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Collaborative learning in play performance class a content analysis of students` reflection papers


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Dian Fajar Rianti

Student Number: 131214100









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Dian Fajar Rianti

Student Number: 131214100





Rianti, Maria Dian Fajar. 2017. Collaborative Learning in Play Performance

Class: A Content Analysis of Students‟ Reflection Papers. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This research deals with collaborative learning in Play Performance class. The aim of this research was to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of collaborative learning that frequently appear in students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class. Besides, this research also aims to find out the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students to their soft skills development.

There are two questions in this research: (1) Which characteristics of collaborative learning frequently appear in students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class? (2) What are the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students to their soft skills development?

This research employed qualitative research method. Content analysis was conducted in analyzing the data for this research. The subjects of this research were reflection papers of 44 students batch 2013 of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The data was obtained from the students’ reflection papers. The researcher used summative approach in analyzing the data to answer research question 1 and directed approach in analyzing the data to answer research question 2. In using both approaches, the researcher also used coding strategy and observation table to obtain the data needed from students’ reflection papers and presented the data in a form of narrative descriptive.

The result of this research showed that all the characteristics of collaborative learning appeared in students’ reflection papers, and various contributions of collaborative learning were perceived by the students to their soft skills development.

The researcher recommended further research on collaborative learning in other classes. Future researchers can use the result of this study as one of the supporting data.



Rianti, Maria Dian Fajar. 2017. Collaborative Learning in Play Performance

Class: A Content Analysis of Students‟ Reflection Papers. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Penelitian ini berisikan mengenai pembelajaran kolaboratif di kelas Play Performance. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meganalisis dan mengevaluasi karakteristik dari pembelajaran kolaboratif yang sering kali terdapat di dalam lembar refleksi mahasiswa yang didapatkan dari kelas Play Performance. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mencari tahu kontribusi yang didapatkan dari pembelajaran kolaboratif yang dirasakan oleh para mahasiswa terhadap perkembangan soft skills mereka.

Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: (1) Karakteristik pembelajaran kolaboratif manakah yang sering kali terdapat dalam lembar refleksi mahasiswa dalam kelas Play Performance? (2) Kontribusi dari pembelajaran kolaboratif apa yang dirasakan para mahasiswa terhadap perkembangan soft skills yang mereka miliki?

Penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Analisis isi digunakan dalam menganalisis data-data untuk penelitian ini. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah kertas refleksi dari 44 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris angkatan 2013 Universitas Sanata Dharma. Data-data didapatkan dari refleksi-refleksi yang dituliskan oleh para mahasiswa. Peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan sumatif dalam menganalisis data yang telah didapat untuk menjawab rumusan masalah 1 dan metode pendekatan terarah dalam menganalisis data yang telah didapat untuk menjawab rumusan masalah 2. Dalam menggunakan kedua metode pendekatan tersebut, peneliti juga menggunakan coding strategi dan tabel observasi dalam mendapatkan data-data yang diperlukan dari refleksi mahasiswa dan menyajikan data dalam bentuk deskripsi narasi.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semua karakteristik pembelajaran kolaboratif disebutkan di dalam lembar refleksi mahasiswa, dan beragam kontribusi dari pembelajaran kolaboratif dirasakan oleh mahasiswa terhadap perkembangan soft skills mereka.

Peneliti merekomendasikan diadakannya penelitian lebih lanjut pada pembelajaran kolaboratif di kelas lainnya. Para peneliti nantinya dapat menggunakan hasil dari penelitian ini sebagai salah satu data yang mendukung.




First of all, I would like to express my biggest gratitude to my one and only, Jesus Christ, for He has given me countless blessings since I was born and has given me such amazing chances along my college life. I am really grateful, especially for His blessings toward me along my thesis progress so in the end, I can finish what I should finish; my thesis.

For his guidance and trust in finishing my thesis, I thank my thesis supervisor, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, M.Pd., Ed.D. I thank him for his time, advice, patience, and help that he gave during my thesis writing process. I also thank all of the lecturers and staff that have guided, taught and helped me along my semesters in English Language Education Study Program.

I never forget to express my sincere gratefulness to my number one supporters; Bapak and Mama. To Agapitus Sutadi and Maria Ani Indrawati, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for always be there for me. I thank them for the unstoppable prayers, supports and motivation. This work is also presented to my little sister, Elisabeth Dian Kurnia Putri. I thank her for being the best medicine for me when I was stressed out in finishing this thesis.



M.Pd., Ed.D. and Krisna Septa Bernanda, S.Pd.. I thank them for lending me the students’ reflections for my main data in this thesis.

I am extremely thankful for his encouragement along my college life and thesis period, Michael Wahyu Paribasagita Samuel. I thank him for being my biggest inspiration as always. I am really thankful for the every advice that he has given to me. It builds me to be who I am now. Besides, his hard work makes me reflect a lot on myself and it encourages me to do better and better and better. He is one of the reasons why I should finish my thesis as soon as possible.

I would like to express my thankfulness to my sisters in crime; Tya and Ensa for always being there for me when I needed them the most, my best friends since JHS; Sylvia, Agatha, Asti for supporting me always. I am also thankful for having my classmates in D class who always make me smile and laugh more throughout my college life; Acel, Vero, Rosa Avia, Tyas, Astri, Erwan, Galih, Wisnu, Viko, Lol, Rosa Silalahi, Pinta, Retha, Venia, Clara, Cika, Hapri, Galuh, Yansen, and Vian. I thank them for making my college life become so colourful.

Lastly, I would like to express my love for Do Kyungsoo for his consolation when I was down. I thank him for being my inspiration, the source of my happiness, and the best medicine for my lonely days.










ABSTRAK ... vii






A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Questions ... 3

C. Research Significance ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 4


A. Theoretical Description ... 8

1. Collaborative Learning ... 8

a. Collaborative Learning as a Method, Approach, and Techniques ... 9



2) Collaborative Learning as an Approach ... 10

3) Collaborative Learning as a Techniques... 10

b. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning ... 11

c. Contributions and Advantages of Collaborative Learning for Students ... 14

2. Reflection ... 19

a. The Purposes and Benefits of Reflection ... 20

B. Theoretical Framework ... 21


A. Research Method ... 23

B. Research Setting ... 24

C. Research Subject ... 25

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 26

1. Documents ... 26

2. Human ... 26

3. Observation Table ... 27

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 28


A. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning in Students’ Reflection Papers ... 31

1. Voluntary ... 32

2. Requiring Parity ... 34

3. Mutual Goals ... 36

4. Sharing Responsibility for Participation and Decision Making ... 38

5. Sharing Resources ... 40



7. Valuing Interpersonal Style ... 42

8. Trusting One Another ... 43

9. Evolving a Sense of Community ... 45

B. The Contributions of Collaborative Learning ... 47

1. Academic Benefits ... 47

a. Academic Achievement ... 47

b. Positive Attitudes Toward the Subject Matter ... 48

c. Critical Thinking ... 49

d. Problem Solving ... 50

2. Social Benefits ... 52

a. Communication Skills ... 52

1) Speaking Skills ... 53

2) Confidence ... 54

b. Team Working Skills ... 56

1) Understanding Others ... 57

2) Accepting Other’s Opinions or Comments ... 58

3) Tolerance ... 59

c. Social Skills... 60

1) Self-Management Skills and Emotional Skills ... 62

2) Appreciating Others ... 64

3) Respecting and Caring for Others... 65

4) Personality Development ... 66

5) Patient ... 68


A. Conclusions ... 70






Tables: Page

3.1 Observation Table for Characteristics of Collaborative

Learning ... 27 3.2 Observation Table for Contributions of Collaborative

Learning Perceived by Students ... 28 4.1 Number of Excerpts of Collaborative Learning Characteristics




Appendix Page

A. The Excerpts of Students’ Reflection Papers for Midterm

Test and the Characteristics of Collaborative Learning Analysis ... 76 B. The Excerpts of Students’ Reflection Papers for Final

Test and the Characteristics of Collaborative Learning Analysis ... 85 C. The Analysis Data of the Excerpts of Collaborative Learning

Contributions Perceived by the Students ... 100 D. Students’ Reflection Papers for Midterm Test ... 109



This chapter provides the background and the rationale of the study. It is divided into several parts, namely research background, research questions, research significance, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

One of the methods of learning is collaborative learning. Collaborative learning is a learning method which applies the group work in the learning process where the students share the same goals and knowledge to be learned together. Gokhale (1995, p. 22) defines collaborative learning as “an instructional method in which students at various performance levels work together in small groups toward a common goal”. Dillenbourg (1999) also summarizes the definition of

collaborative learning as a situation where interactions among people are expected to occur and it triggers learning mechanism.

The researcher chooses collaborative learning as the topic because nowadays students need to pay attention not only to their grades but also other aspects in order to get a job from a company they desire to work in. At this time, several particular companies do not only pay attention to their candidates’ GPA, their candidates’ discipline or initiative aspects, but they also require that their



such companies, they need to develop their team work skills and how they are able to collaborate with their peers.

As one of the compulsory subjects in the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, Play Performance class enables students to work together in a project. The interaction between the students brings up the collaborative learning in Play Performance class. Dillenbourg (1999) defines the general concern of collaborative learning is to “…develop ways to increase the probability that some types of interaction occur.” The researcher conducted this study in order to observe how far the collaborative learning characteristics appeared. The researcher would like to know what characteristics of collaborative learning are experienced by the students and how often they frequently appear among the students based on the reflection papers. The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of collaborative learning which are frequently found in students’ activity in the Play Performance class through students’ reflection papers.



different characters in their group, and to solve the problems by themselves. The lecturers give the committee advice or suggestions, but the committee is the one who makes the decision.

Along with their process, the students are asked by the lecturers to make two reflections; given as the midterm test assignment and the final test assignment. The reflections are done by the students to reflect on the process or the effort they have made. Students tell their experiences, including the difficulties and the contributions they obtain from working in groups by writing it in reflection papers. Thus, the researcher decided to use content analysis in analysing the collaborative learning in Play Performance class in students’ reflection paper.

B. Research Questions

Based on the research background presented, these are the formulated research questions:

1. Which characteristics of collaborative learning frequently appear in the students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class?



C. Research Significance

This study hopefully can be beneficial for those who deal with collaborative learning method in their class, especially lecturers, and future researchers.

1. Lecturers

The benefits of this research for the lecturers are that the lecturers can assess whether the use of collaborative learning has been implemented well. The lecturers can use the information from this research to reconsider the other way in order to implement the collaborative learning. Aside from assessing the use of collaborative learning in the classroom, the lecturers can see the developments of the students’ collaborative learning in class.

2. Future Researchers

Hopefully this research can be an inspiration for future researchers to conduct new research in the education field, especially a study about collaborative learning. The future researchers can conduct similar research on collaborative learning in other classes. Furthermore, this research can be additional information and also a resource for the future researchers in conducting their research.

D. Definition of Terms



1. Collaborative Learning

Dillenbourg (1999, p.1) defines the term Collaborative Learning as a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together. Rather similar to Jacobs, Power, and Loh (2002, p.1) which tell principals and technique for helping students to work together (as cited in Lin, 2015, p. 17). Collaborative learning is a learning method that is used in a classroom where the students need to work in a group. Michelle Marks (2006, p. i) notes, “In an era characterized by technological sophistication, and the need for

rapid response, collaboration among team members has led to sensational outcomes that could not be accomplished by individuals alone” (as cited in Friend & Cook, 2010, p. 57). By working in a group, the students share and discuss their opinion and ideas, and solve problems to accomplish their goals.

2. Content Analysis

According to Weber (1990), the definition of Content Analysis is a research method which uses a set of procedure to make valid inferences from text. In this research, content analysis is used as a method in order to analyze students’ reflection papers. There were 90 reflection papers which the researcher analyzed. The researcher used content analysis on students’ reflection papers because the

purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of collaborative learning that frequently appeared in students’ reflection papers. Content analysis



Catanzaro, 1988; Downe-Wambolt, 1992), and it can be used in an inductive or a deductive way.

3. Reflection

Reid (1993, p. 305) defines reflection as a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyze, evaluate, and inform learning about practice (as cited in McClure, n.d.). In this research, the researcher used the written reflection of the students in Play Performance class. Those reflections are assignment given twice along the course. The first one is given as a midterm test assignment and another one is as a final test assignment. White (n.d., p. 2) states that reflection allows a participant to clearly tell the story of his or her service. The researcher found that through the reflections, the students could clearly tell their experience in Play Performance class; it could be about the development perceived on themselves, the ups and downs happened in their group, the benefits they got from Play Performance class, and the difficulties which occured in the process.

4. Play Performance Class






This chapter is intended to review some theories used in this study. Those theories are collaborative learning, and reflection. This chapter is divided into two parts; theoretical description and theoretical framework. In theoretical description, all theories are reviewed. In the theoretical framework, theories are summarized and synthesized in order to help the researcher in analyzing the data and answering the research questions.

A. Theoretical Description 1. Collaborative Learning

Gokhale (1995, p. 22) states that collaborative learning is “an instructional method which is used by students in various levels of group work in order to reach the same goal.” A situation is termed 'collaborative' if peers are more or less at the same level, can perform the same actions, have a common goal and work together (Dillenbourg, 1999, p.7). The broadest definition of 'collaborative learning' is that it is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together.



students mostly explore and apply the course material together by participating and working as partners or in groups. The group activity is filled with questions, problems, and the challenge to create something.

Slavin (1995) states that “the more time members of group spend together, the higher inter-member acceptance and collaboration become” (as cited in Lin, 2015, p. 15). To implement collaborative learning among students, it is better to implement it in a small group in order to make the discussions significant (Pandian, Cakravarthy & Lah, 2003). Slavin (1988) suggests that “groups that are too large, with more than five” not only invites the “free rider effect” but also lead to “diffusion of responsibility where dominating individuals decide that it is a waste of time interacting with introvert group members” (as cited in Pandian,

Cakravarthy & Lah, 2003). Brufee (1985) also adds the idea of collaborative learning within the limit of five members per group (as cited in Pandian, Cakravarthy & Lah, 2003).

a. Collaborative Learning as a Method, Approach, and Techniques

This part elaborates some definitions of collaborative learning as a method, an approach and a technique.

1) Collaborative Learning as a Method



states that collaborative method is an adaptable method that can accommodate many different teaching purposes (as cited in Pandian, Cakravarthy & Lah, 2003).

However, Dillenbourg (1999, p. 5) argues that, “collaborative learning is not a method because of the low predictability of specific types of interactions.” In his explanation, he elaborates that collaborative learning usually takes the form of instructions to subject, for example: “You have to work together,” “Team mates work on the same table,” “Each group member will receive the mark given to the group project.” This is why the „collaborative’ situation is a kind of social


2) Collaborative Learning as an Approach

Lin (2015) explains the definition of collaborative learning as an approach which is developed as a formal group of four students working together on specific collaborative learning tasks in constructing and maintaining a shared conception of knowledge. Collaborative learning is the principal instructional approach employed in the teaching and learning processes to maximize students’

learning. Through the process, the students collect various information and knowledge as the foundation of their group’s concept for their project.

3) Collaborative Learning as a Technique



b. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

These are the characteristics of collaborative learning which are mentioned by Friend and Cook (2010). They identify nine elements of collaboration which represent the definition of collaborative learning characteristics.

First, collaboration is voluntary. Collaborating with other members is a voluntary activity. The members’ feelings and bodies automatically move to help

other members in finishing their group work. They have to be aware with their surrounding while working in their groups. They have to be a considerate person by helping others in finishing their work. Friend and Cook (2010) also mention that even though there are several members in the group that may be voicing their objections in working on some parts of works and ignoring others’ need for help,

a person should stay still and voluntarily move to help other members whose work still need to be helped.

Second, collaboration requires parity among participants. Parity is a situation where the interaction of a group contains an equal work or equal contributions in working together and making decision for group task. Friend and Cook (2010) state that the contributions made by each member are equally valued. Each member in the team has the same right in voicing their opinion in the group. They also mention that if there is someone in their group that has a dominant voice in making the decision for the group work, the collaboration does not occur.



have one thought in their mind that they have the same goals shared with their peers in group work. Friend and Cook (2010) state that they have to set aside their differences in order not to disturb their work. Besides, by being professional and being loyal to their goals, they can keep their work and effort in achieving their mutual goals.

Fourth, collaboration depends on shared responsibility for participation and decision making. All members in the group must be responsible for their participation and decision making in the group. Friend and Cook (2010) state that the task may not be equal for each division because each division in the group has their own task to be done. It is fine if the participation in completing the goal is different between one division and another division. The most important is that everyone in the group is responsible for their tasks.

Fifth, individuals who collaborate share resources. Each individual shares specific resources for reaching their goals. Friend and Cook (2010) explain that in achieving their goal, the students must have some resources which are shared among their peers in one group. Those resources they share together can be in various forms because it depends in which divisions the students are belonged and what tasks they need to do. They have to share resources in order to complete each other’s necessity to make their goals success.



give the last touch or the last decision toward their work to make it better. Friend and Cook (2010) even give example of sharing accountability for the unexpected outcomes. Even for the worst scenario when the event that a group has arranged is held and there is unexpected problem occurs, all the members of the group are responsible for the outcomes. Other members should find a way together to resolve those unexpected problem together as the form of their accountability.

Seventh, individuals who collaborate value this interpersonal style. Brownell, Adams, Sindelar, Waldron, and Vanhover (2006) state that each individual in the group thinks that their goals can be more successful because they do it in a group, not only do it personally (as cited in Friend & Cook, 2010). They believe that by doing it in the group, they help each other in finishing their work, and the results are better than if they do it by themselves.

Eighth, individuals who collaborate trust one another. Trusting one another is a very essential aspect each individual must feel. Friend and Cook (2010) state that,



Ninth, a sense of community evolves from collaboration. Each individual must know that their strength can be maximized, and their weaknesses can be minimized when they work together in the group. They are willing to work toward a common goal.

c. Contributions and Advantages of Collaborative Learning for Students There are many contributions and advantages of collaborative learning which are obtained by the students. Several experts mention some contributions and advantages from collaborative learning. Liao (2014, p. 47) mentions several advantages in his journal. He gathers some experts’ opinions about the advantages

of collaborative learning and makes a conclusion that the advantages of collaborative learning center on two aspects; academic and social.

For the academic benefits, collaborative learning contributes to academic achievement, positive attitudes toward the subject matter, a commitment to learn, critical thinking, and problem solving skills (Johnson & Johnson, 1999; Liao, 2006; Caropreso & Haggerty, 2000; van Boxtel, van der Linden, & Kanselaar, 2000; Chang & Mao, 1999; Occhipinti, 2003; Jensen, Moore, & Hatch, 2002; Adams & Slater, 2002; Wong & Abbruzzese, 2011; Huynh, Jacho-Chaves, & Self, 2010; McDuff, 2012; Xie, 2011; Carlsmith & Cooper, 2002).

Collaborative learning contributes to students’ achievement. A four-year



significant contribution to student achievement (as cited in Cabrera, Nora, Crissman, Terenzini, Bernal & Pascarella, 2002, p. 21).

Critical thinking is one of many contributions that is caused by collaborative learning. Through the process, it is expected that problems will arise. Johnston, James, Lye, and McDonald (2000) state that the students encourage and develop their critical thinking through the process of problem solving (as cited in Lin, 2015, p. 23). Lin (2015) also states that collaborative learning fosters the development of critical thinking skills through discussion, clarification and the evaluations of peers’ opinions. Hawkes (1991) states that not

only the problems, but the tasks also need the critical thinking from the members of the group (as cited in Pandian, Cakravarthy & Lah, 2003). Gokhale (1995 p.28) explains the result of conducting a statistical analysis on the test score in his study that “students who participated in collaborative learning had performed frequently

better on the critical-thinking test than students who studied individually.”



For the social benefits, collaborative learning contributes to sharpen students’ overall communication skills, such as team working skills, emotional

skills, and conflict resolution skills (Jarvenoja & Jarvela, 2009; Prichard, Stratford, & Bizo, 2006; Yates, 2006; Beckman, 1990). For communication skills, Yager, Johnson and Johnson (1985) state that collaborative learning develops students’ oral communication skills (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 489).

Neer (1987) also explains in communicating, the students must develop and convey a clear idea about the concept which they have to present and communicate it to their partners (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 489).

Beside the contributions in terms of academic benefits and social benefits that are mentioned by Liao (2014), there are also more contributions from collaborative learning. Another contribution is on students’ speaking skills.



Collaborative learning contributes to the students to be better in understanding others, accepting others’ opinion and being tolerant to others.

Collaborative learning leads the students to work in a group with different people from different backgrounds. These differences lead into diversity. Laal and Ghodsi (2012) cite from Webb (1980) who states that collaborative learning builds more positive heterogeneous relationships. Moreover, they also cite from Swing and Peterson’s (1982) explanation that tells collaborative learning

encourages diversity understanding. In addition, Cabrera, Nora, Crissman, Terenzini, Bernal & Pascarella (2002, p. 26) reveal that collaborative learning gives the highest effect on college students’ openness toward diversity after

controlling for precollege academic ability, gender ethnicity, quality of academic effort, socioeconomic status, and racial composition of the high school. Through the learning process, there are many differences in the way of thinking from a person to the other. However, collaborative learning itself helps the students to resolve differences in a friendly manner. Johnson, Johnson and Holubec (1984) explain that the students need to be taught how to challenge ideas and advocate for their positions without personalizing statements (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 488). Collaborative learning gives contribution to the students to be tolerant toward others as well. Cabrera et al. (2002) reveals that “collaborative learning has taught students to be more accepting and tolerant of others” (p. 21).



and Cohen (1991) state that collaborative learning develops social interaction skills (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 488). Entwistle and Tait (1993) state that the high level of interaction and interdependence among group members leads to deep learning rather than surface learning (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012). Collaborative learning is student centered so it really develops the interaction skills owned by the students. Through working together, Judd, Kennedy and Cropper (2010) explain that “students break down stereotypes, learn to work

together in groups, develop listening skills, and are exposed to a variety of different people” (p. 31).

Bean (1996) explains that students in collaborative learning community know each other and expand their activities outside the class. Students also ask for some help from their friends to solve several problems. Besides, they also contact each other in order to maintain their communication (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 488). Tinto (1997) states collaborative learning helps to develop learning communities within classes and institutions (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 212, p. 488).

Collaborative learning also contributes in developing students’



check their work with one another in order not only to be completed but also to be understood.

2. Reflection

According to Reid (1993, p. 305) as cited in McClure (n.d., p. 3), reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyze, evaluate and inform that learning is about practice. It is similar to Boud, Keough, and Walker (1994) and Atkins and Murphy (1994) who explain that reflection is related to think consciously about the experiences, actions, feelings, and then interpreting or analyzing them in order to learn from them (as cited in Plymouth University, 2010, p. 1).

Students must be thinking about the previous experiences they have obtained in such deeper way as what Watson (1996) states in his book, that reflection think in depth about things; just where people’s thinking is challenged in any way, where people do not just react on a superficial level, where people think beyond the immediate thing to its implications and possibilities.

Moon (1999, p. 23) offers his definition of reflection:

… a form of mental processing with a purpose and/or anticipated outcome that is applied to relatively complex or unstructured ideas for which there is not an obvious solution.

a. The Purposes and Benefits of Reflection



p. 23). This one is called a process of metacognition. When people reflect, they reconsider every dynamic which has happened through the process. People realize that through their process, they develop themselves from knowing nothing to know about everything they work on.

Another purpose is to review something critically. It is not only their process; people also review how they behave and how they do their work. They reconsider whether their behavior is appropriate or not, and whether the quality of the result is good or not.

People make a reflection to build theory from observations: they draw theory from generalizations. Sometimes it is in practical situations, in thoughts or in a mixture of the two. People also engage in personal or self-development. By making a reflection, people can think about all the deeds; good deeds and bad deeds they have done. Through this, people can develop themselves to be a better man.

Another benefit from making a reflection is that people are able to make decisions or resolve uncertainty. Sometimes through the journey, people find difficulties to decide the best path for themselves. By looking back to the processes they have been through, it can help them in choosing the rightest path.



B. Theoretical Framework

This part explains about the framework used in this study. This study was conducted to answer two research questions. The answers to the two research questions were based on several related theories described in this part.

To answer the first research question, the researcher used theory from Friend and Cook’s (2010) to analyze the data. The theory is about nine

characteristics of collaborative learning. Those characteristics of collaborative learning are voluntary, requiring parity among participants, having mutual goals, sharing responsibility for participation and decision making, sharing resources, sharing accountability for outcomes, valuing interpersonal style, trusting one another, and evolving a sense of community. Using this theory, the researcher analyzed the data from the students’ reflection papers that contained nine characteristics of collaborative learning mentioned by Friend and Cook (2010).

To analyze the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students, the researcher used the theory from Liao’s research (2014). Liao gathers several writers’ opinions about the contributions of collaborative learning into two

aspects; academic benefits and social benefits. For the social benefits, collaborative learning contributes to sharpen students’ overall communication



communicating, the students must develop and convey a clear idea about the concept which they have to present and communicate it to their partners (as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 489)




This chapter discusses the methodology used in this research. There are five parts discussed in this chapter, namely the research method, setting, subjects, instruments and data gathering technique, as well as data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

The method used in this research was qualitative research. Straus and Corbin (1998) mention that qualitative research usually refers to research about person’s lives, lived experiences, and behaviours. They also explain that some of

the data for qualitative research may be quantified as with census or background information about the persons or subjects studied, but the analysis of qualitative research is interpretative. Straus and Corbin (1998) state that qualitative analysis in qualitative research is a nonmathematical process of interpretation. Qualitative methods can be used to obtain the details about phenomena, such as feelings, thought process, and emotions which are difficult to obtain through conventiona methods.



Another reason the researcher used qualitative research was because the data for this research were documents. Documents are said to be another source of information which can be invaluable to qualitative researchers (Hoepfl, 1997). Johnson and Christensen (2012) state that documents; such as personal documents, official documents physical data, and archived research data, are frequently used for qualitative research.

In analysing the documents, the researcher employed content analysis as the method. It was used based on the data, which were reflection papers. As cited in Ena (2013, p. 37), Krippendorff (2004) states that “content analysis refers to a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from text to other meaningful matter to the context of their use.”

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in December 2016 to February 2017. The researcher analyzed the students’ reflection papers of Play Performance class in the first semester of the academic year of 2015/2016. The data were collected from Play Performance class. Play Performance class is a compulsory subject in English Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. In this class, the students had to make a group project in the end of the class. They had to perform a play.



C. Research Subjects

The subjects of this research were reflection papers from 44 students of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. These reflection papers were taken from the students from class B of Play Performance class. There were 90 students’ reflection papers.

The reason why the researcher chose the reflection papers from students batch 2013 in class B of Play Performance was because the number of the reflection papers were sufficient to represent the whole Play Performance class in the first semester of the academic year of 2015.

From all classes of Play Performance class, the researcher chose the documents which were accessible. Another reason why the researcher chose reflection papers from Play Performance class in the first semester of the academic year of 2015 was because the documents were available to be collected. Due to the reasons, this study used convenience sampling. Ettikan, Musa, and Alkassim (2016, p. 2) state that, convenient sampling is a type of non-random sampling where members of target population meet certain practical criteria, such as easy accessibility, geographical proximity, availability, or the willingness to participate are included for the purpose of the study.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique



data. In this research, the researcher used three instruments, namely documents as the existing data, human, and observation table in order to collect the data.

1. Documents

In conducting this content analysis research, the researcher used secondary or existing data, which were students’ reflection papers. Johnson, and Christensen (2012, p. 212) define “Secondary or existing data are data that are collected, recorded, or left behind at an earlier time, usually by a different person and often for an entirely different purpose than the current research purpose at hand.” Common types of secondary data are documents; namely personal documents and official documents. Reflection papers are included as official document because its purpose is as students’ assignment. All of the reflection papers were copied from the original, so the researcher could easily put on marks while analysing those reflection papers.

2. Human

The researcher used herself as one of the instruments in analysing and collecting the data. As cited in Peredaryenko and Krauss (2013), Lincoln and Guba introduce the concept of human being as a research instrument, especially for the researchers’ role in the process of scientific inquiry.



After the data were collected, the researcher read and analyzed the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher identified and inferred the excerpts in students’ reflection papers which contained the characteristics of collaborative learning mentioned in the theory.

3. Observation Table


The third instrument used to collect the data was observation table. There were two observation tables. The first table was a table for helping the researcher in noting down the excerpts and classifying the characteristics shown in each excerpt. The second table was for presenting the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students to their soft skills development.

Table 3.1: Observation Table for Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

No Name N.E Excerpts Friend & Cook (2010) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




characteristics that the researcher used. The fifth column was divided again into several columns with numbers. Each number in both columns represented several characteristics from the theory of collaborative learning characteristics.

Table 3.2: Observation Table for Contributions of Collaborative Learning Perceived by the Students

The second table was divided into three columns. The first column was for number. The second column was for the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students mentioned in the excerpts of their reflections. The third column was for the students who wrote the excerpts. The researcher did not only write the students, but also the number of their excerpts in their reflections which contained the contributions of collaborative learning that they are perceived to their soft skills development.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data for research question 1, the researcher used the summative approach. Hsieh and Shannon (2005) explain that,

In a summative approach to qualitative content analysis, data analysis begins with searches for occurrences of the identified words by hand or computer. Word frequency counts for each identified term are calculated, with source or speaker also identified (p. 1283).

No Contributions Mentioned by

1 Team work

Collaborative skills

 Student 1 (1-7)  Student 3 (1-13)



The researcher used the summative approach for content analysis because the researcher looked for the frequencies of the characteristics of collaborative learning that frequently appeared in the students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class.

The researcher studied the theory of characteristics of collaborative learning first in order to be familiar with the characteristics of collaborative learning and the content from each characteristic. The researcher examined and marked several keywords from each characteristic. The researcher made the coding categories for each characteristic of collaborative learning.

The researcher analyzed the students’ reflection papers based on the content of the collaborative learning characteristics theory that the researcher used and studied. The researcher identified, interpreted and classified the excerpts of the students’ reflections that contained the coding made for characteristics of

collaborative learning. In classifying the excerpts, the researcher used observation table. The researcher looked for the number of frequencies that showed the characteristics of collaborative learning that frequently appeared.



the researcher in determining which excerpts contained collaborative learning contributions. Hsieh and Shannon (2005) explain the use of the directed approach in analysing the data for content analysis research.

The goal of a directed approach to content analysis is to validate or extend conceptually a theoretical framework or theory. Existing theory or research can help focus the research question. It can provide predictions about the variables of interest or about the relationships among variables, thus helping to determine the initial coding scheme or relationships between codes. (p. 1281)




This chapter presents the findings of the research and the discussion of data analysis. There are two sections presented to answer the research questions. The first section is the characteristics of collaborative learning that frequently appear in students’ reflection papers in Play Performance class. The second section is the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students in Play Performance class to their soft skills development.

A. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning in Students’ Reflection Papers In this research, the researcher found nine characteristics of collaborative learning (Friend & Cook, 2010) in the students’ reflection papers. Those characteristics of collaborative are voluntary, requiring parity among participants, having mutual goals, sharing responsibility for participation and decision making, sharing resources, sharing accountability for outcomes, valuing interpersonal style, trusting one another, and evolving a sense of community (Friend & Cook, 2010).




After the researcher analyzed the data, the researcher found that each characteristic from collaborative learning had different numbers of excerpts and it showed which characteristics of collaborative learning frequently appeared in the students’ reflection papers. The numbers are shown in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Number of Excerpts of Collaborative Learning Characteristics Appeared in Students’ Reflection Papers

No Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

Number of Excerpts

Total Number of Excerpts Midterm


Final Test

1 Voluntary 74 99 173

2 Requiring parity 102 86 186

3 Mutual goals 56 73 129


Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making

96 73


5 Sharing resources 30 30 60

6 Sharing accountability for outcomes

72 59


7 Valuing interpersonal style 44 39 83

8 Trusting one another 66 71 137

9 Evolving a sense of community

58 67


1. Voluntary

There were 173 excerpts mentioning voluntary characteristic of collaborative learning; 74 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 99 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Based on the number of excerpts which appeared in the students’ reflection papers, voluntary was on the



The data showed that in collaborative learning, the students or the members of the group had worked voluntarily. In voluntary work, the students should be aware when the other members or their peers needed their help. When they recognized their peers’ difficulties, they would automatically move to help their peers. Friend and Cook (2010) also state that a person voluntarily move to help other members whose work still need to be helped, even though there are several members in the group that may be voicing their objections in working on some parts of works and ignoring others’ need for help.

For example, on the first meeting with the whole member of the play performance class from class A and B, some of them have costume and makeup artist combine into one small group inside the group itself. It means that both costume and make-up artist are working together. So one of our group member wondering about that thinking that she might be working alone as a costume. Then I said we do not have to make that because we will help each other. That is why we are in a group so that we will help each other so that we will make everything easier.” – Excerpt 1 “I learned a lot from this course. I learned about the importance of collaboration or team work. In our group, we had the commitment to help each other without thinking about our part. For instance, Rosa and Mbak Elma are working for costumes and setting, but still they were kindly give a hand for Shinta and me to do the make-up.”– Excerpt 2

In the first excerpt, the student showed that she realized by herself that the collaborative learning itself needed such a voluntary action. The collaborative learning would not happen if the students closed their eyes and did not care about the state of their friends’ work. The collaboration did not appear in that kind of




voluntary work that happened in her group. The student explained about how her friends could still give their hands to help their friend who had not finished with her work yet. They did it even though it was not their job.

“However, I have to be sensitive whenever I see other friends or

colleagues have problems with their jobs, if they let me to help them, I will

try to help.”– Excerpt 3

“If there is a job that cannot be done personally by one of my group

members, I will help him or her although that is not my job. Team members must be sensible whenever others need help. I will not only do my job but I

will also help others and respect their job.” – Excerpt 4

Another student wrote that she had to be sensitive whenever she saw her friends who had problems or needed her help in finishing their works. The student showed that she would voluntarily help her friends.

The same voluntary help was also mentioned by another student in her reflection paper. She mentioned that she would help her friend even though that work was not her job. She wrote on her reflection paper that every team member should be sensible when the others needed help.

2. Requiring Parity



most frequent characteristic of collaborative learning appeared in the students’ reflection papers.

From this characteristic of collaborative learning, collaboration requires parity among participants (Friend & Cook, 2010). All the students were required to give the equal contributions to their work and also when they made some decisions. Friend and Cook (2010) state that the contributions made by the students for their group are equally valued. Friend and Cook (2010) also mention that if there is someone in their group that has a dominant voice in making the decision for the group work, the collaboration does not occur.

We were thinking it would be funny if the maid was a man. So, we voted and Evan was chosen as the maid. Fortunately, he agreed. Many ideas came up after we had a maid in the Play. We decided to have practice on Monday and Friday.” – Excerpt 5

In excerpt 5, the student wrote that they voted to decide who would play as one of the character in their story. It meant that they made the decision based on the equal voice from every member of the group. They got the parity in decision making. They made it fair by doing vote. Besides, the student also wrote that many ideas came up and they decided to have practice on the day they had decided together. The excerpt showed that there was parity among the students in making the decision.

“The important thing is that what are that I have given done for the group as the unity of Play Performance group in small group and also big group. In this case, I become more understand that all of the contributions are valued.” – Excerpt 6



she had given to her group, to Play Performance class. All of the contributions were equally valued no matter how many contributions that someone had made.

I do really want to give great contribution to this project, especially in my group. My plan to develop my performance in working with others is doing what I can do to help my friends and this project. I believe that even just little thing, it can help to make the project success and my friends always appreciate what others do no matter what.” – Excerpt 7

Become production team, I also need to help my friend in the small group. I should not only focus in production team, I also have to give my opinion for my small group. I have to keep followed my small group practice schedule.”– Excerpt 8

In excerpt 7, the researcher found that the student wanted to give contributions to her group by helping their friends in finishing their job. The student’s understanding toward parity from their contributions was shown

through her sentence. The student believed that the amount of contributions and helps that she could give did not matter. All the contributions, whether they were big or small contributions, had an equal value. The student’s members in the group might appreciate it as well because every contribution was precious.

The researcher also found in excerpt 8 that the student was willing to give her opinions. The student realized that collaboration needed parity in decision making. Thus, the student tried to give her opinion in order to follow the progress from her small group.

3. Mutual Goals



characteristic; 56 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 73 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Mutual goals are the third characteristic of collaborative learning according to Friend and Cook (2010).

By having mutual goals, the students would only focus on the works and the efforts that would make their goals successful. They would not focus only on personal goals, but on how their personal goals could support the mutual goals they shared together. Friend and Cook (2010) state that each person in the group has to set aside their differences, to become professional and, to have a commitment in achieving their goals. The researcher found the characteristic in excerpts 9 and 10.

Within the group, we have to think about the best thing for everyone, not just what is best for someone alone.” – Excerpt 9

In this class, each of them had their own tasks, one in artistic division and another in production division as well as the students that also divided in two general groups. Even though we were divided in that way, we were not separated in this project. We were from different classes, but one unity in the projects.”– Excerpt 10



solution and set aside their differences which was not essential to make their mutual goals successful.

In excerpt 10, the student explained about the differences of the task they had in the group. It was perfectly divided task and division which they had for the sake of their goals. However, the student thought that they were in one big group which was united by their mutual goals. They were united in order to make their goals become successful.

4. Sharing Responsibility for Participation and Decision Making

Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making is the fourth characteristic of collaborative learning according to Friend and Cook (2010). There were 169 excerpts mentioning this characteristic of collaborative learning; 96 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 73 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making as the characteristic of collaborative learning appeared in the third place on the research finding.

This characteristic of collaborative learning shows how every member in the group are responsible for their own participation and decision making in the group (Friend & Cook, 2010). Friend and Cook (2010) state that each student is responsible for their tasks in their division, even though the tasks for each division are not equal.

Truthfully, as music director I have not finished my job, and I have to finish my job. I am forced to finish my job because I will feel guilty with



mutual understanding on accomplishing their job and duty. Procrastinate the working will affect on others working. Your responsibility is important in here.– Excerpt 11

In excerpt 11, the student realized that he should be responsible for his tasks. He had to be responsible for his division’s progress. If the student was not responsible for doing his tasks, he would hamper the progress in his group. They shared responsibility and they had to finish their responsibilities in order to accomplish their jobs and duties. According to Friend and Cook (2010), even though the labor for each division is different and not equal, they actively participate in accomplishing their task.

Sometimes I like to count how many things that I have been done and my friends done and that makes me feel so unfair. But I like to think back to myself that to do the equal things were not possible for one to each other.”- Excerpt 12



5. Sharing Resources

The fifth characteristic of collaborative learning is sharing resources (Friend and Cook, 2010). It was placed on the last collaborative learning characteristic that was found in the students’ reflection papers. There were only 60

excerpts that contained this characteristic; 30 excerpts in both reflection papers for each midterm test and final test.

In working together, the students share several resources among their friends in the group. Between one division and the other divisions in their group, their work and their resources support each other’s work in one group and those resources are often considered as their contributions to their group (Friend and Cook, 2010).

Besides, not only learned to be an on time person but I also learned to be a discipline person. Why? Because, when I could not a discipline person, I would not follow the rules that has been made by my director that each person in our group have to collect some money in every meeting so our group will not lack of money and we will be able to buy some stuffs that

was needed for our group‟s performance for example make up, costume,

and identity of the group.”– Excerpt 13

And then outside the class we have to learn to be able to cooperate not only with our own group but also this semester play performance student. The cooperation is necessary because we need more help to make our play in the group going well and the whole play going perfectly well too. We exchange information about the where to find certain costume until the cheap place to make our cosmetic properties. This way we can all help each other play to create.”– Excerpt 14



as their resources to buy equipment for completing their play performance and about the information they shared related to a place where they could find several costumes in a low price.

6. Sharing Accountability for Outcomes

The sixth characteristic is about sharing accountability for outcomes which should be shared between the members of the group (Friend and Cook, 2010). It was placed on the fifth collaborative learning characteristic that was frequently appeared in the students’ reflection papers. There were 131 excerpts mentioning sharing accountability for outcomes; 72 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 59 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test.

This characteristic of collaborative learning showed that in collaboration, the students shared accountability for the outcomes. They made some decisions and act based on their decisions in order to be responsible for the outcomes later. They work and overcome the problems that lead to the unexpected incident together (Friend and Cook, 2010).

“There were so many different commands at that time. The command was

not just one person. So I talked to the others and ask for the suggestion and we decided that the decision maker is me.”– Excerpt 15



members of the groups. All members were responsible for the outcomes, so they tried to look for the best decision.

To prevent the debating of different argument, then the group make a discussion and sharing so that all group members can freely express it what are in their thoughts. Then for the different opinions from all members, the group solves this problem by choosing which one the things that will bring a good for the group. The group will decided the choices wisely and make sure that all group members are agreeing with the decision that the group will take.” – Excerpt 16

In excerpt 16 of the student’s reflection, the student elaborated the way

their group worked in order to make the decision agreed by all of the members and they were all responsible for the choice they made. Their decision was made in order to get the best result for their mutual goals.

7. Valuing Interpersonal Style

Valuing interpersonal style characteristic was also found as collaborative learning characteristic in Play Performance class. There were 83 excerpts that mention this characteristic; 44 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 39 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. This characteristic of collaborative learning was in the eighth place for the collaborative learning characteristic which frequently appeared in the students’ reflection papers.


43 “Although there were some difficulties I have, I still can survive and took the challenges from this class. In this class I did not work alone, I still have friends and lecturers who helped me. We worked together to make this event become great.”– Excerpt 17

Collaborative with this group made me very happy because I felt that I found the other family. Yeah they were like a family for me because we could not doubt that almost every day we would meet and struggle together to prepare an awesome performance.”– Excerpt 18

First, I got some knowledge about play performance itself. The knowledge that I got can be divided to some part. Knowledge of player, setting, music, lighting, costume, and make up. As we know that those things are the main ingredients to make a success play performance.”– Excerpt 19

From all of the excerpts, they mentioned about valuing interpersonal style. They did not mention it directly, but the researcher interpreted their sentences in their excerpts containing the collaborative learning characteristic. In excerpt 17, the student wrote that by working together and helping each other, she believed that they would make their event of play performance become great. The similar characteristic could be seen in excerpt 18. The student who wrote excerpt 18 also believed that the members’ struggling and meeting in the group would generate an awesome performance in the end. In excerpt 19 that another student wrote, she also mentioned the same characteristic of collaborative learning. The student mentioned some divisions in her group and stated that those were the ingredient needed to make their play performance successful.

8. Trusting One Another



collaborative learning that frequently appeared in the student reflection papers. There were 137 excerpts mentioning this collaborative learning characteristic. There were 66 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test assignment, and there were 71 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test assignment.

This characteristic of collaborative learning showed that in collaborative learning, especially when it came to the process of doing the group’s work, the

student had to trust their peers. They should trust each other. The student had to learn to trust their peers that each of them could do well on their work. They had to trust each other even though they just met their friends not a long time ago and they had not known their friends that much.

Second, it is connected to the development toward others, I can take a value that trusting is the best option to build a good group. I should believe that everyone is competent for their divisions. Believing on them is a way to treat them to be responsible for their own job. Moreover, although I have given them the same responsibilities, I should monitor all of their progress correctly.” – Excerpt 20


45 “Play is not only about the work individually but it also about the group work, process, and we have to trust one another, help each other.” – Excerpt 21

Third, almost all of us did not know exactly performance-t


Table 3.1: Observation Table for Characteristics of Collaborative Learning
Table 3.2: Observation Table for Contributions of Collaborative Learning
table. The researcher looked for the number of frequencies that showed the
Table 4.1 Number of Excerpts of Collaborative Learning Characteristics Appeared


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