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How To Deal With The Unmotivated English Learners at ACE Kids Bandung.


Academic year: 2017

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Motivasi adalah dorongan mental yang menggerakkan dan mengarahkan perilaku manusia. Motivasi merupakan hal yang terpenting dalam mencapai sebuah kesuksesan. Tanpa motivasi, seseorang tidak akan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.

Laporan ini berisi hasil analisis permasalahan yang saya hadapi pada saat saya melakukan magang di ACE Kids Bandung. Inti permasalahan yang saya hadapi adalah mengenai murid-murid yang tidak memiliki motivasi dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Ada beberapa faktor ekstrinsik yang menyebabkan para murid tidak memiliki motivasi dalam belajar, seperti: ruang kelas yang tidak nyaman, minimnya alat bantu mengajar, serta gaya mengajar guru di kelas. Hal tersebut dapat berdampak buruk bagi para murid maupun lingkungan sekitarnya, seperti: banyaknya murid yang membolos untuk bermain, prestasi akademis para murid yang menurun, serta suasana kelas yang kurang menyenangkan.

Ada tiga buah solusi yang akan dianalisis efek positif serta negatifnya agar dapat dipilih satu solusi terbaik. Tiga solusi tersebut adalah menata ruang kelas dan melengkapi alat bantu mengajar, memberikan hadiah bagi murid yang aktif dan berprestasi, serta membuat kegiatan belajar-mengajar yang menarik dan bervariasi. Solusi terbaik yang didapatkan adalah dengan membuat kegiatan belajar-mengajar yang menarik dan bervariasi.

Diharapkan agar solusi tersebut dapat mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi di ACE Kids Bandung.

Maranatha Christian University



Abstract ……….. i

Declaration of Originality ………... ii

Acknowledgements ………... iii

Table of Contents ……… iv

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION………1-6

A. Background of the Study B. Statement of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Limitations of the Study

F. Organization of the Term Paper

Chapter II: THEORETICAL REVIEW………..7-9 Chapter III: CAUSE AND EFFECT………10-13 Chapter IV: POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS………..14-17 Chapter V: CONCLUSION……… 18-19 Bibliography

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A. Background of the Study

People who are successful in their lives are usually those with a lot of drive and determination. These are the people who are motivated to work. Every person who works has a different reason for doing it. While most people work for money, others work because they love their jobs and they want a sense of fulfillment. Others may work because they want to help others or to feel accomplished in a certain field. All of these reasons can affect them to achieve their success.

To be successful in this era, people should know what things to do and what things to achieve. Since communication has become an important part nowadays, there will be no doubt that people should be able to know and have expertise in the international language which is valid in the world. There are many languages that people use in the world, but the main one is English. Therefore, people should learn it successfully.

To achieve success in learning English, people should have motivation,

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because it can drive people to act so that they can achieve success. Besides, if people have motivation to do something, they will not be under pressure while doing it, and they will probably work hard and get the maximum result. Many experts believe that learning communities such as school, course, campus, and so on are the suitable places to learn English. In such places, there are teachers who educate people and students who receive the

education. Both of them are important members in the learning communities. Motivation is also needed in the learning communities. Motivation can drive the students’ behaviors to do their best. So, to make students become successful in learning English, they need motivation to support them in achieving their goals.

Realizing the importance of motivation in teaching-learning activities, I decide to choose motivation as my topic for my term paper. I am sure that my topic is significant. I will also analyze the topic critically and systematically.

B. Statement of the problem

I did my apprenticeship at ACE Kids Astina for one month. During my apprenticeship, I found that the students show less enthusiasm in the third meeting and henceforth. They also became sleepy while they were studying there. They often came late and wanted to go home early. When the teacher asked them to do the exercise, they refused it and they started talking with their friends in class. I also found that their performances in studying English were decreasing. I had seen their reports about their tests in the class and I

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found that students only got high marks in the first two weeks, and after that, their marks became lower and lower.

All of those behaviors can affect the teaching-learning situation, not only for the teacher but also the students in ACE Kids Astina. So, I feel interested in analyzing that problem, and making it my topic. The problem that I want to analyze will be about the unmotivated students in studying English at ACE Kids Astina, Bandung, including the causes why students feel unmotivated, the effects of the unmotivated students, and the possible solutions to solve the problem.

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study is to analyze the problem about why the students feel unmotivated and try to find out the best solution from the problem that I face during my apprenticeship at ACE Kids Astina. Besides, I want to create a new atmosphere which is good for the teaching-learning situation. I also do this study for my benefits and my improvement because I wish to be an English teacher in the future. So, if one day I experience the same problem, I would be able to handle it easily. In the end, I hope that this paper can also give inspirations and benefits for the ACE Kids and also the readers.

D. Description of the Institution

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ACE Kids was firstly built in Jakarta in 1998. It was founded by Dra. Leony Siswati Tanama. It is a formal institution specializing in English education. ACE Kids has a slogan, which is “ACE Kids starts with the end in mind”. It means that ACE Kids is built with one purpose, which is to teach the young generations to be expert in English language.

On the 1st April 2002, ACE Kids opened its first branch in Bandung. It was opened at Jl. Pajajaran 87, and on the 1st May 2006, ACE Kids opened its second branch which was located at Jl. Kopo Permai III 47A/11. On the 1st January 2007, ACE Kids which was located at Jl. Pajajaran moved to Jl. Astina 68D. The reason why it moved was because the previous location was too small and could not provide enough space to teach new students since the number of the new students increased rapidly.

Until now, ACE Kids Astina has 8 teachers and 1 receptionist, while ACE Kids Kopo has 4 teachers and 1 receptionsist. I did my apprenticeship in ACE Kids Astina, which is the first branch. It has 13 classes which are: Toddy, Joey, Kiddy, Pre-Basic 1, Pre-Basic 2, Pre-Basic 3, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3, Advance 1, Advance 2, and Advance 3.

Those classes are divided according to the students’ age and class at school. Until now, ACE Kids Astina has more than 100 students around the age of 5 to 18 years old.

ACE Kids Astina is equipped with some tools which support the teaching-learning activities, such as:whiteboard, DVD player, flash cards, and so on.

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ACE Kids Astina also provides games like Scrabble, Quest Card, and Monopoly for the students to help them improve their English skills. The lessons which are taught to the students are English Grammar, Vocabulary, Conversation, Writing, Reading, and also Listening. Besides, the teachers can help students if they find difficulties in their English lessons or assignments from school.

For those who want to apply for a job as a teacher, there are some

requirements that the applicants should have which are: have a TOEFL score of min. 500, love children, have good communication skills, be patient with the children, be creative and enthusiastic with the job, and have completed the training for one month.

My job at ACE Kids Astina was as a teacher assistant. I was responsible in handling two classes twice a week for a month. My class started every

Monday and Thursday from 13.30 till 17.00. My duties were: helped the other teachers give the materials for the students, substituted the teacher if she was absent, checked the students’ assignments, and also helped them explain the lesson if they did not understand the lesson.

E. Limitation of the Study

My study is based on some data. The first data comes from my journals. During my apprenticeship, I had to make a journal every time I come to the class. The journal was written based on my experience in the class. Besides, to support my analysis, I did a library research and collected some data from

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the books in the library. I also searched some theories through the internet. The theories that I got were about motivation in education, teaching styles, and how to handle the children, and about how to manage the classroom.

F. Organization of the Term Paper

The organization of the term paper can be divided into five chapters. The first chapter is about the introduction. We can find the background of the study, statement of the problem including its benefits and objectives, and some descriptions about the institutions. In the next chapter, which is Chapter Two, I will give some theories which can support my analysis to the problem that I have. In the Chapter Three, I will state the causes and effects that may come from the problem. We can find that the problem does not only give the effects for the students but the teachers as well, but it can also affect the learning activities there. Chapter Four will explain about potential solutions from the problem that I have. There will be three potential solutions, all of which will be analyzed critically both the positive and negative impacts. And in the last chapter, which is Chapter Five, I will state my final solution including the conclusion from all chapters.

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In conclusion, I can conclude that students could be unmotivated in

studying English at ACE Kids Bandung because of several reasons, such as: lacking of teaching tools, uncomfortable classroom, students’ perception that English is not important, and teachers’ styles in the class. The unmotivated students can also give some effects like: students become lazy, students are often absent, and students do not show improvement in their studies.

However, after I analyze all the similarities and the differences between the positive and the negative effects from the three possible solutions given, I can conclude that making interesting academic activities is the best solution to build students’ motivation. By making interesting academic activities, students will feel engaged in the teaching and learning communities and as a result, their motivation will increase. Although the classroom is not too

comfortable, students will feel excited because of the interesting activities made in every meeting. As a result, students will not have many absences like before and they will have improvement in their studies. Besides, if the

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activities in the course are interesting, students will keep enthusiastic in learning English in the class even there are no rewards for them.

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Printed Sources

Greenberg, Jerald. Managing Behaviors in Organizations. New York: The Prentice Hall, 1996.

Rodriguez, Eva. Managing Your Dummies. California: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 2001.

Suryabrata, Sumadi. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali, 1984.

Electronic Sources

Ericksen, S.C. “The Lecture”. University of Michigan. 1978. 20 September 2007 < http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/largelacture.html>.

Lowman, J., “Mastering the Techniques of Teaching”. Honolulu.Hawaii.edu. 1984. 10 September 2007

<http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/comittees/FacDevCom/guidebk/ teachtip /motiv.htm>.

Rosania, R. J., “The Credible Trainer”. Honolulu.Hawai.edu. 1999. 25 October 2007

<http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/comittees/FacDevCom/guidebk/ crdtrainer.htm>.


Vernon, Shelly. “Motivating Children: Going Beyond Bribery”. TeachingEnglishGames.com. 2006. 20 September 2007

<http://teachingenglishgames.com/Articles/Motivating_Children.htm>. Wright, Jim. “Finding the Spark: More Ideas for Building Student Motivation”. www.interventioncentral.org. 2002. 12 November 2007



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