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Ambarita, Esron. Registration Number: 072188330008. Code-Switching in Politic and Law Texts of the Daily KOMPAS. A Thesis: English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2010.

Tbis research deals with Indonesian-English code-switching in quoted st.atentents in politic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS. Four problems are addressed in this study, namely the inquity on realizations f code switching in quoted slatements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMBAS, investigation on the types and the dominant type of code-switching, and explanation on the occurrence of the dominant type. Fifty-six code-switching were collected in this study. The data were obtained from sixteen editions of the daily KOM PAS taken randomly out of four month publications (from January 1, 2010 editions to April 30, 2010). The data were analyzed by applying code-switching theories developed by Gumperz amd Poplack. The occurrences of code-switching were qualitatively analized by converting them into percentages to detennine t11e proportions.



Amoarita, Esron. NIM: 072188330008. Code-Switching in Politic and Law Texts of the Daily KOMPAS. Thesis: Linguistik Terapan Bahasa lnggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2010.

Penelitian ini berfokus pada code-switching bahasa Indonesia-Inggris dalam pemyataan yang dibubuhi tanda petik di dalam teks politik dan teks hukum harian KOMPAS. Ada empat pennasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu bagaimana code-switching diwuzudkan d?lam pernyataan yang dibubuhi tanda kutip di hanan KOMPAS, tipe code-switching yang ada dalam pernyataan ¥ang dibubuhi tanda kutip di harian KOMPAS, code-switching yang dommant, dan alasan terjadinya tipe code-switching yang dominant tersebut. Sebanyak lima puluh enam oo<Je-switching yang di ambit dari empat puJuh enam teks politik dan teks lnikum harian KOMPAS dik:umpulkan dalam penelitian ini. Data penelitian ini diambil dari enam belas edisi har:.m KOMPAS yang diambil secara acak dari empat bulan terbitan (dati edisi 1 Jan Jari 2010 sampai dengan cdisi 30 April 201 0). Data penelitian ini dianalisa dengan menerapkan teori code-switching yang digagas oleh Gmnperz dan Poplack. Coc1e-switching tersebut dianalisa dengan metode qualitatif dengan earn

mergonversinya ke bennlk persentase untuk menentukan porsinya.

Dari lima puluh enam code-switching yang dianalisa, penulis menemukan bahwa code-swilching dalam pernyataan yang dibubuhkan tanda l<ufip dalam teks politik dan teks hukum di harian KOMP AS diwuzudkan dalam empat variasi, yaitu dengan menggunakatl ( 1) afiks bahasa Indonesia ke kata-kata dalam bahasa lnggris yang umum, (2) prasa dan kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang umum, (3) kata seru yang diulang dalam bahasa Inggris dan (4) kalimat dalam bahasa lnggcis. Selain itu, ada empat tipe code-switching yang ditemukan, yaitu ( 1) code-switching metafor, (2) code-switching percakapan, (3) code-switching intersential dan (4} code-swicthing intrasentential. Dari ke empat tipe code-switching tersebut, code-switching percakapan paling dominan ditemukan dengan porsi hampir dua pertiga (46,65%) dari keseluruhan jumlah code-swi1ching yang ditemukan. 1\ a heber


alasan yang membuat code-switching percakapan dominan. Pertama, para wart wan melaporkan rcalitas kepada para pembaca, khususnya dalam situasi saat wartawan mengutip pemyataan sumber berita secara langsung dengan tekhnik k'1ttipan langsung. Alasan kedua adalah konteks sosial code-switching yang dilamban~an oleh rcalitas sosial 1ewat P,engalaman kebahasaan. Alasan ketiga, baik sumber berita maupun para wart wan berbagi pengetahuan yang s-ama sehubungan dengan aspek kontekstual code-sw1tching.













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Esron Ambarita

Registration number:


This thesis was examined on September

7th, 2010

by th

Approved by

Adviser Commissions

First Adviser


Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd.


19610 25 198601 2 001


us in Guming, M.Pd.


19590713 198601 1 001


This thesis was examined on September

7tb 2010,

by Board of Examiners

Board of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd.

NIP. 19610425 198601 2 001

Prof. Tina Mariany Arifin, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 19440302 196902 2 001

Prof. D.P. Tampubolon, Ph. D.

Prof ~

r. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd.

NIP: 19570615 1-98203 1 005

Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed., TESP.



The writer hardly knows where to start expressing his gratitude but for sure the gratitude goes to all who have assisted him in the process of completing this thesis. In addition, it would be impossibl to list all names but some deserve his special thankfulness.

::Fhe writer thanks the God Almighty for His guidance to the writer during the completion of his study in the Post Graduate Program of the State University of Me dan.

To Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., his First Adviser, for the valuable time spent in giving guidance, comments and criticisms to quality th


To Prof. Tina Mariany, M.A., Ph.D., his Second Adviser and also the former Head of English Applied Linguistic Study Program for motivation, attention and suggestions given to the writer.

To Prof. Dr. Busmin Guming, M.Pd. and Prof. Dr. Lince Silio

the Read and Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics Studx Program who have assisted him in processing the administration requirements during the p ocess of his study in the S2 Qrogram. Also to Farid, an academic staff of the Post Graduate Program of the EnglisH Applied Linguistics of the State Uni~ersity of Medan who has as;:;isted him in processing the administration requirements during the completion of this thesis.



Many thanks are due to Prof. D.P. Tampubolon, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP. They gave suggestions, criticisms and opinions for the improvement ofthis thesis.

Next, the writer would like to take this opportunity to express his thankfulness to all lecturer , for ttieir knowledgeable lectures and view during the writer's academic years.

A very special gratitude is also directed to his wife, Gokmaria Sitanggang, Amd.Keb. and to his beloved daughter, Joice Reenesty Chrisianta Ambarita and son Louise Vores Ambarita for their endless love, care, support and pra).:;ers until at last the writer can finish this thesis. Also to the writer's parents: 0. Ambarita and R. Siallagan and father and mother in law J. Sitanggang and H. Sinurat.

Also, the writer expresses his gratitude to his fiend lbu

Koamesakh, SS., M.Th., who has given him help by facilitating him books during the three semester study and also motivated the writer to complete this thests. To my dearest ito Hildani Sari Harahap S.Pd., M.

motivated and paid attention to this thesis,

M.Hum., my college mate in Sl and S2 programs Bonari H.R. Tambunan, S.S,. M.Hum. and Ida Handayani Hasibuan, · S.Pd., M. Hum. who have given him help in completing this thesis.


The Writ1~r /




ABSTH ACT ... ... . .. . .... .. . .. .. . ... I

ACKN OWLEDGEMENTS ... .... .... . .... .... .... ... ... .... .. ... .... .. .... ... .... ... iii

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... ... ... .... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. . . L3 The Objective of the Stt1c!y ... .... .. .. .... .. ... ... .. ... . ... . 1.4 The Scope of the St11dy .. ... ... .. . ... ... .... .... .. .... .. .

t.S The Significance of the Study .... ... .. ... .. ..

II . RI!:VIEW OF LITERATlJIH: ... ... ... ... .... 13

2.1 Communicative Competence

.. . .... .. ... 15

.. ... .. . !6

2.3 Multilingualism ... ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .... . . .. .... .. .. .... 17 2.4 Bilint-rttalism ... .. ... .. ... . .. . ... ... . . . .. .. .. .. 19



2.5 Jlilingual Profiles ... .. . ... . .. .. . .. . ... .... ... ... ... . .... . . . ... 24

2.6 (ode .. .. .... .. .... . .. .. .. 25

2.7 <.'hoosing a Code . . .... .. ... 26

2. 7 Switching ... .. ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. ... .. ... ... ... 28

... 28

... 38

... 39

2.13 Factors Causing Code-Switching .... ... ... .. .. 2.14 Classifications of Code-Switching .... .. . ... .. ... .. .. . ... . .. 2.14.1 Internal Code-Switching ... 2.14. I .I Oiglossic Code-Switching Dialectal Code-Shitling 2.14.2 External Code-Switching . 2 15 Types of Code-Switching .... .. .. . 2.15.2 Metaphorical Code-Switching ... . 2.15.3 Conversational Code-Switching ... ... . .. . .. . ... 50

2.16 T11e Uses of Code-Switching in Sociolinguistic T11eories . . . 51



2.18 Language of Politics ... ... ... . .. .... ... .. ... .. .... .... ... 51

2.19 The Political Doctrine 2.20 The Political Fonnulation . ... 55

. ... 56

2.21 The Political Slogan ... . ... ... 56

2.22 Law, Its Roles and Functions... . .. . .. . ... .. .... . ... 57

2.23 Law Practices ... .. ... . ... .. ... 58

2.24 I:aw Subjects and Objects ... . ... ... .... .. ... .. .... ... 59

2.25 Kinds of Laws ... ... 60

2.26 Law Ideology in Indonesia ... . ... 61

2 27 Journalism and Language of the Press ... . 2.28 Newspaper Pages ... .. 2.29 The Daily KOMPAS ... ... .... ... 64

2.?0 Relevant Researches ... . ... ... ... . . 2.30.1 Ayeomoni's Research . 2.30.2 Zagoria's Research ... . 2.30.3 Sahuri's Research ... ... . ... .. . .. ... 67

2J0.4 Napitupulu's Research ... .... 68

2.30.5 Simamora's Research ... : ... .. ... ... ... .. .... ... 68


3.1 The Design oftlte Study .. .... .... 70



303 Th~.: Technique of Data Collection 0 0 .. 0. 0 0 ... 0 .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 304 The Technique of Data Analysis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73


4.1 D~scription of Data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 o o . 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 ... 75

402 1 he Realization of Code-Switching in the Daily KO!vfr.';A._" 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 75


40201 Conunon English Word With Mccming 0 ... 0 .. 0 ... 0.... . 76

402.2 Common English Word Without Meaning 0 .. .. .. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0. 0 . 0 0 0 0 .. 77 402 03 Combination of IndoPesian Prefix and Common English 78

402 .4 Combination of Common English Word and Indonesian Suffix . 0 .. 78

40205 Common English Phrases ... 0 79

4.2 .6 Repeated English lntetjection . 0... 80

402.7 English Sentence ... .. .... .. .. o . . . 0 0 . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . 81 4.2 .8 Combination of Common English Words and English Sentence

in One Utteram:e 0 .... . .. .... ... 0 .. 0 .. 0 ... .. ... .... .... .. 0 .. 0 403TypesofCode-Switching .. o • •• • o • • • • • • • o •• oo • • • • • • • o o • • o o. o • • o • • 0 .... · o o ·· · 82

40301 Situational Code-Switching ... 0 0 0 . . . 83


4JJ Conversational Code-Switching ... 0 0 0 .. 0 0 . . . .. . 0 0 00 0 • 0 0 . . . 0. 85


03 03 02 Address Specification 0 0. 0 0 0 .. 0 0. 0 0 .. ... 0 0. U .. :U lnletjection

Uo3.4 Reiteration .. 0 0 . . 0

• oOO o o o O O o oo ••· • o oo o o 86


ix Message Qualification ... 89 Personalization versus oq_jectivizations ... .. ... 90

4.3.4 Tag-Switching ... .. ... 91

4.3.5 Intersential Code-Switching ... 92

4.3 .6 Intrasentential Code-Switchmg .. .... .. ... ... ... 93

4.4 Data Analysis . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. <>S 4.5 Reasons for the Dominant ')ccmTence of Code-Switching m Politic V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...•...•... ._. ... 104

5.2 Suggestions ... ... I


APPENDICES ... 111 - 127










Source ofthe Data,t e Daily


... ...



Distribution of Code-Switching


Quoted State

in Politic and Law Texts of the Daily

KOAlPA8 .. ... ... ...


S1atements in Politic and Law Texts of the Daily



















4.1 The Occurrence of Code-Switching in Quoted



olitic and Law Texts of the Daily Kompas ... 96

4.2 The Recapitulation of Code-Switching in Quoted



Politic and Law Texts of the Daily

KO!vfPAS ...




















Appendix A



Appendix C


Number and Percentage of Code-Switching in Politic a d

Law Texts ofthc Daily


... .


Politic and Law Texts of the Daily


The Excerpts ... ... 136



1.1 The Background of the Study

Language principally has a very important role in the human life because language is the means of communication. In


words. in soci<.l life, language plays an important role. We can never imagine how many difficulties we would face in onr dailY, life if we do not understand what speaker says. ln realitY. language holds its vital function to connect either a speaker with listen or a writer with reader. Moreover, language used in society has variations such as verbal , non-verbal or body language. Wnat ever language fonn is being used in society is due to the cooperati and understanding between the encoder and the decoder.

In addition, for general and special purposes, language users in the world use language both in spoken and written forms consisting of code-switching.

we speak, we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues about our origins and the sort of person we are. ·n1at is to say that our accent and our speech generally show here we coitle fmm and what sort of background we have. In other words, when we speak we

may swi ch and mix our language to another thus there are terms like co{le-switching and code mixing. Code-switching is a linguistics term denoting the concurrent use of



resemch,)r Ana Celia Zentela (ACZ)


the following exarn1Je


her work vrith Puerto Rican Spanish-English bilingual speakers in New YorL City. In this example, Marta and her younger sister, Lolita, speak Spanish and English outside of their apartment building.

Lolita: Oh, I could stay with Ana?

Marta: --- but you could ask pap1 and mami to see if you co;tld come down. Lolita: OK.



leave her here would you send


upstairs when you leave?

A ~ Z: I'll tell you exactly when 1 have to leave, at en 0'clock. Y son las nueve y cuarto. ("And it's nine fifteen .")

arta: Lolita, te voy a defar con Ana. (" I'm going to leav~ you with Ana.") Thank you, Ana. (Source: http://wilki edia.orglwiki/Code-switching.20 1 0).

Zentella explains that the children of the predominantly erto Rican neighborhood speak both English and Spanish: "Within the chitaren's network, Engli:>h predominated, but code-switching from English to Spanish occurred every three minutes, on average.

On the other hand, code-mixing refers to the mixing of two or more language varieties in speech. Some scholars use the terms code-mixing and code-switching interchangeably, especially in studies of syntax, morphology, and other formal

a~pects of language. Others assume more specific definitions of coile-mixing, but

these SQe :ific definitions may be different in different subfield oflinguistics.



Unlike code-switching, a switch tends to occur at semantically er

sociolinguistically meaningful junctures, this code mixing has no specific meaning in

the local context. For example, prob/emnya disolve (Source, Sofian: 2003: 33). ln this example, there is a mixed or hybrid morpheme within the word disolve.

Indonesian bound morpheme di- as a prefix is directly mixed wiht tree English free morpheme 'sol ' .

In written communication such as newspapers, magazines, and other printed

media, speakers sometimes switch a code into another language to convey their

messr;~e, feelings and thoughts to readers or listeners. Tims, in this case the speaker

uses ,:ode switching. Code-switching is a change of a languag int another in

bilingual society (Nababan, 1993 : 31 ).

Code-switching can also be described as discourse exchanges which form a

single unitary interaction whole (Gumperz, 1972: 60). The switchmg may occur at

times in one paragraph and it is usually represented in a ward, a <>imple pJ1rase, or

even in a sentence. The problem is how the readers understand wha\ someo e says if

the Wl)l'ds which he or she switches, do not belong to the reader's or listener's

language. Anyhow, code-switching is distinguished from the te "borrowing".

Bono .ving means the code is derived -from another language and has been

naturalized morpholog!call and phonologically used in receptor language (Tarigan,

1983: 21 ). For example, the words produksi and ekonomi ·

age 'production' and 'economy'. Meanwhile code-switching

is the change of one language into another language without changing the stmctme



TI1ere are three reasons f()l' language users to use ~.:ode- s witching m conversation, they are, participants, topic in conversation, and asp~ct of the function or purpose of interaction (Holmes, 200 l : 34 ).


-1. The Participants

TI1e background ot: the participant is one of the reasons why people switch their language to another in conversation . People. switch their language 'to another because they have a particular motivation. Besides, they want to show their expression of solidarity; they also want to signal membership group and share ethnicity with a new participant. People sometimes switch code within a social situation . Speaker switches one language to another because she has


particular motivation. Besides, she or he wants to show her ex-pression of solidarity. So, code-switching may be related to a particular paiticipant or addressee in tPe conversation.


"€ntong Nyai, lwruna kudana keur gering Tuh leu ku sima oge



mulang ka kandangna," kala lnggit memb1~juk Omi. (daily. K.OMP S, Saturday, 6 March 2010, page 13, column 3).

' '' l1w horse is sick. The rider is taking it to its bam," lnggit persuaded Omi.

In~git was Soekarno' s wife, the first Indonesian president. Omi, six years old,

was their son. This conversat ion took place when lnggit and Omi were going home on foot fter they visited Soekamo in prison. They had to walk on foot



language, instead of saying digowo, to show her expression of solidarity to calm her son down .

2. Topic of conversation

By talking about topic, we deal with what ts being talked about. In conversation, people sometimes switch code or language to discuss


particular topic. An example is the linguistiC usage of a small group .of Indonesian graduate students and their families

h-v ·

ng in the United States. They ten ed to discuss their academ·c work in English but used Indonesian for most other common activities (Waraau~h, 1986: 104 ).

Bilinguals often find it easier to discuss particular topic in one code rather than another. Topic relates to functional dimension has prov

on language choice. Suppose there is a serious conversation in a shop. The people in the shop are talking about a particular topic like national politics in

they start talking about politics, they might switch into Indonesian language


vice versa. In these examples, it can be concluded that


topic of conversation is one of the factors that causes code-s ttching. Another example is as in the following .

"Namun , rekomendasi pansus harus satu. karena iru kemungkinan diputuskan melalui voting," ungkap Koordiator Fonnappi Sebastian Salang (daily KOMPAS, Wednesday, 3 Febmary ?OIO, page 1, column 2).



Century case. There have been a lot of diflerent opinions of how to solve Bank Century case !Inti! a special committee was fimncd. According to Sebastian, there must be only one recommendation issued by special

·~ominittee because it could have been taken by voting.


other words, by

talking about the Bank Century case, it


with what is b..:ing talked votin·~.

In conv rsation, pcopk sometimes switch code o language to discuss a particular topic. In that his statement, Satang used the word voting instead of pemungutan sum·a .

3. The aspect of function or purpose of interaction

People do a switching when they have a particular motivati0n. Bu they are often unaware of the fact. This section explains what

someone has to do code-switching. People's motivatior to switch their language to another is to express their mind such as to empl1asize their anger, to simplifY conversation, and to signal identity (Holmes, 2001 : 39). One factor that cause speaker or writer switches into another langlta)ps is t5ecaus • of the absence of a certain word in one language.

Example: Dia SWlKal sering saki/ kepa/a dan merasa oyong seNngga dokter itu menyarankannya scanning.

''} e is ve1y seldom to have headache and feel collapsed, therefore, the doctor suggest him to have scan."

Til · ~rc is no suitable word in Indonesian language lo rep!· cc the word



factor causing code-switching in conversation (Bollinger, 1975 : 258) and


19% : 32).

What might cause a speaker to swJtch from var.ety X to variety Y or from language A to language B? A number of answers may vary, incl11ding solidarity with listeners, appreciatiop to certain language, choice of topic, and perceived

social and cultural oistance . ln other words , the motivation of the speaker is an

important consideration in the choice. Moreover, such motivation need not be at all ::.:mscious, for apparently many speakers are not awar that they have used one parti.cular variety of a language rather than another or sometimes even


they have switched or mixed languages. The choice may encodes CfTta· social values.

In some places and cases, code-switching is the exception wtlereas in many multilingual and bilingual communities it is just like ordinaty thing and seen as a language variety. It appears that where code-switching is spoken it is J?erceived as marked, purposef11l. emphasis or oriented. 1l1is bilinf.,rttal state of affair is described in term:; of the heavily interactive nature of the two languages. In order to achieve the purposes, the language is adjusted to the context in which it is being usetl. In tonnal situation there are many examples showing this, such as un ·vef!·ity lecturing, president's speech etc. l11e examples of infonnal situation are analogous to sellers in a markets, drivers, shopkeepers etc. Language use is nonnally associated with language fom1 which me s that the idea is realized through e form of the language



In addition, Pride (1979 : 131) proposed four factors that g:ovem people to switch their language from one to another language, they are:

1. Setting and Situation

The tenn setting here is treated as two senses, namely, local, and time. While

the situaticn is a condition where including the stand;ng

behavior pattcms.


2. Farticipants

The important features of participant will be sociologica


attributes. These

include the participant status in their society in tenns of sex, age, and

occupation; the roles related to one another,

his/her employee, a husband and his wife; and rotes spe~ific to tlie social,

such as teachers-students, hostess-guests , customers-sales girls.

3 . Topic

The topic is the manifest content or referent of speech . Speaker needs a

certain language for a certain topic. Topic is doubtles:,l:y.

consideration and understanding language choice or variance.

4 . mction of activities is also considered for speakers who choose code that

is suitable to topic of conversation .

Code- wjtching can be used by anybC'dy ranging

journalists. Particularly for Journalists, they sometimes write cod~-switching not

because of their interaction but because they report some one's statements. TI1e



tht~ words. 1l1at is why , they write them as they are.

Code-switching can be both situational and metaphorical . Situational code-switching occurs when the code are used depending upon the situation. Situational code-switching does not involve any topic change. In a bilingual or multilingual community, metaphorical code-switching refers to the tendency to switch codes in conversation in order to discuss a topic tlnt would nonnally fall into anqther conversational domain. An important distinction is

switching, where alternation between varieties redefined a situation, being a change

in governing nonns, and metaphorical code-switching, where alternation enriches a situation, allowing for illusion to more than one social relationship within the situation. The characteristics of code-switching and related varit:ties will lead the discussion to the level of code-switching, such as word level, syntactic level, phrase level and grammatical level cvde-switching (http ://languageinindia.com.2010).


For example, at a family dinner, where you expect to hear low variety, family members might switch from low to high variety in order to discuss school or work. On the other hand, at work, where you expect to hear hig'l variety, interlocutors may switch from high to low variety when discussing famil y.




not like scientific report writing. Therefore, each n<:wspapcr lw'> its own idcolo!:-'Y· Ideology is detennined by a Hwnbers of factors namely social class, sex, race or cthni<.: group and generation (Martin, 1992: 581) In more specific, the writer will

reft~r to quoted statement in politic and law texts of the daily KOlv!PAS.

Joumalists of the daily KOMPAS use code-switching in reporting news .. CodP-switching is ru intere:ting topic to be studied smce it covers t11e discussion of langHage and society. In this study, the writer take code-switching that has something to do with politic and law texts. It is because politics ru1d law are talked a lot these days. Code-switching may bring dimcultics : therefore it is expected to give a more comprehensive explanation about it Remembering the language variations, it can be considered that code-switching is 1 phenomena that requiTes serious

explanation including the reasons why speakers choose to use co<le ~ on one occasion, code Y on another. and on H third to mix X and Y into a new code Z. COde-switching can be found a lot in the daily KOMPAS as a leading national newspaper in Indonesia with highest editorial quHlity of Indonesian perspective. All the reasons above cause the writer to observe code-switching in the daily 'KOMJ>AS.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

' he problems to be answered in this study are fommlated as follows :

1. How are code-switching realized in quoted statements in politic and law texts



4. Why does the dominant type occur [n quoted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In line to the problems, the objective of this study are: . .

1. To investigate how code-switching arc realized in quoted statements in polltic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS

2. T<, describe the types of c<.:xic-switching used in QI LOted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS.

3. To find out the dominant type of code-switching used in quo~ed sta1ements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS

statements in politic and law texts oftJw daily KOMPAS.

1.4 Til{~ Scope of the Study

Code-switching in this study is based on the theories of code- witching as <.kvelo·.Jed by Gumperz (1977) and Poplack in Romaine (19R9). This study deals wtth Indonejia -English code-switch;ng. In English as asset1cd by Gumperz and Poplack, there are six types of code-switching, which arc elaborated in t;:haptcr 2.

Firstly, this study deals with the realization of code-switching m quoted



texts of the daily KOAfJ>AS. Thirdly, the study examines the dominant type of code-switching which are favored in quoted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOlv1P.4S. Finally, the study provides explanatory motivations on the use of code-switching in quoted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMPAS. This

include~. elaborations on the social context of code-switching.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The findings of this research may have two general significances t.e., theoretical and practical.

Theoretically, there are four significances of the findings. First, they may provide a new contribution to the development of the conceptual knowledge on code-switching ior university students. 13esides, they may be significant as guiding information for linguistic leamcrs who are interested in studying code-switching. Finally, they may provide contribution after researchers carry out further study on code-switching.



Four problems are addressed in this study, nam~ly the inquiry on realization of code-switching in quoted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMP AS, investigation on the types and the dominant type of code-switching in quoted statements in golitic and law texts oOfthe dai.y 'KOMPAS and explanation on the occurrence of the dominant type. Fifty-six code-switching in uoted statements out of forty-six politic and law texts from publications of sixteen editions of the daily KOMP AS were collected as the sample code-switching to respond the four problems of this thesis. After analyzing the code-switching with reference to code-switching theories, conclusions are drawn. Besides, suggestions are also

relation to the findings of this study.

S.l Conclusions

In reference to the problems of the study, four conclusions are drawn as in the following:

1. Code-switching in quoted statements in politic and law texts of t e dail)l KOMP AS are realized in four variations, namely by using (1 Indonesian · affixations to common English words, (2) common English words and phrases, (3) repeated English interjection and (4fsentence in English.

2. Four s of co(fe-switching are found in QUOt~ statements in ~litic and law

switching, (2) conversational code-switching, 0) intersential coc;e~switching

and (4) intra..;entential code-switching. However, situational code-<>witching and tag-switching are not found in this study.



3. Of the six types of code-switching, conversational code-switching dominantly occurs in quoted statements in politic and law texts of the daily KOMP AS with the proportion of almost two thirds (46.65%) of the total occurrences of code-switching.

4. The dominant occurrence of conversational code-switching is caused by language ability, ethno linguistic necessity, the purpose of the speaker, personality, situation and social factors ..

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the findings of this study, suggestions are staged as in the following:

1. Because situational code-switching, tag-switching and some vafieties of conversational code-switching like quotation and address specification are not found in this study, it is suggested that further studies on the types of code-switching should be conducted. It is advised that various types of tex


such as educational, cultural, science, technological, business or sport textS in the daily KOMP AS should be included by which better description of code-switching is obtained.

2. It is also suggested that students of applied linguistics should be exrosed to a wide range of journalistic texts not only printed texts ut also the texts in electronic media, such as those of the television broadcasting or internet. 3. It is suggested that the news readers, especially the daily KOMPAS readers




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