yang dimulai pada 10 Desember 2021.

Hal itu disampaikan Direktur Teknik dan lingkungan Minerba Kementerian ESDM Lana Saria saat menjadi narasumber pada sosialisasi yang digelar Dinas Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Kalimantan Selatan, terkait dengan implementasi UU No 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba),...


Daily News Update Page 17

related to the implementation of Law No. 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal (Minerba), as well as regional participation in fostering and supervision of mining business activities in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Saturday (5/6/2021).

According to Lana, based on the 2020 Minerba Law, the authority transferred to the center is in the form of the authority to issue permits as well as supervision and guidance.

"Based on Article 35 of the Minerba Law No. 3 of 2020 paragraph 4, the central government can delegate licensing authority along with the authority for guidance and supervision," she said.

The delegation of authority to the area is in the form of a mining business permit (IUP) for non-metallic minerals, certain types of non-metallic minerals, and rocks in the area as well as 12 miles from the coastline. South Kalimantan's acting governor, Safrizal, said the new Minerba Law emphasizes a balance between the use of natural resources and environmental conservation.

"Through the socialization of the Minerba Law, it will also explain what the practice of mineral and coal management is, as well as the role of local governments in the ESDM Office in the regions," he said.

According to him, the mining sector in South Kalimantan and nationally has a strategic role in boosting economic growth. "In the first quarter of 2021, South Kalimantan's economic growth will still be minus 1.25 percent, although it is still minus. We hope that the South Kalimantan economy will continue to grow until the end of the year, one of which is through the mining sector," he said.

terkait dengan implementasi UU No 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba), serta peran serta daerah terhadap pembinaan dan pengawasan kegiatan usaha pertambangan di Banjar-baru, Kalimantan Selatan, Sabtu (5/6/ 2021).

Menurut Lana, berdasarkan UU Minerba 2020, kewenangan yang dipindahkan ke pusat berupa kewenangan penerbitan perizinan maupun pengawasan dan pembinaan.

"Berdasarkan Pasal 35 UU Minerba No 3 Tahun 2020 ayat 4, pemerintah pusat dapat mendelegasikan kewenangan per-izinan disertai kewenangan atas pem-binaan dan pengawasan," katanya.

Pendelegasian kewenangan ke daerah tersebut berupa izin usaha pertambangan (IUP) untuk mineral bukan logam, mineral bukan logam jenis tertentu, dan batuan di wilayah tersebut maupun 12 mil dari garis pantai.

Pejabat Gubernur Kalsel Safrizal mengata-kan, UU Minerba yang baru, mengedepan-kan keseimbangan antara pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan pelestarian ling-kungan.

"Melalui sosialisasi UU Minerba ini juga akan dijelaskan seperti apa praktik penge-lolaan mineral dan batubara, serta peran pemerintah daerah dalam Dinas ESDM di daerah," katanya.

Menurutnya, sektor pertambangan di Kalsel maupun secara nasional punya peran strategis mendongkrak pertum-buhan ekonomi.

"Pada kuartal pertama tahun 2021, pertumbuhan ekonomi Kalsel masih minus 1,25 persen walaupun masih minus kita harapkan ekonomi Kalsel masih terus tumbuh hingga akhir tahun, salah satunya melalui sektor tambang," katanya.


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Director General of Mineral and Coal Ridwan Djamaluddin said that the Minerba Law strictly stipulates that environmental restoration after mining activities must be carried out. "There is a guarantee fund in front and behind, if it is not carried out there will be criminal sanctions."

The Minerba Law aims to improve mineral and coal mining governance to be more effective and efficient.

"The licensing authority is at the center through the BKPM, but the provincial government still has licensing authority in certain sectors as well as supervision and guidance through delegation of authority," said Ridwan.

Although licensing and supervision are carried out by the central government, the Ministry of ESDM has asked local govern-ments to maintain the ESDM Office.

The Director General of Mineral and Coal has written to all governors in Indonesia to maintain the ESDM Office because they still play a role in mining management in their respective regions.

"With the 2020 Minerba Law, the synergy between the center and the regions in the context of mining governance must be further strengthened," said Ridwan.

The implementation of the Minerba Law, he said, will first make a presidential regulation and its PP as a technical guideline, which is still being worked out and will be published as soon as possible. Editor : Zufrizal

Dirjen Minerba Ridwan Djamaluddin mengatakan vahwa UU Minerba tegas mengatur pemulihan lingkungan setelah kegiatan pertambangan wajib dilakukan. "Ada dana jaminan di depan dan di belakang, bila tak dilakukan ada sanksi pidananya."

UU Minerba bertujuan untuk mening-katkan tata kelola pertambangan mineral dan batubara agar lebih efektif dan efisien. "Kewenangan perizinan berada di pusat melalui BKPM, tetapi pemerintah provinsi masih punya kewenangan perizinan di sektor tertentu berikut pengawasan dan pembinaan melalui pendelegasian kewe-nangan," kata Ridwan.

Kendati perizinan dan pengawasan di-lakukan pusat, Kementerian ESDM meminta, pemerintah daerah tetap mem-pertahankan Dinas ESDM.

Dirjen Minerba sudah menyurati seluruh gubernur di Indonesia agar memper-tahankan Dinas ESDM karena masih berperan dalam pengelolaan pertam-bangan di daerah masing-masing.

"Dengan UU Minerba tahun 2020, sinergi pusat dan daerah dalam rangka tata kelola pertambangan harus semakin diperkuat," kata Ridwan.

Pemberlakuan UU Minerba, kata dia, ter-lebih dahulu akan dibuatkan perpres dan PP-nya sebagai juknis yang kini masih digodok dan secepatnya akan diterbitkan. Editor : Zufrizal


Daily News Update Page 19

Coal Prices Rage, RI's

Production Is Far From The


Tirta, CNBC Indonesia


N THE FIRST trade this week, the price of coal again 'gasps'. In a day the price of ICE Newcastle thermal coal futures contract rose 4.85%.

Monday (7/6/2021), the contract price of the global reference thermal coal which is actively traded closed at US$ 115.6/ton. For now, the level of US$ 110/ton is the support for coal and the closest resistance level is at US$ 115/ton.

In the last trading last week, Friday (4/6/2021), Newcastle thermal coal contract price fell 2.09% to US$ 110.25. If calculated on a weekly basis, coal prices fell 7.3%.

The fantastic increase in coal prices is inseparable from speculation related to supply chain disruption in the market amidst the prospect of increasing demand, especially in the Asia Pacific region.

The case of Covid-19 infection in India which continues to slant brings hope that demand will gradually improve. The increasing demand for Chinese coal which is not matched by sufficient supply and the threat of falling output and supply chain disruption due to entering the rainy season have become upside risk for coal prices. Apart from China, coal market funda-mentals in South Korea and Japan are also getting stronger. Launching Argus Media,...

Harga Batu Bara Ngamuk,

Produksi RI Malah Jauh dari


Tirta, CNBC Indonesia


ADA perdagangan perdana pekan ini harga batu bara kembali 'ngegas'. Dalam sehari harga kontrak futures (berjangka) batu bara termal ICE Newcastle melesat 4,85%.

Senin (7/6/2021), harga kontrak batu bara termal acuan global yang aktif diperjual-belikan tersebut ditutup di US$ 115,6/ton. Untuk saat ini level US$ 110/ton menjadi support batu bara dan level resisten terdekat adalah di US$ 115/ton.

Pada perdagangan terakhir pekan lalu Jumat (4/6/2021), harga kontrak batu bara termal Newcastle turun 2,09% ke US$ 110,25. Jika dihitung secara mingguan harga batu bara turun 7,3%.

Kenaikan harga batu bara yang fantastis tak terlepas dari adanya spekulasi terkait disrupsi rantai pasok di pasar di tengah prospek kenaikan permintaan terutama di kawasan Asia Pasifik.

Kasus infeksiCovid-19 di India yang terus melandai membawa harapan permintaan bakal berangsur membaik. Peningkatan permintaan batu bara China yang tak diimbangi dengan pasokan mencukupi serta ancaman turunnya output serta disrupsi rantai pasok akibat memasuki periode musim hujan menjadi upside risk untuk harga batu bara.

Selain China, fundamental pasar batu bara di Korea Selatan dan Jepang juga semakin kuat. Melansir Argus Media,...


Daily News Update Page 20

Launching Argus Media, the increase in South Korean coal prices was supported by the prospect of stronger coal demand following the unplanned blackout at the 1.4GW Shin Kori 4 nuclear reactor.

The downtime is expected to last for about a month, said a source at Korean operator Hydro and Nuclear Power. A month-long blackout would cut South Korea's nuclear availability by 3.2GW compared to actual generation of 19.5GW in June last year. Argus expects this to add to the overall impact of the recovery in electricity demand, and is likely to increase generation from coal and gas this month compared to June 2020.

Japan's coal-fired power plant restrictions are also gradually being relaxed, which could support greater coal use in the weeks and months ahead. This is clearly a positive catalyst for coal prices.

Rail disruptions in Colombia and Russia and upcoming rail maintenance in South Africa have tightened the fundamental outlook for high-calorie coal, while loading at Newcastle remains less than last year's pace at the same stage.

Rising oil-related LNG prices in northeast Asia may also support demand for seaborne coal, as this fuel will become increasingly competitive for power generation as the year progresses.

When coal prices experienced a sharp increase, Indonesia's coal production was still far from the target. The government targets Indonesia's coal production to reach 625 million tons by 2021.

However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in this case the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal noted that until May 2021, national coal production has reached 237 million tons, or 38 percent of this year's coal production target.

Melansir Argus Media, kenaikan harga batu bara Korea Selatan didukung oleh prospek permin-taan batu bara yang lebih kuat menyusul pemadaman yang tidak direncanakan pada reaktor nuklir Shin Kori 4 1.4GW.

Downtime diperkirakan akan berlangsung selama sekitar satu bulan, kata sumber di operator Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power. Pemadaman selama sebulan akan memotong ketersediaan nuklir Korea Selatan sebesar 3,2 GW dibandingkan dengan pembangkitan aktual 19,5GW pada Juni tahun lalu.

Argus memperkirakan ini akan menambah dampak pemulihan permintaan listrik secara keseluruhan, dan kemungkinan akan mening-katkan pembangkitan dari batu bara dan gas bulan ini dibandingkan dengan Juni 2020. Pembatasan pembangkit listrik tenaga batu bara Jepang juga secara bertahap dilonggarkan, yang dapat mendukung penggunaan batu bara yang lebih besar dalam beberapa minggu dan bulan ke depan. Hal ini jelas menjadi katalis positif untuk harga batu bara.

Gangguan rel di Kolombia dan Rusia dan pemeliharaan rel mendatang di Afrika Selatan telah memperketat prospek fundamental batu bara berkalori tinggi, sementara pemuatan di Newcastle tetap kurang dari kecepatan tahun lalu pada tahap yang sama.

Naiknya harga LNG terkait minyak di Asia timur laut mungkin juga mendukung permintaan batu bara lintas laut, karena bahan bakar ini akan semakin kompetitif untuk pembangkit listrik seiring berjalannya tahun.

Ketika harga batu bara mengalami kenaikan tajam, produksi batu bara RI masih jauh dari target. Pemerintah menargetkan produksi batu bara Indonesia mencapai 625 juta ton tahun 2021.

Namun Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara mencatat sampai dengan Mei 2021, produksi batu bara nasional telah mencapai 237 juta ton, atau sebesar 38% dari target produksi batu bara tahun ini.


Daily News Update Page 21

This achievement was conveyed by the Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of ESDM, Ridwan Djamaluddin. He said, in pursuing this production target, business entities had experienced obstacles, namely during the flood disaster and also high rainfall in early 2021.

This further proves that supply chain disruption is also a contributing factor in increasing coal prices considering that Indonesia is one of the largest producers of thermal coal. (twg/twg)

Capaian tersebut disampaikan oleh Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Ridwan Djamaluddin.

Dia mengatakan, dalam mengejar target produksi ini, badan usaha sempat mengalami kendala, yakni saat terjadinya bencana banjir dan juga tingginya curah hujan pada awal tahun 2021.

Hal ini semakin membuktikan bahwa disrupsi rantai pasok juga menjadi faktor yang berperan dalam meningkatkan harga batu bara mengingat Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen terbesar batu bara termal. (twg/twg)

Metso Outotec boosts end-user service offering in central, southern


Posted by Daniel Gleeson


ETSO Outotec has signed a distribution contract with Mining and Construction Equipment Sweden AB and Värnamo Krosskonsult AB that will see the two Sweden-based firms distribute Metso Outotec’s mobile and stationary crushing and screening equipment, as well as crusher wear parts, to mining and aggregate customers in southern and central Sweden. The pair will also provide service support such as start-ups and repairs in the regions.

Roar Vasbø, who is heading Metso Outotec’s sales and service in the Nordics region, said: “We’re very pleased to enter this cooperation. For the customers, it means better and faster local service. For us, it means that we can improve customer experience and reach out to more potential customers in the region, especially contractors.”

Fredrik Wennberg, Managing Director of Mining and Construction Equipment Sweden, said: “Our aim is to serve the markets as one-stop-shop. We offer service, parts, equipment and know-how close to the customer.”

He added: “Flexibility is very important to our customers, especially for the contractors. We offer rental possibilities and stock units so that the customers are able to get their equipment quickly.”

Kristofer Almén, Managing Director of Värnamo Krosskonsult, concluded: “This is a great opportunity for us to be able offer Metso Outotec aggregate equipment to greenfield projects or to brownfield stationary plant projects. It will strengthen our competitiveness and help us serve the market better.”


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The main location is Värnamo with equipment and parts stock, and a service workshop. Sales offices are in Stockholm, Värnamo and Ystad. The staff includes around 20 personnel in service, sales, and construction engineering.

Indonesian tin miners target the ocean as reserves dwindle on land



ROM the shores of Indonesia’s Bangka island, miners like Hendra head out by boat every day to scores of crudely built wooden pontoons dotted off the coast that are equipped to dredge the seabed for lucrative deposits of tin ore.

Indonesia is the world’s biggest exporter of tin used in everything from food packaging to electronics and now green technologies.

But deposits in the mining hub of Bangka-Belitung have been heavily exploited on land, leaving parts of the islands off the southeast coast of Sumatra island resembling a lunar landscape with vast craters and highly acidic, turquoise lakes.

Miners are instead turning to the sea.

“On land, our income is diminishing. There are no more reserves,” said Hendra, 51, who shifted to work in offshore tin mining about a year ago after a decade in the industry.

“In the ocean, there are far more reserves.”

Often grouped together around undersea tin seams, the ramshackle encampments of pontoons emit plumes of black smoke from diesel generators that rumble so loudly workers use hand gestures to communicate.

Hendra, who like many Indonesians uses one name, operates six pontoons, each manned by three to four workers, with pipes that can be over 20 metres (66 feet) long to suck up sand from the seabed.

The pumped mixture of water and sand is run across a bed of plastic mats that trap the glittery black sand containing tin ore.

Hendra is among scores of artisanal miners who partner with PT Timah to exploit the state miner’s concessions.

The miners are paid about 70,000 to 80,000 rupiah ($4.90 to $5.60) per kg of tin sand they pump up, and a pontoon typically produces about 50 kg a day, Hendra said.

The allure of tin under the sea

Timah has been ramping up production from the sea. Company data shows its proven tin reserve on land was 16,399 tonnes last year, compared with 265,913 tonnes offshore.

The huge expansion, coupled with reports of illegal miners targeting offshore deposits, has heightened tension with fishermen, who say their catches have collapsed due to steady encroachment on their fishing grounds since 2014.


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Fisherman Apriadi Anwar said in the past his family earned enough to pay for his two younger siblings to go to university, but in recent years, they have barely scraped by.

“Never mind going to university, these days it’s difficult to even buy food,” said Apriadi, 45, who lives in Batu Perahu village.

Apriadi says fishing nets can get tangled up in offshore mining equipment, while trawling the seabed to find seams of ore has polluted once-pristine waters.

“Fish are becoming scarce because the coral where they spawn is now covered with mud from the mining,” he added.

Indonesian environmental group Walhi has been campaigning to stop mining at sea, especially on Bangka’s western coast, where the mangroves are relatively well-preserved. “The mangrove is an ecological fortress for the coastal area,” said Jessix Amundian, executive director with Walhi Bangka Belitung.

In a statement, Timah said it communicates with fishing communities to improve their catch, adding it had built artificial reefs to help restock the sea in line with regulations.

Authorities have cracked down on the tin industry from time to time, particularly illegal mining, and remaining land reserves are often hard to access or require heavy machinery to exploit.

Still, rising tin prices are an incentive to overcome these obstacles.

Amri, an unlicensed miner in Bangka, said he had restarted his land operations after a 14-month hiatus when tin prices rose due to tighter global supplies.

($1 = 14,260 rupiah) (By Fransiska Nangoy; Editing by Ed Davies and Karishma Singh)

Critical Elements retains Metso and WSP for lithium plant study

By Vladimir Basov


ODAY, Critical Elements Lithium (TSXV:CRE), a lithium development company advancing its high purity Rose lithium project in Quebec, announced that it has retained the services of Metso Outotec and WSP Canada (WSP) to prepare a Phase II engineering study for a chemical plant to produce high quality lithium hydroxide monohydrate for the electric vehicle and energy storage system battery industries.

According to the company’s statement, Metso Outotec will design the calcination process of spodumene concentrate, which would include spodumene concentrate from Phase I of its Rose lithium-tantalum project but also possibly from other sources, and study the chemical process to produce lithium hydroxide monohydrate from calcined spodumene concentrate. Meanwhile, WSP will design the infrastructure related to the process plant and will act as the integrator for the study. Critical Elements will provide the market study information for the economic analysis.


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The end product of the plant would be battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate (LMH, >56.5%). It is currently anticipated that the plant capacity would be approximately 27,000 tpa of LMH, as lithium carbonate equivalent. The plant would also be capable of producing battery grade lithium carbonate.

Metso Outotec will also continue to perform additional piloting studies to further increase the data set of the hydroxide process contemplated to be used by Critical Elements.

The company said that earlier pilot plant studies by Metso Outotec successfully converted spodumene concentrate from the Rose lithium-tantalum project into battery grade lithium hydroxide using a thermal leaching process. The pilot plant conversion process demonstrated strong results with extraction rates of 93%.

Based on the results of the earlier Metso Outotec studies, Critical Elements believes that the overall total recovery rate should approximate 80% which compares very favourably to industry standards.

Iron-ore tumbles as optimism around China demand fades

By: Reuters


RON-ore prices tumbled on Monday as China's subdued trade data for May and narrowing steel profit margins dampened the market's enthusiasm about demand prospects for the steelmaking ingredient.

China, which accounts for more than half of the world's steel output, imported 89.79-million tonnes of iron ore last month, substantially lower than the 98.57-million tonnes it bought in April and 102.11-million tonnes in March.

The data also showed China's May steel exports plunged 33.9% from a month earlier to 5.27-million tonnes.

The most-traded September iron-ore on China's Dalian Commodity Exchange ended daytime trading 4.4% lower at 1,118 yuan ($174.70) a tonne.

Iron-ore's most active July contract on the Singapore Exchange was down 3.5% at $192.05 a tonne by 0728 GMT.

"The sharp drop in steel prices...has led to a sharp drop in the profits of steel mills," Sinosteel Futures analysts said in a note.

Steel demand in China has slowed down, causing a "large, short-term market volatility", they said.

Still, iron ore prices remained relatively high, with the most-liquid Dalian contract having risen about 17% from the May 27 low, while the benchmark 62% material stayed above $200 a tonne in the physical market, SteelHome consultancy data showed.


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Tight global iron ore supply remains a key issue that has kept prices high. On Friday, Brazilian miner Vale SA announced fresh mine closures that would reduce its output by 40,000 tonnes a day.

"It is unlikely the global balance will feel the full weight of this supply vacuum as Vale fights to overturn this ruling as quickly as it was imposed," said Atilla Widnell, managing director at Navigate Commodities in Singapore.

Construction steel rebar on the Shanghai Futures Exchange slumped 4.2%, while hot-rolled coil dipped 4.1%. Stainless steel slipped 1.4%.

Dalian coking coal fell 2.1%, while coke shed 3.6%.

Column-Asia coal prices surge, but China-Australia dispute means

rally is uneven: Russell

By Clyde Russell


HERMAL coal prices across Asia have surged to multi-year highs amid strong demand and some supply constraints, but some types of the fuel have done better than others.

The headline-grabbing rally has been for high-quality Australian thermal coal. The weekly index for 6,000 kilocalorie per kilogramme (kcal/kg) coal at Newcastle Port, as assessed by commodity price reporting agency Argus, hit $121.40 a tonne in the seven days to June 4. This was the highest in more than a decade. This grade has now climbed 49% since the end of last year, and 162% from its 2020 low of $46.37 a tonne in September, reached amid the economic fallout from coronavirus lockdowns across Asia.

The driver for the price increase has been strong demand from Japan and South Korea, the main buyers of high-grade Australian thermal coal, amid expectations for a warm northern hemisphere summer that will bring surging power demand for air-conditioning.

It’s worth noting that the Newcastle Index reflects a price for relatively small volumes of coal. The bulk of this grade is bought under short- and medium-term contracts, rather than in the spot market.

Nonetheless, the strong rally will feed through to new contract talks. It’s an indicator that utilities are already seeking cargoes to ensure they don’t experience a squeeze, similar to last winter when colder-than-expected weather led to rising demand for electricity for heating. While it doesn’t grab as much attention, much of the real volume action for Australian coal is in the 5,500 kcal/kg grade. This is the main type sought by Indian utilities, and was popular with Chinese buyers prior to Beijing’s unofficial ban on imports from Australia, imposed last year as relations between the two countries deteriorated.

This grade has also seen prices rise, with Argus assessing 5,500 kcal/kg coal at $70.10 a tonne at Newcastle on June 4 - about double last September’s $35.04.


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