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Establishment of student's character through writing religious poetry learning by using type cooperative method think pair share (TPS) | Andriany | Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences 6546 13758 1 PB


Academic year: 2017

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Faculty of Education and Teaching Training, Islamic University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia.

Email: Liesna.andriany63@gmail.com


Character education can be said as a process for improving human personality. In other words it is a human effort to establish themselves as a noble man.It is the fruit of a process of internalization of core values or positive values. Quality character education can be obtained in the teaching of literature through writing religious poetry with learning strategies TPS type. Character will appear and grow in student intelligence reflected in cognition, emotion and culture.

Keywords: Student’s Character, Reiligious Poetry, Coorperative Method


Learning is a core of education in educational institution. In university, lecturer is one of component that determines quality of education. In particular the achievement of quality learning is the professional responsibility of a lecturer, for example through the creation of meaningful learning experiences for students and available facility / technology to achieve maximum learning results.

Based on the observations of the researcher during teaching the course, either when giving lectures or when correcting students’ assignments and exams, it turned out to students having difficulty in the process of creativity in writing poetry. It was also applied on the lack of activity of students during the lecture. Therefore, the implementation of a strategy to stimulate activity, independence, and ability to think and encourage creativity in the lecture on the subject Assessing Poetry is indispensable.

One of the strategies that possibly can be applied is Think Pair Share (TPS). Application of learning models that implement the integration of TPS with writing religious poetry, not only to improve the independence of students, but also to train students to understand better and explore a variety of concepts and religiousness principles that later can form the characteristic of students.

From the description above, the empowerment of the quality of learning and forging student’s character can be enhanced through the application of TPS type learning with the integration of writing religious poetry.

Explanation 1. Poetry Learning


330 character, background, etc). This kind of thing applies to almost all literary works (poetry, short stories, novels and drama). This kind of teaching is dry and boring.

As well as the teaching of poetry, poetry is the result of literary invention, the words arranged to meet certain requirements to use rhythm, rhyme and sometimes a figure of speech. It was sentenced by Sudjiman (1996: 16). Poetry is the variety of literature which its language bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme, as well as the arrangement of the array and the verse.

The word of “Religius” derived from the word religious or religion mean faith or spiritual. In this study, the research study is the ability of students to write religious poetry. According to Waluyo (2005:18), "Theme of divinity often called philosophical religious theme, which theme is capable of bringing human for more cautious, more ponder the power of God, and respect for nature and its contents.”. Based on the opinion above, religious poetry is poetry on the theme of divinity.

Religious poetry writing is a skill or ability tells the life of the particular conflict within a certain period of time that contains the values of Islam to become a lesson in connection with the good and bad of what is to be a lesson in connection with the good and bad of what is presented in the elements of the poetry. Example, describe human actions such as: 1) doing charity / helping others, 2) responsible, 3) mutual respect, 4) tepa selira, 5) forgiving and 6) sincere.

Creating poetry is inseparable from particular ways instead of just creating it. According to Saini (1992:158), "The only way to write poetry is by direct write, there is no harm to propose references that can be used to write the poem "added Saini (1995:158)," In creating poetry, there are at least three references, i.e. aesthetic values, the relevance of the experience, and tradition.

Based on the description above, a poet candidate should be an observer of life in order to gain valuable experience. In addition, he must learn the skill as a poet, and must also study the nation's tradition of poetry, to not start his poetry skill from zero.

2. Cooperative Learning of TPS Type

Cooperative learning is one form of learning-oriented constructivist approach, is also an alternative strategy for achieving learning goals include to improve students' skills in cooperation, critical thinking, and at the same time improve their academic achievement. In addition, cooperative learning can help students understand the difficult subject matter and at the same time very useful to cultivate a willingness to help a friend and share knowledge.

Thus, cooperative learning has a positive impact on student learning results are low because of low student learning results can improve his learning motivation even harder and get the subject matter in a longer time (his memory).

TPS (Think, Pair, Share) is a kind of cooperative learning that is designed to influence students' interaction patterns. TPS requires the student to work to help each other in small groups (2-6 people) and is marked by the award of a cooperative rather than individual award.


331 even make the students easy to focus. Therefore the teacher needs to consider the experience and knowledge of the students that he found in everyday life.

Students who are passionate about learning alone will be more excited when involved in group work. Arduous task alone would be done easier when done together. Students who are selfish will realize the importance of living together. Students will be used to value the opinions of others who express their opinions. Other benefits of learning together the students who do not understand the teacher's explanations will be understood from the explanation and discussion of them in the group. In certain cases explanations from students are more effective to understand than the explanation from the teacher. As the name suggests, here are a few stages set in the TPS.

Stage 1 : Thinking. Lecturer asks questions that relate to the lesson, and then students are asked to think independently the answer of the question for a moment.

Stage 2 : Pairing. Lecturer asks the students to pair up with another student to discuss what has been thought in the first stage. Interaction at this stage is expected to share answers or share ideas.

Further the steps undertaken in phase 2 explained are:

a. Step 1: Work in pairs. Team or group is divided into pairs one student in the pair works on an activity sheet or problems, while other students help or train.

b. Step 2: Trainer checks student. Students who become trainer checking their partner’s work. If the trainer and his partner cannot agree on an answer or idea, they should seek advice from other pairs.

c. Step 3: Trainer praises. If the trainer and his partner agreed, trainer gives praise. d. Step 4: Swap roles. All pairs swap roles and repeat steps 1-3 until completely agree

and answers that have been done.

Stage 3 : Sharing. In the final stage, the lecturer asks the pair to share with the whole class about what they have been talked about. This effectively done by turns, pair by pair, and continued until about a quarter of pairs have had the opportunity to report. Character education is an education to "establish" one's personality through character education, which the result is visible in one's actions, which are good behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect for the rights of others, hard work, and so on. Character education is the deliberate effort to help people to understand, care about, and act on the basis of ethical values. (Lickona, 1991).

Literary scholars now are suing the role of education that ignores literature in shaping the character of the students. Educational theories and literature are often raised by experts but merely theoretical. The simultaneous application of the theories should have been in the practical level. Literary work itself is still an exclusive media for student of language education.

With respect to the formation of the character, psychiatrist James Masterson in Armstrong (2002: 118) mentioned a number of components that must be possessed true self, namely: 1) the ability to experience feelings in depth, 2) the ability to be assertive, 3) recognition of self-esteem, 4) ability to relieve pain on ourselves, 5) tenacious, 6) the ability to create and relate, and 7) the ability to be alone. As well as Lewis (2004) specified 10 types of characters are: caring, conscious on communion, cooperation, fair, willing to forgive, honest, maintain good relationships, respecting others, responsible, and accentuate the safety along with descriptions and illustrations of the ten traits of character .


332 eventually form a pattern of thinking that can affect behavior. If the program is embedded with the principles of universal truth, the behavior brings peace and happiness. Conversely, if the program is not in accordance with the principles of universal law, the behavior brings destruction and produces suffering. Therefore, the mind must be seriously considered. Murphy (2002) says that in man there is one mind that has different characteristics. To distinguish these characteristics, then the term is called the conscious or objective mind and the subconscious or subjective mind.

After that, the experience of life that comes from the environment of relatives, school, television, internet, books, magazines, and various other sources that will add knowledge to usher a person to have a greater ability to be able to analyze and make sense of external objects. Start from here, the role of the conscious mind (conscious) became increasingly dominant. Over time, then filtering the information coming through the senses can be easily and immediately accepted by the subconscious mind.

The more information received and the more mature belief system and thought patterns formed the more obvious actions, habits, and the unique character of each individual. In other words, each individual ultimately has a belief system, self-image, and unique customs. If the belief system is true and harmonious, the character is good, and the self-concept is good, then life will keep getting better and happy. On the contrary, if the belief systems are not harmonious, the character is not good, and self-concept is poor, then life will be filled with a lot of problems and suffering (Alicia, 2008)

In producing graduates, Educational Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature can educate and produce graduates who have a strong linguistic character that grows from the learning process so they have high confidence in their own ability. Quality of the graduates have a strong character and religious language can be done one of them through teaching strategies by TPS cooperative type with integrating the learning of writing religious poetry.


TPS type cooperative learning impacts on improving the quality of student learning and independence as learners are given a tremendous opportunity to actively participate in learning activities.

Teaching literature, especially poetry must be returned to its function as a tool to educate learners. Thus there is a national issue of character education in the teaching of literature aimed at educating. Character will appear and grow well on intelligence cognition, emotion and culture.


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333 Saini, K.M. 1992. Puisi dan Beberapa Masalahnya. Bandung: ITB.

Singh, N.K. dan Agwan, A.R. Agwan. 2000. Encyclopaedia of the Holy Qur’an. New Delhi: Balaji Offset. EdisiI; p. 175.

Sudjiman, Panuti. 1996. Memahami Cerita Rekaan. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya. Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1996. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa.

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