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S ING 1102745 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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4IMN (2015). Top 200 newspapers in the world. [Online]. Retrieved November, 2015 from http://www.4imn.com/top200/

Adnan, H. M. & Dunan, A. (2016). Framing Malaysia in the news coverage of Indonesian television. Mediteranean Journal of Social Sciences, p. 45-51.

Aghagolzadeh, F. & Kheirabadi, R.. (2012). A discursive review of Galtung and Ruge's news factors in Iranian newspapers. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, p. 989-994.

Arus, J., Lavid, J., & Mansilla, J. (2010). Systemic functional grammar of Spanish. London: Continuum.

Associated Press. (2015). 120 dead in Paris attacks, worst since WWII. Daily Mail. [Online]. Retrieved November, 2015 from


Baldasty, G. (1992). The commercialization of news in the nineteenth century.

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Bavali, M., & Sadighi, F. (2008). Chomsky's universal grammar and Halliday's systemic functional linguistics: An appraisal and a compromise. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, p. 11-28.

Bayusena, B., Sujatna, E., & Wanodyatama, N. (2012). Verbs of cognition in mental processes in the English clauses: A functional grammar approach.

The International Journal of Social Sciences, p. 76-85.


Bennhold, K., Breeden, A., & Nossiter, A. (2015). Three teams of coordinated attackers carried out assault on Paris, officials say; Hollande blames ISIS.

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Berg, B. (2001). Qualitative research methods for the social sciencew. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Bilal, H. (2012). Analysis of Thank You Ma’am: Halliday’s metafunctions.

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Bjornebye, A. (2007). Measuring experience: A process and participant analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. (Thesis). The University of Oslo, Oslo.

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Broersma, M. (2007). Form and style in journalism: European Nnwspapers and the representation of news 1880-2005. Belgium: Peeters Publisher.

Budiono, D. (2014). Transitivity analalysis to uncover ideologies in newspaper headlines. Proceding the 1st ELITE Conference, p. 56-71.

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Clarke, J. & Hazell, V. (2008). A content analysis of advertisments in two mainstream black magazines. Journal of Black Studies. p. 5-21

Cristina, B. (2006). Analysis of a literary work using systemic functional grammar. 3rd International Systemic Functional Congress, p. 735-762.

DiMaggio, A. (2008). Mass media, mass propaganda. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics. London: Continuum.

Ekawati, R. (2015). Language appraisal on attitudinal systems for exploring ideology in death penalty in Sydney Morning Herald and Herald Sun editorials. Humaniora, p. 362-372.

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Figueiredo, D. (1998). An analysis of transitivity choices in five appellate decisions in rape cases. Fragmentos, p. 97-113.

Fowler, R. (1991). Language in the news. London: Routledge.


Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. (1995). Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Gerd Stabler.

Goatly, A. (2000). Critical reading and writing: An introductory coursebook.

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Goatly, A., & Hiradhar, P. (2016). Critical reading and writing in the digital age.

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Graber, P. L. (2001). Context in text: A systemic functional analysis of the Parable of the Sower. (Dissertation). Emory University, Georgia.

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Hasan, R. (2014). Towards a paradigmatic description of context: systems, metafunctions, and semantics. A Springer Open Journal, p. 1-54.

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Kohn, B. (2003). Journalistic Fraud: How the New York Times distorts the news and why it can no longer be trusted. Nashville: WND Books.

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Lavid, J., Moratin, L., & Arus, J. (2012). Genre realized in theme: The case of news reports and commentaries. Multidisciplinary Perspective on Signalling Text Organisation, p. 3-23.

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Li, E. (2007). A systemic functional grammar of Chinese. Great Britain: Continuum.

Lichtman, M. (2006). Qualitative research in education: A user's guide. London: SAGE Publications.

Lock, G. (1996). Functional English grammar: An introduction for second language teachers. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Mahdi, S., Sari, T., & Sucipto, A. (2014). Process types in scientific clauses: A systemic functional linguistics. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, p. 389-395.

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Opara, S. (2012). Transitivity systems in selected narrative discourse.

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Wang, H. (2015). The problems of transitivity studies and its solution. Scientific Research Publishing, p. 170-176.

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Xu, B. (2015). A metafunctional analysis of the news "ROK, DPRK Agree to Defuse Tension after Talks" on China Daily. English Language Teaching, p. 92-98.

Zhang, X. (2013). The third U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue: A contrastive study of Chinese and American Newspaper news reporting.


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