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The Effectiveness of Humanistic Teaching to Teach Writing Viewed from Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi in the Academic Year of 2013/2014).


Academic year: 2017

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The Effectiveness of Humanistic Teaching to

Teach Writing Viewed from Students


(An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA

Negeri 1 Purwodadi in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)


Rina Budi Rahayu


Submitted to Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University

as a Partial Fulfillment to Obtain Graduate Degree in English Education







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Rina Budi Rahayu. S891208041. 2014. The Effectiveness of Humanistic Teaching to Teach Writing to the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1

Purwodadi in the Academic Year of 2013/2014 Viewed From Students’ Creativity.

Thesis. 1st consultant: Dr.Ngadiso, M.Pd. 2nd consultant: Prof. Dr. Sri Samiati Tarjana. English Education Department of Graduate School of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

This experimental research is conducted to reveal whether: (1) Humanistic Teaching is more effective than Product Approach to teach writing; (2) students having high creativity level have better writing skill than those having low creativity level; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching approaches

used and student’s level of creativity. This research involves three variables; two

independent variables, and a dependent variable. The two independent variables are teaching approaches (Humanistic Teaching and Product Approach) and the

student’s level of creativity. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is writing skill.

The research examines the effect of the two independent variables on the dependent variable.

The research was conducted in the second semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi in the academic year of 2013/2014. The sampling used was cluster random sampling. The samples were two classes which consist of 40 students of X Mia 6 as the experimental class and 40 students of class X Mia 3 as the control class. The instruments used to gather data in this research cover writing and creativity test. Before being applied, both tests need to be tried out to the other class to find out the readability of the instruction.

The treatment was conducted in nine meetings. The last meeting was for conducting the post test. After conducting the treatment, the data obtained from the treatment was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics were used to know the mean, median, mode, standard

deviation, histogram, and polygon of students’ score of writing. The inferential

statistics used was ANOVA 2 x 2. Then, the analysis was continued by using Tukey test. Before applying the ANOVA 2 x 2, the researcher conducted pre-requisite test which consists of normality and homogeneity test. From the data analyzed, it reveals that: (1) Humanistic Teaching is more effective than Product Approach to teach writing; (2) the students having high creativity level have better writing skill than those having low level of creativity; and (3) there is an

interaction between teaching approaches and the students’ level of creativity to

teach writing.

Considering the research findings, it is advisable to teachers to apply Humanistic Teaching. Indeed, creativity is influencing the writing skill. Thus, teachersshould also be more innovative to enhance students’ creativity along with

the process teaching learning process. Thereby, students can gain their success and achievement of their study easily.

Keywords: experimental research, writing, humanistic teaching, product


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Rina Budi Rahayu. S891208041. 2014. Keefektifan Pendekatan Humanistik

untuk Mengajar Menulis Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi pada Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 dilihat dari Kreativitas Siswa. Tesis. Pembimbing pertama: Dr.Ngadiso, M.Pd. Pembimbing kedua: Prof. Dr. Sri Samiati Tarjana. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pascasarjana Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Penelitian eksperimental ini diadakan untuk mengetahui apakah: *(1)

Pendekatan Humanistik lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan Pendekatan Produk untuk mengajar keterampilan menulis; (2) siswa yang memiliki kreativitas tinggi memiliki keterampilan menulis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki kreativitas rendah; (3) terdapat interaksi antara pendekatan mengajar dan tingkat kreativitas siswa. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga variabel; dua variabel bebas dan satu variabel terikat. Dua variabel bebas yakni pendekatan dalam mengajar (Pendekatan Humanistik dan Pendekatan Produk) dan tingkat kreativitas siswa. Sementara itu, kemampuan menulis merupakan variabel terikat. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh dari variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat.

Penelitian ini diadakan pada semester kedua terhadap siswa-siswi kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan

cluster random sampling. Dalam penelitian ini dua kelas menjadi sampel yakni kelas X Mia 6 sebagai kelas eksperimental dan kelas X Mia 3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini adalah tes kreativitas dan tes menulis. Sebelum digunakan, kedua tes tersebut harus diujikan terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui apakah instruksi dalam tes sudah jelas dan dapat dipahami secara mudah oleh siswa-siswi.

Penelitian ini dilakukan selama sembilan kali pertemuan. Pertemuan terakhir

digunakan untuk post test. Data hasil kemudian dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif

statistik dan inferensial statistik. Deskriptif statistik digunakan untuk mengetahui mean, median, modus, standar deviasi, histogram, dan poligon dari nilai menulis siswa siswi. Inferensial statistik yang digunakan adalah ANOVA 2 x 2. Analisis kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakna Tukey tes. Sebelum menggunakan

ANOVA 2 x 2, peneliti melakukan pre-requisite test yang terdiri dari normaliti dan

homogeniti tes. Berdasarkan analisis, ketiga tujuan* dari diadakan penelitian eksperimental ini dapat tercapai.

Berdasarkan hasil temuan, disarankan bagi guru untuk menggunakan Pendekatan Humanistik. Kreativitas sangatlah mempengaruhi kemampuan menulis, jadi guru harus lebih innovatif untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas siswa selama proses kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung. Dengan cara demikian, siswa dapat meraih kesuksesan dan prestasi dalam belajar secara mudah.


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